Friday, March 30, 2012

Vedic Remedies in Jyotish : Smt Urmil Jain N.Delhi

Vedic Remedies in Jyotish

वैदिक ज्योतिष (Vedic Jyotish) के तीन खण्डो में से तृ्तीय खण्ड निराकरण ज्योतिष (Remedial Astrology) कहलाता है. ज्योतिष के द्वितीय खण्ड फलित ज्योतिष (Predictive Astrology) से हमें अपने भाग्य के बारे में जानकारी उपलब्ध हो जाती है, परन्तु ग्रहो के अशुभ प्रभाव को दूर करने का साधन निराकरण ज्योतिष के अन्तर्गत आता है. सबसे पहले साधारण ज्योतिषियो द्वारा बताये जाने वाले उपायो की जानकारी दी जायेगी.

1) रत्नो द्वारा उपाय (Remedy through Gemstones)
प्रत्येक ग्रह के रत्न व उपरत्न (Sub-gems) होते हैं. ज्योतिर्वेद प्रायः ग्रह को बल देने के लिये या ग्रह की अनुकूलता प्राप्त करने के लिए उस ग्रह से सम्बन्धित रत्न या उपरत्न को धारण किया जाता है. रत्न असली व उच्च गुणवत्ता के होने पर शुभ एंव उत्तम परिणाम देते हैं. परन्तु आज के युग उच्च कोटि का रत्न किसी बिरले भाग्यवान व्यक्ति को ही प्राप्त हो सकता है. शुद्ध रुप से व्यवसायिक दौर में असली वस्तु का मिलना बहुत ही दुर्लभ संयोग है. आज बाजार नकली (Imitational) वस्तुओ से भरा पडा है और आम आदमी उसे पहचान पाने में असमर्थ है. अतः वास्तविक जानकारी के अभाव में नकली वस्तु (रत्न) को व्यक्ति खरीदकर धारण कर लेता है, चूंकि रत्न नकली है तो वह अपना प्रभाव देने में असमर्थ है, इससे रत्न एंव ज्योतिष विद्या की विश्वसनीयता पर प्रश्नचिन्ह लग जाता है. रत्न और उससे सम्बन्धित अन्य विधियाँ जैसे कि कलर थैरेपी, स्टाँन थैरेपी (Gemstone Therapy) इत्यादि प्रभावहीन हो जाता है. दूसरे मान लो यदि रत्न कहीं से असली भी प्राप्त हो जाता है तो उसका समय विंशोत्तरी महादशा या अन्तर्द्शा तक ही रहता है. आजकल कुछ ज्वैलर्स लैब टैस्टड रत्न उपलब्ध कराते हैं अतः रत्नो को खरीदते समय पूरी सावधानी बरतें तभी आप उनका लाभ उठा सकते हैं.

2) यन्त्रो द्वारा उपाय (Remedy Through Yantras)
किसी देवी/देवता के मन्त्र को कागज पर लिखना या किसी धातु जैसे कि चाँदि, ताम्बे इत्यादि पर खुदवाने पर जो अन्तिम प्राडक्ट बनता है उसे यन्त्र कहते हैं. यन्त्र को मन्त्र का स्वरुप या आकृति भी माना जाता है. अब इस यन्त्र को विशेष मुहुर्त में वैदिक मन्त्रो द्वारा प्राण प्रतिष्ठित किया जाता है. फिर इस यन्त्र के सम्मुख बैठकर यन्त्र से सम्बन्धित देवी/देवता का निश्चित संख्या में जप किया जाता है, जिससे कि वह यन्त्र सिद्ध हो जाता है. अब इस यन्त्र को पूजा घर में स्थापित किया जा सकता है तथा प्रतिदिन इसका धूप-दीप व अगरबत्ती से पूजन करने से यह लाभ देता है. छोटे सिद्ध यन्त्रो को आप गले में ताबीज के रुप में पहन सकते हैं या अपनी बाजू पर भी बाँध सकते हैं. यन्त्र का सम्बन्ध पूजा-पाठ (अध्यात्म) से होने पर व्यक्ति में शुद्ध भाव, विश्वास एंव निष्ठा का होना अति आवश्यक है, तभी ये फलदायी होते हैं. श्रद्धाहीन व्यक्ति के लिये ये यन्त्र प्रायः निष्प्रभावी होते हैं.

3) व्रत द्वारा उपाय (Remedy Through Vrata/Fasts)
भारत में प्राचीन काल से ही व्रत का महत्व रहा है. व्रत को सकाम या निष्काम दोनो ही प्रकार से किया जा सकता है. यहाँ हम सकाम व्रत का उल्लेख करेंगे. लडकियाँ विवाह करने के लिये तथा धन की प्राप्ति के लिये 16 या 21 सप्ताह का व्रत किया जाता है. विवाह के लिये बृहस्पति एंव लक्ष्मी प्राप्ति के लिये शुक्र का व्रत किया जाता है. यदि 16 सप्ताह तक व्रत रखते हैं तो 16वें और यदि 21 सप्ताह तक व्रत रखते हैं तो 21वें सप्ताह में उसका उद्यापन किया जाता है. प्रत्येक सप्ताह व्रत रखकर अगले दिन सूर्योदय से दो घंटे के भीतर उस व्रत का पारण किया जाता है. इस प्रकार पूरी शुद्धि के साथ श्रद्धा एंव भावनायुक्त व्रत रखने से मनोकामना (सीमा के अन्दर) पूर्ण होती है.

