The following is collected from Facebook posted by Ms. Tanuja Thakur ji.
Simple tips to do vastu shudhdi :
1. plant a tulsi plant in your house .
2. play some saints bhajan or sanskrut shloka chant done by some spiritual organisation , avoid those done by the profesionals u can download the sattvik chant of Lord Datta from this lonk and play in your house . The vibrations emitted from these p...ruify the negativity of the house .
3. If gaumutra of desi gay (Indian origin cow's urine) is easily available it can be sprinkled everyday in the house . The gaumutra has immense capacity to cast off the negativity of the vastu .
4. Instead of litting agarbatti (incense sticks ) from the market get them from some spiritual organisation if it is not possible u can do the shuddhi with dhoop or lobaan.
Clarification of doubt :
What is the definition of vastu and what are the factors affecting the vastu ? A premise (vastu) refers to an open space enclosed by four walls irrespective of whether it has a roof. The presiding deity of this place is called the deity of the premise Vastudevta). Frequencies within a premise not perceived outside it. For instance a subtle fragrance in a room is not experienced outside the threshold of that room.The deity of a premise (vastudevta) is the centre of energy of the premise. Its mission is to endow energy to any pleasant or distressing event occurring there. It is believed that the deity of a premise says, ‘So be it (tathastu)’ to whatever is uttered there. Hence one should not utter abominable words in the house. On the other hand if a person is chanting or meditating in that room then the vibrations of that vastu becomes sattvik like that of a temple and one can either experience the bliss because of the sadhana done by the person there or can hear the chants also !The personalities of residents in a premise should be pleasing. If not they should improve themselves. 30% of the defects in a premise occur on account of the residents themselves. So if this factor is also taken care of then the vibrations of the vastu becomes sattvik .
Importance of various remedies done on the vastu :
1. Ritual of entering a plot of land -- 2 %
2. Ritual of Vastushanti -- 10 %
3. Ritual of Udakshanti -- 2 %
4. Keeping the doors and windows open --2%
5. Eliminating defects in the premise -- 2 %6. Not experimenting with energies-- 2 %7. Residents within a premise having apleasing personality --- 30 %
8. Spiritual practice of residents of thepremise --30%
9. Visits by saints -- 10 %
10. Others (growing plants like tulsi) -- 10 %
A group of Astro Lovers, Research minded people. Senior colleagues contributes/shares their experiences and reading materials. Tall claims personal praises not relished. The post are the property of the author. Astrocrazycircle does not have any claim over that postings and does not take any responsibility for the correctness of the posts. Regards and welcome.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The following is given from ASTROVISION july issue e-journal.
Page # 89 / 95
Vaastu Vidya - How to build a lovely cottage - I
Sunaparantha Kalyan
KP Astrologer Sri Lanka
Om Ganeswaraya Namah;
Every living being in this Universe wishes to live in comfortable, healthy, wealthy and
happy life with the piece of mind. The place for all these is the place where they live
in, which is conventional and inheritable to their own species of creature. It may be a
hole under ground, a hole in a tree, a nest, a rock cave, a bungalow, a villa, a Palace. It
is called HOUSE.
The human being is the supreme among the all creatures in the universe and his living
place, the House is the shelter where he gets his betterment, development and
advancement of his life and making his path to the next world with the developed
provisions of Dharma, Artha and Moksha, called as Thri-varga Sampath. To make this
shelter a perfect place for the completion of his ambitions, the man uses to verify all
the goods and bad of time, place and the style of structure, for his shelter, because
they should be agreed with the superior quality, for the purposes of best results in
health, wealth and family development.
The structure of the shelter should be covered from the natural and deformed
natures of the Jala (Water), Sun light. Cool Breeze, Winds and Rains. Further it should
be accompanied with a suitable background to achieve the perfect wisdom of life as
well as for the way of living with considerable income. To fulfill all these aspects the
man has used a Saastra, for an uncountable period of time. It is called "Vaastu Vidya"
or "Vaastu Saastra".
Vaastu Vidya is considered as a Vedanga, which is a branch of Astrology. According to
Agni Purana, there were 18 Rishis as Vaastu Advisers, who have made various rules and
regulations to follow in this Saastra. These advisers are Brigu, Athri, Vashishta,
Viswakarma, Maya, Narada, Nagnajith, Vishalaksha, Purandara, Brahma, Kumara,
Nandisha, Saunaka, Gargha, Vaasudewa, Aniruddha, Shukra and Brihaspathi. All the
written literatures by these Pundits are called "Thantra" by the Name of their own
such as Garghaya Thantra by Gargha, Naaradeeya Thantra by Narada Rishi and so on.
Among the above Rishies, Viswakarma had a distinctive and unique class in Vaastu
Saastra , according to the history.
Page # 90 / 95
Viswakarma is a brilliant master in constructing of Palaces, Houses, Statues, Lakes and
Ponds and jewellaries - Mathsyapuranaya.
Viswakarama has created and introduced 1000 systems of Silpa Saastra for the
benefit of human beings.- Agnipuranaya
Viswakarma is the technician for the God - Garundapuranaya.
Lord Brahma has created four Architectures from his four mouths and Viswakarma is
the first of them.
According to Bharatha Nataya Saastra, Viswakarma has made a beautiful stage for
dance in a second by the order of the God.
Ramayana says that he is the constructer of Lankapura for Rakshasa.
This is a brief background of Vaastu Saastra and let us sees the present situation of
this priceless Vidya.
