Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Ascendant. Lagna. by Vedic Vision. Thanks Ojha jee


#Tann/Mann/Aatma series (part-2)

#Tann (Ascendant Sign)

★ LAGNA word is basically another name of LORD GANESHA out of his many name. It simply means starting of anything. We all know GANESHA is chief  Deity of JYOTISH SHASTRA   We all hindus know his importance of worshipping lord Ganesh as he's amongst must worship pancha devta, specially before starting anything important for his blessing.

※ Interestingly Deity of Ketu is lord Ganesha he's spouse are Riddhi/Shiddhi and he's significator of secret knowledge (Gupt vidya) like astrology and ketu also obstacle creator in our chart and lord Ganesh is VIGNAHARTA (obstacles remover) and in KAAL PURUSH CHART Ashwini NAKSHATRA of Ketu ie 1st star from which all things Shri Ganesha happen or  starts.

→ // we are all born with a unique genetic blue print which lays out the basic characteristics of our personalities as well as our physical health and appearance.... And yet we all know that life experiences do change us all  - JOAN D. VINGE //

✩ A recent study of a university said that With a personality and strong appearance we get our way easily and without it we cannot achieve much.

● Basically Our Lagna is our Genetic code and we can safely call it as our NATURAL MIND Now as per my previous post Sun sign is our conscious mind(father) while moon sign is our subconscious mind(mother) and Ascendant is our genes or mixed results of our parents and  genetic makeup which make us What we are.


<> Genes are phenotypic hereditary mix of our parents and decide our personality, eyes colour, blood type, hereditary genetic diseases etc on tangible level 

<>ON non tangible level it's our ATTITUDE which we carry with our self as well as  capabilities genetically we have and to what extend we may go, think, do etc. It show What our natural traits, likes, dislikes and habits are. In simple words Ascendant is what we are, our uniqueness defining element of horoscope


→ In very simple laymen language,  lagna fall in east direction where sun rise in morning (that's the reason why people born in morning will have sun in lagna itself while people born at sunset have in opposite in 7th house) Today with modern technology software we can simply do it with a click on a app and get chart or rest we can do it manually from panchang.

○ Ascendant take roughly 2 hours but as sign are unequal In duration so they differ from each other in duration.


<> 1St house of chart is called UDAY LAGNA Every yoga in our horoscope get multiplied if Uday lagna/ Ascendant strong and it's lord well place

<> it's the only house in chart which is Kendra (quadrants) as well as trikon (trine).

<> lagna is in 6th angle of enemy and disease  to 8th house (sudden catastrophic events ) of chart hence it act to give rog to 8th house and enemy to our sudden calamity

<> lagna is in 8th angle of sudden loss to 6th house of enemy and disease hence its protect body

<> lagna is in 2nd angle of sustenance to 12th house of loss hence its Marak to losses

<> lagna is 12th loss angle to 2nd house of death hence give longevity

<> lagna in 7th angle to 7th house of union /death hence its Marak to death and that's why very strong lagna personality find difficult to maintain relationship.

<> it's trine to 9th house of luck and father hence we are son of our father so is case of 5th house of children where lagna is 9th angle so we are their father


We have 12 signs and they come in east direction to become Lagna have their impact on our personalities as per their significant and elements. (will write post on each sign meaning Now few words for each lagna)

★ Aries lagna - lean and muscular physics, very impulsive, loves adventure and experiment new things, always starting something new, very energetic n active, ambitious, angry, egoistic, selfish.

★ Taurus Lagna - Strong shoulders and body, little plump, calm appearance, very possessive, determined, practical, loves status quo, wants security, extremely materialistic, lazy till they stand up, argumentative

★ Gemini Lagna - tall, round, plumpy, good orator, skill full, quick witted, strong presence of mind, very social, arrogant, lacks concentration.

★ Cancer lagna - delicate and soft body, round face, shy, loyal, sympathetic, sentimental, emotional sensitive, homey, very moody, demanding and complaining

★ Leo lagna - muscular, upper body better formed than lower, born leader, confident, egoistic, independent, fearless, dominant, prideful and self boasting, wants attention and think its funny to make other jealous

★ Virgo Lagna - tall, round, square body, highly intelligent with active mind, superb analysis and calculative skills but very critical natured, calm and deep thinker but can go in negative angle.

★ Libra Lagna - well formed and beautiful body, they are very social and seek alliance and partnership with others, always balancing their priority and sharing stuffs, very bad spending habits and never satisfied

★ Scorpio lagna - my favorites, very passionate, calm from outside volcanic from inside, bold, screwed, love secrets and mystery, very focused and excellent observer skills, scorpion string is world famous as they are very revengeful.

★ Sagittarius lagna - Generous, Jolly, ambitious, frank, full of wisdom and knowledge, born teacher or someone who guide, backpacker and love to travel.

