गणतंत्र वृक्ष की छाया ..
हम मानवता अभिलाषी, आगे ही चलते जायें|
जन गण-मन अभिलाषा के,सब प्रश्न सुलझते जायें||
पर्वत,पठार क्या घाटी, हमने हर विपदा काटी,
सबको निज कंठ लगाती,यह कर्म-योग की माटी||
कुल दीन-दुखी ममता के, आँगन में पलते जायें |
जन गण-मन अभिलाषा के,सब प्रश्न सुलझते जायें||
कविता शुचि सत्य सुनाती,संरचना सदा सुहाती,
अनुराग,अहिंसा,करुणा,परमार्थ हमारी थाती |
सद्भावों के संबल से, छल छद्म कुचलते जायें|
जन गण-मन अभिलाषा के,सब प्रश्न सुलझते जायें||
हमने युगबोध कराया,जो जिया,किया,वह गाया,
गणतंत्र वृक्ष की सबको,नित सुलभ रहे शुभ छाया|
हम शील, विनय गुण वाले, मूल्यों से फलते जायें |
जन गण-मन अभिलाषा के,सब प्रश्न सुलझते जायें||
A group of Astro Lovers, Research minded people. Senior colleagues contributes/shares their experiences and reading materials. Tall claims personal praises not relished. The post are the property of the author. Astrocrazycircle does not have any claim over that postings and does not take any responsibility for the correctness of the posts. Regards and welcome.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Mercury : By AV pathi ji Astrology & Remedies FB page
Mercury has green complexion, is pure, a yogi, rajasic, and of skilful speech. It is witty and likes jokes and laughter. It is son of Moon and it is adaptable. It is friendly to Sun and Venus while inimical to Moon and neutral to Mars, Jupiter and Sun. It is KARAKA to learning, skill, reflex, maternal uncle, studiousness, truthfulness, mathematics, friends, astrology, humour and places of entertainment (Cinema houses the like). Represents earth, arts and crafts, female eunuch, birds, months of Oct and Nov. In tropical countries, grass, green postures, alloy of metals, paper money and brokers in avocation. Intellect, writing, training others – including animals, circus, command over languages, editors, reporters, press work, Journalism, tendency to look shy like, skin, brain, intestines, bronchial tubes, impotence, larynx, accounts, insurance, agents of any sort, merchants, messengers, hypochondria, disturbed thinking process, worry, bad speech, apprehension on untoward happening, eye, throat, nose, sanitary needs. Mercury takes the nature and influence of the Planet influencing it – sambandha. (Jupiter is related to abstract thinking – thinking in rowing into wilderness) Mercury will lead to a concrete thinking. Mercury also represents acquisition, accumulation, and expenditure of Money. This planet could make one a naive, irrational, confused, immature, and even insane. It is by nature a beneficial planet, but could be easily influenced by a malefic planet in association, Drusti, and occupation of a house. Mercury with Venus could give one proficient in music and allied lines. Badly influenced Mercury could lead one to have bad company, expenses, habits and decay of moral living. - By Sri AV Pathi
Mercury has green complexion, is pure, a yogi, rajasic, and of skilful speech. It is witty and likes jokes and laughter. It is son of Moon and it is adaptable. It is friendly to Sun and Venus while inimical to Moon and neutral to Mars, Jupiter and Sun. It is KARAKA to learning, skill, reflex, maternal uncle, studiousness, truthfulness, mathematics, friends, astrology, humour and places of entertainment (Cinema houses the like). Represents earth, arts and crafts, female eunuch, birds, months of Oct and Nov. In tropical countries, grass, green postures, alloy of metals, paper money and brokers in avocation. Intellect, writing, training others – including animals, circus, command over languages, editors, reporters, press work, Journalism, tendency to look shy like, skin, brain, intestines, bronchial tubes, impotence, larynx, accounts, insurance, agents of any sort, merchants, messengers, hypochondria, disturbed thinking process, worry, bad speech, apprehension on untoward happening, eye, throat, nose, sanitary needs. Mercury takes the nature and influence of the Planet influencing it – sambandha. (Jupiter is related to abstract thinking – thinking in rowing into wilderness) Mercury will lead to a concrete thinking. Mercury also represents acquisition, accumulation, and expenditure of Money. This planet could make one a naive, irrational, confused, immature, and even insane. It is by nature a beneficial planet, but could be easily influenced by a malefic planet in association, Drusti, and occupation of a house. Mercury with Venus could give one proficient in music and allied lines. Badly influenced Mercury could lead one to have bad company, expenses, habits and decay of moral living. - By Sri AV Pathi
WEALTH By AV pathi ji Astrology & Remedies FB page
Many walk in to ask how will be my wealth. This is related to the ‘y’ axis of the graph, as the starting point is necessary for growth or loss of wealth. That is the birth of the child in a wealthy environment will be the ‘start’. ‘Wealth’ as such represents the ‘value’, which varies in growth of one’s life. If Jupiter, the significator of wealth, himself be lord of second house, ie to Kumbha or Vruchika, or in Kataka for Mithun Lagna as all powerful (Unchcha), he represent for ‘Value’ for a great extent. Again, if Jupiter were Lord of 2nd house becomes also the Lord of the house of gains, 11th house, as in the case of Kumbha nativity, it represents Value par excellence. This is seen in the birth chart. As, seen, any house receives by occupation; drusti from Jupiter, that house receives valuable aspect and gains in traits and characteristics. If more than one such factors representing the same trait receives the aspect of such a Jupiter, the ‘value’ is enhanced to such value boosted to the highest degree. It is the placement of Jupiter in a Birth rasi Chart would be the valuable pointer to decide the richness in wealth of the native. by AV pathi ji
Many walk in to ask how will be my wealth. This is related to the ‘y’ axis of the graph, as the starting point is necessary for growth or loss of wealth. That is the birth of the child in a wealthy environment will be the ‘start’. ‘Wealth’ as such represents the ‘value’, which varies in growth of one’s life. If Jupiter, the significator of wealth, himself be lord of second house, ie to Kumbha or Vruchika, or in Kataka for Mithun Lagna as all powerful (Unchcha), he represent for ‘Value’ for a great extent. Again, if Jupiter were Lord of 2nd house becomes also the Lord of the house of gains, 11th house, as in the case of Kumbha nativity, it represents Value par excellence. This is seen in the birth chart. As, seen, any house receives by occupation; drusti from Jupiter, that house receives valuable aspect and gains in traits and characteristics. If more than one such factors representing the same trait receives the aspect of such a Jupiter, the ‘value’ is enhanced to such value boosted to the highest degree. It is the placement of Jupiter in a Birth rasi Chart would be the valuable pointer to decide the richness in wealth of the native. by AV pathi ji
JATHAKA THTHVA: Sl 75 to 80: By AV Pathi ji Astrology & Remedies FB page
JATHAKA THTHVA: Sl 75 to 80:
‘The Moon and Venus are in the fourth place from the Navansa Lagna the person will have a multi storied house.’ Further it is said in same sloka :’ If a planet (I presume that any planet) is in the 4th place from the Navansa Lagna, 'the native will have a multi storied building.’ Similarly, if Rahu/Ketu with the Sun in the 4th house in Navansa Lagna the person is said to have a similar building. –If Ketu and Mars to park as above, the person is said to have a brick house. – House made of timber if Jupiter to be parked there, while only the Sun is parked there, a hut with grass (or dry leafs). If the Lord of the Lagna in the fourth and the Lord of the 4th house to be placed in Lagna (both in Navansa) he will a house of his own. My comments: HOW FAR THIS IS RELEVANT THESE DAYS? Please send in to this group your feed backs. By AV pathi ji
‘The Moon and Venus are in the fourth place from the Navansa Lagna the person will have a multi storied house.’ Further it is said in same sloka :’ If a planet (I presume that any planet) is in the 4th place from the Navansa Lagna, 'the native will have a multi storied building.’ Similarly, if Rahu/Ketu with the Sun in the 4th house in Navansa Lagna the person is said to have a similar building. –If Ketu and Mars to park as above, the person is said to have a brick house. – House made of timber if Jupiter to be parked there, while only the Sun is parked there, a hut with grass (or dry leafs). If the Lord of the Lagna in the fourth and the Lord of the 4th house to be placed in Lagna (both in Navansa) he will a house of his own. My comments: HOW FAR THIS IS RELEVANT THESE DAYS? Please send in to this group your feed backs. By AV pathi ji
Watch Predictive Technique : by Ravi Shankaran Vedang astrology FB Page
WATCH PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUE (Written by Siddhayogi sivadasanravi)
The small Hand (Hour Hand) in the clock/watch is called Udhaya (Lagna).
The big Hand (Minute Hand) in the clock/watch is called Aruda (Moon)
There are 12 divisions in the clock/watch which are equal to 12 Rasis/signs
1 Hour = 1 Udhaya
5 Minutes = 1 Aruda
From 12 To 01 Mesha
From 01 To 02 Vrishaba
From 02 To 03 Mithuna
From 03 To 04 Kataka
From 04 To 05 Simha
From 05 To 06 Kanya
From 06 To 07 Thula
From 07 To 08 Vrichika
From 08 To 09 Dhanus
From 09 To 10 Makara
From 10 To 11 Kumba
From 11 To 12 Meena
The count from the division where the small hand is positioned to the division where the big hand is positioned in the clock/watch will indicate the success or failure of an event.
If the count is an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) the answer to the question is YES
If the count is an even number (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) the answer to the question is NO
The counting should be in clockwise direction
With this technique all YES or NO questions can be answered
In example-1 the small hand is in vrichika, the big hand is in Mithuna.
From Vrichika to Mithuna the count is 8 which is an even number.
If any question asked at this time the answer will be NO
In example-2 the small hand is in vrichika, the big hand is in Kanya.
From Vrichika to Kanya the count is 11 which is an odd number.
If any question asked at this time the answer will be YES
The small Hand (Hour Hand) in the clock/watch is called Udhaya (Lagna).
The big Hand (Minute Hand) in the clock/watch is called Aruda (Moon)
There are 12 divisions in the clock/watch which are equal to 12 Rasis/signs
1 Hour = 1 Udhaya
5 Minutes = 1 Aruda
From 12 To 01 Mesha
From 01 To 02 Vrishaba
From 02 To 03 Mithuna
From 03 To 04 Kataka
From 04 To 05 Simha
From 05 To 06 Kanya
From 06 To 07 Thula
From 07 To 08 Vrichika
From 08 To 09 Dhanus
From 09 To 10 Makara
From 10 To 11 Kumba
From 11 To 12 Meena
The count from the division where the small hand is positioned to the division where the big hand is positioned in the clock/watch will indicate the success or failure of an event.
If the count is an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) the answer to the question is YES
If the count is an even number (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) the answer to the question is NO
The counting should be in clockwise direction
With this technique all YES or NO questions can be answered
In example-1 the small hand is in vrichika, the big hand is in Mithuna.
From Vrichika to Mithuna the count is 8 which is an even number.
If any question asked at this time the answer will be NO
In example-2 the small hand is in vrichika, the big hand is in Kanya.
From Vrichika to Kanya the count is 11 which is an odd number.
If any question asked at this time the answer will be YES
WHY DOES A HUMAN BEING SUFFER FROM DISEASE ? ... By pawan Sharma (Vedang astrology FB page)
Pawan Sharma
Moon rules Cancer. All coverings in the body, Meninges in the brain, pericardium of the
heart, ovaries, uterus and eye sockets.
Moon rules the lymphatic system, symptomatic nervous system.
Moon regulates the flow of vitality - regulates function of organs.
Moon rules the synovial fluids that lubricate the lining of the joints.
Moon rules the psyche of the native- emotions.
Moon is thus capable of causing diseases like dropsical , menstrual trouble, utirine and
ovaries problem . All types of allergies. Dyspepsia ( indigestion ). Lunacy. Eye problems.
Moon rules water element. Kaph humor. Vitamin B2 and Potassium.
Functions of B2 - It regulates supply of oxygen in small vessels . It turns carbohydrates
into energy. Producing RBCs.
Functions of the Lymphatic System - It regulates the fluid balance ; taking fluid from
the tissues and transporting it to the blood stream. It initiates fat absorption. Defence
mechanism- immunity- WBCs
Deficiency of B2 causes - Eye problems like blood red shot, bulbar conjunctivitis ( see
Kawasaki disease on the Wikipedia) which causes reaction to light.
Vaginitis, Hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar ). The liver is not able to produce enzymes
that are needed to incapacitate insulin .
MINERALS - Potassium is the jack of all trades. It helps maintain Acid - Alkaline
We have seen earlier that Magnesium ruled by Sun helps maintain acid balance
Calcium and Potassium help in the Neuro Muscular Activity.
Oxygen to the brain is regulated by Potassium and Phosphorous
Potassium helps in the conversion of waste in the body into urea.
Potassium helps in the functioning of the kidneys.
MOON in Cardinal Crosses -
Moon in Aries demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It causes trouble to the eyes, migraine,
headaches and insomnia.
MOON in Cancer demonstrates 'HYPER' function. It causes imbalance of Acids- Alkali.
Loss of appetite . Gas formation. Headaches. Pneumonia. Asthama.
MOON in Libra demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It affects the functioning of the kidneys.
MOON in Capricorn demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It reduces the synovial resulting into
less lubrication of joints, therefore, rheumatism of the knees.
It causes Psoriasic chronic skin disease
Sluggish gall bladder.
MOON IN TAURUS- Demonstrates 'HYPER' function. Taurus;an earthy sign - cold +
moisture. Moon in Taurus gives swollen throat, trouble in the eyes, emotional stress,
tendency of over eating under emotional stress.
MOON IN LEO demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It causes allergies, faintings. affets Neuro
Muscular activity, causes heart trouble ( enlargement of heart ) .
MOON IN SCORPIO - shows 'HYPER' function . It causes trouble in the reproductive
system and Geni- urino trouble.
MOON IN AQUARIUS - Controls Oxygen in the Body. Retina. Moon here causes lack of
oxygen in the body, corrupts blood, causes glaucoma, cataract.
MOON IN GEMINI- Moon shows 'HYPO' function. Gemini signifies all tubes - bronchi,
trachea, Fallopian tube. Moon in 3 causes asthma and pneumonia.
Moon in Pisces causes trouble in the lymphatic system .
Moon rules Cancer. All coverings in the body, Meninges in the brain, pericardium of the
heart, ovaries, uterus and eye sockets.
Moon rules the lymphatic system, symptomatic nervous system.
Moon regulates the flow of vitality - regulates function of organs.
Moon rules the synovial fluids that lubricate the lining of the joints.
Moon rules the psyche of the native- emotions.
Moon is thus capable of causing diseases like dropsical , menstrual trouble, utirine and
ovaries problem . All types of allergies. Dyspepsia ( indigestion ). Lunacy. Eye problems.
Moon rules water element. Kaph humor. Vitamin B2 and Potassium.
Functions of B2 - It regulates supply of oxygen in small vessels . It turns carbohydrates
into energy. Producing RBCs.
Functions of the Lymphatic System - It regulates the fluid balance ; taking fluid from
the tissues and transporting it to the blood stream. It initiates fat absorption. Defence
mechanism- immunity- WBCs
Deficiency of B2 causes - Eye problems like blood red shot, bulbar conjunctivitis ( see
Kawasaki disease on the Wikipedia) which causes reaction to light.
Vaginitis, Hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar ). The liver is not able to produce enzymes
that are needed to incapacitate insulin .
MINERALS - Potassium is the jack of all trades. It helps maintain Acid - Alkaline
We have seen earlier that Magnesium ruled by Sun helps maintain acid balance
Calcium and Potassium help in the Neuro Muscular Activity.
Oxygen to the brain is regulated by Potassium and Phosphorous
Potassium helps in the conversion of waste in the body into urea.
Potassium helps in the functioning of the kidneys.
MOON in Cardinal Crosses -
Moon in Aries demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It causes trouble to the eyes, migraine,
headaches and insomnia.
MOON in Cancer demonstrates 'HYPER' function. It causes imbalance of Acids- Alkali.
Loss of appetite . Gas formation. Headaches. Pneumonia. Asthama.
MOON in Libra demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It affects the functioning of the kidneys.
MOON in Capricorn demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It reduces the synovial resulting into
less lubrication of joints, therefore, rheumatism of the knees.
It causes Psoriasic chronic skin disease
Sluggish gall bladder.
MOON IN TAURUS- Demonstrates 'HYPER' function. Taurus;an earthy sign - cold +
moisture. Moon in Taurus gives swollen throat, trouble in the eyes, emotional stress,
tendency of over eating under emotional stress.
MOON IN LEO demonstrates 'HYPO' function. It causes allergies, faintings. affets Neuro
Muscular activity, causes heart trouble ( enlargement of heart ) .
MOON IN SCORPIO - shows 'HYPER' function . It causes trouble in the reproductive
system and Geni- urino trouble.
MOON IN AQUARIUS - Controls Oxygen in the Body. Retina. Moon here causes lack of
oxygen in the body, corrupts blood, causes glaucoma, cataract.
MOON IN GEMINI- Moon shows 'HYPO' function. Gemini signifies all tubes - bronchi,
trachea, Fallopian tube. Moon in 3 causes asthma and pneumonia.
Moon in Pisces causes trouble in the lymphatic system .
Friday, January 27, 2012
Retrograde planet : Shanker Hedge presents
Test this Nadi Method given in SA magazine
Astromedicine -- ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
Astromedicine -- ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is said to be like Saturn in energy, only having a subtler action. Rahu causes mental and nervous system disorders as well as mysterious and degenerative diseases, often with a rapid onset or quick development. It strikes us down in an unpredictable manner that is hard to prevent or reverse. In Virgo Rahu increases gastric problem or more Vata dosha.It rules over all Vata systems as a whole, and specifically on stomach and over elimination, including the intestine, which is the main site of Vata's accumulation behind the disease process. Ketu combine their influences in the chart, severe Pitta problems or violence are likely.It effects the bile secretion system.
Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is said to be like Saturn in energy, only having a subtler action. Rahu causes mental and nervous system disorders as well as mysterious and degenerative diseases, often with a rapid onset or quick development. It strikes us down in an unpredictable manner that is hard to prevent or reverse. In Virgo Rahu increases gastric problem or more Vata dosha.It rules over all Vata systems as a whole, and specifically on stomach and over elimination, including the intestine, which is the main site of Vata's accumulation behind the disease process. Ketu combine their influences in the chart, severe Pitta problems or violence are likely.It effects the bile secretion system.
Astromedicine -- Leo सिंह राशि ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
Leo rules just one organ, but it is the most important one the heart. Nearly all forms of heart ailments fall under this sign's domain. Leo may also be responsible at times for back ailments of many varieties, in a kind of reflex action with Aquarius, its opposite sign: although Aquarius rules the spinal cord, Leo rules the vertebrae that protect the spinal cord's vulnerability.
Sun in Leo
The Sun in Leo may mean heart and back problems as well as fever of an acute origin.
Moon in Leo
Fainting, convulsions and heart problems, especially enlarged heart conditions may result from this configuration.
Mars in Leo
Heart attacks, palpitations (perhaps brought on by a thyroid problem), aneurysms resulting from severe physical stress, hypertrophy, dilatatio cordis, angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, sunstroke, muscular rheumatism in the back and scarlet and rheumatic fever are all possibilities with this configuration.
Mercury in Leo
With this placement there may be convulsions, fainting, pains in the back, palpitations of the heart that may be thyroid connected and pain in and around the heart.
Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo can result in diseases of the bone marrow and the vertebrae as well as aortic diseases.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter in Leo can indicate feverish complaints, strokes, cholesterol-related degeneration of the heart or aortic arteries, palpitations and a larger than nor mal heart.
Saturn in Leo
With this placement there is the potential for hardening of the arteries; constriction of the arteries or veins leading to the heart; atrophy of the heart; weak, muscular action of the heart; locomotor ataxia from lack of enough calcium, magnesium or potassium; heart "skipping"; a smaller than normal heart; and a malformed spine.
Uranus in Leo
Uranus in Leo may produce arrhythmia of the heart, spasmodic palpitations (potentially a thyroid problem) and sudden attacks of angina pectoris.
Neptune in Leo
Neptune in Leo can mean a weak heart, low blood pressure from sluggish activity of the heart and a weak back and commensurate problems: light to moderate exercise will strengthen both the heart action and flabby back muscles.
Pluto in Leo
Sudden heart attacks of a chronic nature, heart transplants because of a severe injury to that muscle and back problems of a chronic and long lasting nature are all possible ailments caused by Pluto in Leo.
Leo rules just one organ, but it is the most important one the heart. Nearly all forms of heart ailments fall under this sign's domain. Leo may also be responsible at times for back ailments of many varieties, in a kind of reflex action with Aquarius, its opposite sign: although Aquarius rules the spinal cord, Leo rules the vertebrae that protect the spinal cord's vulnerability.
Sun in Leo
The Sun in Leo may mean heart and back problems as well as fever of an acute origin.
Moon in Leo
Fainting, convulsions and heart problems, especially enlarged heart conditions may result from this configuration.
Mars in Leo
Heart attacks, palpitations (perhaps brought on by a thyroid problem), aneurysms resulting from severe physical stress, hypertrophy, dilatatio cordis, angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, sunstroke, muscular rheumatism in the back and scarlet and rheumatic fever are all possibilities with this configuration.
Mercury in Leo
With this placement there may be convulsions, fainting, pains in the back, palpitations of the heart that may be thyroid connected and pain in and around the heart.
Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo can result in diseases of the bone marrow and the vertebrae as well as aortic diseases.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter in Leo can indicate feverish complaints, strokes, cholesterol-related degeneration of the heart or aortic arteries, palpitations and a larger than nor mal heart.
Saturn in Leo
With this placement there is the potential for hardening of the arteries; constriction of the arteries or veins leading to the heart; atrophy of the heart; weak, muscular action of the heart; locomotor ataxia from lack of enough calcium, magnesium or potassium; heart "skipping"; a smaller than normal heart; and a malformed spine.
Uranus in Leo
Uranus in Leo may produce arrhythmia of the heart, spasmodic palpitations (potentially a thyroid problem) and sudden attacks of angina pectoris.
Neptune in Leo
Neptune in Leo can mean a weak heart, low blood pressure from sluggish activity of the heart and a weak back and commensurate problems: light to moderate exercise will strengthen both the heart action and flabby back muscles.
Pluto in Leo
Sudden heart attacks of a chronic nature, heart transplants because of a severe injury to that muscle and back problems of a chronic and long lasting nature are all possible ailments caused by Pluto in Leo.
Astromedicine -- Virgo ( By s. shri Madhusudan Dwivedi & SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By Madhusudan Dwivedi and SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
Virgo's main job is to breakdown, analyze and organize. These functions are especially evident in the pancreas, which Virgo rules. This gland is concerned with the proper release of pancreatic juices that will digest all kinds of food. The internal secretion from the pancreas also includes the hormones insulin and glycogen, both of which play a vital role in the carbohydrate metabolism. Without Virgo's proper breaking down and utilization of these two products people can become prone to diabetes or hypoglycemia, both sugar related diseases.
Thought by many sources to be ruled by the Sun, the spleen also falls under Virgo's domain. Besides producing many types of blood cells, the spleen splits up the prana on an etheric level. Without proper trafficking of the vitality globules the body would degenerate. Both Virgo and Neptune are concerned with this important function.
Integrally involved with absorption, Virgo also rules the intestinal tract. The duodenum is of primary concern: it is here that food receives the proper amount of bile from the gallbladder and juices from the pancreas. Only the food is chemically broken down and distributed through the body, good health can be maintained. Assimilation of all nutrients as they pass through the intestines is also under Virgo's dictate. Without proper absorption a person will become nutrition-poor and deficiencies are sure to develop.
In addition, Virgo has co-rulership of the liver along with the planet Jupiter and the sign Cancer: whereas Cancer rules the outer covering of the organ and Jupiter rules the organ in general, Virgo is concerned with the inner workings of enzyme production. Furthermore, it is involved with the storage of glycogen in the liver .
Since Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces, people who have planets in Virgo are usually sensitive to drugs. They generally require only a minimal dosage of any medication for best results.
Sun in Virgo
This placement may produce diabetic or hypoglycemic complaints as well as colitis and diarrhea. There is the possibility of poor assimilation of food, requiring a strict, healthful diet with fiber .
Moon in Virgo
The Moon in Virgo may bring on looseness of the bowels and abdominal swellings and tumors. Moreover, there is the possibility that women who take birth control pills will have sugar problems caused by endocrine malfunction. Hypoglycemia is another potential illness .
Mars in Virgo
Pancreatitis, inflammation of the spleen or liver , dysentery, worms and bowel inflammation in general, gastroenteritis, peritonitis, cholera, ventral hernia, typhoid and hyperinsulinism are all potential illnesses with Mars in Virgo.
Mercury in Virgo With this placement diverticulosis or colitis from nervousness may occur. These people are prone to worry, creating nervous tension. Other possible ailments are colic, insomnia and flatulence of the abdomen caused by poor digestion.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter in Virgo may create liver problems related to enzyme functions, an enlarged liver, abscess of the liver, jaundice, fatty degeneration of the liver and cholesterol deposits.
Venus in Virgo
This configuration may result in sugar problems and irregular bowel action.
Saturn in Virgo
This placement may bring about the beginning or last stages of diabetes, hypoinsulinism, intestinal blockage or constriction, poor peristaltic motion creating bouts with diarrhea and constipation, colitis, sclerosis of the liver and poor enzyme action within the liver .
Uranus in Virgo
The sudden onset of diabetes or hypoglycemia caused by severe emotional stress may result from Uranus in Virgo. Spasms and cramping may also occur in the intestinal tract. Furthermore, there may be intermittent sugar problems resulting from an individual's living through a traumatic shock. Other potential ailments are the twisting and telescoping of the bowels and a type of diabetes caused by the malfunctioning of the posterior pituitary hormonal release mechanism.
Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in Virgo may produce prolapsed intestines and weak intestinal peristalsis; consequently, food stays longer in the tract, causing toxins to be reabsorbed through the walls and poisoning the individual. Diabetes or misdiagnosed hypoglycemia may also occur: the person may be placed under psychiatric care or put in a mental ward when the root of the problem is actually organic and not mental. Toxemia is another potential disease.
Pluto in Virgo
With this placement disorders of the pancreas may be suspect. As a result there may be chronic sugar problems, such as hypoglycemia and diabetes: both can be easily checked with a five hour glucose tolerance test. Anyone having a family history of sugar disorders is especially susceptible to such diseases and should undergo the test. In addition, Pluto in Virgo can mean enlargement of the spleen or splenic problems involving white blood cells. A person with this placement may have to undergo removal of the spleen or may suffer re growth of the spleen after surgery. He or she may also have chronic problems involving the intestines, such as colitis and diverticulosis.
Virgo's main job is to breakdown, analyze and organize. These functions are especially evident in the pancreas, which Virgo rules. This gland is concerned with the proper release of pancreatic juices that will digest all kinds of food. The internal secretion from the pancreas also includes the hormones insulin and glycogen, both of which play a vital role in the carbohydrate metabolism. Without Virgo's proper breaking down and utilization of these two products people can become prone to diabetes or hypoglycemia, both sugar related diseases.
Thought by many sources to be ruled by the Sun, the spleen also falls under Virgo's domain. Besides producing many types of blood cells, the spleen splits up the prana on an etheric level. Without proper trafficking of the vitality globules the body would degenerate. Both Virgo and Neptune are concerned with this important function.
Integrally involved with absorption, Virgo also rules the intestinal tract. The duodenum is of primary concern: it is here that food receives the proper amount of bile from the gallbladder and juices from the pancreas. Only the food is chemically broken down and distributed through the body, good health can be maintained. Assimilation of all nutrients as they pass through the intestines is also under Virgo's dictate. Without proper absorption a person will become nutrition-poor and deficiencies are sure to develop.
In addition, Virgo has co-rulership of the liver along with the planet Jupiter and the sign Cancer: whereas Cancer rules the outer covering of the organ and Jupiter rules the organ in general, Virgo is concerned with the inner workings of enzyme production. Furthermore, it is involved with the storage of glycogen in the liver .
Since Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces, people who have planets in Virgo are usually sensitive to drugs. They generally require only a minimal dosage of any medication for best results.
Sun in Virgo
This placement may produce diabetic or hypoglycemic complaints as well as colitis and diarrhea. There is the possibility of poor assimilation of food, requiring a strict, healthful diet with fiber .
Moon in Virgo
The Moon in Virgo may bring on looseness of the bowels and abdominal swellings and tumors. Moreover, there is the possibility that women who take birth control pills will have sugar problems caused by endocrine malfunction. Hypoglycemia is another potential illness .
Mars in Virgo
Pancreatitis, inflammation of the spleen or liver , dysentery, worms and bowel inflammation in general, gastroenteritis, peritonitis, cholera, ventral hernia, typhoid and hyperinsulinism are all potential illnesses with Mars in Virgo.
Mercury in Virgo With this placement diverticulosis or colitis from nervousness may occur. These people are prone to worry, creating nervous tension. Other possible ailments are colic, insomnia and flatulence of the abdomen caused by poor digestion.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter in Virgo may create liver problems related to enzyme functions, an enlarged liver, abscess of the liver, jaundice, fatty degeneration of the liver and cholesterol deposits.
Venus in Virgo
This configuration may result in sugar problems and irregular bowel action.
Saturn in Virgo
This placement may bring about the beginning or last stages of diabetes, hypoinsulinism, intestinal blockage or constriction, poor peristaltic motion creating bouts with diarrhea and constipation, colitis, sclerosis of the liver and poor enzyme action within the liver .
Uranus in Virgo
The sudden onset of diabetes or hypoglycemia caused by severe emotional stress may result from Uranus in Virgo. Spasms and cramping may also occur in the intestinal tract. Furthermore, there may be intermittent sugar problems resulting from an individual's living through a traumatic shock. Other potential ailments are the twisting and telescoping of the bowels and a type of diabetes caused by the malfunctioning of the posterior pituitary hormonal release mechanism.
Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in Virgo may produce prolapsed intestines and weak intestinal peristalsis; consequently, food stays longer in the tract, causing toxins to be reabsorbed through the walls and poisoning the individual. Diabetes or misdiagnosed hypoglycemia may also occur: the person may be placed under psychiatric care or put in a mental ward when the root of the problem is actually organic and not mental. Toxemia is another potential disease.
Pluto in Virgo
With this placement disorders of the pancreas may be suspect. As a result there may be chronic sugar problems, such as hypoglycemia and diabetes: both can be easily checked with a five hour glucose tolerance test. Anyone having a family history of sugar disorders is especially susceptible to such diseases and should undergo the test. In addition, Pluto in Virgo can mean enlargement of the spleen or splenic problems involving white blood cells. A person with this placement may have to undergo removal of the spleen or may suffer re growth of the spleen after surgery. He or she may also have chronic problems involving the intestines, such as colitis and diverticulosis.
Ayurved & Astrology Pt 3 ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
The Sun and Prana :
Behind all light sources in the universe is the supreme light of consciousness, the Light of lights or inner Sun, which is the original form or face of God. This spiritual Sun exists within our own minds and hearts as the power of illumination at the core of our being, our own true inner Self. Returning to it is the ultimate goal of life.
The Vedic mantras are said to arise from the breath of the Godhead (Brahman) or the universal Prana. The power of these mantras resides in the rays of the Sun and through them function as doorways to the stars. Through Vedic practices one can gain an energetic access to the worlds of our Sun and Moon, or the worlds of the Nakshatras, the stars beyond our Sun, extending to the timeless realms beyond all creation to the ultimate realm of unchangeable light.
The Vedas tell us that the inner Sun is Prana and that the movements of the inner Sun or our life-force are measured or metered by the movements of the outer Sun. This unity of the Sun, the power of time, and Prana, the force of life, reflects the unity of the external universe or macrocosm and the internal universe or microcosm. This correspondence of time (Kala) measured by the stars and life (Prana) measured by the breath is an important concept in both Vedic astrology and Ayurvedic medicine and the basis of their connection. Through it, Vedic astrology and Ayurveda mirror each other as external and internal images of light and life.
Ayurveda is called "the mother of all healing" because it embraces all forms of healing including diet, herbs, bodywork, surgery, psychology and Yoga. It accepts anything internally or externally that promotes health, well-being and happiness. Ayurveda explores the qualities and effects not only of foods, medicines and behavior but also of climates, the weather and the stars (astrology).
Ayurveda provides an integral mind-body system of both diagnosis and treatment. First it shows us our individual constitution according to the three doshas or biological humors of Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water), as well as how this constitution is affected by everything from genetics to environment and emotions. Then it outlines various treatment measures to enable us to achieve optimal health and vitality. These treatments range from simple dietary measures to complex herbs and special purification procedures. Ayurveda aims not only at the cure and prevention of disease but also at rejuvenation and longevity. Beyond ordinary health care measures it has special methods to allow us to achieve a higher level of vitality and awareness.
Possessing a similar scope to Ayurveda, Vedic astrology contains all aspects of astrology, including the reading of birth charts (natal astrology), mundane astrology (the effects of astrological influences on society), astrological timing and forecasting (muhurta), and answering questions (prashna). In addition to these usual astrological considerations, Vedic astrology encompasses all forms of divination, including palmistry and numerology, of which several Vedic forms exist. It also includes astronomy and meteorology, which reflect karmic as well as physical forces.
In the form of natal astrology or the reading of birth charts, the Vedic system helps us understand our personal lives in all areas, including health, wealth, relationship, career and spirituality. Like Ayurveda, it has a broad range of treatment measures including the use of colors, gems, mantras and the worship of deities to aid in our greater well-being and life unfoldment. These are called Jyotish-Chikitsa, the therapies of light or astrology.
They have their specializations in many areas, both Vedic astrology and Ayurveda have a significant overlap as well. Vedic astrology contains a medical system based upon Ayurveda, while Ayurveda contains a system for the timing of disease and its treatment based upon Vedic astrology.
Ayurvedic astrology is the medical branch of Vedic astrology, adding to it the Ayurvedic view of health and healing. It uses the language of Ayurveda to understand the effects of the planets on the body and mind relative to health, disease and longevity. Ayurvedic astrology also uses Vedic astrology as an aid to Ayurvedic analysis, diagnosis and treatment, showing how planetary factors cause disease and how balancing planetary factors can be an important aid in any cure.
Ayurvedic astrology combines these two great disciplines, using Vedic astrology to plot the influences of time and karma and Ayurveda to show how these relate to our state of Prana or vital energy. Combining these two great disciplines together, there is nothing that we cannot treat or cannot understand.
Vedic astrology considers that the determination of physical and mental health is the foundation of all astrological analysis. Whatever other indications may occur in a chart — whether for career, wealth, relationship or spirituality — these cannot bear fruit if a person has significant physical or mental impairments. Traditionally, the ascertainment of longevity was the first factor to be examined by a good astrologer. This was not a simple matter of determining how long a person was likely to live, but part of a general determination of the vitality of a person, showing the energy available to activate the opportunities afforded them by the chart. In this regard,medical or Ayurvedic astrology is usually the first step of all astrological examination.
However, Ayurvedic astrology is not simply a physically-based medical astrology. It reflects the psychological and spiritual dimensions of Ayurveda as well. It is concerned with all levels of our well-being, which depend entirely upon our connection to the Soul, the real person or Atman within. In this regard, Ayurvedic astrology is concerned with healing body, mind and spirit, using the tools of the entire universe, the foremost of which is the light of the stars and planets. It expands the field of Ayurveda to its broadest possible range.All Vedic disciplines aim at helping us understand, adjust to and, to the extent that it is possible, transform our karma.Medical astrology has always been one of the most popular aspects of astrology. Among the first questions people ask astrologers are "How long will I live?" or "How healthy will I be?" Even wealth and fame are no guarantee of long life or freedom from disease. We are all concerned about our health and vitality, which is the foundation of everything else that we attempt in life.Medical astrology also has a great scope for practical application and everyday usage as our health and energy fluctuate with the rhythms of time, from days, months, years and stages of life to special astrological periods like the dosha systems of Vedic astrology. Medical astrology provides a good angle from which to learn astrology and to verify its complex workings.
If we add the psychological component to medical astrology, it becomes a yet more interesting and valuable study. We are all curious about how our psyche has developed both in this life and in previous lives, and how it is likely to evolve and change in the future. An important question
people routinely come to astrologers with is "Will I be happy?," as our psychological state is often more important for us than our physical condition.
As human beings, we are not mere lumps of flesh, but a composite of three bodies or encasements for the soul — the physical, the astral and the causal. The physical body is the sphere of the gross elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether, the visible body born of our parents and sustained by the food that we eat. This is the body that we all know and experience in our outer life on Earth and in the waking state of consciousness.
