Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Some Naadi Tips collected from different sources been shared for furtherance of study :

Some Naadi Tips collected from different sources been shared for furtherance of study :
नाड़ी ज्योतिष के सूत्र
10th भाव महत्वाकांक्षा
9th भाव पिछला जन्म
ज्योतिष के देवता स्वामी कार्तिकेय
People born in Rahu Nakshatras get more than they deserve. They already did enough in their past lives. People born is Ketu Nakshatras live longer than others, but they have suicidal tendencies (in their past life they died in accident)
12th Lord suggests what we wanted to do in our past life.
6th Lord suggests what we did in past life.
3rd (neck),
6th (hips),
10th (knees),
11th (ankle)
houses must be occupied by planets.
 If Moon is in Prashna Lagna, the person is either cheating you or testing you.
प्रारब्ध – 6th भाव (sudden benefits),
संचित – 4th भाव,
 क्रियमाण – 10th भाव
1, 5, 9, 6, 8, 12 bhaav are fixed – we cannot change them. Diabetes – characterless in past life.
 Jupiter – learning
Saturn – important for retention of memory
In male rashis – planets tend to give
In female rashis – planets tend to take
Male planets in female rashis – one wants to do many things but will not be able to do.
Planets in Libra – Financial problems
Female horoscope – 1st lord in 11th – another relationship
In exchange of houses – no other planets should come in between else it would get affected.
If Rahu/Ketu are in 1st/7th houses – no astro remedies work
Jupiter is ‘Jeeva’, in 2, 5, 7, 9, 12 houses – it gives fame
राहु/केतु यदि लग्न मे हों तो व्यक्ति में उसके पूर्वजों के संस्कार देखे जाते हें।
 भाव कारक ग्रह यदि नीच का हो तो भाव के सुख मे कमी
 12th भाव का पद वैवाहिक सुख
3rd house – you create your own accidents
9th house – someone else creates it for you
Any planet in Leo, the relative of that kaarak dies reasonably early.
Rahu – front door
Ketu – Rear door
Rahu in 6, 8, 12 – one will do Tantrik activities or will be affected by them
Ketu in 1, 5, 9 from Venus – property problems, not good for marriage
Jupiter in 1, 5, 9 from Venus or vice versa – buy vehicles
Rahu/Ketu 1, 5, 9 from Venus – buying vehicles not fruitful
Jupiter 1, 5, 9 from Sun/Mars – operation successful
Ketu/Mars in Trines – falls suddenly in love
12th lord associated with Rahu – relationship
Cough – Moon – desires, wants Pitta –
Sun – ego, stomach
Vaat – Saturn – Pains
6, 8, 12 – mysterious houses
Rahu enhances the abilities of the planet in conjunction with it, whereas Ketu does the opposite.
Sun in 2nd from Moon – person earns money by wrong ways
Planets 12th from Moon – person has spent money wisely in past life Kemdrum – one should perform charity as he had not done it in past life
Planets 2nd from Sun – one has donated a lot in past life
Planets 12th from Sun – keeps his earned money with himself, but donates money given by his father People having Gajkesari Yoga must not sell their knowledge for money

compiler Bhola Nath Shukla 

Judging the strength of a planet : By Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra

How planet get strength
How planet get strength [or for that matter become weak] –can be judged by simple analogy and planetary hierarchy. In planetary hierarchy we know that 
Sun --- king [राजा]
Moon- queen [रानी]
Mercury- prince [राजकुमार]
Mars --- commander [सेनापति]
Jupiter – teacher [गुरु] without lust
Venus ---- teacher with lust
Saturn---- servant [दास]
Rahu ----- outcast [always in the look out to indulge you in lust [मोह]
Ketu----- outcast but liberator [मोक्ष्कर्ता]
We know that a king and queen is powerful on the basis of his size of kingdom which is reflected by his darbar[ court and courtier]—in isolation they are powerless –so Sun Moon strength largely depends on the planet in adjacent houses to Sun and Moon –that is why we have large number of Sunpha,Anpha and Durdhara yoga in classical text [around 300].
Further Moon is queen –a queen’s strength depends on the strength of king [Sun] ---if Sun is weak moon also loses some of its strength. Moon is mother –it is the strength of mother that determines the strength of child [lagna] –so is the strength of Sun also influences the strength of lagna.
Mercury is prince – a prince derives its strength on the basis of Sun [king] and Moon’s [queen] strength—at times a prince can go beyond king and queen. Further prince need good advice for his development – that is if beneficially associated Mercury can create good yoga –uncontrolled Mercury can create havoc –scandal, treachery., manipulation, cheating and fraud.
Mars is commander in chief –naturally its strength will depend on the strength of king. The more the king is powerful the more powerful is his commander. Further commander strength if judged in war or in adversity – Mars is the only planet which gains strength in malefic association or in mutual trine position with malefic [natural].
Jupiter is deva guru –his wisdom is reflected and spread through his disciple so he needs good disciple to make him knowledgeable and wise – if a good planet is placed in 5th from Jupiter, Jupiter becomes powerful to bestow all the good result to that planet. But if 6th from Jupiter is occupied by malefic planet Jupiter strength is greatly reduced.
Venus is also guru but it beliefs in show off ---it gets its strength [material] in kaam Trikone house or in association with kaam Trikone lords. But if lust factor is removed from Venus –it becomes a planet of par excellence for spiritual enlightenment i.e. Venus is exalted in Pisces [12th house of Kaal purush].
Saturn is servant [das] – das is as much powerful as his master – so the rashi lord strength determines the strength of Saturn –further a servant works better under command – so the aspect of any planet on Saturn is essential – independent Saturn may lead to many ups and down.

penned by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra FB 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Importance of Astrology as viewed by Notable persons : presented by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra FB Pg Astrological Researches...

Here is a list of what just a few famous people have said about astrology:
Plato – Philosopher said : "Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself."

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Poet said : "Astrology is astronomy brought down to earth and applied toward the affairs of man."

JP Morgan – First Billionaire said : "Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do."

Sir Isaac Newton – Physicist (Said in defense of astrology, to sceptic Edmund Halley) I have studied the matter. Your sir, have not.

Robert Heinlein – Best-selling Author said : "A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an ‘intellectual’, find out how he feels about astrology."

Hippocrates- Father of Medicine said : "A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician."

DH Lawrence – Author said : "Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."

Louis Pasteur – Scientist said : "The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements, in relation with the motions of the universe."

Pythagoras – Mathematician said : "The stars in the heavens sing a music if only we had ears to hear."

Benjamin Franklin – A Founding Father of America said : "Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the wise and the great."

Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff said : "It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology."

All of the founding fathers USA were Masons and astrologers. (Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the list goes on and on)

All of the important events of the government were timed to astrology. The country was founded in Cancer, Election Day is in Scorpio, and Inauguration day used to be in Pisces until FDR (an Aquarian) changed it to Aquarius. This completed a Grand Trine in Water.

Carl Jung recognized the synchronicity, the basis of Astrology. He also said, “We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have qualities of the year and the season in which we are born.”

Nancy Reagan used astrology, after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981, to determine when the best & worst times were for the president to do everything from signing bills to foreign travel. The media made fun of Nancy Reagan at the time but, President Reagan was the first president since Jefferson elected in a year ending with “0″ that was not killed while in office.

presented by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra FB Pg Astrological Researches...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

-* रक्षाबन्धन, उपाकर्मादि निर्णय by - Aachary Kashyap Courtsey Athato Dharam Jigyasa FB page

-* रक्षाबन्धन, उपाकर्मादि निर्णय: *-
-------------- 0000 ---------------- 

by - Aachary Kashyap

अत्रैव रक्षाबंधनमुक्तं हेमाद्रौ भविष्ये-

(सम्प्राप्ते श्रावणस्यान्ते पौर्णमास्यां दिनोदये।
स्नानं कुर्वीत मतिमान् श्रुतिस्मृतिविधानत:।।

उपाकर्मोदिकं प्रोक्तमृषीणां चैव तर्पणम्।
शूद्राणां मन्त्ररहितं स्नानं दानं प्रशस्यते।)

