Divisional Charts : By Shri Sheshadri Iyer : Presented by Sri Ram Nivas Mishra FB pg .....
Shree Sheshadri Iyer has been a very popular and authentic astrologer of recent past and contributed significantly to many areas of astrology through his dedicated scientific work.He could get hold of some rare books,writes up etc and did extensive scientific research and popularized those ideas.Divisional charts and its delineation is one particular area where his efforts contributed to popularize its use by practicing astrologers.I have made an attempt to collect relevant points of delineation from his book and presented here which may be of some use to our esteemed members.
Prior to getting into this subject one must have a thorough knowledge of all the general principles laid down by Varahamihira, Parashara, Jaimini, Mantreswara, Satyachariyar and other classic masters. For the benefit of the readers I cull out in a nutshell the most important ones that are of much importance here. While dealing with a division chart treat it as if that is the principal chart and apply all the general rules. You get the result so far as that portfolio is concerned. While looking into a D-chart, confine only to the particular effect of that chart. The effect will be experienced only during their periods. The following rules may be noted in handling D-chart.
1) The most important and necessary condition for a Graha to give beneficial effect of the D-chart is its relative good position from the Lagna of that D-chart irrespective of other factors such as being in inimical or debilitated sign or aspect or conjunction with other planets. Thus under this theory primary factor is its position from D-Lagna. If the Graha be in places other than 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th (Dusthanas) it gives good results, its magnitude depending on other factors. But if they are in Dusthanas they always give bad results whatever their other positions be. But there are some exceptions to this rule: (a) Kuja even in 6th in all D-charts does good. For he aspects Lagna from 6th. (b) Budh even in 8th in D-4 only gives good. Note the general theory of Budh in 8th as being exceptionally lucky. It is only here and not in other D-charts. (c) Shani though in 8th does not kill, is the general say. This holds good only in D-8 chart when Shani is in D-8 Lagna and not elsewhere. Thus the above 3 exceptions have to be remembered. Consider both the Rasi chart (D-1) and the division chart to weigh an effect
2) As stated above, position in D- chart surpasses that in D-1 chart. Even though a Graha is in bad Bhava in D-1, he gives good effects of a D-chart if he is there in good position from D-Lagna. Likewise however powerfully and favourably a Graha is situated in D-1, if he is in Dustana in the D-chart he gives bad effects of that D-chart.
3) Having concluded the good or bad effect as per rules 1 and 2 above the magnitude of the effect has to be judged from both D-1 and D-charts as follows: (a) If the Graha has any kind of Shadbalas (temporal (Kalaja), motional (Chesta), exaltation (Uccha), directional (Digbala), declinatory (Ayanabala) or positional (Sthanabala)) in D-chart, and favourably situated from its Lagna it gives good effects of a higher magnitude, the more the quantum the more the simultaneous varied strengths. If in addition to this the Graha is also powerfully situated in D-1 also excellent results of a superior degree happen. (b) Even a mere ordinary good position in D-chart coupled with a strong position in D-1 (though in Dusthana in D-1) gives effects of higher order. (c) But, however strongly and favourably situated in D-1 if the Graha be in Dusthana in D-chart he does bad to that chart portfolio even if he is exalted or in his own house in that D-chart. All these establish the necessity of a Graha being in good positions from D-Lagna to give good results
4) A combust or vanquished Graha (in planetary fight) in D-1 is of no avail in D-chart even if he is well and powerfully situated in D-chart. He will give worst results to that D-effect if he is also badly placed in D-chart. It practically amounts to dealing with a dead object.
5) If a Graha situated favourably in D-chart is debilitated it gives good effect if it attains Neecha Bhanga. Of all the powerful positions the most important are (1) exaltation, (2) Vargottama, (3) own house and (4) Digbala
6) All these have to be applied to all the D-charts. In this connection I wish to point out that a Graha situated in the same sign both in D-1 and any other D-chart must be construed as being in Vargottama position with respect to that D-chart and effects of that D-chart read thereon. Unfortunately, this aspect is being judged only by Navamsha position (D-9). When you apply this theory you get convinced of my argument
7) For reasons stated above exaltations in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th in D-chart are of no avail.See if any of the general Yogas exist in the D-chart. If so gauge the magnitude by their strengths as stated above.
8) The effects of Grahas in D-chart get modified by conjunction or aspect of other Grahas in the D-chart.
9) Here only the natural benefics and malefics are to be taken and not the functional ones. Among benefics, I consider Guru as the only Graha to alleviate the evil indicated by a Graha in bad position in D-chart. If that Guru is powerfully situated in that D-chart his aspect is certainly of effect, but a debilitated Guru cannot be banked upon.
