Wednesday, April 10, 2013

PAN India Astrological Conference held at Kanpur on 6 th & 7 th April 2013 & managed by Kanpur Chapter ICAS !

धनलोलुपता के कारण ही ज्योतिष का ह्रास हुआ - रमेश चिन्तक
कानपुर। इंडियन कौंसिल ऑफ एस्ट्रोलॉजिकल साइंस कानपुर चैप्टर एवं चिन्तक इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ वैदिक साइंसेस के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में अखिल भारतीय ज्योतिष सम्मेलन का शुभारंभ रामलीला भवन, मेस्टन रोड हुआ। इस सम्मेलन में ज्योतिष विद्या के वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान के साथ नीति सम्मत, धर्म सम्मत उत्थान के उद्देश्य से ‘वर्तमान समय में ज्योतिष जगत में बढ़ती अतिव्यावसायिकता एवं समाज के प्रति ज्योतिषियों का उत्तर दायित्व’ विषय पर चर्चा हुई। सम्मेलन के प्रथम दिन स्व. डॉ. बी.वी. रमन मेमोरियल सेशन कार्यक्रम गणपति वंदना के साथ प्रातः 8:50 पर प्रारम्भ हुआ। कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ कोयला मंत्रालय के निदेशक डॉ. आर.एन. त्रिवेदी ने दीप प्रज्ज्वलित करके किया। डॉ. त्रिवेदी ने उद्घाटन उद्बोधन में कहा कि प्राचीन वैदिक एवं ऐतिहासिक घटनाएं कपोल कल्पित नहीं हो सकती हैं। उन्होनें कुछ पौराणिक घटनाओं के समय का भी उल्लेख किया और कहा कि विज्ञान अब कृष्ण और महाभारत काल के समय तक पहुंच चुका है। इसके बाद आईकास कानपुर चैप्टर की ओर से स्मारिका का विमोचन किया गया।
आईकास कानपुर चैप्टर के चेयरमैन एवं चिन्तक इंस्टिट्यूट के फाउंडर चेयरमैन श्री रमेश चिंतक ने बताया कि 21 वर्षों में आईकास चैप्टर में लगभग 1600 विद्यार्थियों ने ज्योतिष की विधिवत शिक्षा ग्रहण की। इसमें सभी विधा के लोग थे प्रशासनिक अधिकारी, चिकित्सक, अभियंता, पत्रकार, शिक्षक, युवा, सेवानिवृत्त बुजुर्ग व जिज्ञासु महिलाएं। ज्योतिष का अध्ययन एवं अनुसंधान धर्मध्येय है और इसका आधार ऋषियों द्वारा प्रणीत ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की स्थिति और गति पर निर्भर करता है। कोई भी विद्या अर्थकारी हो यह अपरिहार्य नहीं है। ऐसा ज्योतिष विद्या के साथ भी है। ज्योतिष विद्या से धनोपार्जन करना है तो विद्या के नीति सम्मत, धर्म सम्मत, तर्क सम्मत और विज्ञान सम्मत तथ्यों के सम्यक स्वरूप अनुसार ही धनोपार्जन किया जाना चाहिए। विद्या के प्रयोग में नितांत अर्थपरक तथ्यों का सहारा लेना कदापि उचित नहीं है, अपितु अनुचित है। जिस प्रकार शरीर को स्वस्थ एवं रोग मुक्त रखने के लिए आचार-विचार, नियम-संयम, पथ्य-कुपथ्य का सम्यक विचार करके ही संतुलित औषधि का सेवन उचित होता है। वैसे ही समाज के अंगों को बौद्धिक, मानसिक, आध्यात्मिक रूप से स्वस्थ बनाए रखने के लिए ज्योतिष विद्या का शास्त्रोचित प्रयोग ही उचित है। आदिकाल से चली आ रही ज्योतिष की इस मान्यता को आज का विज्ञान भी स्वीकार करता है कि सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड एक ही चैतन्य शरीर है। श्री चिन्तक ने कहा कि यदि संक्षेप में ज्योतिष को परिभाषित करना हो तो हम कह सकते हैं कि सृष्टि की समग्रता और पूर्णत्व को समन्वित रूप से देखने का विज्ञान है ज्योतिष। प्रायः लोग अज्ञात भय, आत्मविश्वास की कमी और अंधविश्वास से ग्रसित होकर इन्ही धनलोलुप तथा कथित स्वनाम धन्य ज्योतिषियों के द्वारा ठगे जाते हैं। 
धन की लालच एवं अज्ञानता के कारण वह ज्योतिषी यह भी भूल जाते हैं कि आत्यांतिक रूप और पारलौकिक दृष्टि से वह स्वयं ठगे गये हैं क्योंकि उनके पुण्यों का ह्रास होकर वह अधोगति की ओर अग्रसर हो रहे हैं। इस तरह सतत लौकिक लाभ के साथ पारलौकिक हानि का नया अध्याय उनके आत्मिक यात्रा में जुड़ रहा है। अब भी समय है कि धन के लालच में आज का ज्योतिषी अपराधी न बन जाए। व्यावसायिकता की अंधी दौड़ में वह इतना लिप्त न हो कि ऋषियों द्वारा दिए ज्योतिषी सिद्धांतों का बोझ भविष्य में अपने कंधों पर उठा ही न सके। उन्होंने कहा कि यदि ज्योतिषी लालच में आकर गड़बड़ करेगा तो उसके लिए विशेष प्रकार के नरक का प्रभावधान बताया गया है। पुराने कवियों ने ज्योतिषी व वैद्य को चित्रकार व कवि जैसे मौलिक रचनाकार और संदेशवाहक को सेवक की श्रेणी में रखा है और इनके अंतिम स्थान नर्क ही बताया है, दृष्टव्य है –
वैद चितेरा ज्योतिषी, हरकारा औ कव्य। इनकौ नरक विशेष है औरन को जब तव्य।।
अज्ञानता कोई बुराई नहीं है लेकिन अज्ञानता के साथ भविष्य की बात बताना मूढ़ता है। आज ऐसे लोग भी इस विद्या का व्यवसाय कर रहे हैं जो इसके सिद्धान्तों के जानते तक नहीं हैं। ज्योतिषीय सलाह देना बड़ी जिम्मेदारी का काम है सरकार को इस दिशा में पहल करनी चाहिए कि विधिवत शिक्षित और प्रामाणिक ज्योतिषी ही ज्योतिषीय परामर्श का वैध अधिकारी हो।