Every one of us wishes to live in a beautiful house decorated with multi fashions and
styles. Because of our eagerness in having such a luxurious palace, we alluring ourselves
to copy of others construction, which sometimes not fit for our plot of land or the
Bank balance. We don't see whether it is in accordance with the Vaasthu Rules. But
after commencing of getting troubles when living in, we use to run to the Pundits,
Astrologers or Temples. Some times we do various types of remedies with highly
expenditure to recover the lost peace of mind. Some are suffering from unidentified
illnesses and seek medical assistance by spending all he had earned. Sometimes we run
to the Astrologer with the Horoscope, blaming to the planets. But it is too late when
we consult a Vaastu Guru to reshape the pattern of life and the shape of the house.
The main idea of this write up is not to elaborate all the contents of Vaasu Vidya, but
only to show the path to the correct destination of this Saasthra to be a owner of a
palace, which is full of health, wealth and prosperity for all the residents in that. If
you are willing to live in a delightful, pleasing and lovely Mandir with your Kith and Kin,.
(a) Never copy a house plan, drawn for a third party. It may be a Divine Palace for the
original owner, but it will be a hell for you.
(b) Never consult a Architecture, before you consult a Vaastu Guru.
And then,
(a) Take a pencil and a paper and draw a sketch of the ground plan for your house,
which is in your dream world and discuss with your wife/children/father/mother or any
other elder relation and do make necessary alteration with a collective agreement.
(b) You should have a general understanding about the directions. ie; North, South,
East & West. And identify the same in your plot of land, where you want to build your
new house.
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(c) First, mark all the entrance in outer walls, using the given guide lines for Main
Entrances I. The examples with best entrances are highlighted in green.
In Vashistah Samhitha-
Drava sangnam gruhathvadayang dhana dhanya sukhappradam
Dhanyam dhanappradam nrunam jayamsyad vijayappradam
Nandam sthreehanidam noonam kharam sampath vinasanam
Puthr pauthrappradam kantam sripadam syaan manoramam
Suwakthram bhogadam noonam durmukham vimukappradam
Sarva dukkhappradam kruram vipaksham sthrubheethidam
Dhandam dhandam geham kshayam sarvakshayappradam
Aakrandam shokajananam vipulam sreeyasahppradam
Vipulam naama sadrusam dhanadam vijabhidam
1. Dherawa - Dhana -Dhanya Sampaththi - Wealth and food (Not in use)
2. Dhana - Wealth
3. Jaya - Winning in all respect
4. Nanda - Loss of women
5. Khara - Loss of all resources and fortune
6. Kantha - Bless with children
7. Manorama- Bless with all resources
8. Sumukha/Suwakthra - Bless with food
9. Durmukha - Displeasing and disagreeable
10.Ugra - Suffering/sorrow /unhappiness
11.Ripuda - Fear of enemies
12.Dhanada - Wealth
13.Nasha - Loss of everything
14.Aakranda - Sorrow
15.Vipula - Bless with all resources
16.Vijaya - Wealth, health and prosperity
How to select the exact point for the entrance- Await for the next article
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Direction guide for the following figures
1. Dherawa 2. Dhana 3. Jaya 4. Nanda
5. Khara 6. Kantha 7. Manorama 8. Sumukha/Suwakthra
9. Durmukha 10.Ugra 11.Ripuda 12.Dhanada
13.Nasha 14.Aakranda 15.Vipula 16.Vijaya
Page # 89 / 95
Vaastu Vidya - How to build a lovely cottage - I
Sunaparantha Kalyan
KP Astrologer Sri Lanka
Om Ganeswaraya Namah;
Every living being in this Universe wishes to live in comfortable, healthy, wealthy and
happy life with the piece of mind. The place for all these is the place where they live
in, which is conventional and inheritable to their own species of creature. It may be a
hole under ground, a hole in a tree, a nest, a rock cave, a bungalow, a villa, a Palace. It
is called HOUSE.
The human being is the supreme among the all creatures in the universe and his living
place, the House is the shelter where he gets his betterment, development and
advancement of his life and making his path to the next world with the developed
provisions of Dharma, Artha and Moksha, called as Thri-varga Sampath. To make this
shelter a perfect place for the completion of his ambitions, the man uses to verify all
the goods and bad of time, place and the style of structure, for his shelter, because
they should be agreed with the superior quality, for the purposes of best results in
health, wealth and family development.
The structure of the shelter should be covered from the natural and deformed
natures of the Jala (Water), Sun light. Cool Breeze, Winds and Rains. Further it should
be accompanied with a suitable background to achieve the perfect wisdom of life as
well as for the way of living with considerable income. To fulfill all these aspects the
man has used a Saastra, for an uncountable period of time. It is called "Vaastu Vidya"
or "Vaastu Saastra".
Vaastu Vidya is considered as a Vedanga, which is a branch of Astrology. According to
Agni Purana, there were 18 Rishis as Vaastu Advisers, who have made various rules and
regulations to follow in this Saastra. These advisers are Brigu, Athri, Vashishta,
Viswakarma, Maya, Narada, Nagnajith, Vishalaksha, Purandara, Brahma, Kumara,
Nandisha, Saunaka, Gargha, Vaasudewa, Aniruddha, Shukra and Brihaspathi. All the
written literatures by these Pundits are called "Thantra" by the Name of their own
such as Garghaya Thantra by Gargha, Naaradeeya Thantra by Narada Rishi and so on.
Among the above Rishies, Viswakarma had a distinctive and unique class in Vaastu
Saastra , according to the history.