Within this gross organism resides a more refined vesture that works behind our physical functioning — the astral or subtle body made up of the vital force, the senses, and the outer aspect of the mind. It is composed of the subtle elements or sensory potentials of sound (ether), touch (air), sight (fire), taste (water) and smell (earth). Normally we experience the astral body indirectly through the physical body by means of the mind and emotions. But in dreams, visions and inspiration or after death we can experience it directly.
The causal body is the deeper mind or sphere of the soul that holds the inmost desires, impulses and tendencies (samskaras) that propel us along the cycle of rebirth. It is comprised of the gunas (qualities of nature) of sattva (harmony), rajas (agitation) or tamas (inertia). On a higher level, the causal body is the abode of our life wisdom, heart feelings and soul urges that continue with us from birth to birth.
The Sun and Prana :
Behind all light sources in the universe is the supreme light of consciousness, the Light of lights or inner Sun, which is the original form or face of God. This spiritual Sun exists within our own minds and hearts as the power of illumination at the core of our being, our own true inner Self. Returning to it is the ultimate goal of life.
The Vedic mantras are said to arise from the breath of the Godhead (Brahman) or the universal Prana. The power of these mantras resides in the rays of the Sun and through them function as doorways to the stars. Through Vedic practices one can gain an energetic access to the worlds of our Sun and Moon, or the worlds of the Nakshatras, the stars beyond our Sun, extending to the timeless realms beyond all creation to the ultimate realm of unchangeable light.
The Vedas tell us that the inner Sun is Prana and that the movements of the inner Sun or our life-force are measured or metered by the movements of the outer Sun. This unity of the Sun, the power of time, and Prana, the force of life, reflects the unity of the external universe or macrocosm and the internal universe or microcosm. This correspondence of time (Kala) measured by the stars and life (Prana) measured by the breath is an important concept in both Vedic astrology and Ayurvedic medicine and the basis of their connection. Through it, Vedic astrology and Ayurveda mirror each other as external and internal images of light and life.
Ayurveda is called "the mother of all healing" because it embraces all forms of healing including diet, herbs, bodywork, surgery, psychology and Yoga. It accepts anything internally or externally that promotes health, well-being and happiness. Ayurveda explores the qualities and effects not only of foods, medicines and behavior but also of climates, the weather and the stars (astrology).
Ayurveda provides an integral mind-body system of both diagnosis and treatment. First it shows us our individual constitution according to the three doshas or biological humors of Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water), as well as how this constitution is affected by everything from genetics to environment and emotions. Then it outlines various treatment measures to enable us to achieve optimal health and vitality. These treatments range from simple dietary measures to complex herbs and special purification procedures. Ayurveda aims not only at the cure and prevention of disease but also at rejuvenation and longevity. Beyond ordinary health care measures it has special methods to allow us to achieve a higher level of vitality and awareness.
Possessing a similar scope to Ayurveda, Vedic astrology contains all aspects of astrology, including the reading of birth charts (natal astrology), mundane astrology (the effects of astrological influences on society), astrological timing and forecasting (muhurta), and answering questions (prashna). In addition to these usual astrological considerations, Vedic astrology encompasses all forms of divination, including palmistry and numerology, of which several Vedic forms exist. It also includes astronomy and meteorology, which reflect karmic as well as physical forces.
In the form of natal astrology or the reading of birth charts, the Vedic system helps us understand our personal lives in all areas, including health, wealth, relationship, career and spirituality. Like Ayurveda, it has a broad range of treatment measures including the use of colors, gems, mantras and the worship of deities to aid in our greater well-being and life unfoldment. These are called Jyotish-Chikitsa, the therapies of light or astrology.
They have their specializations in many areas, both Vedic astrology and Ayurveda have a significant overlap as well. Vedic astrology contains a medical system based upon Ayurveda, while Ayurveda contains a system for the timing of disease and its treatment based upon Vedic astrology.
Ayurvedic astrology is the medical branch of Vedic astrology, adding to it the Ayurvedic view of health and healing. It uses the language of Ayurveda to understand the effects of the planets on the body and mind relative to health, disease and longevity. Ayurvedic astrology also uses Vedic astrology as an aid to Ayurvedic analysis, diagnosis and treatment, showing how planetary factors cause disease and how balancing planetary factors can be an important aid in any cure.
Ayurvedic astrology combines these two great disciplines, using Vedic astrology to plot the influences of time and karma and Ayurveda to show how these relate to our state of Prana or vital energy. Combining these two great disciplines together, there is nothing that we cannot treat or cannot understand.
Vedic astrology considers that the determination of physical and mental health is the foundation of all astrological analysis. Whatever other indications may occur in a chart — whether for career, wealth, relationship or spirituality — these cannot bear fruit if a person has significant physical or mental impairments. Traditionally, the ascertainment of longevity was the first factor to be examined by a good astrologer. This was not a simple matter of determining how long a person was likely to live, but part of a general determination of the vitality of a person, showing the energy available to activate the opportunities afforded them by the chart. In this regard,medical or Ayurvedic astrology is usually the first step of all astrological examination.
However, Ayurvedic astrology is not simply a physically-based medical astrology. It reflects the psychological and spiritual dimensions of Ayurveda as well. It is concerned with all levels of our well-being, which depend entirely upon our connection to the Soul, the real person or Atman within. In this regard, Ayurvedic astrology is concerned with healing body, mind and spirit, using the tools of the entire universe, the foremost of which is the light of the stars and planets. It expands the field of Ayurveda to its broadest possible range.All Vedic disciplines aim at helping us understand, adjust to and, to the extent that it is possible, transform our karma.Medical astrology has always been one of the most popular aspects of astrology. Among the first questions people ask astrologers are "How long will I live?" or "How healthy will I be?" Even wealth and fame are no guarantee of long life or freedom from disease. We are all concerned about our health and vitality, which is the foundation of everything else that we attempt in life.Medical astrology also has a great scope for practical application and everyday usage as our health and energy fluctuate with the rhythms of time, from days, months, years and stages of life to special astrological periods like the dosha systems of Vedic astrology. Medical astrology provides a good angle from which to learn astrology and to verify its complex workings.
If we add the psychological component to medical astrology, it becomes a yet more interesting and valuable study. We are all curious about how our psyche has developed both in this life and in previous lives, and how it is likely to evolve and change in the future. An important question
people routinely come to astrologers with is "Will I be happy?," as our psychological state is often more important for us than our physical condition.
As human beings, we are not mere lumps of flesh, but a composite of three bodies or encasements for the soul — the physical, the astral and the causal. The physical body is the sphere of the gross elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether, the visible body born of our parents and sustained by the food that we eat. This is the body that we all know and experience in our outer life on Earth and in the waking state of consciousness.
Within this gross organism resides a more refined vesture that works behind our physical functioning — the astral or subtle body made up of the vital force, the senses, and the outer aspect of the mind. It is composed of the subtle elements or sensory potentials of sound (ether), touch (air), sight (fire), taste (water) and smell (earth). Normally we experience the astral body indirectly through the physical body by means of the mind and emotions. But in dreams, visions and inspiration or after death we can experience it directly.
The causal body is the deeper mind or sphere of the soul that holds the inmost desires, impulses and tendencies (samskaras) that propel us along the cycle of rebirth. It is comprised of the gunas (qualities of nature) of sattva (harmony), rajas (agitation) or tamas (inertia). On a higher level, the causal body is the abode of our life wisdom, heart feelings and soul urges that continue with us from birth to birth.
Ayurved & Astrology Pt 2 ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
Vedic Science
Vedic astrology or Jyotish is the foremost of the six Vedangas or 'limbs of the Veda'.2 It is said to be the 'eye of the Veda' through which all Vedic knowledge can be properly applied. Ayurveda is the foremost of the four Upavedas or 'secondary Vedas' through which a true Vedic life can be properly lived. Ayurveda and Vedic astrology are closely intertwined not only with each other but with all other Vedic sciences, including the great wisdom traditions of Yoga and Vedanta and their profound paths of Self-realization and God-realization.
The Vedas themselves are ancient mantric texts of great profundity and mystery, deriving from the meditative insights of the great Himalayan seers or rishis over five thousand years ago. The Rig Veda, the most fundamental of the four Vedas, is perhaps the oldest book in the world, looking back to the dawn of history. It carries the collected wisdom of our ancient spiritual ancestors, connecting us to previous humanities and so-called lost civilizations before what we call history began.
The Vedas derive from a yogic approach to reality. They were said to have been directly perceived from the Cosmic Mind in the state of Samadhi or inner unity between the seer and the seen. This affords them an insight and an authority that goes beyond our ordinary knowledge sources born of the mere brain, senses and human mind. The central message of the Vedas is that the universe dwells within our own consciousness, which extends beyond all time and space. We are the entire universe, which is the expression of our own deeper Self.
The Vedic mantra, which is the basis of all Vedic texts, is a special code of vibratory or sound-based knowledge, inherent in cosmic space. It contains the keys to cosmic law or dharma, the underlying truth principles that sustain the cosmic order. These dharmas are not just physical laws but ethical and spiritual principles, the most notable of which is the law of karma. Through these Vedic mantras we can understand our individual dharma, our social dharma and, ultimately, all the dharmas in the universe.
Vedic knowledge is perhaps the ultimate science because it can unlock all the secrets of nature, bridging the internal to the external, and unraveling the parallel processes of cosmogenesis and the development of individual life. Vedic mantras show how the forces of nature from the elements to the stars work within us as physical and psychological forces. Through this special insight taught by the Vedas, we can reintegrate ourselves into the conscious universe, realizing our existence as a single organic being of love, light and bliss.
A Parable
One of the greatest Vedic sages was Atharva, after whom the Atharva Veda, one of the four main Vedic texts, was named. In the older Rig Veda, to which this story goes back, he was already a legendary figure. Atharva had a son named Dadhyak, who is the central figure in the sto:y that follows.
Dadhyak by his profound austerities had received the highest knowledge of immortality, called the 'knowledge of honey' (Madhu Vidya) because it carried the supreme bliss. Dadhyak gained this knowledge as a special gift from Indra, the greatest of the Vedic Gods, and like his Greek counterpart Zeus, the lord of heaven who wielded an irresistible lightning bolt against his enemies. Naturally this precious wisdom had to be protected. Indra forbade Dadhyak from teaching it, even to the other Gods. Indra placed a special curse on Dadhyak, saying that if Dadhyak tried to teach it, Indra would come and immediately cut his head off.
Of course, all the Gods wanted to learn this knowledge, which would fulfill their greatest wishes. Among these many Gods, the most curious and precocious were the Ashvins, the twin youths or horsemen, who were also the doctors or physicians of the Gods. The Ashwins already possessed
all other magical powers except this special teaching, without which all their healing powers would be defective. So their desire to gain it was immense and they would use all the skill and cunning necessary to acquire it.
The Ashvins approached the sage Dadhyak and requested that he teach them this secret knowledge. Dadhyak predictably replied, "I cannot teach you or Lord Indra, before whom even you must bow, will cut my head off." The Ashvins, not being put off even by the fear of Indra replied, "That is no problem. We can receive the knowledge and you can protect your head as well. First with our magic powers we will give you the head of a horse. Then you can safely teach us through the horse's mouth. When Indra comes and cuts off your head, which has become that of a horse, we will replace it with your original human head."
And that is exactly what they did. The Ashvins, who themselves had horse's heads, gave Dadhyak the head of a horse. He taught them the secret knowledge through it. Indra then came and cut off the horse's head and the Ashvins gave Dadhyak back his original human head.
This story has many deep meanings. In terms of Vedic astrology, the horse's head became the constellation Ashvini that marks the beginning of the zodiac in the sign Aries. The horse's head is also the Sun, which is exalted in Aries, a sign that represents the head. The twin Ashvins represent both the duality behind time with its alterations of days and nights, and the state of balance through which we can go beyond time. The horse's head is a key to the deeper meaning of Vedic astrology, the knowledge of which the Ashwins are the teachers.
Relative to Ayurveda or Vedic medicine, the horse is a symbol of Prana, the life energy that derives from the Sun and which is the source of all healing powers. The Ashwins as the great doctors of the Gods were famous for their powers of rejuvenation and were even capable of resurrecting the dead. As twins they represent the ability to balance our energies and create wholeness, and were important early teachers of Ayurveda.
It is an important Vedantic teaching, starting with the oldest Upanishads. .
To discover our true nature we must first offer up our false nature, our ego and all of its attachments. To speak the higher truth we must sacrifice our personal opinions and preconceptions. To gain our head, we must first lose it. The Ashwins represent this transformation from duality to unity. The higher knowledge is paradoxical, transcending our ordinary sensory means of cognizance and connecting all forms of knowledge together in the light of consciousness.
Vedic Science
Vedic astrology or Jyotish is the foremost of the six Vedangas or 'limbs of the Veda'.2 It is said to be the 'eye of the Veda' through which all Vedic knowledge can be properly applied. Ayurveda is the foremost of the four Upavedas or 'secondary Vedas' through which a true Vedic life can be properly lived. Ayurveda and Vedic astrology are closely intertwined not only with each other but with all other Vedic sciences, including the great wisdom traditions of Yoga and Vedanta and their profound paths of Self-realization and God-realization.
The Vedas themselves are ancient mantric texts of great profundity and mystery, deriving from the meditative insights of the great Himalayan seers or rishis over five thousand years ago. The Rig Veda, the most fundamental of the four Vedas, is perhaps the oldest book in the world, looking back to the dawn of history. It carries the collected wisdom of our ancient spiritual ancestors, connecting us to previous humanities and so-called lost civilizations before what we call history began.
The Vedas derive from a yogic approach to reality. They were said to have been directly perceived from the Cosmic Mind in the state of Samadhi or inner unity between the seer and the seen. This affords them an insight and an authority that goes beyond our ordinary knowledge sources born of the mere brain, senses and human mind. The central message of the Vedas is that the universe dwells within our own consciousness, which extends beyond all time and space. We are the entire universe, which is the expression of our own deeper Self.
The Vedic mantra, which is the basis of all Vedic texts, is a special code of vibratory or sound-based knowledge, inherent in cosmic space. It contains the keys to cosmic law or dharma, the underlying truth principles that sustain the cosmic order. These dharmas are not just physical laws but ethical and spiritual principles, the most notable of which is the law of karma. Through these Vedic mantras we can understand our individual dharma, our social dharma and, ultimately, all the dharmas in the universe.
Vedic knowledge is perhaps the ultimate science because it can unlock all the secrets of nature, bridging the internal to the external, and unraveling the parallel processes of cosmogenesis and the development of individual life. Vedic mantras show how the forces of nature from the elements to the stars work within us as physical and psychological forces. Through this special insight taught by the Vedas, we can reintegrate ourselves into the conscious universe, realizing our existence as a single organic being of love, light and bliss.
A Parable
One of the greatest Vedic sages was Atharva, after whom the Atharva Veda, one of the four main Vedic texts, was named. In the older Rig Veda, to which this story goes back, he was already a legendary figure. Atharva had a son named Dadhyak, who is the central figure in the sto:y that follows.
Dadhyak by his profound austerities had received the highest knowledge of immortality, called the 'knowledge of honey' (Madhu Vidya) because it carried the supreme bliss. Dadhyak gained this knowledge as a special gift from Indra, the greatest of the Vedic Gods, and like his Greek counterpart Zeus, the lord of heaven who wielded an irresistible lightning bolt against his enemies. Naturally this precious wisdom had to be protected. Indra forbade Dadhyak from teaching it, even to the other Gods. Indra placed a special curse on Dadhyak, saying that if Dadhyak tried to teach it, Indra would come and immediately cut his head off.
Of course, all the Gods wanted to learn this knowledge, which would fulfill their greatest wishes. Among these many Gods, the most curious and precocious were the Ashvins, the twin youths or horsemen, who were also the doctors or physicians of the Gods. The Ashwins already possessed
all other magical powers except this special teaching, without which all their healing powers would be defective. So their desire to gain it was immense and they would use all the skill and cunning necessary to acquire it.
The Ashvins approached the sage Dadhyak and requested that he teach them this secret knowledge. Dadhyak predictably replied, "I cannot teach you or Lord Indra, before whom even you must bow, will cut my head off." The Ashvins, not being put off even by the fear of Indra replied, "That is no problem. We can receive the knowledge and you can protect your head as well. First with our magic powers we will give you the head of a horse. Then you can safely teach us through the horse's mouth. When Indra comes and cuts off your head, which has become that of a horse, we will replace it with your original human head."
And that is exactly what they did. The Ashvins, who themselves had horse's heads, gave Dadhyak the head of a horse. He taught them the secret knowledge through it. Indra then came and cut off the horse's head and the Ashvins gave Dadhyak back his original human head.
This story has many deep meanings. In terms of Vedic astrology, the horse's head became the constellation Ashvini that marks the beginning of the zodiac in the sign Aries. The horse's head is also the Sun, which is exalted in Aries, a sign that represents the head. The twin Ashvins represent both the duality behind time with its alterations of days and nights, and the state of balance through which we can go beyond time. The horse's head is a key to the deeper meaning of Vedic astrology, the knowledge of which the Ashwins are the teachers.
Relative to Ayurveda or Vedic medicine, the horse is a symbol of Prana, the life energy that derives from the Sun and which is the source of all healing powers. The Ashwins as the great doctors of the Gods were famous for their powers of rejuvenation and were even capable of resurrecting the dead. As twins they represent the ability to balance our energies and create wholeness, and were important early teachers of Ayurveda.
It is an important Vedantic teaching, starting with the oldest Upanishads. .
To discover our true nature we must first offer up our false nature, our ego and all of its attachments. To speak the higher truth we must sacrifice our personal opinions and preconceptions. To gain our head, we must first lose it. The Ashwins represent this transformation from duality to unity. The higher knowledge is paradoxical, transcending our ordinary sensory means of cognizance and connecting all forms of knowledge together in the light of consciousness.
Ayurved & Astrology Pt 1 ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
Our overall birth chart relates primarily to the subtle or astral body, which is the greater sphere of our life energies. It reflects the entire range of our activities, of which our physical health is just one factor. The birth chart is like the blueprint of the astral body, which forms the matrix or energy pattern for the physical. Astrology, as its name suggests, is primarily an astral science, having as its main concern the subtle or astral body, our body of the stars. As the astral body mediates between the physical and the causal, it can help us understand the other two bodies as well.
• Astrologically speaking, the physical body is indicated primarily by the Ascendant or rising sign and its ruler, and the nature of the influences upon them. It is also connected to the planet Mars, the planet of work in the material world.
• The astral body, which indicates our emotional or feeling nature is reflected primarily by the Moon — its position and influences in the chart, its sign and Nakshatra (lunar constellation). It also is reflected in the fourth house, the house of the mind and its planetary ruler.
• The causal body or soul works mainly through the Sun, which indicates character, will and individuality. For the causal body, we look to the Sun's placement in the chart, as well as the fifth and ninth houses, the houses of dharma, and the Navamsha or ninth divisional chart.
• The Ascendant, Moon and Sun are each closely examined in Vedic astrology to help us understand how our three bodies are functioning in this life. When all three are harmoniously placed, our lives are likely to unfold in the best possible manner on all levels.
Vedic astrology is not only helpful for ordinary disease conditions; it has a special relevance for helping us understand conditions, both physical and psychological, which may not be curable by the usual medical methods. It provides us a precise methodology for dealing with diseases that derive from internal and karmic causes, whose roots reside not so much in the physical body but in our mental state or the condition of our will, the factors of the astral and causal bodies.
Vedic astrology is not only concerned with the diagnosis and timing of diseases, it also offers us various methods to either treat disease or increase our resistance to it. The treatment methods or remedial measures of Vedic astrology primarily aim at the astral body. Diseases reflect negative planetary influences, which are disruptive forces in our astral environment. Gems, mantras (words of power), yantras (power diagrams), special rituals (pujas and yajnas) and other yogic methods can help counter these influences and replace them with those that are positive.
Such subtle methods are particularly effective for dealing with mental and psychological disorders, which are primarily imbalances in the subtle body. They help strengthen the aura and immune system, and can remove negative karmic influences, negative thoughts
and subtle environmental pollutants, like low level radiation.
Our overall birth chart relates primarily to the subtle or astral body, which is the greater sphere of our life energies. It reflects the entire range of our activities, of which our physical health is just one factor. The birth chart is like the blueprint of the astral body, which forms the matrix or energy pattern for the physical. Astrology, as its name suggests, is primarily an astral science, having as its main concern the subtle or astral body, our body of the stars. As the astral body mediates between the physical and the causal, it can help us understand the other two bodies as well.
• Astrologically speaking, the physical body is indicated primarily by the Ascendant or rising sign and its ruler, and the nature of the influences upon them. It is also connected to the planet Mars, the planet of work in the material world.
• The astral body, which indicates our emotional or feeling nature is reflected primarily by the Moon — its position and influences in the chart, its sign and Nakshatra (lunar constellation). It also is reflected in the fourth house, the house of the mind and its planetary ruler.
• The causal body or soul works mainly through the Sun, which indicates character, will and individuality. For the causal body, we look to the Sun's placement in the chart, as well as the fifth and ninth houses, the houses of dharma, and the Navamsha or ninth divisional chart.
• The Ascendant, Moon and Sun are each closely examined in Vedic astrology to help us understand how our three bodies are functioning in this life. When all three are harmoniously placed, our lives are likely to unfold in the best possible manner on all levels.
Vedic astrology is not only helpful for ordinary disease conditions; it has a special relevance for helping us understand conditions, both physical and psychological, which may not be curable by the usual medical methods. It provides us a precise methodology for dealing with diseases that derive from internal and karmic causes, whose roots reside not so much in the physical body but in our mental state or the condition of our will, the factors of the astral and causal bodies.
Vedic astrology is not only concerned with the diagnosis and timing of diseases, it also offers us various methods to either treat disease or increase our resistance to it. The treatment methods or remedial measures of Vedic astrology primarily aim at the astral body. Diseases reflect negative planetary influences, which are disruptive forces in our astral environment. Gems, mantras (words of power), yantras (power diagrams), special rituals (pujas and yajnas) and other yogic methods can help counter these influences and replace them with those that are positive.
Such subtle methods are particularly effective for dealing with mental and psychological disorders, which are primarily imbalances in the subtle body. They help strengthen the aura and immune system, and can remove negative karmic influences, negative thoughts
and subtle environmental pollutants, like low level radiation.
Astromedicine -- Gemini मिथुन राशि ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders, also the lungs and nervous system. This carries a tendency to bronchial and lung troubles, asthma and neuritis. Geminians who use their hands and shoulders all day in such jobs as typing often become prone to muscular troubles in that region. This condition can be much relieved by massage and suitable exercises.Many Geminians enjoy fencing which exercises these muscles and which calls for co-ordination of the hand and eye. They need quite a lot of outdoor exercise, enough to induce healthy exhaustion, so that both body and mind become relaxed. Mentally stimulating activities should be avoided at night, otherwise the Geminian will go short of the sleep which he so badly needs to make sure that his over-active mind gets a good period of rest. His greatest enemy is boredom which is one reason why he always wants to keep fully occupied. However, this can result in very little being actually completed as he tends to flit from one activity to another.
As regards healing techniques he is likely to react positively to reflexology, massage and aromatherapy, while chiropractic and osteopathy may help to overcome any shoulder pains.
Among the homeopathic remedies which he may find useful are Arnica for shocks, Nux. Vam. for nervous indigestion and nervous headaches and Euphrasia tincture for hay fever. His tissue salt is Potassium Chloride (Kali. Mur.) which is a blood conditioner and prevents lung troubles.
His diet should be balanced and include as much vegetables and fruit as possible.
Among the herbs which the Geminian is likely to find useful are the following:
Bergamot which will help to induce relaxation and sleep.
Borage which is a good nerve tonic.
Garlic for the chest and lungs.
Horseradish which helps to relieve bronchial catarrh.
Lavender which is a nerve soother and is a herb of Gemini.
Nettle which is another good blood purifier.
Sunflower for all bronchial troubles.
Among the Bach flower remedies it is likely that Agrimony will be useful to some Geminians. You should read the description of this in the Bach flower remedies to decide whether it is for you.
The Geminian finds it difficult to find time to stop and listen to his inner self. As I have already said he prizes knowledge above all and the head more than the heart. However his esoteric ruler is Venus and this gives a clue to what is necessary for him to progress on both psychological and spiritual lines. He needs to make close relationships and to express the emotions which he feels. The constant pursuit of things which leaves little time for people means that the Geminian often has many acquaintances but no close friends. Such superficial relationships may fail him and leave him lonely—a sad fate for such a gregarious person with a need to communicate. If this is to be avoided he needs to allocate some of his precious time to contemplation and to the cultivation of deeper relationships.
In the evolved Geminian we see the mental faculties being used to evaluate and judge objectively. He no longer reacts instinctively to a situation but can decide on the wisest course and always remains flexible in his attitude. His insatiable curiosity is now used to seek for the deeper meanings in life and like his opposing sign, Sagittarius, he can become 'The happy philosopher'
Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders, also the lungs and nervous system. This carries a tendency to bronchial and lung troubles, asthma and neuritis. Geminians who use their hands and shoulders all day in such jobs as typing often become prone to muscular troubles in that region. This condition can be much relieved by massage and suitable exercises.Many Geminians enjoy fencing which exercises these muscles and which calls for co-ordination of the hand and eye. They need quite a lot of outdoor exercise, enough to induce healthy exhaustion, so that both body and mind become relaxed. Mentally stimulating activities should be avoided at night, otherwise the Geminian will go short of the sleep which he so badly needs to make sure that his over-active mind gets a good period of rest. His greatest enemy is boredom which is one reason why he always wants to keep fully occupied. However, this can result in very little being actually completed as he tends to flit from one activity to another.
As regards healing techniques he is likely to react positively to reflexology, massage and aromatherapy, while chiropractic and osteopathy may help to overcome any shoulder pains.
Among the homeopathic remedies which he may find useful are Arnica for shocks, Nux. Vam. for nervous indigestion and nervous headaches and Euphrasia tincture for hay fever. His tissue salt is Potassium Chloride (Kali. Mur.) which is a blood conditioner and prevents lung troubles.
His diet should be balanced and include as much vegetables and fruit as possible.
Among the herbs which the Geminian is likely to find useful are the following:
Bergamot which will help to induce relaxation and sleep.
Borage which is a good nerve tonic.
Garlic for the chest and lungs.
Horseradish which helps to relieve bronchial catarrh.
Lavender which is a nerve soother and is a herb of Gemini.
Nettle which is another good blood purifier.
Sunflower for all bronchial troubles.
Among the Bach flower remedies it is likely that Agrimony will be useful to some Geminians. You should read the description of this in the Bach flower remedies to decide whether it is for you.
The Geminian finds it difficult to find time to stop and listen to his inner self. As I have already said he prizes knowledge above all and the head more than the heart. However his esoteric ruler is Venus and this gives a clue to what is necessary for him to progress on both psychological and spiritual lines. He needs to make close relationships and to express the emotions which he feels. The constant pursuit of things which leaves little time for people means that the Geminian often has many acquaintances but no close friends. Such superficial relationships may fail him and leave him lonely—a sad fate for such a gregarious person with a need to communicate. If this is to be avoided he needs to allocate some of his precious time to contemplation and to the cultivation of deeper relationships.
In the evolved Geminian we see the mental faculties being used to evaluate and judge objectively. He no longer reacts instinctively to a situation but can decide on the wisest course and always remains flexible in his attitude. His insatiable curiosity is now used to seek for the deeper meanings in life and like his opposing sign, Sagittarius, he can become 'The happy philosopher'
Astromedicine -- Cancer कर्क राशि ( By shri SK Patnaik (Vedang astrology FB page)
By SKumar Pattnaik in Vedang astrology group.
The parts of the body ruled by Cancer are the breasts, stomach and alimentary canal. Worry and tension affect them by causing nervous indigestion, ulcers, gastritis, constipation and other stomach troubles.
They need regular exercise to 'fight the flab' and dancing often appeals to them.
Most Cancerians need massage to help eliminate fluid and to break down fatty tissue. They will also respond well to healing, Nature Cure and to the Bach flower remedies.
Natural foods, especially the fibrous material such as bran and whole fruits (including the skins of apples and pears, etc.) are valuable to them as aids to elimination.
The worrying nature and the sense of self-preservation can turn the Cancerian into a hypochondriac. This is dangerous, for there is no doubt that people can will themselves into a state of ill health simply by dwelling on it. The only way to combat this tendency is to be too busy to worry about minor ailments—it is amazing how many of them just disappear if they are ignored (not all).
Cancerians can usually relax well, when they allow themselves to do so, and only need to be 'taken out of themselves'.
Among the homoeopathic remedies which should prove useful, the Cancerian should keep Nux. Vom. 6 for stomach upsets and nervous indigestion. These people are likely to be Pulsatilla types, and if this seems applicable, Pulsatilla 30 is a good standby.
The tissue salts for Cancerians is Fluoride of Lime (Calc. Fluor.) which helps the elasticity of the tissues and so prevents varicose veins and prolapses.
Among the herbs which the Cancerian may find useful are the following:
Arrowroot which calms the stomach.
Balm which also helps to do this and is invaluable for infertility and irregular menses.
Bilberry which helps to counteract water retention.
Caraway is useful for nursing mothers.
Cloves helps to clear stomach gases.
Fenugreek soothes inflammation of the stomach.
Fennel is good for nursing mothers and will relieve flatulence.
Lovage is a cure for dysmenorrhea and for stomach disorders generally.
Mustard helps to prevent indigestion.
There are two Bach flower remedies which may be applicable to Cancerians. These are Chicory and Cerato (see the descriptions under the Flower Remedies Book to match you)
The natural characteristic of the motherly Cancer type is to carry the children's burdens. Most of their worrying is for other people rather than for themselves and consists largely of a dread of what may happen. It may help them to realise that all worrying is a rehearsal for what may never occur and, like the brooding on the past, it is a waste of time and energy (and often of health). Both psychologically and spiritually, the Cancerian needs to cultivate a sense of detachment—to be more concerned about themselves and less about others (whose lives they cannot affect, no matter how much they may wish to bear other people's troubles). Their spiritual path is to find the peace within.
The parts of the body ruled by Cancer are the breasts, stomach and alimentary canal. Worry and tension affect them by causing nervous indigestion, ulcers, gastritis, constipation and other stomach troubles.
They need regular exercise to 'fight the flab' and dancing often appeals to them.
Most Cancerians need massage to help eliminate fluid and to break down fatty tissue. They will also respond well to healing, Nature Cure and to the Bach flower remedies.
Natural foods, especially the fibrous material such as bran and whole fruits (including the skins of apples and pears, etc.) are valuable to them as aids to elimination.
The worrying nature and the sense of self-preservation can turn the Cancerian into a hypochondriac. This is dangerous, for there is no doubt that people can will themselves into a state of ill health simply by dwelling on it. The only way to combat this tendency is to be too busy to worry about minor ailments—it is amazing how many of them just disappear if they are ignored (not all).
Cancerians can usually relax well, when they allow themselves to do so, and only need to be 'taken out of themselves'.
Among the homoeopathic remedies which should prove useful, the Cancerian should keep Nux. Vom. 6 for stomach upsets and nervous indigestion. These people are likely to be Pulsatilla types, and if this seems applicable, Pulsatilla 30 is a good standby.
The tissue salts for Cancerians is Fluoride of Lime (Calc. Fluor.) which helps the elasticity of the tissues and so prevents varicose veins and prolapses.
Among the herbs which the Cancerian may find useful are the following:
Arrowroot which calms the stomach.
Balm which also helps to do this and is invaluable for infertility and irregular menses.
Bilberry which helps to counteract water retention.
Caraway is useful for nursing mothers.
Cloves helps to clear stomach gases.
Fenugreek soothes inflammation of the stomach.
Fennel is good for nursing mothers and will relieve flatulence.
Lovage is a cure for dysmenorrhea and for stomach disorders generally.
Mustard helps to prevent indigestion.
There are two Bach flower remedies which may be applicable to Cancerians. These are Chicory and Cerato (see the descriptions under the Flower Remedies Book to match you)
The natural characteristic of the motherly Cancer type is to carry the children's burdens. Most of their worrying is for other people rather than for themselves and consists largely of a dread of what may happen. It may help them to realise that all worrying is a rehearsal for what may never occur and, like the brooding on the past, it is a waste of time and energy (and often of health). Both psychologically and spiritually, the Cancerian needs to cultivate a sense of detachment—to be more concerned about themselves and less about others (whose lives they cannot affect, no matter how much they may wish to bear other people's troubles). Their spiritual path is to find the peace within.
WHY DOES A HUMAN BEING SUFFER FROM DISEASE ? By S,Sri Shanker Hedge/Pawan Sharma (Vedang astrology FB Page)
SUN - Sun rules Vitamin A & D and the minerals Iodine and Magnesium.
Function of Vitamin D - It helps in the absorption of Calcium from the intestinal track to
aid the assimilation of 'Phosphorous' for bone formation.( see Vitamin D on wikipedia
for detailed study).
- Affects the functioning of Para Thyroid gland. Affects eyes - causes Myopia ( short sightedness)
THE 'DEFICIENCY' of Vitamin D causes Osteoporosis, rickets...
Excess of deposit of Calcium in the body causes stones in the gall. Obstruction of Bile.
Blockage of arteries, kidneys.
VITAMIN A helps in body growth, resists skin infection. It is an important component
of Visual purple in the retina- perception of images. Vitamin A is also associated with
colour blindness.
FUNCTIONS OF MAGNESIUM - It regulates heart beat. Regulates acid - alkaline
metabolism. It regulates the functions of the Central nervous system. Regulates
functioning of endocrine glands , especially Para Thyroid and Adrenal Glands. It acts as
a catalyst in the utilization of carbohydrates, lipids, and protiens. It acts as a
messenger for carrying messages from the brain to muscles and muscles to the brain.
SUN IN CARDINAL CROSSES- Cause of disease and location of cause.
Sun in Aries shows hyper action. It causes brain fever, cerebral hemorrhage, delirium,
meningitis , headaches, ulcers, colitis, loss of appetite , loss of sleep, bile obstruction,
Sun in Cancer indicates hypo function. It represents the upper lobes of the liver. It
causes cirrhosis of liver. Jaundice and stones in the gall bladder, poor digestion, loss
of appetite, nausea, vomiting, renal retention and colic pain .
SUN in Libra gives mixed results( Sun is a fiery planet and Venus- water). It affects
kidneys. The kidneys send out impurities through blood to liver which ultimately affects
all the 4 points of the cardinal cross.
In Capricorn Sun behaves violently. When Sun enters in the Star of Mars in Capricorn it
gives shooting pains in the knees.
SUN IN FIXED CROSS - Sun in Taurus indicates Hypo Function. Gives polyps or
inflamation in the throat. Eye problem, Myopia, Bladder, Prostrate glands, Heart,
spine, dorsal region pain, curvature of the spine etc.
Sun in Scorpio is Hypo. It causes clogging of Colon.
Sun in Aquarius affects the blood and oxygen circulation. Affects the Retina thereby
causing glaucoma .
By S,Sri Shanker Hedge/Pawan Sharma (Vedang astrology FB Page)
SUN - Sun rules Vitamin A & D and the minerals Iodine and Magnesium.
Function of Vitamin D - It helps in the absorption of Calcium from the intestinal track to
aid the assimilation of 'Phosphorous' for bone formation.( see Vitamin D on wikipedia
for detailed study).
- Affects the functioning of Para Thyroid gland. Affects eyes - causes Myopia ( short sightedness)
THE 'DEFICIENCY' of Vitamin D causes Osteoporosis, rickets...
Excess of deposit of Calcium in the body causes stones in the gall. Obstruction of Bile.
Blockage of arteries, kidneys.
VITAMIN A helps in body growth, resists skin infection. It is an important component
of Visual purple in the retina- perception of images. Vitamin A is also associated with
colour blindness.
FUNCTIONS OF MAGNESIUM - It regulates heart beat. Regulates acid - alkaline
metabolism. It regulates the functions of the Central nervous system. Regulates
functioning of endocrine glands , especially Para Thyroid and Adrenal Glands. It acts as
a catalyst in the utilization of carbohydrates, lipids, and protiens. It acts as a
messenger for carrying messages from the brain to muscles and muscles to the brain.
SUN IN CARDINAL CROSSES- Cause of disease and location of cause.
Sun in Aries shows hyper action. It causes brain fever, cerebral hemorrhage, delirium,
meningitis , headaches, ulcers, colitis, loss of appetite , loss of sleep, bile obstruction,
Sun in Cancer indicates hypo function. It represents the upper lobes of the liver. It
causes cirrhosis of liver. Jaundice and stones in the gall bladder, poor digestion, loss
of appetite, nausea, vomiting, renal retention and colic pain .
