Thursday, May 31, 2012

Journal of Astrology : Editor: Deepak Bisaria : Saturn speaks out loud and clear!

Journal of Astrology : Editor: Deepak Bisaria 29 May 2012, Saturn speaks out loud and clear! “Don’t let attachments run your life's marathon" The fever to acquire is a curse that possesses us. Life in kaliyuga begins with the gripping desire to acquire so many things in so little time. Though these acquisitions fail to bring long term satisfaction, we carry on undeterred. Emotional relationships, tangible goodies keep occupying our limited personal space. We forget the wisdom of simultaneous discard to avoid a bulge that also bursts. We tend to forget that we came with nothing and so shall go with nothing. We forget the irony of life and the wisdom that the eventual loss of all that we collect is inevitable. We forget that detachment must balance our attachment. Should we avoid Deep attachments? The deeper the attachment, the graver and more unmanageable becomes the grief in detachment. Should we not let our emotions play freely when it comes to joys of life? Sample these wrenching thoughts that astrologers regularly encounter:- The first phase: I love him. I am who I am because of him He is every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, the days we were together were the greatest days of my life. Will he come back? Second Phase: “I feel terribly lonely at times. I am depressed. I find it hard to find friends with whom I can share. Friendships always prove to be transitory. I am also cut off from my family. The only regular contact is my child but that is also not reliable. Will he ever come back? Astrologically Saturn is the reminder bell that tolls for detaching Saturn is a duty-bound significator of grief, Saturn keeps reminding us with its usual obstructions and jolts of the primary purpose of life; yet we tend to disregard its signals and ignore its messages.. As the lord of tenth and the eleventh house of the natural zodiac, it governs our karmas and gains. Being Adi Bhautik Adi Daivik - and Adhyatmik ,like every planet, it takes us to a worldly life. On the other hand as the lord of 7th and 8th houses from the 4th, the house of happiness (sukh) of the natural zodiac, it causes obstructions to sukh. It slows the pace of rapid attachments. The Parashari principle - Saturn with malefics in fifth gives breaks in education works very well. Though Saturn combines its natural signification of grief with natural and horoscopic lordships, but in totality has been found performing its basic task of taking us to varaigya (detachment). Saturn a Doer Though the dashas and transits of Saturn are colored by detachments, they are action-packed. As the lord of the tenth and eleventh of the natural zodiac, both upchaya houses, Saturn accounts the karmas. It rewards and punishes. The eleventh, a trishadhaya house, governs, besides gains, diseases and disputes also. Saturn's pace may be slow but it is undoubtedly a doer. Being (kaal), the timer Saturn's role in every aspect of life is widely accepted. The dual transit theory which emphasizes that nothing of consequence happens without the joint blessings of Saturn and Jupiter, clearly brands Saturn as the planet that is active. The research on childbirth based on this theory firms up this predictive parameter. In his recent article: "French Elections 2012: A post action analysis", Mr.K.N.Rao writes: "Anyway, it always the Jupiter-Saturn one seven position which brings out such changes when the dasha is also showing a major change" Saturn provides one of the paths to Spirituality It is preached with conviction by our spiritual Gurus that the primary purpose of life is to liquidate one's accumulated karmas to attain salvation. Our shastras too has this stated clearly. The enlightened soul transcends the body and the mind to find bliss in every nook and corner of the universe according to the experience shared by those who claim reaching salvation. Even the influence of Saturn and other planets can be transcended on reaching moksha, it is said. One among the many beliefs prevailing is that life is an opportunity granted after soul's journey to as many as 84 lacs yonis. As the karaka (significator) of the twelfth house, the house of moksha, Saturn plays a vital role in facilitating the reaching to spiritual goals. As the timer (kaal)that navigates destiny and as ayu karaka it decides life's duration and its important turns. Saturn - Moon combination is a combination for spiritual life. As per classics an end to life, mostly happens in the dasha of maraka planets but Saturn dasha on its own irrespective of whether by lordship or placement is maraka dasha can bring the end. Clearly Saturn serves as a stark reminder of life's limitations. Saturn as 10th 11th (Upachaya lord) of the natural zodiac is a doer. Nothing happens without the blessings of Saturn. We have an established research Do not ignore the knock of Saturn An old fable conveys the futility of tormenting the self for worldly attachments - “A man as a reward for faithful service received an extraordinary gift of land from his King. The gift would be all the land he could circumscribe in a day. Overwhelmed with joy the man started to draw the circle running with all his might from dawn. When he neared completion of a very large circle, he was overrun with exhaustion. Somehow he completed the impossible circle. But he died immediately from the effort. He was given six by three feet of the land which is all he needed for his grave. The moral is clear; we tend to forget that in the final analysis we need just 6X3 space. Hindus don't even need that as they burn their dead. In the end, none of us need our possessions. God wants a meaningful living, not a long life Have you ever thought how many living beings surround you? There could be 84 lac (one lac is equal to one hundred thousand) different yonis (living beings) that live with us. Close your eyes under the sky and you will feel them. Go to the mountain top to feel nature living and talking to you. Life vibrates. God has to manage all 84 lac yonis. Do not think he bothers about you alone. We have been granted a human life with a soul and a mind and we should utilize it properly by good karmas. For God you are one among billions. He wants you to live well. He has delegated to Saturn the powers to decide the duration of your life based on your karmas in a well-designed system. He is not bothered how long you live. He wants you to live well amidst the limited freewill that has been granted to you. Is a day too long or too short? The giant tortoise lives the longest, for about 177 years and the gastrotrich (a minute aquatic animal) for just three days. The Mayfly only lives for 1 day (duration of transit of Moon in one nakshatra). This gives it the shortest lifespan. The message is live well by keeping in mind life's transience and its uncertainty. Gita Perhaps was created to remind us to detach Arjuna may say that despite the theoretical understanding that the soul and the body are distinct, one may still suffer on account of the attachment to the body. Krishna assures him that simply by following one's prescribed duties one is protected from the suffering that comes from acting whimsically based on such attachments. In grahastha (married) ashram, one was educated to enjoy sex life, but in a regulated manner till one becomes naturally detached. Similarly the ksatriyas were allowed to fight and kill, but only in battle for the protection of others. Economic development and material comforts never really solve the problem of lamentation or grief. In order to get real, lasting solutions, each of us should look to spiritual solutions, which will solve the root problems and not just provide symptomatic relief. Chapter 2: Contents of the Gita Summarized Verse: 47 karmany evadhikaras te ma phaleshu kadacana ma karma-phala-hetur bhur ma te sango 'stv akarmani Translation: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty. In this verse Krishna recommends action without attachment. There are three types of possible attachments. One is attachment to the fruits of the activity ("I am the enjoyer"). Second is attachment to the activity itself ("I am the doer"). And third is attachment to not doing the activity ("false renunciation"). Arjuna was in the third category at the time of the dilemma. Based on his own mental speculation, he considers the right path for him is not to do his duty. Is Saturn working overtime to keep us on the leash? Spiritual progress is difficult to acquire despite Saturn's effort. We go to many self-styled spiritual preachers (Babas), meditate, do art of living courses and read books but life remains a ride on a rudderless boat. Often we find ourselves trapped in the stormy ocean. in unmanageable situation with loss of sense of direction, many a times. Astrologically we trace these phases to close encounters of Saturn with Moon or Moon-Rahu , Moon-Mercury, Moon-Ketu, dasha periods. From the spiritual perspective we are thrown into a storm when the leash of Saturn binding us loosens. The pull back with narrow escape happens to make us realize how vulnerable we are .Saturn seems to be reminding that you are amidst an ocean where the storm can erupt anytime. It depends on our spiritual grit how we take these reminders. Saturn in Mythology Saturn is the son of Sun "surya-putra" He is also called "chaya- putra" for his mother is Chaya. The legends about him show a fascinating light on his qualities which an astrologer can appreciate most. Our shastras reveal a few qualities of Shani:- Ganesha was born to Shiva and Parvati. It was a joyous occasion. The gods were happy. Everyone marched towards Kailash, the abode of lord Shiva and Parvati to bless the God baby. Shani also reached there with downcast eyes. The story that goes behind the downcast eyes is: " Shani was passionate He was in love with his wife. A compatible couple they were who could indulge in passion and at the same time concentrate on their prayers and meditation for spiritual progress. Their passions mismatched on a particular occasion when Shani could not read the mood of his wife who wanted to be engaged in love making .He inadvertently ignored her advances. The lady got furious on being ignored and cursed him that whatever he looked at would perish. Shani is a tapasvi (a person engaged in deep meditation). His fault was only that he was not alert of the movements around, yet he willingly accepted his fate. He, after the curse kept his eyes down, lest his gaze harm someone. Saturn with his eyes downcast blessed the Godly infant Ganesha. Goddess Parvati asked Shani to look at her son and bless him properly. Shani narrated the story of his wife's curse. He told the celestial mother that the entire universe is karma oriented. It is the karmas of Krishna that result in him being born in a God's house as Ganesha. It the karmas that make Kings and vegetable vendors, the animals and the birds, the beautiful and the bold, the ugly and the timid. It is the result of my karmas that I carry this curse. I would not cause any harm to a living thing by casting my glance at it. The ladies present there laughed at Shani as they normally do when they confront a henpecked husband. Goddess Parvati said to Shani that his gaze could cause no harm to Ganesha. There could be no power on earth that could cause harm to her son. She ordered him to look at her son. Cursed by one woman, Shani must have been wary of another curse. He looked at Ganesha. As the gaze fell on Ganesha his little head was severed and it flew off. There was no trace of it. Goddess