आईकास के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री ए.बी. शुक्ला ने बताया कि हृदय के भीतर की धमनियां और शिराएं बिल्कुल भारत में गंगा के मार्ग की भांति हैं। उन्होंने स्लाइड शो पर हृदय का अंतरिक चित्र और गंगा नदी का रूट चार्ट दिखाते हुए दोनों की समानता के बारे में बताया। इसके अलावा उन्होंने भगवान शिव और नाग के विषय में भी ज्योतिषीय प्रकाश डाला। इसके बाद ड्राई-फ्रूट का संबंध मानव शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों से जोड़ते हुए बताया कि मस्तिष्क का आकार अखरोट की तरह होता है, काजू का आकार कान तथा किडनी की तरह, ऑखें बादाम की तरह और किशमिश छुआरे का आकार हमारे धड़कते हृदय की तरह होता है, इसलिए जो भी अंग प्रभावित हो उसके आकार का ड्राई-फ्रूट खाने से लाभ होता है। उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार के ट्रेड टैक्स एडिश्नल कमिश्नर श्री यू.पी सिंह जी ने बताया कि ज्योतिष अनादि काल से चला आ रहा है और मानव के प्रथम संस्कार से जुड़ा है। आगे बोलते हुए कहा कि ज्योतिष वेदों की गणित है, वेदों की भाषा है। ज्योतिष आध्यात्म से जुड़ा हुआ चिंतन है तथा चिंतन करके ही भावनाओं को व्यक्त करना श्रेष्ठ होगा।
दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट के पूर्व न्यायाधीश एवं विधि आयोग के सदस्य जस्टिस एस.एन कपूर ने ज्योतिष के गूढ़ रहस्यों पर अपना व्याख्यान दिया। उन्होंने नवांश और पुष्करांश के शोधपरक सूत्रों को भी बताया। जयपुर से आए आईकास के राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष सतीश शर्मा ने वास्तु से संबंधित व्याख्यान देते हुए कहा कि वास्तु से संबंधित कई पुस्तकों में भ्रामक बाते लिखी गई हैं जिसको लेकर आम आदमी ठगा जा रहा है। 
उन्होंने बताया कि वास्तु की किताबें और कई वास्तु शास्त्री दक्षिण-पश्चिम में शयनकक्ष बनाने की सलाह दे रहे हैं, लेकिन उन्होंने कहा कि यह सब बिल्कुल गलत लिखा गया है ये सब किसी भी वास्तु ग्रंथों में नहीं लिखा है। श्री शर्मा ने बताया कि शयन कक्ष के लिए सबसे उचित स्थान दक्षिण होता है। उन्होंने विशेष बात यह कही कि जो वास्तुशास्त्री ज्योतिष नहीं जानता वह बिल्कुल ढोंगी वास्तुशास्त्री है क्योंकि ज्योतिष और वास्तु एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं। चेन्नई से आई मार्डन एस्ट्रोलॉजिकल मैग्जीन की संपादक गायत्री देवी वासुदेव ने बच्चों के जन्म के विषय में बताया। उन्होंने बताया कि जब मॉ से बच्चे के बीच जुड़ी क्वार्ड काटी जाती है वहीं असली जन्म समय होता है न कि बच्चे के बाहर आने व प्रथम बार रोने का समय। बैंगलूर से आए नाड़ी ग्रंथों के शोधकर्ता श्री ए.वी. सुंदरम ने नाड़ी के अनुसार नक्षत्रों और लग्न के विषय में ज्ञान दिया। बैंगलूर से ही आए श्री आल्से ने गजकेसरी योग के बारे में बताया। इसके अलावा दिल्ली चैप्टर के चेयरमैन रोहित वेदी, विशाखापट्नम से आईं सुश्री दुर्गा, अल्वर चैप्टर से श्री आर.पी.शर्मा, जयपुर चैप्टर से जगदीश तिवारी ने अपने शोधपरक व्याख्यान दिए। इस सम्मेलन में मुख्य रूप से आईकास के राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष भोला नाश शुक्ल, कमलेश गुप्ता, अरुण त्रिपाठी, नीरज जोशी, शशिशेखर त्रिपाठी, सियाशरण मिश्रा, डॉ. वीके कटियार, गणेश वर्मा, एसके मिश्रा, गोविन्द, पं. रामू मिश्र आदि उपस्थित रहे।