10) The birth Yogi and Avayogi have to be noted here. If the birth Yogi is in good place in D-chart, he gives Yoga to that effect but in bad position he is lost. Similarly, birth Avayogi in a favorable position in D-chart will while causing good to that effect create hindrances, anxieties and ruptures hand in hand.
11) Lordship of Bhavas are to be considered only in D-1 and not in D-charts except Lord of D-Lagna. A debilitated Graha in D-chart though in good position gives bad, if there be no Neecha Bhanga.
(12) D-Lagna becoming Vargottama is itself an indication of the effect of that D-chart going very high provided its Lord is well placed there
13) If he is in Dusthana in such a D-chart, only dreamy effects are felt by the native. In addition to D-Lagna being Vargottama its Lord be also likewise or otherwise powerfully and favourably situated in D-chart, he gives excellent results.
14) 3rd and 8th place are death-like places. A Graha in 8th or 3rd in D-chart causes death to that effect. In D-9 to wife, in D-10 to profession. Death may be construed as also severance. A Graha in 3rd in D-10 causes retirement from service (severance). Please note the exception of Shani in 1st in D-8 and Budh in 8th in D-4
15) 2nd house is said to be neutral house. A Graha in 2nd in D-chart also behaves likewise. A Graha in 6th in D-chart in a powerful Rasi gives good first and bad later on.
(16) It is said in general astrology that the more the number of Grahas aspecting Lagna, the more powerful the native becomes. The same theory applies to D-chart also.
17) Benefics on either side of Lagna is said to confer Yoga. True even in the case of D-chart.
18) But in such a situation if any malefic joins the benefic, the Yoga gets marred. Similarly, malefics on either side though spoils first, gets better if any benefic joins them. What is said of Lagna holds good with respect to the 7th house too. Here one thing has to be noted. In the case of malefics if they are birth Yogi or in their own house in D-chart they give modified good effects.
19)Just as the 2nd and the 12th places from Lagna were dealt with above, if Grahas are placed equidistantly from Lagna such as 2-12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9, 6-8, 1-7 they cause effects as stated above depending on their natural benefic or malefic character. This is a special mention of Jaimini, known as Sankhya Yoga. In D-12 if Chandr is with Ketu invariably the native's mother becomes a widow.
(20) Grahas or Bhavas hemmed in between malefics is declared to go bad.
21) Similarly a Graha in a D-chart or D- (21) Lagna hemmed in between malefics becomes bad. Malefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd in D-chart - bad. Benefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd in D-chart - good.
(22) An incident such as marriage day, commencement of profession or fresh undertaking, birth of an issue, etc. happening during the period of a Graha situated badly in the respective D-chart may not end happily.
23) Accession, election and other positions of conferrable nature are to be read from D-11.
(24) Uccha with Neecha or one with his enemy - not good.
(25) Of the two Grahas on either side of Lagna or equidistant from D-Lagna if one is benefic and the other malefic, then bad results only during the malefic period.
26) A Graha, though in 8th in D-chart, does not harm if aspected by powerful Guru.
27) Female horoscope is specially treated by classics confining at least to our Indian womanhood. Our females are mostly subordinates to either their husbands or their caretakers except in the case of few who remain as independent members. As marriage and married life is held sacred in India D-9 is very important for females. If this Navamsha chart is good, all the rest are good.
28) A Karaka in bad position in D-8 kills the relative connoted by the Karaka. Example: Surya in 8th in D-8 kills father, Chandr - mother, Shukr - wife and so on.
29 ) Any Yoga in a D-chart is no doubt operative throughout life-time but particularly felt during their periods.
(30) Even a debilitated Graha in good position in D-chart does good if he is a Yoga Graha.
(31) In D-11 the effect of the Bhava occupied by the Graha counted from D-Lagna happens, one in 7th causes marriage, in 4th property etc.
32) Parivarthana Yoga (mutual exchange of Grahas) existing in D-chart has its due effect.
(33) What is all said of the Grahas in D-charts will be felt during their periods.
(34) If the Lord of D-Lagna is birth Yogi or duplicate Yogi he gives Yoga effects even in ordinary position.
(35) If the Lord of D-Lagna is in Dusthana the result will be bad on and after its Dasha.
36) Karaka in Bhava is bad as per general astrology. How to apply it to D-charts? Karaka in the corresponding D-Lagna is bad. Example: If Budh is in Lagna in D-24, education gets spoiled. Guru in Lagna in D-7, issues are affected. Shukr in D-9 Lagna affects the wife. Surya or Chandr in D-12 Lagna affects father or mother respectively. Kuja and Guru in D-3 Lagna affects the younger and elder coborns respectively and so on.