Parvati seeing a headless infant in her lap fainted from the shock. She was grief-stricken after close encounter with the universal grief karaka (significator) Saturn. Kailash was plunged into disbelief. The assembled God and Goddesses were grief-stricken. Lord Vishnu immediately flew on his superfast Garuda. On the bank of the river he found a herd of elephants. Lord Vishnu beheaded the leader of the herd and quickly winged his way back to where the headless body of the infant, Ganesha was lying. The head was grafted on the body. Parvati was consoled by all those present and she accepted the elephant headed child. It was now that Shani standing mute and downcast was noticed by Parvati who involuntarily cursed him to be crippled. A faultless Shani was cursed the second time. The Gods protested; Shani had looked at the child only when ordered to do so and the mother Goddess was explained the likely consequences of Shani's gaze, yet it was Shani who was cursed again. The realization to Goddess Parvati did come that she had overstepped. She blessed Shani granting him detachment and concentration on the lord. The ability to be a tapasvi and yogi, a long life and the prime position in the fraternity of planet. She also softened her curse limiting it to mild lameness. Words of wisdom from Saturn - Avoid Attachment Traps Saturn who suffered most as per Hindu mythology and is the planet that makes you suffer reminds us the basic tenets of life. Do not blindly attach and do not get blinded by attachments. The legend of Rohini-Shakata The legend revolves around King Dasarath the father of the legendary lord Rama. King Dasarath was warned by his astrologers that when Saturn will enter Rohini nakshatra Rohini Shakata will take place. “This will cause untold misery to your subjects and there will be misery and pestilence of unprecedented scale" he was warned. Dasratha consulted Sage Vashishta. The sage told that Rohini was the constellation whose lord was Brahmaji himself. Once this constellation is pierced, the subjects (praja) have to suffer. There is no escape possible. King Dasarath decided to confront Saturn. He managed to reach him in the sky and requested him to change is path so that Rohini Shakata is avoided. Shani was impressed by the gutsy King. He did not cause Shakata yoga while transiting Rohini nakshatra. King Dasaratha prayed to Shani with the famous shani stotra of Padam Purana “Namah Krishnaya nilaya kshitikanth nibhaya cha......." This potent prayer was accepted by Shani and is used as a remedial measure to gain enough to bear the trials and tribulations caused by the dasha of a adversely placed Saturn in transit. The word shani also denotes the seventh day or Saturday in most Indian languages. The word shani(शनि) comes from Śanayē Kramati Saḥ (शनये क्रमति सः), the one who moves slowly, because Saturn takes 29.46 years. He is the elder brother of Yama, the Hindu god of death, who in some scriptures corresponds to the deliverance of justice. Surya's two sons Shani and Yama judge. Shani gives us the results of one's deeds through one's life through appropriate punishments and rewards; Yama grants the results of one's deeds after death. It is said that when Shani opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the Sun went into an eclipse, which clearly denotes the impact of Shani on astrological charts. He is known as the greatest teacher and well-wisher for the righteous as well the greatest punisher for those who follow the path of evil, betrayal, backstabbing and unjust revenge. He is depicted dark in color, clothed in black; holding a sword, arrows and two daggers and mounted on a crow, which is Shani's vāhana (vehicle). As protector of property, Shani is able to repress the thieving tendencies of birds. Saturn in Classics Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra The unborn lord has many incarnations. He has incarnated as the planets (nava grahas)to bestow on living beings the results due to their karmas. Saturn's avatar is koorma (tortoise) Saturn is a malefic. Saturn denotes grief. Saturn is servant. Saturn is dark in complexion. Brahma is the deity for Saturn. Saturn is a neuter. Saturn governs air vatta. Saturn rules the sudras. Saturn is tamasik. Description of Saturn: Saturn has an emaciated and long physique, has tawny eyes, is windy in temperament, has big teeth, is indolent and lame and has coarse hair. Its abode is filthy ground. Saturn governs an year (period) Saturn is strong in the West. Saturn governs useless trees. Sisira ritu. Saturn is a dhatu planet. Out of all the planets Saturn is the eldest. He bestows maximum number of years in Naisargika dasa. Phaldeepika Saturn is lame. His eyes are deepest. He has large but lean body full of veins. He is lazy by nature. The color of his body is black. There is predominance of wind in his composition. He is hard hearted and backbiter. He is dull-headed. His teeth and nails are large. His hair and limbs are stiff. He is impure. He has a fierce appearance and is ill tempered by nature. He is dressed in black clothes. He looks old. Saturn in Mundane Saturn represents agriculture, farmers, farms, land, real- estate, oil. iron ore, mines, minerals, coal, til, wool, leather, skin, animal hides. Senior citizens, old people homes, the man on streets (common man), rebellion, democracy and democratic institution, Municipal corporations, elections, labor, factory workers, strikes, discontentment and revolutions. famines , droughts emergencies, earthquakes, floods natural calamities and tragedies, fall in country's exports, difficulties in foreign exchange, wastage of public money, heavy taxes, rationing, death of prominent leaders, national mourning, overthrow of rulers, barbarians, dark persons. deceit, falsehood, secret enemies, judges, judicial system, architects, civil engineers, ascetism, insolvency, civil service, prisoners ,martyrs, Dashas of Saturn Saturn is often referred to as vichedkarka (separator) dukhkarka (grief giver) Chapter 19, shloka 23 of Phaldeepika - “The general effects during the dasa of Saturn will be acquisition of wealth consequent of war or disturbances in the country, acquisition of servants, old women, cattle buffaloes, bulls, trouble to wife and children, suffering from windy disease like rheumatism, gout. In the dasha of Saturn one becomes vulnerable to false accusations, misunderstanding with friends, loss of hopes, a lot of negativity. Grief from spouse and children. As per Maansaagri Saturn dasha gives - Losses, phlegmatic diseases like piles. Saturn is the most feared Come Saturday and you find more beggars active than usual. The unusual knock on your door comes on Saturdays alone from Shani devta begging you to donate oil and coins to calm Saturn down. Such is the fear that prevails in the name of Saturn. Sade-Saati: It is the easy to understand. Saturn transit on your rashi and its adjoining houses can be explained to a layman. The self-styled street smart astrologers use it to create fear to extort money. A dhoti and a tilak is enough for the purpose. Sun-Saturn How are they as father and son. Although everything in the solar system is believed to have been born from Sun and nurtured by it, Saturn is the only planet that astrologically is his son. The lineage and genes of Sun should therefore be carried by Saturn. The usual father and son do not get along and cannot see eye to eye. In fact Sun is such a father that no living being can see it eye to eye for long. For astrological interpretations Saturn and Sun are enemies to each other. Planets can't be known in full We know a part of them. Perhaps it is God's will that we should know only three dimensions of a planet and not the fourth or the fifth ones. Perhaps if you get to know Saturn more you may start liking it and celebrating death instead of mourning it. The grief that it causes may be viewed as a boon. It could convey a task accomplished of getting a long lingering karma liquidated. This may mismatch the pattern designed for you by God. Saturn and Medical Astrology The three outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars govern water, air and fire humors respectively. Perhaps for this reason they are known as superior planets. One can survive without water and heat for a few hours but without air, the cells starts degenerating within minutes and one can at best survive for three minutes. In medical astrology Saturn governs depression as sorrow, indolence (tamsik) are natural to it. It is slow and it is cold therefore Saturn gives diseases that get cured after a prolong treatment. It gives the common cold that puts you off temporarily. It also gives biliousness, mental agony, and tendonitis as Saturn governs tendons and muscles. Chronic incurable diseases of muscles and ligaments diseases of old age arthritis and associated backaches. Body Parts governed by Saturn i )leg ii) bones iii)muscles iv) nerves v) sinews vi)teeth vii)skin viii) hair ix)veins x)lymph glands xi)end portion of large intestines xii)anus Diseases and Saturn Disease pertaining to air humor- asthma breathing problems ii) constipation iii)stroke iv) deafness v)lameness vi)dunce (blockhead) vii) laziness viii)baldness ix)slow growth x) madness xi) paralysis xii)disease of glands xiii) elephantitis xiv)lumps xv)cancer xvi)chronic wounds xvii)accidents xix)diseases of the feet xx)hallucinations xxi)depression xxii)stomach ailments xxiii) wounds by fallen trees or stones xxiv)body defects xxv)fatigue xxvi)arthritis xxvii)disease of sinews xxviii)venereal diseases xxix)dental disease xxx)poliomyelitis xxxi)ugly hair xxxii)gout xxxiii) rheumatic fever. Saturn and Professions Saturn governs miners, coal and fuel dealers, real estate businessmen, plumbers, architects, cemetery excavators, building contractors, leather goods, hides dealers, ice-making, farm and factory labor, watchman, undertakers, priests, monks, nuns, eunuch, philosophers. Trade unionists, politicians, lawyers, consultants, metallurgy chemical, mining agriculture. Construction material advisors, people handling human resources. It makes chartered accountants when it combines with Mercury and lawyers when it combines with Mars and Jupiter. It gives civil engineering on its own. Saturn and Education History Geography, Law, prachin vidya (ancient knowledge), sociology, archeology mechanical work, engineering, geology NEWS ZONE BVB Seminars and Convocation of 15th April The first session was on career making periods, a topic of much relevance. In words of Mr. K.N. Rao “Young men and women of India’s middle, upper middle classes and the upper classes even, have one common question about their careers, the periods of rise and crisis or stagnation. In producing some case studies, students have divided them in various categories according to the dashas they got in their career making periods and how they fared. The types emerging out the classification done are more than twelve, from reaching peak to utter failure and between these two, ordinary ones, careers with jolts and recovery and career with jolts and no recovery in the crucial ages between say eighteen and thirty five.” The thirty two case studies were presented in a disciplined way. An atmosphere of confidence was witnessed with speakers stepping down from the stage with conviction. The post-lunch session on Venus Phenomenon was an attention catcher. It was brilliantly presented by Mr.Anil Singh, Mr.Dinesh Jain, Ms Anjali Jain Ms. Pammi Barhwal and Ms. Kavita Sharma. Ms. Maneeza spiritualized the auditorium with navgraha stotra and Venus stotra recitation. The strotras echoed for a long time due to the passion and force. Mr. Rao was at his best perhaps as he running Venus-Venus. In words of Mr. Rao "No astrologer can really say anything about Venus -Sun Phenomenon as it happens once in 105 to 122 years and there can be no research on it by a single astrologer...... Yet, interestingly, there is a mention of VSP in Bhadrabahu Samhita. Mr. Rao highlighted the features which were brought out in the booklet:-. Features 1. It happens once in about 125 years. 