Friday, October 18, 2013

Comforts based on nakshatras.: By Dr Suresh Chandra Mishra

Level of success:
Following is a method to estimate worldly comforts based on nakshatras.
• Including Abhijit, 28 nakshatras (starting from Krittika) should be divided into 8 equal sectors where each sector consists of 3.5 nakshatras in their natural order. That is as follows:

1. Krittika, rohini, Mrig. I half of ardra; North -east
2. II half of ardra, pun., pushya, shlesha; East
3. Magha, P.Ph. U.Ph., I half of Hasta; South -east
4. II half f Hasta, chitra, swati, Vishakha; South
5. Anu. Jyeshtha, Moola, I half of P.Asha. South -west
6. II half of P.Asha., U. asha, Abhijit, Shravana; West
7. Dhanistha, Shatbhisha, P.Bhadra, I half of U. Bhadra; North- west
8. II half of U. Bhadra, revati, Ashwini, Bharani. North

Assessing effect
The native will be blessed with comforts, i.e., longevity, fame, recognition, advancement among the siblings, when:
• Three or more planet are in sector 1,2,3 &5;
• Or many planets in Anuradha to Dhanishtha;
• Three or more planets in other sectors manifest fewer comforts, least recognition, and short span of life
higher number of planets in a particular sector bring success in the direction (disha) as indicated above.

Nadi Dosha : Presented by Dr Suresh Chandra Mishra N Del.

Nadi: Not only for marriage

Nadi Dosha manifests trouble; break up, separation, disaster (sooner or later) when the Nakshatras of the two happen to be in the same Nadi as follows:

• Of Bride & groom;
• Of Guru & Shishya;
• Of Mantra and devote;
• Of deity & devote.

Contrary is the effect under following combinations:
• Of business partners;
• Of friends;
• Of village or colony to live in;
• Of city to live in;
• Of subordinate staff.

At birth:
• Decide Nadi according to your natal moon;
• 9 nakshatras pertaining to your own Nadi are to be considered;
• Two functional malefic in the same nadi nakshatras ( as that of your natal moon) manifest lack of success;
• Three such malefic- life risk or risk of survival in career;
• More malefic- severe trouble, death or constant failure.

now readers can judge better whether the Nadi dosha is cited for Brahmans only and is really confined to marriage alliance only?
having considered above-mentioned dispositions, you can ignore it at your own peril.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Divisional Charts

Divisional Charts : By Shri Sheshadri Iyer : Presented by Sri Ram Nivas Mishra FB pg .....

Shree Sheshadri Iyer has been a very popular and authentic astrologer of recent past and contributed significantly to many areas of astrology through his dedicated scientific work.He could get hold of some rare books,writes up etc and did extensive scientific research and popularized those ideas.Divisional charts and its delineation is one particular area where his efforts contributed to popularize its use by practicing astrologers.I have made an attempt to collect relevant points of delineation from his book and presented here which may be of some use to our esteemed members.

Prior to getting into this subject one must have a thorough knowledge of all the general principles laid down by Varahamihira, Parashara, Jaimini, Mantreswara, Satyachariyar and other classic masters. For the benefit of the readers I cull out in a nutshell the most important ones that are of much importance here. While dealing with a division chart treat it as if that is the principal chart and apply all the general rules. You get the result so far as that portfolio is concerned. While looking into a D-chart, confine only to the particular effect of that chart. The effect will be experienced only during their periods. The following rules may be noted in handling D-chart.  

1) The most important and necessary condition for a Graha to give beneficial effect of the D-chart is its relative good position from the Lagna of that D-chart irrespective of other factors such as being in inimical or debilitated sign or aspect or conjunction with other planets. Thus under this theory primary factor is its position from D-Lagna. If the Graha be in places other than 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th (Dusthanas) it gives good results, its magnitude depending on other factors. But if they are in Dusthanas they always give bad results whatever their other positions be. But there are some exceptions to this rule: (a) Kuja even in 6th in all D-charts does good. For he aspects Lagna from 6th. (b) Budh even in 8th in D-4 only gives good. Note the general theory of Budh in 8th as being exceptionally lucky. It is only here and not in other D-charts. (c) Shani though in 8th does not kill, is the general say. This holds good only in D-8 chart when Shani is in D-8 Lagna and not elsewhere. Thus the above 3 exceptions have to be remembered.  Consider both the Rasi chart (D-1) and the division chart to weigh an effect

2) As stated above, position in D- chart surpasses that in D-1 chart. Even though a Graha is in bad Bhava in D-1, he gives good effects of a D-chart if he is there in good position from D-Lagna. Likewise however powerfully and favourably a Graha is situated in D-1, if he is in Dustana in the D-chart he gives bad effects of that D-chart.  

3) Having concluded the good or bad effect as per rules 1 and 2 above the magnitude of the effect has to be judged from both D-1 and D-charts as follows: (a) If the Graha has any kind of Shadbalas (temporal (Kalaja), motional (Chesta), exaltation (Uccha), directional (Digbala), declinatory (Ayanabala) or positional (Sthanabala)) in D-chart, and favourably situated from its Lagna it gives good effects of a higher magnitude, the more the quantum the more the simultaneous varied strengths. If in addition to this the Graha is also powerfully situated in D-1 also excellent results of a superior degree happen. (b) Even a mere ordinary good position in D-chart coupled with a strong position in D-1 (though in Dusthana in D-1) gives effects of higher order. (c) But, however strongly and favourably situated in D-1 if the Graha be in Dusthana in D-chart he does bad to that chart portfolio even if he is exalted or in his own house in that D-chart. All these establish the necessity of a Graha being in good positions from D-Lagna to give good results

4)  A combust or vanquished Graha (in planetary fight) in D-1 is of no avail in D-chart even if he is well and powerfully situated in D-chart. He will give worst results to that D-effect if he is also badly placed in D-chart. It practically amounts to dealing with a dead object.