SUN in Libra gives mixed results( Sun is a fiery planet and Venus- water). It affects
kidneys. The kidneys send out impurities through blood to liver which ultimately affects
all the 4 points of the cardinal cross.
In Capricorn Sun behaves violently. When Sun enters in the Star of Mars in Capricorn it
gives shooting pains in the knees.
SUN IN FIXED CROSS - Sun in Taurus indicates Hypo Function. Gives polyps or
inflamation in the throat. Eye problem, Myopia, Bladder, Prostrate glands, Heart,
spine, dorsal region pain, curvature of the spine etc.
Sun in Scorpio is Hypo. It causes clogging of Colon.
Sun in Aquarius affects the blood and oxygen circulation. Affects the Retina thereby
causing glaucoma .
By S,Sri Shanker Hedge/Pawan Sharma (Vedang astrology FB Page)
Naadi amsha By Sri Prassan Gopalrathinam
Naadi amsha By Prasanna Gopalrathinam in Vedang astrology group.
Nadi Sign Sign Number Nakshatra Nadi in Sign Nadi Name Degree Start Degree End
1 Aries 1 Aswini 1 Vasudha 0 0.5
2 Aries 1 Aswini 2 Vaishnavi 0.5 0.666666667
3 Aries 1 Aswini 3 Bramhi 0.666666667 0.75
4 Aries 1 Aswini 4 Kalkuta 0.75 1
5 Aries 1 Aswini 5 Shankari 1 1.111111111
6 Aries 1 Aswini 6 Sudhakari 1.111111111 1.25
7 Aries 1 Aswini 7 Sama 1.25 1.333333333
8 Aries 1 Aswini 8 Soumya 1.333333333 1.5
9 Aries 1 Aswini 9 Sura 1.5 1.866666667
10 Aries 1 Aswini 10 Maya 1.866666667 2
11 Aries 1 Aswini 11 Manohar 2 2.222222222
12 Aries 1 Aswini 12 Madhvi 2.222222222 2.25
13 Aries 1 Aswini 13 Manjusvana 2.25 2.5
14 Aries 1 Aswini 14 Ghora 2.5 2.666666667
15 Aries 1 Aswini 15 Kumbhini 2.666666667 3
16 Aries 1 Aswini 16 Kutila 3 3.333333333
17 Aries 1 Aswini 17 Prabha 3.333333333 3.5
18 Aries 1 Aswini 18 Para 3.5 3.75
19 Aries 1 Aswini 19 Payswini 3.75 4
20 Aries 1 Aswini 20 Mala 4 4.285555556
21 Aries 1 Aswini 21 Jagati 4.285555556 4.444444444
22 Aries 1 Aswini 22 Jarjara 4.444444444 4.5
23 Aries 1 Aswini 23 Dhruva 4.5 4.666666667
24 Aries 1 Aswini 24 Musala 4.666666667 5
25 Aries 1 Aswini 25 Mudgara 5 5.25
26 Aries 1 Aswini 26 Pasha 5.25 5.333333333
27 Aries 1 Aswini 27 Champaka 5.333333333 5.5
28 Aries 1 Aswini 28 Damaka 5.5 5.555555556
29 Aries 1 Aswini 29 Mati 5.555555556 5.625
30 Aries 1 Aswini 30 Kakussha 5.625 6
31 Aries 1 Aswini 31 Kamala 6 6.25
32 Aries 1 Aswini 32 Kanta 6.25 6.5
33 Aries 1 Aswini 33 Kala 6.5 6.666666667
34 Aries 1 Aswini 34 Karikara 6.666666667 6.75
35 Aries 1 Aswini 35 Skhama 6.75 7
36 Aries 1 Aswini 36 Durdhara 7 7.333333333
37 Aries 1 Aswini 37 Durbhaga 7.333333333 7.5
38 Aries 1 Aswini 38 Vishva 7.5 7.777777778
39 Aries 1 Aswini 39 Vishini 7.777777778 8
40 Aries 1 Aswini 40 Vikat 8 8.25
41 Aries 1 Aswini 41 Avila 8.25 8.5
42 Aries 1 Aswini 42 Vibhrama 8.5 8.571111111
43 Aries 1 Aswini 43 Shukhda 8.571111111 8.666666667
44 Aries 1 Aswini 44 Snigdha 8.666666667 8.75
45 Aries 1 Aswini 45 Sodara 8.75 8.888888889
46 Aries 1 Aswini 46 Sursundari 8.888888889 9
47 Aries 1 Aswini 47 Amrutplavini 9 9.333333333
48 Aries 1 Aswini 48 Kala 9.333333333 9.375
49 Aries 1 Aswini 49 Kamdhuk 9.375 9.5
50 Aries 1 Aswini 50 Karvirani 9.5 9.75
51 Aries 1 Aswini 51 Gahvara 9.75 10
52 Aries 1 Aswini 52 Kundini 10 10.5
53 Aries 1 Aswini 53 Roudra 10.5 10.66666667
54 Aries 1 Aswini 54 Visshakhya 10.66666667 11
55 Aries 1 Aswini 55 Visshbashini 11 11.11111111
56 Aries 1 Aswini 56 Nirmala 11.11111111 11.25
57 Aries 1 Aswini 57 Shitala 11.25 11.33333333
58 Aries 1 Aswini 58 Nimna 11.33333333 11.5
59 Aries 1 Aswini 59 Prita 11.5 12
60 Aries 1 Aswini 60 Priyavardhini 12 12.22222222
61 Aries 1 Aswini 61 Managna 12.22222222 12.5
62 Aries 1 Aswini 62 Durbhaga 12.5 12.66666667
63 Aries 1 Aswini 63 Chitra 12.66666667 12.75
64 Aries 1 Aswini 64 Chitrini 12.75 12.85722222
65 Aries 1 Aswini 65 Chirjivani 12.85722222 13
66 Aries 1 Aswini 66 Bhupa 13 13.125
67 Aries 1 Aswini 67 Gadhara 13.125 13.33333333
68 Aries 1 Bharani 68 Nalla 13.33333333 13.5
69 Aries 1 Bharani 69 Nalini 13.5 13.75
70 Aries 1 Bharani 70 Nirmala 13.75 14
71 Aries 1 Bharani 71 Nadi 14 14.25
72 Aries 1 Bharani 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 14.25 14.27777778
73 Aries 1 Bharani 73 Kakusshadnakura 14.27777778 14.5
74 Aries 1 Bharani 74 Trailokyamohankari 14.5 14.66666667
75 Aries 1 Bharani 75 Mahamari 14.66666667 15
76 Aries 1 Bharani 76 Sushitala 15 15.33333333
77 Aries 1 Bharani 77 Shukhda 15.33333333 15.5
78 Aries 1 Bharani 78 Suprabha 15.5 15.55555556
79 Aries 1 Bharani 79 Shobha 15.55555556 15.75
80 Aries 1 Bharani 80 Shobhana 15.75 16
81 Aries 1 Bharani 81 Shivada 16 16.25
82 Aries 1 Bharani 82 Shiva 16.25 16.5
83 Aries 1 Bharani 83 Bala 16.5 16.66666667
84 Aries 1 Bharani 84 Jwala 16.66666667 16.875
85 Aries 1 Bharani 85 Gada 16.875 17
86 Aries 1 Bharani 86 Gadha 17 17.14277778
87 Aries 1 Bharani 87 Nutana 17.14277778 17.25
88 Aries 1 Bharani 88 Sumanohara 17.25 17.33333333
89 Aries 1 Bharani 89 Somvalli 17.33333333 17.5
90 Aries 1 Bharani 90 Somalata 17.5 17.77777778
91 Aries 1 Bharani 91 Mangala 17.77777778 18
92 Aries 1 Bharani 92 Mudrika 18 18.5
93 Aries 1 Bharani 93 Kshudha 18.5 18.66666667
94 Aries 1 Bharani 94 Mokshapavarga 18.66666667 18.75
95 Aries 1 Bharani 95 Valaya 18.75 18.88888889
96 Aries 1 Bharani 96 Navnita 18.88888889 19
97 Aries 1 Bharani 97 Nishachari 19 19.33333333
98 Aries 1 Bharani 98 Nivruti 19.33333333 19.5
99 Aries 1 Bharani 99 Nigada 19.5 20
100 Aries 1 Bharani 100 Sara 20 20.25
101 Aries 1 Bharani 101 Sangrita 20.25 20.5
102 Aries 1 Bharani 102 Samada 20.5 20.625
103 Aries 1 Bharani 103 Sama 20.625 20.66666667
104 Aries 1 Bharani 104 Vishvambhara 20.66666667 21
105 Aries 1 Bharani 105 Kumari 21 21.11111111
106 Aries 1 Bharani 106 Kokila 21.11111111 21.25
107 Aries 1 Bharani 107 Kujjarakruti 21.25 21.33333333
108 Aries 1 Bharani 108 Aindra 21.33333333 21.42833333
109 Aries 1 Bharani 109 Swaha 21.42833333 21.5
110 Aries 1 Bharani 110 Swara 21.5 21.75
111 Aries 1 Bharani 111 Vahi 21.75 22
112 Aries 1 Bharani 112 Prita 22 22.22222222
113 Aries 1 Bharani 113 Rashkajalaplava 22.22222222 22.5
114 Aries 1 Bharani 114 Varuni 22.5 22.66666667
115 Aries 1 Bharani 115 Madira 22.66666667 23
116 Aries 1 Bharani 116 Maitri 23 23.25
117 Aries 1 Bharani 117 Harini 23.25 23.33333333
118 Aries 1 Bharani 118 Harani 23.33333333 23.5
119 Aries 1 Bharani 119 Marut 23.5 23.75
120 Aries 1 Bharani 120 Dhanjjaya 23.75 24
121 Aries 1 Bharani 121 Dhankari 24 24.375
122 Aries 1 Bharani 122 Dhanda 24.375 24.44444444
123 Aries 1 Bharani 123 Kachcchapa 24.44444444 24.5
124 Aries 1 Bharani 124 Ambuja 24.5 24.66666667
125 Aries 1 Bharani 125 Manshani 24.66666667 24.75
126 Aries 1 Bharani 126 Shulinee 24.75 25
127 Aries 1 Bharani 127 Soudri 25 25.33333333
128 Aries 1 Bharani 128 Shiva 25.33333333 25.5
129 Aries 1 Bharani 129 Shivakari 25.5 25.55555556
130 Aries 1 Bharani 130 Kala 25.55555556 25.71416667
131 Aries 1 Bharani 131 Kunda 25.71416667 26
132 Aries 1 Bharani 132 Mukunda 26 26.25
133 Aries 1 Bharani 133 Bharata 26.25 26.5
134 Aries 1 Bharani 134 Hasita 26.5 26.66666667
135 Aries 1 Krittika 135 Kadali 26.66666667 27
136 Aries 1 Krittika 136 Smara 27 27.33333333
137 Aries 1 Krittika 137 Kandala 27.33333333 27.5
138 Aries 1 Krittika 138 Kokila 27.5 27.75
139 Aries 1 Krittika 139 Papa 27.75 27.77777778
140 Aries 1 Krittika 140 Kamini 27.77777778 27
141 Aries 1 Krittika 141 Kalshodhdava 27 28.125
142 Aries 1 Krittika 142 Virprasu 28.125 28.5
143 Aries 1 Krittika 143 Sadnara 28.5 28.66666667
144 Aries 1 Krittika 144 Shatyaksha 28.66666667 28.75
145 Aries 1 Krittika 145 Shatavari 28.75 28.88888889
146 Aries 1 Krittika 146 Prahavi 28.88888889 29
147 Aries 1 Krittika 147 Patlini 29 29.25
148 Aries 1 Krittika 148 Naga 29.25 29.33333333
149 Aries 1 Krittika 149 Pankaja 29.33333333 29.5
150 Aries 1 Krittika 150 Parmeshwari 29.5 30
151 Taurus 2 Krittika 1 Parmeshwari 30 30.5
152 Taurus 2 Krittika 2 Pankaja 30.5 30.66666667
153 Taurus 2 Krittika 3 Naga 30.66666667 30.75
154 Taurus 2 Krittika 4 Patlini 30.75 31
155 Taurus 2 Krittika 5 Prahavi 31 31.11111111
156 Taurus 2 Krittika 6 Shatavari 31.11111111 31.25
157 Taurus 2 Krittika 7 Shatyaksha 31.25 31.33333333
158 Taurus 2 Krittika 8 Sadnara 31.33333333 31.5
159 Taurus 2 Krittika 9 Virprasu 31.5 31.86666667
160 Taurus 2 Krittika 10 Kalshodhdava 31.86666667 32
161 Taurus 2 Krittika 11 Kamini 32 32.22222222
162 Taurus 2 Krittika 12 Papa 32.22222222 32.25
163 Taurus 2 Krittika 13 Kokila 32.25 32.5
164 Taurus 2 Krittika 14 Kandala 32.5 32.66666667
165 Taurus 2 Krittika 15 Smara 32.66666667 33
166 Taurus 2 Krittika 16 Kadali 33 33.33333333
167 Taurus 2 Krittika 17 Hasita 33.33333333 33.5
168 Taurus 2 Krittika 18 Bharata 33.5 33.75
169 Taurus 2 Krittika 19 Mukunda 33.75 34
170 Taurus 2 Krittika 20 Kunda 34 34.28555556
171 Taurus 2 Krittika 21 Kala 34.28555556 34.44444444
172 Taurus 2 Krittika 22 Shivakari 34.44444444 34.5
173 Taurus 2 Krittika 23 Shiva 34.5 34.66666667
174 Taurus 2 Krittika 24 Soudri 34.66666667 35
175 Taurus 2 Krittika 25 Shulinee 35 35.25
176 Taurus 2 Krittika 26 Manshani 35.25 35.33333333
177 Taurus 2 Krittika 27 Ambuja 35.33333333 35.5
178 Taurus 2 Krittika 28 Kachcchapa 35.5 35.55555556
179 Taurus 2 Krittika 29 Dhanda 35.55555556 35.625
180 Taurus 2 Krittika 30 Dhankari 35.625 36
181 Taurus 2 Krittika 31 Dhanjjaya 36 36.25
182 Taurus 2 Krittika 32 Marut 36.25 36.5
183 Taurus 2 Krittika 33 Harini 36.5 36.66666667
184 Taurus 2 Krittika 34 Harani 36.66666667 36.75
185 Taurus 2 Krittika 35 Maitri 36.75 37
186 Taurus 2 Krittika 36 Madira 37 37.33333333
187 Taurus 2 Krittika 37 Varuni 37.33333333 37.5
188 Taurus 2 Krittika 38 Rashkajalaplava 37.5 37.77777778
189 Taurus 2 Krittika 39 Prita 37.77777778 38
190 Taurus 2 Krittika 40 Vahi 38 38.25
191 Taurus 2 Krittika 41 Swara 38.25 38.5
192 Taurus 2 Krittika 42 Swaha 38.5 38.57111111
193 Taurus 2 Krittika 43 Aindra 38.57111111 38.66666667
194 Taurus 2 Krittika 44 Kujjarakruti 38.66666667 38.75
195 Taurus 2 Krittika 45 Kokila 38.75 38.88888889
196 Taurus 2 Krittika 46 Kumari 38.88888889 39
197 Taurus 2 Krittika 47 Vishvambhara 39 39.33333333
198 Taurus 2 Krittika 48 Sama 39.33333333 39.375
199 Taurus 2 Krittika 49 Samada 39.375 39.5
200 Taurus 2 Krittika 50 Sangrita 39.5 39.75
201 Taurus 2 Krittika 51 Sara 39.75 40
202 Taurus 2 Rohini 52 Nigada 40 40.5
203 Taurus 2 Rohini 53 Nivruti 40.5 40.66666667
204 Taurus 2 Rohini 54 Nishachari 40.66666667 41
205 Taurus 2 Rohini 55 Navnita 41 41.11111111
206 Taurus 2 Rohini 56 Valaya 41.11111111 41.25
207 Taurus 2 Rohini 57 Mokshapavarga 41.25 41.33333333
208 Taurus 2 Rohini 58 Kshudha 41.33333333 41.5
209 Taurus 2 Rohini 59 Mudrika 41.5 42
210 Taurus 2 Rohini 60 Mangala 42 42.22222222
211 Taurus 2 Rohini 61 Somalata 42.22222222 42.5
212 Taurus 2 Rohini 62 Somvalli 42.5 42.66666667
213 Taurus 2 Rohini 63 Sumanohara 42.66666667 42.75
214 Taurus 2 Rohini 64 Nutana 42.75 42.85722222
215 Taurus 2 Rohini 65 Gadha 42.85722222 43
216 Taurus 2 Rohini 66 Gada 43 43.125
217 Taurus 2 Rohini 67 Jwala 43.125 43.33333333
218 Taurus 2 Rohini 68 Bala 43.33333333 43.5
219 Taurus 2 Rohini 69 Shiva 43.5 43.75
220 Taurus 2 Rohini 70 Shivada 43.75 44
221 Taurus 2 Rohini 71 Shobhana 44 44.25
222 Taurus 2 Rohini 72 Shobha 44.25 44.27777778
223 Taurus 2 Rohini 73 Suprabha 44.27777778 44.5
224 Taurus 2 Rohini 74 Shukhda 44.5 44.66666667
225 Taurus 2 Rohini 75 Sushitala 44.66666667 45
226 Taurus 2 Rohini 76 Mahamari 45 45.33333333
227 Taurus 2 Rohini 77 Trailokyamohankari 45.33333333 45.5
228 Taurus 2 Rohini 78 Kakusshadnakura 45.5 45.55555556
229 Taurus 2 Rohini 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 45.55555556 45.75
230 Taurus 2 Rohini 80 Nadi 45.75 46
231 Taurus 2 Rohini 81 Nirmala 46 46.25
232 Taurus 2 Rohini 82 Nalini 46.25 46.5
233 Taurus 2 Rohini 83 Nalla 46.5 46.66666667
234 Taurus 2 Rohini 84 Gadhara 46.66666667 46.875
235 Taurus 2 Rohini 85 Bhupa 46.875 47
236 Taurus 2 Rohini 86 Chirjivani 47 47.14277778
237 Taurus 2 Rohini 87 Chitrini 47.14277778 47.25
238 Taurus 2 Rohini 88 Chitra 47.25 47.33333333
239 Taurus 2 Rohini 89 Durbhaga 47.33333333 47.5
240 Taurus 2 Rohini 90 Managna 47.5 47.77777778
241 Taurus 2 Rohini 91 Priyavardhini 47.77777778 48
242 Taurus 2 Rohini 92 Prita 48 48.5
243 Taurus 2 Rohini 93 Nimna 48.5 48.66666667
244 Taurus 2 Rohini 94 Shitala 48.66666667 48.75
245 Taurus 2 Rohini 95 Nirmala 48.75 48.88888889
246 Taurus 2 Rohini 96 Visshbashini 48.88888889 49
247 Taurus 2 Rohini 97 Visshakhya 49 49.33333333
248 Taurus 2 Rohini 98 Roudra 49.33333333 49.5
249 Taurus 2 Rohini 99 Kundini 49.5 50
250 Taurus 2 Rohini 100 Gahvara 50 50.25
251 Taurus 2 Rohini 101 Karvirani 50.25 50.5
252 Taurus 2 Rohini 102 Kamdhuk 50.5 50.625
253 Taurus 2 Rohini 103 Kala 50.625 50.66666667
254 Taurus 2 Rohini 104 Amrutplavini 50.66666667 51
255 Taurus 2 Rohini 105 Sursundari 51 51.11111111
256 Taurus 2 Rohini 106 Sodara 51.11111111 51.25
257 Taurus 2 Rohini 107 Snigdha 51.25 51.33333333
258 Taurus 2 Rohini 108 Shukhda 51.33333333 51.42833333
259 Taurus 2 Rohini 109 Vibhrama 51.42833333 51.5
260 Taurus 2 Rohini 110 Avila 51.5 51.75
261 Taurus 2 Rohini 111 Vikat 51.75 52
262 Taurus 2 Rohini 112 Vishini 52 52.22222222
263 Taurus 2 Rohini 113 Vishva 52.22222222 52.5
264 Taurus 2 Rohini 114 Durbhaga 52.5 52.66666667
265 Taurus 2 Rohini 115 Durdhara 52.66666667 53
266 Taurus 2 Rohini 116 Skhama 53 53.25
267 Taurus 2 Rohini 117 Karikara 53.25 53.33333333
268 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 118 Kala 53.33333333 53.5
269 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 119 Kanta 53.5 53.75
270 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 120 Kamala 53.75 54
271 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 121 Kakussha 54 54.375
272 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 122 Mati 54.375 54.44444444
273 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 123 Damaka 54.44444444 54.5
274 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 124 Champaka 54.5 54.66666667
275 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 125 Pasha 54.66666667 54.75
276 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 126 Mudgara 54.75 55
277 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 127 Musala 55 55.33333333
278 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 128 Dhruva 55.33333333 55.5
279 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 129 Jarjara 55.5 55.55555556
280 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 130 Jagati 55.55555556 55.71416667
281 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 131 Mala 55.71416667 56
282 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 132 Payswini 56 56.25
283 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 133 Para 56.25 56.5
284 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 134 Prabha 56.5 56.66666667
285 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 135 Kutila 56.66666667 57
286 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 136 Kumbhini 57 57.33333333
287 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 137 Ghora 57.33333333 57.5
288 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 138 Manjusvana 57.5 57.75
289 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 139 Madhvi 57.75 57.77777778
290 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 140 Manohar 57.77777778 57
291 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 141 Maya 57 58.125
292 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 142 Sura 58.125 58.5
293 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 143 Soumya 58.5 58.66666667
294 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 144 Sama 58.66666667 58.75
295 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 145 Sudhakari 58.75 58.88888889
296 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 146 Shankari 58.88888889 59
297 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 147 Kalkuta 59 59.25
298 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 148 Bramhi 59.25 59.33333333
299 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 149 Vaishnavi 59.33333333 59.5
300 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 150 Vasudha 59.5 60
301 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 1 Sushitala 60 60.5
302 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 2 Shukhda 60.5 60.66666667
303 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 3 Suprabha 60.66666667 60.75
304 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 4 Shobha 60.75 61
305 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 5 Shobhana 61 61.11111111
306 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 6 Shivada 61.11111111 61.25
307 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 7 Shiva 61.25 61.33333333
308 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 8 Bala 61.33333333 61.5
309 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 9 Jwala 61.5 61.86666667
310 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 10 Gada 61.86666667 62
311 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 11 Gadha 62 62.22222222
312 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 12 Nutana 62.22222222 62.25
313 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 13 Sumanohara 62.25 62.5
314 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 14 Somvalli 62.5 62.66666667
315 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 15 Somalata 62.66666667 63
316 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 16 Mangala 63 63.33333333
317 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 17 Mudrika 63.33333333 63.5
318 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 18 Kshudha 63.5 63.75
319 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 19 Mokshapavarga 63.75 64
320 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 20 Valaya 64 64.28555556
321 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 21 Navnita 64.28555556 64.44444444
322 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 22 Nishachari 64.44444444 64.5
323 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 23 Nivruti 64.5 64.66666667
324 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 24 Nigada 64.66666667 65
325 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 25 Sara 65 65.25
326 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 26 Sangrita 65.25 65.33333333
327 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 27 Samada 65.33333333 65.5
328 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 28 Sama 65.5 65.55555556
329 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 29 Vishvambhara 65.55555556 65.625
330 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 30 Kumari 65.625 66
331 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 31 Kokila 66 66.25
332 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 32 Kujjarakruti 66.25 66.5
333 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 33 Aindra 66.5 66.66666667
334 Gemini 3 Ardra 34 Swaha 66.66666667 66.75
335 Gemini 3 Ardra 35 Swara 66.75 67
336 Gemini 3 Ardra 36 Vahi 67 67.33333333
337 Gemini 3 Ardra 37 Prita 67.33333333 67.5
338 Gemini 3 Ardra 38 Rashkajalaplava 67.5 67.77777778
339 Gemini 3 Ardra 39 Varuni 67.77777778 68
340 Gemini 3 Ardra 40 Madira 68 68.25
341 Gemini 3 Ardra 41 Maitri 68.25 68.5
342 Gemini 3 Ardra 42 Harani 68.5 68.57111111
343 Gemini 3 Ardra 43 Harini 68.57111111 68.66666667
344 Gemini 3 Ardra 44 Marut 68.66666667 68.75
345 Gemini 3 Ardra 45 Dhanjjaya 68.75 68.88888889
346 Gemini 3 Ardra 46 Dhankari 68.88888889 69
347 Gemini 3 Ardra 47 Dhanda 69 69.33333333
348 Gemini 3 Ardra 48 Kachcchapa 69.33333333 69.375
349 Gemini 3 Ardra 49 Ambuja 69.375 69.5
350 Gemini 3 Ardra 50 Manshani 69.5 69.75
351 Gemini 3 Ardra 51 Shulinee 69.75 70
352 Gemini 3 Ardra 52 Soudri 70 70.5
353 Gemini 3 Ardra 53 Shiva 70.5 70.66666667
354 Gemini 3 Ardra 54 Shivakari 70.66666667 71
355 Gemini 3 Ardra 55 Kala 71 71.11111111
356 Gemini 3 Ardra 56 Kunda 71.11111111 71.25
357 Gemini 3 Ardra 57 Mukunda 71.25 71.33333333
358 Gemini 3 Ardra 58 Bharata 71.33333333 71.5
359 Gemini 3 Ardra 59 Hasita 71.5 72
360 Gemini 3 Ardra 60 Kadali 72 72.22222222
361 Gemini 3 Ardra 61 Smara 72.22222222 72.5
362 Gemini 3 Ardra 62 Kandala 72.5 72.66666667
363 Gemini 3 Ardra 63 Kokila 72.66666667 72.75
364 Gemini 3 Ardra 64 Papa 72.75 72.85722222
365 Gemini 3 Ardra 65 Kamini 72.85722222 73
366 Gemini 3 Ardra 66 Kalshodhdava 73 73.125
367 Gemini 3 Ardra 67 Virprasu 73.125 73.33333333
368 Gemini 3 Ardra 68 Sadnara 73.33333333 73.5
369 Gemini 3 Ardra 69 Shatyaksha 73.5 73.75
370 Gemini 3 Ardra 70 Shatavari 73.75 74
371 Gemini 3 Ardra 71 Prahavi 74 74.25
372 Gemini 3 Ardra 72 Patlini 74.25 74.27777778
373 Gemini 3 Ardra 73 Naga 74.27777778 74.5
374 Gemini 3 Ardra 74 Pankaja 74.5 74.66666667
375 Gemini 3 Ardra 75 Parmeshwari 74.66666667 75
376 Gemini 3 Ardra 76 Vasudha 75 75.33333333
377 Gemini 3 Ardra 77 Vaishnavi 75.33333333 75.5
378 Gemini 3 Ardra 78 Bramhi 75.5 75.55555556
379 Gemini 3 Ardra 79 Kalkuta 75.55555556 75.75
380 Gemini 3 Ardra 80 Shankari 75.75 76
381 Gemini 3 Ardra 81 Sudhakari 76 76.25
382 Gemini 3 Ardra 82 Sama 76.25 76.5
383 Gemini 3 Ardra 83 Soumya 76.5 76.66666667
384 Gemini 3 Ardra 84 Sura 76.66666667 76.875
385 Gemini 3 Ardra 85 Maya 76.875 77
386 Gemini 3 Ardra 86 Manohar 77 77.14277778
387 Gemini 3 Ardra 87 Madhvi 77.14277778 77.25
388 Gemini 3 Ardra 88 Manjusvana 77.25 77.33333333
389 Gemini 3 Ardra 89 Ghora 77.33333333 77.5
390 Gemini 3 Ardra 90 Kumbhini 77.5 77.77777778
391 Gemini 3 Ardra 91 Kutila 77.77777778 78
392 Gemini 3 Ardra 92 Prabha 78 78.5
393 Gemini 3 Ardra 93 Para 78.5 78.66666667
394 Gemini 3 Ardra 94 Payswini 78.66666667 78.75
395 Gemini 3 Ardra 95 Mala 78.75 78.88888889
396 Gemini 3 Ardra 96 Jagati 78.88888889 79
397 Gemini 3 Ardra 97 Jarjara 79 79.33333333
398 Gemini 3 Ardra 98 Dhruva 79.33333333 79.5
399 Gemini 3 Ardra 99 Musala 79.5 80
400 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 100 Mudgara 80 80.25
401 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 101 Pasha 80.25 80.5
402 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 102 Champaka 80.5 80.625
403 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 103 Damaka 80.625 80.66666667
404 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 104 Mati 80.66666667 81
405 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 105 Kakussha 81 81.11111111
406 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 106 Kamala 81.11111111 81.25
407 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 107 Kanta 81.25 81.33333333
408 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 108 Kala 81.33333333 81.42833333
409 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 109 Karikara 81.42833333 81.5
410 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 110 Skhama 81.5 81.75
411 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 111 Durdhara 81.75 82
412 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 112 Durbhaga 82 82.22222222
413 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 113 Vishva 82.22222222 82.5
414 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 114 Vishinia 82.5 82.66666667
415 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 115 Vikat 82.66666667 83
416 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 116 Avila 83 83.25
417 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 117 Vibhrama 83.25 83.33333333
418 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 118 Shukhda 83.33333333 83.5
419 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 119 Snigdha 83.5 83.75
420 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 120 Sodara 83.75 84
421 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 121 Sursundari 84 84.375
422 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 122 Amrutplavini 84.375 84.44444444
423 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 123 Kala 84.44444444 84.5
424 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 124 Kamdhuk 84.5 84.66666667
425 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 125 Karvirani 84.66666667 84.75
426 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 126 Gahvara 84.75 85
427 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 127 Kundini 85 85.33333333
428 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 128 Roudra 85.33333333 85.5
429 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 129 Visshakhya 85.5 85.55555556
430 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 130 Visshbashini 85.55555556 85.71416667
431 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 131 Nirmala 85.71416667 86
432 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 132 Shitala 86 86.25
433 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 133 Nimna 86.25 86.5
434 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 134 Prita 86.5 86.66666667
435 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 135 Priyavardhini 86.66666667 87
436 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 136 Managna 87 87.33333333
437 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 137 Durbhaga 87.33333333 87.5
438 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 138 Chitra 87.5 87.75
439 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 139 Chitrini 87.75 87.77777778
440 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 140 Chirjivani 87.77777778 87
441 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 141 Bhupa 87 88.125
442 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 142 Gadhara 88.125 88.5
443 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 143 Nalla 88.5 88.66666667
444 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 144 Nalini 88.66666667 88.75
445 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 145 Nirmala 88.75 88.88888889
446 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 146 Nadi 88.88888889 89
447 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 89 89.25
448 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 148 Kakusshadnakura 89.25 89.33333333
449 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 149 Trailokyamohankari 89.33333333 89.5
450 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 150 Mahamari 89.5 90
451 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 1 Vasudha 90 90.5
452 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 2 Vaishnavi 90.5 90.66666667
453 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 3 Bramhi 90.66666667 90.75
454 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 4 Kalkuta 90.75 91
455 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 5 Shankari 91 91.11111111
456 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 6 Sudhakari 91.11111111 91.25
457 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 7 Sama 91.25 91.33333333
458 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 8 Soumya 91.33333333 91.5
459 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 9 Sura 91.5 91.86666667
460 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 10 Maya 91.86666667 92
461 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 11 Manohar 92 92.22222222
462 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 12 Madhvi 92.22222222 92.25
463 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 13 Manjusvana 92.25 92.5
464 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 14 Ghora 92.5 92.66666667
465 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 15 Kumbhini 92.66666667 93
466 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 16 Kutila 93 93.33333333
467 Cancer 4 Pushya 17 Prabha 93.33333333 93.5
468 Cancer 4 Pushya 18 Para 93.5 93.75
469 Cancer 4 Pushya 19 Payswini 93.75 94
470 Cancer 4 Pushya 20 Mala 94 94.28555556
471 Cancer 4 Pushya 21 Jagati 94.28555556 94.44444444
472 Cancer 4 Pushya 22 Jarjara 94.44444444 94.5
473 Cancer 4 Pushya 23 Dhruva 94.5 94.66666667
474 Cancer 4 Pushya 24 Musala 94.66666667 95
475 Cancer 4 Pushya 25 Mudgara 95 95.25
476 Cancer 4 Pushya 26 Pasha 95.25 95.33333333
477 Cancer 4 Pushya 27 Champaka 95.33333333 95.5
478 Cancer 4 Pushya 28 Damaka 95.5 95.55555556
479 Cancer 4 Pushya 29 Mati 95.55555556 95.625
480 Cancer 4 Pushya 30 Kakussha 95.625 96
481 Cancer 4 Pushya 31 Kamala 96 96.25
482 Cancer 4 Pushya 32 Kanta 96.25 96.5
483 Cancer 4 Pushya 33 Kala 96.5 96.66666667
484 Cancer 4 Pushya 34 Karikara 96.66666667 96.75
485 Cancer 4 Pushya 35 Skhama 96.75 97
486 Cancer 4 Pushya 36 Durdhara 97 97.33333333
487 Cancer 4 Pushya 37 Durbhaga 97.33333333 97.5
488 Cancer 4 Pushya 38 Vishva 97.5 97.77777778
489 Cancer 4 Pushya 39 Vishinia 97.77777778 98
490 Cancer 4 Pushya 40 Vikat 98 98.25
491 Cancer 4 Pushya 41 Avila 98.25 98.5
492 Cancer 4 Pushya 42 Vibhrama 98.5 98.57111111
493 Cancer 4 Pushya 43 Shukhda 98.57111111 98.66666667
494 Cancer 4 Pushya 44 Snigdha 98.66666667 98.75
495 Cancer 4 Pushya 45 Sodara 98.75 98.88888889
496 Cancer 4 Pushya 46 Sursundari 98.88888889 99
497 Cancer 4 Pushya 47 Amrutplavini 99 99.33333333
498 Cancer 4 Pushya 48 Kala 99.33333333 99.375
499 Cancer 4 Pushya 49 Kamdhuk 99.375 99.5
500 Cancer 4 Pushya 50 Karvirani 99.5 99.75
501 Cancer 4 Pushya 51 Gahvara 99.75 100
502 Cancer 4 Pushya 52 Kundini 100 100.5
503 Cancer 4 Pushya 53 Roudra 100.5 100.6666667
504 Cancer 4 Pushya 54 Visshakhya 100.6666667 101
505 Cancer 4 Pushya 55 Visshbashini 101 101.1111111
506 Cancer 4 Pushya 56 Nirmala 101.1111111 101.25
507 Cancer 4 Pushya 57 Shitala 101.25 101.3333333
508 Cancer 4 Pushya 58 Nimna 101.3333333 101.5
509 Cancer 4 Pushya 59 Prita 101.5 102
510 Cancer 4 Pushya 60 Priyavardhini 102 102.2222222
511 Cancer 4 Pushya 61 Managna 102.2222222 102.5
512 Cancer 4 Pushya 62 Durbhaga 102.5 102.6666667
513 Cancer 4 Pushya 63 Chitra 102.6666667 102.75
514 Cancer 4 Pushya 64 Chitrini 102.75 102.8572222
515 Cancer 4 Pushya 65 Chirjivani 102.8572222 103
516 Cancer 4 Pushya 66 Bhupa 103 103.125
517 Cancer 4 Pushya 67 Gadhara 103.125 103.3333333
518 Cancer 4 Pushya 68 Nalla 103.3333333 103.5
519 Cancer 4 Pushya 69 Nalini 103.5 103.75
520 Cancer 4 Pushya 70 Nirmala 103.75 104
521 Cancer 4 Pushya 71 Nadi 104 104.25
522 Cancer 4 Pushya 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 104.25 104.2777778
523 Cancer 4 Pushya 73 Kakusshadnakura 104.2777778 104.5
524 Cancer 4 Pushya 74 Trailokyamohankari 104.5 104.6666667
525 Cancer 4 Pushya 75 Mahamari 104.6666667 105
526 Cancer 4 Pushya 76 Sushitala 105 105.3333333
527 Cancer 4 Pushya 77 Shukhda 105.3333333 105.5
528 Cancer 4 Pushya 78 Suprabha 105.5 105.5555556
529 Cancer 4 Pushya 79 Shobha 105.5555556 105.75
530 Cancer 4 Pushya 80 Shobhana 105.75 106
531 Cancer 4 Pushya 81 Shivada 106 106.25
532 Cancer 4 Pushya 82 Shiva 106.25 106.5
533 Cancer 4 Pushya 83 Bala 106.5 106.6666667
534 Cancer 4 Aslesha 84 Jwala 106.6666667 106.875
535 Cancer 4 Aslesha 85 Gada 106.875 107
536 Cancer 4 Aslesha 86 Gadha 107 107.1427778
537 Cancer 4 Aslesha 87 Nutana 107.1427778 107.25
538 Cancer 4 Aslesha 88 Sumanohara 107.25 107.3333333
539 Cancer 4 Aslesha 89 Somvalli 107.3333333 107.5
540 Cancer 4 Aslesha 90 Somalata 107.5 107.7777778
541 Cancer 4 Aslesha 91 Mangala 107.7777778 108
542 Cancer 4 Aslesha 92 Mudrika 108 108.5
543 Cancer 4 Aslesha 93 Kshudha 108.5 108.6666667
544 Cancer 4 Aslesha 94 Mokshapavarga 108.6666667 108.75
545 Cancer 4 Aslesha 95 Valaya 108.75 108.8888889
546 Cancer 4 Aslesha 96 Navnita 108.8888889 109
547 Cancer 4 Aslesha 97 Nishachari 109 109.3333333
548 Cancer 4 Aslesha 98 Nivruti 109.3333333 109.5
549 Cancer 4 Aslesha 99 Nigada 109.5 110
550 Cancer 4 Aslesha 100 Sara 110 110.25
551 Cancer 4 Aslesha 101 Sangrita 110.25 110.5
552 Cancer 4 Aslesha 102 Samada 110.5 110.625
553 Cancer 4 Aslesha 103 Sama 110.625 110.6666667
554 Cancer 4 Aslesha 104 Vishvambhara 110.6666667 111
555 Cancer 4 Aslesha 105 Kumari 111 111.1111111
556 Cancer 4 Aslesha 106 Kokila 111.1111111 111.25
557 Cancer 4 Aslesha 107 Kujjarakruti 111.25 111.3333333
558 Cancer 4 Aslesha 108 Aindra 111.3333333 111.4283333
559 Cancer 4 Aslesha 109 Swaha 111.4283333 111.5
560 Cancer 4 Aslesha 110 Swara 111.5 111.75
561 Cancer 4 Aslesha 111 Vahi 111.75 112
562 Cancer 4 Aslesha 112 Prita 112 112.2222222
563 Cancer 4 Aslesha 113 Rashkajalaplava 112.2222222 112.5
564 Cancer 4 Aslesha 114 Varuni 112.5 112.6666667
565 Cancer 4 Aslesha 115 Madira 112.6666667 113
566 Cancer 4 Aslesha 116 Maitri 113 113.25
567 Cancer 4 Aslesha 117 Harani 113.25 113.3333333
568 Cancer 4 Aslesha 118 Harini 113.3333333 113.5
569 Cancer 4 Aslesha 119 Marut 113.5 113.75
570 Cancer 4 Aslesha 120 Dhanjjaya 113.75 114
571 Cancer 4 Aslesha 121 Dhankari 114 114.375
572 Cancer 4 Aslesha 122 Dhanda 114.375 114.4444444
573 Cancer 4 Aslesha 123 Kachcchapa 114.4444444 114.5
574 Cancer 4 Aslesha 124 Ambuja 114.5 114.6666667
575 Cancer 4 Aslesha 125 Manshani 114.6666667 114.75
576 Cancer 4 Aslesha 126 Shulinee 114.75 115
577 Cancer 4 Aslesha 127 Soudri 115 115.3333333
578 Cancer 4 Aslesha 128 Shiva 115.3333333 115.5
579 Cancer 4 Aslesha 129 Shivakari 115.5 115.5555556
580 Cancer 4 Aslesha 130 Kala 115.5555556 115.7141667
581 Cancer 4 Aslesha 131 Kunda 115.7141667 116
582 Cancer 4 Aslesha 132 Mukunda 116 116.25
583 Cancer 4 Aslesha 133 Bharata 116.25 116.5
584 Cancer 4 Aslesha 134 Hasita 116.5 116.6666667
585 Cancer 4 Aslesha 135 Kadali 116.6666667 117
586 Cancer 4 Aslesha 136 Smara 117 117.3333333
587 Cancer 4 Aslesha 137 Kandala 117.3333333 117.5
588 Cancer 4 Aslesha 138 Kokila 117.5 117.75
589 Cancer 4 Aslesha 139 Papa 117.75 117.7777778
590 Cancer 4 Aslesha 140 Kamini 117.7777778 117
591 Cancer 4 Aslesha 141 Kalshodhdava 117 118.125
592 Cancer 4 Aslesha 142 Virprasu 118.125 118.5
593 Cancer 4 Aslesha 143 Sadnara 118.5 118.6666667
594 Cancer 4 Aslesha 144 Shatyaksha 118.6666667 118.75
595 Cancer 4 Aslesha 145 Shatavari 118.75 118.8888889
596 Cancer 4 Aslesha 146 Prahavi 118.8888889 119
597 Cancer 4 Aslesha 147 Patlini 119 119.25
598 Cancer 4 Aslesha 148 Naga 119.25 119.3333333
599 Cancer 4 Aslesha 149 Pankaja 119.3333333 119.5
600 Cancer 4 Aslesha 150 Parmeshwari 119.5 120
601 Leo 5 Makha 1 Parmeshwari 120 120.5
602 Leo 5 Makha 2 Pankaja 120.5 120.6666667
603 Leo 5 Makha 3 Naga 120.6666667 120.75
604 Leo 5 Makha 4 Patlini 120.75 121
605 Leo 5 Makha 5 Prahavi 121 121.1111111
606 Leo 5 Makha 6 Shatavari 121.1111111 121.25
607 Leo 5 Makha 7 Shatyaksha 121.25 121.3333333
608 Leo 5 Makha 8 Sadnara 121.3333333 121.5
609 Leo 5 Makha 9 Virprasu 121.5 121.8666667
610 Leo 5 Makha 10 Kalshodhdava 121.8666667 122
611 Leo 5 Makha 11 Kamini 122 122.2222222
612 Leo 5 Makha 12 Papa 122.2222222 122.25
613 Leo 5 Makha 13 Kokila 122.25 122.5
614 Leo 5 Makha 14 Kandala 122.5 122.6666667
615 Leo 5 Makha 15 Smara 122.6666667 123
616 Leo 5 Makha 16 Kadali 123 123.3333333
617 Leo 5 Makha 17 Hasita 123.3333333 123.5
618 Leo 5 Makha 18 Bharata 123.5 123.75
619 Leo 5 Makha 19 Mukunda 123.75 124
620 Leo 5 Makha 20 Kunda 124 124.2855556
621 Leo 5 Makha 21 Kala 124.2855556 124.4444444
622 Leo 5 Makha 22 Shivakari 124.4444444 124.5
623 Leo 5 Makha 23 Shiva 124.5 124.6666667
624 Leo 5 Makha 24 Soudri 124.6666667 125
625 Leo 5 Makha 25 Shulinee 125 125.25
626 Leo 5 Makha 26 Manshani 125.25 125.3333333
627 Leo 5 Makha 27 Ambuja 125.3333333 125.5
628 Leo 5 Makha 28 Kachcchapa 125.5 125.5555556
629 Leo 5 Makha 29 Dhanda 125.5555556 125.625
630 Leo 5 Makha 30 Dhankari 125.625 126
631 Leo 5 Makha 31 Dhanjjaya 126 126.25
632 Leo 5 Makha 32 Marut 126.25 126.5
633 Leo 5 Makha 33 Harini 126.5 126.6666667
634 Leo 5 Makha 34 Harani 126.6666667 126.75
635 Leo 5 Makha 35 Maitri 126.75 127
636 Leo 5 Makha 36 Madira 127 127.3333333
637 Leo 5 Makha 37 Varuni 127.3333333 127.5
638 Leo 5 Makha 38 Rashkajalaplava 127.5 127.7777778
639 Leo 5 Makha 39 Prita 127.7777778 128
640 Leo 5 Makha 40 Vahi 128 128.25
641 Leo 5 Makha 41 Swara 128.25 128.5
642 Leo 5 Makha 42 Swaha 128.5 128.5711111
643 Leo 5 Makha 43 Aindra 128.5711111 128.6666667
644 Leo 5 Makha 44 Kujjarakruti 128.6666667 128.75
645 Leo 5 Makha 45 Kokila 128.75 128.8888889
646 Leo 5 Makha 46 Kumari 128.8888889 129
647 Leo 5 Makha 47 Vishvambhara 129 129.3333333
648 Leo 5 Makha 48 Sama 129.3333333 129.375
649 Leo 5 Makha 49 Samada 129.375 129.5
650 Leo 5 Makha 50 Sangrita 129.5 129.75
651 Leo 5 Makha 51 Sara 129.75 130
652 Leo 5 Makha 52 Nigada 130 130.5
653 Leo 5 Makha 53 Nivruti 130.5 130.6666667
654 Leo 5 Makha 54 Nishachari 130.6666667 131
655 Leo 5 Makha 55 Navnita 131 131.1111111
656 Leo 5 Makha 56 Valaya 131.1111111 131.25
657 Leo 5 Makha 57 Mokshapavarga 131.25 131.3333333
658 Leo 5 Makha 58 Kshudha 131.3333333 131.5
659 Leo 5 Makha 59 Mudrika 131.5 132
660 Leo 5 Makha 60 Mangala 132 132.2222222
661 Leo 5 Makha 61 Somalata 132.2222222 132.5
662 Leo 5 Makha 62 Somvalli 132.5 132.6666667
663 Leo 5 Makha 63 Sumanohara 132.6666667 132.75
664 Leo 5 Makha 64 Nutana 132.75 132.8572222
665 Leo 5 Makha 65 Gadha 132.8572222 133
666 Leo 5 Makha 66 Gada 133 133.125
667 Leo 5 Makha 67 Jwala 133.125 133.3333333
668 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 68 Bala 133.3333333 133.5
669 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 69 Shiva 133.5 133.75
670 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 70 Shivada 133.75 134
671 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 71 Shobhana 134 134.25