Page # 90 / 95
Viswakarma is a brilliant master in constructing of Palaces, Houses, Statues, Lakes and
Ponds and jewellaries - Mathsyapuranaya.
Viswakarama has created and introduced 1000 systems of Silpa Saastra for the
benefit of human beings.- Agnipuranaya
Viswakarma is the technician for the God - Garundapuranaya.
Lord Brahma has created four Architectures from his four mouths and Viswakarma is
the first of them.
According to Bharatha Nataya Saastra, Viswakarma has made a beautiful stage for
dance in a second by the order of the God.
Ramayana says that he is the constructer of Lankapura for Rakshasa.
This is a brief background of Vaastu Saastra and let us sees the present situation of
this priceless Vidya.
Every one of us wishes to live in a beautiful house decorated with multi fashions and
styles. Because of our eagerness in having such a luxurious palace, we alluring ourselves
to copy of others construction, which sometimes not fit for our plot of land or the
Bank balance. We don't see whether it is in accordance with the Vaasthu Rules. But
after commencing of getting troubles when living in, we use to run to the Pundits,
Astrologers or Temples. Some times we do various types of remedies with highly
expenditure to recover the lost peace of mind. Some are suffering from unidentified
illnesses and seek medical assistance by spending all he had earned. Sometimes we run
to the Astrologer with the Horoscope, blaming to the planets. But it is too late when
we consult a Vaastu Guru to reshape the pattern of life and the shape of the house.
The main idea of this write up is not to elaborate all the contents of Vaasu Vidya, but
only to show the path to the correct destination of this Saasthra to be a owner of a
palace, which is full of health, wealth and prosperity for all the residents in that. If
you are willing to live in a delightful, pleasing and lovely Mandir with your Kith and Kin,.
(a) Never copy a house plan, drawn for a third party. It may be a Divine Palace for the
original owner, but it will be a hell for you.
(b) Never consult a Architecture, before you consult a Vaastu Guru.
And then,
(a) Take a pencil and a paper and draw a sketch of the ground plan for your house,
which is in your dream world and discuss with your wife/children/father/mother or any
other elder relation and do make necessary alteration with a collective agreement.
(b) You should have a general understanding about the directions. ie; North, South,
East & West. And identify the same in your plot of land, where you want to build your
new house.
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(c) First, mark all the entrance in outer walls, using the given guide lines for Main
Entrances I. The examples with best entrances are highlighted in green.
In Vashistah Samhitha-
Drava sangnam gruhathvadayang dhana dhanya sukhappradam
Dhanyam dhanappradam nrunam jayamsyad vijayappradam
Nandam sthreehanidam noonam kharam sampath vinasanam
Puthr pauthrappradam kantam sripadam syaan manoramam
Suwakthram bhogadam noonam durmukham vimukappradam
Sarva dukkhappradam kruram vipaksham sthrubheethidam
Dhandam dhandam geham kshayam sarvakshayappradam
Aakrandam shokajananam vipulam sreeyasahppradam
Vipulam naama sadrusam dhanadam vijabhidam
1. Dherawa - Dhana -Dhanya Sampaththi - Wealth and food (Not in use)
2. Dhana - Wealth
3. Jaya - Winning in all respect
4. Nanda - Loss of women
5. Khara - Loss of all resources and fortune
6. Kantha - Bless with children
7. Manorama- Bless with all resources
8. Sumukha/Suwakthra - Bless with food
9. Durmukha - Displeasing and disagreeable
10.Ugra - Suffering/sorrow /unhappiness
11.Ripuda - Fear of enemies
12.Dhanada - Wealth
13.Nasha - Loss of everything
14.Aakranda - Sorrow
15.Vipula - Bless with all resources
16.Vijaya - Wealth, health and prosperity
How to select the exact point for the entrance- Await for the next article
Page # 92 / 95
Direction guide for the following figures
1. Dherawa 2. Dhana 3. Jaya 4. Nanda
5. Khara 6. Kantha 7. Manorama 8. Sumukha/Suwakthra
9. Durmukha 10.Ugra 11.Ripuda 12.Dhanada
13.Nasha 14.Aakranda 15.Vipula 16.Vijaya
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Astro Tips
Random Thoughts
Respected Elders and Dear friends. Since I am arduous student of Hindu system of Astrology, so as a habit I keep noting the valuable points discussed by learneds time and again for gaining personal experience. I wish to share some of them with astro lovers.
Dr Raman Thakker ( Reputed astrologer of Bombay) once discussed the following. Fortunately one of my friend noted them and shared with me.
A: In case of Kumbha (Aquarius) lagna (ascendant) and if Saturn is posited in 6th house, avoid taking even legal money from him, since such money will siphon out your money too. (also remember Aquarious is a sign of collective ).
B: Jupiter when transits over natal Jupiter or transits in 5th, 7th , 9th house (from moon) it gives good results.
C: In case adverse bhukti is operational but when Jupiter transits over such Bhukti lord or by aspect Jupiter influence bhukti lord , the adverse results of such bhukti lord are checked.
D: When natal Jupiter comes under the aspect of Transit Saturn or vice versa the profession/business takes new mode/ new turn. The Jupiter considered as Jiva and Saturn considered significator of Ajivika (livelihood). The potential impact depends upon the basic strength of Jupiter and Saturn in natal chart.
E: Natal chart position of venus (i) in Capricorn (ii) in Ashwani 1st pada (iii ) Kritika 3rd pada gives disturbances in married life. ?? Mars in Libra Natal chart also gives disturbed marriage. These conditions have nothing to do with what bhava (house) Venus or Mars is posited.
