Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pointers of 4 th House :By Sri AV pathi (FB pg Astrological Researches....)


 Patrimony, Treasure, Conveyance, Popularity in a society, Mother( woman as respectable like mother by native), Happiness, comfort, Promotion from one status to elevated other;
Holy places, environment; Breasts (woman); Chest (Male); Meditation; Right arm Pit (second drekkan); right thigh; buttock; mind, intellect, erudition, Educational and general qualifications; Spiritual Knowledge and service
( Pundits and bishops); 
Dwelling houses, Place of birth, canopy, caves, monuments and architecture. 
SOME RELATED FINDINGS: The fourth house, its owner and the Moon under influence of Rahu (by occupation in the same house or Rahu parked in Kataka) gives rise to phobias and fits; the Moon located in the fourth house adds intelligence, rational analytical ability,and inclination to probe with knowledge and sharpness; 
Involve in fine arts to be proficient in it; be leader of masses; involve in riots, squabbles, 
if the Moon is connected here with Rahu; malefic influence brings quarrel; directs inference of relationship between mother and natal under influence of related planets; 
When Jupiter and Mercury to influence this house to make the natal well educated and succeed in tests and examinations. 
WHEN? The related time with the combinations in the Dasha and sub-periods of planets connected as above with fourth house.
By Sri AV pathi (FB pg Astrological Researches....)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Angry Planets : By Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra (FB pg Astrological Researches.

Concept of Angry Planets :

The position of planets in the birth chart gives us a clue to find out the cause of one's good or bad karma done in the past life. When the planets are favorably placed, they indicate fruition of good Karma, otherwise that of evil Karma. The planets responsible for bad Karma in the past life would result in the person suffering from afflictions in the present life and these planets are called angry planets.
There is specific method to identify Angry planets . Identication of angry planets is done on the basis of CHATHRA RASHI [ CHAPTER 9 SLOK 34 OF PRASHANA MARGA] which depends on Veedhi rashi . The Angry Planets causing evil Karma are the natural benefic planets deposited in 6th, 8th and 12th houses and the natural malefic planets deposited in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses, from Chathra rasi . These planets are said to cause evil effects due to the Gods' wrath or fury of Gods. Here by Gods are also meant p
ersons held in reverence such as parents, preceptors and elders.

How to calculate chatra rashi;
The Chathra rasi is the sign counted from the Veedhi rasi.
If Sun is in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer or Leo, the Veedhi rasi is Aries.
If Sun is in Scorpio, Dhanu,Capricorn or Aquarius, Veedhi rasi is Gemini.
If Sun is in the other signs, the Veedhi rasi is Taurus.
Count the number of signs from Arudha lagna to the birth lagna and then count this number from the Veedhi rasi to get the Chathra rasi.[ Arudha राशी से लग्न जितनी दुरी पर होता है उतनी ही दुरी पर Veedhi rashi से chatra rashi होती है ]
To illustrate this let’s take the example of case no -4
In this chart Lagna is Leo sun is placed in Libra so the Arudh Lagna is Dhanu .Since Sun is in Libra the veedhi rashi is Taurus. Now to find out the chatra Rashi count from arudh lagna [in this case it is dhanu] to janma lagna it comes 9 th house from arudha . In this case chatra rashi is 9 house away from veedhi rashi therefore the chatra rashi in this case will be Capricorn.
Now from Capricorn Sun Mars are placed in 10th and Ketu in 5th so these planets are angry planets.Person will suffer on account of these planets and remedy of these planets are required for improvement.The they afflict has some serious defects or the karakatwa of the planet suffers.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rashi, Bhav, Bahvesh and Karak : By Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra

What Rashi,  Bhav,  Bahvesh and Karak stand for ? By Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra (FB Pg Astrological Researches…)