2. Venus is in inferior conjunction in such cases meaning it is between the earth and Sun. 3. It takes place only in Vrisha and Vrischika rashis. 4. It comes in pairs but not always. For instance what is happening on 8 June 2004 will repeat after eight years and then after 105 or 122 years. 5. The last such transit was in 1876. 6. In six thousand years such transits have been eighty one in Vrisha in the month of June and thirty seven in Vrischika in the month of December. A shloka in Bhadrabahu Samhita refers to this phenomenona which is very remarkable because that was the pre-telescope era though it has been said transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments. “Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882). The next two transits of Venus will occur on 2004 June 08 and 2012 June 06." There was no time left for the presentation by the senior research group and the presentation on foreign connections. While inviting the dignitaries on the dais I said astrology provokes different reactions. There may be skepticism about it outside this auditorium, but there is belief within this auditorium that astrology works. And a few of us who have experienced it closely are convinced that astrology is a super science. I further said "This Institute, a temple to the belief in astrology, came into being in July, 1987 - 25 years ago. Among the few who believed in its mission and pioneered its endeavors, only one person is present here today. He is none other than Mr.KN Rao. He has not only played a pioneering role in bringing this Institute to where it stands today but an equally pioneering role in reviving Vedic astrology world-wide. And this Institute, which is the epicenter of this movement, towers over many astrological institutes which started in these 25 years. The torch was lit 25 years ago by Mr.KN Rao. It has weathered many storms and rough times, but its glow got brighter with every passing year. Perhaps because the torch was lit from the inspiration of a Yogi Guru- Yogi Bhaskarandji. He was a sanyasi. Astrology was then practiced by saints. It is only now that we householders are engaged in it. Therefore it advisable to understand the qualities of saints and we should try to imbibe them if we have to progress in astrology”. We were honored to have some distinguished supporters of our cause to reestablish astrology as a super science in Kum. Surrendar Saini, Chairperson, Mehta Vidyalaya Managing Committee, Shri. Ashok Pradhan, Director Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi Kendra Professor N.N.Pillai, Principal, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and our Chief Guest Mr.Rahul Dev. It was delight for me to welcome them all on the happy occasion of the first convocation of the Institute in its silver Jubilee year. The awards announced at the inaugural function on 14th January 2012 for research students in the memory of the brother of Kum Surrendar Saini, Shri Ramesh Chander Chowdhari were awarded to Ms.Draupadi Rai, Mr.Ramesh Kumar and Ms.Monica Saxena . The 'Saroj Memorial Awards` for excellence in research were awarded to Shri.S.N.Chaturvedi, Ms.Remy Aggarwal, Ms. Meenakshi Priydarshini, Mr.Anil Thakur and Ms.Kavita Sharma Research Two years spent learning astrology in Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya is like exploring a long shore-line of the ocean of astrology. We make students who join us stop at select points on the shore of this vast ocean of astrology, only a part of it can be experienced in a life time. It is not possible to technically equip students with all the methods that lead to correct predictions. Only the tested and highly replicable ones are therefore taught. On successful completion of this intense two year course, the student is able to identify his aptitude and decide his future in astrology. He is able to assess his strength and weakness and can give predictions for himself. At this stage we encourage students to start with predicting for people known to them. The research program is designed in such a way so that, after picking from the available choices, the student is able to conduct research both at the individual level and in a group. The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan can claim to be a global leader in terms of both quantity and quality of astrological research. We have six groups pursuing research. With Mr.K.N.Rao to guide us, the research activity is well structured and organized. With a scientific and statistical approach, the Institute could demonstrate that Kaal Sarpa dosha, Sade Sati and many such common prescriptive approaches were exploitative and many beliefs and practices that had attached the name of astrology to extort money from the gullible were baseless. These were being used as tools by self-styled, unscrupulous astrologers for selfish gains. The Institute stood up in defense whenever astrology was attacked. Having provided the inspiration to introduce astrology as a course in universities, we alone defended it in the Supreme Court of India. In response to a petition filed by scientists who wanted the Government to discontinue teaching of astrology in universities in 2004, Mr. K.N.Rao spoke at length in the Supreme Court as defendant. The Supreme Court eventually decided in favor of teaching of astrology in universities. Our fundamental approach to research is based on utilization of the work already done in the field. Here what matters is the strength of the Institution and its astrologers. Since astrology is an ancient science and perhaps the oldest and most discussed, its learning is scattered wide across the world. Here also we need committed manpower to put it together. Though today we have the internet to aid us, the dependable input in research comes from self-tested replicability of discovered principles. Understanding today's socio economic milieu is important for modifying the results of earlier researches. A systematic investigation into existing or new knowledge, reaffirms the results of previous work, solves new or existing problems, and develops new theories. An astrological research project is essentially an expansion of the earlier work in the field for example the research on foreign connections which is based years of research of Mr.K.N. Rao and Mr.M.S.Mehta book Planets and Travel Abroad first published in 1996. Research Workshops The workshops conceptualized by Mr.K.N.Rao to facilitate exchange of research among the six research classes in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan began on 12th May with the first workshop on Foreign Connections. The following points were highlighted in the workshop: i) Foreign connections are more relevant today than ever before. ii) In today's context of a globalizing, shrinking planet, even astrological assessments are incomplete without accounting for the impact of the foreign factor on education, marriage, career and even health, as we seek overseas cures for our ailments. iii) Foreign Connections are being seen as friendlier as and healthier than ever before. iv) No more do we have a social stigma or even skepticism attached to foreign connections or those connected to things foreign. v) With the fundamentals of houses, signs and planets remaining the same, the interpretation of astrological sutras, translated in medieval times and the late 19th century, need thorough modification to become relevant today. vi) Interpretation in accordance with the principles of desh, kaal, paatra is the thumb rule to follow. vii) A friendly foreign connection helps us develop our economy, culture and even astrology. viii) Economic interdependence is the key to progress. Culture benefits and grows when fertilized with other cultures. Similarly, astrology develops when exchanged since astrological sutras lie scattered all across the globe ix) The signs and rashis which play a role in promoting foreign travel have now been further researched. Earlier the activation of watery signs indicated a journey abroad as the voyages undertaken by sea. Today, you travel by air; hence there should be activation of airy signs. The signs have found to be indicating the direction in which the person is likely to travel particularly on application of Jaimini Chara dasha. x) Affliction of the 4th house from the Lagna, Moon or the mahadasha nath is a strong indicator of movement from one own country to a foreign country. xii) The dasha of Rahu brings strong possibilities of moving to a foreign destination or mixing with foreigners. xii) A strong 12th house and a strong 7th house indicate success in a foreign country. xiii) Migration to a foreign country or frequent travel and changes are seen more in case of people with moveable signs. xiv) Good rajyogas and Dhanyoga were activated during the period they went abroad for going to a foreign land is associated with prosperity. xv) Return back to one's own country is observed when the dasha turns favorable for the house from the Lagna, Moon and the Mahadasha nath. xvi) If Rahu takes people to foreign countries to associate with people of a different race and religion, Jupiter dasha has been found bringing them back to their own country. This workshop was followed by the workshop titled Intricacies of Dasha-a microscopic view of Divisional Charts. The workshop reminded everyone to refer to the divisional charts without fail. Mr. K.N.Rao's emphasis on divisional charts is well known. The presentation had some original thinking. Silver Jubilee Year celebrations To commemorate the Silver Jubilee in 2012 of the Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan it is proposed to have some memorable celebratory functions/publications. The suggestions are wide ranging from bringing out ‘Late Shri S.L. Shakdhar Memorial Volume’ which will have the history of the institute written by Mr.K.N. Rao and research articles by faculty members to seminars, cultural programs, medals and awards. The celebrations schedule and content is yet to be finalized. International Vedic Astrology Program 2012 After the success of the program in December, 2011, it is proposed to have a modified international program from 25th October, 2012 to 10th November, 2012. We shall shortly release the schedule and the lesson plans. Business and Economy With a relatively, negative chaitra shukla pratipada horoscope for New Delhi for 2012 and the Sun-Venus phenomenon on 6th June, 2012, the economic situation is likely to deteriorate further. Venus represents currency and the auto industry. As mentioned in my earlier writings though the American economy will improve and Obama will emerge stronger than before, India, Pakistan and China will not prosper. Considering the New Year charts for 2012-13 and 2013-14 there is no respite seen. External threats will continue and are likely to destabilize the region. How much will it rain this year? Considering the chaitra charts and Venus there rains are not likely to be normal though the meteorological department has forecasted ninety nine percent of the standard rainfall.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Profession : जातक पारिजात : श्री पाथी जी चेन्नई द्वारा व्याख्या

