Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nadi Astrology : Valuable clues by Prof. AV Sundram ji Hyderabad.

In modern times activities of mind is more than body are soul. activities.
the mental activities of human beings are connected with 
SUN- the ahamkara- MOON- the manas, MERCURY- the buddhi,
and SATURN -chittha.
sun. self realisation. sat. distant realisation. ( father and son)
moon.. inner mind.( vasanas of past life). .mercury. outer mind,( knowledge
gained in this birth)--.( father and son)
in addition to these. the fixed rasis namely Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aguarius are to be taken.. More planets (particularly the above 4 planets) in the fixed rasis, or in 2,5,8,11 houses from lagna show increased mental activities.
if moon is behind mercury(from moon mercury is within 6 rasis) the native is guided by his inner mind. on the other hand if mercury is behind moon the outer mind (what others say) guides him.

By Prof. AV Sundram ji Hyderabad. Face Book pg.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Know the Planets : By Naveen MUdgal : FB pg ICAS NC

Luminaries: Sun, Moon
Malefic Planets: Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon, (Rahu, Ketu, Afflicted Mercury)
Benefic Planets: Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Well associated Mercury (If waning Moon and Mercury are together, both become benefic)
Superior Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Inferior Planets: Mercury, Venus

Sex of Planets:
Sun, Mars, Jupiter: Males
Moon, Venus: Females
Mercury, Saturn: Neutrals

Caste of Planets:
Jupiter, Venus: Brahmins
Sun, Mars: Kshatriya
Mercury, Moon: Vaishya
Saturn: Shoodra

Qualities of planets:
Sun, Moon, Jupiter: Satwik
Venus, Mercury: Rajsik
Mars, Saturn: Tamasik

Directions of Planets:
Sun : East
Moon : North -West
Mars : South
Mercury : North
Jupiter : North-East
Venus : South- East
Saturn : West
Rahu/Ketu : South-West

Abodes of Planets :
Sun: Temple
Moon: Watery Place
Mars: Place of Fire
Mercury: Play ground
Jupiter: Treasure house
Venus: Bed Room
Saturn: Dirty Place

Seasons of Planets:
Venus: Vasant
Sun, Mars: Grishma
Moon: Varsha
Mercury: Sarad
Jupiter: Hemanta
Saturn: Sisir

Temperament of Planets:
Sun, Mars: Pitta or Bile
Saturn: Vata or wind
Jupiter, Moon, Venus: Kapha or phlegm
Mercury: Mixture of all
Taste of Planets:
Sun: Pungent
Moon: Saline
Mars: Bitter
Mercury: Mixed
Jupiter: Sweet
Venus: Sour
Saturn: Astringent

Elements of Planets :
Mercury: Prithivi
Moon, Venus: Jala
Sun, Mars: Agni
Saturn: Vayu
Jupiter: Akash

Complexion of Planets:
Mars and Sun: Blood- red
Moon: Tawny
Mercury: Green
Jupiter: Tawny
Venus: Variegated
Saturn: Dark

Physical constituents of Planets:
Sun: Bones
Moon: Blood
Mars: Marrow
Mercury: Skin
Jupiter: Fat
Venus: Semen
Saturn: Muscles

Cabinet of Planets:
Sun and Moon: Royal couple
Mars: Commander-in-chief
Mercury: Prince
Jupiter and Venus: Ministers
Saturn: Servant

Senses of planets:
Sun and Mars: Vision
Moon, Venus: Taste
Mercury: Smell
Jupiter: Hearing
Saturn: Touch

Periods of:
Sun: Six Months
Moon: 48 Minutes
Mars: A day (Consisting of day and Night)
Mercury: Two Months
Jupiter: One Month
Venus: A Fortnight
Saturn: A Year

Gems of Planets:
Sun: Ruby
Moon: Pearl
Mars: Coral
Mercury: Emerald
Jupiter: Yellow Sapphire or Topaz
Venus: Diamond
Saturn: Blue Sapphire
Rahu: Gomed
Ketu: Cats eye

Metals of Planets:
Mars & Sun: Copper
Moon and Venus: Silver
Mercury: Bells metal
Jupiter: Gold
Saturn: Iron
Rahu and Ketu: Lead

Robes of Planets:
Sun: Coarse
Moon: New
Mars: Burnt
Mercury: Water soaked
Jupiter: Of recent origin but not new
Venus: Durable
Saturn: Torn