★ Capricorn lagna - medium height and well structured body, very business and duty minded, organised, systematic, hardworking, patriotic, selfish, workolic

★ Aquarius Lagna - medium height, lean and structured bones, logical and scientific minded, strong reasoning skills, patience, unique, unemotional but very friendly as they are friends for everyone as world gains a lot from them.

★ Pisces lagna - short and plump, easy going, caring, mysterious in their way, harmless, liberal, globalist, over sensitive and unsteady.

○  Effect of each  planet on lagna is very important. Few words for each one.

◎ Sun in lagna - born leader, confident, egoistic, creative, strong defining Aura in personality.

◎ Moon in Lagna - Emotional, moody, glowing personality with artistic leaning.

◎ Mars in lagna - full of vitality, courageous, strong willpower, rash, dominant, adventure loving

◎ Mercury in lagna - strong presence of mind, extremely intelligent, excellent presence of mind, logical, good orator, fun loving.

◎ Jupiter in lagna - Full of wisdom, knowledgeable, optimistic, generous.
Venus in lagna - very good looking, money minded, materialistic, cool and sophisticated.

◎ Saturn in lagna - serious people, pessimistic, tasteless person who is always busy with his duty and responsibility but systematic and organized.

◎ Rahu in lagna - Selfish, self obsessed, over rating himself, opportunist, screwed and if Rahu alone without any beneficial aspect and only Malefic aspects then can cause disease 

◎ Ketu in lagna -  spiritual, selfless, Detached, unfocused, direction less, frustrated and confused person.

 ● What's PAKKA  Lagna?

@ Lagnesh or Ascendant Lord is as important as lagna as where ever its situation is we call that pakka lagna.

@ we express ourselves best in environment where ever pakka lagna is situated. Our mode of expression or where our personalities give best results in.

@ Lagnesh in lagna ~  highest form of rajyoga in astrology as personality is so superb that we can express ourselves best as leader in any given circumstances.

@ Lagnesh in 2nd ~ Native express best in his family, speech, general knowledge, money matters

@ Lagnesh in 3rd, ~ Native express best in meeting, working in team, planing, showing courage, explaining things, directing  and starting something different.

@ Lagnesh in 4th ~  Native express self best in homely matter, caring own people, teaching, growing things, giving security to other, patriotism

@ Lagnesh in 5th ~  Native express self best in politics, art, getting attention of masses, creating something unique.

@ Lagnesh in 6th ~  Native express self best in giving service, doing seva, in matter of exploitation and accusations

@ Lagnesh in 7th ~  Native express self best in partnership, alliance making, dealing, bargaining, contract making.

@ Lagnesh in 8th ~ , Native express self best in emergency situation, in dangerous and hazardous place, in keeping secrets and researching

@Lagnesh in 9th~ , Native express self best in Society, religious or philosophy related study or guide people

@Lagnesh in 10th ~ , Native express self best in Responsible position where we need to perform duty and in public visibility

@ Lagnesh in 11th ~ , Native express self best in network of people Espl in market based work or mentoring people.

@ Lagnesh in 12th ~  Native express self best in meditative, subconscious mind or in far away lands.

※ For Saturn lagna is marankarak Stan as its dry, cold and slow planet and lagna need vitality of fire

※ Jupiter and mercury get directional strength in lagna

※ mars and sun are best placed in lagna.


★ We should also make each house of chart as lagna to see each house significant. Like for children make 5th as its lagna and see how it plays out to understand fully about our first child. So on each house significant can be studied.

★  Even planet can be made into lagna and studied their effect like sun for father, moon for mother, Mars for younger brother etc (This is very important basic of Nadi astrology. These are called karak lagnas) and its most sophisticated approach to read each aspect of our life and relatives .


→ As per teaching of S.N.Naik sir in his books explained beautifully Various types lagna in classical Vedic astrology as per TATWA/element theory

1. FIRE /AGNI TATWA =  UDAYA LAGNA =  Energy, self attitude, power, weakness, creativity

2. WATER/JAL TATWA = MOON LAGNA = Thoughts process, thinking, emotions, stability,  psychological reaction, happiness, feelings, clarity, subconscious mind. 

3. EARTH/PIRTHVI TATWA = SUN LAGNA =  Confidence level, creativity, willpower, healing power, name, fame, respect, consious mind.

4. AIR/VAYU TATWA = ARUDHA LAGNA = Wisdom,  perception about us,  maya about us, recognition, non direct blood relatives, empowerment

Karma, spiritual growth, our vibration level, soul karmic journey, enhancement.

★ besides these top 5 important lagna There are also  many types of lagna in astrology like Indu lagna for wealth, sri lagna for prosperity, varnada lagna for social contacts, hora lagna for monetary gains etc and many more so

● Lagna Degrees are very important stuff and need to be studied toughly as it will show genetic strength of our body and weskness .