672 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 72 Shobha 134.25 134.2777778
673 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 73 Suprabha 134.2777778 134.5
674 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 74 Shukhda 134.5 134.6666667
675 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 75 Sushitala 134.6666667 135
676 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 76 Mahamari 135 135.3333333
677 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 77 Trailokyamohankari 135.3333333 135.5
678 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 78 Kakusshadnakura 135.5 135.5555556
679 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 135.5555556 135.75
680 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 80 Nadi 135.75 136
681 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 81 Nirmala 136 136.25
682 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 82 Nalini 136.25 136.5
683 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 83 Nalla 136.5 136.6666667
684 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 84 Gadhara 136.6666667 136.875
685 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 85 Bhupa 136.875 137
686 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 86 Chirjivani 137 137.1427778
687 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 87 Chitrini 137.1427778 137.25
688 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 88 Chitra 137.25 137.3333333
689 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 89 Durbhaga 137.3333333 137.5
690 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 90 Managna 137.5 137.7777778
691 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 91 Priyavardhini 137.7777778 138
692 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 92 Prita 138 138.5
693 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 93 Nimna 138.5 138.6666667
694 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 94 Shitala 138.6666667 138.75
695 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 95 Nirmala 138.75 138.8888889
696 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 96 Visshbashini 138.8888889 139
697 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 97 Visshakhya 139 139.3333333
698 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 98 Roudra 139.3333333 139.5
699 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 99 Kundini 139.5 140
700 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 100 Gahvara 140 140.25
701 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 101 Karvirani 140.25 140.5
702 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 102 Kamdhuk 140.5 140.625
703 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 103 Kala 140.625 140.6666667
704 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 104 Amrutplavini 140.6666667 141
705 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 105 Sursundari 141 141.1111111
706 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 106 Sodara 141.1111111 141.25
707 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 107 Snigdha 141.25 141.3333333
708 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 108 Shukhda 141.3333333 141.4283333
709 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 109 Vibhrama 141.4283333 141.5
710 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 110 Avila 141.5 141.75
711 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 111 Vikat 141.75 142
712 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 112 Vishinia 142 142.2222222
713 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 113 Vishva 142.2222222 142.5
714 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 114 Durbhaga 142.5 142.6666667
715 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 115 Durdhara 142.6666667 143
716 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 116 Skhama 143 143.25
717 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 117 Karikara 143.25 143.3333333
718 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 118 Kala 143.3333333 143.5
719 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 119 Kanta 143.5 143.75
720 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 120 Kamala 143.75 144
721 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 121 Kakussha 144 144.375
722 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 122 Mati 144.375 144.4444444
723 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 123 Damaka 144.4444444 144.5
724 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 124 Champaka 144.5 144.6666667
725 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 125 Pasha 144.6666667 144.75
726 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 126 Mudgara 144.75 145
727 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 127 Musala 145 145.3333333
728 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 128 Dhruva 145.3333333 145.5
729 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 129 Jarjara 145.5 145.5555556
730 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 130 Jagati 145.5555556 145.7141667
731 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 131 Mala 145.7141667 146
732 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 132 Payswini 146 146.25
733 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 133 Para 146.25 146.5
734 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 134 Prabha 146.5 146.6666667
735 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 135 Kutila 146.6666667 147
736 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 136 Kumbhini 147 147.3333333
737 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 137 Ghora 147.3333333 147.5
738 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 138 Manjusvana 147.5 147.75
739 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 139 Madhvi 147.75 147.7777778
740 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 140 Manohar 147.7777778 147
741 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 141 Maya 147 148.125
742 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 142 Sura 148.125 148.5
743 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 143 Soumya 148.5 148.6666667
744 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 144 Sama 148.6666667 148.75
745 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 145 Sudhakari 148.75 148.8888889
746 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 146 Shankari 148.8888889 149
747 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 147 Kalkuta 149 149.25
748 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 148 Bramhi 149.25 149.3333333
749 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 149 Vaishnavi 149.3333333 149.5
750 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 150 Vasudha 149.5 150
751 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 1 Sushitala 150 150.5
752 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 2 Shukhda 150.5 150.6666667
753 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 3 Suprabha 150.6666667 150.75
754 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 4 Shobha 150.75 151
755 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 5 Shobhana 151 151.1111111
756 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 6 Shivada 151.1111111 151.25
757 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 7 Shiva 151.25 151.3333333
758 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 8 Bala 151.3333333 151.5
759 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 9 Jwala 151.5 151.8666667
760 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 10 Gada 151.8666667 152
761 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 11 Gadha 152 152.2222222
762 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 12 Nutana 152.2222222 152.25
763 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 13 Sumanohara 152.25 152.5
764 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 14 Somvalli 152.5 152.6666667
765 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 15 Somalata 152.6666667 153
766 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 16 Mangala 153 153.3333333
767 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 17 Mudrika 153.3333333 153.5
768 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 18 Kshudha 153.5 153.75
769 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 19 Mokshapavarga 153.75 154
770 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 20 Valaya 154 154.2855556
771 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 21 Navnita 154.2855556 154.4444444
772 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 22 Nishachari 154.4444444 154.5
773 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 23 Nivruti 154.5 154.6666667
774 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 24 Nigada 154.6666667 155
775 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 25 Sara 155 155.25
776 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 26 Sangrita 155.25 155.3333333
777 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 27 Samada 155.3333333 155.5
778 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 28 Sama 155.5 155.5555556
779 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 29 Vishvambhara 155.5555556 155.625
780 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 30 Kumari 155.625 156
781 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 31 Kokila 156 156.25
782 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 32 Kujjarakruti 156.25 156.5
783 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 33 Aindra 156.5 156.6666667
784 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 34 Swaha 156.6666667 156.75
785 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 35 Swara 156.75 157
786 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 36 Vahi 157 157.3333333
787 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 37 Prita 157.3333333 157.5
788 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 38 Rashkajalaplava 157.5 157.7777778
789 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 39 Varuni 157.7777778 158
790 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 40 Madira 158 158.25
791 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 41 Maitri 158.25 158.5
792 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 42 Harani 158.5 158.5711111
793 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 43 Harini 158.5711111 158.6666667
794 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 44 Marut 158.6666667 158.75
795 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 45 Dhanjjaya 158.75 158.8888889
796 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 46 Dhankari 158.8888889 159
797 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 47 Dhanda 159 159.3333333
798 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 48 Kachcchapa 159.3333333 159.375
799 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 49 Ambuja 159.375 159.5
800 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 50 Manshani 159.5 159.75
801 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 51 Shulinee 159.75 160
802 Virgo 6 Hasta 52 Soudri 160 160.5
803 Virgo 6 Hasta 53 Shiva 160.5 160.6666667
804 Virgo 6 Hasta 54 Shivakari 160.6666667 161
805 Virgo 6 Hasta 55 Kala 161 161.1111111
806 Virgo 6 Hasta 56 Kunda 161.1111111 161.25
807 Virgo 6 Hasta 57 Mukunda 161.25 161.3333333
808 Virgo 6 Hasta 58 Bharata 161.3333333 161.5
809 Virgo 6 Hasta 59 Hasita 161.5 162
810 Virgo 6 Hasta 60 Kadali 162 162.2222222
811 Virgo 6 Hasta 61 Smara 162.2222222 162.5
812 Virgo 6 Hasta 62 Kandala 162.5 162.6666667
813 Virgo 6 Hasta 63 Kokila 162.6666667 162.75
814 Virgo 6 Hasta 64 Papa 162.75 162.8572222
815 Virgo 6 Hasta 65 Kamini 162.8572222 163
816 Virgo 6 Hasta 66 Kalshodhdava 163 163.125
817 Virgo 6 Hasta 67 Virprasu 163.125 163.3333333
818 Virgo 6 Hasta 68 Sadnara 163.3333333 163.5
819 Virgo 6 Hasta 69 Shatyaksha 163.5 163.75
820 Virgo 6 Hasta 70 Shatavari 163.75 164
821 Virgo 6 Hasta 71 Prahavi 164 164.25
822 Virgo 6 Hasta 72 Patlini 164.25 164.2777778
823 Virgo 6 Hasta 73 Naga 164.2777778 164.5
824 Virgo 6 Hasta 74 Pankaja 164.5 164.6666667
825 Virgo 6 Hasta 75 Parmeshwari 164.6666667 165
826 Virgo 6 Hasta 76 Vasudha 165 165.3333333
827 Virgo 6 Hasta 77 Vaishnavi 165.3333333 165.5
828 Virgo 6 Hasta 78 Bramhi 165.5 165.5555556
829 Virgo 6 Hasta 79 Kalkuta 165.5555556 165.75
830 Virgo 6 Hasta 80 Shankari 165.75 166
831 Virgo 6 Hasta 81 Sudhakari 166 166.25
832 Virgo 6 Hasta 82 Sama 166.25 166.5
833 Virgo 6 Hasta 83 Soumya 166.5 166.6666667
834 Virgo 6 Hasta 84 Sura 166.6666667 166.875
835 Virgo 6 Hasta 85 Maya 166.875 167
836 Virgo 6 Hasta 86 Manohar 167 167.1427778
837 Virgo 6 Hasta 87 Madhvi 167.1427778 167.25
838 Virgo 6 Hasta 88 Manjusvana 167.25 167.3333333
839 Virgo 6 Hasta 89 Ghora 167.3333333 167.5
840 Virgo 6 Hasta 90 Kumbhini 167.5 167.7777778
841 Virgo 6 Hasta 91 Kutila 167.7777778 168
842 Virgo 6 Hasta 92 Prabha 168 168.5
843 Virgo 6 Hasta 93 Para 168.5 168.6666667
844 Virgo 6 Hasta 94 Payswini 168.6666667 168.75
845 Virgo 6 Hasta 95 Mala 168.75 168.8888889
846 Virgo 6 Hasta 96 Jagati 168.8888889 169
847 Virgo 6 Hasta 97 Jarjara 169 169.3333333
848 Virgo 6 Hasta 98 Dhruva 169.3333333 169.5
849 Virgo 6 Hasta 99 Musala 169.5 170
850 Virgo 6 Hasta 100 Mudgara 170 170.25
851 Virgo 6 Hasta 101 Pasha 170.25 170.5
852 Virgo 6 Hasta 102 Champaka 170.5 170.625
853 Virgo 6 Hasta 103 Damaka 170.625 170.6666667
854 Virgo 6 Hasta 104 Mati 170.6666667 171
855 Virgo 6 Hasta 105 Kakussha 171 171.1111111
856 Virgo 6 Hasta 106 Kamala 171.1111111 171.25
857 Virgo 6 Hasta 107 Kanta 171.25 171.3333333
858 Virgo 6 Hasta 108 Kala 171.3333333 171.4283333
859 Virgo 6 Hasta 109 Karikara 171.4283333 171.5
860 Virgo 6 Hasta 110 Skhama 171.5 171.75
861 Virgo 6 Hasta 111 Durdhara 171.75 172
862 Virgo 6 Hasta 112 Durbhaga 172 172.2222222
863 Virgo 6 Hasta 113 Vishva 172.2222222 172.5
864 Virgo 6 Hasta 114 Vishinia 172.5 172.6666667
865 Virgo 6 Hasta 115 Vikat 172.6666667 173
866 Virgo 6 Hasta 116 Avila 173 173.25
867 Virgo 6 Chitra 117 Vibhrama 173.25 173.3333333
868 Virgo 6 Chitra 118 Shukhda 173.3333333 173.5
869 Virgo 6 Chitra 119 Snigdha 173.5 173.75
870 Virgo 6 Chitra 120 Sodara 173.75 174
871 Virgo 6 Chitra 121 Sursundari 174 174.375
872 Virgo 6 Chitra 122 Amrutplavini 174.375 174.4444444
873 Virgo 6 Chitra 123 Kala 174.4444444 174.5
874 Virgo 6 Chitra 124 Kamdhuk 174.5 174.6666667
875 Virgo 6 Chitra 125 Karvirani 174.6666667 174.75
876 Virgo 6 Chitra 126 Gahvara 174.75 175
877 Virgo 6 Chitra 127 Kundini 175 175.3333333
878 Virgo 6 Chitra 128 Roudra 175.3333333 175.5
879 Virgo 6 Chitra 129 Visshakhya 175.5 175.5555556
880 Virgo 6 Chitra 130 Visshbashini 175.5555556 175.7141667
881 Virgo 6 Chitra 131 Nirmala 175.7141667 176
882 Virgo 6 Chitra 132 Shitala 176 176.25
883 Virgo 6 Chitra 133 Nimna 176.25 176.5
884 Virgo 6 Chitra 134 Prita 176.5 176.6666667
885 Virgo 6 Chitra 135 Priyavardhini 176.6666667 177
886 Virgo 6 Chitra 136 Managna 177 177.3333333
887 Virgo 6 Chitra 137 Durbhaga 177.3333333 177.5
888 Virgo 6 Chitra 138 Chitra 177.5 177.75
889 Virgo 6 Chitra 139 Chitrini 177.75 177.7777778
890 Virgo 6 Chitra 140 Chirjivani 177.7777778 177
891 Virgo 6 Chitra 141 Bhupa 177 178.125
892 Virgo 6 Chitra 142 Gadhara 178.125 178.5
893 Virgo 6 Chitra 143 Nalla 178.5 178.6666667
894 Virgo 6 Chitra 144 Nalini 178.6666667 178.75
895 Virgo 6 Chitra 145 Nirmala 178.75 178.8888889
896 Virgo 6 Chitra 146 Nadi 178.8888889 179
897 Virgo 6 Chitra 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 179 179.25
898 Virgo 6 Chitra 148 Kakusshadnakura 179.25 179.3333333
899 Virgo 6 Chitra 149 Trailokyamohankari 179.3333333 179.5
900 Virgo 6 Chitra 150 Mahamari 179.5 180
901 Libra 7 Chitra 1 Vasudha 180 180.5
902 Libra 7 Chitra 2 Vaishnavi 180.5 180.6666667
903 Libra 7 Chitra 3 Bramhi 180.6666667 180.75
904 Libra 7 Chitra 4 Kalkuta 180.75 181
905 Libra 7 Chitra 5 Shankari 181 181.1111111
906 Libra 7 Chitra 6 Sudhakari 181.1111111 181.25
907 Libra 7 Chitra 7 Sama 181.25 181.3333333
908 Libra 7 Chitra 8 Soumya 181.3333333 181.5
909 Libra 7 Chitra 9 Sura 181.5 181.8666667
910 Libra 7 Chitra 10 Maya 181.8666667 182
911 Libra 7 Chitra 11 Manohar 182 182.2222222
912 Libra 7 Chitra 12 Madhvi 182.2222222 182.25
913 Libra 7 Chitra 13 Manjusvana 182.25 182.5
914 Libra 7 Chitra 14 Ghora 182.5 182.6666667
915 Libra 7 Chitra 15 Kumbhini 182.6666667 183
916 Libra 7 Chitra 16 Kutila 183 183.3333333
917 Libra 7 Chitra 17 Prabha 183.3333333 183.5
918 Libra 7 Chitra 18 Para 183.5 183.75
919 Libra 7 Chitra 19 Payswini 183.75 184
920 Libra 7 Chitra 20 Mala 184 184.2855556
921 Libra 7 Chitra 21 Jagati 184.2855556 184.4444444
922 Libra 7 Chitra 22 Jarjara 184.4444444 184.5
923 Libra 7 Chitra 23 Dhruva 184.5 184.6666667
924 Libra 7 Chitra 24 Musala 184.6666667 185
925 Libra 7 Chitra 25 Mudgara 185 185.25
926 Libra 7 Chitra 26 Pasha 185.25 185.3333333
927 Libra 7 Chitra 27 Champaka 185.3333333 185.5
928 Libra 7 Chitra 28 Damaka 185.5 185.5555556
929 Libra 7 Chitra 29 Mati 185.5555556 185.625
930 Libra 7 Chitra 30 Kakussha 185.625 186
931 Libra 7 Chitra 31 Kamala 186 186.25
932 Libra 7 Chitra 32 Kanta 186.25 186.5
933 Libra 7 Chitra 33 Kala 186.5 186.6666667
934 Libra 7 Swati 34 Karikara 186.6666667 186.75
935 Libra 7 Swati 35 Skhama 186.75 187
936 Libra 7 Swati 36 Durdhara 187 187.3333333
937 Libra 7 Swati 37 Durbhaga 187.3333333 187.5
938 Libra 7 Swati 38 Vishva 187.5 187.7777778
939 Libra 7 Swati 39 Vishinia 187.7777778 188
940 Libra 7 Swati 40 Vikat 188 188.25
941 Libra 7 Swati 41 Avila 188.25 188.5
942 Libra 7 Swati 42 Vibhrama 188.5 188.5711111
943 Libra 7 Swati 43 Shukhda 188.5711111 188.6666667
944 Libra 7 Swati 44 Snigdha 188.6666667 188.75
945 Libra 7 Swati 45 Sodara 188.75 188.8888889
946 Libra 7 Swati 46 Sursundari 188.8888889 189
947 Libra 7 Swati 47 Amrutplavini 189 189.3333333
948 Libra 7 Swati 48 Kala 189.3333333 189.375
949 Libra 7 Swati 49 Kamdhuk 189.375 189.5
950 Libra 7 Swati 50 Karvirani 189.5 189.75
951 Libra 7 Swati 51 Gahvara 189.75 190
952 Libra 7 Swati 52 Kundini 190 190.5
953 Libra 7 Swati 53 Roudra 190.5 190.6666667
954 Libra 7 Swati 54 Visshakhya 190.6666667 191
955 Libra 7 Swati 55 Visshbashini 191 191.1111111
956 Libra 7 Swati 56 Nirmala 191.1111111 191.25
957 Libra 7 Swati 57 Shitala 191.25 191.3333333
958 Libra 7 Swati 58 Nimna 191.3333333 191.5
959 Libra 7 Swati 59 Prita 191.5 192
960 Libra 7 Swati 60 Priyavardhini 192 192.2222222
961 Libra 7 Swati 61 Managna 192.2222222 192.5
962 Libra 7 Swati 62 Durbhaga 192.5 192.6666667
963 Libra 7 Swati 63 Chitra 192.6666667 192.75
964 Libra 7 Swati 64 Chitrini 192.75 192.8572222
965 Libra 7 Swati 65 Chirjivani 192.8572222 193
966 Libra 7 Swati 66 Bhupa 193 193.125
967 Libra 7 Swati 67 Gadhara 193.125 193.3333333
968 Libra 7 Swati 68 Nalla 193.3333333 193.5
969 Libra 7 Swati 69 Nalini 193.5 193.75
970 Libra 7 Swati 70 Nirmala 193.75 194
971 Libra 7 Swati 71 Nadi 194 194.25
972 Libra 7 Swati 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 194.25 194.2777778
973 Libra 7 Swati 73 Kakusshadnakura 194.2777778 194.5
974 Libra 7 Swati 74 Trailokyamohankari 194.5 194.6666667
975 Libra 7 Swati 75 Mahamari 194.6666667 195
976 Libra 7 Swati 76 Sushitala 195 195.3333333
977 Libra 7 Swati 77 Shukhda 195.3333333 195.5
978 Libra 7 Swati 78 Suprabha 195.5 195.5555556
979 Libra 7 Swati 79 Shobha 195.5555556 195.75
980 Libra 7 Swati 80 Shobhana 195.75 196
981 Libra 7 Swati 81 Shivada 196 196.25
982 Libra 7 Swati 82 Shiva 196.25 196.5
983 Libra 7 Swati 83 Bala 196.5 196.6666667
984 Libra 7 Swati 84 Jwala 196.6666667 196.875
985 Libra 7 Swati 85 Gada 196.875 197
986 Libra 7 Swati 86 Gadha 197 197.1427778
987 Libra 7 Swati 87 Nutana 197.1427778 197.25
988 Libra 7 Swati 88 Sumanohara 197.25 197.3333333
989 Libra 7 Swati 89 Somvalli 197.3333333 197.5
990 Libra 7 Swati 90 Somalata 197.5 197.7777778
991 Libra 7 Swati 91 Mangala 197.7777778 198
992 Libra 7 Swati 92 Mudrika 198 198.5
993 Libra 7 Swati 93 Kshudha 198.5 198.6666667
994 Libra 7 Swati 94 Mokshapavarga 198.6666667 198.75
995 Libra 7 Swati 95 Valaya 198.75 198.8888889
996 Libra 7 Swati 96 Navnita 198.8888889 199
997 Libra 7 Swati 97 Nishachari 199 199.3333333
998 Libra 7 Swati 98 Nivruti 199.3333333 199.5
999 Libra 7 Swati 99 Nigada 199.5 200
1000 Libra 7 Visakha 100 Sara 200 200.25
1001 Libra 7 Visakha 101 Sangrita 200.25 200.5
1002 Libra 7 Visakha 102 Samada 200.5 200.625
1003 Libra 7 Visakha 103 Sama 200.625 200.6666667
1004 Libra 7 Visakha 104 Vishvambhara 200.6666667 201
1005 Libra 7 Visakha 105 Kumari 201 201.1111111
1006 Libra 7 Visakha 106 Kokila 201.1111111 201.25
1007 Libra 7 Visakha 107 Kujjarakruti 201.25 201.3333333
1008 Libra 7 Visakha 108 Aindra 201.3333333 201.4283333
1009 Libra 7 Visakha 109 Swaha 201.4283333 201.5
1010 Libra 7 Visakha 110 Swara 201.5 201.75
1011 Libra 7 Visakha 111 Vahi 201.75 202
1012 Libra 7 Visakha 112 Prita 202 202.2222222
1013 Libra 7 Visakha 113 Rashkajalaplava 202.2222222 202.5
1014 Libra 7 Visakha 114 Varuni 202.5 202.6666667
1015 Libra 7 Visakha 115 Madira 202.6666667 203
1016 Libra 7 Visakha 116 Maitri 203 203.25
1017 Libra 7 Visakha 117 Harani 203.25 203.3333333
1018 Libra 7 Visakha 118 Harini 203.3333333 203.5
1019 Libra 7 Visakha 119 Marut 203.5 203.75
1020 Libra 7 Visakha 120 Dhanjjaya 203.75 204
1021 Libra 7 Visakha 121 Dhankari 204 204.375
1022 Libra 7 Visakha 122 Dhanda 204.375 204.4444444
1023 Libra 7 Visakha 123 Kachcchapa 204.4444444 204.5
1024 Libra 7 Visakha 124 Ambuja 204.5 204.6666667
1025 Libra 7 Visakha 125 Manshani 204.6666667 204.75
1026 Libra 7 Visakha 126 Shulinee 204.75 205
1027 Libra 7 Visakha 127 Soudri 205 205.3333333
1028 Libra 7 Visakha 128 Shiva 205.3333333 205.5
1029 Libra 7 Visakha 129 Shivakari 205.5 205.5555556
1030 Libra 7 Visakha 130 Kala 205.5555556 205.7141667
1031 Libra 7 Visakha 131 Kunda 205.7141667 206
1032 Libra 7 Visakha 132 Mukunda 206 206.25
1033 Libra 7 Visakha 133 Bharata 206.25 206.5
1034 Libra 7 Visakha 134 Hasita 206.5 206.6666667
1035 Libra 7 Visakha 135 Kadali 206.6666667 207
1036 Libra 7 Visakha 136 Smara 207 207.3333333
1037 Libra 7 Visakha 137 Kandala 207.3333333 207.5
1038 Libra 7 Visakha 138 Kokila 207.5 207.75
1039 Libra 7 Visakha 139 Papa 207.75 207.7777778
1040 Libra 7 Visakha 140 Kamini 207.7777778 207
1041 Libra 7 Visakha 141 Kalshodhdava 207 208.125
1042 Libra 7 Visakha 142 Virprasu 208.125 208.5
1043 Libra 7 Visakha 143 Sadnara 208.5 208.6666667
1044 Libra 7 Visakha 144 Shatyaksha 208.6666667 208.75
1045 Libra 7 Visakha 145 Shatavari 208.75 208.8888889
1046 Libra 7 Visakha 146 Prahavi 208.8888889 209
1047 Libra 7 Visakha 147 Patlini 209 209.25
1048 Libra 7 Visakha 148 Naga 209.25 209.3333333
1049 Libra 7 Visakha 149 Pankaja 209.3333333 209.5
1050 Libra 7 Visakha 150 Parmeshwari 209.5 210
1051 Scorpio 8 Visakha 1 Parmeshwari 210 210.5
1052 Scorpio 8 Visakha 2 Pankaja 210.5 210.6666667
1053 Scorpio 8 Visakha 3 Naga 210.6666667 210.75
1054 Scorpio 8 Visakha 4 Patlini 210.75 211
1055 Scorpio 8 Visakha 5 Prahavi 211 211.1111111
1056 Scorpio 8 Visakha 6 Shatavari 211.1111111 211.25
1057 Scorpio 8 Visakha 7 Shatyaksha 211.25 211.3333333
1058 Scorpio 8 Visakha 8 Sadnara 211.3333333 211.5
1059 Scorpio 8 Visakha 9 Virprasu 211.5 211.8666667
1060 Scorpio 8 Visakha 10 Kalshodhdava 211.8666667 212
1061 Scorpio 8 Visakha 11 Kamini 212 212.2222222
1062 Scorpio 8 Visakha 12 Papa 212.2222222 212.25
1063 Scorpio 8 Visakha 13 Kokila 212.25 212.5
1064 Scorpio 8 Visakha 14 Kandala 212.5 212.6666667
1065 Scorpio 8 Visakha 15 Smara 212.6666667 213
1066 Scorpio 8 Visakha 16 Kadali 213 213.3333333
1067 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 17 Hasita 213.3333333 213.5
1068 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 18 Bharata 213.5 213.75
1069 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 19 Mukunda 213.75 214
1070 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 20 Kunda 214 214.2855556
1071 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 21 Kala 214.2855556 214.4444444
1072 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 22 Shivakari 214.4444444 214.5
1073 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 23 Shiva 214.5 214.6666667
1074 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 24 Soudri 214.6666667 215
1075 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 25 Shulinee 215 215.25
1076 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 26 Manshani 215.25 215.3333333
1077 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 27 Ambuja 215.3333333 215.5
1078 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 28 Kachcchapa 215.5 215.5555556
1079 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 29 Dhanda 215.5555556 215.625
1080 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 30 Dhankari 215.625 216
1081 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 31 Dhanjjaya 216 216.25
1082 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 32 Marut 216.25 216.5
1083 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 33 Harini 216.5 216.6666667
1084 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 34 Harani 216.6666667 216.75
1085 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 35 Maitri 216.75 217
1086 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 36 Madira 217 217.3333333
1087 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 37 Varuni 217.3333333 217.5
1088 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 38 Rashkajalaplava 217.5 217.7777778
1089 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 39 Prita 217.7777778 218
1090 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 40 Vahi 218 218.25
1091 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 41 Swara 218.25 218.5
1092 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 42 Swaha 218.5 218.5711111
1093 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 43 Aindra 218.5711111 218.6666667
1094 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 44 Kujjarakruti 218.6666667 218.75
1095 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 45 Kokila 218.75 218.8888889
1096 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 46 Kumari 218.8888889 219
1097 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 47 Vishvambhara 219 219.3333333
1098 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 48 Sama 219.3333333 219.375
1099 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 49 Samada 219.375 219.5
1100 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 50 Sangrita 219.5 219.75
1101 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 51 Sara 219.75 220
1102 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 52 Nigada 220 220.5
1103 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 53 Nivruti 220.5 220.6666667
1104 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 54 Nishachari 220.6666667 221
1105 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 55 Navnita 221 221.1111111
1106 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 56 Valaya 221.1111111 221.25
1107 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 57 Mokshapavarga 221.25 221.3333333
1108 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 58 Kshudha 221.3333333 221.5
1109 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 59 Mudrika 221.5 222
1110 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 60 Mangala 222 222.2222222
1111 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 61 Somalata 222.2222222 222.5
1112 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 62 Somvalli 222.5 222.6666667
1113 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 63 Sumanohara 222.6666667 222.75
1114 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 64 Nutana 222.75 222.8572222
1115 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 65 Gadha 222.8572222 223
1116 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 66 Gada 223 223.125
1117 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 67 Jwala 223.125 223.3333333
1118 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 68 Bala 223.3333333 223.5
1119 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 69 Shiva 223.5 223.75
1120 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 70 Shivada 223.75 224
1121 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 71 Shobhana 224 224.25
1122 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 72 Shobha 224.25 224.2777778
1123 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 73 Suprabha 224.2777778 224.5
1124 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 74 Shukhda 224.5 224.6666667
1125 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 75 Sushitala 224.6666667 225
1126 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 76 Mahamari 225 225.3333333
1127 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 77 Trailokyamohankari 225.3333333 225.5
1128 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 78 Kakusshadnakura 225.5 225.5555556
1129 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 225.5555556 225.75
1130 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 80 Nadi 225.75 226
1131 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 81 Nirmala 226 226.25
1132 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 82 Nalini 226.25 226.5
1133 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 83 Nalla 226.5 226.6666667
1134 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 84 Gadhara 226.6666667 226.875
1135 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 85 Bhupa 226.875 227
1136 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 86 Chirjivani 227 227.1427778
1137 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 87 Chitrini 227.1427778 227.25
1138 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 88 Chitra 227.25 227.3333333
1139 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 89 Durbhaga 227.3333333 227.5
1140 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 90 Managna 227.5 227.7777778
1141 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 91 Priyavardhini 227.7777778 228
1142 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 92 Prita 228 228.5
1143 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 93 Nimna 228.5 228.6666667
1144 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 94 Shitala 228.6666667 228.75
1145 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 95 Nirmala 228.75 228.8888889
1146 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 96 Visshbashini 228.8888889 229
1147 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 97 Visshakhya 229 229.3333333
1148 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 98 Roudra 229.3333333 229.5
1149 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 99 Kundini 229.5 230
1150 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 100 Gahvara 230 230.25
1151 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 101 Karvirani 230.25 230.5
1152 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 102 Kamdhuk 230.5 230.625
1153 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 103 Kala 230.625 230.6666667
1154 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 104 Amrutplavini 230.6666667 231
1155 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 105 Sursundari 231 231.1111111
1156 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 106 Sodara 231.1111111 231.25
1157 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 107 Snigdha 231.25 231.3333333
1158 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 108 Shukhda 231.3333333 231.4283333
1159 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 109 Vibhrama 231.4283333 231.5
1160 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 110 Avila 231.5 231.75
1161 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 111 Vikat 231.75 232
1162 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 112 Vishinia 232 232.2222222
1163 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 113 Vishva 232.2222222 232.5
1164 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 114 Durbhaga 232.5 232.6666667
1165 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 115 Durdhara 232.6666667 233
1166 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 116 Skhama 233 233.25
1167 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 117 Karikara 233.25 233.3333333
1168 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 118 Kala 233.3333333 233.5
1169 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 119 Kanta 233.5 233.75
1170 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 120 Kamala 233.75 234
1171 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 121 Kakussha 234 234.375
1172 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 122 Mati 234.375 234.4444444
1173 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 123 Damaka 234.4444444 234.5
1174 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 124 Champaka 234.5 234.6666667
1175 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 125 Pasha 234.6666667 234.75
1176 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 126 Mudgara 234.75 235
1177 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 127 Musala 235 235.3333333
1178 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 128 Dhruva 235.3333333 235.5
1179 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 129 Jarjara 235.5 235.5555556
1180 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 130 Jagati 235.5555556 235.7141667
1181 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 131 Mala 235.7141667 236
1182 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 132 Payswini 236 236.25
1183 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 133 Para 236.25 236.5
1184 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 134 Prabha 236.5 236.6666667
1185 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 135 Kutila 236.6666667 237
1186 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 136 Kumbhini 237 237.3333333
1187 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 137 Ghora 237.3333333 237.5
1188 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 138 Manjusvana 237.5 237.75
1189 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 139 Madhvi 237.75 237.7777778
1190 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 140 Manohar 237.7777778 237
1191 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 141 Maya 237 238.125
1192 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 142 Sura 238.125 238.5
1193 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 143 Soumya 238.5 238.6666667
1194 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 144 Sama 238.6666667 238.75
1195 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 145 Sudhakari 238.75 238.8888889
1196 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 146 Shankari 238.8888889 239
1197 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 147 Kalkuta 239 239.25
1198 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 148 Bramhi 239.25 239.3333333
1199 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 149 Vaishnavi 239.3333333 239.5
1200 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 150 Vasudha 239.5 240
1201 Sagittarius 9 Moola 1 Sushitala 240 240.5
1202 Sagittarius 9 Moola 2 Shukhda 240.5 240.6666667
1203 Sagittarius 9 Moola 3 Suprabha 240.6666667 240.75
1204 Sagittarius 9 Moola 4 Shobha 240.75 241
1205 Sagittarius 9 Moola 5 Shobhana 241 241.1111111
1206 Sagittarius 9 Moola 6 Shivada 241.1111111 241.25
1207 Sagittarius 9 Moola 7 Shiva 241.25 241.3333333
1208 Sagittarius 9 Moola 8 Bala 241.3333333 241.5
1209 Sagittarius 9 Moola 9 Jwala 241.5 241.8666667
1210 Sagittarius 9 Moola 10 Gada 241.8666667 242
1211 Sagittarius 9 Moola 11 Gadha 242 242.2222222
1212 Sagittarius 9 Moola 12 Nutana 242.2222222 242.25
1213 Sagittarius 9 Moola 13 Sumanohara 242.25 242.5
1214 Sagittarius 9 Moola 14 Somvalli 242.5 242.6666667
1215 Sagittarius 9 Moola 15 Somalata 242.6666667 243
1216 Sagittarius 9 Moola 16 Mangala 243 243.3333333
1217 Sagittarius 9 Moola 17 Mudrika 243.3333333 243.5
1218 Sagittarius 9 Moola 18 Kshudha 243.5 243.75
1219 Sagittarius 9 Moola 19 Mokshapavarga 243.75 244
1220 Sagittarius 9 Moola 20 Valaya 244 244.2855556
1221 Sagittarius 9 Moola 21 Navnita 244.2855556 244.4444444
1222 Sagittarius 9 Moola 22 Nishachari 244.4444444 244.5
1223 Sagittarius 9 Moola 23 Nivruti 244.5 244.6666667
1224 Sagittarius 9 Moola 24 Nigada 244.6666667 245
1225 Sagittarius 9 Moola 25 Sara 245 245.25
1226 Sagittarius 9 Moola 26 Sangrita 245.25 245.3333333
1227 Sagittarius 9 Moola 27 Samada 245.3333333 245.5
1228 Sagittarius 9 Moola 28 Sama 245.5 245.5555556
1229 Sagittarius 9 Moola 29 Vishvambhara 245.5555556 245.625
1230 Sagittarius 9 Moola 30 Kumari 245.625 246
1231 Sagittarius 9 Moola 31 Kokila 246 246.25
1232 Sagittarius 9 Moola 32 Kujjarakruti 246.25 246.5
1233 Sagittarius 9 Moola 33 Aindra 246.5 246.6666667
1234 Sagittarius 9 Moola 34 Swaha 246.6666667 246.75
1235 Sagittarius 9 Moola 35 Swara 246.75 247
1236 Sagittarius 9 Moola 36 Vahi 247 247.3333333
1237 Sagittarius 9 Moola 37 Prita 247.3333333 247.5
