Sunday, June 2, 2013

JUPITER transit in Gemini ----Methodology : presented By Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra (FB pg....)

Analysis of JUPITER transit in Gemini ----------------- Methodology

As the planets slowly move along the zodiac each day, they pass through the different houses of your natal horoscope and make different aspects with the positions of your natal planets. These transiting planets energize the latent potentials promised by your natal horoscope, and trigger the behavior and events which then become a part of your daily experience. That means transit of planets are dependent on natal position they only trigger the event. The day-to-day changes in your life depend on the transits of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The outer planets—Jupiter and Saturn, --are important for the long term effects on our life. Jupiter takes approximately one year to transit a rashi and it completes a revolution of zodiac in every twelve year. This year Jupiter transits GEMINI rashi on 31st May 2013.Moon at that time will transit through Aquarius [kumbh] rashi. In GEMINI Jupiter will transit through 2 quarter of Mrigsira, full Swati and 3 quarter of Vishakha of nakshtra. 
In classical Vedic astrology a set of rules are prescribed to judge the effect of transiting planets most important of them are listed below-:
Judgment through
1] Placement from the one’s rashi. As per Phaldeepika, a classical treatise by Manteswar JUPITER is favorable in 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 9th and in 11th from one’s moon or janma rashi. You may also add 1st, 4th and 10th houses from moon which is Kendra placement and not very inauspicious. In other places i.e. in3ed, 6th, 8th, and 12th Jupiter placement is not good. Here vedh [obstruction] from other planets transiting through specific sign and similar vipreet vedh [counter obstruction] from other planets are also considered. 
2] placement from the one’s janma nakshtra this is called Tara consideration and propounded by sage Satyacharaya.As per nakshtra consideration Jupiter gives inauspicious result in 1st[janma] tara,3ed[vipat Tara],5th[pratyari[obstruction] Tara and 7th vadh[death] tara.In other Tara i.e. 2nd[sampan],4th[kshem],5th sadhak,8th[mitra] and 9th [pram mitra] Jupiter transit is said to be very good. As per nakshtra consideration result will vary with the change of nakshtra of Jupiter in transit because Tara nomenclature will change.
3] Relative position of moon and Jupiter at the time of transit also affects the result. From relative position Murthy nirnay is done and accordingly results are given. It is the dynamic analysis of transit as it is judged by transit time moon’s placement so in next Jupiter cycle[when Jupiter transits Taurus again after 12 years] result will not be the same. At the time of Jupiter transiting Gemini moon was passing through Aquarius sign –this Aquarius sign and one’s Janm sign relative position Murti Nirnay is done. As per this rule if moon at the time of Jupiter’s transit is placed in
1, 6 and 11 houses from janma rashi it is termed as Swarna [gold] murty or pad. Result is good. In present case Jupiter transit is through Swarna pada for Aquarius,Virgo and Aries.
2, 5 and 9 houses from janma rashi it is termed as Rajat [silver] murty or pad. Result is mixed. In present case Jupiter transit is through Rajat pada for Capricorn, Libra and Gemini.
3, 7, and 1o houses from janma rashi it is termed as tamra [copper] murty or pad. Result is so-so. In present case Jupiter transit is through tamra pada for Sagittarius, Leo and Taurus sign.
4, 8, and 12 houses from janma rashi it is termed as loha [iron] murty or pad. Result is bad. In present case Jupiter transit is through loh pada for Scorpio ,Cancer and Pisces.
In case of malefic planet rules are different.
4] Planets transiting through different nakshtra from natal nakshtra is said to pass through different limbs or body part accordingly good or bad result are assigned. 
Jupiter when transits 
1st, 2ed and 3ed constellation is said to transit through head its result is sorrow.
4th, 5th and 6th nakshtra it passes through face region and its effect is gain
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 constellation it passes through both hand and its effect is misfortune 
13, 14, 15,16and 17 constellation it passes through stomach and its effect is gain of wealth
18 and 19th constellation it passes through private parts and its result is destruction 
Rest eight constellations it passes through both feet and its result is fame and honor
Above consideration are to be done from one’s janma nakashtra and it will vary for each person as per their nakshtra and it will also vary when transiting planets transits another nakshtra hence it is more precise. Hence it should be calculated individually.
5] Certain specific nakshtra transit is also important .If
A] If Jupiter is transiting sixth nakshtra from janma nakshtra it is said to give death of relative, insecurity and fear.
B] Jupiter when transiting from 22nd nakshtra and specially its 4th pada from birth nakshtra is said to give bad result in respect to children and education.

Remember there are other factors which reduce or enhances the transit effect.
Detail result for each rashi in another post.