Monday, September 30, 2013

DR Suresh Chandra Misra ji posted at other fb page. साभार प्रस्तुत है !

Nakshatra Hurt :  Dr Suresh Chandra Mishra Delhi

Daily effect through Nakshatra :

Following are the six nakshatras (reckoned from janma nak.) highly relevant in daily transit. If any of these is hurt, it may result in distress as follows:

1. Janma- Natal nakshatra- distress;
2. Karma- 09th - troubles, hurdles;
3. Saamghatika- 15th - great loss;
4. Saamudaayika- 17th - undesirable effect;
5. Aadhana- 18th - lack of home comforts;
6. Vainashika- 22nd - physical disorder, confrontation with nearer.
A Nakshatra is hurt indeed when it is:
* Occupied at once by Sun and Saturn;
* Pierced by ( deep conjunct with) retrograde Mars or Moon;
* During eclipse, occupied by Sun or Moon as the case may be;
* Occupied by Ketu;

* Receiving Latta (kicked by) a malefic, i.e., 12 the from the Sun’s nakshatra, 3rd from Mars’, 8th from Saturn, 9 th from Rahu’s nakshatra;
Nakshatra hurt disburses its inauspicious effect within days equal to the number of stars of the Nakshatra. In case of marriage, days, fixed thus, are to be considered as years, states Varah Mihira.

Remedy for the said evil
Serving, watering, to move around (Parikrama), planting or preserving limbs of the same of the specific tree mitigate the evil of hurt nakshtra. This remedy could also be used for natal nakshtra in general. Nak serial number and tree is mentioned below --
1. Banana tree       2. Banana / Amla            3. Goolar;
4. Jaamun;            5. Khair or Kattha           6. Mango / Belpatra tree
7. Bamboo;            8. Peepal;                        9. Sandal;
10. Vata (oak tree);                   11. Dhaak;             12. Vata (oak tree);
13. Reetha;            14. Bel;                           15. Arjuna;
16. Neem;             17. Maulshree;                18. Reetha;
19. Raber plant;               20. Jaamun;           21. Kathal;
22. Aak;                23. Semar;                      24. Kadamb;
25. Mango;            26. Peepal;                      27. Mahua

 This is according to sage Narada and Aacharya Lalla.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A post of Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra in FB pg Astrological researches is shared with you all. Worth reading and analysing.

A post of Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra in FB pg Astrological researches is shared with you all. Worth reading and analysing.

Present and coming transit influence :

Tremendous planetary energies are affecting us now. Saturn and Rahu are transiting in same sign and in exact degree. There are two calculations for Rahu Ketu - True and Mean node and depending on which calculation you use - the conjunction date will differ. The True node conjunction is on 17 September and the mean node is on 25 September. Same sign conjunction of Saturn and Rahu is a rare astronomical event. Saturn Rahu usually connect together every 10 years or so but in the same sign it is rarer. Saturn Rahu conjoins together in Libra last time was in 1865 - therefore this is very rare. In 2002/3, they connected in Taurus. That was the time USA went to war first with Afghanistan and then with Iraq.
The present transit is all the more important because 
A] Venus the sign lord is passing through Libra – which means house and house lord –both are afflicted.
B] Mars is transiting through its debilitation Sign Cancer and casting aspect on Saturn and Rahu—it instigates the matter.
C] Sun will enter Libra next month on 17th October- Royal planet Sun will be under sever affliction –affecting the Government and head of states.
D] On 18th Oct – penumbral Lunar Eclipse will affect the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.
E] On 3ed November there is solar eclipse visible in eastern part of the Americas, south Europe, Africa, Middle East.
F] On 6th of November Jupiter goes retrograde –saving effect will reduce on Libra 
All the above planetary transits are not good in any way. You have already seen the affect of Saturn Rahu conjunction in uttrakhand and many parts of India and abroad. Rahu always gives an element of unpredictability—so the natural disaster, accidents, crashes, floods, earthquakes, scandals, scams, clandestine activity, unknown diseases etc will be in the news. Many Governments will feel the wrath of public. But direct military action is not indicated as Mars in debilitation sign. The main aspect of this conjunction is the fear and anxiety. Usually Saturn Rahu is challenging conjunctions. Both represent air element, Rahu acts like Saturn, Saturn acts on a physical level whereas Rahu on a psychological level. Air element has the ability to exaggerate events that are happening and can take small issues and make it very large. And make it out of control. Libra’s element is air too. Saturn Rahu conjunctions have created wars, strife. It is a time when apprehension dominates. Mistakes in judgement of what is right or wrong can be made as they are motivated by anxiety and fear.
There are some positive factors also- 
Jupiter is aspect both Saturn and Rahu - keeping their insensitive and negativity under control.
Mercury is exalted from 5 to 24 September.
Venus breaks the Kal sarpa Yoga on 19 September that has been restricting all of us since 12 May.
But in Nov 2013 with Jupiter retrogression and Mercury transit to Libra and its retrogression – these balancing factors will be missing. Period after 17 October will be more challenging .These influences are for mundane affairs –for individual natal influences can and will greatly modify the transiting influence.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rahu : Ketu : An analysis by Sri Rahul Gupta Kanpur FB page Astrologers Page


Planet Rahu is not a planet in actuality but is a node of moon. It is well known so no need to go into that. But almost all scriptures have given more importance to Rahu-Ketu than actual planets. Rahu is the head of the demon who had swallowed one drop of nectar – is what ancient myths says - Lord Vishnu himself had to come to kill the demon and the head having nectar in the throat was called Rahu, the rest of the body is Ketu.