Rashi is Zodiacal division in 12 equal parts and measured from zero degree and is of 30 degree each. 0 to 30 degree is Aries; 30 to 60 degree is Taurus and so on.
Bhava is also division in 12 parts but in relation to the rising point at any particular time. So it is placed dependent span of a bhava varies with change in latitude and longitude.
Bhavesh the lord of any bhava is called bhavesh.
Each house stand for certain things of life or may say that entire thing of universe is divided or signified by the house 1st is tanu, janma sthan, head and many more thing, 2nd house stands for kutumb,dhan[ earned] face, eye etc.
Similarly each planet signifies or has ruler ship over many things of life. These planets are said to be the karak of these things. If the bhava signify something which the planet signify than the planet is said to be the karak of that bhava. For example fourth house represents mother, moon also signify mother so moon is karak of 4th bhava. But 4th house also denotes vehicle and Venus [some may also include Mars] is karak for vehicle so if you have to see the condition of vehicle you have to see Venus and 4th house both.Any bhava is analyzed through bhava bhavesh and karak. Bhava denotes particular area of a chart i.e. 1st house signifies many things, second house many other things, but karak signify particular thing of that area or house.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

THEFT AND SIXTH HOUSE FROM LAGNA : By Sri AV Pathi (FB pg Astrology & Remedies)


Mars is the prime Planet to cause ‘THEFT’. For ‘Gemini’ – Mithun Lagna born – Mars becomes lord of 6th Vruchika and 11th Mesha. These two houses become prominent to identify ‘theft’ – 6th House has more activation for this performance. 11th house is 6th to 6th owned by Mars – under ‘Bhavath Bhavam’ rules. 
Example: if Mars occupies 5th from Mithun in Thula, it notes loss of hard earned wealth by ‘theft’ – including ‘cheating’. (DEVA KERALAM: If Mars is situated in Libra (Thula) in his exaltation Navamsa – Makara – it cause loss of wealth through Thieves. WHEN this could happen??: 
In the Dasha or Bhukti period of the Lord of house occupied by Mars, and Mars is lord of 6th house – not aspected by any benifics in the birth chart, as also have sub period in any manner of Rahu it is positive that the natal will lose wealth by ‘theft’.
 (Also check such influence in the Gochara for the natal chart.

ASSESS THE STRENGTH OF A PLANET ....: By Sri AV Pathi (FB pg Astrological Researches...)


 ‘BENEFIC’ analysis: Pl. check the following: 

1. If natural benific; 
2.if lordship is benific (count of house of occupation); 
3. If in own sign: 
4. If that planet is in exaltation; 
5. Is that planet is debilitated and or retrograded; 
6. Does it occupy functional friend’s sign; 
7. Does it occupy lordship’s benefic sign; 
8. Is it parked in natural benific sign; 
9. Is that planet in functional friend’s star; 
10. Is that in its own star; 
11. Is it in Lordships benifics star; 
12. Is that planet in functional friend of ascendant star; 
13. Is it in association with lordship benific or natural benific; 
14. As natural malefic in 3, 6, 10, 11 Bhavas; 
15. Though natural benific not in 12th Bhava; 
16. It is Vargothama in Rasi and Navansha chart; 
17. In exaltation in Navansha chart; 
18. Own sign in Navansha chart; 
19. Functional friends sign in Navansha chart 
20. Joint assessment of similar list of above with the co-parked planets in the same house.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

KENDRATHIPATHYA DOSHA’: ‘JATHAKA CHANDRIKA’ : By Sri AV pathi FB pg Astrological Researches



If Budha be , in Kendra from Lagna in a birth chart, the ‘Budha Kendrathipathya Dosha’ is less than the Dosha attributed to Guru or Sukra parked to gain this Dosha, when in Kendra. In other words, Budha in Kendra will not have the negative effect of Guru or Sukra as much in Kendra. 
Similarly if Chandra in Kendra he will give less malefic results than Kendra parked Budha. Further, if Surya or Chandra be the owner of 8th house from Lagna, they do not give malefic effects of ‘Astamathipathya Dosha’. This exactly fixes as result to Makara or Danush Lagna respectively. – My comment: This is important when related Dasha period results are worked out by an Astrologer. 

