Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Madhya Parashari Chapter 8 Vimshottari Dasa Phala Adhyaya: penned by Shri Navin Kumar On ICAS NC FB page.

Navin Kumar Madhya Parashari Chapter 8 Vimshottari Dasa Phala Adhyaya 1. We will include the Astrological results (good or bad) of the Nakshatra Dasha Paddhati as shown in Vimshottari System; and do not believe in Ashtottari System (This shloka is a repeat of the Shloka 3 in chapter 1 of of Laghu Parashari). 2. Starting with Krittika the Nakshatras from Krittika to the Janama Nakshatra (natal constellation) are divided by nine and the remainder will stand for the Lord of the commencing Dasha. The remaining periods will be of the planets in the order given below: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. 3-5. The periods of the Dashas of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus are 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20 respectively. Thus the life span has been taken as 120 years in Vimshottari. 6-8. For the natives of the Aries Asc. (Ascendant) Saturn, Mercury-Venus are inauspicious; Jupiter and the Sun are auspicious. But when there is relationship between Jupiter and Saturn the former (Jupiter) is bereft of his goodness (qualities). This is transferred by evil association only. Venus by owning the Marakasthana should be a Markesh; but this alone does not imbibe this quality in him. Malefics become Marakas by their association with Saturn etc. Moon and Mars are neutrals. Such are the good-bad Yogas for the Aries Ascendant-native. 9-10. For the natives of Taurus Ascendant (Asc.) Jupiter-Venus-Moon are evil; Saturn, Mercury are good; Saturn alone is a Raj Yoga Karaka, Mars-Jupiter-Venus and Moon are Marakas and the Sun is neutral. So should the learned read the effects of Taurus born natives. 11-12. For the natives of Gemini Asc. (Ascendant) Mars-Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Venus alone is auspicious. As Saturn conjoined with Jupiter is considered evil for Aries born, so is their association for the Gemini born. Moon being a Markesh is not a killer. She gives 'Nishphala' effects (fruitless) only. So should the wise consider the effects of the Gemini born. 13-14. For the natives of Cancer Asc. (Ascendant) Venus-Mercury are evil; Mars-Jupiter are good. Mars only is especially a Yoga Karaka. Saturn is a Maraka and other malefics are also Marakas. 15-16. For the natives of Leo Asc. (Ascendant) Mercury-Venus are evil; Mars-Jupiter are good. Relationship between Jupiter-Venus does not become Yogakaraka. Mercury and other malefics are Marakas. 17-18. For the natives of Virgo Asc. (Ascendant) Mars-Jupiter-Moon are evil. Venus only is auspicious. Venus + Mercury are Yoga Karaka. Though Venus is Markesh, she owns the 9th also: therefore, is not a Maraka. Mars etc. other planets are Marakas. So should the learned read the Virgo Asc. Chart. 19-20. For the natives of Libra Asc. (Ascendant) Jupiter, Sun-Mars are evil; Saturn-Mercury are good; Moon-Mercury are Raja Yoga Karaka; Mars, a Maraka; Jupiter-Sun-Mars are also Marakas and Venus is neutral - so should the learned know of the planets of Libra Asc. Charts. 21-22. For the natives of Scorpio Asc. (Ascendant) Mercury-Mars-Venus are evil; Jupiter-Moon are good; the Sun-Moon are Raja Yoga Karaka. Jupiter even by owning the 2nd (Maraka) is not Markesh. Mercury etc. other evil planets are Marakas. So should the learned know the effects of planets of Scorpio Asc. born. 23-24. For the natives of Sagittarius Asc. (Ascendant) Venus is the only evil planet; Mars - the Sun are good; the Sun - Mercury are Yogakaraka; Saturn is the Chief Markesh; but does not kill. In the same way Venus etc. evil planets in their Dashas and Antar prove to be fatal and show all the killing qualities. 25-26. For the natives of Capricorn Asc. (Ascendant) Mars, Jupiter and Moon are evil; Venus and Mercury are good; Saturn being a Markesh is not a killer; Mars etc. other malefics, when they have Maraka characteristics become such. Only Venus is a Yoga Karaka. 27-28. For the natives of Aquarius Asc. Jupiter, Moon and Mars are evil; only Venus is good and Yoga Karaka. When Jupiter, Moon and Mars show Maraka characteristics they become Markesh. 29-30. For the natives of Pisces Asc. Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Mercury are evil. Mars and Moon are good. Mars + Jupiter are Yoga Karaka. in spite of the Maraka characteristics Mars does not become a Markesh. Saturn and Mercury are Marakas. So should the learned accept the effects on Pisces born natives. 31-32. The learned should decide about the Maraka planets according to these principles. Except the Sun and Moon all the other planets are Marakas if they own the Maraka houses. The Markesh does not prove to be fatal in his Dasha or Antar. He kills in the Antar of an evil planet in his own Maha Dasha. Judgement of Houses - 9 Indications of houses from 1st to 12th. This brings to the end of Vimshottari Dasha Phala Adhyaya penned by Shri Navin Kumar On ICAS NC FB page.

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