(A Powerful Predictive Tool)
G.K. Goel : B.Sc., B.E.
Maharishi Parasara, Sage Satyacharya and Acharya Varaha Mihira have unanimously indicated that the following concepts and principles provide the basic foundation and structural strength for judgment and predictive purpose of a nativity:
1. Vargottama
2. Exaltation of the planets.
3. Planets in their Mool-Trikona and own signs.
4. Placement of the Planet (s) in Kendra (angular) houses.
5. Strong placement of the dispositors.
6. Strong and auspicious influence on Vesi house i.e. 2nd house from the Sun. This is in fact applicable, for 2nd houses from any sensitive points or Yoga-Karta planets which plays pivotal role in the furtherance of Yoga.
The Concept of Vargottama leads the list and is a very important and powerful tool in predictive Astrology. This Concept can only be applied and adopted if method of judgment of the nativity is based on divisional charts.
The predictive astrology is based on three main pillars, namely,
1. Planets
2. Signs
3. Houses
Maharishi Parasara has precisely explained this concept to his disciple Maitraye in chapter 3, slokas 4, 5 and 6 of BPHS: “Those, celestial bodies are called the planets (Grahas) that move through the Nakshatras (or asterisms) along the Zodiac (Bhachakra). The Zodiac comprises of 27 asterisms from Aswin to Revati and also devided in 12 equal parts known as signs (Rashis) from Aries to Pisces. The Zodiac sign which contains the rising (ascending) point at the time of Birth is called Lagna (ascendant)”. Based on the ascendant and the planets joining and separating from each other, the native’s good and bad fortune is deducted”.
Parasara has given the concept of Bhavas (houses) along with 12 signs in the above narration. This is called the compartmental system of houses. In this, system the whole
sign in which the degree of ascendant falls is considered the first house and subsequent sign as 2nd house and so on. The longitude of the ascending point becomes Page 1 of 39 the most sensitive points of the ascendant i.e.1st house, and the sensitive points of other house will be 30apart. The sensitive point of 10th house will fall in 10th sign from
ascending sign and will have the same longitude as that of the ascending point in Lagna. In this system M.C. is not considered as the Mid-point or cusp of 10th house. M.C. is however given prime-importance due to it and is widely used for many other important purposes.
The above mentioned Hindu (Vedic) Method, advocated by Sage Parasara, seems to be more rational and worthy of being followed in all astrological calculations particularly in the casting of a nativity. This method has universal applicability. In this system either the longitudinal duration or mid-point / cuspal degree of houses does not get distorted at higher latitudes. Parasara continued to narrate the description of the planets, signs, various Kinds of ascendants, up-Grahas and importance of Deeptamsa of 15on either side of sensitive point of ascendant and other houses etc. (Deeptamsa means an effective Zone of 15on either side of the sensitive-point of ascendant ,or sensitive points of other houses). After listening to the above narration, Maitreya enquired from Sage Parasara:
These Slokas are of great the significance and lay down the basis of Parashari Astrology: In this scheame, the nativity (sign chart) also acts as one of the Bhava chart.
The other 15 kinds of Bhava Vargas (divisional charts) are for different purposes and these can be obtained by dividing signs (Rashis) into components and then
arranging these components in a specified harmonic order. The division of any Varga chart that contains ascending degree will act first Bhava of that varga. Each Varga chart will have 12 Bhavas (with the exception in Hora-Varga chart)
The each house of a varga will be identified by a Zodiac sign and will be called the abode of the sign lord.
BPHS gives clear instruction for construction of each Varga. In this manner each sign is divided in 150 unequal parts (the arc 8of largest part is 30’ and smallest is 1’40”) and each part will have specific characteristics, which could be ascertained by constructing separate divisional charts. (This also laid down the foundation of Nadi Astrology).
Sage Parasara has narrated 16 varga charts which are given below. Each varga chart has a specific portfolio, purpose and signification:
1. D-1, 30º, Main Sign (birth) chart.
This is the basic chart. Each sign is synonym to a Bhava (house). This chart indicates physical body and its related activities. The other divisional charts are sub-divisions of
this chart.
2. D-2, 15º, Hora chart
This chart deals with sustenance, mannerism, and attributes of the native. Parashara says this chart deals with Sampatti. The word Sampatti does not mean only material wealth but all means of sustenance including mannerism, nature and attitude towards life as a whole.
3. D-3, 10º, Dreshkanna
This chart deals with Co-born and sources of happiness on account of inner posture of personality (Swaroopa).
4. D-4, 7º 30’, Chathurthamsa – Turyeeamsa
This chart indicates fortune, fixed assets both in the form of property and worldly attachments. Due to this reason, this chart is also called Turyeeamsa as saints do not have worldly attachments.
5. D-7, 4º 17’ 8”.57 – Saptamsa
This chart indicates progeny and cosmic creative ability to maintain cosmic order. Thus, this chart is indicative of God gifted creative imagination or destructive illusion.
6. D-9 - 3º20’ Navamsa – Dharmamsa
This chart is most important in predictive Astrology. If main sign chart (D-1) is considered as body, then this chart will be synonym to heart - the basic prime-mover. This chart indicates spouse, partners and skills of the native.