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Smt Urmil Jain writes about The Eighth House :

Smt Urmil Jain writes about The Eighth House :

The eighth house is called the Aayu bhava and is related to the life span of a person. This house is also known as Trik house, Panfar house and Badhak house. The subjects related to the eighth house are humiliation, degradation, bereavement, debt, obstacles, sense of humor, longevity, gifts, individual earnings, secret money, Property, loss, urinary difficulties, public punishment, fear, secret treasure, showers, insurance, lottery, dowry, sin, foreign travel, mysticism, husband's relatives, accidents, depression, despair, loss, blockage, acute, mental anxiety, evil, subtle science, a creature to kill, wander, partners and brothers problems, secret relationships, secrets, hurt and money lending. 
Which is the Karak planet for the eighth house
Saturn is the Karak planet for the eighth house. Saturn is related to one’s age in the eighth house.
Which subject is related to the eighth house
The subject of death is related to the eighth house.
What does the eighth house represent
The eighth house represents various obstacles in life.
Which relationships does the eighth house represent
The eighth house represents the relationships with adopted children.
Which body parts does the eighth house represent
The left leg, jaw and left lung are represented by the eighth house.
Which Yogas does the Lord of the eighth house form with the Lords of other houses
If a Yoga is formed with the Lord of the eighth house and the Lord of the ninth house, the person receives money and wealth from his father. This Yoga is inauspicious in regard with his father’s health. The father of such a person faces health problems. 
If a Yoga is formed with the Lord of the eighth house and the Lord of the tenth house, the person is cheated by his business partner. There are also other difficulties that he might face in his career. Such a person used legal as well as illegal ways to run his business.
If a Yoga is formed with the Lord of the eighth house and the Lord of the eleventh house, the person’s fortune and success are badly affected. Such a person has to face many obstacles in life. He is usually not satisfied with his elder brothers, elder sisters and friends. He receives money and wealth from his gather. 