● Planet close to lagna degrees will always give strong results in their periods in auspicious ways irrespective of bala. Angle created from lagna to various planets have strong impact.

● Lagna degrees on cusp of signs means native will have characteristics of both sign signs as a child they will be more like the sign lagna degrees fall but as they grow they start acquire some characters of next signs but it doesn't mean they will leave their previous traits. Except to gandanta rest are good.

→ √ We have harmonic or divisional chart to study each and every aspect of our life as each house of d1 have many significant but divisional charts break them for us so we can use as per things we want to see  in CHART  from sub conscious to sub sub conscious level.

√ Each lagna of these chart and the concerned Bhava is superimpose in lagna chart to see true effect as well we see them independently

√ Each lagna of divisional shows our desire, motive and intention regarding the significant shown by divisional chart.

√ Arudha of each divisional chart shows how people perceive us for those significant pointed

These are fee pointers about TANN/ASCENDANT/LAGNA it's a endless topic we can keep writing more and more but I end it here.


Sun Lagna. By Vedic Vision. Thanks Ojha ji

#SURYA LAGNA #Sun Lord #Sun Sign

→ Concept of Tann, Mann, Aatma is a Vedic concept mentioned in every sacred texts from Veda to Bhagwat Geeta. It's a highly important concept which forms very base of Vedic  Astrology.

Part 1

★ Aatma (Sun ascendant/ sign)

● Sun is primal source of energy in our solar system and on earth without Sun temperature would drop whooping -173' Celsius and make life impossible. Importance of sun is highly neglected factor in today's world. Sun is root energy source for life on earth. Sun is called as tridev swarup as it have world Generator property, sustaining power and will eventually end it when Time is up. Word GOD come from first  letter of 3 words ( GENERATOR + OPERATOR + DESTROYER) GOD. In Shastra too utpati, stiti and pralay karta is used synonymous to Bhagwan or God.

● Sunlight bring Prana on earth which help in doing photosynthesis on earth and 99.9% of natural growth of life depends on sun light. It help create our Life, climate, ecosystem. Life came into existence and  Is sustained only because of Sun.

●  We in Sanathan Dharma have given Surya Narayan status of must worship panch Deva with Ganesh ji,  Vishnu ji, Shiva and Shakti Ji. In Hinduism is said that Sun lord sees every activity on planet earth and nothing is hidden from him.

●So if tomorrow any Atheist ask you to prove God we know where to point towards and even scientist cannot prove it isn't God and if it's not then what could be God.

★ We in Vedic Astrology consider Sun as natural Aatmakarak. Here Aatma is our consciousness (chetana) which is our uniqueness or identity our name and fame.

✩  Every one has Sun in their Chart and an identity which is known by some set of people and When this identity or knowing increases by massive scale it become fame. We love our identity that's why Sun is identified with our self esteem and negatively called  EGO.

★  It's karak of Dharma (Righteousness) that's why sun define our characters. In NADI Jyotish if sun is present in infidelity yoga then it will not allow other planet to perform their outcome. Strong character present never does such activities most probably we may do infidelity in our mind but not in real.

★ IN BPHS sun is related to  Avatar of Rama who was called as maryada purushottam aka best of all humans in ethics and social behaviour. Sun stand for exactly what Rama stood for perfect human. However when Malefic relates specially Rahu then it cause multiple identity & if even moon weak then crook ness in character

● Rama was purna-avtar so in astrology sun too get similar strength to veto power of other and present his significant strongly. Combustion is one of best example

★ ★  Sun is  5th lord of KAAL PURUSH hence it stand for our creative, active, executive mind 

«» creator of  primal source of life aka  prana. We in Astrology take it as planet of creativity and in kaal purush chart it owns 5th house of creativity.

«»When ever we do anything it's some kind of creativity that why it's planet of action. What ever we do have signature of Sun in it and basically it's our Style of doing things. When we do something we attract attention.

»«Sun sign show how we do our things and get attention. Sun show in our chart ideas which we develop and speculate.


«»  Our greatest creativity is our children aka 5th house thing. It's karak of children in some branch of astrology.

«» Being father of universe it's karak of father. Remember Father, us and our child will all have same genes and some level of similarity.



◎ Sun in 1st = person shows personality of a great administrator and creative self esteemed person, no matter how bad current situation be they find it had to ask help or bend before other

※ Sun in 2nd= person shows world he's good in speech, family oriented, leader of collector and hoarders with strong  basic Ethics and creative in wealth building

※Sun in 3rd = persons shows he's good in planning, creative communication, writing, explaining and directing things with team leader abilities

※Sun in 4th = person shows he's a homely person with caring, emotional  and creative mentoring abilities, he's patriotic, loves own culture and leader of own people. 