7. D-10 - 3º - Dasamsa (Swargamsa)
Parasara says that this chart indicates “Mahat Phalam” (the result which indicates the standing and status of the native in society on account of the interaction of fate and action).
8. D-12 - 2º30’ – Dwadasamsa (suryamsa).
9. D-16 - 1º52’30” – Shodasamsa (Kalamsa)
-Vehicles, Luxuries, Happiness, Inner strength of the character.
10. D-20 - 1º30’ – Vimsamsa
- Spiritualism, worship of diety, leaning towards a particular sect.
11. D-24 - 1º15’ – (Siddhamsa) - Chaturvimamsa
- Education, Learning, success in competition.
12. D-27-1º6’40” – Bhamsa – Nakshatramsa – Saptavisamsa
Strength and weakness indicated by planets.
13. D-30 - 1º- Trimsamsa
In this chart degrees are lumped to-gether in a group and each sign is divided in five such groups. This chart indicates evils, inclination of natural traits based on Trigunas – Swatic, Rajas and Tamas.
D-2 and D-30 charts are complimentary to each other and act at different planes in the life.
14. D-40 – 45’ – Chatvarimsamsa (40th part of a sign) - Khavedamsa (Swavedamsa)
-Matrilineal legacy.
15. D-45-40’ – Akashvedamsa
- Patrilineal legacy
16. D-60-30’ – Shastyamsa
Past Karma – rinanubandh, repayment of deeds of the past lives. D-1 and D-60 are complementary to each other. D-1 chart indicate when and D-60 tells why, events happen in the life of the native. Each of the 16 divisional charts consists of 12 houses, assigned to a Zodiacal sign, which is in turn owned by a planet. (D-2 (Hora chart) and D-30 (Trimsamsa chart) are exception to the rule. On account of this reason, the concept of Vargottama is not studied in this article w.r.t. Hora and Trimsamsa charts at this stage).
Importance of Vargottama Concept
In chapter 14 (Ashraya Adhyay), in Laghu Jataka, Varaha Mihira has mentioned Two slokas (Verses) on Rajayoga, which are very significant. I am reproducing both the slokas for the benefit of the Savants;
Sloka 5
”A person is born with kingly status (or in the family of kings) even if one exalted planet is aspected by SUHRADYA (friendly) planet(s). The commentator Bhattotpala says even planets having temporal friendship with aspecting planet will be enough to generate Raja-Yoga. If the planets are more in number and are strongly placed, then a Raja-Yoga of a higher order will be generated.(The natural friendly planets to Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are termed as suhradya planets. – Refer Laghu Jataka CH.3SL3&4) ”
”If three strong planets are placed in Kendra (angular) houses, the Raja-Yoga will be generated. The commentator says if there are more than three Planets in
angular houses, the quality of Raja-Yoga will be proportionately enhanced.”
Sloka 6
In this sloka, the following principles are enunciated:
1. If Moon or Lagna Rashi is Vargottama and aspected by four or more planets, the native becomes king if he is born in kingly family. (Obviously if aspecting planets are friendly to the aspected Planet or sign and if these are strongly disposed, the powerful Raja-Yoga is bound to be generated).
2. The native will attain or inherit the kingly status in the directional period of most powerful planet forming the Raja-Yoga.
3. The Vargottama Moon or Lagna help the native to attain the kingly status if they receive the aspect of other planet (s).
4. Logically, whenever any Vargottama planet (other than Moon or Lagan point) will be aspected by other planet(s), auspicious results will also accrue according
to the signification of planet or Divisional Chart.
5. It may be worth nothing that the exalted planet gives good results when aspected by friendly planet (s). This is not the precondition for Vargottama planet that they should be aspected by a friendly planet (s). This means if a Vargottama planet is aspected by any planet(s), the auspicious results will accrue.
What is the concept of Vargottama?
As mentioned earlier in this article, the three basic constitutes which stimulate events in a nativity are:
(1) Houses (Bhavas)
(2) Signs (Rashis)
(3) Planets.
The native obtains the results through houses, but with the active assistance of signs and planets. The results of any planetary configuration or yogas are felt by the native through the Bhavas (houses) only.
In the above context, the concept of Vargottama may be understood as under:-
1. The planet is called Vargottama, when placed in same zodiacal sign in any two Vargas. However, if planets become Vargottama either in Sign/Navamsa charts or in Sign/Dreshkanna charts, they become comparatively more auspicious and capable to confer Raja-Yoga provided other conditions prevail (such as aspect of other planets).
2. If Lagna Bhava of two Vargas obtains the same sign, this is called Varga Vargottama, as all houses in both Vargas will fall in same signs.
3. Similarly, if a planet is in same house (Bhava) in the two Vargas, it also enhances the auspicious results of these two Vargas according to specific portfolios of the concerned Vargas, and these planets are called Bhava Vargottama.
The first two classification of Vargottama are commonly discussed in Jatak Granth’s and subsequent astrological literature. But, the third version of Vargottama, which is even more powerful and equally important, does not get the attention it deserves.