The 8th house has earned the dubious reputation as the ugliest house in the Jyotish neighborhood. It’s the one capable of wrecking the most damage, even death, and it’s hard to get more morbid than that. It can be summed up as the house of change - sudden, dramatic and intense change. As a society we love the kind of drama that the 8th house provides, as long as it’s happening to somebody else! Just consider our obsession with sensational news, reality TV shows, and thriller movies, like The Dark Night, which recently broke all records at the box office. It’s just when change affects us personally that we fear and resist it. Nobody wants to lose anything they value: health, wealth, job, loved ones, etc. So when we do, it’s understandable to blame it on the 8th house, its lord, or its karaka, Saturn. But do we really need another scapegoat for our woes? I mean, in addition to the boss who fired us, or the husband who left us? This article explores different perspectives about the 8th house, and the gifts that can be discovered alongside its typical wreckage. It also discusses careers and events of the 8th house that are not merely ruinous. 

Change and The 8th House

In Vedic astrology undesirable change is associated with influences of the malefic planets Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu (secondarily the Sun) and the dusthana houses, the 6th, 8th, and 12th (secondarily the 3rd). Of the dusthanas the 8th house is maligned as the most malefic because it’s the 12th house (loss) from the 9th house (fortune), which makes it the house of misfortunes - change, death (the ultimate change), obstacles, disappointments, upheavals, scandals, reversals, chronic illness, among other typically undesirable outcomes. The classic text, Laghu Parashari says, “The Lord of the 8th house by virtue of being the 12th from the 9th does not produce good results.(Ch 1 shloka 9)” 

The malefic influences in our chart generally deliver to us our negative, undesirable karma during the times of their dashas and transits. They fall into the category of tamas or decay in terms of the three gunas: rajas (creation/Brahma), sattva (maintenance/Vishnu), and tamas (destruction/Shiva). Their role is to do the astrological dirty work by passing on the negative effects of our past actions. Therefore, during 8th house influenced time periods, such as the dasha of 8th lord or planet placed in the 8th house, a variety of difficulties are likely to occur: pursuits resulting in disappointment, losses of things you value, etc. You don’t need to be creating negative karma at the time. Bad things can happen to nice people, due to their past, unseen karma. 

Even though it’s valid, from an astrological standpoint, to define the effects of the 8th house as malefic, it's our attitude about change that's important. Our happiness is internally based, not externally. “People are disturbed not by things, but by the view they take of them,” writes Greek philosopher Epictetus in the 1st century B.C. Astrology reveals the likely outcome of our external situation but not our internal reaction to it. That is our choice, moment to moment. We either choose to be 'victims of our fate' or we rise above it. We either look for the 'silver lining', the 'blessing in disguise', the 'opportunity for growth,' or we continue to feel like our situation really, totally and justifiably 'sucks.' 

Blessings in Disguise 

If we don't look beyond our surface frustrations to the depths of our life lessons we're missing the greatest gift of the 8th house - spiritual transformation. The 8th house is not only a dusthana house, but a house of moksha or liberation along with the 4th and 12th houses. Isn't it interesting that the most malefic house is also a house of liberation? The 8th house takes us to our edge where transformation and rebirth are just on the other side of despair and death. It’s a house of transition from one state to the next. Its role is not just to create upheaval that leaves us in a sobbing heap on the floor, but to liberate us. The destructive principle of tamas paves the way for new creation (rajas), just as compost provides fertile soil for new seeds to grow. 