KALAPURUSHA RASHI AND PARTS : Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra explains :

 Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra explains :  FB pg Astrological Researches : 

 As per Wikipedia 'Medical astrology (traditionally known as astromathematics is an ancient medical system that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as under the influence of the sun, moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs. Each of the astrological signs (along with the sun, moon, and planets) is associated with different parts of the human body. This fact was already mentioned by Marcus Manilius (1st century AD) in his epic poem (8000 verses) Astronomica. The signs of the zodiac were believed to preside over the parts of the body, covering the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces).


The body of KALAPURUSHA (Time personified) has been divided into twelve parts and each part has been assigned to a sign commencing from ARIES. They are as follows:

Rashis and their diseases:-
ARIES Eye disaese, Headache, Mental Stress, Mouth disease
TAURUS Throat, disease of trachea, disease of eye, Ear & Throat, gums.
GEMINI Chest cavity, breasts & mucous membrane.
CANCER Heart, Spine, middle back.
LEO Stomach problem, Gastric disorders.
VIRGO Small Intestine, disease of Intestine, Non- digestion waist pain, Pancreas, duodenum.
LIBRA Disease of urinary tract, diabetics, poly urination, bladder, large intestine, rectum,vagina, testicls.
SCORPIO Bladder, Sex organs, Coccyx, Cervix.
SAGITTARIUS Hip & thighs, sciatic nerve.
CAPRICORN Skin diseases, Blood Pressure, Knees, hair, nail, cell wall.
AQUARIUS Lower leg, calf & ankles, valves of heart.
PISCES Feet & toes, lymphatic system and spleen.

ARIES, LEO, SAGITTARIUS signs rule-------------- VITALITY.
CANCER, SCORPIO, PISCES signs rule over--------- BLOOD.

The Zodiac is also divided into twelve houses reckoned from Ascendant and each house commonly knows as Bhava is assigned to a apecific part of the body of the KALA-PURUSHA. Here also the first house represents Head, the Second house represents Face and so on.
They are as follow:
First House or Lagna Bhava Head, Brain and Mind.
Second House Face, eyes, Nose, Tongue, Teeth, Ears, Fingers, Nails, Bones and Flesh.
Third House Neck, Trachea, oesophagus,, Collar Bones, Hands, Breathing, Ears, and Bodily growth, thymus.
Fourth House Heart, Lungs, Chest, Blood, major arteries & diaphragm.
Fifth House Upper abdomen, liver, gall bladder, spleen, intestine & mesenteries.
Sixth House Lower abdomen, Large intestine, Naval, bones, flesh and mental faculties, anus.
Seventh House Groins, Semen, Uterus, ovaries, pineal gland, prostate gland.
Eigth House Genital organs, Urine, Blood.
Ninth House Thighs and Limbs, Femoral arteries.
Tenth House Knees, Bones and Flesh.
Eleventh House legs, left ear.
Twelfth House Feet & left eye.

The houses from second to sixth govern the right side of the body and from twelfth to eighth in reverse order govern the left side of the body.

 Above information is the basic of Medical astrology. On the basis of above and applying the basic astrology disease can easily be diagnosed or at least afflicted afflicted body part can easily be predicted. For precise and detail diagnosis one should be aware of anatomy and physiology of body. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Relevance of Deepawali : By Sri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra (FB pg Astrological Researches.....)

Relevance of Deepawali :

Sun and Moon are two luminaries of our planetary system. It is through Sun that moon gets strength or light. So primary strength of Moon depends on the distance from Sun. On Amavashya day moon is weakest. 

Similarly Sun is debilitated in Libra and its deep debilitation point is 20 degree Libra. 

Both luminaries Sun and Moon becomes weak simultaneously when Sun and Moon is conjoins in Libra this happens on kartik amavashya day and this day you celebrate Deepawali.

Generally this day moon transits Swati nakshtra ruled by rahu and as you know that due to Rahu eclipse or major affliction to Sun and Moon happens.