उपाकर्माणि कर्तव्यमृषीणां चैव पूजनम्।
ततोऽपरान्ह समये रक्षापोटलिकां शुभाम्।

कारयेदक्षतै: शस्तै: सिद्धार्थैर्हेमभूषितै:। इति।

अत्रोपाकर्मानन्तरस्य पूर्णातिथावार्थिकस्यानुवादो न तु विधि:।
गौरवात् प्रयोगविधिभेदेन क्रमायोगाच्छूद्रादौ तदयोगाच्च। तेन परेद्युरुपाकरणेऽपि पूर्वेद्युरपरान्हे तत्करणं सिद्धम्।

श्रावण मास के अन्त मे पौर्णमासी के सूर्योदय मे श्रुति स्मृति विधान से बुद्धिमान गण स्नान करें।
उपाकर्म आदि तथा ऋषियों का तर्पण करें और शूद्र जन मन्त्र रहित स्नान एवं दान करें। उपाकर्म मे ऋषियो का पूजन करें: तदनन्तर अपरान्ह समय मे शुभ रक्षा करने वाली रक्षा पोटलिका करें। वह अक्षत, सरसों तथा सुवर्ण से युक्त हो।

यहाँ पर उपाकर्म के अनन्तर का पूर्णातिथि के वार्षिक का अनुवाद है, विधि नही है। गौरव प्रयोग विधि भेद से क्रम के अयोग से शूद्रादि मे उसका भी अयोग है। उससे पर दिन उपाकरण मे भी पहले दिन अपरान्ह मे उसका करना सिद्ध है।

''' भद्रायां रक्षाबन्धन विचार: ''''*

इदं भद्रायां न कार्यम्।
भद्रायां द्वे न कर्तव्ये श्रावणी फाल्गुनी तथा।
श्रावणी नृपतिं हन्ति ग्रामं दहति फाल्गुनी।
इति सङ्ग्रहोक्ते।।

तत्सत्वे तु रात्रावपि तदन्ते कुर्यादिति निर्णयामृते।।

भद्रा मे श्रावणी, रक्षाबंधन न करें। भद्रा मे श्रावणी और फाल्गुनी नही करना चाहिए।
श्रावणी राजा का नाश करती है और फाल्गुनी ग्राम का दहन करती है।

उसके (भद्रां विना चेदपरान्हे तदा परा। तत् सत्त्वे तु रात्रावपीत्यर्थ: )यानी भद्रा के रहने पर भद्रा मे न करके भद्रा उपरान्त रक्षाबन्धन करें। चाहे रात्रि ही क्यों न हो।
ऐसा निर्णयामृत का वाक्य है।

'' प्रतिपद्युक्तायां पौरणमास्यां रक्षाबन्धन विचार: ''**

इदं प्रतिपद्युतायां न कार्यम्।।
नन्दाया दर्शने रक्षा बलिदानं दशासु च।
भद्रायां गोकुलक्रीडा देशनाशाय जायते।। इति मदनरत्ने ब्रह्मवैवर्तात्।।

रक्षाबंधन प्रतिपदा से युक्त पूर्णिमा मे न करें। नन्दा (प्रतिपदा) के दर्शन मे रक्षादशा मे बलिदान और भद्रा मे गोकुल की क्रीडा देश के नाश के लिए होती है।

इदं रक्षाबन्धनं नियतकालत्वाद्भद्रावर्ज्यग्रहणदिनेऽपि कार्यं होलिकावत्। ग्रहसङ्क्रान्त्यादौ रक्षानिषेधाभावात्। सर्वेषामेव वर्णानां सूतकं राहुदर्शने। इति तत्कालीनकर्मपर एव न त्वन्यत्र। अन्यथा होलिकायां का गति: अत एव--

नित्ये नैमित्तिके जप्ये होमे यज्ञक्रियादिषु।
उपाकर्माणि चोत्सर्गे ग्रहवेधो न विद्यते।
इति।। नियतकालीने तदभाव इति दिक्।
उपाकर्माणि तद्दिनभिन्नपरं तत्र तन्निषेधादियुक्तं प्राक्।।

क्योंकि यह रक्षाबंधन नियत समय पर होने से भद्रा को छोडकर ग्रहणदिन मे भी करें। होलिका की तरह। ग्रहण और संक्रान्ति मे रक्षानिषेध का अभाव है।