Shree Sheshadri Iyer has been a very popular and authentic astrologer of recent past and contributed significantly to many areas of astrology through his dedicated scientific work.He could get hold of some rare books,writes up etc and did extensive scientific research and popularized those ideas.Divisional charts and its delineation is one particular area where his efforts contributed to popularize its use by practicing astrologers.I have made an attempt to collect relevant points of delineation from his book and presented here which may be of some use to our esteemed members.
Prior to getting into this subject one must have a thorough knowledge of all the general principles laid down by Varahamihira, Parashara, Jaimini, Mantreswara, Satyachariyar and other classic masters. For the benefit of the readers I cull out in a nutshell the most important ones that are of much importance here. While dealing with a division chart treat it as if that is the principal chart and apply all the general rules. You get the result so far as that portfolio is concerned. While looking into a D-chart, confine only to the particular effect of that chart. The effect will be experienced only during their periods. The following rules may be noted in handling D-chart.
1) The most important and necessary condition for a Graha to give beneficial effect of the D-chart is its relative good position from the Lagna of that D-chart irrespective of other factors such as being in inimical or debilitated sign or aspect or conjunction with other planets. Thus under this theory primary factor is its position from D-Lagna. If the Graha be in places other than 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th (Dusthanas) it gives good results, its magnitude depending on other factors. But if they are in Dusthanas they always give bad results whatever their other positions be. But there are some exceptions to this rule: (a) Kuja even in 6th in all D-charts does good. For he aspects Lagna from 6th. (b) Budh even in 8th in D-4 only gives good. Note the general theory of Budh in 8th as being exceptionally lucky. It is only here and not in other D-charts. (c) Shani though in 8th does not kill, is the general say. This holds good only in D-8 chart when Shani is in D-8 Lagna and not elsewhere. Thus the above 3 exceptions have to be remembered. Consider both the Rasi chart (D-1) and the division chart to weigh an effect
2) As stated above, position in D- chart surpasses that in D-1 chart. Even though a Graha is in bad Bhava in D-1, he gives good effects of a D-chart if he is there in good position from D-Lagna. Likewise however powerfully and favourably a Graha is situated in D-1, if he is in Dustana in the D-chart he gives bad effects of that D-chart.
3) Having concluded the good or bad effect as per rules 1 and 2 above the magnitude of the effect has to be judged from both D-1 and D-charts as follows: (a) If the Graha has any kind of Shadbalas (temporal (Kalaja), motional (Chesta), exaltation (Uccha), directional (Digbala), declinatory (Ayanabala) or positional (Sthanabala)) in D-chart, and favourably situated from its Lagna it gives good effects of a higher magnitude, the more the quantum the more the simultaneous varied strengths. If in addition to this the Graha is also powerfully situated in D-1 also excellent results of a superior degree happen. (b) Even a mere ordinary good position in D-chart coupled with a strong position in D-1 (though in Dusthana in D-1) gives effects of higher order. (c) But, however strongly and favourably situated in D-1 if the Graha be in Dusthana in D-chart he does bad to that chart portfolio even if he is exalted or in his own house in that D-chart. All these establish the necessity of a Graha being in good positions from D-Lagna to give good results
4) A combust or vanquished Graha (in planetary fight) in D-1 is of no avail in D-chart even if he is well and powerfully situated in D-chart. He will give worst results to that D-effect if he is also badly placed in D-chart. It practically amounts to dealing with a dead object.
5) If a Graha situated favourably in D-chart is debilitated it gives good effect if it attains Neecha Bhanga. Of all the powerful positions the most important are (1) exaltation, (2) Vargottama, (3) own house and (4) Digbala
6) All these have to be applied to all the D-charts. In this connection I wish to point out that a Graha situated in the same sign both in D-1 and any other D-chart must be construed as being in Vargottama position with respect to that D-chart and effects of that D-chart read thereon. Unfortunately, this aspect is being judged only by Navamsha position (D-9). When you apply this theory you get convinced of my argument
7) For reasons stated above exaltations in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th in D-chart are of no avail.See if any of the general Yogas exist in the D-chart. If so gauge the magnitude by their strengths as stated above.
8) The effects of Grahas in D-chart get modified by conjunction or aspect of other Grahas in the D-chart.
9) Here only the natural benefics and malefics are to be taken and not the functional ones. Among benefics, I consider Guru as the only Graha to alleviate the evil indicated by a Graha in bad position in D-chart. If that Guru is powerfully situated in that D-chart his aspect is certainly of effect, but a debilitated Guru cannot be banked upon.
