Thursday, June 16, 2016

Test yourself : Post by Prof AV Sundaram ji

"*Moon in the 12 house...Man spends for women and connected things.
Woman will spend on Medical issues.
*Venus in the 12 house both man and woman are Poor pay Master. Take work ,talk sweetly and pay less.
*Rah in the 12 house the Native spends for gambling,Racing., all type self enjoying activities...this also for Jupiter in 8 house.
*Jupiter or Ket. in the 12 house the Native spends with self interest.
* Lagna Lord or Moon in the 6 house the Native spends for food and eats well.
* Venus in 2 or 11 house the Native spends for Charity. Public activities donation.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Astro Vastu Tips from Prof AV Sundaram ji

This one for Astro-Vasstu students.
A little bird told me" lets see some basics in Astrology with ref. to Vasstu.
In a natives chart the directions are Mesha, Simha and Dhanus are EAST. Rishaba,Kanya and Makara are SOUTH.
Mithuna,Tula and Kumbha are WEST , Kataka,Vrischica ansd Meena are NORTH.
The KALAPURUSHA the directions as follows.
Meena-N.W. Mesha and Rishabha- NORTH. Mithuna-N.E
Makara and Kumbha.WEST Kataka and Simha..EAST
Dhanus.S.W Vrischica and Tula SOUTH Kanya - S.E.
(use a south indian chart)
North East..ISHANYA KONA -divinity (Mithuna) has ARUDRA star- Lord
South West..NIRUTHI KONA- (Dhanus) has the star MOOLA whose Deity is NIRUTHI.
Now coming to Humans..
CHARA VASSTU..Moving...Kataka(4 house).this Rasi shows
the surrounding you live in. Mother Earth..Moon.
STHIRA VASSTU..Fixed...Vrischica(8 house) the Land on which your house located. Land..MARS.
NITYA VASSTU...Daily.. Meena(12 house) your daily Bed comforts. if this Rasi has Malefic even in best Vasstu house you cant be HAPPY.
AGAIN THE 4,8,12 HOUSES are important in our life."
my note.your chart shows whats best for you.
Vasstu experts pl. take it or leave it.