1238 Sagittarius 9 Moola 38 Rashkajalaplava 247.5 247.7777778
1239 Sagittarius 9 Moola 39 Varuni 247.7777778 248
1240 Sagittarius 9 Moola 40 Madira 248 248.25
1241 Sagittarius 9 Moola 41 Maitri 248.25 248.5
1242 Sagittarius 9 Moola 42 Harani 248.5 248.5711111
1243 Sagittarius 9 Moola 43 Harini 248.5711111 248.6666667
1244 Sagittarius 9 Moola 44 Marut 248.6666667 248.75
1245 Sagittarius 9 Moola 45 Dhanjjaya 248.75 248.8888889
1246 Sagittarius 9 Moola 46 Dhankari 248.8888889 249
1247 Sagittarius 9 Moola 47 Dhanda 249 249.3333333
1248 Sagittarius 9 Moola 48 Kachcchapa 249.3333333 249.375
1249 Sagittarius 9 Moola 49 Ambuja 249.375 249.5
1250 Sagittarius 9 Moola 50 Manshani 249.5 249.75
1251 Sagittarius 9 Moola 51 Shulinee 249.75 250
1252 Sagittarius 9 Moola 52 Soudri 250 250.5
1253 Sagittarius 9 Moola 53 Shiva 250.5 250.6666667
1254 Sagittarius 9 Moola 54 Shivakari 250.6666667 251
1255 Sagittarius 9 Moola 55 Kala 251 251.1111111
1256 Sagittarius 9 Moola 56 Kunda 251.1111111 251.25
1257 Sagittarius 9 Moola 57 Mukunda 251.25 251.3333333
1258 Sagittarius 9 Moola 58 Bharata 251.3333333 251.5
1259 Sagittarius 9 Moola 59 Hasita 251.5 252
1260 Sagittarius 9 Moola 60 Kadali 252 252.2222222
1261 Sagittarius 9 Moola 61 Smara 252.2222222 252.5
1262 Sagittarius 9 Moola 62 Kandala 252.5 252.6666667
1263 Sagittarius 9 Moola 63 Kokila 252.6666667 252.75
1264 Sagittarius 9 Moola 64 Papa 252.75 252.8572222
1265 Sagittarius 9 Moola 65 Kamini 252.8572222 253
1266 Sagittarius 9 Moola 66 Kalshodhdava 253 253.125
1267 Sagittarius 9 Moola 67 Virprasu 253.125 253.3333333
1268 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 68 Sadnara 253.3333333 253.5
1269 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 69 Shatyaksha 253.5 253.75
1270 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 70 Shatavari 253.75 254
1271 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 71 Prahavi 254 254.25
1272 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 72 Patlini 254.25 254.2777778
1273 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 73 Naga 254.2777778 254.5
1274 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 74 Pankaja 254.5 254.6666667
1275 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 75 Parmeshwari 254.6666667 255
1276 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 76 Vasudha 255 255.3333333
1277 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 77 Vaishnavi 255.3333333 255.5
1278 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 78 Bramhi 255.5 255.5555556
1279 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 79 Kalkuta 255.5555556 255.75
1280 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 80 Shankari 255.75 256
1281 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 81 Sudhakari 256 256.25
1282 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 82 Sama 256.25 256.5
1283 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 83 Soumya 256.5 256.6666667
1284 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 84 Sura 256.6666667 256.875
1285 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 85 Maya 256.875 257
1286 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 86 Manohar 257 257.1427778
1287 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 87 Madhvi 257.1427778 257.25
1288 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 88 Manjusvana 257.25 257.3333333
1289 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 89 Ghora 257.3333333 257.5
1290 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 90 Kumbhini 257.5 257.7777778
1291 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 91 Kutila 257.7777778 258
1292 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 92 Prabha 258 258.5
1293 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 93 Para 258.5 258.6666667
1294 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 94 Payswini 258.6666667 258.75
1295 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 95 Mala 258.75 258.8888889
1296 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 96 Jagati 258.8888889 259
1297 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 97 Jarjara 259 259.3333333
1298 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 98 Dhruva 259.3333333 259.5
1299 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 99 Musala 259.5 260
1300 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 100 Mudgara 260 260.25
1301 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 101 Pasha 260.25 260.5
1302 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 102 Champaka 260.5 260.625
1303 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 103 Damaka 260.625 260.6666667
1304 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 104 Mati 260.6666667 261
1305 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 105 Kakussha 261 261.1111111
1306 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 106 Kamala 261.1111111 261.25
1307 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 107 Kanta 261.25 261.3333333
1308 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 108 Kala 261.3333333 261.4283333
1309 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 109 Karikara 261.4283333 261.5
1310 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 110 Skhama 261.5 261.75
1311 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 111 Durdhara 261.75 262
1312 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 112 Durbhaga 262 262.2222222
1313 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 113 Vishva 262.2222222 262.5
1314 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 114 Vishinia 262.5 262.6666667
1315 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 115 Vikat 262.6666667 263
1316 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 116 Avila 263 263.25
1317 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 117 Vibhrama 263.25 263.3333333
1318 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 118 Shukhda 263.3333333 263.5
1319 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 119 Snigdha 263.5 263.75
1320 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 120 Sodara 263.75 264
1321 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 121 Sursundari 264 264.375
1322 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 122 Amrutplavini 264.375 264.4444444
1323 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 123 Kala 264.4444444 264.5
1324 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 124 Kamdhuk 264.5 264.6666667
1325 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 125 Karvirani 264.6666667 264.75
1326 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 126 Gahvara 264.75 265
1327 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 127 Kundini 265 265.3333333
1328 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 128 Roudra 265.3333333 265.5
1329 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 129 Visshakhya 265.5 265.5555556
1330 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 130 Visshbashini 265.5555556 265.7141667
1331 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 131 Nirmala 265.7141667 266
1332 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 132 Shitala 266 266.25
1333 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 133 Nimna 266.25 266.5
1334 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 134 Prita 266.5 266.6666667
1335 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 135 Priyavardhini 266.6666667 267
1336 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 136 Managna 267 267.3333333
1337 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 137 Durbhaga 267.3333333 267.5
1338 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 138 Chitra 267.5 267.75
1339 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 139 Chitrini 267.75 267.7777778
1340 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 140 Chirjivani 267.7777778 268
1341 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 141 Bhupa 268 268.125
1342 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 142 Gadhara 268.125 268.5
1343 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 143 Nalla 268.5 268.6666667
1344 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 144 Nalini 268.6666667 268.75
1345 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 145 Nirmala 268.75 268.8888889
1346 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 146 Nadi 268.8888889 269
1347 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 269 269.25
1348 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 148 Kakusshadnakura 269.25 269.3333333
1349 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 149 Trailokyamohankari 269.3333333 269.5
1350 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 150 Mahamari 269.5 270
1351 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 1 Vasudha 270 270.5
1352 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 2 Vaishnavi 270.5 270.6666667
1353 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 3 Bramhi 270.6666667 270.75
1354 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 4 Kalkuta 270.75 271
1355 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 5 Shankari 271 271.1111111
1356 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 6 Sudhakari 271.1111111 271.25
1357 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 7 Sama 271.25 271.3333333
1358 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 8 Soumya 271.3333333 271.5
1359 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 9 Sura 271.5 271.8666667
1360 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 10 Maya 271.8666667 272
1361 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 11 Manohar 272 272.2222222
1362 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 12 Madhvi 272.2222222 272.25
1363 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 13 Manjusvana 272.25 272.5
1364 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 14 Ghora 272.5 272.6666667
1365 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 15 Kumbhini 272.6666667 273
1366 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 16 Kutila 273 273.3333333
1367 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 17 Prabha 273.3333333 273.5
1368 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 18 Para 273.5 273.75
1369 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 19 Payswini 273.75 274
1370 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 20 Mala 274 274.2855556
1371 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 21 Jagati 274.2855556 274.4444444
1372 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 22 Jarjara 274.4444444 274.5
1373 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 23 Dhruva 274.5 274.6666667
1374 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 24 Musala 274.6666667 275
1375 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 25 Mudgara 275 275.25
1376 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 26 Pasha 275.25 275.3333333
1377 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 27 Champaka 275.3333333 275.5
1378 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 28 Damaka 275.5 275.5555556
1379 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 29 Mati 275.5555556 275.625
1380 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 30 Kakussha 275.625 276
1381 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 31 Kamala 276 276.25
1382 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 32 Kanta 276.25 276.5
1383 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 33 Kala 276.5 276.6666667
1384 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 34 Karikara 276.6666667 276.75
1385 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 35 Skhama 276.75 277
1386 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 36 Durdhara 277 277.3333333
1387 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 37 Durbhaga 277.3333333 277.5
1388 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 38 Vishva 277.5 277.7777778
1389 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 39 Vishinia 277.7777778 278
1390 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 40 Vikat 278 278.25
1391 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 41 Avila 278.25 278.5
1392 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 42 Vibhrama 278.5 278.5711111
1393 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 43 Shukhda 278.5711111 278.6666667
1394 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 44 Snigdha 278.6666667 278.75
1395 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 45 Sodara 278.75 278.8888889
1396 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 46 Sursundari 278.8888889 279
1397 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 47 Amrutplavini 279 279.3333333
1398 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 48 Kala 279.3333333 279.375
1399 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 49 Kamdhuk 279.375 279.5
1400 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 50 Karvirani 279.5 279.75
1401 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 51 Gahvara 279.75 280
1402 Capricorn 10 Sravana 52 Kundini 280 280.5
1403 Capricorn 10 Sravana 53 Roudra 280.5 280.6666667
1404 Capricorn 10 Sravana 54 Visshakhya 280.6666667 281
1405 Capricorn 10 Sravana 55 Visshbashini 281 281.1111111
1406 Capricorn 10 Sravana 56 Nirmala 281.1111111 281.25
1407 Capricorn 10 Sravana 57 Shitala 281.25 281.3333333
1408 Capricorn 10 Sravana 58 Nimna 281.3333333 281.5
1409 Capricorn 10 Sravana 59 Prita 281.5 282
1410 Capricorn 10 Sravana 60 Priyavardhini 282 282.2222222
1411 Capricorn 10 Sravana 61 Managna 282.2222222 282.5
1412 Capricorn 10 Sravana 62 Durbhaga 282.5 282.6666667
1413 Capricorn 10 Sravana 63 Chitra 282.6666667 282.75
1414 Capricorn 10 Sravana 64 Chitrini 282.75 282.8572222
1415 Capricorn 10 Sravana 65 Chirjivani 282.8572222 283
1416 Capricorn 10 Sravana 66 Bhupa 283 283.125
1417 Capricorn 10 Sravana 67 Gadhara 283.125 283.3333333
1418 Capricorn 10 Sravana 68 Nalla 283.3333333 283.5
1419 Capricorn 10 Sravana 69 Nalini 283.5 283.75
1420 Capricorn 10 Sravana 70 Nirmala 283.75 284
1421 Capricorn 10 Sravana 71 Nadi 284 284.25
1422 Capricorn 10 Sravana 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 284.25 284.2777778
1423 Capricorn 10 Sravana 73 Kakusshadnakura 284.2777778 284.5
1424 Capricorn 10 Sravana 74 Trailokyamohankari 284.5 284.6666667
1425 Capricorn 10 Sravana 75 Mahamari 284.6666667 285
1426 Capricorn 10 Sravana 76 Sushitala 285 285.3333333
1427 Capricorn 10 Sravana 77 Shukhda 285.3333333 285.5
1428 Capricorn 10 Sravana 78 Suprabha 285.5 285.5555556
1429 Capricorn 10 Sravana 79 Shobha 285.5555556 285.75
1430 Capricorn 10 Sravana 80 Shobhana 285.75 286
1431 Capricorn 10 Sravana 81 Shivada 286 286.25
1432 Capricorn 10 Sravana 82 Shiva 286.25 286.5
1433 Capricorn 10 Sravana 83 Bala 286.5 286.6666667
1434 Capricorn 10 Sravana 84 Jwala 286.6666667 286.875
1435 Capricorn 10 Sravana 85 Gada 286.875 287
1436 Capricorn 10 Sravana 86 Gadha 287 287.1427778
1437 Capricorn 10 Sravana 87 Nutana 287.1427778 287.25
1438 Capricorn 10 Sravana 88 Sumanohara 287.25 287.3333333
1439 Capricorn 10 Sravana 89 Somvalli 287.3333333 287.5
1440 Capricorn 10 Sravana 90 Somalata 287.5 287.7777778
1441 Capricorn 10 Sravana 91 Mangala 287.7777778 288
1442 Capricorn 10 Sravana 92 Mudrika 288 288.5
1443 Capricorn 10 Sravana 93 Kshudha 288.5 288.6666667
1444 Capricorn 10 Sravana 94 Mokshapavarga 288.6666667 288.75
1445 Capricorn 10 Sravana 95 Valaya 288.75 288.8888889
1446 Capricorn 10 Sravana 96 Navnita 288.8888889 289
1447 Capricorn 10 Sravana 97 Nishachari 289 289.3333333
1448 Capricorn 10 Sravana 98 Nivruti 289.3333333 289.5
1449 Capricorn 10 Sravana 99 Nigada 289.5 290
1450 Capricorn 10 Sravana 100 Sara 290 290.25
1451 Capricorn 10 Sravana 101 Sangrita 290.25 290.5
1452 Capricorn 10 Sravana 102 Samada 290.5 290.625
1453 Capricorn 10 Sravana 103 Sama 290.625 290.6666667
1454 Capricorn 10 Sravana 104 Vishvambhara 290.6666667 291
1455 Capricorn 10 Sravana 105 Kumari 291 291.1111111
1456 Capricorn 10 Sravana 106 Kokila 291.1111111 291.25
1457 Capricorn 10 Sravana 107 Kujjarakruti 291.25 291.3333333
1458 Capricorn 10 Sravana 108 Aindra 291.3333333 291.4283333
1459 Capricorn 10 Sravana 109 Swaha 291.4283333 291.5
1460 Capricorn 10 Sravana 110 Swara 291.5 291.75
1461 Capricorn 10 Sravana 111 Vahi 291.75 292
1462 Capricorn 10 Sravana 112 Prita 292 292.2222222
1463 Capricorn 10 Sravana 113 Rashkajalaplava 292.2222222 292.5
1464 Capricorn 10 Sravana 114 Varuni 292.5 292.6666667
1465 Capricorn 10 Sravana 115 Madira 292.6666667 293
1466 Capricorn 10 Sravana 116 Maitri 293 293.25
1467 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 117 Harani 293.25 293.3333333
1468 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 118 Harini 293.3333333 293.5
1469 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 119 Marut 293.5 293.75
1470 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 120 Dhanjjaya 293.75 294
1471 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 121 Dhankari 294 294.375
1472 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 122 Dhanda 294.375 294.4444444
1473 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 123 Kachcchapa 294.4444444 294.5
1474 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 124 Ambuja 294.5 294.6666667
1475 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 125 Manshani 294.6666667 294.75
1476 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 126 Shulinee 294.75 295
1477 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 127 Soudri 295 295.3333333
1478 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 128 Shiva 295.3333333 295.5
1479 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 129 Shivakari 295.5 295.5555556
1480 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 130 Kala 295.5555556 295.7141667
1481 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 131 Kunda 295.7141667 296
1482 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 132 Mukunda 296 296.25
1483 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 133 Bharata 296.25 296.5
1484 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 134 Hasita 296.5 296.6666667
1485 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 135 Kadali 296.6666667 297
1486 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 136 Smara 297 297.3333333
1487 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 137 Kandala 297.3333333 297.5
1488 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 138 Kokila 297.5 297.75
1489 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 139 Papa 297.75 297.7777778
1490 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 140 Kamini 297.7777778 297
1491 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 141 Kalshodhdava 297 298.125
1492 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 142 Virprasu 298.125 298.5
1493 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 143 Sadnara 298.5 298.6666667
1494 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 144 Shatyaksha 298.6666667 298.75
1495 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 145 Shatavari 298.75 298.8888889
1496 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 146 Prahavi 298.8888889 299
1497 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 147 Patlini 299 299.25
1498 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 148 Naga 299.25 299.3333333
1499 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 149 Pankaja 299.3333333 299.5
1500 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 150 Parmeshwari 299.5 300
1501 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 1 Parmeshwari 300 300.5
1502 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 2 Pankaja 300.5 300.6666667
1503 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 3 Naga 300.6666667 300.75
1504 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 4 Patlini 300.75 301
1505 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 5 Prahavi 301 301.1111111
1506 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 6 Shatavari 301.1111111 301.25
1507 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 7 Shatyaksha 301.25 301.3333333
1508 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 8 Sadnara 301.3333333 301.5
1509 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 9 Virprasu 301.5 301.8666667
1510 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 10 Kalshodhdava 301.8666667 302
1511 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 11 Kamini 302 302.2222222
1512 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 12 Papa 302.2222222 302.25
1513 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 13 Kokila 302.25 302.5
1514 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 14 Kandala 302.5 302.6666667
1515 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 15 Smara 302.6666667 303
1516 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 16 Kadali 303 303.3333333
1517 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 17 Hasita 303.3333333 303.5
1518 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 18 Bharata 303.5 303.75
1519 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 19 Mukunda 303.75 304
1520 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 20 Kunda 304 304.2855556
1521 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 21 Kala 304.2855556 304.4444444
1522 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 22 Shivakari 304.4444444 304.5
1523 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 23 Shiva 304.5 304.6666667
1524 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 24 Soudri 304.6666667 305
1525 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 25 Shulinee 305 305.25
1526 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 26 Manshani 305.25 305.3333333
1527 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 27 Ambuja 305.3333333 305.5
1528 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 28 Kachcchapa 305.5 305.5555556
1529 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 29 Dhanda 305.5555556 305.625
1530 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 30 Dhankari 305.625 306
1531 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 31 Dhanjjaya 306 306.25
1532 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 32 Marut 306.25 306.5
1533 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 33 Harini 306.5 306.6666667
1534 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 34 Harani 306.6666667 306.75
1535 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 35 Maitri 306.75 307
1536 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 36 Madira 307 307.3333333
1537 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 37 Varuni 307.3333333 307.5
1538 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 38 Rashkajalaplava 307.5 307.7777778
1539 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 39 Prita 307.7777778 308
1540 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 40 Vahi 308 308.25
1541 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 41 Swara 308.25 308.5
1542 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 42 Swaha 308.5 308.5711111
1543 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 43 Aindra 308.5711111 308.6666667
1544 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 44 Kujjarakruti 308.6666667 308.75
1545 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 45 Kokila 308.75 308.8888889
1546 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 46 Kumari 308.8888889 309
1547 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 47 Vishvambhara 309 309.3333333
1548 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 48 Sama 309.3333333 309.375
1549 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 49 Samada 309.375 309.5
1550 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 50 Sangrita 309.5 309.75
1551 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 51 Sara 309.75 310
1552 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 52 Nigada 310 310.5
1553 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 53 Nivruti 310.5 310.6666667
1554 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 54 Nishachari 310.6666667 311
1555 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 55 Navnita 311 311.1111111
1556 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 56 Valaya 311.1111111 311.25
1557 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 57 Mokshapavarga 311.25 311.3333333
1558 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 58 Kshudha 311.3333333 311.5
1559 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 59 Mudrika 311.5 312
1560 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 60 Mangala 312 312.2222222
1561 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 61 Somalata 312.2222222 312.5
1562 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 62 Somvalli 312.5 312.6666667
1563 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 63 Sumanohara 312.6666667 312.75
1564 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 64 Nutana 312.75 312.8572222
1565 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 65 Gadha 312.8572222 313
1566 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 66 Gada 313 313.125
1567 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 67 Jwala 313.125 313.3333333
1568 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 68 Bala 313.3333333 313.5
1569 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 69 Shiva 313.5 313.75
1570 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 70 Shivada 313.75 314
1571 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 71 Shobhana 314 314.25
1572 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 72 Shobha 314.25 314.2777778
1573 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 73 Suprabha 314.2777778 314.5
1574 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 74 Shukhda 314.5 314.6666667
1575 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 75 Sushitala 314.6666667 315
1576 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 76 Mahamari 315 315.3333333
1577 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 77 Trailokyamohankari 315.3333333 315.5
1578 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 78 Kakusshadnakura 315.5 315.5555556
1579 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 315.5555556 315.75
1580 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 80 Nadi 315.75 316
1581 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 81 Nirmala 316 316.25
1582 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 82 Nalini 316.25 316.5
1583 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 83 Nalla 316.5 316.6666667
1584 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 84 Gadhara 316.6666667 316.875
1585 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 85 Bhupa 316.875 317
1586 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 86 Chirjivani 317 317.1427778
1587 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 87 Chitrini 317.1427778 317.25
1588 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 88 Chitra 317.25 317.3333333
1589 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 89 Durbhaga 317.3333333 317.5
1590 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 90 Managna 317.5 317.7777778
1591 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 91 Priyavardhini 317.7777778 318
1592 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 92 Prita 318 318.5
1593 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 93 Nimna 318.5 318.6666667
1594 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 94 Shitala 318.6666667 318.75
1595 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 95 Nirmala 318.75 318.8888889
1596 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 96 Visshbashini 318.8888889 319
1597 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 97 Visshakhya 319 319.3333333
1598 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 98 Roudra 319.3333333 319.5
1599 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 99 Kundini 319.5 320
1600 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 100 Gahvara 320 320.25
1601 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 101 Karvirani 320.25 320.5
1602 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 102 Kamdhuk 320.5 320.625
1603 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 103 Kala 320.625 320.6666667
1604 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 104 Amrutplavini 320.6666667 321
1605 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 105 Sursundari 321 321.1111111
1606 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 106 Sodara 321.1111111 321.25
1607 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 107 Snigdha 321.25 321.3333333
1608 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 108 Shukhda 321.3333333 321.4283333
1609 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 109 Vibhrama 321.4283333 321.5
1610 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 110 Avila 321.5 321.75
1611 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 111 Vikat 321.75 322
1612 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 112 Vishinia 322 322.2222222
1613 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 113 Vishva 322.2222222 322.5
1614 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 114 Durbhaga 322.5 322.6666667
1615 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 115 Durdhara 322.6666667 323
1616 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 116 Skhama 323 323.25
1617 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 117 Karikara 323.25 323.3333333
1618 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 118 Kala 323.3333333 323.5
1619 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 119 Kanta 323.5 323.75
1620 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 120 Kamala 323.75 324
1621 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 121 Kakussha 324 324.375
1622 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 122 Mati 324.375 324.4444444
1623 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 123 Damaka 324.4444444 324.5
1624 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 124 Champaka 324.5 324.6666667
1625 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 125 Pasha 324.6666667 324.75
1626 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 126 Mudgara 324.75 325
1627 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 127 Musala 325 325.3333333
1628 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 128 Dhruva 325.3333333 325.5
1629 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 129 Jarjara 325.5 325.5555556
1630 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 130 Jagati 325.5555556 325.7141667
1631 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 131 Mala 325.7141667 326
1632 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 132 Payswini 326 326.25
1633 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 133 Para 326.25 326.5
1634 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 134 Prabha 326.5 326.6666667
1635 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 135 Kutila 326.6666667 327
1636 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 136 Kumbhini 327 327.3333333
1637 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 137 Ghora 327.3333333 327.5
1638 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 138 Manjusvana 327.5 327.75
1639 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 139 Madhvi 327.75 327.7777778
1640 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 140 Manohar 327.7777778 327
1641 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 141 Maya 327 328.125
1642 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 142 Sura 328.125 328.5
1643 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 143 Soumya 328.5 328.6666667
1644 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 144 Sama 328.6666667 328.75
1645 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 145 Sudhakari 328.75 328.8888889
1646 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 146 Shankari 328.8888889 329
1647 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 147 Kalkuta 329 329.25
1648 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 148 Bramhi 329.25 329.3333333
1649 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 149 Vaishnavi 329.3333333 329.5
1650 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 150 Vasudha 329.5 330
1651 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 1 Sushitala 330 330.5
1652 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 2 Shukhda 330.5 330.6666667
1653 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 3 Suprabha 330.6666667 330.75
1654 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 4 Shobha 330.75 331
1655 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 5 Shobhana 331 331.1111111
1656 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 6 Shivada 331.1111111 331.25
1657 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 7 Shiva 331.25 331.3333333
1658 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 8 Bala 331.3333333 331.5
1659 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 9 Jwala 331.5 331.8666667
1660 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 10 Gada 331.8666667 332
1661 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 11 Gadha 332 332.2222222
1662 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 12 Nutana 332.2222222 332.25
1663 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 13 Sumanohara 332.25 332.5
1664 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 14 Somvalli 332.5 332.6666667
1665 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 15 Somalata 332.6666667 333
1666 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 16 Mangala 333 333.3333333
1667 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 17 Mudrika 333.3333333 333.5
1668 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 18 Kshudha 333.5 333.75
1669 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 19 Mokshapavarga 333.75 334
1670 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 20 Valaya 334 334.2855556
1671 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 21 Navnita 334.2855556 334.4444444
1672 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 22 Nishachari 334.4444444 334.5
1673 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 23 Nivruti 334.5 334.6666667
1674 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 24 Nigada 334.6666667 335
1675 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 25 Sara 335 335.25
1676 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 26 Sangrita 335.25 335.3333333
1677 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 27 Samada 335.3333333 335.5
1678 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 28 Sama 335.5 335.5555556
1679 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 29 Vishvambhara 335.5555556 335.625
1680 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 30 Kumari 335.625 336
1681 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 31 Kokila 336 336.25
1682 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 32 Kujjarakruti 336.25 336.5
1683 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 33 Aindra 336.5 336.6666667
1684 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 34 Swaha 336.6666667 336.75
1685 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 35 Swara 336.75 337
1686 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 36 Vahi 337 337.3333333
1687 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 37 Prita 337.3333333 337.5
1688 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 38 Rashkajalaplava 337.5 337.7777778
1689 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 39 Varuni 337.7777778 338
1690 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 40 Madira 338 338.25
1691 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 41 Maitri 338.25 338.5
1692 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 42 Harani 338.5 338.5711111
1693 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 43 Harini 338.5711111 338.6666667
1694 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 44 Marut 338.6666667 338.75
1695 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 45 Dhanjjaya 338.75 338.8888889
1696 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 46 Dhankari 338.8888889 339
1697 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 47 Dhanda 339 339.3333333
1698 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 48 Kachcchapa 339.3333333 339.375
1699 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 49 Ambuja 339.375 339.5
1700 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 50 Manshani 339.5 339.75
1701 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 51 Shulinee 339.75 340
1702 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 52 Soudri 340 340.5
1703 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 53 Shiva 340.5 340.6666667