10) The birth Yogi and Avayogi have to be noted here. If the birth Yogi is in good place in D-chart, he gives Yoga to that effect but in bad position he is lost. Similarly, birth Avayogi in a favorable position in D-chart will while causing good to that effect create hindrances, anxieties and ruptures hand in hand.
11) Lordship of Bhavas are to be considered only in D-1 and not in D-charts except Lord of D-Lagna. A debilitated Graha in D-chart though in good position gives bad, if there be no Neecha Bhanga.
(12) D-Lagna becoming Vargottama is itself an indication of the effect of that D-chart going very high provided its Lord is well placed there
13) If he is in Dusthana in such a D-chart, only dreamy effects are felt by the native. In addition to D-Lagna being Vargottama its Lord be also likewise or otherwise powerfully and favourably situated in D-chart, he gives excellent results.
14) 3rd and 8th place are death-like places. A Graha in 8th or 3rd in D-chart causes death to that effect. In D-9 to wife, in D-10 to profession. Death may be construed as also severance. A Graha in 3rd in D-10 causes retirement from service (severance). Please note the exception of Shani in 1st in D-8 and Budh in 8th in D-4
15) 2nd house is said to be neutral house. A Graha in 2nd in D-chart also behaves likewise. A Graha in 6th in D-chart in a powerful Rasi gives good first and bad later on.
(16) It is said in general astrology that the more the number of Grahas aspecting Lagna, the more powerful the native becomes. The same theory applies to D-chart also.
17) Benefics on either side of Lagna is said to confer Yoga. True even in the case of D-chart.
18) But in such a situation if any malefic joins the benefic, the Yoga gets marred. Similarly, malefics on either side though spoils first, gets better if any benefic joins them. What is said of Lagna holds good with respect to the 7th house too. Here one thing has to be noted. In the case of malefics if they are birth Yogi or in their own house in D-chart they give modified good effects.
19)Just as the 2nd and the 12th places from Lagna were dealt with above, if Grahas are placed equidistantly from Lagna such as 2-12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9, 6-8, 1-7 they cause effects as stated above depending on their natural benefic or malefic character. This is a special mention of Jaimini, known as Sankhya Yoga. In D-12 if Chandr is with Ketu invariably the native's mother becomes a widow.
(20) Grahas or Bhavas hemmed in between malefics is declared to go bad.
21) Similarly a Graha in a D-chart or D- (21) Lagna hemmed in between malefics becomes bad. Malefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd in D-chart - bad. Benefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd in D-chart - good.
(22) An incident such as marriage day, commencement of profession or fresh undertaking, birth of an issue, etc. happening during the period of a Graha situated badly in the respective D-chart may not end happily.
23) Accession, election and other positions of conferrable nature are to be read from D-11.
(24) Uccha with Neecha or one with his enemy - not good.
(25) Of the two Grahas on either side of Lagna or equidistant from D-Lagna if one is benefic and the other malefic, then bad results only during the malefic period.
26) A Graha, though in 8th in D-chart, does not harm if aspected by powerful Guru.
27) Female horoscope is specially treated by classics confining at least to our Indian womanhood. Our females are mostly subordinates to either their husbands or their caretakers except in the case of few who remain as independent members. As marriage and married life is held sacred in India D-9 is very important for females. If this Navamsha chart is good, all the rest are good.
28) A Karaka in bad position in D-8 kills the relative connoted by the Karaka. Example: Surya in 8th in D-8 kills father, Chandr - mother, Shukr - wife and so on.
29 ) Any Yoga in a D-chart is no doubt operative throughout life-time but particularly felt during their periods.
(30) Even a debilitated Graha in good position in D-chart does good if he is a Yoga Graha.
(31) In D-11 the effect of the Bhava occupied by the Graha counted from D-Lagna happens, one in 7th causes marriage, in 4th property etc.
32) Parivarthana Yoga (mutual exchange of Grahas) existing in D-chart has its due effect.
(33) What is all said of the Grahas in D-charts will be felt during their periods.
(34) If the Lord of D-Lagna is birth Yogi or duplicate Yogi he gives Yoga effects even in ordinary position.
(35) If the Lord of D-Lagna is in Dusthana the result will be bad on and after its Dasha.
36) Karaka in Bhava is bad as per general astrology. How to apply it to D-charts? Karaka in the corresponding D-Lagna is bad. Example: If Budh is in Lagna in D-24, education gets spoiled. Guru in Lagna in D-7, issues are affected. Shukr in D-9 Lagna affects the wife. Surya or Chandr in D-12 Lagna affects father or mother respectively. Kuja and Guru in D-3 Lagna affects the younger and elder coborns respectively and so on.
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