※Sun in 5th = person shows he's highly creative, always in leading role, political mind with excellent management's abilities  and leader who always creative in centre role to lead every one

※Sun in 6th = person shows he's service oriented, hard working, leader of class people, social activists and creative  trouble shooter to other

※Sun in 7th = person shows other he's excellent negotiator, alliance builder and dominating  leader in partnership with creative business skills

※Sun in 8th = person shows world he knows all secrets, leaders of occult and researcher. He's creative  in emergency response activities

※Sun in 9th = person shows he's backpacker who's have tremendous knowledge on many subject and social topics and creative in matter of religion belief

※Sun in 10th = person shows a great administrator with status building power and leading abilities. He can executive any size   of work.

※Sun in 11th = person shows he know who's who with excellent creative networking abilities and information gathering

※ Sun in 12th = person shows he's knowledge of far beyond lands, he is Jugad baaz, out of box thinker and knows open secrets

→ note = as per sign such placement get modified

  It's creator of  primal source of life aka  prana. We in Astrology take it

★ Sun is centre of our solar system. Everything revolves around him that means it's a  king. Sun is karak of Government or people with authority. Sun is krur planet because king have to be ruthless sometimes to enforce system and not let  anarchy take over system.

★ Sun is father of Saturn and sun is Action and Saturn is Karma so from father son comes henceforth Action create karma.

★ 5th house of sun in kaal purush chart is 12th to 6th house of disease so it's dissolving of diseases and sun is karak of immunity in our body  Usually Doctor will always have strong Sun in their Chart.

★ 5th lord of politics and Through government we resolve issues. Judges also have strong sun.

★  Sun is luminaries and in our Body eyes is through which we emit our light. A person eyes never lies. It's karak of eye sight.

★ Sun's location and sign show us ones creative intelligence, character, ego, knowledge, style, father, government, male child, immunity.

★ Star lord of Sun show inner current of significance of Sun in chart  and  our psychological approach towards name identity building

★ Location of sun in different sign and Bhava show how we most  shine at, what we always try to show the world, our  characters, our creativity, our style of garnering attention and doing things etc.

★ In transit Sun play a vital role as its planet of action and nothing happen with out its permission. It's trigger of events in chart and denotes month when something's is meant to happen.

● Sun As Ascendant chart is seen for our name, fame, respects, earning, creativity, inner strength

※ 10th house of sun/moon/d1 chart denotes profession as per brihatjatak

※ 9th of house of sun chart shows true status of father and his own respect

※ trik lord (6/8/12) of sun chart shows who's one that will accuse and destroy our reputation

※ 5th house of sun chart and its lord position shows success of our child

Next post on Tann aka Lagna and it's role. How to identify some one character through these 3 and their importance is all these 3 post about.

Thank you for patience reading


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Astro lesson by Prof Av Sundaram ji

Once again for the Freshers.:

A little bird told me :""  1,5,9 -are Dharma houses, 2,6,10 are  Karma (Artha) houses, 3,7,11 are Kama houses, 4,8,12 are Moksha houses.
1,4,7,10 are Physical houses, 2,5,8,11 are Mental houses, 3,6,9,12 are Spiritual / emotional houses..
Lets take KAMA  houses today. 3..Spiritual Kama, 7..Physical Kama and 11 .Mental KAMA.

 7 house ( Libra) indicates the Physical attachment (including sex) which is given to Spouse or person with whom attachment is there.This house is important more for Male.

3. house ( Gemini) indicates unconventional attachment  with out regard to age or sex (Gay, Lesbians, teacher/student etc.). watch out for lag.lord, 7 lord. Moon or Venus having connection with 3 house in young people, they can get involved in such relationships. is mental attachment (friends) this house is MORE important to FEMALE natives. for Male gets attracted to female Physically first but mostly Female gets attracted to male first Mentally before getting into Physical. This is the reason the 11 house of female native must free from affliction. 7 house has less effect on her.
To give an example. lag lord in 7 for a male the relationship is spoiled,whereas for a female if the lag lord is in 11 she has problems in relationships.
we hear 4 is the house of CHASTITY but its longevity is the 11 house
 In fact the affliction of 4 house( happiness) say by RAH. in female chart shows her happiness is shared meaning her partner is cheating her.!!1""

my note: check with SENIORS your findings.