1704 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 54 Shivakari 340.6666667 341
1705 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 55 Kala 341 341.1111111
1706 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 56 Kunda 341.1111111 341.25
1707 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 57 Mukunda 341.25 341.3333333
1708 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 58 Bharata 341.3333333 341.5
1709 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 59 Hasita 341.5 342
1710 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 60 Kadali 342 342.2222222
1711 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 61 Smara 342.2222222 342.5
1712 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 62 Kandala 342.5 342.6666667
1713 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 63 Kokila 342.6666667 342.75
1714 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 64 Papa 342.75 342.8572222
1715 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 65 Kamini 342.8572222 343
1716 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 66 Kalshodhdava 343 343.125
1717 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 67 Virprasu 343.125 343.3333333
1718 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 68 Sadnara 343.3333333 343.5
1719 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 69 Shatyaksha 343.5 343.75
1720 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 70 Shatavari 343.75 344
1721 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 71 Prahavi 344 344.25
1722 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 72 Patlini 344.25 344.2777778
1723 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 73 Naga 344.2777778 344.5
1724 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 74 Pankaja 344.5 344.6666667
1725 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 75 Parmeshwari 344.6666667 345
1726 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 76 Vasudha 345 345.3333333
1727 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 77 Vaishnavi 345.3333333 345.5
1728 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 78 Bramhi 345.5 345.5555556
1729 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 79 Kalkuta 345.5555556 345.75
1730 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 80 Shankari 345.75 346
1731 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 81 Sudhakari 346 346.25
1732 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 82 Sama 346.25 346.5
1733 Pisces 12 Revati 83 Soumya 346.5 346.6666667
1734 Pisces 12 Revati 84 Sura 346.6666667 346.875
1735 Pisces 12 Revati 85 Maya 346.875 347
1736 Pisces 12 Revati 86 Manohar 347 347.1427778
1737 Pisces 12 Revati 87 Madhvi 347.1427778 347.25
1738 Pisces 12 Revati 88 Manjusvana 347.25 347.3333333
1739 Pisces 12 Revati 89 Ghora 347.3333333 347.5
1740 Pisces 12 Revati 90 Kumbhini 347.5 347.7777778
1741 Pisces 12 Revati 91 Kutila 347.7777778 348
1742 Pisces 12 Revati 92 Prabha 348 348.5
1743 Pisces 12 Revati 93 Para 348.5 348.6666667
1744 Pisces 12 Revati 94 Payswini 348.6666667 348.75
1745 Pisces 12 Revati 95 Mala 348.75 348.8888889
1746 Pisces 12 Revati 96 Jagati 348.8888889 349
1747 Pisces 12 Revati 97 Jarjara 349 349.3333333
1748 Pisces 12 Revati 98 Dhruva 349.3333333 349.5
1749 Pisces 12 Revati 99 Musala 349.5 350
1750 Pisces 12 Revati 100 Mudgara 350 350.25
1751 Pisces 12 Revati 101 Pasha 350.25 350.5
1752 Pisces 12 Revati 102 Champaka 350.5 350.625
1753 Pisces 12 Revati 103 Damaka 350.625 350.6666667
1754 Pisces 12 Revati 104 Mati 350.6666667 351
1755 Pisces 12 Revati 105 Kakussha 351 351.1111111
1756 Pisces 12 Revati 106 Kamala 351.1111111 351.25
1757 Pisces 12 Revati 107 Kanta 351.25 351.3333333
1758 Pisces 12 Revati 108 Kala 351.3333333 351.4283333
1759 Pisces 12 Revati 109 Karikara 351.4283333 351.5
1760 Pisces 12 Revati 110 Skhama 351.5 351.75
1761 Pisces 12 Revati 111 Durdhara 351.75 352
1762 Pisces 12 Revati 112 Durbhaga 352 352.2222222
1763 Pisces 12 Revati 113 Vishva 352.2222222 352.5
1764 Pisces 12 Revati 114 Vishinia 352.5 352.6666667
1765 Pisces 12 Revati 115 Vikat 352.6666667 353
1766 Pisces 12 Revati 116 Avila 353 353.25
1767 Pisces 12 Revati 117 Vibhrama 353.25 353.3333333
1768 Pisces 12 Revati 118 Shukhda 353.3333333 353.5
1769 Pisces 12 Revati 119 Snigdha 353.5 353.75
1770 Pisces 12 Revati 120 Sodara 353.75 354
1771 Pisces 12 Revati 121 Sursundari 354 354.375
1772 Pisces 12 Revati 122 Amrutplavini 354.375 354.4444444
1773 Pisces 12 Revati 123 Kala 354.4444444 354.5
1774 Pisces 12 Revati 124 Kamdhuk 354.5 354.6666667
1775 Pisces 12 Revati 125 Karvirani 354.6666667 354.75
1776 Pisces 12 Revati 126 Gahvara 354.75 355
1777 Pisces 12 Revati 127 Kundini 355 355.3333333
1778 Pisces 12 Revati 128 Roudra 355.3333333 355.5
1779 Pisces 12 Revati 129 Visshakhya 355.5 355.5555556
1780 Pisces 12 Revati 130 Visshbashini 355.5555556 355.7141667
1781 Pisces 12 Revati 131 Nirmala 355.7141667 356
1782 Pisces 12 Revati 132 Shitala 356 356.25
1783 Pisces 12 Revati 133 Nimna 356.25 356.5
1784 Pisces 12 Revati 134 Prita 356.5 356.6666667
1785 Pisces 12 Revati 135 Priyavardhini 356.6666667 357
1786 Pisces 12 Revati 136 Managna 357 357.3333333
1787 Pisces 12 Revati 137 Durbhaga 357.3333333 357.5
1788 Pisces 12 Revati 138 Chitra 357.5 357.75
1789 Pisces 12 Revati 139 Chitrini 357.75 357.7777778
1790 Pisces 12 Revati 140 Chirjivani 357.7777778 357
1791 Pisces 12 Revati 141 Bhupa 357 358.125
1792 Pisces 12 Revati 142 Gadhara 358.125 358.5
1793 Pisces 12 Revati 143 Nalla 358.5 358.6666667
1794 Pisces 12 Revati 144 Nalini 358.6666667 358.75
1795 Pisces 12 Revati 145 Nirmala 358.75 358.8888889
1796 Pisces 12 Revati 146 Nadi 358.8888889 359
1797 Pisces 12 Revati 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 359 359.25
1798 Pisces 12 Revati 148 Kakusshadnakura 359.25 359.3333333
1799 Pisces 12 Revati 149 Trailokyamohankari 359.3333333 359.5
1800 Pisces 12 Revati 150 Mahamari 359.5 360
Nadi Sign Sign Number Nakshatra Nadi in Sign Nadi Name Degree Start Degree End
1 Aries 1 Aswini 1 Vasudha 0 0.5
2 Aries 1 Aswini 2 Vaishnavi 0.5 0.666666667
3 Aries 1 Aswini 3 Bramhi 0.666666667 0.75
4 Aries 1 Aswini 4 Kalkuta 0.75 1
5 Aries 1 Aswini 5 Shankari 1 1.111111111
6 Aries 1 Aswini 6 Sudhakari 1.111111111 1.25
7 Aries 1 Aswini 7 Sama 1.25 1.333333333
8 Aries 1 Aswini 8 Soumya 1.333333333 1.5
9 Aries 1 Aswini 9 Sura 1.5 1.866666667
10 Aries 1 Aswini 10 Maya 1.866666667 2
11 Aries 1 Aswini 11 Manohar 2 2.222222222
12 Aries 1 Aswini 12 Madhvi 2.222222222 2.25
13 Aries 1 Aswini 13 Manjusvana 2.25 2.5
14 Aries 1 Aswini 14 Ghora 2.5 2.666666667
15 Aries 1 Aswini 15 Kumbhini 2.666666667 3
16 Aries 1 Aswini 16 Kutila 3 3.333333333
17 Aries 1 Aswini 17 Prabha 3.333333333 3.5
18 Aries 1 Aswini 18 Para 3.5 3.75
19 Aries 1 Aswini 19 Payswini 3.75 4
20 Aries 1 Aswini 20 Mala 4 4.285555556
21 Aries 1 Aswini 21 Jagati 4.285555556 4.444444444
22 Aries 1 Aswini 22 Jarjara 4.444444444 4.5
23 Aries 1 Aswini 23 Dhruva 4.5 4.666666667
24 Aries 1 Aswini 24 Musala 4.666666667 5
25 Aries 1 Aswini 25 Mudgara 5 5.25
26 Aries 1 Aswini 26 Pasha 5.25 5.333333333
27 Aries 1 Aswini 27 Champaka 5.333333333 5.5
28 Aries 1 Aswini 28 Damaka 5.5 5.555555556
29 Aries 1 Aswini 29 Mati 5.555555556 5.625
30 Aries 1 Aswini 30 Kakussha 5.625 6
31 Aries 1 Aswini 31 Kamala 6 6.25
32 Aries 1 Aswini 32 Kanta 6.25 6.5
33 Aries 1 Aswini 33 Kala 6.5 6.666666667
34 Aries 1 Aswini 34 Karikara 6.666666667 6.75
35 Aries 1 Aswini 35 Skhama 6.75 7
36 Aries 1 Aswini 36 Durdhara 7 7.333333333
37 Aries 1 Aswini 37 Durbhaga 7.333333333 7.5
38 Aries 1 Aswini 38 Vishva 7.5 7.777777778
39 Aries 1 Aswini 39 Vishini 7.777777778 8
40 Aries 1 Aswini 40 Vikat 8 8.25
41 Aries 1 Aswini 41 Avila 8.25 8.5
42 Aries 1 Aswini 42 Vibhrama 8.5 8.571111111
43 Aries 1 Aswini 43 Shukhda 8.571111111 8.666666667
44 Aries 1 Aswini 44 Snigdha 8.666666667 8.75
45 Aries 1 Aswini 45 Sodara 8.75 8.888888889
46 Aries 1 Aswini 46 Sursundari 8.888888889 9
47 Aries 1 Aswini 47 Amrutplavini 9 9.333333333
48 Aries 1 Aswini 48 Kala 9.333333333 9.375
49 Aries 1 Aswini 49 Kamdhuk 9.375 9.5
50 Aries 1 Aswini 50 Karvirani 9.5 9.75
51 Aries 1 Aswini 51 Gahvara 9.75 10
52 Aries 1 Aswini 52 Kundini 10 10.5
53 Aries 1 Aswini 53 Roudra 10.5 10.66666667
54 Aries 1 Aswini 54 Visshakhya 10.66666667 11
55 Aries 1 Aswini 55 Visshbashini 11 11.11111111
56 Aries 1 Aswini 56 Nirmala 11.11111111 11.25
57 Aries 1 Aswini 57 Shitala 11.25 11.33333333
58 Aries 1 Aswini 58 Nimna 11.33333333 11.5
59 Aries 1 Aswini 59 Prita 11.5 12
60 Aries 1 Aswini 60 Priyavardhini 12 12.22222222
61 Aries 1 Aswini 61 Managna 12.22222222 12.5
62 Aries 1 Aswini 62 Durbhaga 12.5 12.66666667
63 Aries 1 Aswini 63 Chitra 12.66666667 12.75
64 Aries 1 Aswini 64 Chitrini 12.75 12.85722222
65 Aries 1 Aswini 65 Chirjivani 12.85722222 13
66 Aries 1 Aswini 66 Bhupa 13 13.125
67 Aries 1 Aswini 67 Gadhara 13.125 13.33333333
68 Aries 1 Bharani 68 Nalla 13.33333333 13.5
69 Aries 1 Bharani 69 Nalini 13.5 13.75
70 Aries 1 Bharani 70 Nirmala 13.75 14
71 Aries 1 Bharani 71 Nadi 14 14.25
72 Aries 1 Bharani 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 14.25 14.27777778
73 Aries 1 Bharani 73 Kakusshadnakura 14.27777778 14.5
74 Aries 1 Bharani 74 Trailokyamohankari 14.5 14.66666667
75 Aries 1 Bharani 75 Mahamari 14.66666667 15
76 Aries 1 Bharani 76 Sushitala 15 15.33333333
77 Aries 1 Bharani 77 Shukhda 15.33333333 15.5
78 Aries 1 Bharani 78 Suprabha 15.5 15.55555556
79 Aries 1 Bharani 79 Shobha 15.55555556 15.75
80 Aries 1 Bharani 80 Shobhana 15.75 16
81 Aries 1 Bharani 81 Shivada 16 16.25
82 Aries 1 Bharani 82 Shiva 16.25 16.5
83 Aries 1 Bharani 83 Bala 16.5 16.66666667
84 Aries 1 Bharani 84 Jwala 16.66666667 16.875
85 Aries 1 Bharani 85 Gada 16.875 17
86 Aries 1 Bharani 86 Gadha 17 17.14277778
87 Aries 1 Bharani 87 Nutana 17.14277778 17.25
88 Aries 1 Bharani 88 Sumanohara 17.25 17.33333333
89 Aries 1 Bharani 89 Somvalli 17.33333333 17.5
90 Aries 1 Bharani 90 Somalata 17.5 17.77777778
91 Aries 1 Bharani 91 Mangala 17.77777778 18
92 Aries 1 Bharani 92 Mudrika 18 18.5
93 Aries 1 Bharani 93 Kshudha 18.5 18.66666667
94 Aries 1 Bharani 94 Mokshapavarga 18.66666667 18.75
95 Aries 1 Bharani 95 Valaya 18.75 18.88888889
96 Aries 1 Bharani 96 Navnita 18.88888889 19
97 Aries 1 Bharani 97 Nishachari 19 19.33333333
98 Aries 1 Bharani 98 Nivruti 19.33333333 19.5
99 Aries 1 Bharani 99 Nigada 19.5 20
100 Aries 1 Bharani 100 Sara 20 20.25
101 Aries 1 Bharani 101 Sangrita 20.25 20.5
102 Aries 1 Bharani 102 Samada 20.5 20.625
103 Aries 1 Bharani 103 Sama 20.625 20.66666667
104 Aries 1 Bharani 104 Vishvambhara 20.66666667 21
105 Aries 1 Bharani 105 Kumari 21 21.11111111
106 Aries 1 Bharani 106 Kokila 21.11111111 21.25
107 Aries 1 Bharani 107 Kujjarakruti 21.25 21.33333333
108 Aries 1 Bharani 108 Aindra 21.33333333 21.42833333
109 Aries 1 Bharani 109 Swaha 21.42833333 21.5
110 Aries 1 Bharani 110 Swara 21.5 21.75
111 Aries 1 Bharani 111 Vahi 21.75 22
112 Aries 1 Bharani 112 Prita 22 22.22222222
113 Aries 1 Bharani 113 Rashkajalaplava 22.22222222 22.5
114 Aries 1 Bharani 114 Varuni 22.5 22.66666667
115 Aries 1 Bharani 115 Madira 22.66666667 23
116 Aries 1 Bharani 116 Maitri 23 23.25
117 Aries 1 Bharani 117 Harini 23.25 23.33333333
118 Aries 1 Bharani 118 Harani 23.33333333 23.5
119 Aries 1 Bharani 119 Marut 23.5 23.75
120 Aries 1 Bharani 120 Dhanjjaya 23.75 24
121 Aries 1 Bharani 121 Dhankari 24 24.375
122 Aries 1 Bharani 122 Dhanda 24.375 24.44444444
123 Aries 1 Bharani 123 Kachcchapa 24.44444444 24.5
124 Aries 1 Bharani 124 Ambuja 24.5 24.66666667
125 Aries 1 Bharani 125 Manshani 24.66666667 24.75
126 Aries 1 Bharani 126 Shulinee 24.75 25
127 Aries 1 Bharani 127 Soudri 25 25.33333333
128 Aries 1 Bharani 128 Shiva 25.33333333 25.5
129 Aries 1 Bharani 129 Shivakari 25.5 25.55555556
130 Aries 1 Bharani 130 Kala 25.55555556 25.71416667
131 Aries 1 Bharani 131 Kunda 25.71416667 26
132 Aries 1 Bharani 132 Mukunda 26 26.25
133 Aries 1 Bharani 133 Bharata 26.25 26.5
134 Aries 1 Bharani 134 Hasita 26.5 26.66666667
135 Aries 1 Krittika 135 Kadali 26.66666667 27
136 Aries 1 Krittika 136 Smara 27 27.33333333
137 Aries 1 Krittika 137 Kandala 27.33333333 27.5
138 Aries 1 Krittika 138 Kokila 27.5 27.75
139 Aries 1 Krittika 139 Papa 27.75 27.77777778
140 Aries 1 Krittika 140 Kamini 27.77777778 27
141 Aries 1 Krittika 141 Kalshodhdava 27 28.125
142 Aries 1 Krittika 142 Virprasu 28.125 28.5
143 Aries 1 Krittika 143 Sadnara 28.5 28.66666667
144 Aries 1 Krittika 144 Shatyaksha 28.66666667 28.75
145 Aries 1 Krittika 145 Shatavari 28.75 28.88888889
146 Aries 1 Krittika 146 Prahavi 28.88888889 29
147 Aries 1 Krittika 147 Patlini 29 29.25
148 Aries 1 Krittika 148 Naga 29.25 29.33333333
149 Aries 1 Krittika 149 Pankaja 29.33333333 29.5
150 Aries 1 Krittika 150 Parmeshwari 29.5 30
151 Taurus 2 Krittika 1 Parmeshwari 30 30.5
152 Taurus 2 Krittika 2 Pankaja 30.5 30.66666667
153 Taurus 2 Krittika 3 Naga 30.66666667 30.75
154 Taurus 2 Krittika 4 Patlini 30.75 31
155 Taurus 2 Krittika 5 Prahavi 31 31.11111111
156 Taurus 2 Krittika 6 Shatavari 31.11111111 31.25
157 Taurus 2 Krittika 7 Shatyaksha 31.25 31.33333333
158 Taurus 2 Krittika 8 Sadnara 31.33333333 31.5
159 Taurus 2 Krittika 9 Virprasu 31.5 31.86666667
160 Taurus 2 Krittika 10 Kalshodhdava 31.86666667 32
161 Taurus 2 Krittika 11 Kamini 32 32.22222222
162 Taurus 2 Krittika 12 Papa 32.22222222 32.25
163 Taurus 2 Krittika 13 Kokila 32.25 32.5
164 Taurus 2 Krittika 14 Kandala 32.5 32.66666667
165 Taurus 2 Krittika 15 Smara 32.66666667 33
166 Taurus 2 Krittika 16 Kadali 33 33.33333333
167 Taurus 2 Krittika 17 Hasita 33.33333333 33.5
168 Taurus 2 Krittika 18 Bharata 33.5 33.75
169 Taurus 2 Krittika 19 Mukunda 33.75 34
170 Taurus 2 Krittika 20 Kunda 34 34.28555556
171 Taurus 2 Krittika 21 Kala 34.28555556 34.44444444
172 Taurus 2 Krittika 22 Shivakari 34.44444444 34.5
173 Taurus 2 Krittika 23 Shiva 34.5 34.66666667
174 Taurus 2 Krittika 24 Soudri 34.66666667 35
175 Taurus 2 Krittika 25 Shulinee 35 35.25
176 Taurus 2 Krittika 26 Manshani 35.25 35.33333333
177 Taurus 2 Krittika 27 Ambuja 35.33333333 35.5
178 Taurus 2 Krittika 28 Kachcchapa 35.5 35.55555556
179 Taurus 2 Krittika 29 Dhanda 35.55555556 35.625
180 Taurus 2 Krittika 30 Dhankari 35.625 36
181 Taurus 2 Krittika 31 Dhanjjaya 36 36.25
182 Taurus 2 Krittika 32 Marut 36.25 36.5
183 Taurus 2 Krittika 33 Harini 36.5 36.66666667
184 Taurus 2 Krittika 34 Harani 36.66666667 36.75
185 Taurus 2 Krittika 35 Maitri 36.75 37
186 Taurus 2 Krittika 36 Madira 37 37.33333333
187 Taurus 2 Krittika 37 Varuni 37.33333333 37.5
188 Taurus 2 Krittika 38 Rashkajalaplava 37.5 37.77777778
189 Taurus 2 Krittika 39 Prita 37.77777778 38
190 Taurus 2 Krittika 40 Vahi 38 38.25
191 Taurus 2 Krittika 41 Swara 38.25 38.5
192 Taurus 2 Krittika 42 Swaha 38.5 38.57111111
193 Taurus 2 Krittika 43 Aindra 38.57111111 38.66666667
194 Taurus 2 Krittika 44 Kujjarakruti 38.66666667 38.75
195 Taurus 2 Krittika 45 Kokila 38.75 38.88888889
196 Taurus 2 Krittika 46 Kumari 38.88888889 39
197 Taurus 2 Krittika 47 Vishvambhara 39 39.33333333
198 Taurus 2 Krittika 48 Sama 39.33333333 39.375
199 Taurus 2 Krittika 49 Samada 39.375 39.5
200 Taurus 2 Krittika 50 Sangrita 39.5 39.75
201 Taurus 2 Krittika 51 Sara 39.75 40
202 Taurus 2 Rohini 52 Nigada 40 40.5
203 Taurus 2 Rohini 53 Nivruti 40.5 40.66666667
204 Taurus 2 Rohini 54 Nishachari 40.66666667 41
205 Taurus 2 Rohini 55 Navnita 41 41.11111111
206 Taurus 2 Rohini 56 Valaya 41.11111111 41.25
207 Taurus 2 Rohini 57 Mokshapavarga 41.25 41.33333333
208 Taurus 2 Rohini 58 Kshudha 41.33333333 41.5
209 Taurus 2 Rohini 59 Mudrika 41.5 42
210 Taurus 2 Rohini 60 Mangala 42 42.22222222
211 Taurus 2 Rohini 61 Somalata 42.22222222 42.5
212 Taurus 2 Rohini 62 Somvalli 42.5 42.66666667
213 Taurus 2 Rohini 63 Sumanohara 42.66666667 42.75
214 Taurus 2 Rohini 64 Nutana 42.75 42.85722222
215 Taurus 2 Rohini 65 Gadha 42.85722222 43
216 Taurus 2 Rohini 66 Gada 43 43.125
217 Taurus 2 Rohini 67 Jwala 43.125 43.33333333
218 Taurus 2 Rohini 68 Bala 43.33333333 43.5
219 Taurus 2 Rohini 69 Shiva 43.5 43.75
220 Taurus 2 Rohini 70 Shivada 43.75 44
221 Taurus 2 Rohini 71 Shobhana 44 44.25
222 Taurus 2 Rohini 72 Shobha 44.25 44.27777778
223 Taurus 2 Rohini 73 Suprabha 44.27777778 44.5
224 Taurus 2 Rohini 74 Shukhda 44.5 44.66666667
225 Taurus 2 Rohini 75 Sushitala 44.66666667 45
226 Taurus 2 Rohini 76 Mahamari 45 45.33333333
227 Taurus 2 Rohini 77 Trailokyamohankari 45.33333333 45.5
228 Taurus 2 Rohini 78 Kakusshadnakura 45.5 45.55555556
229 Taurus 2 Rohini 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 45.55555556 45.75
230 Taurus 2 Rohini 80 Nadi 45.75 46
231 Taurus 2 Rohini 81 Nirmala 46 46.25
232 Taurus 2 Rohini 82 Nalini 46.25 46.5
233 Taurus 2 Rohini 83 Nalla 46.5 46.66666667
234 Taurus 2 Rohini 84 Gadhara 46.66666667 46.875
235 Taurus 2 Rohini 85 Bhupa 46.875 47
236 Taurus 2 Rohini 86 Chirjivani 47 47.14277778
237 Taurus 2 Rohini 87 Chitrini 47.14277778 47.25
238 Taurus 2 Rohini 88 Chitra 47.25 47.33333333
239 Taurus 2 Rohini 89 Durbhaga 47.33333333 47.5
240 Taurus 2 Rohini 90 Managna 47.5 47.77777778
241 Taurus 2 Rohini 91 Priyavardhini 47.77777778 48
242 Taurus 2 Rohini 92 Prita 48 48.5
243 Taurus 2 Rohini 93 Nimna 48.5 48.66666667
244 Taurus 2 Rohini 94 Shitala 48.66666667 48.75
245 Taurus 2 Rohini 95 Nirmala 48.75 48.88888889
246 Taurus 2 Rohini 96 Visshbashini 48.88888889 49
247 Taurus 2 Rohini 97 Visshakhya 49 49.33333333
248 Taurus 2 Rohini 98 Roudra 49.33333333 49.5
249 Taurus 2 Rohini 99 Kundini 49.5 50
250 Taurus 2 Rohini 100 Gahvara 50 50.25
251 Taurus 2 Rohini 101 Karvirani 50.25 50.5
252 Taurus 2 Rohini 102 Kamdhuk 50.5 50.625
253 Taurus 2 Rohini 103 Kala 50.625 50.66666667
254 Taurus 2 Rohini 104 Amrutplavini 50.66666667 51
255 Taurus 2 Rohini 105 Sursundari 51 51.11111111
256 Taurus 2 Rohini 106 Sodara 51.11111111 51.25
257 Taurus 2 Rohini 107 Snigdha 51.25 51.33333333
258 Taurus 2 Rohini 108 Shukhda 51.33333333 51.42833333
259 Taurus 2 Rohini 109 Vibhrama 51.42833333 51.5
260 Taurus 2 Rohini 110 Avila 51.5 51.75
261 Taurus 2 Rohini 111 Vikat 51.75 52
262 Taurus 2 Rohini 112 Vishini 52 52.22222222
263 Taurus 2 Rohini 113 Vishva 52.22222222 52.5
264 Taurus 2 Rohini 114 Durbhaga 52.5 52.66666667
265 Taurus 2 Rohini 115 Durdhara 52.66666667 53
266 Taurus 2 Rohini 116 Skhama 53 53.25
267 Taurus 2 Rohini 117 Karikara 53.25 53.33333333
268 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 118 Kala 53.33333333 53.5
269 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 119 Kanta 53.5 53.75
270 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 120 Kamala 53.75 54
271 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 121 Kakussha 54 54.375
272 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 122 Mati 54.375 54.44444444
273 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 123 Damaka 54.44444444 54.5
274 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 124 Champaka 54.5 54.66666667
275 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 125 Pasha 54.66666667 54.75
276 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 126 Mudgara 54.75 55
277 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 127 Musala 55 55.33333333
278 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 128 Dhruva 55.33333333 55.5
279 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 129 Jarjara 55.5 55.55555556
280 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 130 Jagati 55.55555556 55.71416667
281 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 131 Mala 55.71416667 56
282 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 132 Payswini 56 56.25
283 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 133 Para 56.25 56.5
284 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 134 Prabha 56.5 56.66666667
285 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 135 Kutila 56.66666667 57
286 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 136 Kumbhini 57 57.33333333
287 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 137 Ghora 57.33333333 57.5
288 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 138 Manjusvana 57.5 57.75
289 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 139 Madhvi 57.75 57.77777778
290 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 140 Manohar 57.77777778 57
291 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 141 Maya 57 58.125
292 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 142 Sura 58.125 58.5
293 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 143 Soumya 58.5 58.66666667
294 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 144 Sama 58.66666667 58.75
295 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 145 Sudhakari 58.75 58.88888889
296 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 146 Shankari 58.88888889 59
297 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 147 Kalkuta 59 59.25
298 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 148 Bramhi 59.25 59.33333333
299 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 149 Vaishnavi 59.33333333 59.5
300 Taurus 2 Mrigashi 150 Vasudha 59.5 60
301 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 1 Sushitala 60 60.5
302 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 2 Shukhda 60.5 60.66666667
303 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 3 Suprabha 60.66666667 60.75
304 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 4 Shobha 60.75 61
305 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 5 Shobhana 61 61.11111111
306 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 6 Shivada 61.11111111 61.25
307 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 7 Shiva 61.25 61.33333333
308 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 8 Bala 61.33333333 61.5
309 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 9 Jwala 61.5 61.86666667
310 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 10 Gada 61.86666667 62
311 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 11 Gadha 62 62.22222222
312 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 12 Nutana 62.22222222 62.25
313 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 13 Sumanohara 62.25 62.5
314 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 14 Somvalli 62.5 62.66666667
315 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 15 Somalata 62.66666667 63
316 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 16 Mangala 63 63.33333333
317 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 17 Mudrika 63.33333333 63.5
318 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 18 Kshudha 63.5 63.75
319 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 19 Mokshapavarga 63.75 64
320 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 20 Valaya 64 64.28555556
321 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 21 Navnita 64.28555556 64.44444444
322 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 22 Nishachari 64.44444444 64.5
323 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 23 Nivruti 64.5 64.66666667
324 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 24 Nigada 64.66666667 65
325 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 25 Sara 65 65.25
326 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 26 Sangrita 65.25 65.33333333
327 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 27 Samada 65.33333333 65.5
328 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 28 Sama 65.5 65.55555556
329 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 29 Vishvambhara 65.55555556 65.625
330 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 30 Kumari 65.625 66
331 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 31 Kokila 66 66.25
332 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 32 Kujjarakruti 66.25 66.5
333 Gemini 3 Mrigashi 33 Aindra 66.5 66.66666667
334 Gemini 3 Ardra 34 Swaha 66.66666667 66.75
335 Gemini 3 Ardra 35 Swara 66.75 67
336 Gemini 3 Ardra 36 Vahi 67 67.33333333
337 Gemini 3 Ardra 37 Prita 67.33333333 67.5
338 Gemini 3 Ardra 38 Rashkajalaplava 67.5 67.77777778
339 Gemini 3 Ardra 39 Varuni 67.77777778 68
340 Gemini 3 Ardra 40 Madira 68 68.25
341 Gemini 3 Ardra 41 Maitri 68.25 68.5
342 Gemini 3 Ardra 42 Harani 68.5 68.57111111
343 Gemini 3 Ardra 43 Harini 68.57111111 68.66666667
344 Gemini 3 Ardra 44 Marut 68.66666667 68.75
345 Gemini 3 Ardra 45 Dhanjjaya 68.75 68.88888889
346 Gemini 3 Ardra 46 Dhankari 68.88888889 69
347 Gemini 3 Ardra 47 Dhanda 69 69.33333333
348 Gemini 3 Ardra 48 Kachcchapa 69.33333333 69.375
349 Gemini 3 Ardra 49 Ambuja 69.375 69.5
350 Gemini 3 Ardra 50 Manshani 69.5 69.75
351 Gemini 3 Ardra 51 Shulinee 69.75 70
352 Gemini 3 Ardra 52 Soudri 70 70.5
353 Gemini 3 Ardra 53 Shiva 70.5 70.66666667
354 Gemini 3 Ardra 54 Shivakari 70.66666667 71
355 Gemini 3 Ardra 55 Kala 71 71.11111111
356 Gemini 3 Ardra 56 Kunda 71.11111111 71.25
357 Gemini 3 Ardra 57 Mukunda 71.25 71.33333333
358 Gemini 3 Ardra 58 Bharata 71.33333333 71.5
359 Gemini 3 Ardra 59 Hasita 71.5 72
360 Gemini 3 Ardra 60 Kadali 72 72.22222222
361 Gemini 3 Ardra 61 Smara 72.22222222 72.5
362 Gemini 3 Ardra 62 Kandala 72.5 72.66666667
363 Gemini 3 Ardra 63 Kokila 72.66666667 72.75
364 Gemini 3 Ardra 64 Papa 72.75 72.85722222
365 Gemini 3 Ardra 65 Kamini 72.85722222 73
366 Gemini 3 Ardra 66 Kalshodhdava 73 73.125
367 Gemini 3 Ardra 67 Virprasu 73.125 73.33333333
368 Gemini 3 Ardra 68 Sadnara 73.33333333 73.5
369 Gemini 3 Ardra 69 Shatyaksha 73.5 73.75
370 Gemini 3 Ardra 70 Shatavari 73.75 74
371 Gemini 3 Ardra 71 Prahavi 74 74.25
372 Gemini 3 Ardra 72 Patlini 74.25 74.27777778
373 Gemini 3 Ardra 73 Naga 74.27777778 74.5
374 Gemini 3 Ardra 74 Pankaja 74.5 74.66666667
375 Gemini 3 Ardra 75 Parmeshwari 74.66666667 75
376 Gemini 3 Ardra 76 Vasudha 75 75.33333333
377 Gemini 3 Ardra 77 Vaishnavi 75.33333333 75.5
378 Gemini 3 Ardra 78 Bramhi 75.5 75.55555556
379 Gemini 3 Ardra 79 Kalkuta 75.55555556 75.75
380 Gemini 3 Ardra 80 Shankari 75.75 76
381 Gemini 3 Ardra 81 Sudhakari 76 76.25
382 Gemini 3 Ardra 82 Sama 76.25 76.5
383 Gemini 3 Ardra 83 Soumya 76.5 76.66666667
384 Gemini 3 Ardra 84 Sura 76.66666667 76.875
385 Gemini 3 Ardra 85 Maya 76.875 77
386 Gemini 3 Ardra 86 Manohar 77 77.14277778
387 Gemini 3 Ardra 87 Madhvi 77.14277778 77.25
388 Gemini 3 Ardra 88 Manjusvana 77.25 77.33333333
389 Gemini 3 Ardra 89 Ghora 77.33333333 77.5
390 Gemini 3 Ardra 90 Kumbhini 77.5 77.77777778
391 Gemini 3 Ardra 91 Kutila 77.77777778 78
392 Gemini 3 Ardra 92 Prabha 78 78.5
393 Gemini 3 Ardra 93 Para 78.5 78.66666667
394 Gemini 3 Ardra 94 Payswini 78.66666667 78.75
395 Gemini 3 Ardra 95 Mala 78.75 78.88888889
396 Gemini 3 Ardra 96 Jagati 78.88888889 79
397 Gemini 3 Ardra 97 Jarjara 79 79.33333333
398 Gemini 3 Ardra 98 Dhruva 79.33333333 79.5
399 Gemini 3 Ardra 99 Musala 79.5 80
400 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 100 Mudgara 80 80.25
401 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 101 Pasha 80.25 80.5
402 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 102 Champaka 80.5 80.625
403 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 103 Damaka 80.625 80.66666667
404 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 104 Mati 80.66666667 81
405 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 105 Kakussha 81 81.11111111
406 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 106 Kamala 81.11111111 81.25
407 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 107 Kanta 81.25 81.33333333
408 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 108 Kala 81.33333333 81.42833333
409 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 109 Karikara 81.42833333 81.5
410 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 110 Skhama 81.5 81.75
411 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 111 Durdhara 81.75 82
412 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 112 Durbhaga 82 82.22222222
413 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 113 Vishva 82.22222222 82.5
414 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 114 Vishinia 82.5 82.66666667
415 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 115 Vikat 82.66666667 83
416 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 116 Avila 83 83.25
417 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 117 Vibhrama 83.25 83.33333333
418 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 118 Shukhda 83.33333333 83.5
419 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 119 Snigdha 83.5 83.75
420 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 120 Sodara 83.75 84
421 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 121 Sursundari 84 84.375
422 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 122 Amrutplavini 84.375 84.44444444
423 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 123 Kala 84.44444444 84.5
424 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 124 Kamdhuk 84.5 84.66666667
425 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 125 Karvirani 84.66666667 84.75
426 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 126 Gahvara 84.75 85
427 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 127 Kundini 85 85.33333333
428 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 128 Roudra 85.33333333 85.5
429 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 129 Visshakhya 85.5 85.55555556
430 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 130 Visshbashini 85.55555556 85.71416667
431 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 131 Nirmala 85.71416667 86
432 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 132 Shitala 86 86.25
433 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 133 Nimna 86.25 86.5
434 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 134 Prita 86.5 86.66666667
435 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 135 Priyavardhini 86.66666667 87
436 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 136 Managna 87 87.33333333
437 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 137 Durbhaga 87.33333333 87.5
438 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 138 Chitra 87.5 87.75
439 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 139 Chitrini 87.75 87.77777778
440 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 140 Chirjivani 87.77777778 87
441 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 141 Bhupa 87 88.125
442 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 142 Gadhara 88.125 88.5
443 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 143 Nalla 88.5 88.66666667
444 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 144 Nalini 88.66666667 88.75
445 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 145 Nirmala 88.75 88.88888889
446 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 146 Nadi 88.88888889 89
447 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 89 89.25
448 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 148 Kakusshadnakura 89.25 89.33333333
449 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 149 Trailokyamohankari 89.33333333 89.5
450 Gemini 3 Punarvasu 150 Mahamari 89.5 90
451 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 1 Vasudha 90 90.5
452 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 2 Vaishnavi 90.5 90.66666667
453 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 3 Bramhi 90.66666667 90.75
454 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 4 Kalkuta 90.75 91
455 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 5 Shankari 91 91.11111111
456 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 6 Sudhakari 91.11111111 91.25
457 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 7 Sama 91.25 91.33333333
458 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 8 Soumya 91.33333333 91.5
459 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 9 Sura 91.5 91.86666667
460 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 10 Maya 91.86666667 92
461 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 11 Manohar 92 92.22222222
462 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 12 Madhvi 92.22222222 92.25
463 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 13 Manjusvana 92.25 92.5
464 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 14 Ghora 92.5 92.66666667
465 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 15 Kumbhini 92.66666667 93
466 Cancer 4 Punarvasu 16 Kutila 93 93.33333333
467 Cancer 4 Pushya 17 Prabha 93.33333333 93.5
468 Cancer 4 Pushya 18 Para 93.5 93.75
469 Cancer 4 Pushya 19 Payswini 93.75 94
470 Cancer 4 Pushya 20 Mala 94 94.28555556
471 Cancer 4 Pushya 21 Jagati 94.28555556 94.44444444
472 Cancer 4 Pushya 22 Jarjara 94.44444444 94.5
473 Cancer 4 Pushya 23 Dhruva 94.5 94.66666667
474 Cancer 4 Pushya 24 Musala 94.66666667 95
475 Cancer 4 Pushya 25 Mudgara 95 95.25
476 Cancer 4 Pushya 26 Pasha 95.25 95.33333333
477 Cancer 4 Pushya 27 Champaka 95.33333333 95.5
478 Cancer 4 Pushya 28 Damaka 95.5 95.55555556
479 Cancer 4 Pushya 29 Mati 95.55555556 95.625
480 Cancer 4 Pushya 30 Kakussha 95.625 96
481 Cancer 4 Pushya 31 Kamala 96 96.25
482 Cancer 4 Pushya 32 Kanta 96.25 96.5
483 Cancer 4 Pushya 33 Kala 96.5 96.66666667
484 Cancer 4 Pushya 34 Karikara 96.66666667 96.75
485 Cancer 4 Pushya 35 Skhama 96.75 97
486 Cancer 4 Pushya 36 Durdhara 97 97.33333333
487 Cancer 4 Pushya 37 Durbhaga 97.33333333 97.5
488 Cancer 4 Pushya 38 Vishva 97.5 97.77777778
489 Cancer 4 Pushya 39 Vishinia 97.77777778 98
490 Cancer 4 Pushya 40 Vikat 98 98.25
491 Cancer 4 Pushya 41 Avila 98.25 98.5
492 Cancer 4 Pushya 42 Vibhrama 98.5 98.57111111
493 Cancer 4 Pushya 43 Shukhda 98.57111111 98.66666667
494 Cancer 4 Pushya 44 Snigdha 98.66666667 98.75
495 Cancer 4 Pushya 45 Sodara 98.75 98.88888889
496 Cancer 4 Pushya 46 Sursundari 98.88888889 99
497 Cancer 4 Pushya 47 Amrutplavini 99 99.33333333
498 Cancer 4 Pushya 48 Kala 99.33333333 99.375
499 Cancer 4 Pushya 49 Kamdhuk 99.375 99.5
500 Cancer 4 Pushya 50 Karvirani 99.5 99.75
501 Cancer 4 Pushya 51 Gahvara 99.75 100
502 Cancer 4 Pushya 52 Kundini 100 100.5
503 Cancer 4 Pushya 53 Roudra 100.5 100.6666667
504 Cancer 4 Pushya 54 Visshakhya 100.6666667 101
505 Cancer 4 Pushya 55 Visshbashini 101 101.1111111
506 Cancer 4 Pushya 56 Nirmala 101.1111111 101.25
507 Cancer 4 Pushya 57 Shitala 101.25 101.3333333
508 Cancer 4 Pushya 58 Nimna 101.3333333 101.5
509 Cancer 4 Pushya 59 Prita 101.5 102
510 Cancer 4 Pushya 60 Priyavardhini 102 102.2222222
511 Cancer 4 Pushya 61 Managna 102.2222222 102.5
512 Cancer 4 Pushya 62 Durbhaga 102.5 102.6666667
513 Cancer 4 Pushya 63 Chitra 102.6666667 102.75
514 Cancer 4 Pushya 64 Chitrini 102.75 102.8572222
515 Cancer 4 Pushya 65 Chirjivani 102.8572222 103
516 Cancer 4 Pushya 66 Bhupa 103 103.125
517 Cancer 4 Pushya 67 Gadhara 103.125 103.3333333
518 Cancer 4 Pushya 68 Nalla 103.3333333 103.5
519 Cancer 4 Pushya 69 Nalini 103.5 103.75
520 Cancer 4 Pushya 70 Nirmala 103.75 104
521 Cancer 4 Pushya 71 Nadi 104 104.25
522 Cancer 4 Pushya 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 104.25 104.2777778
523 Cancer 4 Pushya 73 Kakusshadnakura 104.2777778 104.5
524 Cancer 4 Pushya 74 Trailokyamohankari 104.5 104.6666667
525 Cancer 4 Pushya 75 Mahamari 104.6666667 105
526 Cancer 4 Pushya 76 Sushitala 105 105.3333333
527 Cancer 4 Pushya 77 Shukhda 105.3333333 105.5
528 Cancer 4 Pushya 78 Suprabha 105.5 105.5555556
529 Cancer 4 Pushya 79 Shobha 105.5555556 105.75
530 Cancer 4 Pushya 80 Shobhana 105.75 106
531 Cancer 4 Pushya 81 Shivada 106 106.25
532 Cancer 4 Pushya 82 Shiva 106.25 106.5
533 Cancer 4 Pushya 83 Bala 106.5 106.6666667
534 Cancer 4 Aslesha 84 Jwala 106.6666667 106.875
535 Cancer 4 Aslesha 85 Gada 106.875 107
536 Cancer 4 Aslesha 86 Gadha 107 107.1427778
537 Cancer 4 Aslesha 87 Nutana 107.1427778 107.25
538 Cancer 4 Aslesha 88 Sumanohara 107.25 107.3333333
539 Cancer 4 Aslesha 89 Somvalli 107.3333333 107.5
540 Cancer 4 Aslesha 90 Somalata 107.5 107.7777778
541 Cancer 4 Aslesha 91 Mangala 107.7777778 108
542 Cancer 4 Aslesha 92 Mudrika 108 108.5
543 Cancer 4 Aslesha 93 Kshudha 108.5 108.6666667
544 Cancer 4 Aslesha 94 Mokshapavarga 108.6666667 108.75
545 Cancer 4 Aslesha 95 Valaya 108.75 108.8888889
546 Cancer 4 Aslesha 96 Navnita 108.8888889 109
547 Cancer 4 Aslesha 97 Nishachari 109 109.3333333
548 Cancer 4 Aslesha 98 Nivruti 109.3333333 109.5
549 Cancer 4 Aslesha 99 Nigada 109.5 110
550 Cancer 4 Aslesha 100 Sara 110 110.25
551 Cancer 4 Aslesha 101 Sangrita 110.25 110.5
552 Cancer 4 Aslesha 102 Samada 110.5 110.625
553 Cancer 4 Aslesha 103 Sama 110.625 110.6666667
554 Cancer 4 Aslesha 104 Vishvambhara 110.6666667 111
555 Cancer 4 Aslesha 105 Kumari 111 111.1111111
556 Cancer 4 Aslesha 106 Kokila 111.1111111 111.25
557 Cancer 4 Aslesha 107 Kujjarakruti 111.25 111.3333333
558 Cancer 4 Aslesha 108 Aindra 111.3333333 111.4283333
559 Cancer 4 Aslesha 109 Swaha 111.4283333 111.5
560 Cancer 4 Aslesha 110 Swara 111.5 111.75
561 Cancer 4 Aslesha 111 Vahi 111.75 112
562 Cancer 4 Aslesha 112 Prita 112 112.2222222
563 Cancer 4 Aslesha 113 Rashkajalaplava 112.2222222 112.5
564 Cancer 4 Aslesha 114 Varuni 112.5 112.6666667
