Friday, November 9, 2012

‘Kalathra’ Dosha and ‘Mangalya’ Dosha: By Sri AV Pathi (FB pg Astrological Researches......)

AS WE All know that Mars causes ‘Kalathra’ Dosha and ‘Mangalya’ Dosha:
 Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house in a boy’s, as well as in a girl’s horoscope are productive for above Doshas. 

This Dosha gets NULLIFIED under following rules: 
1. Persons born in Kataka and Simha Lagnas Mars Dosha will not be effective;
2. Mars combined with Guru – ‘Guru Mangala Yoga’ or with Moon ‘Chandra Mangala Yoga’ – in both cases it is nullified; 
3. Mars in 7th (must be 7th) in Mesha or Vruchika this Dosha will not exist; 
4.’Sarala Yoga’ – Mars by OWNING the 12th house and is parked in 8th house – the best of Yogas – will not exhibit malefic results; 
5. If Mars in a female horoscope be LORD of 7th house and parked in 8th house, he will not cause widowhood; 
6. ‘Vimala Yoga’ – Mars parked 12th house and be Vrushabha, Mars cannot be considered as a malefic – similarly, Mars in 12th to Dhanush should be treated as malefic; 
7. If Mars parked 2nd to Mithuna or Kanni he will not cause Mars Dosha; 
8. Mars in 12th house to Thula or Vrushabh will not cause any Dosha; 
9. If Mesha or Vruchika happen to be 4th house from Lagna and Mars parked there will not cause this Dosha. 
10. Mars parked in 8th house and the sign is owned by Jupiter (Dhanush or Meena) will not cause Dosha. 
11. If Makara or Kataka be the 7th to Lagna and Mars parked in either of these two, there is no Mars Dosha; 
12, For Meena Lagna, Mars in the 8th, if afflicted will not produce any Dosha.

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