Transit . By Sh Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra. Thanks

Simple but accurate way to see the result of transit

Generally as per most classic transit are to be seen from Moon but as per Satyacharya is to be seen from either Lagna or Moon whichever is strong .In practice at times seeing transit from Lagna give good result .But there are other factors which is also important –Ashtakvarga points , relative transits position of planets in transit ( often referred as vedh and veepreet vedh) and Dasa prevailing at that time .Any result is combination of multiple factor –it is the interrelationship of planets in natal chart and at a particular time in transit that matters . If you take four factors
a) Lagna
b) Lagna lord
c) Moon
d) Dasa and anterdasa lord
And give 25% weightage to each and then evaluate transit you will get fairly accurate result. If a planet is favorably placed from each factor in transit only than it can give 100% good result otherwise its effectiveness will reduce proportionately. If planets are favorable in transit from three factors they will give 75% good result ,if from two they will give 50% and from one they will give only 25% good result. Taking Dasa lord and lagna lord into consideration makes transit analysis dynamic –because it will vary from individual to individual and will not be the same as when you take only lagna or moon into consideration. If one can take into consideration age of the person and subsequent house running as per sudershan chakra and evaluate current transit from that place - transit result will further be precise and accurate.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Apropos article OUTER PLANET'S of Vedic Vision penned by Sh Ojha ji.

It is very much part of ancient texts. I'd like to add the below link:

Mahabharata is a clear cut evidence for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Vedic Indian Era. It is also believed to be part of Bhagavad-Gita and Srimat Bhagavatham. So, as it is, No Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Vedic texts is actually baseless.

It is up to readers choice to agree or disagree. Develop your opinion. I have shared one opinion. Please

Bhola Nath Shukla

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Past life .Karma theory. Discussed by Vedic Vision. Thanks Ojha ji



→ Past life yes can be predicted by set of various techniques in each school of thoughts with unique application and informations obtained, but there is no way to reaffirm and confirm them as they are fully on classical text dictum and must be followed as said

@ Generally people say that so and so is a good person but still faces misery in this life while someone else devilish enjoying all sukha in this birth and still doing bad karma ?

●  Its said we humans will bear our past life karma as //karma leave no address // but how did we  reacted then in past life which created these karma we bearing now  and why we face such & such  situation (good or bad ) now give clue to lot of question .Hence knowing past birth is useful as we know how we reacted then and what we face today hence we may react differently this time so future karma we generate are better quality. How we react now is exactly our power of freewill. There is very delicate balance between past karma and free will, most time karma over take free will reacting power hence we keep suffering but if we know source of karma now we may react differently in future and result for next birth may be different altogether. 

✩ Each and every placement in all charts is result of past karma, basically astrologer job is check the past karma and with reverse engineering we predict this and that will happen to you as u did this and that karma then.

 ● Some book of GREAT GURU JI R.G.RAO sir on just combination of planet and past birth karma done and this birth destiny exists with example charts too for e.g SATURN -MARS - KETU (7-3-9) Then native tortured his blood relatives in past birth regarding land deal and made them punish by court hence in this birth they suffer from unstable career and health now hence certain bhakti marg is prescribed for stability with dos and donts etc

√ Work of astrologer is explain client the past karma result now and with best Dharmic point of view guide and give  suggestions.

★ Certainly when humans die our mind also die but things which use to do daily and perfected that art carry imprint in our  soul and called souls  knowledge and is represented by Ketu in our chart.  For e.g I know a boy from a business family where no one is art lover but this boy know to play Harmonium at very young age with out being taught, some are dancers /singer etc then some thing different. In simple term // KNOWING WITHOUT LEARNING IS KETU AS ITS SOUL CARRIED KNOWLEDGE  //ketu/ Rahu  is one of best indicator of past birth as they are what we were in past and what we deeply desire to be now. Planet signs, house, aspects and conjunction or relationship  they placed in chart give vital information of past life. However these are usual suspect we all know

★★ Saturn being karak of karma give result of destiny hence its surrounding planet shows karma pending we will face

Saturn owned 10th house and its divisional  D10 chart and it clear indicator of past karma with references to house in D1 and Navamsa being kriyaman karma shows how will be intensity of karma. It's a complex calculus with inter linked divisional charts which shows karma (Saturn ) D10 and result of our destiny (Jupiter ) D9.

★★★ In NADI Great Guru ji Rao sir gave formula of taking one previous sign of Jupiter to know past birth destiny and its resultant effects. What ever association in rear sign we have some hobby and interest in them like for e.g  moon in 12th to jup so native was a traveller and even now love travels

★★★★ Also BRIGU BINDU is destiny point hence past birth unfinished agenda which we subconsciously do work towards

Besides each and every yoga and connection in chart is a past karma imprint

★★★★★ D60 is sanchit karma, its chart of all past lives in one single matrix shows where we stand in our cycle of birth and rebirth. Planets afflicted and falling in this chart are one where we continually doing mistake and need to improve now and good one in chart are we doing well and need to maintain the momentum  and also some dasha are specially used on them to see effect of certain kriyaman karma

«» I also read some where the vimnosatri dasha at birth start from where it ended in past birth ( I agree nor disagree ) birth star have very deep connection to past birth and mind projection as moon is placed in them

<> also visible half (7 to 1 house ) of horoscope is risen signs and hence past denoted by them and about rise is future. 9 house of destiny lies in viable half hence destiny depends on past karma. Affliction here shows past karma which haunts us and good planet here shows good karma carried.