( With regards I add that I am not satisfied on these points coz in every such cases it does hold good.)
E: When Karaka planet transits in debilated position and Karaka in natal chart is weak the adverse results are faced.
The following is in my diary noted some 10-12 years back, but sorry I do not remember the source.
Retrograde Jupiter in a native chart : (1) gives an inner sense of propriety and righteous ;
(2) God loving /God fearing, so making to believe in fate/destiny to will , rather than work assiduously at long term project ; (3) gives tremendous courage and optimism ; (4) mostly non humorous ; (5) A split social / religious background. (6) A revolutionary parent/guardian. (7) Unsatisfied home background. (8) either positive or negative (depending upon other factors) but an over inflated sense of valour. (9) tunnel vision about education i.e single focus education and passionate with research. (10) enthusiastic identification with tribalism. (11) Instinctive sense of justice. (12) One at odd with the familys’ idea of proper behavior. (13) somewhat easy going type of persons . (14) frequently gifted in some way. (15)
Retrograde Jupiter and Sun in opposition in a native chart : (1) manifests inflation of the Sun’s power as a vehicle for ego magnified . (2) Genuine allegiance to an omniscient organizing principle based on secret but natural laws. (3) Sense of personal destiny. (4) Difficult person : Dogmatic (authoritarian) and obsessive (infatuated) . (5) Little patience for boring tasks. (6) Meticulous organization of details. (7) At times Bipolar moods (8) At times Outrageous visions (during malefic planets major / sub periods. (9) Source of inspiration. (10) Arm chair philosophers with great inner wisdom at ease. ( in contrast to lonely wanderers) . (11) if Sun is in Leo the natives personal identity will bound up with purpose of life, enacted in an admirable way.
I quote the following what I gathered from Astrological Magazine way back in 1976. That really materialized in my family horoscopes which were meticulously prepared and stands the time testing :
PARIVARTAN YOG : Exchange of houses / constellations by planets : Exchange Phenomena reveals that either it is Houses exchange or Constellations exchange between two planets, the 1st planet in his own sub period will give the result of the 2nd planet .and the 2nd planet in his sub period in the major period of the 1st planet will give the result of the ist planet. Additionally in a Planetary house exchange one planet will delegate his power of lordship involved in the exchange to other planet. Also in the exchange if some how any trik house (6th,8th,12th )is involved then that would materialize as Vipreet Raj Yog.
Another quote from Astrological Mag. By Mr. A.S Murthy :
Life over the earth is Gods’plan. ! The horoscope is his secret time table. !!
No man can find out all the secrets there. ! Our great sages could unravel many of them.!!
Varahmihira Quote :
It is not possible for a non sage to reach even mentally the other shore of great ocean of astrology.
(pity on the number of charlanters now a days predicting what not !)
Enjoy & bless : Yours Dearly :
Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur
Respected Elders and Dear friends. Since I am arduous student of Hindu system of Astrology, so as a habit I keep noting the valuable points discussed by learneds time and again for gaining personal experience. I wish to share some of them with astro lovers.
Dr Raman Thakker ( Reputed astrologer of Bombay) once discussed the following. Fortunately one of my friend noted them and shared with me.
A: In case of Kumbha (Aquarius) lagna (ascendant) and if Saturn is posited in 6th house, avoid taking even legal money from him, since such money will siphon out your money too. (also remember Aquarious is a sign of collective ).
B: Jupiter when transits over natal Jupiter or transits in 5th, 7th , 9th house (from moon) it gives good results.
C: In case adverse bhukti is operational but when Jupiter transits over such Bhukti lord or by aspect Jupiter influence bhukti lord , the adverse results of such bhukti lord are checked.
D: When natal Jupiter comes under the aspect of Transit Saturn or vice versa the profession/business takes new mode/ new turn. The Jupiter considered as Jiva and Saturn considered significator of Ajivika (livelihood). The potential impact depends upon the basic strength of Jupiter and Saturn in natal chart.
E: Natal chart position of venus (i) in Capricorn (ii) in Ashwani 1st pada (iii ) Kritika 3rd pada gives disturbances in married life. ?? Mars in Libra Natal chart also gives disturbed marriage. These conditions have nothing to do with what bhava (house) Venus or Mars is posited.
( With regards I add that I am not satisfied on these points coz in every such cases it does hold good.)
E: When Karaka planet transits in debilated position and Karaka in natal chart is weak the adverse results are faced.
The following is in my diary noted some 10-12 years back, but sorry I do not remember the source.
Retrograde Jupiter in a native chart : (1) gives an inner sense of propriety and righteous ;
(2) God loving /God fearing, so making to believe in fate/destiny to will , rather than work assiduously at long term project ; (3) gives tremendous courage and optimism ; (4) mostly non humorous ; (5) A split social / religious background. (6) A revolutionary parent/guardian. (7) Unsatisfied home background. (8) either positive or negative (depending upon other factors) but an over inflated sense of valour. (9) tunnel vision about education i.e single focus education and passionate with research. (10) enthusiastic identification with tribalism. (11) Instinctive sense of justice. (12) One at odd with the familys’ idea of proper behavior. (13) somewhat easy going type of persons . (14) frequently gifted in some way. (15)
Retrograde Jupiter and Sun in opposition in a native chart : (1) manifests inflation of the Sun’s power as a vehicle for ego magnified . (2) Genuine allegiance to an omniscient organizing principle based on secret but natural laws. (3) Sense of personal destiny. (4) Difficult person : Dogmatic (authoritarian) and obsessive (infatuated) . (5) Little patience for boring tasks. (6) Meticulous organization of details. (7) At times Bipolar moods (8) At times Outrageous visions (during malefic planets major / sub periods. (9) Source of inspiration. (10) Arm chair philosophers with great inner wisdom at ease. ( in contrast to lonely wanderers) . (11) if Sun is in Leo the natives personal identity will bound up with purpose of life, enacted in an admirable way.