5) If a Graha situated favourably in D-chart is debilitated it gives good effect if it attains Neecha Bhanga. Of all the powerful positions the most important are (1) exaltation, (2) Vargottama, (3) own house and (4) Digbala

6) All these have to be applied to all the D-charts. In this connection I wish to point out that a Graha situated in the same sign both in D-1 and any other D-chart must be construed as being in Vargottama position with respect to that D-chart and effects of that D-chart read thereon. Unfortunately, this aspect is being judged only by Navamsha position (D-9). When you apply this theory you get convinced of my argument

7)  For reasons stated above exaltations in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th in D-chart are of no avail.See if any of the general Yogas exist in the D-chart. If so gauge the magnitude by their strengths as stated above.  

8) The effects of Grahas in D-chart get modified by conjunction or aspect of other Grahas in the D-chart. 

9) Here only the natural benefics and malefics are to be taken and not the functional ones. Among benefics, I consider Guru as the only Graha to alleviate the evil indicated by a Graha in bad position in D-chart. If that Guru is powerfully situated in that D-chart his aspect is certainly of effect, but a debilitated Guru cannot be banked upon.

10) The birth Yogi and Avayogi have to be noted here. If the birth Yogi is in good place in D-chart, he gives Yoga to that effect but in bad position he is lost. Similarly, birth Avayogi in a favorable position in D-chart will while causing good to that effect create hindrances, anxieties and ruptures hand in hand.

11) Lordship of Bhavas are to be considered only in D-1 and not in D-charts except Lord of D-Lagna. A debilitated Graha in D-chart though in good position gives bad, if there be no Neecha Bhanga.

(12) D-Lagna becoming Vargottama is itself an indication of the effect of that D-chart going very high provided its Lord is well placed there

13) If he is in Dusthana in such a D-chart, only dreamy effects are felt by the native. In addition to D-Lagna being Vargottama its Lord be also likewise or otherwise powerfully and favourably situated in D-chart, he gives excellent results.

 14) 3rd and 8th place are death-like places. A Graha in 8th or 3rd in D-chart causes death to that effect. In D-9 to wife, in D-10 to profession. Death may be construed as also severance. A Graha in 3rd in D-10 causes retirement from service (severance). Please note the exception of Shani in 1st in D-8 and Budh in 8th in D-4

15) 2nd house is said to be neutral house. A Graha in 2nd in D-chart also behaves likewise. A Graha in 6th in D-chart in a powerful Rasi gives good first and bad later on.

(16) It is said in general astrology that the more the number of Grahas aspecting Lagna, the more powerful the native becomes. The same theory applies to D-chart also.  

17) Benefics on either side of Lagna is said to confer Yoga. True even in the case of D-chart. 

18) But in such a situation if any malefic joins the benefic, the Yoga gets marred. Similarly, malefics on either side though spoils first, gets better if any benefic joins them. What is said of Lagna holds good with respect to the 7th house too. Here one thing has to be noted. In the case of malefics if they are birth Yogi or in their own house in D-chart they give modified good effects. 

19)Just as the 2nd and the 12th places from Lagna were dealt with above, if Grahas are placed equidistantly from Lagna such as 2-12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9, 6-8, 1-7 they cause effects as stated above depending on their natural benefic or malefic character. This is a special mention of Jaimini, known as Sankhya Yoga.  In D-12 if Chandr is with Ketu invariably the native's mother becomes a widow.

(20) Grahas or Bhavas hemmed in between malefics is declared to go bad.

21) Similarly a Graha in a D-chart or D- (21) Lagna hemmed in between malefics becomes bad.  Malefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd in D-chart - bad. Benefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd in D-chart - good.

(22) An incident such as marriage day, commencement of profession or fresh undertaking, birth of an issue, etc. happening during the period of a Graha situated badly in the respective D-chart may not end happily. 

23) Accession, election and other positions of conferrable nature are to be read from D-11. 

(24) Uccha with Neecha or one with his enemy - not good. 

(25) Of the two Grahas on either side of Lagna or equidistant from D-Lagna if one is benefic and the other malefic, then bad results only during the malefic period.  

26) A Graha, though in 8th in D-chart, does not harm if aspected by powerful Guru. 

27) Female horoscope is specially treated by classics confining at least to our Indian womanhood. Our females are mostly subordinates to either their husbands or their caretakers except in the case of few who remain as independent members. As marriage and married life is held sacred in India D-9 is very important for females. If this Navamsha chart is good, all the rest are good. 

28) A Karaka in bad position in D-8 kills the relative connoted by the Karaka. Example: Surya in 8th in D-8 kills father, Chandr - mother, Shukr - wife and so on.  

29 ) Any Yoga in a D-chart is no doubt operative throughout life-time but particularly felt during their periods.

(30) Even a debilitated Graha in good position in D-chart does good if he is a Yoga Graha. 

(31) In D-11 the effect of the Bhava occupied by the Graha counted from D-Lagna happens, one in 7th causes marriage, in 4th property etc. 

32) Parivarthana Yoga (mutual exchange of Grahas) existing in D-chart has its due effect. 