4) जप द्वारा उपाय (Remedy Through Japa/Recitation of Mantras)
ग्रहो को शान्त करने तथा उनकी कृपा प्राप्त करने के लिये ग्रह सम्बन्धित जप करने का विधान है. मन्त्रो को हम वैदिक, पौराणिक, लौकिक, तान्त्रिक एंव साबर (शाबर) मन्त्र शाखाओ में बाँट सकते हैं, मन्त्रो को जपने का अलग-अलग नियम, संख्या एंव विधान है. विशेष मन्त्रो को जपने के लिये विशेष माला प्रयुक्त होती है. जैसे कि वैष्णव मन्त्रो के लिये तुलसी माला, शिव मन्त्रो के लिये रुद्राक्ष की माला तथा लक्ष्मी जी के मन्त्रो के लिये कमलगट्टे की माला प्रयुक्त होती है. सकाम फल प्राप्त करने के लिये निश्चित दिनो के लिये निश्चित संख्या में मन्त्र विशेष का संकल्प लिया जाता है, तत्पश्चात शुचितापूर्ण होकर विधिवत उस मन्त्र का जप करने से तुरन्त फल की प्राप्ति होती है.

5) यज्ञ द्वारा उपाय (Remedy Through Yajna)
इच्छाओ की पुर्ती के लिये यज्ञ शास्त्रोक्त उपाय है. वेदो से ज्ञात होता है कि प्राचीन काल से ही यज्ञ का हमारे दैनिक जीवन में हमारे महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रहा है. सकाम यज्ञों में प्राचीन काल में राजसूर्य यज्ञ, अश्वमेघ यज्ञ, महामृत्युन्जय यज्ञ इत्यादि का विशेष रुप से उल्लेख रहा !

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A big question Mark ? For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible


Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to £100…
If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this…

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay £1.
The sixth would pay £3.
The seventh would pay £7..
The eighth would pay £12.
The ninth would pay £18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay £59.

So, that’s what they decided to do..

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve ball.

“Since you are all such good customers,” he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by £20?. Drinks for the ten men would now cost just £80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes.

So the first four men were unaffected.

They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men?
The paying customers?

How could they divide the £20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share?

They realised that £20 divided by six is £3.33. But if they
subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by a higher percentage the poorer he was, to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using, and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.

And so the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% saving).

The sixth now paid £2 instead of £3 (33% saving).

The seventh now paid £5 instead of £7 (28% saving).
The eighth now paid £9 instead of £12 (25% saving).

The ninth now paid £14 instead of £18 (22% saving).

The tenth now paid £49 instead of £59 (16% saving).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare their savings.

“I only got a pound out of the £20 saving,” declared the sixth man.

He pointed to the tenth man,”but he got £10!”

“Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a pound too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me!”

“That’s true!” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get £10 back, when I got only £2? The wealthy get all the breaks!”

“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison, “we didn’t get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor!”

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had their beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and government ministers, is how our tax system works.

The people who already pay the highest taxes will naturally get the most benefit from a tax reduction.

Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore.

In fact, they might start drinking overseas, where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

[Name omitted]
Professor of Economics.

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible

courtsey Brahmprakash gaur ji

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

पंडित सूर्य कान्त त्रिपाठी निराला जी की अनुपमेय रचना :

दिवसावसान का समय -
मेघमय आसमान से उतर रही है
वह संध्या-सुन्दरी, परी सी,
धीरे, धीरे, धीरे,
तिमिरांचल में चंचलता का नहीं कहीं आभास,
मधुर-मधुर हैं दोनों उसके अधर,
किंतु ज़रा गंभीर, नहीं है उसमें हास-विलास।
हँसता है तो केवल तारा एक -
गुँथा हुआ उन घुँघराले काले-काले बालों से,
हृदय राज्य की रानी का वह करता है अभिषेक।
अलसता की-सी लता,
किंतु कोमलता की वह कली,
सखी-नीरवता के कंधे पर डाले बाँह,
छाँह सी अम्बर-पथ से चली।
नहीं बजती उसके हाथ में कोई वीणा,
नहीं होता कोई अनुराग-राग-आलाप,
नूपुरों में भी रुन-झुन रुन-झुन नहीं,
सिर्फ़ एक अव्यक्त शब्द-सा 'चुप चुप चुप'
है गूँज रहा सब कहीं -

व्योम मंडल में, जगतीतल में -
सोती शान्त सरोवर पर उस अमल कमलिनी-दल में -
सौंदर्य-गर्विता-सरिता के अति विस्तृत वक्षस्थल में -
धीर-वीर गम्भीर शिखर पर हिमगिरि-अटल-अचल में -
उत्ताल तरंगाघात-प्रलय घनगर्जन-जलधि-प्रबल में -
क्षिति में जल में नभ में अनिल-अनल में -
सिर्फ़ एक अव्यक्त शब्द-सा 'चुप चुप चुप'
है गूँज रहा सब कहीं -

और क्या है? कुछ नहीं।
मदिरा की वह नदी बहाती आती,
थके हुए जीवों को वह सस्नेह,
प्याला एक पिलाती।
सुलाती उन्हें अंक पर अपने,
दिखलाती फिर विस्मृति के वह अगणित मीठे सपने।
अर्द्धरात्री की निश्चलता में हो जाती जब लीन,
कवि का बढ़ जाता अनुराग,
विरहाकुल कमनीय कंठ से,
आप निकल पड़ता तब एक विहाग!

सुर्यकान्त त्रिपाठी निराला.....