I quote the following what I gathered from Astrological Magazine way back in 1976. That really materialized in my family horoscopes which were meticulously prepared and stands the time testing :
PARIVARTAN YOG : Exchange of houses / constellations by planets : Exchange Phenomena reveals that either it is Houses exchange or Constellations exchange between two planets, the 1st planet in his own sub period will give the result of the 2nd planet .and the 2nd planet in his sub period in the major period of the 1st planet will give the result of the ist planet. Additionally in a Planetary house exchange one planet will delegate his power of lordship involved in the exchange to other planet. Also in the exchange if some how any trik house (6th,8th,12th )is involved then that would materialize as Vipreet Raj Yog.
Another quote from Astrological Mag. By Mr. A.S Murthy :
Life over the earth is Gods’plan. ! The horoscope is his secret time table. !!
No man can find out all the secrets there. ! Our great sages could unravel many of them.!!
Varahmihira Quote :
It is not possible for a non sage to reach even mentally the other shore of great ocean of astrology.
(pity on the number of charlanters now a days predicting what not !)
Enjoy & bless : Yours Dearly :
Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur
Respected Learned Elders & Friends , I hereunder place before you the valued thoughts (as gathered by me) of Swami Shri Prabhavanand jee (Ram Krishna Mission) expressed in his commentary on PATANJALI YOGA regarding CHARACTER /SAMSKAR. PATANJALI YOGA IS A WORK OF COMPILATION AND REFORMULATION.
SUTRA ( सूत्र ) means : The bare thread of an exposition, the absolute minimum that is necessary to hold it together, UNADORNED by a single bead of elaboration. Only most essential words are used.
मन : (equal English word MOOD ) : Recording facility (which receives impressions ).
Budhi बुधि : (equal English word MIND ) : Discriminative Faculty ( which classifies these रेखorded impressions and in turn reacts to them.
Ahankar अहंकार : (equal English word Self Esteem ) : Ego sense. ( which claims these impressions for its own and stores them up as an individual knowledge?
Maharishi Patanjali speaks of control of thought waves, that too of permanent nature, which could be achieved by regularly practicing positive thoughts. Patanjali do not refer to a momentary or superficial control. Maharishi Patanjali never suggests for making your mind a blank. No spiritual advantage is ever gained by self violence. We have to unlearn the false identification created by ego sense.
Maharishi Patanjali explains the philosophical meaning of CHARACTER as under :
Take the example of lake/sea/river waves coming and dying. The waves do not merely disturb the surface of the water, they also, by their continued action, build up banks of sands or pebbles on the lake bottom. Such sand banks are much more permanent and solid than the waves themselves. That may be compared with the Tendencies, potentialities and latent states, which exist in the sub-conscious and un-conscious areas of the mind. These ( tendencies, potentialities and latent states ) are termed as SAMSKARS in SANSKRIT TEXTS.
The SAMSKARS are built up by continued action of thought waves, and they in turn create new thought waves. This process works both ways positive (+ve) and negative (-ve). One who exposes the mind to constant thoughts of anger and resentment, you can very certainly find that, these anger waves build up anger throughout in daily routine. Such personalities are commonly termed as Bad-tempered. The sum total of our SAMSKARS is in fact our character at any given moment. Although it is not easy to change the attitude (built up SAMSKARS ) but it is not impossible, just as a sand bank may get shifted and change its shape if there is a forceful tide or by forceful continued current. Likewise the SAMSKARS may be modified by the introduction of other kinds of thought waves into the mind.
Not all SAMSKARS are acquired during the course of a single human life. A child is born with certain tendencies already present in its nature.You may also call it Heredity. These in-born tendencies were acquired in former incarnations (births), as a result of thoughts and actions long since forgotten. Thus it may be one way of explaining that the individual (soul) is driven by existing SAMSKARS to seek re-birth in a certain atmosphere/environment, in a certain kind of family/parents, whose SAMSKARS are like its own and thereby to inherit the tendencies which it already possesses.
There are 5 (five) kinds of thought waves : (a) Right Knowledge. (b) Wrong Knowledge. (c) Verbal delusion. (d) sleep. (e) memory.
(a) Whatever our senses perceive is right knowledge, provided that there has been no element of delusion. Whatever we infer from our direct perception is also right knowledge provided that our reasoning is correct (positive).
(b) Wrong Knowledge : A mistaken view. As it happens when a piece of rope which is mistaken for a snake, which is because the cause of fear.
(c) Verbal delusion : Jumping to conclusions in haste.
(d) Sleep : A wave of thought about nothingness. That means dreamless sleep is not an absence of thought waves in mind.
(e) Memory : Memory is when perceived objects are not forgotten, but come back to consciousness. Where as dreaming is remembering in your sleep.
A repeated effort to follow the disciplines, which give permanent control of the thought waves of mind and practice becomes firmly grounded when it has been cultivated for a long time un-interruptedly with earnest devotion. Perseverance is utmost important. Determined effort of will / longing for makes practice perfect. Never mind if people laugh or sneer at us. Unless we are hypocrites, we shall not care what impression we make upon the onlookers. No failure is ever really a failure unless we stop trying altogether. Concentration upon a single object at a time may allow you awareness, examination, discrimination and joy.