(33) What is all said of the Grahas in D-charts will be felt during their periods.

(34) If the Lord of D-Lagna is birth Yogi or duplicate Yogi he gives Yoga effects even in ordinary position. 

(35) If the Lord of D-Lagna is in Dusthana the result will be bad on and after its Dasha. 

36) Karaka in Bhava is bad as per general astrology. How to apply it to D-charts? Karaka in the corresponding D-Lagna is bad. Example: If Budh is in Lagna in D-24, education gets spoiled. Guru in Lagna in D-7, issues are affected. Shukr in D-9 Lagna affects the wife. Surya or Chandr in D-12 Lagna affects father or mother respectively. Kuja and Guru in D-3 Lagna affects the younger and elder coborns respectively and so on. 


Friday, October 4, 2013

important rule from Bhavarth Ratnakar : Presented By Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra FB Pg Astrological Researches..

An important rule from Bhavarth Ratnakar – a great compilation from Ramanujacharya :

If the lord of 9th is in the 8th, his dasa will not confer any fame, but if Jupiter as lord of ninth is placed in 8th the person becomes highly fortunate.
Generally you know that any planet in 8th or 12th from any house is not good as both are trik house. But Jupiter is exception to this general law – this works in practice. Remember this law is for dasa-- any law do not contradict the basic rulejust modifies it.

one can extend the rule for other houses also -- to illustrate one born in capricorn ascendent and jupiter is placed in 11th house - the person will get good result in relation to 4th house in jupiter dasa.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

हिन्दी काव्यानुवाद सहित नर्मदाष्टक : १ --संजीव 'सलिल' जी : साभार प्रस्तुत है !

हिन्दी काव्यानुवाद सहित नर्मदाष्टक : १ --संजीव 'सलिल'
हिन्दी काव्यानुवाद सहित नर्मदाष्टक : १ 

भगवत्पादश्रीमदाद्य शंकराचार्य स्वामी विरचितं नर्मदाष्टकं

सविंदुसिंधु-सुस्खलत्तरंगभंगरंजितं, द्विषत्सुपापजात-जातकारि-वारिसंयुतं
कृतांतदूत कालभूत-भीतिहारि वर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .१. 

त्वदंबु लीनदीन मीन दिव्य संप्रदायकं, कलौमलौघभारहारि सर्वतीर्थनायकं
सुमत्स्य, कच्छ, तक्र, चक्र, चक्रवाक् शर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .२.

महागभीर नीरपूर - पापधूत भूतलं, ध्वनत समस्त पातकारि दारितापदाचलं.
जगल्लये महाभये मृकंडुसूनु - हर्म्यदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .३. 

गतं तदैव मे भयं त्वदंबुवीक्षितं यदा, मृकंडुसूनु शौनकासुरारिसेवितं सदा.
पुनर्भवाब्धिजन्मजं भवाब्धि दु:खवर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .४.

अलक्ष्य-लक्ष किन्नरामरासुरादि पूजितं, सुलक्ष नीरतीर - धीरपक्षि लक्षकूजितं.
वशिष्ठ शिष्ट पिप्पलादि कर्दमादिशर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .५. 

सनत्कुमार नाचिकेत कश्यपादि षट्पदै, घृतंस्वकीय मानसेषु नारदादि षट्पदै:,
रवींदु रन्तिदेव देवराज कर्म शर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .६. 

अलक्ष्यलक्ष्य लक्ष पाप लक्ष सार सायुधं, ततस्तु जीव जंतु-तंतु भुक्ति मुक्तिदायकं.
विरंचि विष्णु शंकर स्वकीयधाम वर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .७.

अहोsमृतं स्वनं श्रुतं महेशकेशजातटे, किरात-सूत वाडवेशु पण्डिते शठे-नटे.
दुरंत पाप-तापहारि सर्वजंतु शर्मदे, त्वदीय पादपंकजं नमामि देवी नर्मदे .८.

इदन्तु नर्मदाष्टकं त्रिकालमेव ये यदा, पठंति ते निरंतरं न यांति दुर्गतिं कदा.
सुलक्ष्य देह दुर्लभं महेशधाम गौरवं, पुनर्भवा नरा न वै विलोकयंति रौरवं. ९. 

इति श्रीमदशंकराचार्य स्वामी विरचितं नर्मदाष्टकं सम्पूर्णं

श्रीमद आदि शंकराचार्य रचित नर्मदाष्टक : हिन्दी पद्यानुवाद द्वारा संजीव 'सलिल'

उठती-गिरती उदधि-लहर की, जलबूंदों सी मोहक-रंजक
निर्मल सलिल प्रवाहितकर, अरि-पापकर्म की नाशक-भंजक
अरि के कालरूप यमदूतों, को वरदायक मातु वर्मदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.१.

दीन-हीन थे, मीन दिव्य हैं, लीन तुम्हारे जल में होकर.
सकल तीर्थ-नायक हैं तव तट, पाप-ताप कलियुग का धोकर.
कच्छप, मक्र, चक्र, चक्री को, सुखदायक हे मातु शर्मदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.२.

अरिपातक को ललकार रहा, थिर-गंभीर प्रवाह नीर का.
आपद पर्वत चूर कर रहा, अन्तक भू पर पाप-पीर का.
महाप्रलय के भय से निर्भय, मारकंडे मुनि हुए हर्म्यदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.३.