सब वर्णों का ग्रहण के समय सूतक होता है। वह तत्कालीन कर्मपरक है अन्यत्र नही। इसलिए- नित्य, नैमित्तिक, जप, होम, यज्ञक्रिया, उपाकर्म और उत्सर्ग मे ग्रहण का दोष नही होता। इस प्रकार नियतकाल मे उसका अभाव है। उपाकर्म मे वह दिन भिन्नपरक है। उसमे उसका निषेध है। जैसा कि पूर्व मे कहा जा चुका है।
धर्मसिन्धु: - रक्षाबन्धनमस्यामेव पूर्णिमायां भद्रारहितायां त्रिमूहूर्ताधिकोदयव्यापिन्यामपरान्हे प्रदोषादिकाले कार्यम्।।

श्रावणशुक्ल पूर्णिमा को सूर्योदय से तीन मूहूर्त से अधिक व्याप्त तिथि मे भद्रारहित अपरान्ह या प्रदोषकाल मे रक्षाबन्धन करना चाहिए। यदि सूर्योदय से पूर्णिमा तिथि तीन मुहूर्त से कम है तो पूर्व दिन भद्रा समाप्ति के पश्चात् प्रदोष या रात्रिकाल मे भी रक्षा बन्धन करना चाहिए।-- धर्मसिन्धु।।
इन बचनो के अनुसार--

इस वर्ष २०-८-१३ को व्रत की पूर्णिमा एवं रात्रि 8-29 भद्रा के उपरान्त रक्षाबंधन एवं ऋग्वेदीय,एवं तैत्तरीयभिन्न यजुर्वेदियों का उपाकर्म है।

दिनाँक 21-8-13 को प्रतिपदा व्यापिनी स्नान,दान की पूर्णिमा तीन मुहूर्त से कम होने से रक्षाबन्धन मे निषेध है।
इस दिन आपस्तम्बतैत्तरीयशाखा वालों का उपाकर्म है। (काशी विश्वनाथ, हृषीकेश पञ्चाङ्गानुसारम् )
येन बद्धो बली राजा दानवेन्द्रो महाबल:।
तेन त्वाम् प्रतिबध्नामि रक्षे मा चल मा चल ।।
---------------- हर हर महादे

HORA Reading : Experience shared By Shri Prabodh Purohit ji FB page

How to use Hora (होरा की उपयोगिता )

होरा अनूभव: .होराका प्रभाव जन्म कुंडलीके संदर्भमे केसे देखना है, इसका एक उदहारण पुराणी डायरी से उद्धृत कर रहा हू. 
जन्मकी स्थिति: लग्न कुम्भ,सूर्य वृषभ, चन्द्र कन्या,मंगल मिथुन. बुध मिथुन, गुरु मिथुन, शुक्र मीन, शनि वृषभ, राहू सिंह, केतु कुम्भ, 
गोचर ग्रह स्थिति: सूर्य मकर, चन्द्र तुला,मंगल वृश्चीक, बुध धनु वक्री, गुरु मिथुन वक्री,
शुक्र मकर वक्री, शनि धनु,राहू मकर,केतु कर्क,
आज १९-१-१९९० शुक्रवार. शनि होरामें पासके शहरमें मित्रको मिलने रेल से गया.मित्र ग्राह्क के साथ बिजी था (गोचर शनि धनु में, जन्म लग्नसे एकादाशमें मित्र/लाभ, में रुकावट)
क्योंकि होरापति शनि, दिनपति शुक्र और गो.चन्द्र के राशिपति शुक्र(मकर)से द्वादश धनुमे.
गुरू होरामें मित्रसे ज्योतिष विषयकी अच्छी बातें हुई (गुरू वैदिक/ज्योतिष विद्याका कारक) क्यूंकि गो.गुरू गो.चन्द्र (तुला) और एकादश भाव को देखता है.
मगल होरामे मित्र के कोई सम्बन्धी आये इस लिए हमारी चर्चा रुक गई क्यूंकि गोचर मंगल वृश्चिक में –एकादश (मित्र लाभ)से बारहवेमें (मित्रसे चर्चामे विक्षेप)
सूर्य होरामे जैन मुनिजी से मिलने धर्म स्थल उपाश्रय गए..ज्योतिष और गूढ़ विद्याके सम्बंधमें बातें हुई (गो.सूर्य मकरमें राहूके साथ जन्म लग्नसे द्वादश भाव आश्रम और राहू गूढ़ बातें /विद्या) दिनपति और गो.चन्द्र (तुला) राशी पति शुक्र भी राहूके साथ मकर र्मे है..