→ Where is freewill in our chart is is matter of research how far we can employ then is the trick still in enigma ←

This is endless topic and invite member to discuss more .



Great topic to be discussed at length by learneds. Our sages have given many clues, needs to be deciphered, in this regard. Many good commentaries of Vedantic upnishad's explains this aspect, a difficult subject to understand , but to put use of it with  astrological tools is rarest of the rare. Since many classical texts we find now a days are plagiarized.
Loved to read this motivational post,
Sincere thanks.
Bhola Nath Shukla

Friday, October 12, 2018

Outer planets. Thanks Ojha ji. Vedic Vision.


✩ As many westerners embrace Vedic Jyotish the first question we come across from them is why there is absence of Outer planets like NEPTUNE, PLUTO,  URANUS here.

@ answer are mostly graphic and full of antic answer that they are recent discovery, they cannot be seen from naked eyes, they are powerless, some one wrote but we don't know etc etc nor I agree nor I disregard their answer.



→Some variation of BPHS had them as non luminous planet but nothing much clarity

→ sage ved vyas talk on them in mahabharat but it isn't sure he's talking on them only

 √ Most interesting information available in classic is in NADI GRANTHA

●MAHARISHI VASHISTHA is forgotten legend of our Shastra. He was Saptarishi and Sage of RIGVEDA who is said to be main author of 7th Mandela & dedicated towards Prajapati INDRA, AGNI DEV, VARUN DEV.

●Yoga Vasistha a treatise between him and lord Rama where philosophical view of humans life, society soul and its said to be mother text for Advaitha philosophy.

●AGNI Purana is attributed to this great sage.

● Even Vishnu purana is co-authored by him with Maharishi Pulatshya

● VASHISTHA NADI is also  his work & our matter of focus for this post.

★  LATE SCHOLAR NARENDRA DESIA sir on his study on NADI grantha  visited to Madras museum and came upon Vasishtha NADI where he translated texts which said that in kulyuga 3 more planet will be discovered in kulyuga and in palm leaves it said names of planets will be INDRA, VARUN & YAMA. Jyotish will need to decipher them to reach conclusion. This Grantha would be at least 3500 bc around most probably. He is scholar who talked on them logically

 «» now to understand these planets we need to decipher nature of these deity

★ INDRA @ URANUS  ~ Lord of DEVTA. He's one of most screwed higher being who employed any means to stay in power, he's called prajapati hence  has creative power, his weapon is tunder bolt hence sudden splash of wisdom and shocks, insecure deity hence constant plotting.

Lastly indra literally means indriya our sense of vision, smell, hearing, taste, sensibility and thoughts. On metaphysical level these also means it can control all these to give faith, persistence, mindfulness, stillness and wisdom.

→How he may sit it may mean creativity, desire to stay on top of those significant by hook and crook, challenge to control senses as we will be subject to lure to do adharma

→ planet it CONNECT give creativity and growth and this plnwt control and try to dominate the other one

★ VARUNA @ Neptune ~ Lord of Cosmic water. We all know water is life and  as we all know everything started from water and will end on water. Its origin and it the end. Weapon is noose hence it can cause to suffocate people who do heinous karma. Its associated with healing. Has command in depth with no end and intuition/mystism related planet. He is devta who is also associated with Asuras.

→How may sit it may give deep depth ful emotional thoughts and mental obsession towards significant  of that house which ties and suffocate us and give healing power.

→ to conjunct/connect  planet it pass his emotional obsseional energy to signified planet and try to give depth and surprising events  the planet link to it

★ YAMA @ PLUTO ~ Lord of death,  justice and Dharma. Scripture associate him with time,  old age, disease, anger and jealousy. Lord Yama in yoga is associated with Niyam  or rules and literally its restraining and controlling element. Its cleansing an removal of impurity for rebirth.

→ House he sits subject to restrain, danger, sudden calamity, destruction, deep research and secret activities and significant must be controlled and restrained its places in.

→ signify danger to planet it sits with and restrain, control in relationship

● However these are matter of research and stay for too long in a sign

● stay in sign for too long hence effective on psychology than material matter due to distance and speed

● sign for Neptune/varun suitable is Pisces, Uranus /prajapati indra suits in  Aquarius and Pluto /yama well related to Scorpio

● star lord isn't there for them as they are too long period of their  transits hence unsuitable as well as classics are silent which we must not change

● less powerful but not powerless

● transit they can used on natal as well as of their on other

● many more non luminous planet like Gulika mandi type calculative planet are already in use in Vedic astrology more study on them must be done as pointed in vashistha NADI

→  This article is for study purpose and not against Vedic doctrine but as per its instruction

→ chief planet will only be 7 planets and 2 chaya graha like nodes and outer, calculative points like gulika etc their own role in Jyotish

→ further research study is needed and welcome member views

Thank you for patience reading

Post courtesy towards Dennis Harness ji 🙏


Monday, October 8, 2018

Fundamental . Penned by Ojha ji. Thanks Vedic Vision.