मार्कंडे'-शौनक ऋषि-मुनिगण, निशिचर-अरि, देवों से सेवित.
विमल सलिल-दर्शन से भागे, भय-डर सारे देवि सुपूजित.
बारम्बार जन्म के दु:ख से, रक्षा करतीं मातु वर्मदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.४.

दृश्य-अदृश्य अनगिनत किन्नर, नर-सुर तुमको पूज रहे हैं.
नीर-तीर जो बसे धीर धर, पक्षी अगणित कूज रहे हैं.
ऋषि वशिष्ठ, पिप्पल, कर्दम को, सुखदायक हे मातु शर्मदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.५.

सनत्कुमार अत्रि नचिकेता, कश्यप आदि संत बन मधुकर.
चरणकमल ध्याते तव निशि-दिन, मानस मंदिर में धारणकर.
शशि-रवि, रन्तिदेव इन्द्रादिक, पाते कर्म-निदेश सर्वदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.६.

दृष्ट-अदृष्ट लाख पापों के, लक्ष्य-भेद का अचूक आयुध.
तटवासी चर-अचर देखकर, भुक्ति-मुक्ति पाते खो सुध-बुध.
ब्रम्हा-विष्णु-सदा शिव को, निज धाम प्रदायक मातु वर्मदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.७.

महेश-केश से निर्गत निर्मल, 'सलिल' करे यश-गान तुम्हारा.
सूत-किरात, विप्र, शठ-नट को,भेद-भाव बिन तुमने तारा.
पाप-ताप सब दुरंत हरकर, सकल जंतु भव-पार शर्मदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.८.

श्रद्धासहित निरंतर पढ़ते, तीन समय जो नर्मद-अष्टक.
कभी न होती दुर्गति उनकी, होती सुलभ देह दुर्लभ तक.
रौरव नर्क-पुनः जीवन से, बच-पाते शिव-धाम सर्वदा.
चरणकमल में नमन तुम्हारे, स्वीकारो हे देवि नर्मदा.९.

श्रीमदआदिशंकराचार्य रचित, संजीव 'सलिल' अनुवादित नर्मदाष्टक पूर्ण !

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Saturn transit : Nadi Principle : By Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra FB Astrological Research :

One very important rule from Nadi test for Saturn transit which works well in practice -;

When Saturn during his transit aspect or becomes associated with the lord of 10th house from either ascendant or Moon sign, that two and half year becomes very significant and rewarding in one’s carrier.
But if 10th lord is involved in exchange of houses with a particular planets than there is slight variation in this rule –in case of exchange Saturn usually gives results in respect of success or rise in carrier or undertaking, when he aspects or conjoins that particular planet with whom 10th lord has exchange places. That is to say other planet sign becomes important.
One can test this rule in many charts –Mrs. Indra Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Winston Churchill and other charts.
This rule can be extended or applied to other planets also –Karak planet when establishes a relation with karak Bhava or Bhava lord in transit they produce something significant result in relation to that Bhava.

Monday, September 30, 2013

DR Suresh Chandra Misra ji posted at other fb page. साभार प्रस्तुत है !

Nakshatra Hurt :  Dr Suresh Chandra Mishra Delhi

Daily effect through Nakshatra :

Following are the six nakshatras (reckoned from janma nak.) highly relevant in daily transit. If any of these is hurt, it may result in distress as follows:

1. Janma- Natal nakshatra- distress;
2. Karma- 09th - troubles, hurdles;
3. Saamghatika- 15th - great loss;
4. Saamudaayika- 17th - undesirable effect;
5. Aadhana- 18th - lack of home comforts;
6. Vainashika- 22nd - physical disorder, confrontation with nearer.
A Nakshatra is hurt indeed when it is:
* Occupied at once by Sun and Saturn;
* Pierced by ( deep conjunct with) retrograde Mars or Moon;
* During eclipse, occupied by Sun or Moon as the case may be;
* Occupied by Ketu;

* Receiving Latta (kicked by) a malefic, i.e., 12 the from the Sun’s nakshatra, 3rd from Mars’, 8th from Saturn, 9 th from Rahu’s nakshatra;
Nakshatra hurt disburses its inauspicious effect within days equal to the number of stars of the Nakshatra. In case of marriage, days, fixed thus, are to be considered as years, states Varah Mihira.

Remedy for the said evil
Serving, watering, to move around (Parikrama), planting or preserving limbs of the same of the specific tree mitigate the evil of hurt nakshtra. This remedy could also be used for natal nakshtra in general. Nak serial number and tree is mentioned below --
1. Banana tree       2. Banana / Amla            3. Goolar;
4. Jaamun;            5. Khair or Kattha           6. Mango / Belpatra tree
7. Bamboo;            8. Peepal;                        9. Sandal;
10. Vata (oak tree);                   11. Dhaak;             12. Vata (oak tree);
13. Reetha;            14. Bel;                           15. Arjuna;
16. Neem;             17. Maulshree;                18. Reetha;
19. Raber plant;               20. Jaamun;           21. Kathal;
22. Aak;                23. Semar;                      24. Kadamb;
25. Mango;            26. Peepal;                      27. Mahua

 This is according to sage Narada and Aacharya Lalla.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A post of Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra in FB pg Astrological researches is shared with you all. Worth reading and analysing.

A post of Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra in FB pg Astrological researches is shared with you all. Worth reading and analysing.