PRAKRITI is said to be composed of 3 (Three) Guna’s. Satwa, Rajas, Tamas. As long as the 3 guna’s maintain equilibrium, Prakriti remains un-differentiated and the universe exists only in its potential state. As soon as the balance is disturbed a re-creation of universe begins., with one or other guna predominating over the rest. Hence we have the variety of physical and psychic phenomena which make up our apparent world. Such a world continues to multiply and vary its form until the guna’s find a temporary equilibrium once more and a new phase of un-differentiated potentiality begins.
Since I am also arduous student of Hindu system of Astrology so I have noticed ( not to claim experienced ) that the correctly / meticulously casted Natal Horoscope of a person gives the picture of one’s SAMSKARS , ones efforts and the result of it. Importantly the 1st , 5th , 9th & 10th houses require attention in this regard.
Yours Dearly ; Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur U.P. India ( )
Respected Learned Elders & Friends , I hereunder place before you the valued thoughts (as gathered by me) of Swami Shri Prabhavanand jee (Ram Krishna Mission) expressed in his commentary on PATANJALI YOGA regarding CHARACTER /SAMSKAR. PATANJALI YOGA IS A WORK OF COMPILATION AND REFORMULATION.
SUTRA ( सूत्र ) means : The bare thread of an exposition, the absolute minimum that is necessary to hold it together, UNADORNED by a single bead of elaboration. Only most essential words are used.
मन : (equal English word MOOD ) : Recording facility (which receives impressions ).
Budhi बुधि : (equal English word MIND ) : Discriminative Faculty ( which classifies these रेखorded impressions and in turn reacts to them.
Ahankar अहंकार : (equal English word Self Esteem ) : Ego sense. ( which claims these impressions for its own and stores them up as an individual knowledge?
Maharishi Patanjali speaks of control of thought waves, that too of permanent nature, which could be achieved by regularly practicing positive thoughts. Patanjali do not refer to a momentary or superficial control. Maharishi Patanjali never suggests for making your mind a blank. No spiritual advantage is ever gained by self violence. We have to unlearn the false identification created by ego sense.
Maharishi Patanjali explains the philosophical meaning of CHARACTER as under :
Take the example of lake/sea/river waves coming and dying. The waves do not merely disturb the surface of the water, they also, by their continued action, build up banks of sands or pebbles on the lake bottom. Such sand banks are much more permanent and solid than the waves themselves. That may be compared with the Tendencies, potentialities and latent states, which exist in the sub-conscious and un-conscious areas of the mind. These ( tendencies, potentialities and latent states ) are termed as SAMSKARS in SANSKRIT TEXTS.
The SAMSKARS are built up by continued action of thought waves, and they in turn create new thought waves. This process works both ways positive (+ve) and negative (-ve). One who exposes the mind to constant thoughts of anger and resentment, you can very certainly find that, these anger waves build up anger throughout in daily routine. Such personalities are commonly termed as Bad-tempered. The sum total of our SAMSKARS is in fact our character at any given moment. Although it is not easy to change the attitude (built up SAMSKARS ) but it is not impossible, just as a sand bank may get shifted and change its shape if there is a forceful tide or by forceful continued current. Likewise the SAMSKARS may be modified by the introduction of other kinds of thought waves into the mind.
Not all SAMSKARS are acquired during the course of a single human life. A child is born with certain tendencies already present in its nature.You may also call it Heredity. These in-born tendencies were acquired in former incarnations (births), as a result of thoughts and actions long since forgotten. Thus it may be one way of explaining that the individual (soul) is driven by existing SAMSKARS to seek re-birth in a certain atmosphere/environment, in a certain kind of family/parents, whose SAMSKARS are like its own and thereby to inherit the tendencies which it already possesses.
There are 5 (five) kinds of thought waves : (a) Right Knowledge. (b) Wrong Knowledge. (c) Verbal delusion. (d) sleep. (e) memory.
(a) Whatever our senses perceive is right knowledge, provided that there has been no element of delusion. Whatever we infer from our direct perception is also right knowledge provided that our reasoning is correct (positive).
(b) Wrong Knowledge : A mistaken view. As it happens when a piece of rope which is mistaken for a snake, which is because the cause of fear.
(c) Verbal delusion : Jumping to conclusions in haste.
(d) Sleep : A wave of thought about nothingness. That means dreamless sleep is not an absence of thought waves in mind.
(e) Memory : Memory is when perceived objects are not forgotten, but come back to consciousness. Where as dreaming is remembering in your sleep.
A repeated effort to follow the disciplines, which give permanent control of the thought waves of mind and practice becomes firmly grounded when it has been cultivated for a long time un-interruptedly with earnest devotion. Perseverance is utmost important. Determined effort of will / longing for makes practice perfect. Never mind if people laugh or sneer at us. Unless we are hypocrites, we shall not care what impression we make upon the onlookers. No failure is ever really a failure unless we stop trying altogether. Concentration upon a single object at a time may allow you awareness, examination, discrimination and joy.
PRAKRITI is said to be composed of 3 (Three) Guna’s. Satwa, Rajas, Tamas. As long as the 3 guna’s maintain equilibrium, Prakriti remains un-differentiated and the universe exists only in its potential state. As soon as the balance is disturbed a re-creation of universe begins., with one or other guna predominating over the rest. Hence we have the variety of physical and psychic phenomena which make up our apparent world. Such a world continues to multiply and vary its form until the guna’s find a temporary equilibrium once more and a new phase of un-differentiated potentiality begins.
