Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Individual horoscope vs Vastu Solutions ? BNS


My Dear friends.

During the forced vacations due to Covid lockdowns, I got opportunities to read some of the paper’s published by eminent scholars on Vaastu.

To name a few, I share the Titles as under.

1. Banaras/Kashi/Varanasi A Selected Bibliography (& selected annotations). 

2. Rationales for inscribing “The Heritage sites, Riverfront and Pilgrimages Routes of Ayodhya.

3. Sacred Ecology and Transformative Consciousness in Hinduism.

4. Oracle landscape of Orchha.

5. Design of Settlements in the Vaastu.

6. Indian Architectural Theory Contemporary.

7. Dancing Architecture Parallel evolution.

8. Comparative Study Vaastu Shastr.

9.  Building science of Indian temple architecture.

10. VEDIC Vastu A scientific Approach.


Beyond doubt, we got the Gyan of Vastu from our Sages and Rishi’s. 

We did inherit instructions about the practice, use of this noble vidya.

As of now, the question raised by learned and commoners is. 

Are we  justifying with the instructions in our practice?

I being an inquisitive person, hereby request vastu experts to remove the doubts (crept in the practice of Vastu, jyotish) having thick curtains which frustrate the inquisitive mind.

The question is :

Whether the Vastu study of a property is prime or the property owner's horoscope is prime.

In other word's if I ask, should the horoscopic analysis of the owner of the property be studied first or the Vastu of the property.

And, Should we first suggest remedies in that regard to individual (owner) as per his horoscopic study, or should we directly jump to suggest remedies/alterations etc. for the property.

These questions need serious answers.

I quote hereunder relevant cases, why I have raised such a serious question.

Look at UP, MP, Maharashtra, Bihar.

So many Cotton Mills, Sugar Mills established 150 plus years ago which yielded so much riches, gains, profits in the periods when we were not independent.  

And why almost all such industries got vanished after long years, particularly when we got independence.

Once that very composite set yielded riches, and with the passage of time, that very composite set started giving losses.

Note beforehand that almost in all such industries no new construction was carried out. 

Meaning that the plot, building, architecture etc. remained the same. 

Meaning that the same properties, with same dimensions and architecture which yielded riches for so many years, got to such pity conditions becoming liable for liquidations etc. WHY ?

Underlying point is that, the only change that happened in all these periods were the change of hands of governing individuals. 

Read about DCM & MODI Group, JK, Kanpur Group, BIC Eastern India, Mafatlals Gujrat, Madura Coats And Binnys in South, all went to losses after exchange of leadership.

U may recall in recent past One Individual decision.

Sh Ratan Tata conceptualized and announced car in around 1 lakh. Followed by supplementary decisions all went in vain. 

Resulting Tata's Nano project. 

Singur to Sanand to Shut down.

I admire Shri Ratan Tata ji abilities and capabilities.

Before putting my submissions to rest, I submit the following. 

I recall the explanation of a learned vastu consultant, that with the help of the horoscope of a person,  it can be found out that :

Is there any Vastu Dosh in his dwelling house or work place ?  (3rd,4th,5th House's in the horoscope needs attention).

Late Shri Av Sundaram ji Hyderabad,once replied to my said query. I quote.

Dear BNS ji :  I totally agree with you.  

It is the native chart important for the results.  VASANTHE NE PRANANO THATRA VASSTU…. 

think on the sentence is correct. 

वासन्ते ने प्राँणों तत्र वास्तु ।।

 Where living being live that is Vastu. 

 I say earth is Vasthu all are not happy…

Cancer is Chara vastu,  your enviorment, 

Scrpio is Sthira vasthu your plot, 

and Meena is Nitya vastu.. your stay and sleep.  

So its the native chart is important. regards.

I wish to add with respect that Late Prof. Av Sundaram ji was :

Icasian by heart.

Mathematician by profession.

Magician by skills.


Taking note of the above-mentioned lessons :

 I understand, that the horoscope(s) of the person(s) have a clear-cut edge to find out the Dosha and remedial measures be suggested to that extent.

Stepping in or moving away from the dwelling place and all its advantages / disadvantages, requires a deliberate concious decision.

In other words, Unhurried and without a rapacious desire. 

There should not be any excessive or exploitative act, out of greed or to take advantage of consumers or patrons. (Predatory action).

It is the Individual(s) who controls, governs, owns & pockets the gain. Since his/their horoscope(s) works (according to his fate & freewill) and that should be studied before suggesting any modifications to properties to Vastu.

I share with you a famous dialogue.

Prominent lawyer Mr C.K. Daphtary , while urging a judge to forgive a junior lawyer, said: “My Lord, the young man’s fault is that he has done the right thing in a wrong way.

When he reaches your Lordship’s age and mine, he will learn how to do the wrong thing in the right way.

Taking cue from the quote,  

I, humbly submit : 

ICAS as a body has now become a seat of learning of Astro branches. Thus every leaf, rib, stem and branch of the tree has its role to play to keep the Tree deeply rooted.

Any of our act under the veil of ICAS for self gains would  jeopardise the image of the ICAS. 

Self praise has no space in the institution. Friends, we share collective responsibility.

The lesson of Dr Bv Raman ji our Founder president is worth recalling.

1. Unhealthy trends have seeped into practice of astrology and these must be suitably tackled.

2. To serve the cause of astrology to understand proper understanding of this great science and Eschewing all wrong notions.

(Sd. Dr Bv Raman)

(Dated 5th November 1998)

I feel that the older I grow affinity with ICAS, the more my eyes are wide open for getting, answers of my inquisitive mind.

I am just grasping every opportunity, to graduate.