Just like compost takes time to transform from waste, the blessing that the 8th house invariably gives, may take time to be revealed. A rebirth is guaranteed following any kind of death, but there may be a gestation period. The Dalai Lama says, “Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” We all know of people who’ve lost their dream only to find that something better was around the corner, if not immediately, then eventually. A Course in Miracles says, “All things work together for good. There are no exceptions except in the ego’s judgment.” Often letting go of our judgments and learning to trust the process are the most important lessons of the 8th house. 

The change of an external situation, like transitioning from a job or marriage, are obvious kinds of transformation but what about spiritual, inner transformation? The 8th house, like its karaka Saturn, often represent the hardest life lessons in the chart, yet also the most rewarding. It’s the house of intense transformation because it corresponds to the 8th sign of Scorpio, the most intense sign. The last moksha house, the 12th house, represents the ultimate dissolution of the ego, but the 8th house is often where the battle between the ego and the soul takes place. Mars, the planet of war, rules Scorpio. It’s where we face our demons and slay them. 

8th house is a house of psychology. The moksha houses correspond to the water signs, and the water element represents our past psychological conditioning, and the unconscious mind.

The 8th house represents many things, but it can’t be underestimated for its ability to create change during its dasha. When we're going though intense change it can be helpful to think of the wheel of samsara or illusion as being an actual wheel. The closer we get to the center or hub the less spinning actually takes place. This is why meditation and spiritual practices are so important because they pull us back into the peaceful center of our beings so we can stop spinning out with our minds. The way out is in. 

As the 8th lord is in the 2nd, the native is not robust physically
They have to consult an ENT doctor. They may have to put up with
food of inferior quality. It is better that they preserve and protect

their wealth as regaining it becomes difficult. Normally they
will not look elsewhere for fulfillment as they get good ego sati-
sfaction from their partner. They will have to incorporate patience
and perseverance when their partner becomes emotional over some
imagined affairs.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Third House

As the 8th lord is in the 3rd, ear problems are to be expected.
Consulting an ENT doctor is good in order to avoid problems
pertaining to ear. It is difficut for them to entertain personal
friendship. They do not like social occasions & will withdraw themselves
within. Only if they have identical interests do they mingle with
anyone.Tension builds up as they do not discuss their feelings, fears
& mental agony with anyone. It is quite possible that they may
suffer from hallucination. It is possible that a monetary windfall
awaits them from literary work.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Fourth House

As the 8th lord is in the 4th, the native miss maternal proximity. They
may be away from home. They are full of love and selfcontrol
They have a habit of giving these emotions only to those who are close
to them. They are in two minds about a person whether he is a god or
a demon. As a result their mental peace is far from satisfactory.
Fiscal problems are accompanied by domestic bickerings. They may be
worried on account of parent's health. Problems related to house
will be automatically solved by them. Reverses in profession and
the displeasure of seniors may have to be faced with true

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Fifth House

As the 8th lord is in the 5th, the native will be subject to dire
vicissitudes. Their good actions and altruistic behaviour may go
unnoticed and this gives them the creeps. Their mental processes are
dynamic and sudden. They are extremists by nature and are intense
about everything - intensely ruthless, intensely loyal, intensely
compassionate and intensely cool. They do not do anything half
heartedly. Child mortality and sickness of children create worries
in their psyche. They have to achieve mental equanimity in order to
avoid nervous debility.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Sixth House

As the 8th lord is in 6th, the native will experience Vipareetha
Raja Yoga results. Affluence and the fulfillment of all desires
are some of the resultant results. As the 6th rules diseases they
may be attacked by illhealth at times. There is phobia in them
about future health hazards. It is quite possible that they may
lose money due to theft and litigation. Maternal uncle's health
causes concern. They overcome all such troubles due to sheer will
power. They ulimately win over enemies. They can be extremely
domineering and proud.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Seventh House