In this context it is also important to note that in Deepawali Goddess Lakshmi along with lord Ganpati is worshiped. The vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi is owl .Owl sees only in darkness. Further the maha nishakaal –the best Muhurth of tantric ritual comes at mid night in Leo ascendant. 

So all the factors of darkness are together on this day – astrologically it is the darkest day of the year. This is the reason to celebrate deepawali –a festival of deep or light. It is also very important for tantric rituals as control over evil spirit is easily possible and one can acquire hidden or invisible power on this day and also puja is performed to seek protection against evil and enemies and for general happiness, health, wealth, and peace. Members are requested to share their knowledge on this issue.

‘Kalathra’ Dosha and ‘Mangalya’ Dosha: By Sri AV Pathi (FB pg Astrological Researches......)

AS WE All know that Mars causes ‘Kalathra’ Dosha and ‘Mangalya’ Dosha:
 Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house in a boy’s, as well as in a girl’s horoscope are productive for above Doshas. 

This Dosha gets NULLIFIED under following rules: 
1. Persons born in Kataka and Simha Lagnas Mars Dosha will not be effective;
2. Mars combined with Guru – ‘Guru Mangala Yoga’ or with Moon ‘Chandra Mangala Yoga’ – in both cases it is nullified; 
3. Mars in 7th (must be 7th) in Mesha or Vruchika this Dosha will not exist; 
4.’Sarala Yoga’ – Mars by OWNING the 12th house and is parked in 8th house – the best of Yogas – will not exhibit malefic results; 
5. If Mars in a female horoscope be LORD of 7th house and parked in 8th house, he will not cause widowhood; 
6. ‘Vimala Yoga’ – Mars parked 12th house and be Vrushabha, Mars cannot be considered as a malefic – similarly, Mars in 12th to Dhanush should be treated as malefic; 
7. If Mars parked 2nd to Mithuna or Kanni he will not cause Mars Dosha; 
8. Mars in 12th house to Thula or Vrushabh will not cause any Dosha; 
9. If Mesha or Vruchika happen to be 4th house from Lagna and Mars parked there will not cause this Dosha. 
10. Mars parked in 8th house and the sign is owned by Jupiter (Dhanush or Meena) will not cause Dosha. 
11. If Makara or Kataka be the 7th to Lagna and Mars parked in either of these two, there is no Mars Dosha; 
12, For Meena Lagna, Mars in the 8th, if afflicted will not produce any Dosha.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

व्रत उत्सव रहस्य !

वेदादि धर्म ग्रंथों में पर्व व्रत उत्सव रहस्य !
डंडी स्वामी श्रीमद दत्त योगेश्वर देव तीर्थ महाराज !
कल्याण : व्रत उत्सव अंक : सन २००४ अंक जनवरी २००४ : वर्ष ७८ : संख्या १ :

व्रत के विषय में तिथि निर्णय करना महत्व की बात है ! कारण उस पर व्रत के फल का अवलम्बन होता है ! नारद पुराण पृष्ठ २९ / २ में कहा है :

श्रौतं स्मार्तं व्रतं दानं याच अन्यत कर्म वैदिकम्
अ निर्णीतासु  तिथिशुhu न किंचित फलित द्विज !!
श्रौत कर्म , स्मार्त कर्म , व्रत , दान किंवा अन्य किसी भी वैदिक कर्म  करने  की तिथी निश्चित न करने से उस धर्म कृत्य का फल नहीं मिलता है !

कर्मणो यस्य य: कालस्तत्काल व्यापिनी तिथिः !
तया कर्माणि कुर्वीत ह्रास वृद्धि न कारणम !!
धर्म कार्य जिस तिथि को करना है वह तिथि प्रातः मध्यान जब हों तभी करना चाहिए ! वही समय योग्य है ! तिथि के क्षय वृद्धि आदि के विषय में विचार करने का कारण नहीं है !

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Matching Horoscope : One Aspect : :penned by Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Reserches....)