अम्ब अवतार लो ! रचनाकार डॉ आशुतोष वाजपेयी कवि एवं ज्योतिषाचार्य लखनऊ

अम्ब अवतार लो

वंदना उपासना में रत दास हूँ तुम्हारा
वीणापाणि भक्त की भी सुधि एक बार लो
मान धन वैभव भले मुझे न मिले किन्तु
प्रार्थना है ज्ञान की इसे तो स्वीकार लो
धर्मक्षेत्र में पतन देख है व्यथित मन
आसुरी प्रवृत्तियों से ठान आज रार लो
मै नहीं हूँ मात्र एक दीन पुकारे अनेक
अर्याभूमि शोधन को अम्ब अवतार लो

विश्व को समस्त ज्ञान मेरी मातृभू ने दिया
इतिहास में भरे प्रमाण हैं हज़ार लो
म्लेच्छ यवन मुग़ल लूटते रहे परन्तु
प्रतिरोध जो किया तो हो गया प्रहार लो
संस्कृति विनाश हेतु फिर से सचेष्ट हुए
द्रोही छली पापी हो रहा है अनाचार लो
दंड देने हेतु एकलव्य को न कोई द्रोण
आर्य धर्म रक्षणार्थ अम्ब अवतार लो
डॉ आशुतोष वाजपेयी
कवि एवं ज्योतिषाचार्य

भोले नाथ भगवान् शिव को एक घनाक्षरी छंद निवेदित है ! रचनाकार डॉ आशुतोष वाजपेयी लखनऊ

भोले नाथ भगवान् शिव को एक घनाक्षरी छंद निवेदित है

जान्हवी को धारण है किया जटा मध्य
प्रभु कन्ठ सर्प माल ने भी बहुत नहाया है
शीश पर बाल शशि आपके विराजमान
डम डम डमरू भी आप ने बजाया है
भुजंग फणों की मणि से प्रसृत प्रभा पुंज
सुर नर दानवों को तांडव दिखाया है
ज्ञान देने वाले गुरु आप शिव हैं
तभी तो आशुतोष उर मध्य आपको बसाया है
रचनाकार डॉ आशुतोष वाजपेयी कवि एवं ज्योतिषाचार्य लखनऊ

Saturday, March 17, 2012

वास्तु ज्ञान : श्रीमती अनीता नरायन पटना :

Anita Narain in ICAS PATNA

Vaastu Gyaan Vaastu means the dwelling of humans & Gods. Vaastu shastra is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five elements of nature. Vaastu Shastra is an edifice science that was developed by our learned people thousands of years ago. Its application today is purely architectural and its principles are based on becoming one with nature.

Many Vaastu rules are derived from 'Vaastu Purusha Mandala' which is depicted as a man lying with his head pointing north east, in a grid of usually 64 squares. The different directions and sectors are assigned to different Gods and Guardians.

In doing Vastu of any place , home, work place, building, factory, land or plot we try to harmonize the place with respect to the five basic elements called as Panchbhoota namely Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Space. We shall discuss about importance of each of this element and how well we can harmonize them to relieve a stressful life, bringing 3 P's viz peace, protection and prosperity in our lives.
WATER: Water bodies in north or east are considered good. As far as the flow of domestic water is concerned, it should be borne in mind and that such water should be drained out in North - East. Wells, tubewells, swimming pools etc. should all be in the North-East. The water from the toilets and bathrooms, too, should be drained out in the North- East. The North-East direction is always auspicious and suitable for water. There are sewer-systems in the cities. The Septic tanks or the flow of sewer systems should be towards North - West. The flow of rain or fresh water should be towards North-East.
FIRE: The direction of Fire is South-East. The Kitchen, fireplace, geysers etc. should be placed only in this direction. Alternatively these could be placed in North-West, because it is at 180 degree to South-East. The Vastu Fire Element One can take care of the South-East Corners of all rooms and aim for Hapiness in the family, Good Health, Sound Finances, and Nice Married Life. As South-East belongs to Agni he can create enough trouble for inmates. The South-East corner of every room should be taken care of it. One can keep Agni - Vastu Fire Element cheerful by having a spotlight or lantern in the South-East corner with light or burning flame pointing to the roof. One can have the Electrical gadgets like Television, VCR, Fridge, Computer, Fire-place, Microwaves, radio etc placed in South-East corner.
AIR: The air should enter the building from North -East. All the openings and media for air entry such as doors, windows, ventilators coolers, air-conditioners, verandahs, balconies etc. should be in this directions.
SPACE OR OPEN SKY: The open sky influences greatly. We can get the effect of terrestrial-energies uninterruptedly. But the buildings prove a barrier to the effects of open sky. Therefore, the importance of roofs or lawns gets emphasized, but the Vastu shastra has refrained from deliberating in detail over it, because it is related chiefly to building construction and we will discuss only this aspect. Traditionally every house in India used to have an open space (Court Yard) in the center of the house. It provided the dwellers not only the open sky but also sunlight and cross-ventilation of air.
SHAPE OF PLOT: Favourites are regular shaped square or rectangular plota AND irregular shaped plots are normally avoided.
OBSTRUCTION: Obstruction like big trees, open well, pillars and posts before a arrow like roads are to be avoided.
IDEAL SITE: A building should be constructed preferably in a square plot the house should be constructed in the for house centre and in rectangular plot it should be nearer to construction south, south west and west sides preferably leaving more in a plot open space on north and east. "L" or Considered not suitable for house as corners will be "U" shaped missing and occupants will be missing opportunities.

