Simple but accurate way to see the result of transit
Generally as per most classic transit are to be seen from Moon but as per Satyacharya is to be seen from either Lagna or Moon whichever is strong .In practice at times seeing transit from Lagna give good result .But there are other factors which is also important –Ashtakvarga points , relative transits position of planets in transit ( often referred as vedh and veepreet vedh) and Dasa prevailing at that time .Any result is combination of multiple factor –it is the interrelationship of planets in natal chart and at a particular time in transit that matters . If you take four factors
a) Lagna
b) Lagna lord
c) Moon
d) Dasa and anterdasa lord
And give 25% weightage to each and then evaluate transit you will get fairly accurate result. If a planet is favorably placed from each factor in transit only than it can give 100% good result otherwise its effectiveness will reduce proportionately. If planets are favorable in transit from three factors they will give 75% good result ,if from two they will give 50% and from one they will give only 25% good result. Taking Dasa lord and lagna lord into consideration makes transit analysis dynamic –because it will vary from individual to individual and will not be the same as when you take only lagna or moon into consideration. If one can take into consideration age of the person and subsequent house running as per sudershan chakra and evaluate current transit from that place - transit result will further be precise and accurate.
Generally as per most classic transit are to be seen from Moon but as per Satyacharya is to be seen from either Lagna or Moon whichever is strong .In practice at times seeing transit from Lagna give good result .But there are other factors which is also important –Ashtakvarga points , relative transits position of planets in transit ( often referred as vedh and veepreet vedh) and Dasa prevailing at that time .Any result is combination of multiple factor –it is the interrelationship of planets in natal chart and at a particular time in transit that matters . If you take four factors
a) Lagna
b) Lagna lord
c) Moon
d) Dasa and anterdasa lord
And give 25% weightage to each and then evaluate transit you will get fairly accurate result. If a planet is favorably placed from each factor in transit only than it can give 100% good result otherwise its effectiveness will reduce proportionately. If planets are favorable in transit from three factors they will give 75% good result ,if from two they will give 50% and from one they will give only 25% good result. Taking Dasa lord and lagna lord into consideration makes transit analysis dynamic –because it will vary from individual to individual and will not be the same as when you take only lagna or moon into consideration. If one can take into consideration age of the person and subsequent house running as per sudershan chakra and evaluate current transit from that place - transit result will further be precise and accurate.
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