This may have happened mainly on account of the reason because a group of astrologers, in last 1500 years, started suggesting number of ways for the construction of houses. These methods are at variance with the method suggested by Maharishi Parasara, sage Satyacharya and Acharya Varaha Mihira. The method advocated by Parasara is already explained in this article. I have made this study based on some specific fundamental principles, norms and rules. These rules are based on the dictums of Vedic Astrology and are elaborated below:
1. Signs and houses are inseparable from each other. In all varga (divisional) charts, each house will be owned by a planet. The rising (ascending point) falling in the sign will become the ascendant of the respective varga chart.
2. The study is made based on Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa. This Ayanamsa value could be obtained by deducting about 56” from the value of Lahiri Ayanamsa for the years 1950 to 2050 AD. The astronomical definition of Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa is given below:
“When mean / true tropical longitude of star Chitra (Spica 16 – Virgins) is reduced by 180º, the remainder will be the mean / true value of Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa of the date. “
3. True longitudes of Rahu / Ketu are adopted in this study.
4. The presence of other auspicious yogas will enhance the good results and vice versa.
5. The principle of Argala and Upchaya will play important role in predicting the events .e.g a malefic Vargottama planet in 3rd house will enhance the significance of concerned varga chart,e.g. if such planet in bhava vargottama in D 1 and D-24, this planet will enhance educational prospects.
6. Vargottama malefic planets in 3rd and 6th houses show beneficial results. If planet is benefic and placed in these houses, the good results may not occur easily.
7. The Vimshottari Dasa is adopted in this study. The events occur in major, sub or sub-sub periods of Vargottama planets.
8. Whenever a planet is in sign vargottama, it enhances auspicious results connected with its own signification as well as the significance of concerned varga chart. If vargottama planet is aspected by other planet(s), it may help to generate Rag-Yoga.
9. Similarly, if Ascendant of two Vargas fall in same sign and aspected by planets in both vargas, it helps the native to enhance the status of the native with the help of signification and portfolio of two concerned Vargas, e.g. a house Vargottama planet in D-9 and D-4 charts, may indicate acquisition of property and fortune with the help of spouse or in-laws family.
10.When a planet is in House Vargottama, it helps to acquire the benefit results according to signification of the Vargas. e.g. If a planet is in Bhava Vargottama in D-1/D-9, it may help in marriage, in case of D-1/D-10 chartrise in professional status, in D-24 success in education and so on.
11. This study is made based on Vimshottari dasa system, therefore, the planetary aspects are considered as per dictums of Laghu-Parasari. All the nine planets will aspect seventh house. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects. Mars aspects 4th and 8th houses also, Jupiter 5th and 9th houses and Saturn 3rd and 10th houses, in addition to their seventh house aspect.
12.As per the dictum of Laghu-Jataka, Raja-Yogas are examined vis-à-vis Vargottama planets and signs. The Raja-Yoga will become operative if other planet(s) aspect the Vargottama planets and/or signs. If the aspecting planets are in some kind of sambandha (mutual relation-ship) the Raja-Yoga will be stronger, auspicious and lasting. The Sambandha of three kinds are considered in this study
(a) mutual aspect
(b) exchange of signs
(c) conjunction of planets in one sign.
Laghu, Jataka of Varaha Mihira sums-up basic and important concept of predictive and natal astrology in brief. This Karika has similar importance as Laghu-Parasari in handling Parasar’s Vimshottari Dasa System.
Laghu-Jataka lays down the basic concept and foundation for operation of Raja-Yogas. These three concepts are given below in ascending order as prescribed by Varah-Mihira:
1. 1st concept of Raja-Yoga: The exalted planet should be aspected by temporal friendly planets. If the planets are powerful and more than one in number, the powerful Raja -Yoga
will be generated.
2. 2nd concept of Raja-Yoga: At least, three powerful planets may be placed in Kendra (angular houses). If the planets are more than 3, the more powerful Yoga will be generated.
This concept yield to more powerful yogas compared to the first one. Parasara also says if powerful planets are placed in mutual Kendra (angular houses), they act as mutual Karka and yield to Yoga-Karka results.
3. 3rd concept of Raja-Yoga: This concept not only gives powerful results but is more versatile and the quality of yogas generated are very diverse and of far reaching auspicious results. The concept of Vargottam is very powerful and unique tool of predictive astrology. This concept thus establishes a mutual interconnectivity in Varga charts and show promise for fulfillment in some specific areas of life which otherwise are not so apparent in the nativity. The Vargottama position removes many afflictions and is also a strong tool to fix auspicious Muhurtas. I have applied Vimshottari Dasha in my study to show the importance of Vargottama principles with the help of several examples. The results are encouraging. The savant of Astrology may try to verify the efficacy and reach of this concept with the help of other Dasa system also. I shall feel earnestly happy, if the savants may draw some benefit from this study to access the powerful influence of the concept off Vargottama in predictive Astrology.
1. Laghu – Parasari
2. Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra
3. Laghu-Jataka of Varaha Mihira
4. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira
5. Varga charka – Edited by Pt. Sanjay Rath
6. Navamsa in Astrology – C.S. Patel
presented by Sri Rahul Gupta (FB pg Astrologers from ICAS..)