Monday, September 22, 2014

मंत्र से उपचार : प्रस्तुत कर्ता : श्री आर्य भूषण शुक्ल देहली

This mantra is from Narayaneeyam.

अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
त्वमित्थमुत्थापितपद्मयोनि: ।
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥

Asmin paraatman nanu paadmakalpe
Tvamithamutthaapita padmayonihi I
Ananta bhoomaa mama roga raashim,
Nirundhi vaataalaya vaasa vishno II

Asmin – in this, paraatman – supreme, nanu paadmakalpe – in this time, tvamitham – in this manner, utthaapita padmayonihi – caused to originate Brahma from your naval on a lotus, ananta bhoomaa – infinite/uncontrolled, mama – mine, roga raashim – ailments, nirundhi – eradicate, vaatalaya vaas – residing in air, vishno – Lord Vishno

This mantra is in praise of Lord Vishnu having incomprehensible powers (paraatman) who resides in air (vaatalaya vaas) or in other words controls air, who is all powerful and who created Brahma from his navel on a lotus. Lord Vishnu, the deity presiding over wind which is one of the three humours (dosha) of the body.
In relation to disease, Ayurveda says:
कफ पंगु पित्त पंगु पंगवे मल धातुना
वायुना यत्र नियन्ते गच्छन्ते तत्र मेघवत।
Cough pangu pitt pangu pangave mal dhatuna
Vayuna yatra niyante gachchante tatra meghvat..

It means that out of three doshas in body (vaat, pitt, cough), pitt and cough do not have any mobility and can’t spread in body of their own. It’s the vaat or the air that is responsible for movement of a dosha. So for a disease to spread in body, air is responsible. Astrologically, Saturn rules air and hence Saturn is always involved in an ailment.
Let’s come back to the mantra again. Here the keyword is “Ananta bhooma” which has been used for “rog rashim”. Anant bhuma means infinitely or uncontrollably high. This word relates to Cancer because in case of Cancer, there is uncontrolled growth of cells which causes the disease (rog rashim) OR any other similar disease which is having similar nature of uncontrolled growth.
In the last line, Lord Vishnu (who lives in air – vaatalaya vaas) is prayed/appealed to stop or kill (nirundhi) this uncontrolled growth of cell. In South India, Lord Vishnu residing in air is also called Lord Guruvayur.
Chanting of this mantra by a person ailing with cancer or similar disease is considered to be very effective. In case the ailing person is not able to do this then a relative who is very closely connected can also chant.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Valuable Tips by Pro AV Sundram ji

A little bird told me "" here are some details on Vargas.. lets take SHADVARGA :
1.RASI...Kama of the Body.
2. HORA...Lobha to do with wealth.
3.DREKKANA..Krodha..towards siblings.
4.NAVAMSA..Moha.. towards spouse.
5.DWADAMSA..Mada in youth towards elders.
6.TRMSAMSA.. Matshrya..jealousy towards others .
These Vargas represent our shatgunas.
1.RASI. .SUN..body/personality.
2.HORA. MOON.. wealth.
5.SAPTAMSA... JUPITER.. Children...
6.NAVAMSA.....VENUS...Marital life.
7.DASAMSA.......SATURN.. Profession/occupation.
The first .seven Vargas are represented by the week day lords from
The next 9 VARGAS are represented by combination of Planets.
8 .DWADASAMSA...Sun and Moon...Parents.
9 .SHODASAMSA.. Moon and Venus..Inner desires of the Native.
10 VIMSHAMSA.......Mercury and Rahu..(Nep**) Scientific and Spritual.
11 CHATURVIMSHAMSA...Sun and Saturn..(Ura**) Academic attainment.
12.BHAMSA..Mars, Jupiter and Saturn... Misfortunes in life.
13.THRIMSAMSA... Sun, Venus, and Mercury.....Lively hood.
14 KHAVEDAMSA....Sun, Mars, Mercury...DO and DONTS..good and bad
deeds in family.
15.AKSHAVEDAMSA.. Jupiter, Saturn Rahu. same as above but in Public.
16.SHASHTYAMSA.. ..Mars,Saturn, and Rahu..(PL**) KARMA and
PS. take note the plants ,(**) are my addition pl.

This one for those who want to know how new year will be....
A little bird told me :: Here is a method to know a MINI DASA..
Count from birth Star to the Year starting Star MULTIPLY the number by 7 and divide by 9. Take the Reminder..
1 SUN 18
2 MARS 21
3 JUP. 48
4 KET. 21
5 MER. 51
6 VEN. 60
7 SAT. 57
8 MOON 30
0 RAHU. 54
Apply usual results for the Planet for those days.
example.. birth Star... ASWINI. Year 2015 starting Star is KRITHIKA.
Counting from Aswini to Krithika we get 3 , multiply by 7 gives us
21 and dividing by 9 we get reminder 3. the starting Dasa is JUP.


This one for Astro reserch students.
A little bird told me "" Lets look into the HIDDEN HOUSES 6,8,12.
these houses must be taken together many a times for better understanding.
KANYA(6) is indicating the Small INTESTINE where the digested food is absorbed(WHAT IS NEED).
VRISCHIKA (8) is indicating the Large INTESTINE where toxic waste(WHAT IS NOT NEEDED)is moving.
MEENA(12) is indicating the ANUS which is the Path of Leaving /Liberation.
The function of these houses tell you about the HEALTH of the Native.
If these houses are VACANT particularly Kanya (6) one is healthy.
Looking from another angle.
.Kanya..(6) DISEASE, Vrischika..(8) DRUGS, Meena..(12) CURE/ Liberation.
If Planets are in these RASIS one is a HEALER (Doctor).
or Planets are in these Houses 6,8,and 12.from Lagna.
=You can also find that what is needed or what you need (house of Discreation) is Kanya/6 house.
What is not NEEDED for you or what will leave you is Vrischika/8 house.
The Ultimate end or Liberation is Meena/12 house.
The RASI is Shtoola, sukesma and the Planets are KARNA.""
my note: study carefully...apply...learn.