★ One of my senior friend today asked me why is signs placed in so & so formation ?

@ Its very theoretical answer. Firstly we need to understand origin of these word.

★ RASHI word have been derived from word Ra which is Rahu and Shi which is Shiki aka Ketu these 2 planets are retro and denotes past pending  desires and unfulfilled  karma  and Rashi is vehicle to form their shape and root of rebirths. In common language Rashi is Ras or taste or essence of any thing. Planet located  in them denotes the taste they are meant to present to you in this birth. Rashi give colour and shape to our desires for which we take birth.

BHA - chakra is derived for word Brahmanda and denotes the creator  Lord Brahma who sits on 12 petal lotus which are 12 signs and makes for Kaal purush Vishnu from who's Nabi Brahma have taken birth hence signs Chakra is called BHA CHAKRA 


@ LORD SURYA is amongst pancha devta (must worship for all Hindu ) he is root of energy to our universe and we all know without him there is no life on earth possible, he is rightly said to be Natural Aatmakarak or significator of life & supreme king of life.

 Now being luminary  the Brightest of all Leo is his sign as Magha Nakshatra starts from this sign and its called throne of sky and king naturally sits on his throne.

Suppose we take Leo as brightest sun lord itself then in its opposite 180 degree angle must have to be darkest zone as light will weaken as it travel to farest and farthest zone hence that area is  Aquarius which must have dark and cold owners hence planet like Saturn and Rahu are co-owner of Aquarius or Khumbh Rashi. Leo is positive sign of creativity, dhama, politics and lineage ruled sign of SUN

★★Now for our understanding we aka  Nar (jeeva) and our  karma happens on earth hence we use Geocentric model and earth goes to  sun place and sun come to earth place and it interchange as per this model hence second most luminous object in sky is moon it acquire side region to Leo which is  cancer sign and 180 degree opposite to this is Capricorn sign second most darkest region for light to travel. Cancer is receptive, sustaining, motherly,  mind, emotion, psychology, unconditional love significator sign  of MOON

★★★Now we are clear with sun and moon why Saturn is lord Aquarius and Capricorn signs so next to sun and moon nearest planet is mercury so theoretically once Aatma and Mann unite it need intelligence which come from mercury. -  Now from sun own leo sign onward we start a series of positive energy  sign starts hence we get Virgo sign which is highly creative intellectual sign with very  strong creative TARKIK or REASONING  power and from moon own cancer sign negative energy  sign starts which is Gemini which is childish enjoying receptive energy sign of MERCURY

*** note - here positive negative doesn't means good or bad signs its just energy level of creativity or outward  aka positive and sustainability or receptive  aka negative just like we have power batteries

★★★★Once Aatma + mann + buddhi evolve  we get chetna aka consciousness next we need concentration to take birth we all know how million of sperm / SHUKRA race during birth but only one succeed to  take birth hence here come Shukracharya aka Venus from sun positive side we get Libra sign which is a relationship creating sign  and moon negative side we get Taurus sign  is strong receptive and sustaining of relationship signs of VENUS

★★★★★Once conception happen we start to get  a body shape, energy and vitality hence mars positive  sign Scorpio comes in picture which is creative process of child birth as Ketu is also co lord so denote difficulty of birth  and creativity  related activities as well as its negative sign Aries come in cancer cycle belt which being negative act like sustaining the body and protecting by receiving food to give energy to sustain body of deha karak MARS

★★★★★★Now we have Aatma (soul) + Maan (mind) + buddhi (intelligence) + KAMA (GENDER) +  deha (body) hence we can conclude a complete Jeeva with 7 chakras is taken shape to live a social life  hence Jupiter signs fall next to mars hence Sagittarius is positive sign of Jupiter which is taking aim for sky (symbol of Sagittarius) to create his own destiny  and  Pisces is negative sign after Aries which is fantasy/ dreams which sustain human life journey with hope and dreams to achieve

★★★★★★★Once is JEEVA ready then he starts his karma here comes Saturn in picture his positive sign Capricorn is creating karma and negative signs Aquarius is sustained thinking for out of box rebel ideas to create unique karma which effect this life and make us a legend to be remember for our work.

This is how signs have been set one after the another and their inherited positive (creative) and negative (sustaining)  qualities determined their positioning in Bha or Rashi chakras

●Now General question arrived in readers mind will be why in Kaal purush Aries is taken as Ascendant ?

