Luminaries: Sun, Moon
Malefic Planets: Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon, (Rahu, Ketu, Afflicted Mercury)
Benefic Planets: Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Well associated Mercury (If waning Moon and Mercury are together, both become benefic)
Superior Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Inferior Planets: Mercury, Venus
Sex of Planets:
Sun, Mars, Jupiter: Males
Moon, Venus: Females
Mercury, Saturn: Neutrals
Caste of Planets:
Jupiter, Venus: Brahmins
Sun, Mars: Kshatriya
Mercury, Moon: Vaishya
Saturn: Shoodra
Qualities of planets:
Sun, Moon, Jupiter: Satwik
Venus, Mercury: Rajsik
Mars, Saturn: Tamasik
Directions of Planets:
Sun : East
Moon : North -West
Mars : South
Mercury : North
Jupiter : North-East
Venus : South- East
Saturn : West
Rahu/Ketu : South-West
Abodes of Planets :
Sun: Temple
Moon: Watery Place
Mars: Place of Fire
Mercury: Play ground
Jupiter: Treasure house
Venus: Bed Room
Saturn: Dirty Place
Seasons of Planets:
Venus: Vasant
Sun, Mars: Grishma
Moon: Varsha
Mercury: Sarad
Jupiter: Hemanta
Saturn: Sisir
Temperament of Planets:
Sun, Mars: Pitta or Bile
Saturn: Vata or wind
Jupiter, Moon, Venus: Kapha or phlegm
Mercury: Mixture of all
Taste of Planets:
Sun: Pungent
Moon: Saline
Mars: Bitter
Mercury: Mixed
Jupiter: Sweet
Venus: Sour
Saturn: Astringent
Elements of Planets :
Mercury: Prithivi
Moon, Venus: Jala
Sun, Mars: Agni
Saturn: Vayu
Jupiter: Akash
Complexion of Planets:
Mars and Sun: Blood- red
Moon: Tawny
Mercury: Green
Jupiter: Tawny
Venus: Variegated
Saturn: Dark
Physical constituents of Planets:
Sun: Bones
Moon: Blood
Mars: Marrow
Mercury: Skin
Jupiter: Fat
Venus: Semen
Saturn: Muscles
Cabinet of Planets:
Sun and Moon: Royal couple
Mars: Commander-in-chief
Mercury: Prince
Jupiter and Venus: Ministers
Saturn: Servant
Senses of planets:
Sun and Mars: Vision
Moon, Venus: Taste
Mercury: Smell
Jupiter: Hearing
Saturn: Touch
Periods of:
Sun: Six Months
Moon: 48 Minutes
Mars: A day (Consisting of day and Night)
Mercury: Two Months
Jupiter: One Month
Venus: A Fortnight
Saturn: A Year
Gems of Planets:
Sun: Ruby
Moon: Pearl
Mars: Coral
Mercury: Emerald
Jupiter: Yellow Sapphire or Topaz
Venus: Diamond
Saturn: Blue Sapphire
Rahu: Gomed
Ketu: Cats eye
Metals of Planets:
Mars & Sun: Copper
Moon and Venus: Silver
Mercury: Bells metal
Jupiter: Gold
Saturn: Iron
Rahu and Ketu: Lead
Robes of Planets:
Sun: Coarse
Moon: New
Mars: Burnt
Mercury: Water soaked
Jupiter: Of recent origin but not new
Venus: Durable
Saturn: Torn
Trees of Planets :
Sun: Tree with stout trunks
Moon: Milky trees(e.g. rubber yielding plants)
Mars: Bitter trees (Like lemon plants)
Mercury: Fruitless trees
Jupiter: Fruitful trees
Venus: Floral Plants
Saturn: Useless trees
Average Daily motion of planets in zodiac :
Sun : 10
Moon : 13-150
Mars : 30-45'
Mercury : 65-100'
Jupiter : 5-15'
Venus : 62-82'
Saturn : 2'
Rahu /Ketu : 3
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