Since I am also arduous student of Hindu system of Astrology so I have noticed ( not to claim experienced ) that the correctly / meticulously casted Natal Horoscope of a person gives the picture of one’s SAMSKARS , ones efforts and the result of it. Importantly the 1st , 5th , 9th & 10th houses require attention in this regard.
Yours Dearly ; Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur U.P. India ( )
Astronomy-Astrology Laced
It would be of interest for many to know the basis of arrangement of (sequence) planets in Vimshotri dasha system also known as Udu dasha.
The Six planets, Moon (Earth) , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Mercury & Venus revolve round the SUN.
The Ecliptic is the great circle of the celestial sphere which is the apparent path of the SUN among the stars. It is called the ecliptic because when any heavenly body is near the circle it is liable to be eclipsed i.e. deprived of the Sun’s light by some intervening body.
The Zodiac (Rashi Mandal) is a broad circle/belt, surrounding the heavens, about 16 0 (degree) wide, along the middle of which runs the ecliptic or apparent Sun’s path. It includes the path of Moon and all the principal planets (I mean, Hindu system of astrology) and contains the twelve signs or divisions reckoned its order in which they are mentioned hereunder from Aries, the point of intersection of the ecliptic and the equator : Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. A degree is the daily step of the Sun on its annual round the sky among the stars. It is the unit of Astronomical calculation. The Zodiac contains 360 0 (degree). Nearest to Sun is the Mercury. Next to it is Venus. Then comes moon (Earth) / Mars / Jupiter & then Saturn. Mercury is the smallest of all. Mercury & Venus revolve in the orbits and are never in opposition. Mercury & Venus are termed as Inner planets. Mars, Jupiter & Saturn are known as Outer planets. Other related details are tabulated hereunder. A.U is acronym for Astronomical Unit.
PLANETS Distance from Sun ( Astronomical Unit
. Mean Maximum Minimum
MERCURY 0.387 0.467 0.306
VENUS 0.723 0.728 0.718
MOON (EARTH) 1.000 1.0167 0.9833
MARS 1.524 1.666 1.381
JUPITER 5.203 5.4555 4.951
SATURN 9.539 10.069 9.008
Also the belt of ASTEROIDS is found betwixt MARS & JUPITER and betwixt MERCURY & VENUS. To my mind these ASTEROIDS would have been considered as RAHU & KETU respectively in Udu dasha (Hindu system of astrology.)
So far as the sequence order in Udu dasha for Moon(Earth), Mars, Jupiter & Saturn is concerned they fit in with the distance order shown here in above. That is the distances of planets growing more and more has been taken as a criterion to fix the order of planets. Whereas the same analogy do not fit in respect to Mercury & Venus. Although Mercury is nearer to Sun as compared to Venus but in Udu Dasha the Venus is placed immediately before Sun and Mercury is placed next to Venus.
In this regard I presume The angle between the ecliptics (orbital plane) would have been considered. Mercury is tilted about 7 0 (degree) and Venus is tilted about 3 0 23 ‘. Thus Venus tilt is less than Mercury. The sketch below based on above explanation will also interest you.
Mercury (tilt about 7 0 )
Ketu (Asteroid Belt )
Venus (tilt 0f 3 0 23 ‘ )
Distance 1.00 A.U.
Moon (Earth)
Distance 1.524 A.U.
Rahu (Asteroid belt )
Distance 5.203 A.U.
Distance 9.539 A.U.
Respected elders and friends. Read and react.
Yours dearly Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur
It would be of interest for many to know the basis of arrangement of (sequence) planets in Vimshotri dasha system also known as Udu dasha.
The Six planets, Moon (Earth) , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Mercury & Venus revolve round the SUN.
The Ecliptic is the great circle of the celestial sphere which is the apparent path of the SUN among the stars. It is called the ecliptic because when any heavenly body is near the circle it is liable to be eclipsed i.e. deprived of the Sun’s light by some intervening body.
The Zodiac (Rashi Mandal) is a broad circle/belt, surrounding the heavens, about 16 0 (degree) wide, along the middle of which runs the ecliptic or apparent Sun’s path. It includes the path of Moon and all the principal planets (I mean, Hindu system of astrology) and contains the twelve signs or divisions reckoned its order in which they are mentioned hereunder from Aries, the point of intersection of the ecliptic and the equator : Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. A degree is the daily step of the Sun on its annual round the sky among the stars. It is the unit of Astronomical calculation. The Zodiac contains 360 0 (degree). Nearest to Sun is the Mercury. Next to it is Venus. Then comes moon (Earth) / Mars / Jupiter & then Saturn. Mercury is the smallest of all. Mercury & Venus revolve in the orbits and are never in opposition. Mercury & Venus are termed as Inner planets. Mars, Jupiter & Saturn are known as Outer planets. Other related details are tabulated hereunder. A.U is acronym for Astronomical Unit.
PLANETS Distance from Sun ( Astronomical Unit
. Mean Maximum Minimum
MERCURY 0.387 0.467 0.306
VENUS 0.723 0.728 0.718
MOON (EARTH) 1.000 1.0167 0.9833
MARS 1.524 1.666 1.381
JUPITER 5.203 5.4555 4.951
SATURN 9.539 10.069 9.008
Also the belt of ASTEROIDS is found betwixt MARS & JUPITER and betwixt MERCURY & VENUS. To my mind these ASTEROIDS would have been considered as RAHU & KETU respectively in Udu dasha (Hindu system of astrology.)