Many parents reject the 3rd, 5th, and the 7th stars of a boy counted from the girl, for marital alliances. If any of these stars either in the case of a boy or girl come under ‘Maha Nakshatras’ (viz. Mrigasheera, maka, Swati, Anuradha, Uttara,Uthrada, or Uttirattathi) then they can be matched with the girls. We should reject 3rd,5th, and the 7th stars of a boy counted from the girl, only if the ruler of the constellations are mutual enemies. ie. Girl: Pushya - ruler Saturn ; Boy: Utterphalguni: (5th star from girl’s) – ruler Sun, there is no DINA Porutham. Where as, these could be matched, as Maka Nakshatra is one of the Maga Nakshatras. (even ten kinds of agreements need not be matched! –says Sastras)

penned by Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Reserches....)

Deepawali Muhurt : penned by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra (FB Pg Astrological Researches)

Dipawali Muhurth

Every year most of the people are desirous /curious to know about the muhurth of Lakshmi pujan in Depawali. Muhurth is very specialized branch of astrology. Muhurth is always and should be decided on the basis of individual horoscope. Remember that good Muhurth cannot be general it is specific to individual. So no single time /muhurth can be said to apply to each individual for lakshmi pujan or for that matter for any event. 

But it is often seen that panchang or some astrologer prescribe or publish some time or muhurth for lakshmi pujan. This is against basic astrology. Now coming to Depawali Muhurth;

Generally fixed lagna is chosen and pradosh kaal and Mahanisha kaal is preferred for Lakshmi pujan on Deepawali day. 

Pradosh kaal is the time just after sun set and around

 this time Taurus sign [fixed sign] rises. Maha nisha kaal comes around mid night and approximately at that time Leo sign [fixed sign] rises. So traditionally these Muhurth are preferred. But selecting Muhurth in this way is lay men’s approach and cannot be accepted on astrological ground for everyone. 

But this Muhurth cannot be Muhurth for everyone. Why? Let me explain some basics of muhurth.

In electional astrology, the Panchanga, made up of five important
Astrological limbs, is of great significance. The Panchanga consists of :

(1) Tithi, (2) Vara, (3) Nakshatra, (4) Yoga and (5) Karana.
Out of these limbs the nakshatra is very important. This is the view of sage Brihaspati and hence acceptable to the other sages. But even if other factors such as tithi, nakshatra. Etc.,
are defective, a strong Lagna can neutralise such defects. This is the view of Narada and all sages concur with this view. So Lagna sudhi is most important in deciding any Muhurth. 

In selecting a Muhurth always one should avoid afflicted lagna and 6, 8 and 12 sign from one’s Ascendant --this is the minimum criterion.

So Pradosh kaal Taurus ascendant is not suitable for Dhanu [ Taurus is sixth], Libra [Taurus is 8th] and Gemini [ Taurus is 12th] for Lakshmi pujan.

Similarly Mahanisha kaal Leo ascendant is not preferable for Pisces [leo being 6th], Capricorn [leo being 8th] and Kanya [leo being 12th] ascendant people. Janma lagna is also not preferred in muhurth. So for Leo ascendant people also Mahanisha kaal Leo sign is not very auspicious.
Then what should be the Muhurth for each ascendant.

Every ascendant can be chosen but with fixed navamsa but chosen ascendant and Navamsha should not be 6th,8th and 12th sign from ascendant. Benefic influence on Lagna and presence of more Planets in 11th house is preferable.

penned by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra (FB Pg Astrological Researches)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

PROFESSION IN A BIRTH CHART: Presented by Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches.......................)