565 Cancer 4 Aslesha 115 Madira 112.6666667 113
566 Cancer 4 Aslesha 116 Maitri 113 113.25
567 Cancer 4 Aslesha 117 Harani 113.25 113.3333333
568 Cancer 4 Aslesha 118 Harini 113.3333333 113.5
569 Cancer 4 Aslesha 119 Marut 113.5 113.75
570 Cancer 4 Aslesha 120 Dhanjjaya 113.75 114
571 Cancer 4 Aslesha 121 Dhankari 114 114.375
572 Cancer 4 Aslesha 122 Dhanda 114.375 114.4444444
573 Cancer 4 Aslesha 123 Kachcchapa 114.4444444 114.5
574 Cancer 4 Aslesha 124 Ambuja 114.5 114.6666667
575 Cancer 4 Aslesha 125 Manshani 114.6666667 114.75
576 Cancer 4 Aslesha 126 Shulinee 114.75 115
577 Cancer 4 Aslesha 127 Soudri 115 115.3333333
578 Cancer 4 Aslesha 128 Shiva 115.3333333 115.5
579 Cancer 4 Aslesha 129 Shivakari 115.5 115.5555556
580 Cancer 4 Aslesha 130 Kala 115.5555556 115.7141667
581 Cancer 4 Aslesha 131 Kunda 115.7141667 116
582 Cancer 4 Aslesha 132 Mukunda 116 116.25
583 Cancer 4 Aslesha 133 Bharata 116.25 116.5
584 Cancer 4 Aslesha 134 Hasita 116.5 116.6666667
585 Cancer 4 Aslesha 135 Kadali 116.6666667 117
586 Cancer 4 Aslesha 136 Smara 117 117.3333333
587 Cancer 4 Aslesha 137 Kandala 117.3333333 117.5
588 Cancer 4 Aslesha 138 Kokila 117.5 117.75
589 Cancer 4 Aslesha 139 Papa 117.75 117.7777778
590 Cancer 4 Aslesha 140 Kamini 117.7777778 117
591 Cancer 4 Aslesha 141 Kalshodhdava 117 118.125
592 Cancer 4 Aslesha 142 Virprasu 118.125 118.5
593 Cancer 4 Aslesha 143 Sadnara 118.5 118.6666667
594 Cancer 4 Aslesha 144 Shatyaksha 118.6666667 118.75
595 Cancer 4 Aslesha 145 Shatavari 118.75 118.8888889
596 Cancer 4 Aslesha 146 Prahavi 118.8888889 119
597 Cancer 4 Aslesha 147 Patlini 119 119.25
598 Cancer 4 Aslesha 148 Naga 119.25 119.3333333
599 Cancer 4 Aslesha 149 Pankaja 119.3333333 119.5
600 Cancer 4 Aslesha 150 Parmeshwari 119.5 120
601 Leo 5 Makha 1 Parmeshwari 120 120.5
602 Leo 5 Makha 2 Pankaja 120.5 120.6666667
603 Leo 5 Makha 3 Naga 120.6666667 120.75
604 Leo 5 Makha 4 Patlini 120.75 121
605 Leo 5 Makha 5 Prahavi 121 121.1111111
606 Leo 5 Makha 6 Shatavari 121.1111111 121.25
607 Leo 5 Makha 7 Shatyaksha 121.25 121.3333333
608 Leo 5 Makha 8 Sadnara 121.3333333 121.5
609 Leo 5 Makha 9 Virprasu 121.5 121.8666667
610 Leo 5 Makha 10 Kalshodhdava 121.8666667 122
611 Leo 5 Makha 11 Kamini 122 122.2222222
612 Leo 5 Makha 12 Papa 122.2222222 122.25
613 Leo 5 Makha 13 Kokila 122.25 122.5
614 Leo 5 Makha 14 Kandala 122.5 122.6666667
615 Leo 5 Makha 15 Smara 122.6666667 123
616 Leo 5 Makha 16 Kadali 123 123.3333333
617 Leo 5 Makha 17 Hasita 123.3333333 123.5
618 Leo 5 Makha 18 Bharata 123.5 123.75
619 Leo 5 Makha 19 Mukunda 123.75 124
620 Leo 5 Makha 20 Kunda 124 124.2855556
621 Leo 5 Makha 21 Kala 124.2855556 124.4444444
622 Leo 5 Makha 22 Shivakari 124.4444444 124.5
623 Leo 5 Makha 23 Shiva 124.5 124.6666667
624 Leo 5 Makha 24 Soudri 124.6666667 125
625 Leo 5 Makha 25 Shulinee 125 125.25
626 Leo 5 Makha 26 Manshani 125.25 125.3333333
627 Leo 5 Makha 27 Ambuja 125.3333333 125.5
628 Leo 5 Makha 28 Kachcchapa 125.5 125.5555556
629 Leo 5 Makha 29 Dhanda 125.5555556 125.625
630 Leo 5 Makha 30 Dhankari 125.625 126
631 Leo 5 Makha 31 Dhanjjaya 126 126.25
632 Leo 5 Makha 32 Marut 126.25 126.5
633 Leo 5 Makha 33 Harini 126.5 126.6666667
634 Leo 5 Makha 34 Harani 126.6666667 126.75
635 Leo 5 Makha 35 Maitri 126.75 127
636 Leo 5 Makha 36 Madira 127 127.3333333
637 Leo 5 Makha 37 Varuni 127.3333333 127.5
638 Leo 5 Makha 38 Rashkajalaplava 127.5 127.7777778
639 Leo 5 Makha 39 Prita 127.7777778 128
640 Leo 5 Makha 40 Vahi 128 128.25
641 Leo 5 Makha 41 Swara 128.25 128.5
642 Leo 5 Makha 42 Swaha 128.5 128.5711111
643 Leo 5 Makha 43 Aindra 128.5711111 128.6666667
644 Leo 5 Makha 44 Kujjarakruti 128.6666667 128.75
645 Leo 5 Makha 45 Kokila 128.75 128.8888889
646 Leo 5 Makha 46 Kumari 128.8888889 129
647 Leo 5 Makha 47 Vishvambhara 129 129.3333333
648 Leo 5 Makha 48 Sama 129.3333333 129.375
649 Leo 5 Makha 49 Samada 129.375 129.5
650 Leo 5 Makha 50 Sangrita 129.5 129.75
651 Leo 5 Makha 51 Sara 129.75 130
652 Leo 5 Makha 52 Nigada 130 130.5
653 Leo 5 Makha 53 Nivruti 130.5 130.6666667
654 Leo 5 Makha 54 Nishachari 130.6666667 131
655 Leo 5 Makha 55 Navnita 131 131.1111111
656 Leo 5 Makha 56 Valaya 131.1111111 131.25
657 Leo 5 Makha 57 Mokshapavarga 131.25 131.3333333
658 Leo 5 Makha 58 Kshudha 131.3333333 131.5
659 Leo 5 Makha 59 Mudrika 131.5 132
660 Leo 5 Makha 60 Mangala 132 132.2222222
661 Leo 5 Makha 61 Somalata 132.2222222 132.5
662 Leo 5 Makha 62 Somvalli 132.5 132.6666667
663 Leo 5 Makha 63 Sumanohara 132.6666667 132.75
664 Leo 5 Makha 64 Nutana 132.75 132.8572222
665 Leo 5 Makha 65 Gadha 132.8572222 133
666 Leo 5 Makha 66 Gada 133 133.125
667 Leo 5 Makha 67 Jwala 133.125 133.3333333
668 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 68 Bala 133.3333333 133.5
669 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 69 Shiva 133.5 133.75
670 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 70 Shivada 133.75 134
671 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 71 Shobhana 134 134.25
672 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 72 Shobha 134.25 134.2777778
673 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 73 Suprabha 134.2777778 134.5
674 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 74 Shukhda 134.5 134.6666667
675 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 75 Sushitala 134.6666667 135
676 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 76 Mahamari 135 135.3333333
677 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 77 Trailokyamohankari 135.3333333 135.5
678 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 78 Kakusshadnakura 135.5 135.5555556
679 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 135.5555556 135.75
680 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 80 Nadi 135.75 136
681 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 81 Nirmala 136 136.25
682 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 82 Nalini 136.25 136.5
683 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 83 Nalla 136.5 136.6666667
684 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 84 Gadhara 136.6666667 136.875
685 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 85 Bhupa 136.875 137
686 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 86 Chirjivani 137 137.1427778
687 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 87 Chitrini 137.1427778 137.25
688 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 88 Chitra 137.25 137.3333333
689 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 89 Durbhaga 137.3333333 137.5
690 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 90 Managna 137.5 137.7777778
691 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 91 Priyavardhini 137.7777778 138
692 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 92 Prita 138 138.5
693 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 93 Nimna 138.5 138.6666667
694 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 94 Shitala 138.6666667 138.75
695 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 95 Nirmala 138.75 138.8888889
696 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 96 Visshbashini 138.8888889 139
697 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 97 Visshakhya 139 139.3333333
698 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 98 Roudra 139.3333333 139.5
699 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 99 Kundini 139.5 140
700 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 100 Gahvara 140 140.25
701 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 101 Karvirani 140.25 140.5
702 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 102 Kamdhuk 140.5 140.625
703 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 103 Kala 140.625 140.6666667
704 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 104 Amrutplavini 140.6666667 141
705 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 105 Sursundari 141 141.1111111
706 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 106 Sodara 141.1111111 141.25
707 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 107 Snigdha 141.25 141.3333333
708 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 108 Shukhda 141.3333333 141.4283333
709 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 109 Vibhrama 141.4283333 141.5
710 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 110 Avila 141.5 141.75
711 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 111 Vikat 141.75 142
712 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 112 Vishinia 142 142.2222222
713 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 113 Vishva 142.2222222 142.5
714 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 114 Durbhaga 142.5 142.6666667
715 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 115 Durdhara 142.6666667 143
716 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 116 Skhama 143 143.25
717 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 117 Karikara 143.25 143.3333333
718 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 118 Kala 143.3333333 143.5
719 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 119 Kanta 143.5 143.75
720 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 120 Kamala 143.75 144
721 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 121 Kakussha 144 144.375
722 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 122 Mati 144.375 144.4444444
723 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 123 Damaka 144.4444444 144.5
724 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 124 Champaka 144.5 144.6666667
725 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 125 Pasha 144.6666667 144.75
726 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 126 Mudgara 144.75 145
727 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 127 Musala 145 145.3333333
728 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 128 Dhruva 145.3333333 145.5
729 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 129 Jarjara 145.5 145.5555556
730 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 130 Jagati 145.5555556 145.7141667
731 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 131 Mala 145.7141667 146
732 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 132 Payswini 146 146.25
733 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 133 Para 146.25 146.5
734 Leo 5 P.Phalgun 134 Prabha 146.5 146.6666667
735 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 135 Kutila 146.6666667 147
736 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 136 Kumbhini 147 147.3333333
737 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 137 Ghora 147.3333333 147.5
738 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 138 Manjusvana 147.5 147.75
739 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 139 Madhvi 147.75 147.7777778
740 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 140 Manohar 147.7777778 147
741 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 141 Maya 147 148.125
742 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 142 Sura 148.125 148.5
743 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 143 Soumya 148.5 148.6666667
744 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 144 Sama 148.6666667 148.75
745 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 145 Sudhakari 148.75 148.8888889
746 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 146 Shankari 148.8888889 149
747 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 147 Kalkuta 149 149.25
748 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 148 Bramhi 149.25 149.3333333
749 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 149 Vaishnavi 149.3333333 149.5
750 Leo 5 U.Phalgun 150 Vasudha 149.5 150
751 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 1 Sushitala 150 150.5
752 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 2 Shukhda 150.5 150.6666667
753 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 3 Suprabha 150.6666667 150.75
754 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 4 Shobha 150.75 151
755 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 5 Shobhana 151 151.1111111
756 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 6 Shivada 151.1111111 151.25
757 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 7 Shiva 151.25 151.3333333
758 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 8 Bala 151.3333333 151.5
759 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 9 Jwala 151.5 151.8666667
760 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 10 Gada 151.8666667 152
761 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 11 Gadha 152 152.2222222
762 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 12 Nutana 152.2222222 152.25
763 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 13 Sumanohara 152.25 152.5
764 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 14 Somvalli 152.5 152.6666667
765 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 15 Somalata 152.6666667 153
766 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 16 Mangala 153 153.3333333
767 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 17 Mudrika 153.3333333 153.5
768 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 18 Kshudha 153.5 153.75
769 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 19 Mokshapavarga 153.75 154
770 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 20 Valaya 154 154.2855556
771 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 21 Navnita 154.2855556 154.4444444
772 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 22 Nishachari 154.4444444 154.5
773 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 23 Nivruti 154.5 154.6666667
774 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 24 Nigada 154.6666667 155
775 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 25 Sara 155 155.25
776 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 26 Sangrita 155.25 155.3333333
777 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 27 Samada 155.3333333 155.5
778 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 28 Sama 155.5 155.5555556
779 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 29 Vishvambhara 155.5555556 155.625
780 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 30 Kumari 155.625 156
781 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 31 Kokila 156 156.25
782 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 32 Kujjarakruti 156.25 156.5
783 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 33 Aindra 156.5 156.6666667
784 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 34 Swaha 156.6666667 156.75
785 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 35 Swara 156.75 157
786 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 36 Vahi 157 157.3333333
787 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 37 Prita 157.3333333 157.5
788 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 38 Rashkajalaplava 157.5 157.7777778
789 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 39 Varuni 157.7777778 158
790 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 40 Madira 158 158.25
791 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 41 Maitri 158.25 158.5
792 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 42 Harani 158.5 158.5711111
793 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 43 Harini 158.5711111 158.6666667
794 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 44 Marut 158.6666667 158.75
795 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 45 Dhanjjaya 158.75 158.8888889
796 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 46 Dhankari 158.8888889 159
797 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 47 Dhanda 159 159.3333333
798 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 48 Kachcchapa 159.3333333 159.375
799 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 49 Ambuja 159.375 159.5
800 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 50 Manshani 159.5 159.75
801 Virgo 6 U.Phalgun 51 Shulinee 159.75 160
802 Virgo 6 Hasta 52 Soudri 160 160.5
803 Virgo 6 Hasta 53 Shiva 160.5 160.6666667
804 Virgo 6 Hasta 54 Shivakari 160.6666667 161
805 Virgo 6 Hasta 55 Kala 161 161.1111111
806 Virgo 6 Hasta 56 Kunda 161.1111111 161.25
807 Virgo 6 Hasta 57 Mukunda 161.25 161.3333333
808 Virgo 6 Hasta 58 Bharata 161.3333333 161.5
809 Virgo 6 Hasta 59 Hasita 161.5 162
810 Virgo 6 Hasta 60 Kadali 162 162.2222222
811 Virgo 6 Hasta 61 Smara 162.2222222 162.5
812 Virgo 6 Hasta 62 Kandala 162.5 162.6666667
813 Virgo 6 Hasta 63 Kokila 162.6666667 162.75
814 Virgo 6 Hasta 64 Papa 162.75 162.8572222
815 Virgo 6 Hasta 65 Kamini 162.8572222 163
816 Virgo 6 Hasta 66 Kalshodhdava 163 163.125
817 Virgo 6 Hasta 67 Virprasu 163.125 163.3333333
818 Virgo 6 Hasta 68 Sadnara 163.3333333 163.5
819 Virgo 6 Hasta 69 Shatyaksha 163.5 163.75
820 Virgo 6 Hasta 70 Shatavari 163.75 164
821 Virgo 6 Hasta 71 Prahavi 164 164.25
822 Virgo 6 Hasta 72 Patlini 164.25 164.2777778
823 Virgo 6 Hasta 73 Naga 164.2777778 164.5
824 Virgo 6 Hasta 74 Pankaja 164.5 164.6666667
825 Virgo 6 Hasta 75 Parmeshwari 164.6666667 165
826 Virgo 6 Hasta 76 Vasudha 165 165.3333333
827 Virgo 6 Hasta 77 Vaishnavi 165.3333333 165.5
828 Virgo 6 Hasta 78 Bramhi 165.5 165.5555556
829 Virgo 6 Hasta 79 Kalkuta 165.5555556 165.75
830 Virgo 6 Hasta 80 Shankari 165.75 166
831 Virgo 6 Hasta 81 Sudhakari 166 166.25
832 Virgo 6 Hasta 82 Sama 166.25 166.5
833 Virgo 6 Hasta 83 Soumya 166.5 166.6666667
834 Virgo 6 Hasta 84 Sura 166.6666667 166.875
835 Virgo 6 Hasta 85 Maya 166.875 167
836 Virgo 6 Hasta 86 Manohar 167 167.1427778
837 Virgo 6 Hasta 87 Madhvi 167.1427778 167.25
838 Virgo 6 Hasta 88 Manjusvana 167.25 167.3333333
839 Virgo 6 Hasta 89 Ghora 167.3333333 167.5
840 Virgo 6 Hasta 90 Kumbhini 167.5 167.7777778
841 Virgo 6 Hasta 91 Kutila 167.7777778 168
842 Virgo 6 Hasta 92 Prabha 168 168.5
843 Virgo 6 Hasta 93 Para 168.5 168.6666667
844 Virgo 6 Hasta 94 Payswini 168.6666667 168.75
845 Virgo 6 Hasta 95 Mala 168.75 168.8888889
846 Virgo 6 Hasta 96 Jagati 168.8888889 169
847 Virgo 6 Hasta 97 Jarjara 169 169.3333333
848 Virgo 6 Hasta 98 Dhruva 169.3333333 169.5
849 Virgo 6 Hasta 99 Musala 169.5 170
850 Virgo 6 Hasta 100 Mudgara 170 170.25
851 Virgo 6 Hasta 101 Pasha 170.25 170.5
852 Virgo 6 Hasta 102 Champaka 170.5 170.625
853 Virgo 6 Hasta 103 Damaka 170.625 170.6666667
854 Virgo 6 Hasta 104 Mati 170.6666667 171
855 Virgo 6 Hasta 105 Kakussha 171 171.1111111
856 Virgo 6 Hasta 106 Kamala 171.1111111 171.25
857 Virgo 6 Hasta 107 Kanta 171.25 171.3333333
858 Virgo 6 Hasta 108 Kala 171.3333333 171.4283333
859 Virgo 6 Hasta 109 Karikara 171.4283333 171.5
860 Virgo 6 Hasta 110 Skhama 171.5 171.75
861 Virgo 6 Hasta 111 Durdhara 171.75 172
862 Virgo 6 Hasta 112 Durbhaga 172 172.2222222
863 Virgo 6 Hasta 113 Vishva 172.2222222 172.5
864 Virgo 6 Hasta 114 Vishinia 172.5 172.6666667
865 Virgo 6 Hasta 115 Vikat 172.6666667 173
866 Virgo 6 Hasta 116 Avila 173 173.25
867 Virgo 6 Chitra 117 Vibhrama 173.25 173.3333333
868 Virgo 6 Chitra 118 Shukhda 173.3333333 173.5
869 Virgo 6 Chitra 119 Snigdha 173.5 173.75
870 Virgo 6 Chitra 120 Sodara 173.75 174
871 Virgo 6 Chitra 121 Sursundari 174 174.375
872 Virgo 6 Chitra 122 Amrutplavini 174.375 174.4444444
873 Virgo 6 Chitra 123 Kala 174.4444444 174.5
874 Virgo 6 Chitra 124 Kamdhuk 174.5 174.6666667
875 Virgo 6 Chitra 125 Karvirani 174.6666667 174.75
876 Virgo 6 Chitra 126 Gahvara 174.75 175
877 Virgo 6 Chitra 127 Kundini 175 175.3333333
878 Virgo 6 Chitra 128 Roudra 175.3333333 175.5
879 Virgo 6 Chitra 129 Visshakhya 175.5 175.5555556
880 Virgo 6 Chitra 130 Visshbashini 175.5555556 175.7141667
881 Virgo 6 Chitra 131 Nirmala 175.7141667 176
882 Virgo 6 Chitra 132 Shitala 176 176.25
883 Virgo 6 Chitra 133 Nimna 176.25 176.5
884 Virgo 6 Chitra 134 Prita 176.5 176.6666667
885 Virgo 6 Chitra 135 Priyavardhini 176.6666667 177
886 Virgo 6 Chitra 136 Managna 177 177.3333333
887 Virgo 6 Chitra 137 Durbhaga 177.3333333 177.5
888 Virgo 6 Chitra 138 Chitra 177.5 177.75
889 Virgo 6 Chitra 139 Chitrini 177.75 177.7777778
890 Virgo 6 Chitra 140 Chirjivani 177.7777778 177
891 Virgo 6 Chitra 141 Bhupa 177 178.125
892 Virgo 6 Chitra 142 Gadhara 178.125 178.5
893 Virgo 6 Chitra 143 Nalla 178.5 178.6666667
894 Virgo 6 Chitra 144 Nalini 178.6666667 178.75
895 Virgo 6 Chitra 145 Nirmala 178.75 178.8888889
896 Virgo 6 Chitra 146 Nadi 178.8888889 179
897 Virgo 6 Chitra 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 179 179.25
898 Virgo 6 Chitra 148 Kakusshadnakura 179.25 179.3333333
899 Virgo 6 Chitra 149 Trailokyamohankari 179.3333333 179.5
900 Virgo 6 Chitra 150 Mahamari 179.5 180
901 Libra 7 Chitra 1 Vasudha 180 180.5
902 Libra 7 Chitra 2 Vaishnavi 180.5 180.6666667
903 Libra 7 Chitra 3 Bramhi 180.6666667 180.75
904 Libra 7 Chitra 4 Kalkuta 180.75 181
905 Libra 7 Chitra 5 Shankari 181 181.1111111
906 Libra 7 Chitra 6 Sudhakari 181.1111111 181.25
907 Libra 7 Chitra 7 Sama 181.25 181.3333333
908 Libra 7 Chitra 8 Soumya 181.3333333 181.5
909 Libra 7 Chitra 9 Sura 181.5 181.8666667
910 Libra 7 Chitra 10 Maya 181.8666667 182
911 Libra 7 Chitra 11 Manohar 182 182.2222222
912 Libra 7 Chitra 12 Madhvi 182.2222222 182.25
913 Libra 7 Chitra 13 Manjusvana 182.25 182.5
914 Libra 7 Chitra 14 Ghora 182.5 182.6666667
915 Libra 7 Chitra 15 Kumbhini 182.6666667 183
916 Libra 7 Chitra 16 Kutila 183 183.3333333
917 Libra 7 Chitra 17 Prabha 183.3333333 183.5
918 Libra 7 Chitra 18 Para 183.5 183.75
919 Libra 7 Chitra 19 Payswini 183.75 184
920 Libra 7 Chitra 20 Mala 184 184.2855556
921 Libra 7 Chitra 21 Jagati 184.2855556 184.4444444
922 Libra 7 Chitra 22 Jarjara 184.4444444 184.5
923 Libra 7 Chitra 23 Dhruva 184.5 184.6666667
924 Libra 7 Chitra 24 Musala 184.6666667 185
925 Libra 7 Chitra 25 Mudgara 185 185.25
926 Libra 7 Chitra 26 Pasha 185.25 185.3333333
927 Libra 7 Chitra 27 Champaka 185.3333333 185.5
928 Libra 7 Chitra 28 Damaka 185.5 185.5555556
929 Libra 7 Chitra 29 Mati 185.5555556 185.625
930 Libra 7 Chitra 30 Kakussha 185.625 186
931 Libra 7 Chitra 31 Kamala 186 186.25
932 Libra 7 Chitra 32 Kanta 186.25 186.5
933 Libra 7 Chitra 33 Kala 186.5 186.6666667
934 Libra 7 Swati 34 Karikara 186.6666667 186.75
935 Libra 7 Swati 35 Skhama 186.75 187
936 Libra 7 Swati 36 Durdhara 187 187.3333333
937 Libra 7 Swati 37 Durbhaga 187.3333333 187.5
938 Libra 7 Swati 38 Vishva 187.5 187.7777778
939 Libra 7 Swati 39 Vishinia 187.7777778 188
940 Libra 7 Swati 40 Vikat 188 188.25
941 Libra 7 Swati 41 Avila 188.25 188.5
942 Libra 7 Swati 42 Vibhrama 188.5 188.5711111
943 Libra 7 Swati 43 Shukhda 188.5711111 188.6666667
944 Libra 7 Swati 44 Snigdha 188.6666667 188.75
945 Libra 7 Swati 45 Sodara 188.75 188.8888889
946 Libra 7 Swati 46 Sursundari 188.8888889 189
947 Libra 7 Swati 47 Amrutplavini 189 189.3333333
948 Libra 7 Swati 48 Kala 189.3333333 189.375
949 Libra 7 Swati 49 Kamdhuk 189.375 189.5
950 Libra 7 Swati 50 Karvirani 189.5 189.75
951 Libra 7 Swati 51 Gahvara 189.75 190
952 Libra 7 Swati 52 Kundini 190 190.5
953 Libra 7 Swati 53 Roudra 190.5 190.6666667
954 Libra 7 Swati 54 Visshakhya 190.6666667 191
955 Libra 7 Swati 55 Visshbashini 191 191.1111111
956 Libra 7 Swati 56 Nirmala 191.1111111 191.25
957 Libra 7 Swati 57 Shitala 191.25 191.3333333
958 Libra 7 Swati 58 Nimna 191.3333333 191.5
959 Libra 7 Swati 59 Prita 191.5 192
960 Libra 7 Swati 60 Priyavardhini 192 192.2222222
961 Libra 7 Swati 61 Managna 192.2222222 192.5
962 Libra 7 Swati 62 Durbhaga 192.5 192.6666667
963 Libra 7 Swati 63 Chitra 192.6666667 192.75
964 Libra 7 Swati 64 Chitrini 192.75 192.8572222
965 Libra 7 Swati 65 Chirjivani 192.8572222 193
966 Libra 7 Swati 66 Bhupa 193 193.125
967 Libra 7 Swati 67 Gadhara 193.125 193.3333333
968 Libra 7 Swati 68 Nalla 193.3333333 193.5
969 Libra 7 Swati 69 Nalini 193.5 193.75
970 Libra 7 Swati 70 Nirmala 193.75 194
971 Libra 7 Swati 71 Nadi 194 194.25
972 Libra 7 Swati 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 194.25 194.2777778
973 Libra 7 Swati 73 Kakusshadnakura 194.2777778 194.5
974 Libra 7 Swati 74 Trailokyamohankari 194.5 194.6666667
975 Libra 7 Swati 75 Mahamari 194.6666667 195
976 Libra 7 Swati 76 Sushitala 195 195.3333333
977 Libra 7 Swati 77 Shukhda 195.3333333 195.5
978 Libra 7 Swati 78 Suprabha 195.5 195.5555556
979 Libra 7 Swati 79 Shobha 195.5555556 195.75
980 Libra 7 Swati 80 Shobhana 195.75 196
981 Libra 7 Swati 81 Shivada 196 196.25
982 Libra 7 Swati 82 Shiva 196.25 196.5
983 Libra 7 Swati 83 Bala 196.5 196.6666667
984 Libra 7 Swati 84 Jwala 196.6666667 196.875
985 Libra 7 Swati 85 Gada 196.875 197
986 Libra 7 Swati 86 Gadha 197 197.1427778
987 Libra 7 Swati 87 Nutana 197.1427778 197.25
988 Libra 7 Swati 88 Sumanohara 197.25 197.3333333
989 Libra 7 Swati 89 Somvalli 197.3333333 197.5
990 Libra 7 Swati 90 Somalata 197.5 197.7777778
991 Libra 7 Swati 91 Mangala 197.7777778 198
992 Libra 7 Swati 92 Mudrika 198 198.5
993 Libra 7 Swati 93 Kshudha 198.5 198.6666667
994 Libra 7 Swati 94 Mokshapavarga 198.6666667 198.75
995 Libra 7 Swati 95 Valaya 198.75 198.8888889
996 Libra 7 Swati 96 Navnita 198.8888889 199
997 Libra 7 Swati 97 Nishachari 199 199.3333333
998 Libra 7 Swati 98 Nivruti 199.3333333 199.5
999 Libra 7 Swati 99 Nigada 199.5 200
1000 Libra 7 Visakha 100 Sara 200 200.25
1001 Libra 7 Visakha 101 Sangrita 200.25 200.5
1002 Libra 7 Visakha 102 Samada 200.5 200.625
1003 Libra 7 Visakha 103 Sama 200.625 200.6666667
1004 Libra 7 Visakha 104 Vishvambhara 200.6666667 201
1005 Libra 7 Visakha 105 Kumari 201 201.1111111
1006 Libra 7 Visakha 106 Kokila 201.1111111 201.25
1007 Libra 7 Visakha 107 Kujjarakruti 201.25 201.3333333
1008 Libra 7 Visakha 108 Aindra 201.3333333 201.4283333
1009 Libra 7 Visakha 109 Swaha 201.4283333 201.5
1010 Libra 7 Visakha 110 Swara 201.5 201.75
1011 Libra 7 Visakha 111 Vahi 201.75 202
1012 Libra 7 Visakha 112 Prita 202 202.2222222
1013 Libra 7 Visakha 113 Rashkajalaplava 202.2222222 202.5
1014 Libra 7 Visakha 114 Varuni 202.5 202.6666667
1015 Libra 7 Visakha 115 Madira 202.6666667 203
1016 Libra 7 Visakha 116 Maitri 203 203.25
1017 Libra 7 Visakha 117 Harani 203.25 203.3333333
1018 Libra 7 Visakha 118 Harini 203.3333333 203.5
1019 Libra 7 Visakha 119 Marut 203.5 203.75
1020 Libra 7 Visakha 120 Dhanjjaya 203.75 204
1021 Libra 7 Visakha 121 Dhankari 204 204.375
1022 Libra 7 Visakha 122 Dhanda 204.375 204.4444444
1023 Libra 7 Visakha 123 Kachcchapa 204.4444444 204.5
1024 Libra 7 Visakha 124 Ambuja 204.5 204.6666667
1025 Libra 7 Visakha 125 Manshani 204.6666667 204.75
1026 Libra 7 Visakha 126 Shulinee 204.75 205
1027 Libra 7 Visakha 127 Soudri 205 205.3333333
1028 Libra 7 Visakha 128 Shiva 205.3333333 205.5
1029 Libra 7 Visakha 129 Shivakari 205.5 205.5555556
1030 Libra 7 Visakha 130 Kala 205.5555556 205.7141667
1031 Libra 7 Visakha 131 Kunda 205.7141667 206
1032 Libra 7 Visakha 132 Mukunda 206 206.25
1033 Libra 7 Visakha 133 Bharata 206.25 206.5
1034 Libra 7 Visakha 134 Hasita 206.5 206.6666667
1035 Libra 7 Visakha 135 Kadali 206.6666667 207
1036 Libra 7 Visakha 136 Smara 207 207.3333333
1037 Libra 7 Visakha 137 Kandala 207.3333333 207.5
1038 Libra 7 Visakha 138 Kokila 207.5 207.75
1039 Libra 7 Visakha 139 Papa 207.75 207.7777778
1040 Libra 7 Visakha 140 Kamini 207.7777778 207
1041 Libra 7 Visakha 141 Kalshodhdava 207 208.125
1042 Libra 7 Visakha 142 Virprasu 208.125 208.5
1043 Libra 7 Visakha 143 Sadnara 208.5 208.6666667
1044 Libra 7 Visakha 144 Shatyaksha 208.6666667 208.75
1045 Libra 7 Visakha 145 Shatavari 208.75 208.8888889
1046 Libra 7 Visakha 146 Prahavi 208.8888889 209
1047 Libra 7 Visakha 147 Patlini 209 209.25
1048 Libra 7 Visakha 148 Naga 209.25 209.3333333
1049 Libra 7 Visakha 149 Pankaja 209.3333333 209.5
1050 Libra 7 Visakha 150 Parmeshwari 209.5 210
1051 Scorpio 8 Visakha 1 Parmeshwari 210 210.5
1052 Scorpio 8 Visakha 2 Pankaja 210.5 210.6666667
1053 Scorpio 8 Visakha 3 Naga 210.6666667 210.75
1054 Scorpio 8 Visakha 4 Patlini 210.75 211
1055 Scorpio 8 Visakha 5 Prahavi 211 211.1111111
1056 Scorpio 8 Visakha 6 Shatavari 211.1111111 211.25
1057 Scorpio 8 Visakha 7 Shatyaksha 211.25 211.3333333
1058 Scorpio 8 Visakha 8 Sadnara 211.3333333 211.5
1059 Scorpio 8 Visakha 9 Virprasu 211.5 211.8666667
1060 Scorpio 8 Visakha 10 Kalshodhdava 211.8666667 212
1061 Scorpio 8 Visakha 11 Kamini 212 212.2222222
1062 Scorpio 8 Visakha 12 Papa 212.2222222 212.25
1063 Scorpio 8 Visakha 13 Kokila 212.25 212.5
1064 Scorpio 8 Visakha 14 Kandala 212.5 212.6666667
1065 Scorpio 8 Visakha 15 Smara 212.6666667 213
1066 Scorpio 8 Visakha 16 Kadali 213 213.3333333
1067 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 17 Hasita 213.3333333 213.5
1068 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 18 Bharata 213.5 213.75
1069 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 19 Mukunda 213.75 214
1070 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 20 Kunda 214 214.2855556
1071 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 21 Kala 214.2855556 214.4444444
1072 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 22 Shivakari 214.4444444 214.5
1073 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 23 Shiva 214.5 214.6666667
1074 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 24 Soudri 214.6666667 215
1075 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 25 Shulinee 215 215.25
1076 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 26 Manshani 215.25 215.3333333
1077 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 27 Ambuja 215.3333333 215.5
1078 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 28 Kachcchapa 215.5 215.5555556
1079 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 29 Dhanda 215.5555556 215.625
1080 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 30 Dhankari 215.625 216
1081 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 31 Dhanjjaya 216 216.25
1082 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 32 Marut 216.25 216.5
1083 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 33 Harini 216.5 216.6666667
1084 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 34 Harani 216.6666667 216.75
1085 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 35 Maitri 216.75 217
1086 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 36 Madira 217 217.3333333
1087 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 37 Varuni 217.3333333 217.5
1088 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 38 Rashkajalaplava 217.5 217.7777778
1089 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 39 Prita 217.7777778 218
1090 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 40 Vahi 218 218.25
1091 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 41 Swara 218.25 218.5
1092 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 42 Swaha 218.5 218.5711111
1093 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 43 Aindra 218.5711111 218.6666667
1094 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 44 Kujjarakruti 218.6666667 218.75
1095 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 45 Kokila 218.75 218.8888889
1096 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 46 Kumari 218.8888889 219
1097 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 47 Vishvambhara 219 219.3333333
1098 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 48 Sama 219.3333333 219.375
1099 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 49 Samada 219.375 219.5
1100 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 50 Sangrita 219.5 219.75
1101 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 51 Sara 219.75 220
1102 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 52 Nigada 220 220.5
1103 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 53 Nivruti 220.5 220.6666667
1104 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 54 Nishachari 220.6666667 221
1105 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 55 Navnita 221 221.1111111
1106 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 56 Valaya 221.1111111 221.25
1107 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 57 Mokshapavarga 221.25 221.3333333
1108 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 58 Kshudha 221.3333333 221.5
1109 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 59 Mudrika 221.5 222
1110 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 60 Mangala 222 222.2222222
1111 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 61 Somalata 222.2222222 222.5
1112 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 62 Somvalli 222.5 222.6666667
1113 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 63 Sumanohara 222.6666667 222.75
1114 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 64 Nutana 222.75 222.8572222
1115 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 65 Gadha 222.8572222 223
1116 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 66 Gada 223 223.125
1117 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 67 Jwala 223.125 223.3333333
1118 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 68 Bala 223.3333333 223.5
1119 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 69 Shiva 223.5 223.75
1120 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 70 Shivada 223.75 224
1121 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 71 Shobhana 224 224.25
1122 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 72 Shobha 224.25 224.2777778
1123 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 73 Suprabha 224.2777778 224.5
1124 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 74 Shukhda 224.5 224.6666667
1125 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 75 Sushitala 224.6666667 225
1126 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 76 Mahamari 225 225.3333333
1127 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 77 Trailokyamohankari 225.3333333 225.5
1128 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 78 Kakusshadnakura 225.5 225.5555556
1129 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 225.5555556 225.75
1130 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 80 Nadi 225.75 226
1131 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 81 Nirmala 226 226.25
1132 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 82 Nalini 226.25 226.5
1133 Scorpio 8 Anuradha 83 Nalla 226.5 226.6666667
1134 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 84 Gadhara 226.6666667 226.875
1135 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 85 Bhupa 226.875 227
1136 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 86 Chirjivani 227 227.1427778
1137 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 87 Chitrini 227.1427778 227.25
1138 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 88 Chitra 227.25 227.3333333
1139 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 89 Durbhaga 227.3333333 227.5
1140 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 90 Managna 227.5 227.7777778
1141 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 91 Priyavardhini 227.7777778 228
1142 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 92 Prita 228 228.5
1143 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 93 Nimna 228.5 228.6666667
1144 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 94 Shitala 228.6666667 228.75
1145 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 95 Nirmala 228.75 228.8888889
1146 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 96 Visshbashini 228.8888889 229
1147 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 97 Visshakhya 229 229.3333333
1148 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 98 Roudra 229.3333333 229.5
1149 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 99 Kundini 229.5 230
1150 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 100 Gahvara 230 230.25
1151 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 101 Karvirani 230.25 230.5
1152 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 102 Kamdhuk 230.5 230.625
1153 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 103 Kala 230.625 230.6666667
1154 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 104 Amrutplavini 230.6666667 231
1155 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 105 Sursundari 231 231.1111111
1156 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 106 Sodara 231.1111111 231.25
1157 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 107 Snigdha 231.25 231.3333333
1158 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 108 Shukhda 231.3333333 231.4283333
1159 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 109 Vibhrama 231.4283333 231.5
1160 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 110 Avila 231.5 231.75
1161 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 111 Vikat 231.75 232
1162 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 112 Vishinia 232 232.2222222
1163 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 113 Vishva 232.2222222 232.5
1164 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 114 Durbhaga 232.5 232.6666667
1165 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 115 Durdhara 232.6666667 233
1166 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 116 Skhama 233 233.25
1167 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 117 Karikara 233.25 233.3333333