Quick Vaastu Shanti Tips
When sitting for worship, keep your face towards North-West and sit in that corner to intake air from that direction. Cash boxes can be located in the room towards the North (treasury). But if the box is heavy (such as a safe, heavy almirah) then it should be kept in the South­west corner and the door of the almirah should open towards the North. TVs and computers should ideally be placed in the Southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the Northeast corner or Southwest corner. Telephones can be placed in the Southeast or North­west corner but not in the Southwest or Northeast. An aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish, in the north east corner/portion of the house or factory is very good. If the north-east area is untidy or unshapely, the well being of male issues is found to be precarious. One should sleep with his head pointing towards the South. Students should be facing east while studying, for Academic Excellence. If the kitchen is off the proper place, some member or the other is always found to be suffering from severe digestive disorder. Keep the Gas in the south east corner of the kitchen Person should face the east while cooking. Drinking water should be in the north east of the kitchen. While Taking meals the plate should be in South-East. The statue of Hanumanji should not be placed in South-East. It may create fire hazard. All the doors should open inside so that the energy may remain inside. The hinges of doors should be noiseless. If so. The hinges may be greased periodically. The doors should open towards right hand. Bed should not be put under a beam. There should not be five corners in the ceiling of a room. Efforts should be made a leave the rooms open on North-East side. While ascending the staircase, the face should be either towards the north or the east. The seat of the toilet should face North-South. No doors or windows should be provided on South-West side. Almirahs and beds should be set very close to the South - West wall and at a distance from the north - east wall. A house should not have paintings, which depicts depressing scenes, i.e. like an old woman crying, scenes of war or poverty. It should have picture of say, a sunrise, an ocean, mountains, flowers or laughing children. Tall trees are nowhere recommended close to the main building. For trees the south in itself is good and so is the west. No tree should be grown in the north and the east. The one at the north-east is the worst. Small decorative plants and shrubs may be grown in the north and the east. The height should not exceed, say, half a meter at the north-east increasing gradually to not more than 1.5 meter as one moves from the north-east to the north-west or to the south-east end. Except rose and a few medicinal ones, all thorny plants give rise to tensions in the environment. Plants exuding white sap should also be kept off. Lime and karonda etc. are OK in an orchard but not in residence or business premises. Amongst the beneficial plants, the best is Tulsi. It is commendable to keep at least one Tulsi plant in the north-east area of the premises, but its height should not exceed 1.5 meter. Growing creepers/climbers with support on the compound wall or a house wall is best avoided. Cactus should not be planted or kept in the house. In the South-West Corner of the house one should sleep pointing his head towards south. If north of any house is blocked it blocks prosperity. Water flowing/water fountain from north to east is very good.

