Principles for evaluating a Bhava/house of a horoscope
Ref.: Chapter 15 of Phal Deepika (Bhavarthbodhini)
(i) A house (Bhava) having benefics (natural) posited in it, or aspecting it, not posited/aspected by (natural) malefics, will give good results, provided also that the said benefic is not weakened by debilitation, combustion, or in enemy house etc. A Bhava having its lord posited in it, or aspecting it is also fortified depending upon the strength of the planet. Its natural karaka in it generally spoils it. But karaka’s aspect on the Bhava strengthens it to good results of the karaks planet.
(ii) Treat each Bhava as a Lagna (for the significations of that Bhava). If there are natural benefics in 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 from the house concerned, or its own lord is in these places from it, good results of the said Bhava will follow. Malefics in said places will harm the significations of said Bhava.
(iii) Bhavesh gone to 8th from the said house, or in 8th from lagna, will weaken or destroy the significations of the house. Also, if it is combust or debilitated or in enemy place and is not aspected or with benefics same result. Example: debilitated Mars in 5th, even when aspected by Jupiter from 9th, led to death of two elder sons, and a boil (Jalodar) in persons own stomach. Moon is 4th (12th from 5th) and Sat. aspects 5th house.
(iv) Malefics when situated 6th, 8th, 12th from the house under consideration, destroy that Bhava. Benefics in this situation also can not help it. Thus, 7th Bhava is badly affected by malefic in 12th; 2nd and 6th from Lagna, which are 6th, 8th, 12th from 7th House.
(v) Bhava lord in 6th, 8th, 12th, from Lagna, also affects Bhava’s results adversely e.g. lagnesh in 8th house affect physical health or causes disease. This is called ‘Avyoga’, when applicable to lagna; for 2nd house; Mriti for 3rd house; kuhuyoga for 4th (Sat. in 4th and 4th lord in bad house and with or aspected by malefics, the person spends old age in penury and troubles); for 5th house, it is called Pamaryoga; for 6th lord affected, it is called Harsh yoga; for 7th house it is Dushkriti for 8th, it is saral yoga, for 9th house, it is Nirbhagaya Yoga; for 10th house, it is Dayoga for 11th house, it is called Daridrayoga; for 12th House, it is called ‘vimal’ yoga.
(Ref. Shlokas 57 to 59 of chapter six of phaldeepka)
It may be noticed that for 6th, 8th, 12th houses, some exceptions have been made to the general approach, and some positive results are also indicated. But the matter is somewhat controversial and mixed results follow in many cases, or even adverse results follow.
(vi) Various factors which lead to loss/decrease of results of any Bhava are given below; if more of these factors are involved, more destructive results will be experienced.
(a) Bhava, Bhavesh and Karka of Bhava, being weak.
(b) If Bhava, Bhavesh, and Karaka are hemmed in by malefics and/or are with malefics or their enemy planets, or aspects by them
(c) From the concerned Bhava, malefics are posited in 4, 5, 8, 9, and 12th places.
(vii) (A) The following planets will adversely affect a Bhava
(a) lord of 8th house from the Bhava
(b) lord of 22nd Dreshkon from the Bhava Dreshkon
(c) lord of 6th, 7th, or 8th Bhava from the said house, especially when these are weak.
The adverse results appear in their dasha/antardasha.
(vii)(B)The following situations lead to the strengthening of the significations of any Bhava
(a) If malefics are located in 3rd, 6th, 11th, from the house under consideration, these planets (so located) give good results of Bhava in their dasha.
(b) When benefics are located in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th, these strengthen and enhance the results of the said Bhava.
(c) The friends of bhava lord, if strong otherwise and well placed, will strengthen the results of the said Bhava in their Dasha/antardasha (conversely, enemies of the said Bhavesh, harm the said Bhava results in their dasha/antardasha)
Example: For Leo Lagna Chart, Considering Lagna Bhava results, Saturn being enemy of Lagnesh Sun, in Saturn’s dasha/antardasha troubles to body will materialise (Sat. is also 6th lord) while Jupiter as Sun’s friend, in its dasha – antardasha will give comfort for body (In case Jup is also in its mootrikona, in 5th house from Lagna, under consideration)
(viii) The following planets also harm a Bhava’s significations in their dasha-antardasha:
(i) Lords of 3rd from Lagna and from Moon Lagna
(ii) Planet posited in 8th House, or aspecting 8th from lagna
(iii) Saturn
(iv) Lords of 22nd Dreshkona
(v) Lord of House which Mootrikona is posited
(vi) The planet owning the house where the previous enumerated in 1 to 5 are posited, in Rashi and Navamsha chart
(vii)Weak Rahu positioned in 8th and 12th.
The above planets harm the houses in which these are placed, and the houses they aspect.
(ix) The house posited by strong lagnesh becomes strong and prosperous. Also the Bhava whose Bhavesh is with strong lagnesh, is strengthened, and made to give good results, reducing bad results of an evil Bhava (like, 6, 8, 12)
(x) When Lagnesh is lord of 2nd house which is ashubha (e.g. Mars for Aries or Scorpio Lagna), it will generally give shubha result, especially if aspected by benefic, in a good house. In the above example Mars in 5th, would give children, especially in if 5th is aspected by Jupiter.
(xi) When a planet (other than lagnesa) is lord of one good and one bad house, it would give mixed results, its moottrikon rasi would give more (nearly double) results than the 2nd rasi. In order of time from lagna, whichever rasi occurs first, its results follow first.
(xii) Bhava results are also affected badly during Dasha-antardasha of the Adhi-shatru of Bhavesh; and also during the dasha/antardasha of any planet for the bhavas where it has nil shubha bindus in its own Ashtakvarga. Similarly, bad results are seen in the dasha of Bhava lord and antardasha of lords of those bhavas having zero shubha bindu.
(xiii) A graha located at bhava – sandhi is unable to give strong results of the said bhava.
(xiv) A graha on bhava Madhya or near it gives full results of that bhava. Proportionate results are seen for positions in between.
(xvi) Main/principal karaka must be considered for assessing a bhava, along with assessment of bhava and Bhavesh. The karaka planets of various Bhavas are: (I) Sun, (II) Jupiter (III) Mars (IV) Moon and Mercury (V) Jupiter (VI) Mars and Sat. (VII) Venus (VIII) Saturn (IX) Jupiter and Sun (X) Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn (XI) Jupiter and (XII) Saturn
(xv) Planets placement in various good and bad bhavas is important benefics in good bhavas, its compatible rashi, and good strength, give increased results; but in 6, 8, 12 bhavas, they reduce the bad results of the bhava; malefics on the other hand increase bad results of 6th 8th, 12th bhavas (except Sat. in 8th for long Ayu) and affect adversely results of good bhava.
(xix) Benefic planets by their placement in Trika houses are themselves adversely affected and hence are unable to give their good effects in full measure.
(xx) Each Bhava can be made Lagna, to assess various relationships from that bhava – thus wife’s (own) wealth, viewed from 2nd from 7th i.e. 8th. Son’s wife, from 7th from 5th i.e. 11th Younger brother of wife – from 3rd from 7th i.e. 9th.
(xxi) Similarly, planets stand for some relation’s. Keeping those planets as Lagna house, read horoscope for the said relation. For father, from the sun; for mother, from the moon; brother from house occupied by Mars; for maternal uncle, from mercury; son from Jupiter’s place; wife from the house Venus is in; and employees/servants from Saturn’s place.