Many others suggest too many ways to trace the profession of a natal in their books, translations, and assessment. I single out ‘Brihat Jathaka’ as the main source for this in Hindu Vedic Astrology. 
Main rule: One has to count from the sign where natal’s Lagna falls or where Moon was at the time of birth. Take the 10th sign counted from both (if Moon is not in Lagna). 
If Sun occupies the 10th house counted from Lagna sign or Moon sign, then one gets wealth from father or takes in succession to his profession. 
If it is Moon, he gets wealth from mother. If Mercury from friend. 
If Mars it will be out of litigation. If Jupiter it will be from brother. 
If Venus, it will be acquired from wife. If Saturn, it will then be illegally gained through inferiors. The other rule is: 
Note the RULER of 10th house. Find in which Navansha that ruler is deposited, to note the owner of Navansha sign, i
n which the Lord of 10th house is parked. Note these from Lagna Sign and Moon sign and the sign occupied by the Sun in Birth chart on these ‘tracks’. 
Now you get three signs. On tracking as above you will get three Navansha signs. 
In all, the owners of the signs occupied in these Rasi and Navansha signs will be six. Then you can find out the Lord of the navansha sign the profession he will go will be indicated as per the planet involved. SUN; wool, medicine, gold, the like; Moon: Agri’; deep sea findings, fish, and marketing watery products; Mars: Metallurgy, violent acts, police, army and allied work; Venus: Gems, Silver, animals, carriers, travel, and the rest as this base; Saturn: Menial tiresome work, coolly, prison, criminals, cheats etc. 
Today, these descriptions in ancient text books seem to be out dated, as too many mixed interpretations are emanating for new avocations for many, from all.
Presented by Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches.......................)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

BHAVACHINTHA: ’PHALA DEEPIKA : BY Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches...)



The effects of the father of a natal, the mother, the brother, the maternal uncle, the son, the husband and the attendants may be ascertained by treating the SIGNS OCCUPIED by their respective Karakas, viz., the Sun, the Moon, and other planets, in the birth chart of that natal, as ‘LAGNA’. (Sl.22) Take the house occupied by the Sun in natal birth chart. It will say about: look and personality of father; the 2nd house to that house: father’s prosperity and renown; 3rd house: brothers, character, etc.,; 4th house: father’s mother, father’s happiness, etc. (Sl.23) 5th house: the wisdom of native’s father, the peace of mind provided by him; 6th house: his sufferings, injuries, disease and enemies; 7th house: love and his passion; 8th house: misery, death and longevity; (Sl. 24) 9th house: religious piety, good deeds; 10th house: profession and vocation; 11th house: his income and profits, assets accumulated; 12th house expenditure or loss. – Houses reckoned from the Moon, Mars, etc (for the mother, brother, etc) should be similarly deduced. My comments: This knowledge will help in partition of family cases, disputes among brothers and sisters, and those natal confronting problems in place of employment caused by co-workers etc.
BY Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches...)

भाग्योदय वर्ष : Fortunate years : By Bhola Nath Shukla

भाग्योदय वर्ष : Fortunate years :

मेरे अपने अध्ययन काल में इस विषय पर मेरी दृष्टी कई बार टिकी ! कई विशिस्ट पुस्तकों में इसका उल्लेख मिला ! अस्तु अपने डायरी में इसको नोट कर लिया ! संयोग वश कुछ घटनाएँ ऐसी घटी कि उन पर ज्योतिष के आधार पर विचार मंथन किया और अनुभवी मित्रों से चर्चा भी की और अपने को संतुस्ट पाया ! कुछ समय उपरांत जब इस विषय भाग्योदय वर्ष के अनुसार उन घटनाओं का अध्ययन किया तो भी वह इतनी सटीक बैठीं की आश्चर्य चकित हो गया की कैसे इस नियम की इतनी सार्थकता सिद्ध हुई वह भी इतने सरल और सटीक !  
It became so simple to me to apply this dictum of भाग्योदय वर्ष and find pin pointed result without any lengthy and cumbersome process.  