Trees of Planets :
Sun: Tree with stout trunks
Moon: Milky trees(e.g. rubber yielding plants)
Mars: Bitter trees (Like lemon plants)
Mercury: Fruitless trees
Jupiter: Fruitful trees
Venus: Floral Plants
Saturn: Useless trees

Average Daily motion of planets in zodiac :
Sun : 10
Moon : 13-150
Mars : 30-45'
Mercury : 65-100'
Jupiter : 5-15'
Venus : 62-82'
Saturn : 2'
Rahu /Ketu : 3

HAR HAR Mahadev :

Most of the old temples have large bell at the entrance of the temple and you need to ring it before you enter temple. A Temple bell have a scientific phenomena; it is not just your ordinary metal. It is made of various metals including cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium and manganese. The proportion atwhich each one of them mixed is real science behind a bell. Each of these bells is made to produce such a distinct sound that it can create unity of your left andright brain. The moment you ring that bell, bell produces sharp but lastingsound which lasts for minimum of seven seconds in echo mode good enough totouch your seven healing centres or chakras in your body. The moment bell sound happens your brain is emptied of all thoughts. Invariably you will enter state of Tran’s state where you are very receptive. This Trans state is the one with awareness. You are so occupied in mind that only way to awaken you is with a Shock! Bell works as Anti-dote to your mind. Before you enter temple – to awake you and prepare you for taste of awareness is the real reason behind temple bell.
SHARE and make others know about it !
HAR HAR Mahadev

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Nakshatras (Constellations) in Vedic Astrology : Presented by : ICAS "Indian Council of Astrological Sciences" Mysore Chapter.

SIGNIFICANCE OF NAKSHATRA (Constellations) in Vedic Astrology

Nakshatras (Constellations) in Vedic Astrology

 The oldest reference of nakshatras is found in the Rig Veda. There are 27 nakshatras which have great importance in vedic astrology. They are more specific than the zodiac signs. In fact, each of the 12 zodiac signs have about 2 ¼ nakshatras totaling 27 nakshatras in the 12 zodiac signs. There are deities and symbols connected to each of these nakshatras. These nakshatras are referred to as the lunar mansions because the Moon travels approximately 13.20 degrees per day (which is the duration of each nakshatra). Hence, the nakshatra where the Moon is placed at the time of birth of an individual has a deep meaning and reveals a great depth of information about the individual and his/her character.

Aswini (the horse woman) is the first nakshatra and occupies 0.00 to 13.20 degrees in Aries. The symbol of this nakshatra is a ‘horse’s head’ and the deity is the ‘Asvini Kumaras’. The planet Ketu rules this nakshatra.

Bharani (the bearer of new life) is the second nakshatra and occupies 13.20 to 26.40 degrees in Aries. The symbol of Bharani is ‘yoni’, the female organ for reproduction. The planet Venus rules this nakshatra.

Krittika (the one who cuts) is the third star occupying 26.40 Aries to 10.00 Taurus. The symbol of this star is a ‘knife’ or a razor and the deity is ‘Agni’ the God of Fire. The planet that rules this nakshatra is the Sun.
Rohini (the red one) is the fourth nakshatra, and occupies 10.00 to 23.20 degress in Taurus. The symbol is a cart, chariot, temple or banyan tree. The planet that rules this nakshatra is the Moon.
Mrigasira (the ‘head of the deer’) is the fifth nakshatra and occupies 23.20 Taurus to 6.40 Gemini. The symbol of this star is ‘deer’s (antelope) head’. The planet that rules this nakshatra is Mars.
Ardra (the moist one) is the sixth nakshatra and occupies 6.40 to 20.00 degrees Gemini. Its symbol is a ‘tear drop’. The planet that rules this nakshatra is Rahu.
Punarvasu (return of light) is the seventh nakshatra and covers 20.00 degrees Gemini to 3.20 degrees Cancer. The symbol of Punarvasu is a ‘bow and quiver’. The planet that rules this nakshatra is Jupiter.
Pushya (to nourish) the eighth nakshatra and occupies 3.20 to 16.40 degrees Cancer. The symbol of this nakshatra is the ‘cow’s udder’, the lotus, an arrow and a circle. The planet that rules this nakshatra is Saturn.

Ashlesha (the embracer) is the ninth nakshatra occupying 16.40 to 30.00 degrees Cancer. The symbol of this nakshatra is ‘the serpent’, a coiled snake. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Mercury.