‘Profession’: in “Jathaka parijatha” :: Count from Lagna or from the Moon sign and note which Planet OCCUPY the tenth house. Say, one can acquire wealth from father if Sun occupies that house. Similarly moon in that house fetches wealth from Mother and so on. 2. Then find out LORD of 10th house counted from Lagna, The Moon and Sun (in that order). Note in Navansha sign, the strongest of these three is parked. THE LORD OF THAT NAVANSHA SIGN is the indicator of the profession in which the natal will be committed in his working life. THEY ARE: SUN: Medicine, wool, water, grain, gold, pearl, in a post under ruling Govt etc; MOON: connected with water and sources, agriculture, handling or involving in conterversial matters, apparel etc., MARS: metallurgy, war, rubber fire, daring acts; MERCURY: arts, poetry, recite manthras, mathematics, priests, clerks etc.; JUPITER: teacher, judge, law, advisor, senior positions etc.; VENUS: gold, Vehicles, animals, jiggery, food, female/male etc.; SATURN: servants, carpenter, menial jobs, unclean errand etc. (Take 1 and 2 to arrive at the net gain in profession or connections)-Ananthanarayana Venkatachala Pathi

Monday, May 21, 2012

आपसी संबंध ज्योतिषीय आंकलन : By Sri AV Pathi F.B. Astrology & Remedies page

RELATIVE: good and bad relationship a natal will have with a relative (This code becomes important THE RULES FOR DETERMINING THE NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP THAT THE NATIVE WILL HAVE WITH A RELATIVE OF HIS/HER ARE AS FOLLOWS: (i) A malefic planet or a owner of the sixth , eighth or the twelfth house, placed in the house representing the relative or aspecting it, OR (ii) The owner of the house of the relative placed in sixth, eighth or the twelfth house from the ascendant, OR (iii) The owner of the house of the relative is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house counted from the owner of the first house, etc. An afflicted or badly places KARAKA for the relative will indicate that the native will NOT HAVE GOOD RELATIONS with that concerned relative of his. The following are the list of relatives referred to: (a) Ex: Saturn is the son of SUN and Sun represents Father of the natal; (b) Mercury is the son of MOON, representing Mother of the natal; (c) Lord of second house represents near in family, and those to be fed and maintained by the native; (c) Lord of third house represents cousins (next and near to him), neighbours, colleagues and friends of family; (d) Mother’s near relatives; (e) hatred due to physical attraction and rejection of those confronted, friends of wife, Father’s father, Elder brother’s/sister’s spouse; (e) Step mother (those with affinity with father of natal), Maternal uncle/aunt; (f) partner in life, rivals, adversaries, adopted child, second born child to natal; (g) split between friends and partners, partners in finance and unearned wealth; (h) Younger brother’s/sister’s spouse, friends of elder brother/sister; (i) Mother’s partners in business, persons injuring integrity; (j) Friends, lover, Elder brother/sister, Daughter-in-law, Son – in law; (k) Mother in law/ father in law, partners in crime and looting. - Shri AV Pathi ji Chennai

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Shaneeswara Mantra

The Shaneeswara Mantra : Suryaputhro Deerghadeho Vishaalaakshah Shivapriyah | Mandachaarah Prasannathmaa peedam harathu me Shanih || सूर्यपुत्रो दीर्घदेहो विशालाक्षः शिवप्रियः। मन्दचारः प्रसन्नात्मा पीडां हरतु मे शनिः ॥

Saturday, May 19, 2012

नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को क्यों जलाया गया था..? Penned By Shri श्री श्रीपाद कुलकर्णी बांगड़ Courtsey F.B. Shri Prem Mehar Dated 19.5.2012

नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को क्यों जलाया गया था..? जानिए सच्चाई ...?? एक सनकी और चिड़चिड़े स्वभाव वाला तुर्क मियां लूटेरा था ....बख्तियार खिलजी. इसने ११९९ इसे जला कर पूर्णतः नष्ट कर दिया। उसने उत्तर भारत में बौद्धों द्वारा शासित कुछ क्षेत्रों पर कब्ज़ा कर लिया था. एक बार वह बहुत बीमार पड़ा उसके हकीमों ने उसको बचाने की पूरी कोशिश कर ली ... मगर वह ठीक नहीं हो सका. किसी ने उसको सलाह दी... नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय के आयुर्वेद विभाग के प्रमुख आचार्य राहुल श्रीभद्र जी को बुलाया जाय और उनसे भारतीय विधियों से इलाज कराया जाय उसे यह सलाह पसंद नहीं थी कि कोई भारतीय वैद्य ... उसके हकीमों से उत्तम ज्ञान रखते हो और वह किसी काफ़िर से .उसका इलाज करवाए फिर भी उसे अपनी जान बचाने के लिए उनको बुलाना पड़ा उसने वैद्यराज के सामने शर्त रखी... मैं तुम्हारी दी हुई कोई दवा नहीं खाऊंगा... किसी भी तरह मुझे ठीक करों ... वर्ना ...मरने के लिए तैयार रहो. बेचारे वैद्यराज को नींद नहीं आई... बहुत उपाय सोचा... अगले दिन उस सनकी के पास कुरान लेकर चले गए.. कहा...इस कुरान की पृष्ठ संख्या ... इतने से इतने तक पढ़ लीजिये... ठीक हो जायेंगे...! उसने पढ़ा और ठीक हो गया .. जी गया... उसको बड़ी झुंझलाहट हुई...उसको ख़ुशी नहीं हुई उसको बहुत गुस्सा आया कि ... उसके मुसलमानी हकीमों से इन भारतीय वैद्यों का ज्ञान श्रेष्ठ क्यों है...! बौद्ध धर्म और आयुर्वेद का एहसान मानने के बदले ...उनको पुरस्कार देना तो दूर ... उसने नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय में ही आग लगवा दिया ...पुस्तकालयों को ही जला के राख कर दिया...! वहां इतनी पुस्तकें थीं कि ...आग लगी भी तो तीन माह तक पुस्तकें धू धू करके जलती रहीं उसने अनेक धर्माचार्य और बौद्ध भिक्षु मार डाले. आज भी बेशरम सरकारें...उस नालायक बख्तियार खिलजी के नाम पर रेलवे स्टेशन बनाये पड़ी हैं... ! उखाड़ फेंको इन अपमानजनक नामों को... मैंने यह तो बताया ही नहीं... कुरान पढ़ के वह कैसे ठीक हुआ था. हम हिन्दू किसी भी धर्म ग्रन्थ को जमीन पर रख के नहीं पढ़ते... थूक लगा के उसके पृष्ठ नहीं पलटते मिएँ ठीक उलटा करते हैं..... कुरान के हर पेज को थूक लगा लगा के पलटते हैं...! बस... वैद्यराज राहुल श्रीभद्र जी ने कुरान के कुछ पृष्ठों के कोने पर एक दवा का अदृश्य लेप लगा दिया था... वह थूक के साथ मात्र दस बीस पेज चाट गया...ठीक हो गया और उसने इस एहसान का बदला नालंदा को नेस्तनाबूत करके दिया आईये अब थोड़ा नालंदा के बारे में भी जान लेते है यह प्राचीन भारत में उच्च् शिक्षा का सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण और विख्यात केन्द्र था। महायान बौद्ध धर्म के इस शिक्षा-केन्द्र में हीनयान बौद्ध-धर्म के साथ ही अन्य धर्मों के तथा अनेक देशों के छात्र पढ़ते थे। वर्तमान बिहार राज्य में पटना से 88.5 किलोमीटर दक्षिण--पूर्व और राजगीर से 11.5 किलोमीटर उत्तर में एक गाँव के पास अलेक्जेंडर कनिंघम द्वारा खोजे गए इस महान बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालय के भग्नावशेष इसके प्राचीन वैभव का बहुत कुछ अंदाज़ करा देते हैं। अनेक पुराभिलेखों और सातवीं शती में भारत भ्रमण के लिए आये चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग तथा इत्सिंग के यात्रा विवरणों से इस विश्वविद्यालय के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त होती है। प्रसिद्ध चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग ने 7वीं शताब्दी में यहाँ जीवन का महत्त्वपूर्ण एक वर्ष एक विद्यार्थी और एक शिक्षक के रूप में व्यतीत किया था। प्रसिद्ध 'बौद्ध सारिपुत्र' का जन्म यहीं पर हुआ था। स्थापना व संरक्षण इस विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना का श्रेय गुप्त शासक कुमारगुप्त प्रथम ४५०-४७० को प्राप्त है। इस विश्वविद्यालय को कुमार गुप्त के उत्तराधिकारियों का पूरा सहयोग मिला। गुप्तवंश के पतन के बाद भी आने वाले सभी शासक वंशों ने इसकी समृद्धि में अपना योगदान जारी रखा। इसे महान सम्राट हर्षवर्द्धन और पाल शासकों का भी संरक्षण मिला। स्थानिए शासकों तथा भारत के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के साथ ही इसे अनेक विदेशी शासकों से भी अनुदान मिला। स्वरूप यह विश्व का प्रथम पूर्णतः आवासीय विश्वविद्यालय था। विकसित स्थिति में इसमें विद्यार्थियों की संख्या करीब १०,००० एवं अध्यापकों की संख्या २००० थी। इस विश्वविद्यालय में भारत के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से ही नहीं बल्कि कोरिया, जापान, चीन, तिब्बत, इंडोनेशिया, फारस तथा तुर्की से भी विद्यार्थी शिक्षा ग्रहण करने आते थे। नालंदा के विशिष्ट शिक्षाप्राप्त स्नातक बाहर जाकर बौद्ध धर्म का प्रचार करते थे। इस विश्वविद्यालय की नौवीं शती से बारहवीं शती तक अंतरर्राष्ट्रीय ख्याति रही थी। परिसर अत्यंत सुनियोजित ढंग से और विस्तृत क्षेत्र में बना हुआ यह विश्वविद्यालय स्थापत्य कला का अद्भुत नमूना था। इसका पूरा परिसर एक विशाल दीवार से घिरा हुआ था जिसमें प्रवेश के लिए एक मुख्य द्वार था। उत्तर से दक्षिण की ओर मठों की कतार थी और उनके सामने अनेक भव्य स्तूप और मंदिर थे। मंदिरों में बुद्ध भगवान की सुन्दर मूर्तियाँ स्थापित थीं। केन्द्रीय विद्यालय में सात बड़े कक्ष थे और इसके अलावा तीन सौ अन्य कमरे थे। इनमें व्याख्यान हुआ करते थे। अभी तक खुदाई में तेरह मठ मिले हैं। वैसे इससे भी अधिक मठों के होने ही संभावना है। मठ एक से अधिक मंजिल के होते थे। कमरे में सोने के लिए पत्थर की चौकी होती थी। दीपक, पुस्तक इत्यादि रखने के लिए आले बने हुए थे। प्रत्येक मठ के आँगन में एक कुआँ बना था। आठ विशाल भवन, दस मंदिर, अनेक प्रार्थना कक्ष तथा अध्ययन कक्ष के अलावा इस परिसर में सुंदर बगीचे तथा झीलें भी थी। प्रबंधन समस्त विश्वविद्यालय का प्रबंध कुलपति या प्रमुख आचार्य करते थे जो भिक्षुओं द्वारा निर्वाचित होते थे। कुलपति दो परामर्शदात्री समितियों के परामर्श से सारा प्रबंध करते थे। प्रथम समिति शिक्षा तथा पाठ्यक्रम संबंधी कार्य देखती थी और द्वितीय समिति सारे विश्वविद्यालय की आर्थिक व्यवस्था तथा प्रशासन की देख--भाल करती थी। विश्वविद्यालय को दान में मिले दो सौ गाँवों से प्राप्त उपज और आय की देख--रेख यही समिति करती थी। इसी से सहस्त्रों विद्यार्थियों के भोजन, कपड़े तथा आवास का प्रबंध होता था। आचार्य इस विश्वविद्यालय में तीन श्रेणियों के आचार्य थे जो अपनी योग्यतानुसार प्रथम, द्वितीय और तृतीय श्रेणी में आते थे। नालंदा के प्रसिद्ध आचार्यों में शीलभद्र, धर्मपाल, चंद्रपाल, गुणमति और स्थिरमति प्रमुख थे। 7वीं सदी में ह्वेनसांग के समय इस विश्व विद्यालय के प्रमुख शीलभद्र थे जो एक महान आचार्य, शिक्षक और विद्वान थे। एक प्राचीन श्लोक से ज्ञात होता है, प्रसिद्ध भारतीय गणितज्ञ एवं खगोलज्ञ आर्यभट भी इस विश्वविद्यालय के प्रमुख रहे थे। उनके लिखे जिन तीन ग्रंथों की जानकारी भी उपलब्ध है वे हैं: दशगीतिका, आर्यभट्टीय और तंत्र। ज्ञाता बताते हैं, कि उनका एक अन्य ग्रन्थ आर्यभट्ट सिद्धांत भी था, जिसके आज मात्र ३४ श्लोक ही उपलब्ध हैं। इस ग्रंथ का ७वीं शताब्दी में बहुत उपयोग होता था। प्रवेश के नियम प्रवेश परीक्षा अत्यंत कठिन होती थी और उसके कारण प्रतिभाशाली विद्यार्थी ही प्रवेश पा सकते थे। उन्हें तीन कठिन परीक्षा स्तरों को उत्तीर्ण करना होता था। यह विश्व का प्रथम ऐसा दृष्टांत है। शुद्ध आचरण और संघ के नियमों का पालन करना अत्यंत आवश्यक था। अध्ययन-अध्यापन पद्धति इस विश्वविद्यालय में आचार्य छात्रों को मौखिक व्याख्यान द्वारा शिक्षा देते थे। इसके अतिरिक्त पुस्तकों की व्याख्या भी होती थी। शास्त्रार्थ होता रहता था। दिन के हर पहर में अध्ययन तथा शंका समाधान चलता रहता था। अध्ययन क्षेत्र यहाँ महायान के प्रवर्तक नागार्जुन, वसुबन्धु, असंग तथा धर्मकीर्ति की रचनाओं का सविस्तार अध्ययन होता था। वेद, वेदांत और सांख्य भी पढ़ाये जाते थे। व्याकरण, दर्शन, शल्यविद्या, ज्योतिष, योगशास्त्र तथा चिकित्साशास्त्र भी पाठ्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत थे। नालंदा कि खुदाई में मिलि अनेक काँसे की मूर्तियोँ के आधार पर कुछ विद्वानों का मत है कि कदाचित् धातु की मूर्तियाँ बनाने के विज्ञान का भी अध्ययन होता था। यहाँ खगोलशास्त्र अध्ययन के लिए एक विशेष विभाग था। पुस्तकालय नालंदा में सहस्रों विद्यार्थियों और आचार्यों के अध्ययन के लिए, नौ तल का एक विराट पुस्तकालय था जिसमें ३ लाख से अधिक पुस्तकों का अनुपम संग्रह था। इस पुस्तकालय में सभी विषयों से संबंधित पुस्तकें थी। यह 'रत्नरंजक' 'रत्नोदधि' 'रत्नसागर' नामक तीन विशाल भवनों में स्थित था। 'रत्नोदधि' पुस्तकालय में अनेक अप्राप्य हस्तलिखित पुस्तकें संग्रहीत थी। इनमें से अनेक पुस्तकों को अपने साथ ले गये थे . Penned By Shri श्री श्रीपाद कुलकर्णी बांगड़ Courtsey F.B. Shri Prem Mehar Dated 19.5.2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