भाग्योदय वर्ष  के प्रयोग से फल कथन में सटीक प्रामाणिकता मिली और इतने सरलतम तरीके से बगैर किसी लंबी गणित प्रक्रिया के !  अतः जितने भी पुस्तकों में इसका उल्लेख मुझे मिला मै आप सभी महानुभावों के सम्मुख एक स्थान पर प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ ! और अंत में कुछ घटनाओं जिन पर इसके प्रयोग से मुझे घटनाओं की सत्यता मिली उनको भी संछेप में आपके सम्मुख प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ आप सभी विद्या वृद्ध महानुभावों से अपेक्षा करता हूँ की अपनी विवेचना से अवगत कराएँगे !
Before I proceed with the context, I would like to mention what Sri Surya Narayan Rao ji in his commentary on Brihat Jatak, at one place that ….” All these powers are called Nisargika and have permanent influences while all other sources of power must be superseded or modified by these permanent powers”.  He further explains at another point  “ If at any period of life the Nisargika dasha and the dasha of the same planet as described in ayurdaya bhag run together much good will result.
This statement of Shri Surya Narayan Rao ji carries weight and gives insight to understand the basics of astrology and needs to be applied as a rule.

फलित मार्तंड : ग्रन्थ कार : पंडित मुकुंद वल्लभ मिस्र : प्रकाशक : मोती लाल बनारसी दास :
भाग्योदय काल पृष्ठ संख्या 173 श्लोक 10 :      
द्वाविंशे रविणा च वर्ष कथितं चन्द्रे चतुर्विन्शती ह्राष्टाविंशति भूमि नंदनमतं दंतैर्बुधं च स्मृतम !
जीवे षोडशः पञ्च विंशति भृगौ षटत्रिंश सौरिर्वदेत कर्मेशात खलु कर्म चैव कथितं लग्नाधिपैरवा स्मृतम !

भाग्योदय वर्ष  : द्वाविंश २२ सूर्य,   चतुर्विन्शती २४ चन्द्र,  अष्टाविंशती २८ मंगल, दंतै ३२ बुध,       जीवे १६ गुरु,     पञ्च विंशति २५ शुक्र, षटत्रिंश  ३६ शनि  !

Lagna Chandra Prakash : Author : Shri Chandra Dutt Pant : Publisher : Moti Lal Banarsi Dass Heading : Results as per Varah Mihir Samhita : Specific results of Planets : Page 130 : Fructification years :
भाग्योदय / विशेशोंनती वर्ष !
When the said planets are placed in 10th house in natal chart the following years are the fructification periods. Author further quotes that 6th house makes the man to do things forcibly although against his wishes or likings.

Sun :                      22  and 70 years
Moon :                 24 and 43 years
Mars :                   28 and 58 years
Mercury :            12 and 32 and 42 years
Jupiter :                16 and 34 and 50 years.
Venus :                 25 and 32 years.
Saturn :                                36 and 42 and 72 and 83 years.
Rahu / ketu :      42 year

ज्योतिष सर्वस्व : Dr. सुरेश चंद्र मिस्र : प्रकाशक : रंजन पुब्लिकेशन !
सभी कारक ग्रह अपने से सम्बंधित समस्त या कुछ शुभफल यथा अवसर इन वर्षों में या इसके उपरान्त देते हैं !

Sun :                      22  years
Moon :                 के विषय में नहीं लिखा है
Mars :                   28 years
Mercury :            32 years
Jupiter :                16 years
Venus :                 25 years
Saturn :                 36  years
Rahu / ketu :         42 years

ज्योतिष विश्व कोष : पंडित हरी दत्त शर्मा : प्रकाशक : सुबोध प्रकाशन दिल्ली !

Sun :                      22  years
Moon :                  25 years  
Mars :                   28 years
Mercury :              32 years
Jupiter :                16 years
Venus :                 25 years
Saturn :                 36  years
Rahu :                   48 years
Ketu :                    x x x

ज्योतिष रहस्य भाग एक : श्री जगमोहन दास गुप्त ( पंचांग कर्ता ) : प्रकाशक : मोती लाल बनारसी दास !
भाग्योदय वर्ष  पृष्ठ 25 !