Directions & their respective Rulers

North-east (Eshan) is ruled by Sadasiva or God Himself. Hence this direction is paramount, which demands keeping it scrupulously clean, open and highly receptive in a welcome "mode" always. East is ruled by Indra, the chief of the gods, giver of pleasures. The direction also represents the realm of the rising Sun projecting ultra-violet rays, so essential for health in several ways. South-east (Agneya) is the habitat of fire, the storehouse of energy. South is the abode of Yama, the god of death. South-west (Nairitya) is the abode of Putna demoness. West is the abode of Varuna, the god of ocean. It is also the direction of the setting Sun which gives infra-red radiation. North-west (Vayavva) is the abode of air/wind, the invisible, but the most effective blessing for all objects in need of motion/movement for their efficiency. North is the abode of Kuber, the god of wealth.
REMEDIES FOR CONSTRUCTION MADE AGAINST THE PRINCIPLES OF VASTU: Sometimes, it so happens that the man does such acts, out of ignorance, which harm him and their remedy seems impossible. Here, we are giving solutions to the problems of those, who had constructed their houses against the rules of Vastu -Shastra. To overcome following information is given, however, it is strongly recommended that the Vastu of your own house especially correction of Vastu should be done with the help of Vastu expert and should not be attempted by acquiring shallow knowledge or tips for Vastu. Few ill effects of Vastu if not done correctly and remedies are discussed below for only general information. If some river or drain is flowing in a direction other than the north-east direction of the house and has anti - clock movement, then it is advised to place a statue of dancing Ganeshji facing the west on the north-east corner of the house. If the boring has taken place in the wrong direction in a house or a factory, then it is advised to place a picture of Panchmukhi Hanumanji, facing South-West to the boring. If a naked wall is seen while entering into a flat, then either a picture or a statue of Ganeshji should be placed there. The naked wall is the sign of loneliness. Hence, the wall should not be kept naked. If high voltage overhead wires pass over a house, then a plastic pipe filled with lime should be erected from one corner to the other of the affected area in such a manner that its both ends should remain outside by at least three feet each. This will eliminate the evil effects of energy being generated out of the overhead wire. In certain cases, energy circles can be improved by using Swastika Yantra. But, this requires a lot of care. This should be handled under the supervision of an able Vastu Shastri.
IDEAL HOUSE WITH PERFECT VASTU: The following are the guidelines to design and construct an ideal house which houses prosperity, protection and peaceful environment in the house. It is essential to understand and interpret these ground rules and then apply. The main door of the house should preferably be located in any of the exalted positions from the Northeast corner - either from North of Northeast or from East of Northeast. Doors can also be in the South of Southeast or West of Northwest but in no case, should the main entrance be from the center of any direction. Also the main entrance or door should be avoided in all the following four directions, namely, North of Northwest, East of Southeast, South of Southwest and West of Southwest. There should not be any obstruction or water body just opposite the main entrance. Balconies should be planned towards the East and North and should be definitely avoided in the South and West. If balconies in the South and West cannot be avoided, then larger balco­nies must be provided towards the North and East. Care should be taken while providing balconies so that a cut or truncation is not created in the Northeast corner. The kitchen should be ideally situated in the South­east corner of the house and as an alternative in certain cases, may be in the North­west corner, but in both cases, the cooking platform should be arranged to facili­tate cooking while facing east only. The Kitchen should never be in the Northeast corner and it should also be avoided in the Southwest too, as both locations will create problems with respect to the health and finance of the inmates. Rooms in the West and East can be used for din­ing. The appetite can be stimulated in the dining hall by having the walls painted in light pink or orange. A rectangular dining table is the most preferred. In the dining room, while eating, one should sit facing East or West. Grains and other food can be stored in the Northwest sector. Oil, butter, ghee, milk and other oily liquids can be stored in the South­east of the Northwest room. When a generator or transformer is to be located outside the plot, it should be placed in an open space in the Southeast sector. As a second choice, it may be placed in the Northwest sector. The overhead water tank should be located in the Southwest corner of the terrace preferably in the West of Southwest. Penthouses, if built, should be in the Southwest corner of the terrace leav­ing an open space in the North and East. The prayer room should be planned in such a way that it is placed either in the Northeast corner or in the central portion (Brahmasthana) of the house. The pictures of the god should touch the wall on the East side in the prayer room facing West; inmates should perform their prayers facing East for better concentration and devotion. No garbage should be thrown or dumped in the Northeast corner of the building or plot and the Northeast should always be kept free and clean. Heavy equipments such as the grinder, fridge, etc, should be placed towards the South and West walls in the kitchen. Even in the storeroom, racks should be built on the South and West walls. Rainwater should flow West to East or South to North and ultimately flow out from the Northeast corner of the house or plot. The Northeast, North and East walls should be decorated with photo frames, mirrors, and paintings of gods and with wallpaper with natural scenery; whereas the West, South and Southwest walls can be decorated with scenery in a dull or matte finish. The South wall can be used for hanging pictures of departed souls. Pictures of living beings may be hung on the Eastern wall. It is always advisable, and it is considered profitable, to purchase additional adjacent plots on the North­east, North and East sides. Under no circumstance, should one acquire any plot adjoining the South or West sides of one's plot. Any adjacent land acquired on the South or West side can be disastrous to the person. The master bedroom should be in the Southwest corner, while other bed­rooms can be in the Central­South and Central-West directions. A bedroom in the Northwest is also recom­mended but should be used as a guest room or only for daughters. Bedrooms should be avoided in the Southeast corner. It is preferable to have children's rooms in the West or North. Children should have their study desks in the North or East of the room and they should face East while studying. One should sleep with one's head pointing towards the South. Children, how­ever, can sleep with their heads pointing towards the West. No one should sleep with their heads in the North. The bedroom can be painted in light to deep blues to induce sleep. Green is advised for study rooms to promote intelligence. Sandal/ yellow is advised for the prayer room. The living room should be located in the North or East sectors of the house. Heavy chandeliers or fancy lamps should not be located in the geometrical center of the rooms. They may be placed slightly towards the West or South of the room. TVs and computers should ideally be placed in the Southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the Northeast corner or Southwest corner. Telephones can be placed in the Southeast or North­west corner but not in the Southwest or Northeast. Living rooms can be painted in white, yellow, light pink, light blue or green. Grey, red and black are to be avoided. Always keep the center of the room, building and plot, free from any loads, weights, pillars, columns, beams, water bodies, etc. It is preferable to have the staircase towards the South, West or Southwest of the building but it may be in the Southeast or Northwest, depending on other parameters. Staircases should be avoided in the Northeast, North and the East. Circular/spiral staircases are generally to be avoided. The number of steps in a staircase should be odd, including the landing step, and they should rise from East to West or from North to South. It is better to make sure that the steps are by the South and West walls, and that it should be constructed in such a way that the move­ment is in a clockwise direction while going upwards, that is from the ground to the higher floors. Toilets should be located in the Northwest cor­ner of the building or in the Northwest corner of the rooms. Where Northwest toilets are not possible, Southeast toilets are allowed. Other alternative directions for toilets are Central-South or Central West. Closets in the toilets should face North or South, along the North-South axis; and should not face the East or West. See figure for all possible locations for toilets and bathrooms. Toilets should be avoided in the Northeast, North and East. Mirrors in the toilet and dressing room should be on the North or East walls. A bathroom in the East sector is most preferred as the beneficial rays of the morning sun can enter and promote the health of the user. In the office or study room, the table should be placed in the Western or Southern side so that one sits facing the East or North. No equipment, furni­ture, cupboards, etc, should be placed touching the North or East walls and if it becomes unavoidable, they should be kept at least 4" or 6" away from the walls. Cash boxes can be located in the room towards the North (treasury). But if the box is heavy (such as a safe, heavy almirah) then it should be kept in the South­west corner and the door of the almirah should open towards the North. The storage or lumber-room can be located in the Southwest, adjacent to the Master bedroom. If possible, the house should be extended by 4 feet to 5 feet in the North­east direction to ensure the Northeast directional bliss for the household. Growing tulsi and other beneficial herbal plants in the North­east will promote good health and prosperity. Pictures of landscapes depicting mountains should be hung on the South and West walls only Land­scapes containing water, such as pictures of lakes and rivers should be on the North and East walls. Pic­tures of eagles, battle scenes, and carnivorous animals should not be used for interior wall decorations. Pictures of horses, cows and elephants can be used for decoration purposes. The directions of East and West are important as far as obtaining the energy from the sun is concerned. The importance of the directions of the North and the South lies in the flow of magnetic waves which flows from North Pole to South Pole. Therefore southward portion of every building should be higher than the northward portion. Besides this it should also be kept in mind that the inclination of land, building, floors of rooms etc. should be towards North-East. In other words the parts in the West and South of the building should be slightly higher than those in the North and East.
When sitting for worship, keep your face towards North-West and sit in that corner to intake air from that direction. Cash boxes can be located in the room towards the North (treasury). But if the box is heavy (such as a safe, heavy almirah) then it should be kept in the South­west corner and the door of the almirah should open towards the North. TVs and computers should ideally be placed in the Southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the Northeast corner or Southwest corner. Telephones can be placed in the Southeast or North­west corner but not in the Southwest or Northeast. An aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish, in the north east corner/portion of the house or factory is very good. If the north-east area is untidy or unshapely, the well being of male issues is found to be precarious. One should sleep with his head pointing towards the South. Students should be facing east while studying, for Academic Excellence. If the kitchen is off the proper place, some member or the other is always found to be suffering from severe digestive disorder. Keep the Gas in the south east corner of the kitchen. Person should face the east while cooking. Drinking water should be in the north east of the kitchen. While Taking meals the plate should be in South-East. A house should not have paintings, which depicts depressing scenes, i.e. like an old woman crying, scenes of war or poverty. It should have picture of say, a sunrise, an ocean, mountains, flowers or laughing children. Tall trees are nowhere recommended close to the main building. For trees the south in itself is good and so is the west. No tree should be grown in the north and the east. The one at the north-east is the worst. Small decorative plants and shrubs may be grown in the north and the east. The height should not exceed, say, half a meter at the north-east increasing gradually to not more than 1.5 meter as one moves from the north-east to the north-west or to the south-east end. Except rose and a few medicinal ones, all thorny plants give rise to tensions in the environment. Plants exuding white sap should also be kept off. Lime and karonda etc. are OK in an orchard but not in residence or business premises. Amongst the beneficial plants, the best is Tulsi. It is commendable to keep at least one Tulsi plant in the north-east area of the premises, but its height should not exceed 1.5 meter. Growing creepers/climbers with support on the compound wall or a house wall is best avoided. If north of any house is blocked it blocks prosperity. Water flowing/water fountain from north to east is very good.