Present and coming transit influence :

Tremendous planetary energies are affecting us now. Saturn and Rahu are transiting in same sign and in exact degree. There are two calculations for Rahu Ketu - True and Mean node and depending on which calculation you use - the conjunction date will differ. The True node conjunction is on 17 September and the mean node is on 25 September. Same sign conjunction of Saturn and Rahu is a rare astronomical event. Saturn Rahu usually connect together every 10 years or so but in the same sign it is rarer. Saturn Rahu conjoins together in Libra last time was in 1865 - therefore this is very rare. In 2002/3, they connected in Taurus. That was the time USA went to war first with Afghanistan and then with Iraq.
The present transit is all the more important because 
A] Venus the sign lord is passing through Libra – which means house and house lord –both are afflicted.
B] Mars is transiting through its debilitation Sign Cancer and casting aspect on Saturn and Rahu—it instigates the matter.
C] Sun will enter Libra next month on 17th October- Royal planet Sun will be under sever affliction –affecting the Government and head of states.
D] On 18th Oct – penumbral Lunar Eclipse will affect the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.
E] On 3ed November there is solar eclipse visible in eastern part of the Americas, south Europe, Africa, Middle East.
F] On 6th of November Jupiter goes retrograde –saving effect will reduce on Libra 
All the above planetary transits are not good in any way. You have already seen the affect of Saturn Rahu conjunction in uttrakhand and many parts of India and abroad. Rahu always gives an element of unpredictability—so the natural disaster, accidents, crashes, floods, earthquakes, scandals, scams, clandestine activity, unknown diseases etc will be in the news. Many Governments will feel the wrath of public. But direct military action is not indicated as Mars in debilitation sign. The main aspect of this conjunction is the fear and anxiety. Usually Saturn Rahu is challenging conjunctions. Both represent air element, Rahu acts like Saturn, Saturn acts on a physical level whereas Rahu on a psychological level. Air element has the ability to exaggerate events that are happening and can take small issues and make it very large. And make it out of control. Libra’s element is air too. Saturn Rahu conjunctions have created wars, strife. It is a time when apprehension dominates. Mistakes in judgement of what is right or wrong can be made as they are motivated by anxiety and fear.
There are some positive factors also- 
Jupiter is aspect both Saturn and Rahu - keeping their insensitive and negativity under control.
Mercury is exalted from 5 to 24 September.
Venus breaks the Kal sarpa Yoga on 19 September that has been restricting all of us since 12 May.
But in Nov 2013 with Jupiter retrogression and Mercury transit to Libra and its retrogression – these balancing factors will be missing. Period after 17 October will be more challenging .These influences are for mundane affairs –for individual natal influences can and will greatly modify the transiting influence.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rahu : Ketu : An analysis by Sri Rahul Gupta Kanpur FB page Astrologers Page


Planet Rahu is not a planet in actuality but is a node of moon. It is well known so no need to go into that. But almost all scriptures have given more importance to Rahu-Ketu than actual planets. Rahu is the head of the demon who had swallowed one drop of nectar – is what ancient myths says - Lord Vishnu himself had to come to kill the demon and the head having nectar in the throat was called Rahu, the rest of the body is Ketu.

It is also said Kujwat Ketu, Shani vat Rahu i.e. Rahu is like Saturn and ketu is like Mars.Rahu is considered to be a major benefic in 3, 6, 10,11 Upchaya houses and in to 10th, it is considered most powerful.can confer all the luxuries of materialistic life.

In – Nakshatra Chintamani - C.R.Bhatt writes –

1) Rahu-Ketu as agent — Rahu or Ketu is not alloted the ownership of any sign. It only occupies the sign in a house. So they work as an agent of

(a) The planet with whom it is in conjuction or aspect.

(b) The owner of the sign in which it is placed.

2) They give results firstly, the results of the planets in conjunction with it. Secondly the result of the planet aspecting it. Thirdly the result of its own star lord,fourthly the result of the ownerof the sign occupied by it .

3) Rahu-Ketu as star lord - If Rahu-Ketu becomes star lord of any planet – the planet will signify the matters of the house occupied by it; that planet will will indicate the matters of the house owned and occupied by the star lord of Rahu-Ketu; that planet will denote the matters of the house occupied and owned by the owner of the sign occupied by Rahu-Ketu.

4) Rahu-Ketu as significator – Rahu-Ketu are stronger than any planet. So if Rahu or Ketu represents any significator planet, they should be given first preference as a significator in place of that significator planet.

5) They are not to be treated as retrograde planets as their natural motion is in the opposite direction.

Generally, when Rahu occupies ascendant – it creates a lot of problems for the native – his thought process gets weird first of all. He will be very proudy,will talk of big plans will be ready to get into fight anywhere, will always try to show his presence this way or the other.

In Dasha, Bhukti, Antara also when Rahu comes – if not well placed – creates a lot of mental tensions, losses of finance, bad luck. Rahu is the main planet for making a person – HAUNTED - by spirits, evil, what ever. Black magic is also experienced by people having bad Rahu in its DBA. Rahu also gives fruitless lossful travels. It also makes one get irritated by his bad fate to the extreme of commiting suicide, Theft in house, Imprisonment, Bad married life. Bad character of wife or husband, abusive language, dominance, abortions, miscarriges.

Rahu also makes one great devotee of Maa Durga. It also makes great freedom fighters,Politicians, Leaders, people who live differently think differently. It makes one anti social and unsocial also. It connects with public also, lower caste people ,it indulges one into prostitution,mating with widows, other's wives, unnatural sexual habits, banned drugs seller, Homosexuality.. the list is endless. Almost in all the diverted events of life, unexpected events some how rahu makes its presence.Rahu makes one believe in black magic and makes one resort to – ghost busters - people who deal in spirits, ghosts etc.