Makha (the great one) is the tenth nakshatra occupying 0.00 to 13.20 degrees Leo. The symbol of this nakhatra is the ‘royal throne’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Ketu.

Poorva Phalguni (the former reddish one) is the eleventh nakshatra that occupies 13.20 to 26.40 degrees Leo. The symbol is a ‘bed (with front legs), hammock, fig tree’. The planet that rules nakshatra is Venus.

Uttara Phalguni (the later reddish one) is the twelfth and occupies 26.40 degrees Leo to 10.00 degrees Virgo. The symbol is ‘bed or hammock’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Sun.

Hastha (the hand) is the thirteenth nakshatra occupying 10.00 to 23.20 degrees Virgo. The symbol is ‘a hand or fist’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Moon.

 Chitra (the bright one) is the fourteenth star occupying 23.20 degrees Virgo to 6.40 degrees Libra. The symbol is a ‘bright jewel or pearl’. This star is ruled by the planet Mars.
Swathi (the sword or independence) is the fifteenth nakshatra and occupies 6.40 to 20.00 Libra. The symbol is a ’young sprout swaying in the wind; coral’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Rahu.
Vishakha (the forked shaped) is the sixteenth nakshatra and occupies 20.00 degrees Libra to 3.20 degrees Scorpio. The symbol is the ‘triumphal arch, potter’s wheel’. This star is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Anuradha (the disciple of the divine spark) seventeenth nakshatra and occupies 3.20 to 16.40 Scorpio. The symbol is a ‘triumphal archway or lotus’. This star is ruled by the planet Saturn.
Jyestha (the eldest) is the eighteenth nakshatra occupying 16.40 to 30.00 degrees Scorpio. The symbol is a ‘circular amulet, umbrella or earring’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Mercury.
Moola (the root) is the nineteenth nakshatra and occupies 0.00 to 13.20 degrees Sagittarius. The symbol is a bunch of roots tied together or an elephant goad. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Ketu.
Poorva Ashada (early victory or undefeated) is the twentieth nakshatra and occupies 13.20 to 26.40 Sagittarius. The symbol of this nakshatra is ‘the elephant tusk, fan or winnowing basket’. This star is ruled by the planet Venus.
Uttara Ashada (latter victory) is the twenty first star and occupies 27.40 degrees Sagittarius to 10.00 degrees Capricorn. The symbol of this nakshatra is ‘elephant tusk or a small cot or planks of bed’. The planet Sun rules this nakshatra.
Sravana (to hear) is the twenty second nakshatra and occupies 10.00 to 23.20 degrees Capricorn. The symbol is ‘an ear or three footprints in an uneven row’. This star is ruled by the planet Moon.
Dhanistha (the richest one) is the twenty third nakshatra and occupies 230.20 degrees Capricorn to 6.40 degrees Aquarius. The symbol is ‘a drum or flute’. The planet Mars rules this star.
Satabisha (a hundred healers) is the twenty fourth nakshatra and occupies 6.40 to 20.00 degrees Aquarius. The symbol is ‘an empty circle or a thousand flowers or stars’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Rahu.
Poorva Bhadrapada (the former happy feet) is the twenty fifth nakshatra and occupies 20.00 degrees Aquarius to 3.20 degrees Pisces. The symbol is ‘a sword or two front legs of a funeral cot or a man with two faces’. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Uttara Bhadrapada (the latter happy feet) is the twenty sixth nakshatra and occupies 3.20 to 16.40 degrees Pisces. The symbol is ‘twins, back legs of the funeral cot, a snake in the water’. The planet that rules this star is Saturn.
Revathi (the wealthy) is the twenty seventh, the last nakshatra and occupies 16.40 to 30.00 degrees Pisces. The symbol is ‘a fish or a pair of fish or drum to mark time’. The planet that rules this star is Mercury.

Aspects of stars:
1. When the Sun is posited in a constellation that Star aspects 7, 8, 11, 16, 21and 26stars from it.
2. When the Moon is posited in a constellation that Star aspects.4, 8, 10, 15 and 18stars from it.
3. When Mars is posited in a constellation that Star aspects.3, 7, 8 and 15 stars from it.
4. When Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn is posited in a constellation that Star aspects 3 and 5 stars from it.
5. The special aspects of the star in which Saturn is placed.15 and 16 stars from it.
6. The special aspects of the Star in which Guru is placed.10 and 19 stars from it.

Presented by : ICAS "Indian Council of Astrological Sciences" Mysore Chapter.