Vaastu Shanti Tips for Offices/Businesses
In the office, the temple should not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat. The owner seat must be facing east or north. West is also permissible but it must not face south. There must always be a solid wall behind the owner’s seat. The owner’s desk must always be rectangle. The central point of a factory, house and office should be empty. Vaastu Shanti Tips for Offices/Businesses. In the office, the temple should not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat. The owner seat must be facing east or north. West is also permissible but it must not face south. There must always be a solid wall behind the owner’s seat. The owner’s desk must always be rectangle. The central point of a factory, house and office should be empty.
Setting Up a New House? - Read Vaastu For A New Home
Suffering from Vaastu Dosha? - Read Vaastu Remedies

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Monday, March 12, 2012

काल सर्प योग : एक परिक्षण : श्रीमती अनीता नरायण पटना !

Kaal Sarpa Yoga

Rahu and Ketu are the nodes of the Moon. When the moon crosses the ecliptic while going from south to north of the ecliptic, it is the ascending node of the moon which is called Rahu. The latitude of the Moon at Rahu is zero and is on the increase from the negative (South) to positive (north). While crossing the ecliptic going from the north to south i.e. the descending node of the moon is called Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are not actually any physical planets but are the points on the plane of ecliptic where the moon crosses it. This is the reason for calling these two as chhaya grahas, i.e. the Shadowy planets. At these points, the Moon and the Sun get eclipsed on Poornima and Amavasya respectively, if on these tithis they are on or near these chhaya grahas. These are also called dragon’s head and dragon's tail. These points are not stationary but take about 18 years 220 days i.e. 18.60 years in making a revolution around the earth. This motion is non- uniform like that of all planets. Their motion is in reverse direction than that of other planets. In other words they move in reverse direction. So they are said to be having a retrograde motion at an average or mean rate of about 19.36º each year or about 8 seconds an hour. They have true or mean longitudes according to whether we have used mean motion or calculated actual position.
“Kaal Sarpa Yoga”, the name itself produces nerve shaking effects on the native. Native with Kaal Sarpa Yoga in his horoscope blames this yoga for all his miseries, failures and defeats. But it is not true.
Rational Readers will be surprised to know that no standard ancient classics have mentioned Kaal Sarpa yoga. Dr. B. V. Raman in his book 'A catechism of Astrology' quotes' As this yoga is not mentioned prominently by such great writes as Varahmihir or Satyacharya, we have to take it that it is not very effective in Kalyuga.
Myth logically Rahu is an incarnation of "Varaha" who uplifted the earth from deep waters of ocean in order to protect it. In this sense Rahu is a Protector. But some astrologers called Rahu as 'Kaal', the killer of every good thing in one's life. Think of sheshnaag ('ks"kukx), the great mythological serpent that is supporting the earth on his head. Rahu is protector not destroyer.
'Kaal Sarpa Yoga' is formed when all the seven planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are trapped between Rahu and Ketu, which more anti clock wise. If Rahu leads it is Anuloma Kaal Sarpa yoga when Ketu leads it is Viloma Kaal Sarpa Yoga.
For some astrologers this Yoga appears like a police - lock - up in which every planet is powerless and looses all its qualities and attributes. Their positional situations in horoscope, their dasha period, their aspects, planetary combination, transit etc. all become defunct. They say that the native born with this yoga will be miserable, suffering from diseases, poor, unhappy and unsuccessful in his life. And if propitiation of Rahu Ketu is done all planets will be released and will be able to produce desired results. It is only a myth.
Chairman of Patna chapter of Indian council of Astrological sciences and Ex-National Vice President, Mr. R. K. Narayan is a well known astrologer. In his sixty six years of astrological journey, he has seen Kaal Sarpa yoga effect on thousands of horoscopes of different levels, high and low. And the following results of Kaal Sarpa yoga have been established by him:-
(a) Natives with Kaal Sarpa yoga rise to a high position in their lives and most of them reside far away from their birth place. If there are other Raj Yogas in anyone's horoscope with Kaal Sarpa yoga, the life becomes more progressive and successful.
(b) If Anuloma Kaal Sarpa yoga is formed on 2nd & 8th axis, the native leaves his birth place very early in life.
(c) Rahu-Ketu axis formed on lagna - 7th house or 4th - 10th house and 5th - 11th house or 3rd - 9th house axis, their results are generally good.
(d) If any native does not progress or faces many evils in life it does not necessarily what that the cause is 'Kaal Sarpa yoga' only. It may be due to other planetary, positions, dasha and anter dasha, transit, bindus of Ashtakvarga etc.
(e) If a person with K.S.Y. remains at or near the place of his birth, he faces some obstructions in his career. So it is advisable to move to proper direction according to Ashtakvarga and Sarvashtakvarga.
(f) Astrological studies tell that Rahu / Ketu can give technical studies and give a blend of spirituality.
(g) Many political leaders have this yoga and they have succeeded in Rahu’s Dasa.

I, Anita Narain, daughter-in-law of Mr. R.K.Narayan, and General Secretary, I.C.A.S., Patna Chapter, did research on this yoga over more than five hundreds of horoscope and still we are observing its actual effects. We are presenting some authentic datas of famous and ordinary people with birth details. Any eager reader can caste horoscope for further verification.