पपीता के अनूठे गुण : By Smt Urmil Jain N Delhi

papaya Papaya (Carica papaya) belongs to genus of the plant family Caricaceae. Papaya is known by other names such as papaw, or pawpaw. 'Lechosa' a term, used for the latex or milky sap released by plant parts of papaya tree, is popular for papaya in the Dominican Republic. Papaya is a fast growing plant that can grow upto 3 m every year. Christopher Columbus referred to the fruit of papaya plant as "the fruit of the angles" probably because of the luscious taste of the fruit. Papayas are rich in antioxidants, minerals and fiber. Papain, an enzyme produced from the dried latex, is found in the fruit and other parts of the papaya tree is extracted for its use in dietary supplements. High nutritive value of the tropical fruit and its richness in medicinal properties makes it a valuable fruit crop as evidenced by the 6 million tonnes of total annual production in the world. Origin of the papaya cultivation is believed to be in South Mexico and Costa Rica. Of this, 3 million tonnes is produced by India alone which is the leader in papaya fruit production. Brazil, mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia, China, Peru, Thailand and Philippines are other leading producer of the papaya. Papaya Nutritional properties Richness of papaya fruit in different vitamins, antioxidants, dietary minerals and fiber makes it highly nutritious fruit. Its an excellent source of Vitamin A and C; good source of dietary minerals potassium, folate, vitamin E, K , flavonoids, carotene and dietary fiber.Low calories, small amount of calcium, iron, riboflavin, thiamine and niacine and sodium makes it good fruit for consumption. Seeds, pulp and skin of the fruit contain various polyphenols. Antioxidant levels in fruit are believed to increase with ripening of the fruit. Different plant parts like stem, leaves and fruits contain plenty of latex that is rich in papain (vegetable pepsin, a mixture of protein degrading enzymes) and chymopapain. However, both the enzymes dissipates with the ripening of fruit. Unripe fruit and young leaves of the papaya contain an alkaloid compound known as carpaine. Glycosides 'sinigrin' and 'caricin' are found in the seeds of the papaya fruit. Ripe papaya in small quantities do not exhibit teratogenic characteristics. Leaf and bark papaya extract is used effectively to keep gums healthy and reduce toothaches. Fruit juice of the papaya has been used widely for treatment of warts, corns, indurations of skin, tumors and cancers. The ripe papaya fruit has been used extensively for treatment of rheumatism and alkalizing the urine, The leaves are believed to work as a poultice on nervous pains and elephantoid growths, The latex was used for treating skin infections such as psoriasis, ringworm, dyspepsia, The latex also finds mention for use by people in several countries as antiseptic application or to heal burns or scalds, or smeared on the cervix as an ecbolic. ~ Allergies & adverse reactions Although papaya juice papaya seeds are considered relatively safe for oral consumption, latex (topically) may be a severe irritant and vesicant in sensitive people. Gastric irritation may be caused by papaya leaves if used in large quantities. Medicinal properties All the above ground parts of the papaya plant are used for medicinal purposes. Papaya is used either in a form of fermented papaya, herbal teas, tablets and fresh fruit. Enzymes 'papain' and 'chymopapain' found in papaya are very useful in digestion of food. Papain enzyme breaks down the proteins from the food into amino acids. Chymopapain is suggested for treatment of slipped spinal disc and pinched nerves. Safety of administration of enzyme still remains a concern for researchers. It also reduces the severity of Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Papaya is known to prevent cholesterol oxidation because of its high antioxidant content. Papaya strengthens the immune system and prevents the recurrent colds and flu. Papaya juice replenishes the good intestinal bacteria destroyed by the antibiotics used for treatment of ailmengts. Research studies have shown that papain the enzyme can destroy intestinal parasites. Urmil Jain

