Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sanjay Sinha ICAS NC Karaka for D (divisional charts)

Sanjay SinhaICAS NC Karaka for D (divisional charts) Yesterday, I was surfing internet and found one article which have karakas for D (divisional charts), I thought it may be useful for our PV and V students. The article on karaka for D charts is as follows: Here are the karakas for the various varga charts - some of them have multiple karakas - but still each indicates different area of the varga. D1 - Rasi - Sun (physical health, vitality, energy levels, health constitution) - Jupiter (mental strength, development and use of intellect, Dhi shakti) D2 - Hora - Jupiter D3 - Drekkana (Siblings) - Mars D4 - Chaturthamsa (house, landed property, wealth in general) - Mars (landed properties), Jupiter (wealth and prosperity) D5 - Panchamsa (power and authority) - Sun D6 - Shasthamsa (diseases, sickness) - Saturn D7 - Saptamsa (Children) - Jupiter D9 - Navamsa (Spouse, Dharma) - Venus (spouse) D10 - Dasamsa (Career, work related) - Mercury (focus, commitment to work, entrepreneurial spirit), Sun (power and authority), Jupiter (growth and expansion in career), Saturn (hardwork, perseverance, patience) D12 - Dwadasamsa - Parents and Grandparents Sun(paternal side), Moon (maternal side) D16 - Shodasamsa - comforts and luxuries - Moon (comforts), Venus (luxuries) D20 - Vimshamsa - religious and spiritual life - Jupiter D24 - Siddhamsa - learning and proficiency - Mercury (learning) D27 - Nakshatramsa - subsconscious level strengths and gifts D30 - Trimshamsa - subconscious weaknesses - Papapurusha D40 - Khavedamsa - karma from maternal side - (may be) Moon D45 - Akshavedamsa - karma from paternal side - (may be) Sun D60 - Shashtiamsa - Own personal karma from past - not sure.! Note(Sanjay Sinha): Though in this article Karaka for D40 shows Moon but is should be Ketu and for D45 it should be Rahu. The karaka for D60 should be Saturn.

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