✩✩✩ Aries starts with Ashwin NAKSHATRA which is the infinite uncontrollable energy of Big Bang as well as exaltation of Aatmakarak sun, what does a soul need ? A SOUL NEED A BODY which is Aries as well as deity of star is Ashwin kumar is physician of Devta which means the super natural and  magical help for soul to take birth or simple words the start of universe. Ashwini of Aries denotes KETU + MARS + SUN energy the firey element the Big Bang which created the start of universe hence Aries is Lagna of KAAL PURUSH CHART but its cancer and sun which as AATMA + MANN give meaning to life 

Hope this was interesting reading material from BRIGU SCHOOL of thoughts in Jyotish Shastra. Plz like and share this post and page 🙏

Thank you for patience reading


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Astro tips. Courtsey Vedic Vision . Thanks Ojha ji


★ What is Basically Astrologer  ?

1. He's a trouble shooter for others and well learned n master or specialist in a subject

2. He study sky and secrets doctrine

3. He must have intuition to speculate matter and analyse matters

4. He must have VAKSHIDDHI or simple term must say things about future

5. He must be intelligent enough to guide someone

● As per this if we go by Kundali for a would be Jyotish or enthusiast then

★ planets ~  Ketu is trouble shooter planet hence karak or significator of Jyotish, doctors and  law profession. Also Ketu is knowing without learning or simple laymens words past birth expertise and no one become astrologer in one birth, Jyotish is Gupt vidya and Ketu is secrecy significator

Besides mercury is knowledge, Venus is pandityata or expertise in a subject, sun is Dharma, moon is intuition, Saturn is karma and Jupiter is JEEVA

★ In houses ~ 12th house is house of Astrology as Its open sky which a Jyotish study

8th house too as its 9th house to 12th house hence its philosophy doctrine and study  attached to 12th house

5th house as its natural house of sun and karak of jup who's and astrology is about JEEVA and Aatma study journey as well as speculation

2nd house as its speech house need AUSPICIOUS or satvik for truth to come out

★. Signs ~  Pisces, scorpio, Taurus and Leo are important sign as they rule 12/8/2/5 house of KPC

 ※ Technical aspects

√ Firstly 12th/8th/2nd house must have positive influence either natural beneficial like  knowledge giving jup/mer/Venus or natural Malefic who's strongly positioned in own sign or exalted 

√ Secondly he must also have Ketu related other planet

1. Ketu + Saturn = spiritual works or trouble shooter in this life (moksh karma yoga )

2. Ketu + mercury = knowledge how to do trouble shooting ( moksh buddhi )

3. Ketu + jup = trouble shooter him self (Ganesh yoga or kind of person who's vignaharta to other )

4. Moon + mercury = intuitional knowledge ( mann buddhi)

5. Jup + sun = person related to aatmagyan (jeeva aatma samyoga )

6. Ketu + moon = yoga for intuitional thoughts  (moksh mann yoga )

→ I also seen some Rahu + Saturn as one who propel great systems of Astrology as a magicians type astrologer

√ These yoga or house must be in. Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio or Leo signs or at least one of the about important planets must be depositeds here 

√ Venus is prime planet to any one to be excellent astrologer or expert rest can have interest but for a expert this play major role as well Saturn related to make it professional aspects

@ Its very tricky to be frank To have all such combo as well as star lordship give true essence if 10th/6th lord through stars must-have relation to 8th and 12th lords

Lets take example of Legenday ASTROLOGER B.V.RAMAN  SIR

1. 8th house have Ketu itself which aspects 12th house house giving him unrestricted access  to secrets knowledge

2. Ketu is aspecting Saturn and moon in Taurus sign  creating 2 of Jyotish yoga of being astrologer with karma and intuitions and fullfilling sign criteria also Ketu in Virgo but not worry as mercury in Leo is following support

3. Jupiter is aspecting sun creating jeeva-atma samyoga and Rahu amplify this yoga this is 3rd yoga in chart for being a famous astrologer

4. 2nd house have aspects of Jupiter from Scorpio as well as mercury is retro giving support

5. Scorpio, Leo, Pisces and Taurus have 7 planets in charts

6. Jupiter in Scorpio is in star of Saturn who's 12th lord and lagnesh in chart giving astrology and over seas success through his works

7. Arudha in 4th house Taurus with yogakarak Saturn and 3rd lord moon with sun in 3rd from Arudha gave him fame, popularity and respect through his writing skills as well as greatest  guru for us all now interestingly  in 7th from Arudha have Scorpio brahaspati  or jup so  he was also opposed by some occult guru tooth n nail  but this over all added to his fame in larger picture mind u jup is Malefic from Taurus Arudha

8. Yoga karak Venus, mercury and mars are in star of Venus who's empowering lagna

This one perfect astrologer charts Maximum criteria from yoga, house and signs related minimum requirements fullfilled here in this chart 👌

There is lot to learn from his chart and infinite I welcome member to add more points

Hope this helps and thank you for patience reading