As the 8th lord is in the 7th, the native should incorporate courage to
face disharmonies in married life. They and their spouse are diff-
erent in motivation & personality and they have to understand
that different minds have different perspectives. They may not know
much about their spouse and their mental makeup also is not known
to their partner. Both of them may not take the trouble of finding
out either. They do not at all like to lose and do not believe in
strategic retreat. Their longevity may be curtailed and they may
suffer in health.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Eighth House

As the 8th lord is in the 8th, tremendous longevity will be
conferred. They may have to face scandals & even criticism. They
will have the active support of their partner. In early life their
father will have to pass through a crisis.The jealous will invent
stories & create problems for them. But they will overcome all
these with the active support of their partner. They will have self
control. When their enemies try their patience they will need plenty
of it. Otherwise they may indulge in unethical and sinful acts.
People will wonder how they got out of the net of their enemies.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Ninth House

As the 8th lord is in the 9th the native is averse to surrendering
their personality to one Religion or one individual. They may not
as a result get complete loyalty from others. They have to under-
stand that their spouse wants to know what they are doing most of
the time. They appear to be always youthful and charming. Too much
independence early in life can create its own confusion. This is
a lesson which must be learnt and this applies to your children
also. Relations with father may be strained. Unluck and luck

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Tenth House

As the 8th lord is in the 10th, the native tend to be with their pare-
nts. They may have to face stiff competition from a cunning sub -
ordinate. They are capable of coping with any problem situation.
But once they are warned it creates doubt in their mind and this
doubt destroys the ability to solve the problem. Despite the obs-
tacles they face they will achieve progress in their career. In or-
der to handle the cunning subordinate they may go and adopt unfair
and deceiptful practices. This may pave the way for the wrath of
the Govt or the Law. Avoid unfair means.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Eleventh House

As the 8th lord is in the 11th, the native will achieve more ego-
satisfaction during adulthood despite having miseries during ear-
ly childhood. They will be hailed as accomplished raconteurs.
It is difficult for anyone not to fall in love with them.They also
have to use exceptional talents to maintain that. Undoubtedly
they have immense self control. They will need it and will have to
use it when their spouse tries their patience with lack of adapta-
bility and understanding.Their partner becomes a challenge to your
managerial skills. Relations with elder brother may be strained.

The Effect of the 8th lord in the Twelfth House

As the 8th lord is in the 12th, the native will be seized with an
abnormal desire to spend on unwanted things & dissipate his/her

Monday, April 1, 2013

VASTU & Brahmasthan : Presented By Smt. Urmil Jain N.Delhi

VASTU & Brahmasthan : Presented By Smt. Urmil Jain N.Delhi

Brahmasthan is a unique feature of ancient architecture based on Vastu Shastra. It is central, holiest and powerful zone of the house. All directions meet at the center of the house and disperse positive energy in all directions. This positive energy is very useful for living beings of the occupants of the house. Brahmasthan is also important place for factories and industries. The central place is identified by painting ceiling with a different color.

If people want to enjoy riches, harmony and happiness, Brahmasthan should be left open and is free of obstructing objects. In ancient time, it was common to construct a courtyard at the centre of house which was open to sky and to the rooms around courtyard.

Identification of Brahmasthan

Divide the plot into 8 equal parts from East to West and North to South. Now the plot is divided into 64 equal parts. The four squares at the center of plot are the place of Brahmasthan.

Tips for Brahmasthan

Main hall, Pooja Room or Courtyard can be constructed at the centre of the house.
Toilets and Bathroom should not be built at the centre of the house.
Kitchen at the center may have adverse effect on health. 
Generally, in duplex houses staircases are built at center of house. It may affect mental and financial growth of the residents.
The pillar having a load of structure makes the centre heavy that’s a big Vastu defect. 
Sleeping at the centre place will mess up the life. 
There should not be a beam at the center of house.
Beams, arches, store room etc. should not be constructed at Brahmsthana.