It is also said Kujwat Ketu, Shani vat Rahu i.e. Rahu is like Saturn and ketu is like Mars.Rahu is considered to be a major benefic in 3, 6, 10,11 Upchaya houses and in to 10th, it is considered most powerful.can confer all the luxuries of materialistic life.

In – Nakshatra Chintamani - C.R.Bhatt writes –

1) Rahu-Ketu as agent — Rahu or Ketu is not alloted the ownership of any sign. It only occupies the sign in a house. So they work as an agent of

(a) The planet with whom it is in conjuction or aspect.

(b) The owner of the sign in which it is placed.

2) They give results firstly, the results of the planets in conjunction with it. Secondly the result of the planet aspecting it. Thirdly the result of its own star lord,fourthly the result of the ownerof the sign occupied by it .

3) Rahu-Ketu as star lord - If Rahu-Ketu becomes star lord of any planet – the planet will signify the matters of the house occupied by it; that planet will will indicate the matters of the house owned and occupied by the star lord of Rahu-Ketu; that planet will denote the matters of the house occupied and owned by the owner of the sign occupied by Rahu-Ketu.

4) Rahu-Ketu as significator – Rahu-Ketu are stronger than any planet. So if Rahu or Ketu represents any significator planet, they should be given first preference as a significator in place of that significator planet.

5) They are not to be treated as retrograde planets as their natural motion is in the opposite direction.

Generally, when Rahu occupies ascendant – it creates a lot of problems for the native – his thought process gets weird first of all. He will be very proudy,will talk of big plans will be ready to get into fight anywhere, will always try to show his presence this way or the other.

In Dasha, Bhukti, Antara also when Rahu comes – if not well placed – creates a lot of mental tensions, losses of finance, bad luck. Rahu is the main planet for making a person – HAUNTED - by spirits, evil, what ever. Black magic is also experienced by people having bad Rahu in its DBA. Rahu also gives fruitless lossful travels. It also makes one get irritated by his bad fate to the extreme of commiting suicide, Theft in house, Imprisonment, Bad married life. Bad character of wife or husband, abusive language, dominance, abortions, miscarriges.

Rahu also makes one great devotee of Maa Durga. It also makes great freedom fighters,Politicians, Leaders, people who live differently think differently. It makes one anti social and unsocial also. It connects with public also, lower caste people ,it indulges one into prostitution,mating with widows, other's wives, unnatural sexual habits, banned drugs seller, Homosexuality.. the list is endless. Almost in all the diverted events of life, unexpected events some how rahu makes its presence.Rahu makes one believe in black magic and makes one resort to – ghost busters - people who deal in spirits, ghosts etc.

There is one more peculiarity — In DBA of Rahu people get money in their accounts – unaccounted money - they don’t know from where it came but they do get it – amounts differ.In the hindi version of this article many readers confirmed it.

When Rahu decides to give – even God Kuber – The lord of wealth - seems small and when it comes on taking – even the last cloth of the native is taken away.

Conjunction of Rahu with Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun, Saturn is very unauspiscious in Natal Chart or in Navansha. These people have strange kind of mental and physical problems which remains till the DBA is there.depending upon the houses.

kartari yoga : Defined by Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra FB Astrological Researches...

A word on kartari yoga :
When a planet is hemmed between two malefic degree wise or house or sign wise it is pap kartari yoga –in this yoga planet or the house where it is formed suffers.
When a planet is hemmed between two benefic planet degree wise or house or sign wise it is shubh kartari yoga –in this yoga planet or the house where it is formed is positively influenced.
But here one important thing is to note that in Kartari yoga when kartari yoga involving retrograde planets or Rahu –Kartari yoga should be judged carefully- because here the concept of separating or approaching influence concept comes into play which can alter the affect altogether. To make it clear see the illustration below
A] Rahu – Jupiter – Saturn = this is full pap Kartari yoga because both Saturn and Rahu will approach towards Jupiter 
B] Rahu---Jupiter---Saturn [R] – the affect of this kartari yoga is not as bad as [A] –since Saturn is not approaching towards Jupiter
C] Saturn---Jupiter—Rahu –this is also kartari yoga but its affect is even less harmful l than [B] - since both Rahu and Saturn are separating from Jupiter.
In all three instances given above degree of influence of pap Kartari yoga varies to greater extent and cannot be taken alike .Similar is the case with Subh Kartari yoga.