Chart No. - 1
1. This is the horoscope of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. In this horoscope, Kaal Sarpa Yoga is on 6th /12th axis. Many astrologers prove that due to this Kaal Sarpa Yoga he went to prison many times. But he rose to highest position in country as well as in world stage. Actually he was in jail not due to Kaal Sarpa but on account of Bandhan Yoga in his horoscope. Lagna is trapped between Saturn and Rahu. His Rahu/Ketu period is very important for his career. During Rahu / Sun, he was P.M. of India for full five years.
Chart No. - 2

2. This is Horoscope is of Atal Bihari Bajpai, the Former Prime Minister of India This is an example of Anuloma KSY. Mars is outside by their Arch. His Rahu/Ketu period is very important for his career. During Rahu/Sun, he was P.M. of India for full five years. He was a prominent member of Freedom struggle and went to jail several times.
Chart No.- 3

3. Dr. S. K. Singh was a great politician. In this horoscope Kaal Sarpa yoga is formed on 5th - 11th axis. He was sent to jail many times but not on account of Kaal Sarpa Yoga. The other leaders behind the bars at the same time were not having Kaal Sarpa yoga in their horoscopes. Why they were behind the bars? Shri Babu’s horoscope has Bandhan Yoga, a true came for jail journey.
Dr. S. K. Singh Led Bihar in progressive way. See the result of this Yoga.
Chart No.- 4

4. India's horoscope
15 August 1947 12:00 A.M. New Delhi.
This horoscope is under the influence of complete Kaal Sarpa Yoga on the axis of lagna and 7th house. India has risen as great Nuclear power, recently sent her Chandrayaan on Moon. In every field India has done appreciable progress, whether agriculture, army, engineering, medical, space or education she is at par with great powers of the world. Where is the effect of 'Kaal Sarpa Yoga’? Why it has not hindered the progress of India? Now we will study the horoscopes of some common people.

Now, I will discuss the horoscopes of the natives of present time:-

Chart No.- 5

5. 16 August 1941 00:3.0 am. Sultanpur (U.P.)
The K. S. Y. is visible on 5th - 11th axis. The native is a retired Bureaucrat. He is also the author of many books. He enjoyed honour, position and prosperity is his life.

Chart No.- 6

6. This horoscope has partial K. S. Y. as moon is out of axis - of K. S. Y. Native is software Engineer and is posted abroad, Jupiter, mercury, Venus are forming Adhiyoga from moon lagna as they are posited in 6th & 7th house respectively from Moon lagna. K.S.Y. is on 6th - 12th axis.
Chart No.- 7

7. K. S. Y. is on 2nd - 8th axis Jupiter is within the degrees of Rahu. The native is a computer Engineer and highly posted. He went to U.S.A. in his child hood. He has earned prosperity and is happy otherwise also. His wife is also an engineer.
Chart No.- 8

8. Success story of this native is also with K. S. Y. on 4th - 10th axis. Moon has crossed only 18 minutes and is posited in Virgo. But in Bhava Chalit Chart, this moon is with Rahu forming Complete Kaal Sarpa Yoga. Native is an engineer and has built enough property abroad and now encouraging classical Hindu religious functions. All his children are well settled in U.S.A.
Chart No.- 9

9. Now an American citizen, this native has built big properties in India as well as abroad. He was in U. S. A. in the Private Sector and now after retirement he is a successful businessman and had enjoyed 70 spring of his life with a contended family.
Chart No.- 10

10. This native lives in American with her husband and two sons. They have American citizenship. One son is Doctor another is an engineer. She is enjoyed all the happiness of life insight of K. S. Y. in her horoscope.
Chart No.- 11

11. This is care of another success story, of K.S.Y. Though the moon is out of the orbit but there is partial K.S.Y. and Moon is in Kemdrum Yoga which is cancelled by the aspect of Jupiter. From his childhood, native is U.S.A. and now after receiving degree in management he is doing business there and has obtained citizenships of America.
Chart No.- 12

12. Planets here are between Rahu & Ketu at 3/9 axis. Though, sun and Venus are with Rahu but it is KSY care on 3/11 axis. This native has Kemdrum Yoga also but that is nullified due to Adhiyoga. Born in India he went to U.S.A. with parents in early childhood.
Chart No.- 13

13. The native was working with U.N.O. Her husband was in Indian Foreign Service and was deputed as Ambassador in many countries. Now he is retired and whole family has come back to India. Having KSY Yoga this native has led a comfortable happy life and now enjoying the happiness of grand children.
Chart No.- 14

14. Venus is out of the orbit of Rahu and Ketu but is Partial KSY Which is involving lagna and house. The native is working in U.S.A. and is happily married with an American.

Chart No.- 15

15. Presently working with U.N.O. as lawyer, this native is under KSY influence which has given him rise and affluent life - style. Where is KSY Dosham?
Chart No. - 16
16. Male, date - 19.06.1977 time - 6.50 A.M., Mohw (M.P.)
He is a software engineer working in Infuses, a famous I. T. Company. He went U.S.A. connected to some project work for has company. Due to Kal Sarpa Yoga has prosperity lies in foreign country.
Chart No.- 17

17. Female, Date 17.05.1977, Time - 4.00 PM Trichur.
She is the wife of a software engineer living in U.S.A. with her husband.