So far as the sequence order in Udu dasha for Moon(Earth), Mars, Jupiter & Saturn is concerned they fit in with the distance order shown here in above. That is the distances of planets growing more and more has been taken as a criterion to fix the order of planets. Whereas the same analogy do not fit in respect to Mercury & Venus. Although Mercury is nearer to Sun as compared to Venus but in Udu Dasha the Venus is placed immediately before Sun and Mercury is placed next to Venus.
In this regard I presume The angle between the ecliptics (orbital plane) would have been considered. Mercury is tilted about 7 0 (degree) and Venus is tilted about 3 0 23 ‘. Thus Venus tilt is less than Mercury. The sketch below based on above explanation will also interest you.
Mercury (tilt about 7 0 )
Ketu (Asteroid Belt )
Venus (tilt 0f 3 0 23 ‘ )
Distance 1.00 A.U.
Moon (Earth)
Distance 1.524 A.U.
Rahu (Asteroid belt )
Distance 5.203 A.U.
Distance 9.539 A.U.
Respected elders and friends. Read and react.
Yours dearly Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur
Saturday, May 8, 2010
भागवत आचार्य श्री रमेश भाई ओझा जी की किसी कथा में उन्होंने समझाया था कि गत समय या पूर्व की ( Past ) किसी बात / चीज पर शोक होता है ! वर्तमान समय ( Present ) या वर्तमान की किसी बात / चीज पर मोह होता है ! भविषय (Future ) की किसी बात / चीज पर भय होता है ! Past का शोक Present का मोह और Future का भय ! प्रभु कृपा से विचार में आया कि शोक मोह भय को जो उच्चिषट करे या उससे उच्चाटिट करे वह है शम्भू ! शोक का श मोह का म भय का भ और उच्चिषट या उच्चाटिट का ऊ मिलकर ही तो बना है शम्भू ! यह बीज मंत्र ही मैंने मान लिया है. ! प्रार्थना में हम कहते है हर हर शम्भू ! शोक मोह भय से उच्चाटिट करके Reorient & Reorganize me . ! शोक ( PAST ) मोह ( Present ) भय ( Future ) के सन्दर्भ में आचार्य श्री रमेश भाई ओझा जी ने कई दृषटानत दिए थे ! उनको नमन ! मित्रों विचार करें आनंद लें और उचित लगे तो व्यवहार करें प्रचार करे आशीर्वाद दें ! Bhola Nath Shukla
Thursday, May 6, 2010
पन्च तत्व शब्द से आप परिचित होगे ! यह शरीर भी पन्च तत्व से बना हॆ ! भूमि गगन वायु अग्नि नीर ! छित जल पावक गगन समीर ! गुरु क्रिपा से एक दिन एक शब्द भगवान स्मरण मे आया ! इस शब्द मे पान्च अछर हे ! हर अछर से एक शब्द बना -- भूमि -- गगन -- वायु -- अग्नि -- नीर ! भगवान ! आनन्द ले ! भोला नाथ शुक्ल
Many of us know that Ganesh ji has got the privilege of being worshipped FIRST among others. We find the story in PURAN'S that GANESH ji won the race. All other contestants took more time to complete the race, whereas Ganesh ji took shortest time to complete his race. Ganesh ji raced on his charriot i.e. mouse and did PARIKRAMA of his parents BHAGWAN SHANKER and MAA PARVATI. This story gives us to ponder and find out some thing which is hidden. To my mind in the PURANS and other TEXTS True meaning is kept hidden and to decipher it we have to ponder upon under the able guidance of GURU. Fortunately I had occassions to sit near the FEET of able GURU's. As a result I got one meaning of the abovesaid. There may be other meanings too which I may not have deciphered as yet. What came to my mind is as under : Each Planet revolves the SUN. Saturn takes longest time just near to 30 years to complete one round of the SUN. (This is the length of one year of SATURN.) Jupiter takes around 12 years. (This is the length of one year of Jupiter.) MARS takes 687 days. (This is the length of one year of MARS.) Venus takes 243 days. (This is the length of one year of VENUS.) Earth takes 365 days. (This is the length of one year of EARTH.) MERCURY takes the minimum 88 days to complete the round circle. (This is the length of one year of MERCURY.) AND MERCURY IS REPRESENTED BY GANESH JI. So we can say that GANESH JI got first and is therefore priveledged to be worshipped FIRST. There u may have noticed that MARS takes 687 days to go round the SUN. There is a system in ASTROLOGY to write the numbers backwards " Aanka Naam Vaamato Gati " So accordingly we find 786 as the number. This 786 is the PIOUS number in ISLAM faith. If u relate Mars with the charactoristics of ISLAM faith u will find many astonishing similarities. See THE MANGAL Yantra provided in our astrological texts, u will find 786 is the number which is in the middle row. Mars has one synonym 'Ali' This ALI is being used as as name/surname in Muslims. etc etc So Dear Friends enjoy and comment. Bhola Nath Shukla
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I welcome all my astro gurus' and my colleague and friends to share this blog for benefitting the astro lovers globally. Academic discussions, Thumb rules, articles, suggestions, questions etc etc may kindly be posted. The blog address be told to your known astro loving circle which will create friendly atmosphere. I request to one and all that any tall claims, self praise, self advertisement like talks be deliberately avoided. No personal blaims and curt language be used please. Please join contribute and have fun.
With Regards
Bhola Nath Shukla
staunch follower of Hindu System of Astrology.
With Regards
Bhola Nath Shukla
staunch follower of Hindu System of Astrology.
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