There is one more peculiarity — In DBA of Rahu people get money in their accounts – unaccounted money - they don’t know from where it came but they do get it – amounts differ.In the hindi version of this article many readers confirmed it.

When Rahu decides to give – even God Kuber – The lord of wealth - seems small and when it comes on taking – even the last cloth of the native is taken away.

Conjunction of Rahu with Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun, Saturn is very unauspiscious in Natal Chart or in Navansha. These people have strange kind of mental and physical problems which remains till the DBA is there.depending upon the houses.

kartari yoga : Defined by Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra FB Astrological Researches...

A word on kartari yoga :
When a planet is hemmed between two malefic degree wise or house or sign wise it is pap kartari yoga –in this yoga planet or the house where it is formed suffers.
When a planet is hemmed between two benefic planet degree wise or house or sign wise it is shubh kartari yoga –in this yoga planet or the house where it is formed is positively influenced.
But here one important thing is to note that in Kartari yoga when kartari yoga involving retrograde planets or Rahu –Kartari yoga should be judged carefully- because here the concept of separating or approaching influence concept comes into play which can alter the affect altogether. To make it clear see the illustration below
A] Rahu – Jupiter – Saturn = this is full pap Kartari yoga because both Saturn and Rahu will approach towards Jupiter 
B] Rahu---Jupiter---Saturn [R] – the affect of this kartari yoga is not as bad as [A] –since Saturn is not approaching towards Jupiter
C] Saturn---Jupiter—Rahu –this is also kartari yoga but its affect is even less harmful l than [B] - since both Rahu and Saturn are separating from Jupiter.
In all three instances given above degree of influence of pap Kartari yoga varies to greater extent and cannot be taken alike .Similar is the case with Subh Kartari yoga.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Some Naadi Tips collected from different sources been shared for furtherance of study :

Some Naadi Tips collected from different sources been shared for furtherance of study :
नाड़ी ज्योतिष के सूत्र
10th भाव महत्वाकांक्षा
9th भाव पिछला जन्म
ज्योतिष के देवता स्वामी कार्तिकेय
People born in Rahu Nakshatras get more than they deserve. They already did enough in their past lives. People born is Ketu Nakshatras live longer than others, but they have suicidal tendencies (in their past life they died in accident)
12th Lord suggests what we wanted to do in our past life.
6th Lord suggests what we did in past life.
3rd (neck),
6th (hips),
10th (knees),
11th (ankle)
houses must be occupied by planets.
 If Moon is in Prashna Lagna, the person is either cheating you or testing you.
प्रारब्ध – 6th भाव (sudden benefits),
संचित – 4th भाव,
 क्रियमाण – 10th भाव
1, 5, 9, 6, 8, 12 bhaav are fixed – we cannot change them. Diabetes – characterless in past life.
 Jupiter – learning
Saturn – important for retention of memory
In male rashis – planets tend to give
In female rashis – planets tend to take
Male planets in female rashis – one wants to do many things but will not be able to do.
Planets in Libra – Financial problems
Female horoscope – 1st lord in 11th – another relationship
In exchange of houses – no other planets should come in between else it would get affected.
If Rahu/Ketu are in 1st/7th houses – no astro remedies work
Jupiter is ‘Jeeva’, in 2, 5, 7, 9, 12 houses – it gives fame
राहु/केतु यदि लग्न मे हों तो व्यक्ति में उसके पूर्वजों के संस्कार देखे जाते हें।
 भाव कारक ग्रह यदि नीच का हो तो भाव के सुख मे कमी
 12th भाव का पद वैवाहिक सुख
3rd house – you create your own accidents
9th house – someone else creates it for you
Any planet in Leo, the relative of that kaarak dies reasonably early.
Rahu – front door
Ketu – Rear door
Rahu in 6, 8, 12 – one will do Tantrik activities or will be affected by them
Ketu in 1, 5, 9 from Venus – property problems, not good for marriage
Jupiter in 1, 5, 9 from Venus or vice versa – buy vehicles
Rahu/Ketu 1, 5, 9 from Venus – buying vehicles not fruitful
Jupiter 1, 5, 9 from Sun/Mars – operation successful
Ketu/Mars in Trines – falls suddenly in love
12th lord associated with Rahu – relationship
Cough – Moon – desires, wants Pitta –
Sun – ego, stomach
Vaat – Saturn – Pains
6, 8, 12 – mysterious houses
Rahu enhances the abilities of the planet in conjunction with it, whereas Ketu does the opposite.
Sun in 2nd from Moon – person earns money by wrong ways
Planets 12th from Moon – person has spent money wisely in past life Kemdrum – one should perform charity as he had not done it in past life
Planets 2nd from Sun – one has donated a lot in past life
Planets 12th from Sun – keeps his earned money with himself, but donates money given by his father People having Gajkesari Yoga must not sell their knowledge for money

compiler Bhola Nath Shukla 

Judging the strength of a planet : By Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra

How planet get strength
How planet get strength [or for that matter become weak] –can be judged by simple analogy and planetary hierarchy. In planetary hierarchy we know that 
Sun --- king [राजा]
Moon- queen [रानी]
Mercury- prince [राजकुमार]
Mars --- commander [सेनापति]
Jupiter – teacher [गुरु] without lust
Venus ---- teacher with lust
Saturn---- servant [दास]
Rahu ----- outcast [always in the look out to indulge you in lust [मोह]
Ketu----- outcast but liberator [मोक्ष्कर्ता]
We know that a king and queen is powerful on the basis of his size of kingdom which is reflected by his darbar[ court and courtier]—in isolation they are powerless –so Sun Moon strength largely depends on the planet in adjacent houses to Sun and Moon –that is why we have large number of Sunpha,Anpha and Durdhara yoga in classical text [around 300].
Further Moon is queen –a queen’s strength depends on the strength of king [Sun] ---if Sun is weak moon also loses some of its strength. Moon is mother –it is the strength of mother that determines the strength of child [lagna] –so is the strength of Sun also influences the strength of lagna.
Mercury is prince – a prince derives its strength on the basis of Sun [king] and Moon’s [queen] strength—at times a prince can go beyond king and queen. Further prince need good advice for his development – that is if beneficially associated Mercury can create good yoga –uncontrolled Mercury can create havoc –scandal, treachery., manipulation, cheating and fraud.
Mars is commander in chief –naturally its strength will depend on the strength of king. The more the king is powerful the more powerful is his commander. Further commander strength if judged in war or in adversity – Mars is the only planet which gains strength in malefic association or in mutual trine position with malefic [natural].
Jupiter is deva guru –his wisdom is reflected and spread through his disciple so he needs good disciple to make him knowledgeable and wise – if a good planet is placed in 5th from Jupiter, Jupiter becomes powerful to bestow all the good result to that planet. But if 6th from Jupiter is occupied by malefic planet Jupiter strength is greatly reduced.
Venus is also guru but it beliefs in show off ---it gets its strength [material] in kaam Trikone house or in association with kaam Trikone lords. But if lust factor is removed from Venus –it becomes a planet of par excellence for spiritual enlightenment i.e. Venus is exalted in Pisces [12th house of Kaal purush].
Saturn is servant [das] – das is as much powerful as his master – so the rashi lord strength determines the strength of Saturn –further a servant works better under command – so the aspect of any planet on Saturn is essential – independent Saturn may lead to many ups and down.

penned by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra FB 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Importance of Astrology as viewed by Notable persons : presented by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra FB Pg Astrological Researches...

Here is a list of what just a few famous people have said about astrology:
Plato – Philosopher said : "Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself."

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet said : "Astrology is astronomy brought down to earth and applied toward the affairs of man."

JP Morgan – First Billionaire said : "Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do."

Sir Isaac Newton – Physicist (Said in defense of astrology, to sceptic Edmund Halley) I have studied the matter. Your sir, have not.

Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author said : "A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an ‘intellectual’, find out how he feels about astrology."

Hippocrates- Father of Medicine said : "A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician."

DH Lawrence – Author said : "Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."

Louis Pasteur – Scientist said : "The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements, in relation with the motions of the universe."

Pythagoras – Mathematician said : "The stars in the heavens sing a music if only we had ears to hear."

Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America said : "Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the wise and the great."

Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff said : "It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology."

All of the founding fathers USA were Masons and astrologers. (Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the list goes on and on)

All of the important events of the government were timed to astrology. The country was founded in Cancer, Election Day is in Scorpio, and Inauguration day used to be in Pisces until FDR (an Aquarian) changed it to Aquarius. This completed a Grand Trine in Water.

Carl Jung recognized the synchronicity, the basis of Astrology. He also said, “We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have qualities of the year and the season in which we are born.”

Nancy Reagan used astrology, after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981, to determine when the best & worst times were for the president to do everything from signing bills to foreign travel. The media made fun of Nancy Reagan at the time but, President Reagan was the first president since Jefferson elected in a year ending with “0″ that was not killed while in office.

presented by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra FB Pg Astrological Researches...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

-* रक्षाबन्धन, उपाकर्मादि निर्णय by - Aachary Kashyap Courtsey Athato Dharam Jigyasa FB page

-* रक्षाबन्धन, उपाकर्मादि निर्णय: *-
-------------- 0000 ---------------- 

by - Aachary Kashyap

अत्रैव रक्षाबंधनमुक्तं हेमाद्रौ भविष्ये-

(सम्प्राप्ते श्रावणस्यान्ते पौर्णमास्यां दिनोदये।
स्नानं कुर्वीत मतिमान् श्रुतिस्मृतिविधानत:।।

उपाकर्मोदिकं प्रोक्तमृषीणां चैव तर्पणम्।
शूद्राणां मन्त्ररहितं स्नानं दानं प्रशस्यते।)

उपाकर्माणि कर्तव्यमृषीणां चैव पूजनम्।
ततोऽपरान्ह समये रक्षापोटलिकां शुभाम्।

कारयेदक्षतै: शस्तै: सिद्धार्थैर्हेमभूषितै:। इति।

अत्रोपाकर्मानन्तरस्य पूर्णातिथावार्थिकस्यानुवादो न तु विधि:।
गौरवात् प्रयोगविधिभेदेन क्रमायोगाच्छूद्रादौ तदयोगाच्च। तेन परेद्युरुपाकरणेऽपि पूर्वेद्युरपरान्हे तत्करणं सिद्धम्।

श्रावण मास के अन्त मे पौर्णमासी के सूर्योदय मे श्रुति स्मृति विधान से बुद्धिमान गण स्नान करें।
उपाकर्म आदि तथा ऋषियों का तर्पण करें और शूद्र जन मन्त्र रहित स्नान एवं दान करें। उपाकर्म मे ऋषियो का पूजन करें: तदनन्तर अपरान्ह समय मे शुभ रक्षा करने वाली रक्षा पोटलिका करें। वह अक्षत, सरसों तथा सुवर्ण से युक्त हो।