रिटर्न प्रवास शुक्र होरा में सहप्रवासी चार महिलाएं कोई विदेश स्थित स्त्रीके सुन्दर वैभवयुक्त मकानकी बाते पूरे समय कर रही थी (शुक्रवार शुक्रकी होरा गो.शुक्र मकर, जन्म से १२वे में ), गोचर चन्द्र तुला से चतुर्थ मकर(मकान) में शुक्र राहू के साथ वि देश स्थित महिला)का मकान)की बाते सुननी पड़ी, जो मुझे बोरिंग लगती थी क्योकि में तो अध्यात्म में डूबा था..ॐ
इस तरह होराका अभ्यास जन्म कुंडली और /या प्रश्न के साथ करेंगे तो बहुत कुछ क्लियर होता जाएगा. हरी 

 Experience shared By Shri Prabodh Purohit ji FB page

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Karakatvas of Planets according to Nadi: Courtsey Navagrah Nadi FB Page

Karakatvas of Planets according to Nadi :

Saturn: Karma
Jupiter: Jeeva
Mars: Deha/Ego
Rahu: Illusions or Maaya
Moon: Mind
Ketu: Rejection/ Moksha
Sun: Atma
Venus: Bhoga
Mercury: Buddhi or intellect

Planets in Panchaks ? Presented by Justice SN Kapoor (Retd) FB page

Mukund Daivajnya, in his Bhava Manjari has referred to Placements of planets in Shubha Panchaka and Ashubha anchaka to identify planets which should give favourable or bad results.

Planets in Shubha Panchaka-Planets in Moola trikona, in Uchcha, its own Rasi, or in rasi of Adhimitra or Mitra -give benfic results and enhance value of the houses they own.

While on the other hand, planet(s) in Ashubha Panchaka- in rasi of Sama graha, Shatru, Neecha, adhishatru and a combust planet-gives unfavourable results of its Karakatwa as well as house(s) owned by such Planet(s).

Sarvarth chintamani also refers to almost a similar concept ,using different terminology. Terms used are Gocharastha and Agocharastha.

Gochara, here means that which can be seen and agochar Means that which is invisible and cannot be seen.

Planets are said to be in Gochara, when (a) they occupy their own houses, or exaltation sign, or moola trikona sign or sign of intimate friend or that of a friend;

and (b)they are neither combust (c) nor placed in 6th,8th or 12th houses.

Such Gocharasth planets produce beneficial results and increase human comforts of the concerned segments of life.

Planets are said to be in Agochara, when they are in combustion, debilitation, in 6th, 8th or 12th houses,without being in exaltation, or Mula trikona etc..

Agocharastha planets produce miseries like sorrow, loss of ower and kingdom, money and houses.

These differences should be particularly remembered for giving precise prediction 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Houses of learning :

An experienced explanation on 2nd house with quote from a classical text Jatak Chandrika authored by Shri Vavilla Ramaswamy telugu by Sri Satyanarayana Naik ji.

Purabuddhiharshajnana VAGVIDYA Saachivya praadhanya kaushalya paanditya praaveenya Shilpaadi karakam panchamam. ---

It VAGVIDYA (not Vat speaking ability of 2nd) it has the effect of Sachivya ( advisory) Panditya (Excellence) Praveenya (expertise). 

Being the house Buddhi and Jnana it is the oracle excellence.

Learning is not limited to a few houses: 2nd House is ability to learn.

3rd is memory power 4th is environment of learning (being the house of mind and SUKHA stana),

5th is expertise. 6th is tools and techniques in learning,

7th is external support for learning

8th is deviation in learning. 9th Deep rooted learning or research or higher studies.

10th is Application learning or experience.

11th is gains of knowledge

12th is distribution of knowledge or end of learning.