टमाटर के अनूठे गुण : By Smt Urmil Jain N Delhi

Tomato: Traditional medicinal use Tomato is termed as "the most popular vegetable fruit". Tomato is cooked as vegetable alone or in combination with potato besides eaten raw when ripe. It is a fruit of good nutritive value as it is fairly rich in vitamins (vitamin C), and other minerals like calcium, phosphorus and iron. Considering its low cost, it qualifies for inclusion in the daily diet of young and growing children. There are several misbeliefs associated with tomato consumption. ~ It is believed that tomato causes hypertension. However, there are no scientific evidences available to correlate the intake of tomatoes with hypertension. In fact,tomatoes are high in gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), a compound that can help bring down blood pressure. Arecent study has confirmed that tomato and tomato sauce lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. ~ Effectiveness of tomatoes in lowering blood pressure is attributed to lycopene, a chemical present in tomato. ~. Tomato extract contains carotenoids such as lycopene, beta carotene, and vitamin E, (known as effective antioxidants) to inactivate free radicals, and to slow the progression of atherosclerosis. ~ Consumption of tomato may lead formation of gall bladder stones due to presence of purine and oxalic acid in the fruit. ~ Chemical analysis of tomato shows that it contains less purine (11 mg/100g) than carrots (17 mg), potatoes (16 mg), cabbages (32 mg) and other vegetables. Oxalic acid content of tomato is relatively less than beets, potatoes, cucumber and lettuce. Experts now recommend inclusion of tomatoes in the diets of gall bladder patients. ~. It may aggravate gout problems and uric acid diseases. ~ In fact, tomato is inclluded in the diet as it has uric acid lowering effect. Traditionally different plant parts of the tomato as well as juice and extract are being used orally, externally and internasally to treat several health related problems in several countries. Literature review suggests use of fresh fruit juice to induce vomitting in children in case of food poisoning in Fiji. Here, people use fresh juice extract to stop excessive bleeding from wounds. Likewise, it is used externally in Greece to treat furuncles.In Italy, it is used to cure scorpion and other insect bites. Here, people use tomato fruit as a caustic. Fresh tomato fruit is used for different purposes in several other countries. In Mexico, it is used externally as febrifuge whereas in Philippines, the fresh fruit is used to treat edema by pregnant women. The fresh fruit is used by Americans orally for kidney and liver problems, as a cathartic and also to keep good digestion. . Urmil Jain

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

भास्कराचार्य की अपनी बेटी लीलावती एक महान गणितज्ञ एवं खगोल शास्त्री : By Shri Darshan Baweja

उत्तर : सत्रहवी शताब्दी में यूरोप में महिलाओं को समान अधिकार नहीं थे। तब गणित पढ़ना औरतों के लिए बुरा माना जाता था। इसे पुरुषों का काम समझा जाता था। शायद यही कारण है कि इतिहास में महिला गणितज्ञों की इतनी कमी रही है। सोफी जर्मैन फ्रांस की और लीलावती भारत की पहली महिला गणितज्ञ थी। भारत में गणित की जड़े बहुत पुरानी और गहरी हैं परन्तु महिला गणितज्ञ के रूप में अभी तक प्राचीन महिला गणितज्ञ के रूप में 12 वी शताब्दी में लीलावती नाम की महिला जानी-मानी गणितज्ञ थी। सन्‌ ग्यारह सौ चौदह ईस्वी में जन्मे भास्कराचार्य को संसार के एक महान गणितज्ञ के रूप में जाना जाता है पर उनके गणित के ग्रन्थ लिखने में उनकी बेटी लीलावती का भी बहुत बड़ा हाथ रहा था। जब विवाह के एक वर्ष बाद ही लीलावती के पति की मृत्यु हो गयी और लीलावती अपने पिता के घर में ही रहने लगी। लीलावती को अपने पिताजी के ज्ञान पर और ज्योतिष पर बहुत विश्वास था। उनकी की गणना के अनुसार ऐसा होना ही था। भास्कर से अपनी विधवा पुत्री की हालत देखी नहीं जा रही थी इसलिए वो उसे किसी कार्य में व्यस्त रखना चाहते थे इसके लिए गणित उनके पास एक अच्छा विषय था। लीलावती को भी अपने पिता पर भरोसा होने लगा था। वह पिता के साथ ही गणित और ज्योतिष के अध्य्यन में जुट गयी। भास्कराचार्य ने अपनी बेटी लीलावती को गणित सिखाने के लिए गणित के ऐसे सूत्र निकाले थे जो काव्य में होते थे। वे सूत्र कंठस्थ करना होते थे। उसके बाद उन सूत्रों का उपयोग करके गणित के प्रश्न हल करवाए जाते थे। कंठस्थ करने के पहले भास्कराचार्य लीलावती को सरल भाषा में, धीरे-धीरे समझा देते थे। वे बच्ची को प्यार से संबोधित करते चलते थे, "हिरन जैसे नयनों वाली प्यारी बिटिया लीलावती, ये जो सूत्र हैं...।" बेटी को पढ़ाने की इसी शैली का उपयोग करके भास्कराचार्य ने गणित का एक महान ग्रंथ लिखा, उस ग्रंथ का नाम ही उन्होंने "लीलावती" रख दिया। इस तरह गणित अपने पिता से सीखने के बाद लीलावती भी एक महान गणितज्ञ एवं खगोल शास्त्री के रूप में जानी गयी। आज गणितज्ञो को गणित के प्रचार और प्रसार के क्षेत्र में लीलावती पुरूस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाता है। आजकल भारत में लडकियां गणित में रूचि लेने लगी हैं और विश्व समुदाय की भी धरणा बदली है। शकुंतला देवी का नाम तो गिनीज बुक में भी है। By Shri Darshan Baweja.


RECONCILIATION OF TRANSIT RESULTS AND DASHA BUKTI - We all know, that there are two parallel deductions to cause a result in reading a birth chart of a natal. They are 1. Directional results of Dasha Bhukti and transit results of planets in various houses in the Zodiac houses in specific periods. Interestingly, both are based on Moon sign only, where the Star in which the natal is born. We also know that, a. If transit results and Dasha Bhukti results indicate good results, then the period will be good; b. If one of them indicates good time, and other is bad, the results will be ‘mixed’; c. If both to indicate badly, then the result in that period will be bad. This explains a possible gradation of results affected by transit of a selected planet related to the transit of the same plant, based on its positional performance expected of it. We all know the succession of ‘Thaaraathi (Star) pathya’ based on star at birth with that of Dasha related, and successive Dasha’s of listed succeeding Dasha’s. The list is 1. Janma Nakshatra; 2. Sampath Tara; 3. Vipath Thara; 4. Kshema Thara; 5. Prathyak Thara; 6. Daivanukula Thara; 7. Vadha (Nidhana) Tara; 8. Mithra Thara; and 9. Parama Maithra. These repeat in next 9 successive Stars. The results are based on its qualifications listed above. - TRADITION APPLIED IN HINDU ASTROLOGY ON ‘SHODASAVARGAS’ OF 16 DIVITIONAL CHARTS: Principle behind dividing Zodiac houses and to reach the correct effects of radiation of planets housed in Birth Chart: Creating sub- cycle charts and its practical application is not a complicated. Each division of the circle into a subordinate number of cycles or circles has its own significance. This ‘significance’ is derived by the symbolism of the number by which the division is made. By dividing up the original circle of Zodiac into a number lesser circles one is, in effect, considering the distribution of the natal positions within the sub-circle of a particular horoscope. Let us take ‘Navansha’, the nine divisions of a house in Zodiac of 30°, to measure each house of 3° 20’ x 9. This technique as one in which each sign is divided by a particular number – in this case nine- but in point of fact, the whole circle by nine (one Pada) and divide each of those nine divisions into little Zodiac of twelve signs and this forms a VARGA. This is a in depth way of interpreting the chart , in addition to use newer aspect combinations. The several places in birth chart the planets are parked in specific places. The priority of assessment of the planet in the main chart should be assessed, as benefic or malefic, along with positional aspect in housing as well as other planets. THIS IS BASIC FUNCTIONAL QUALITY OF THE PLANET AN WILL NOT CHANGE IN THE RE-ALLIGNMENT GAINED BY PLANET IN DIVISIONAL CHART. However, after computation of the planets ‘Ashtagavarga’, it could be found in that particular divisional Rasi in the divisional chart has more countings on the banific side than in the malefic side. Now we are entering into the complicated process of assessment on gradation of the functioning ability of the Planet. Varahamihira too has said in his work ‘Yatra” about the inability to produce effects on the part of planets devoid of strength owing to their depression, defeat in planetary war, or combustion in the natal birth chart. This will largely ‘graded’ by divisional charts for the performance of the planet in the related divisional chart among 16 of them Ashtagavargas are used in connection with transit also. For example Saturn transiting 3rd, 6th, 11th houses from the placement of Moon in the natal chart is good provided it is to be benific in places at distance of 4 houses from the natal Moon. Then he will give very good results in the accounted period. However, the related results will be reflected with the power bestowed in Ashtagavargas based on the position of each of the planets occupy at the time of birth. - Pathi Sri AV Pathi Chennai