Sun :                      22  years
Moon :                 24 years  
Mars :                   28 years
Mercury :            32 years
Jupiter :                16 years
Venus :                 25 years
Saturn :                 36  years
Rahu :                   42 years
Ketu :                    48 years

ज्योतिष रत्नाकर : ग्रन्थ कर्ता : श्री देवकी नंदन सिंह : अद्ध्याय 10 : भाग्य कर्ता ग्रह : विषय संख्या १७३१७३ उप संख्या 7 !
 Sun :                     22  years
Moon :                 24 years  
Mars :                   28 years
Mercury :            32 years
Jupiter :                16 years
Venus :                 25 years

 बृहत् पराशर होरा सार : भाष्य कार : श्री आर. संथानम : प्रकाशक : रंजन पुब्लिकेशन !
अद्ध्याय : 17 : श्लोक 23 से 26 : भाग्य हीन वर्ष : ग्रहों कि अवस्थिति से विशिष्ट वर्षों में कष्ट का समय :
अद्ध्याय : 18 : श्लोक 22 से 41 : भाग्योदय वर्ष  : ग्रहों कि अवस्थिति से विशिष्ट वर्षों में विवाह का समय :
अद्ध्याय : 20 : श्लोक 10           : भाग्योदय वर्ष  : ग्रहों कि अवस्थिति से विशिष्ट वर्षों में भाग्योदय वर्ष  :
अद्ध्याय : 20 : श्लोक 10           : भाग्योदय वर्ष  : ग्रहों कि अवस्थिति से विशिष्ट वर्षों में भाग्योदय वर्ष  :
 अद्ध्याय : 20 : श्लोक 27,28,29 : भाग्योदय वर्ष : नवमेश कि अवस्थिति से विशिष्ट वर्षों में भाग्योदय वर्ष  :
अद्ध्याय : 22 : श्लोक 4 & 8           : भाग्योदय वर्ष  : ग्रहों कि अवस्थिति से विशिष्ट वर्षों में भाग्योदय वर्ष  :

श्री संथानम जी ने अपनी प्रस्त्वना में उल्लेख किया है कि श्री सीता राम झा की बृहत् पराशर होरा सार हिंदी टीका (वाराणसी से प्रकाशित) अत्यधिक उपयुक्त है ! पाठकगण से निवेदन है कि पुस्तक से ही अध्ययन करें !

Shri CS Patel ji in his book titled Ashtak varga (publisher Sagar Publications) quotes the verse of Jatak Parijat in Chap X- V-64 and explains as under :

“ If the number of bindus (SAV) in each of the house beginning with the fourth house and ending with the 9th (ie including all the six houses) is between 25 to 30, the person will be born rich and will be very very rich after completing 28 years of age. “
Shri CS Patel ji further states that under the above said conditions only this yoga becomes a rarity.

मनीषियों के उपरोक्त सभी विचारों से मै यह समझ सका की कथित ग्रह कथित वर्षों में निश्चित अपना प्रभाव देते है ! यह भी ध्यातव्य है की कथित निर्देशों में मनीषियों ने ग्रहों की विशेष स्थिति का भी उल्लेख किया है जिसे संज्ञान में रखना होगा ! उदाहरण के तौर पर कथित ग्रह यदि कर्मेश या नवमेश या द्वीतियेश तो अमुक वर्षों भाग्योदय देता है !
वृहत पराशर होरा सार ( भाष्यकार श्री आर संथानम जी ) के ऊपर दिए गए विषय सूची को आप पुस्तक से अध्ययन करेंगे तो आप पाएंगे कि ग्रहों की विशेष स्थिति से कथित ग्रह कथित वर्षों में निश्चित अपना प्रभाव देते है !
संदर्भित विषय पर श्री सूर्य नारायण राव जी का विश्लेषण जो ऊपर quote किया है अत्यंत महत्व का है और इसे यथा स्थान यथा संभव प्रयोग में लाने से फल कथन में अधिक परिपक्वता मिलेगी यह मेरा विचार है !
प्रस्तुत कर्ता
भोला नाथ शुक्ल (मित्र)