यहाँ पर उपाकर्म के अनन्तर का पूर्णातिथि के वार्षिक का अनुवाद है, विधि नही है। गौरव प्रयोग विधि भेद से क्रम के अयोग से शूद्रादि मे उसका भी अयोग है। उससे पर दिन उपाकरण मे भी पहले दिन अपरान्ह मे उसका करना सिद्ध है।

''' भद्रायां रक्षाबन्धन विचार: ''''*

इदं भद्रायां न कार्यम्।
भद्रायां द्वे न कर्तव्ये श्रावणी फाल्गुनी तथा।
श्रावणी नृपतिं हन्ति ग्रामं दहति फाल्गुनी।
इति सङ्ग्रहोक्ते।।

तत्सत्वे तु रात्रावपि तदन्ते कुर्यादिति निर्णयामृते।।

भद्रा मे श्रावणी, रक्षाबंधन न करें। भद्रा मे श्रावणी और फाल्गुनी नही करना चाहिए।
श्रावणी राजा का नाश करती है और फाल्गुनी ग्राम का दहन करती है।

उसके (भद्रां विना चेदपरान्हे तदा परा। तत् सत्त्वे तु रात्रावपीत्यर्थ: )यानी भद्रा के रहने पर भद्रा मे न करके भद्रा उपरान्त रक्षाबन्धन करें। चाहे रात्रि ही क्यों न हो।
ऐसा निर्णयामृत का वाक्य है।

'' प्रतिपद्युक्तायां पौरणमास्यां रक्षाबन्धन विचार: ''**

इदं प्रतिपद्युतायां न कार्यम्।।
नन्दाया दर्शने रक्षा बलिदानं दशासु च।
भद्रायां गोकुलक्रीडा देशनाशाय जायते।। इति मदनरत्ने ब्रह्मवैवर्तात्।।

रक्षाबंधन प्रतिपदा से युक्त पूर्णिमा मे न करें। नन्दा (प्रतिपदा) के दर्शन मे रक्षादशा मे बलिदान और भद्रा मे गोकुल की क्रीडा देश के नाश के लिए होती है।

इदं रक्षाबन्धनं नियतकालत्वाद्भद्रावर्ज्यग्रहणदिनेऽपि कार्यं होलिकावत्। ग्रहसङ्क्रान्त्यादौ रक्षानिषेधाभावात्। सर्वेषामेव वर्णानां सूतकं राहुदर्शने। इति तत्कालीनकर्मपर एव न त्वन्यत्र। अन्यथा होलिकायां का गति: अत एव--

नित्ये नैमित्तिके जप्ये होमे यज्ञक्रियादिषु।
उपाकर्माणि चोत्सर्गे ग्रहवेधो न विद्यते।
इति।। नियतकालीने तदभाव इति दिक्।
उपाकर्माणि तद्दिनभिन्नपरं तत्र तन्निषेधादियुक्तं प्राक्।।

क्योंकि यह रक्षाबंधन नियत समय पर होने से भद्रा को छोडकर ग्रहणदिन मे भी करें। होलिका की तरह। ग्रहण और संक्रान्ति मे रक्षानिषेध का अभाव है।

सब वर्णों का ग्रहण के समय सूतक होता है। वह तत्कालीन कर्मपरक है अन्यत्र नही। इसलिए- नित्य, नैमित्तिक, जप, होम, यज्ञक्रिया, उपाकर्म और उत्सर्ग मे ग्रहण का दोष नही होता। इस प्रकार नियतकाल मे उसका अभाव है। उपाकर्म मे वह दिन भिन्नपरक है। उसमे उसका निषेध है। जैसा कि पूर्व मे कहा जा चुका है।
धर्मसिन्धु: - रक्षाबन्धनमस्यामेव पूर्णिमायां भद्रारहितायां त्रिमूहूर्ताधिकोदयव्यापिन्यामपरान्हे प्रदोषादिकाले कार्यम्।।

श्रावणशुक्ल पूर्णिमा को सूर्योदय से तीन मूहूर्त से अधिक व्याप्त तिथि मे भद्रारहित अपरान्ह या प्रदोषकाल मे रक्षाबन्धन करना चाहिए। यदि सूर्योदय से पूर्णिमा तिथि तीन मुहूर्त से कम है तो पूर्व दिन भद्रा समाप्ति के पश्चात् प्रदोष या रात्रिकाल मे भी रक्षा बन्धन करना चाहिए।-- धर्मसिन्धु।।
इन बचनो के अनुसार--

इस वर्ष २०-८-१३ को व्रत की पूर्णिमा एवं रात्रि 8-29 भद्रा के उपरान्त रक्षाबंधन एवं ऋग्वेदीय,एवं तैत्तरीयभिन्न यजुर्वेदियों का उपाकर्म है।

दिनाँक 21-8-13 को प्रतिपदा व्यापिनी स्नान,दान की पूर्णिमा तीन मुहूर्त से कम होने से रक्षाबन्धन मे निषेध है।
इस दिन आपस्तम्बतैत्तरीयशाखा वालों का उपाकर्म है। (काशी विश्वनाथ, हृषीकेश पञ्चाङ्गानुसारम् )
येन बद्धो बली राजा दानवेन्द्रो महाबल:।
तेन त्वाम् प्रतिबध्नामि रक्षे मा चल मा चल ।।
---------------- हर हर महादे