Sunday, May 13, 2012

षोड्स वर्ग : By Shri AV Pathi Chennai ( Astrology & Remedies F.B.Page)

SHODASAVARGAS :: There are 16 Vargas (Degree Divisional Charts) including RASI CHAKRA, and the Navansha. Rasi Chakra is also considered and included to be a Varga. (Mantheswara advocates using 10 Varga Charts, where as Parasara uses 16 Divisional charts). The total list consists as: 1. Rasi Chakra – individual comprehensive birth chart; 2. Hora – wealth; 3. Drekkana – happiness through siblings / effort and progress in general; 4. Chathurthamsa – fortune; 5. Septhamsa – Children, their attention/contribution in happiness to the natal; 6. Navansha – married life; 7. Dasamsa – career and status; 8. Dwadasamsa – parents and heredity; 9. Shodasamsa – happiness through ownership/conveyance/immovable properties; 10. Vimsamsa – spiritual life; 11. Chathurvimsamsa – academic achievements; 12. Bhamsa – Strength and weakness/body and mind; 13. Trimsamsa – good or bad luck and identifications on quality of natal/particularly the chastity grade of individual; 14. Khavedamsa – auspicious and in auspicious effects; 15. Akshavedamsa – general indications/growth in life; 16. Sashtiamsa – general growth of progress. (HORA SASTRA by Parasara). Each of these charts represents different phase of life adding insight uncovering many subtleties, which my not surface in the Rasi Chakra study alone. ……….Pathi

Thursday, May 3, 2012

विजय गोयल जी का विशिष्ट लेख : नाडी पद्धति :

Saturn : 1. Wherever Saturn sits he creates Ups & Down in the 4th house from it, in minimum any one signification of that house. This becomes his Karmic House called as Shani’s Previous Lives House. He will first create up & then down in the significations of the house or at times even the reverse, basically he will create Fluctuations. 2. Wherever Saturn sits, he becomes Judge Dread or Emperor and he shouts ‘I Am the Law’. a) It is that house where b) Karma is unfinished & you ‘Need’ to finish it. c) You will or can make mistakes concerning significations of that house d) You will be judged for your mistakes – there is no 99% in this. e) If the Universal Law is not followed in that house, Saturn will destroy that house as He is the Law. 3. Wherever Saturn sits he spoils/destroys/activates, one of the significations of the 2nd house from it: That He passes on the judgment of this house (where he is placed) on to the 2nd house from it. 4. Saturn implements its energy in the 6th house from itself in the 28th year. 5. Saturn’s 3rd aspect implements itself in the 20th year. Jupiter : 6. When Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in any house, at least one signification of the sign of Aries, whichever house it occupies, will be spoiled/activated/destroyed or for the prosperity of that house to manifest, lots of efforts need to be put in. 7. Wherever Jupiter sits he creates Ups & Down in the 10th & 6th house from it, in at least one significations of that house. This becomes his Karmic House called as Jupiter’s Previous Lives House. He will first create Up & Down in the significations of the house which means fluctuations. He will destroy at least one signification of that house. 8. If Jupiter is exalted, then it implements its sensitive strongest energy in the sign of Aquarius & it might even destroy one of the significations of the house hosted by Aquarius. a) Jupiter in Cancer implements its strongest energy in the mooltrikona Rasi of Saturn that is Aquarius b) It sometimes ends up destroying very badly one of the significations of the house represented by Aquarius Rasi. 9. BSP rule is where Jupiter sits its 9th aspect gives effects in the 22nd year of one’s life 10. Jupiter will implement itself in the 9th house from the place it is located in a chart and/or the house where it is located in the 40th year of a native’s life. a) Jupiter’s 9th aspect rule – 40th year: b) Jupiter will implement its 9th aspect in the 9th house from the place it is located in the 40th year of a native’s life. c) Jupiter will implement itself in the house where he is located in the 40th year of a native’s life. 11. Jupiter 5th aspect rule in 32nd year: Jupiter will implement its 5th aspect in the 5th house from the place it is located in the 32nd year of a native’s life. a) At ‘Times’ it has been observed that this 32nd year implementation also can happen in the same house. b) Jupiter’s 5th aspect has a Special ‘Unlocking’ characteristic & a ‘Purva Puniac Characteristic’ (Previous Life Results). This must not be ignored. c) The 3rd house from this 5th house (aspect) of Jupiter i.e. 7th house from Jupiter, will ‘Control’ or ‘Influence’ the results of this 5th aspect. In effect one can say that Jupiter’s 7th aspect can also be implemented in the 32nd year. d) Jupiter is karaka for children, prosperity (Vriddhi) is to be kept in mind & also can be the worst malefic at times irrespective of lordships. 12. BSP rule is where Jupiter sits it also gives effects in the 69th year of one’s life for that house. Rahu 13. Rahu implements itself in the 6th from itself in the 38th year of a native. 14. BSP rule is where Rahu sits it gives effects more in the 37th year of one’s life for that house (at times) and its 9th aspect implements itself in the 37th year. 15. Rahu’s 5th aspect implements itself in the 22nd year. Ketu : 16. Ketu implements itself in the 12th from itself in the 24th year of a native’s life. Venus : 17. The house where I am given shelter or the lord I conjoin with or the lord of the house I represent will show where I can, I repeat I can & not will (100 %) contribute to the a) Medical expenses or Diseases b) At times Death c) Peeda (Dramatic Troubles) d) If I am in mood then the 12th from where I am placed could be hit by me & you would be forced to get the Sanjeevani (Miracle Herb) Bhuti for the problem but if my blessings are not there then you would not get it. All the above results will no doubt depend on other conditions but still would affect it out at least mildly irrespective of the conditions. e) Observe the position house of Venus or the Lord it combines with and that lord’s house ownership or the house Venus is lord of. f) This Venus will indicate the diseases or medical expenses that you would spend in this life. g) At times it can also indicate the nature of death. h) At times it can also indicate the ‘Dramatic Troubles - Peeda’ that you would face in your life. i) Irrespective of the sign it is placed in whether of friend or enemy or exaltation or dispositor well or ill placed or Nakshatra lord well or ill placed still this Venus can give results if it wishes. j) Venus can also afflict the 12th from it. k) Karakas in both cases of Venus and/or the conjoining lord must be used effectively. Mars 18. Wherever Mars sits in the natal chart, it implements itself in the tenth house from itself in the 27th year of the native. 19. The house where I am given shelter where I can, I repeat I can & not will (100 %) contribute to the following a) Marriage life of ‘One’ of the relative represented by that house will be spoilt or challenged or difficulty in getting married. b) Dowry taken or given by that relative or used as a tool to score points/revenge. c) Some evil done in respect to money by that relative i.e. tax evaded or unethical means of money possession. d) Some aspect of that house will be hidden and possibility of it to come out in the open later e) That relative can also have sexual disfunctionality/abnormality/obsession. f) Chronic diseases or bad end to life. g) Of course all this will depend and heightened/modified if I am in my friend’s house or enemies house and if I am under influence (aspect) of enemies or krura (harsh) graha or position in Vargas. Mercury : 20. Where Mercury sits : a) The 5th from it, Mercury will create ‘Ups & Downs or Obstacle or Supreme Troubles’ in minimum one signification of that house b) Mostly it will be Downs c) Mercury in the 5th from itself will cause a lot of free will and at the same time separation, travel or fights. d) It will also at times show the bad karma of free will that was exercised depending upon the aspects and signs. Thank you, Best Wishes, Vijay Goel Jyotish Visharad (ICAS), MBA Astrologer and Vastu Counselor, mob:+91 9214502239