Chart No.- 18
18. Male, date 26.11.1980, time 2.20 PM Jaisalmer (Rajasthan)
He is working in an I. T. company in Bangalore, for away from his birth place, Jaisalmar Rajasthan.
Chart No.- 19
19. Female Date. 22.12.1981 time 11.45 am, Ajmer, Rajasthan.
She is a software engineer working in Infosys. She went U.S.A. many times for deputation. Right now she is settled in USA with her husband.
Chart No. - 20
20. Female, Date. 8/9 .09.1983 time 12.00 AM, Jammu,
She is Kashmiri girl studied and settled in Mumbai. Due to the effects of Kaal Sarpa Yoga, she is living far away from her native place Jammu. She is professionally electronic engineer working in telecommunication industry.
Chart No. - 21
21. Male date 18.10.1983 time 6.40 AM, Ernakulam, Kerala.
This native is a software engineer settled in Singapore. The entire planet except moon is hemmed between Rahu and Ketu forming partial Kal Sarpa Yoga.
Chart No. - 22
22. Female date 04.11.1954 time 5.25 PM, Dhanbad.
She is wife of an engineer presently settled in Canada due to the effects of K. S. Yoga.
Chart No. - 23
23. Male date 22.09.1954 time 7.25 pm, Patna
He is an engineer went Canada early in his life and settled there due to the effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Chart No. - 24
24. Male date 22.06.1962 time 7.55 A.M, Mumbai.
He is working in I. B. M. Company and went a broad several times in connection of his job.
Chart No. - 25
25. Female date 3 / 4. 09.1981 (4th Sept. 1981) Time 1.02 AM Patna.
She is working in an I.T. Company, Bangalore; she studied there and left her birth place in early childhood.
Chart No. - 26
26. Male, Date 13.04.1985 time 17.15 hour, Delhi.
He went U. K. for his study and at present he is doing job there.

Chart No. - 27
27. Male, date 04.07.1977 time 9.45 am, New Delhi.
He is struggling for his career since be is living in his birth place.
Chart No. - 28
28. Female, Dated 18.10.1982, time 12.40 pm, Delhi.
She did master and PhD. from University of Wisconsin, U.S.A. At present she is doing job in Detroit, U.S.A. These an the effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga.
Chart No. - 29
29. Female dated 26.11.1979 time 9.10 AM, Kolar Gold Field (Karnataka)
She is living in U.S.A. with her husband, who is settled there. She is also doing job there.

Chart No. - 30
30. Female Dated 14.11.1980, time 5.59 A.M., Delhi.
She is struggling in Delhi.
Chart No. - 31
31. Male, Dated 29.11.1979 time 2.10 am. Simla (H.P.)
She is a software engineer; she did her master in Business from U.S.A. and right now doing job there. Her success lies in foreign country.
Chart No. - 32
32. Male, Dated 25.11.1979, time 10.55 PM, Aouria Cup.
She is doing job in a Pvt. Company in Bangalore and went abroad two times in connection of her job.

Chart No. - 33
33. Female, Dated 15.08.1977, time 5.30 PM, Patna.
She is living in Switzerland with her husband who is posted there since last 3 years.
Chart No. - 34
34. Female, Dated 08.08.1968, Time 5.19 A.M., Varanasi. She is doing job in Mumbai in a hotel industry and well settled there enjoying a very good life style.
Chart No. - 35
35. Male, Dated 27.11.1968, time 12.22 am, Jahanabad (Dist.). He is a well known journalist doing very well in his profession. he is well settled in Delhi.

Chart No. - 36
36. Female dated 31.07.1982, Time 11.20 A.M., Chandigarh, Punjab.
Her sister is settled in U.S.A. who sponsored her and at present she is living in U.S.A., She studied there and doing job in some company.
Chart No. - 37
37. Male, dated 29.07.1976 time 7. 15 Am., Hazaribagh. He is an engineer doing job in America
Chart No. - 38
38. Female, Dated 16.04.1986, time 8.30 am, Chalis Gaon, (Jalgaon). She is struggling for her career since she has not left her native place.

Chart No. - 39
39. Female, date- 18.10.1982, time 5.30 PM, Upaipur, (Rajasthan).
She is a software engineer working in U.S.A. Her husband is also an engineer settled there.
Chart No. - 40
40. Male, date- 08.05.1976, time 6.45 A.M., Madurai (India)
He is a software engineer and well settled in U.S.A. He got his Green Card and rising very high.
Chart No. - 41
41. Female, Date- 31.12.1979, time 19.55, Mumbai
His present location is London (U.K.) He is working in a financial institution (UBS).
Chart No. - 42
42. Female, Dated 30.08.1982 time 4.20 am, Kuttack (Orissa)
She did M.B.A. and went U.S.A. for her company project.
Chart No. - 43
43. Female, date- 21.12.1979, time 15.01 PM (3:01 pm) Mumbai. she left her birth place very early in life and studied in Bangalore. She is doing job in a private company.

Chart No. - 44
44. Female, date- 23.05.1973, time 12.30 pm, Madurai.
She is doing job in U.S.A. married to an U.S. Citizen.

Chart No. - 45
45. Male, date- 29.07.1983, time 8.30 A.M., Ludhiana. He is in partial K.S.Y. since Moon is out of axis and is also forming Kemdrum yoga. But he is doing very well in his profession and presently living in Singapore.
Chart No. - 46
46. Male, date- 15.11.1979, time 3.05 pm, Ottapalam (Kerla) He is well settled in his profession holding executive position in a company. He studied and doing job in Bangalore.
Chart No. - 47
47. Male date- 02.12.1980, time 1.10 pm, Ranchi. He is struggling in doing business in his own native place. It will be advisable for him to leave his birth place for getting success.
Chart No. - 48
48. Female date- 20.10.1982 time 3.30 pm, Patna.
She is doing job in Bangalore, far away from her native place.

There are many other examples of this yoga but we hope that the case histories of these horoscopes will be sufficient to dispel the fears associated with KSY. It is not KSY to be blamed for miseries in the life but they may be Rahu and Ketu (without KSY) to turn the table of fortune.
No Single research has come up yet to establish the nerve - shaking effect of KSY.
Astrologers and readers are requested to maintain the sanity of KSY. Astrologers should be honest to their client without any prejudious for Kaal Sarpa yoga.

penned by Smt Anita Narain Patna.