I don't know how long my learning will continue to be. I treat every query on a serious note and potential. I do not take it as my walkover. 

I'm unsure when will it be all over. When will I get the tap on my shoulder, by the learned?

When I look back my past thirty years of journey with ICAS, I feel myself proud. Since I could gain, enrich my study without limping’s.

Thank you all for patient hearing.

Bhola Nath Shukla


27/28 Nov. 2021

Camp.IIPA NDelhi


  1. Legendary figure in Astrological fraternity Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma ji Nagpur, opined as under (wrt to my Vastu presentation.)

    If I remember right any place where living beings stay is called vastu according to the ancient sages and that includes from Devalayas to Cattle shades.
    वसन्ति प्राणिनो यत्र इति वास्तु ..
    I too think natal chart and actions due to mind of jataka shall override Vastu.
    I am sure the learned will throw more light on this.

    I think Natal chart overrules indications of Good or bad results of Vastu.
    वस धातु को तुण् लगने से वास्तु शब्द बनता है । वसन्ति प्राणिनो यत्र सः वास्तु ।
    All dwelling structures including Temples, cattle shed human dwellings are refered as Vastu.

  2. प्रसिद्ध पातिकी के नाम से जाने पहचाने पत्रकार एवं ज्योतिष रसज्ञ श्री माधव पति ने अपने विचार व्यक्त किये :

    सर, ईंट पत्थर से व्यक्तिगत भाग्य निर्धारित होते तो भवन निर्माण व्यवसायियों का दर्जा समाज में अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण होता. भगवान गीता में इंद्रिय निग्रह के स्थान पर वास्तु शास्त्र की बात करते.
    ऐसी फतेहपुर सीकरी के वास्तु से भला क्या लाभ जब अकबर को ही अपने जीवन काल में लाव लश्कर के साथ वहाँ से भागना पड़ा. कारण था क्षेत्र में पानी की किल्लत. ऐसे निकम्मे वास्तुविद थे कि इतना बड़ा महल परिसर बना दिया जबकी "जल नाड़ी" कहीं नहीं खोज पाए. इसके विपरीत चितौड़ का किला देखिए. वहाँ के वास्तुविदों ने जल नाड़ी खोज कर उसे बनाया और शताब्दियों बाद आज भी वहाँ पानी निरंतर बह रहा है.
    वास्तु चमत्कार तो एक ही घटित हुआ है भारत में, दिल्ली के कीर्ति स्तंभ के पास बना लौह स्तंभ. वैज्ञानिक मुंह बिचका कर कहते हैं, "यू नो दिस इज वैरी इंप्योर फार्म आफ आयरन".
    अरे वैशाखनंदन वैज्ञानिकों यदि यह लौह का अशुद्ध स्वरूप है तो ऐसा कोई दूसरा स्वरूप बना कर तो दिखाओ. सदियों से धूप, पानी के बीच तन कर खड़ा है. कितने साम्राज्य और सल्तनत आयी और चली गयीं. इसने किसी के उत्थान-पतन में कोई योगदान नहीं दिया पर स्वयं अपनी अशुद्धता के साथ पूरी ठसक से खड़ा हुआ है.

  3. Presenting
    Vaastu Shudhi
    As told by Ms. Tanuja Thakur ji.

    Simple tips to do vastu shudhdi :

    1. plant a tulsi plant in your house .

    2. play some saints bhajan or sanskrut shloka chant done by some spiritual organisation , avoid those done by the profesionals u can download the sattvik chant of Parmatma and play in your house .
    The vibrations emitted from these purify the negativity of the house .

    3. If gaumutra of desi gay (Indian origin cow's urine) is easily available it can be sprinkled everyday in the house .
    The gaumutra has immense capacity to cast off the negativity of the vastu .

    4. Instead of litting agarbatti (incense sticks ) from the market get them from some spiritual organisation if it is not possible u can do the shuddhi with dhoop or lobaan.

    Clarification of doubt :

    What is the definition of vastu and what are the factors affecting the vastu ?

    A premise (vastu) refers to an open space enclosed by four walls irrespective of whether it has a roof.
    The presiding deity of this place is called the deity of the premise Vastudevta). Frequencies within a premise are not perceived outside it.
    For instance a subtle fragrance in a room is not experienced outside the threshold of that room.
    The deity of a premise (vastudevta) is the centre of energy of the premise. Its mission is to endow energy to any pleasant or distressing event occurring there. It is believed that the deity of a premise says,
    ‘So be it (tathastu)’ to whatever is uttered there.
    Hence one should not utter abominable words in the house.
    On the other hand if a person is chanting or meditating in that room then the vibrations of that vastu becomes sattvik like that of a temple and one can either experience the bliss because of the sadhana done by the person there or can hear the chants also !The personalities of residents in a premise should be pleasing.
    If not they should improve themselves. 30% of the defects in a premise occur on account of the residents themselves.
    So if this factor is also taken care of then the vibrations of the vastu becomes sattvik .

    Importance of various remedies done on the vastu :
    Ritual of entering a plot of land -- 2 %
    Ritual of Vastushanti - 10 %.
    Ritual of Udakshanti -- 2 %
    Keeping the doors and windows open --2%
    Eliminating defects in the premise -- 2 %
    Not experimenting with energies-- 2 %
    Residents within a premise having a pleasing personality -- 30 %
    Spiritual practice of residents of thepremise --30% 9.
    Visits by saints -- 10 %10. Others (growing plants like tulsi) -- 10 %

  4. Each person is different and comes with his own set of natural competencies and environment.

    Thus each person has his own set of abilities to perform within the given frame/space, consequentially reap results.