1168 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 118 Kala 233.3333333 233.5
1169 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 119 Kanta 233.5 233.75
1170 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 120 Kamala 233.75 234
1171 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 121 Kakussha 234 234.375
1172 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 122 Mati 234.375 234.4444444
1173 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 123 Damaka 234.4444444 234.5
1174 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 124 Champaka 234.5 234.6666667
1175 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 125 Pasha 234.6666667 234.75
1176 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 126 Mudgara 234.75 235
1177 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 127 Musala 235 235.3333333
1178 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 128 Dhruva 235.3333333 235.5
1179 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 129 Jarjara 235.5 235.5555556
1180 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 130 Jagati 235.5555556 235.7141667
1181 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 131 Mala 235.7141667 236
1182 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 132 Payswini 236 236.25
1183 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 133 Para 236.25 236.5
1184 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 134 Prabha 236.5 236.6666667
1185 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 135 Kutila 236.6666667 237
1186 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 136 Kumbhini 237 237.3333333
1187 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 137 Ghora 237.3333333 237.5
1188 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 138 Manjusvana 237.5 237.75
1189 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 139 Madhvi 237.75 237.7777778
1190 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 140 Manohar 237.7777778 237
1191 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 141 Maya 237 238.125
1192 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 142 Sura 238.125 238.5
1193 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 143 Soumya 238.5 238.6666667
1194 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 144 Sama 238.6666667 238.75
1195 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 145 Sudhakari 238.75 238.8888889
1196 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 146 Shankari 238.8888889 239
1197 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 147 Kalkuta 239 239.25
1198 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 148 Bramhi 239.25 239.3333333
1199 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 149 Vaishnavi 239.3333333 239.5
1200 Scorpio 8 Jyestha 150 Vasudha 239.5 240
1201 Sagittarius 9 Moola 1 Sushitala 240 240.5
1202 Sagittarius 9 Moola 2 Shukhda 240.5 240.6666667
1203 Sagittarius 9 Moola 3 Suprabha 240.6666667 240.75
1204 Sagittarius 9 Moola 4 Shobha 240.75 241
1205 Sagittarius 9 Moola 5 Shobhana 241 241.1111111
1206 Sagittarius 9 Moola 6 Shivada 241.1111111 241.25
1207 Sagittarius 9 Moola 7 Shiva 241.25 241.3333333
1208 Sagittarius 9 Moola 8 Bala 241.3333333 241.5
1209 Sagittarius 9 Moola 9 Jwala 241.5 241.8666667
1210 Sagittarius 9 Moola 10 Gada 241.8666667 242
1211 Sagittarius 9 Moola 11 Gadha 242 242.2222222
1212 Sagittarius 9 Moola 12 Nutana 242.2222222 242.25
1213 Sagittarius 9 Moola 13 Sumanohara 242.25 242.5
1214 Sagittarius 9 Moola 14 Somvalli 242.5 242.6666667
1215 Sagittarius 9 Moola 15 Somalata 242.6666667 243
1216 Sagittarius 9 Moola 16 Mangala 243 243.3333333
1217 Sagittarius 9 Moola 17 Mudrika 243.3333333 243.5
1218 Sagittarius 9 Moola 18 Kshudha 243.5 243.75
1219 Sagittarius 9 Moola 19 Mokshapavarga 243.75 244
1220 Sagittarius 9 Moola 20 Valaya 244 244.2855556
1221 Sagittarius 9 Moola 21 Navnita 244.2855556 244.4444444
1222 Sagittarius 9 Moola 22 Nishachari 244.4444444 244.5
1223 Sagittarius 9 Moola 23 Nivruti 244.5 244.6666667
1224 Sagittarius 9 Moola 24 Nigada 244.6666667 245
1225 Sagittarius 9 Moola 25 Sara 245 245.25
1226 Sagittarius 9 Moola 26 Sangrita 245.25 245.3333333
1227 Sagittarius 9 Moola 27 Samada 245.3333333 245.5
1228 Sagittarius 9 Moola 28 Sama 245.5 245.5555556
1229 Sagittarius 9 Moola 29 Vishvambhara 245.5555556 245.625
1230 Sagittarius 9 Moola 30 Kumari 245.625 246
1231 Sagittarius 9 Moola 31 Kokila 246 246.25
1232 Sagittarius 9 Moola 32 Kujjarakruti 246.25 246.5
1233 Sagittarius 9 Moola 33 Aindra 246.5 246.6666667
1234 Sagittarius 9 Moola 34 Swaha 246.6666667 246.75
1235 Sagittarius 9 Moola 35 Swara 246.75 247
1236 Sagittarius 9 Moola 36 Vahi 247 247.3333333
1237 Sagittarius 9 Moola 37 Prita 247.3333333 247.5
1238 Sagittarius 9 Moola 38 Rashkajalaplava 247.5 247.7777778
1239 Sagittarius 9 Moola 39 Varuni 247.7777778 248
1240 Sagittarius 9 Moola 40 Madira 248 248.25
1241 Sagittarius 9 Moola 41 Maitri 248.25 248.5
1242 Sagittarius 9 Moola 42 Harani 248.5 248.5711111
1243 Sagittarius 9 Moola 43 Harini 248.5711111 248.6666667
1244 Sagittarius 9 Moola 44 Marut 248.6666667 248.75
1245 Sagittarius 9 Moola 45 Dhanjjaya 248.75 248.8888889
1246 Sagittarius 9 Moola 46 Dhankari 248.8888889 249
1247 Sagittarius 9 Moola 47 Dhanda 249 249.3333333
1248 Sagittarius 9 Moola 48 Kachcchapa 249.3333333 249.375
1249 Sagittarius 9 Moola 49 Ambuja 249.375 249.5
1250 Sagittarius 9 Moola 50 Manshani 249.5 249.75
1251 Sagittarius 9 Moola 51 Shulinee 249.75 250
1252 Sagittarius 9 Moola 52 Soudri 250 250.5
1253 Sagittarius 9 Moola 53 Shiva 250.5 250.6666667
1254 Sagittarius 9 Moola 54 Shivakari 250.6666667 251
1255 Sagittarius 9 Moola 55 Kala 251 251.1111111
1256 Sagittarius 9 Moola 56 Kunda 251.1111111 251.25
1257 Sagittarius 9 Moola 57 Mukunda 251.25 251.3333333
1258 Sagittarius 9 Moola 58 Bharata 251.3333333 251.5
1259 Sagittarius 9 Moola 59 Hasita 251.5 252
1260 Sagittarius 9 Moola 60 Kadali 252 252.2222222
1261 Sagittarius 9 Moola 61 Smara 252.2222222 252.5
1262 Sagittarius 9 Moola 62 Kandala 252.5 252.6666667
1263 Sagittarius 9 Moola 63 Kokila 252.6666667 252.75
1264 Sagittarius 9 Moola 64 Papa 252.75 252.8572222
1265 Sagittarius 9 Moola 65 Kamini 252.8572222 253
1266 Sagittarius 9 Moola 66 Kalshodhdava 253 253.125
1267 Sagittarius 9 Moola 67 Virprasu 253.125 253.3333333
1268 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 68 Sadnara 253.3333333 253.5
1269 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 69 Shatyaksha 253.5 253.75
1270 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 70 Shatavari 253.75 254
1271 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 71 Prahavi 254 254.25
1272 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 72 Patlini 254.25 254.2777778
1273 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 73 Naga 254.2777778 254.5
1274 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 74 Pankaja 254.5 254.6666667
1275 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 75 Parmeshwari 254.6666667 255
1276 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 76 Vasudha 255 255.3333333
1277 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 77 Vaishnavi 255.3333333 255.5
1278 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 78 Bramhi 255.5 255.5555556
1279 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 79 Kalkuta 255.5555556 255.75
1280 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 80 Shankari 255.75 256
1281 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 81 Sudhakari 256 256.25
1282 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 82 Sama 256.25 256.5
1283 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 83 Soumya 256.5 256.6666667
1284 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 84 Sura 256.6666667 256.875
1285 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 85 Maya 256.875 257
1286 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 86 Manohar 257 257.1427778
1287 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 87 Madhvi 257.1427778 257.25
1288 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 88 Manjusvana 257.25 257.3333333
1289 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 89 Ghora 257.3333333 257.5
1290 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 90 Kumbhini 257.5 257.7777778
1291 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 91 Kutila 257.7777778 258
1292 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 92 Prabha 258 258.5
1293 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 93 Para 258.5 258.6666667
1294 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 94 Payswini 258.6666667 258.75
1295 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 95 Mala 258.75 258.8888889
1296 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 96 Jagati 258.8888889 259
1297 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 97 Jarjara 259 259.3333333
1298 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 98 Dhruva 259.3333333 259.5
1299 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 99 Musala 259.5 260
1300 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 100 Mudgara 260 260.25
1301 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 101 Pasha 260.25 260.5
1302 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 102 Champaka 260.5 260.625
1303 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 103 Damaka 260.625 260.6666667
1304 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 104 Mati 260.6666667 261
1305 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 105 Kakussha 261 261.1111111
1306 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 106 Kamala 261.1111111 261.25
1307 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 107 Kanta 261.25 261.3333333
1308 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 108 Kala 261.3333333 261.4283333
1309 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 109 Karikara 261.4283333 261.5
1310 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 110 Skhama 261.5 261.75
1311 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 111 Durdhara 261.75 262
1312 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 112 Durbhaga 262 262.2222222
1313 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 113 Vishva 262.2222222 262.5
1314 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 114 Vishinia 262.5 262.6666667
1315 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 115 Vikat 262.6666667 263
1316 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 116 Avila 263 263.25
1317 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 117 Vibhrama 263.25 263.3333333
1318 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 118 Shukhda 263.3333333 263.5
1319 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 119 Snigdha 263.5 263.75
1320 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 120 Sodara 263.75 264
1321 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 121 Sursundari 264 264.375
1322 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 122 Amrutplavini 264.375 264.4444444
1323 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 123 Kala 264.4444444 264.5
1324 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 124 Kamdhuk 264.5 264.6666667
1325 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 125 Karvirani 264.6666667 264.75
1326 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 126 Gahvara 264.75 265
1327 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 127 Kundini 265 265.3333333
1328 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 128 Roudra 265.3333333 265.5
1329 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 129 Visshakhya 265.5 265.5555556
1330 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 130 Visshbashini 265.5555556 265.7141667
1331 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 131 Nirmala 265.7141667 266
1332 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 132 Shitala 266 266.25
1333 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 133 Nimna 266.25 266.5
1334 Sagittarius 9 P.Asadha 134 Prita 266.5 266.6666667
1335 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 135 Priyavardhini 266.6666667 267
1336 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 136 Managna 267 267.3333333
1337 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 137 Durbhaga 267.3333333 267.5
1338 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 138 Chitra 267.5 267.75
1339 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 139 Chitrini 267.75 267.7777778
1340 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 140 Chirjivani 267.7777778 268
1341 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 141 Bhupa 268 268.125
1342 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 142 Gadhara 268.125 268.5
1343 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 143 Nalla 268.5 268.6666667
1344 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 144 Nalini 268.6666667 268.75
1345 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 145 Nirmala 268.75 268.8888889
1346 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 146 Nadi 268.8888889 269
1347 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 269 269.25
1348 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 148 Kakusshadnakura 269.25 269.3333333
1349 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 149 Trailokyamohankari 269.3333333 269.5
1350 Sagittarius 9 U.Asadha 150 Mahamari 269.5 270
1351 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 1 Vasudha 270 270.5
1352 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 2 Vaishnavi 270.5 270.6666667
1353 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 3 Bramhi 270.6666667 270.75
1354 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 4 Kalkuta 270.75 271
1355 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 5 Shankari 271 271.1111111
1356 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 6 Sudhakari 271.1111111 271.25
1357 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 7 Sama 271.25 271.3333333
1358 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 8 Soumya 271.3333333 271.5
1359 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 9 Sura 271.5 271.8666667
1360 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 10 Maya 271.8666667 272
1361 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 11 Manohar 272 272.2222222
1362 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 12 Madhvi 272.2222222 272.25
1363 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 13 Manjusvana 272.25 272.5
1364 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 14 Ghora 272.5 272.6666667
1365 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 15 Kumbhini 272.6666667 273
1366 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 16 Kutila 273 273.3333333
1367 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 17 Prabha 273.3333333 273.5
1368 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 18 Para 273.5 273.75
1369 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 19 Payswini 273.75 274
1370 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 20 Mala 274 274.2855556
1371 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 21 Jagati 274.2855556 274.4444444
1372 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 22 Jarjara 274.4444444 274.5
1373 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 23 Dhruva 274.5 274.6666667
1374 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 24 Musala 274.6666667 275
1375 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 25 Mudgara 275 275.25
1376 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 26 Pasha 275.25 275.3333333
1377 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 27 Champaka 275.3333333 275.5
1378 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 28 Damaka 275.5 275.5555556
1379 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 29 Mati 275.5555556 275.625
1380 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 30 Kakussha 275.625 276
1381 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 31 Kamala 276 276.25
1382 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 32 Kanta 276.25 276.5
1383 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 33 Kala 276.5 276.6666667
1384 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 34 Karikara 276.6666667 276.75
1385 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 35 Skhama 276.75 277
1386 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 36 Durdhara 277 277.3333333
1387 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 37 Durbhaga 277.3333333 277.5
1388 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 38 Vishva 277.5 277.7777778
1389 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 39 Vishinia 277.7777778 278
1390 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 40 Vikat 278 278.25
1391 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 41 Avila 278.25 278.5
1392 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 42 Vibhrama 278.5 278.5711111
1393 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 43 Shukhda 278.5711111 278.6666667
1394 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 44 Snigdha 278.6666667 278.75
1395 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 45 Sodara 278.75 278.8888889
1396 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 46 Sursundari 278.8888889 279
1397 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 47 Amrutplavini 279 279.3333333
1398 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 48 Kala 279.3333333 279.375
1399 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 49 Kamdhuk 279.375 279.5
1400 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 50 Karvirani 279.5 279.75
1401 Capricorn 10 U.Asadha 51 Gahvara 279.75 280
1402 Capricorn 10 Sravana 52 Kundini 280 280.5
1403 Capricorn 10 Sravana 53 Roudra 280.5 280.6666667
1404 Capricorn 10 Sravana 54 Visshakhya 280.6666667 281
1405 Capricorn 10 Sravana 55 Visshbashini 281 281.1111111
1406 Capricorn 10 Sravana 56 Nirmala 281.1111111 281.25
1407 Capricorn 10 Sravana 57 Shitala 281.25 281.3333333
1408 Capricorn 10 Sravana 58 Nimna 281.3333333 281.5
1409 Capricorn 10 Sravana 59 Prita 281.5 282
1410 Capricorn 10 Sravana 60 Priyavardhini 282 282.2222222
1411 Capricorn 10 Sravana 61 Managna 282.2222222 282.5
1412 Capricorn 10 Sravana 62 Durbhaga 282.5 282.6666667
1413 Capricorn 10 Sravana 63 Chitra 282.6666667 282.75
1414 Capricorn 10 Sravana 64 Chitrini 282.75 282.8572222
1415 Capricorn 10 Sravana 65 Chirjivani 282.8572222 283
1416 Capricorn 10 Sravana 66 Bhupa 283 283.125
1417 Capricorn 10 Sravana 67 Gadhara 283.125 283.3333333
1418 Capricorn 10 Sravana 68 Nalla 283.3333333 283.5
1419 Capricorn 10 Sravana 69 Nalini 283.5 283.75
1420 Capricorn 10 Sravana 70 Nirmala 283.75 284
1421 Capricorn 10 Sravana 71 Nadi 284 284.25
1422 Capricorn 10 Sravana 72 Sudhamrutamshukalika 284.25 284.2777778
1423 Capricorn 10 Sravana 73 Kakusshadnakura 284.2777778 284.5
1424 Capricorn 10 Sravana 74 Trailokyamohankari 284.5 284.6666667
1425 Capricorn 10 Sravana 75 Mahamari 284.6666667 285
1426 Capricorn 10 Sravana 76 Sushitala 285 285.3333333
1427 Capricorn 10 Sravana 77 Shukhda 285.3333333 285.5
1428 Capricorn 10 Sravana 78 Suprabha 285.5 285.5555556
1429 Capricorn 10 Sravana 79 Shobha 285.5555556 285.75
1430 Capricorn 10 Sravana 80 Shobhana 285.75 286
1431 Capricorn 10 Sravana 81 Shivada 286 286.25
1432 Capricorn 10 Sravana 82 Shiva 286.25 286.5
1433 Capricorn 10 Sravana 83 Bala 286.5 286.6666667
1434 Capricorn 10 Sravana 84 Jwala 286.6666667 286.875
1435 Capricorn 10 Sravana 85 Gada 286.875 287
1436 Capricorn 10 Sravana 86 Gadha 287 287.1427778
1437 Capricorn 10 Sravana 87 Nutana 287.1427778 287.25
1438 Capricorn 10 Sravana 88 Sumanohara 287.25 287.3333333
1439 Capricorn 10 Sravana 89 Somvalli 287.3333333 287.5
1440 Capricorn 10 Sravana 90 Somalata 287.5 287.7777778
1441 Capricorn 10 Sravana 91 Mangala 287.7777778 288
1442 Capricorn 10 Sravana 92 Mudrika 288 288.5
1443 Capricorn 10 Sravana 93 Kshudha 288.5 288.6666667
1444 Capricorn 10 Sravana 94 Mokshapavarga 288.6666667 288.75
1445 Capricorn 10 Sravana 95 Valaya 288.75 288.8888889
1446 Capricorn 10 Sravana 96 Navnita 288.8888889 289
1447 Capricorn 10 Sravana 97 Nishachari 289 289.3333333
1448 Capricorn 10 Sravana 98 Nivruti 289.3333333 289.5
1449 Capricorn 10 Sravana 99 Nigada 289.5 290
1450 Capricorn 10 Sravana 100 Sara 290 290.25
1451 Capricorn 10 Sravana 101 Sangrita 290.25 290.5
1452 Capricorn 10 Sravana 102 Samada 290.5 290.625
1453 Capricorn 10 Sravana 103 Sama 290.625 290.6666667
1454 Capricorn 10 Sravana 104 Vishvambhara 290.6666667 291
1455 Capricorn 10 Sravana 105 Kumari 291 291.1111111
1456 Capricorn 10 Sravana 106 Kokila 291.1111111 291.25
1457 Capricorn 10 Sravana 107 Kujjarakruti 291.25 291.3333333
1458 Capricorn 10 Sravana 108 Aindra 291.3333333 291.4283333
1459 Capricorn 10 Sravana 109 Swaha 291.4283333 291.5
1460 Capricorn 10 Sravana 110 Swara 291.5 291.75
1461 Capricorn 10 Sravana 111 Vahi 291.75 292
1462 Capricorn 10 Sravana 112 Prita 292 292.2222222
1463 Capricorn 10 Sravana 113 Rashkajalaplava 292.2222222 292.5
1464 Capricorn 10 Sravana 114 Varuni 292.5 292.6666667
1465 Capricorn 10 Sravana 115 Madira 292.6666667 293
1466 Capricorn 10 Sravana 116 Maitri 293 293.25
1467 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 117 Harani 293.25 293.3333333
1468 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 118 Harini 293.3333333 293.5
1469 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 119 Marut 293.5 293.75
1470 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 120 Dhanjjaya 293.75 294
1471 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 121 Dhankari 294 294.375
1472 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 122 Dhanda 294.375 294.4444444
1473 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 123 Kachcchapa 294.4444444 294.5
1474 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 124 Ambuja 294.5 294.6666667
1475 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 125 Manshani 294.6666667 294.75
1476 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 126 Shulinee 294.75 295
1477 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 127 Soudri 295 295.3333333
1478 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 128 Shiva 295.3333333 295.5
1479 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 129 Shivakari 295.5 295.5555556
1480 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 130 Kala 295.5555556 295.7141667
1481 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 131 Kunda 295.7141667 296
1482 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 132 Mukunda 296 296.25
1483 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 133 Bharata 296.25 296.5
1484 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 134 Hasita 296.5 296.6666667
1485 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 135 Kadali 296.6666667 297
1486 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 136 Smara 297 297.3333333
1487 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 137 Kandala 297.3333333 297.5
1488 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 138 Kokila 297.5 297.75
1489 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 139 Papa 297.75 297.7777778
1490 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 140 Kamini 297.7777778 297
1491 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 141 Kalshodhdava 297 298.125
1492 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 142 Virprasu 298.125 298.5
1493 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 143 Sadnara 298.5 298.6666667
1494 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 144 Shatyaksha 298.6666667 298.75
1495 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 145 Shatavari 298.75 298.8888889
1496 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 146 Prahavi 298.8888889 299
1497 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 147 Patlini 299 299.25
1498 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 148 Naga 299.25 299.3333333
1499 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 149 Pankaja 299.3333333 299.5
1500 Capricorn 10 Dhanistha 150 Parmeshwari 299.5 300
1501 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 1 Parmeshwari 300 300.5
1502 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 2 Pankaja 300.5 300.6666667
1503 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 3 Naga 300.6666667 300.75
1504 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 4 Patlini 300.75 301
1505 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 5 Prahavi 301 301.1111111
1506 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 6 Shatavari 301.1111111 301.25
1507 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 7 Shatyaksha 301.25 301.3333333
1508 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 8 Sadnara 301.3333333 301.5
1509 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 9 Virprasu 301.5 301.8666667
1510 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 10 Kalshodhdava 301.8666667 302
1511 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 11 Kamini 302 302.2222222
1512 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 12 Papa 302.2222222 302.25
1513 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 13 Kokila 302.25 302.5
1514 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 14 Kandala 302.5 302.6666667
1515 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 15 Smara 302.6666667 303
1516 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 16 Kadali 303 303.3333333
1517 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 17 Hasita 303.3333333 303.5
1518 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 18 Bharata 303.5 303.75
1519 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 19 Mukunda 303.75 304
1520 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 20 Kunda 304 304.2855556
1521 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 21 Kala 304.2855556 304.4444444
1522 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 22 Shivakari 304.4444444 304.5
1523 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 23 Shiva 304.5 304.6666667
1524 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 24 Soudri 304.6666667 305
1525 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 25 Shulinee 305 305.25
1526 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 26 Manshani 305.25 305.3333333
1527 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 27 Ambuja 305.3333333 305.5
1528 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 28 Kachcchapa 305.5 305.5555556
1529 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 29 Dhanda 305.5555556 305.625
1530 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 30 Dhankari 305.625 306
1531 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 31 Dhanjjaya 306 306.25
1532 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 32 Marut 306.25 306.5
1533 Aquarius 11 Dhanistha 33 Harini 306.5 306.6666667
1534 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 34 Harani 306.6666667 306.75
1535 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 35 Maitri 306.75 307
1536 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 36 Madira 307 307.3333333
1537 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 37 Varuni 307.3333333 307.5
1538 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 38 Rashkajalaplava 307.5 307.7777778
1539 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 39 Prita 307.7777778 308
1540 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 40 Vahi 308 308.25
1541 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 41 Swara 308.25 308.5
1542 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 42 Swaha 308.5 308.5711111
1543 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 43 Aindra 308.5711111 308.6666667
1544 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 44 Kujjarakruti 308.6666667 308.75
1545 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 45 Kokila 308.75 308.8888889
1546 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 46 Kumari 308.8888889 309
1547 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 47 Vishvambhara 309 309.3333333
1548 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 48 Sama 309.3333333 309.375
1549 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 49 Samada 309.375 309.5
1550 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 50 Sangrita 309.5 309.75
1551 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 51 Sara 309.75 310
1552 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 52 Nigada 310 310.5
1553 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 53 Nivruti 310.5 310.6666667
1554 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 54 Nishachari 310.6666667 311
1555 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 55 Navnita 311 311.1111111
1556 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 56 Valaya 311.1111111 311.25
1557 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 57 Mokshapavarga 311.25 311.3333333
1558 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 58 Kshudha 311.3333333 311.5
1559 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 59 Mudrika 311.5 312
1560 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 60 Mangala 312 312.2222222
1561 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 61 Somalata 312.2222222 312.5
1562 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 62 Somvalli 312.5 312.6666667
1563 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 63 Sumanohara 312.6666667 312.75
1564 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 64 Nutana 312.75 312.8572222
1565 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 65 Gadha 312.8572222 313
1566 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 66 Gada 313 313.125
1567 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 67 Jwala 313.125 313.3333333
1568 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 68 Bala 313.3333333 313.5
1569 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 69 Shiva 313.5 313.75
1570 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 70 Shivada 313.75 314
1571 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 71 Shobhana 314 314.25
1572 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 72 Shobha 314.25 314.2777778
1573 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 73 Suprabha 314.2777778 314.5
1574 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 74 Shukhda 314.5 314.6666667
1575 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 75 Sushitala 314.6666667 315
1576 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 76 Mahamari 315 315.3333333
1577 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 77 Trailokyamohankari 315.3333333 315.5
1578 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 78 Kakusshadnakura 315.5 315.5555556
1579 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 79 Sudhamrutamshukalika 315.5555556 315.75
1580 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 80 Nadi 315.75 316
1581 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 81 Nirmala 316 316.25
1582 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 82 Nalini 316.25 316.5
1583 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 83 Nalla 316.5 316.6666667
1584 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 84 Gadhara 316.6666667 316.875
1585 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 85 Bhupa 316.875 317
1586 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 86 Chirjivani 317 317.1427778
1587 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 87 Chitrini 317.1427778 317.25
1588 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 88 Chitra 317.25 317.3333333
1589 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 89 Durbhaga 317.3333333 317.5
1590 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 90 Managna 317.5 317.7777778
1591 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 91 Priyavardhini 317.7777778 318
1592 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 92 Prita 318 318.5
1593 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 93 Nimna 318.5 318.6666667
1594 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 94 Shitala 318.6666667 318.75
1595 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 95 Nirmala 318.75 318.8888889
1596 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 96 Visshbashini 318.8888889 319
1597 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 97 Visshakhya 319 319.3333333
1598 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 98 Roudra 319.3333333 319.5
1599 Aquarius 11 Satabhisha 99 Kundini 319.5 320
1600 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 100 Gahvara 320 320.25
1601 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 101 Karvirani 320.25 320.5
1602 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 102 Kamdhuk 320.5 320.625
1603 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 103 Kala 320.625 320.6666667
1604 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 104 Amrutplavini 320.6666667 321
1605 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 105 Sursundari 321 321.1111111
1606 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 106 Sodara 321.1111111 321.25
1607 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 107 Snigdha 321.25 321.3333333
1608 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 108 Shukhda 321.3333333 321.4283333
1609 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 109 Vibhrama 321.4283333 321.5
1610 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 110 Avila 321.5 321.75
1611 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 111 Vikat 321.75 322
1612 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 112 Vishinia 322 322.2222222
1613 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 113 Vishva 322.2222222 322.5
1614 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 114 Durbhaga 322.5 322.6666667
1615 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 115 Durdhara 322.6666667 323
1616 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 116 Skhama 323 323.25
1617 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 117 Karikara 323.25 323.3333333
1618 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 118 Kala 323.3333333 323.5
1619 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 119 Kanta 323.5 323.75
1620 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 120 Kamala 323.75 324
1621 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 121 Kakussha 324 324.375
1622 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 122 Mati 324.375 324.4444444
1623 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 123 Damaka 324.4444444 324.5
1624 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 124 Champaka 324.5 324.6666667
1625 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 125 Pasha 324.6666667 324.75
1626 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 126 Mudgara 324.75 325
1627 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 127 Musala 325 325.3333333
1628 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 128 Dhruva 325.3333333 325.5
1629 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 129 Jarjara 325.5 325.5555556
1630 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 130 Jagati 325.5555556 325.7141667
1631 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 131 Mala 325.7141667 326
1632 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 132 Payswini 326 326.25
1633 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 133 Para 326.25 326.5
1634 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 134 Prabha 326.5 326.6666667
1635 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 135 Kutila 326.6666667 327
1636 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 136 Kumbhini 327 327.3333333
1637 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 137 Ghora 327.3333333 327.5
1638 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 138 Manjusvana 327.5 327.75
1639 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 139 Madhvi 327.75 327.7777778
1640 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 140 Manohar 327.7777778 327
1641 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 141 Maya 327 328.125
1642 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 142 Sura 328.125 328.5
1643 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 143 Soumya 328.5 328.6666667
1644 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 144 Sama 328.6666667 328.75
1645 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 145 Sudhakari 328.75 328.8888889
1646 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 146 Shankari 328.8888889 329
1647 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 147 Kalkuta 329 329.25
1648 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 148 Bramhi 329.25 329.3333333
1649 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 149 Vaishnavi 329.3333333 329.5
1650 Aquarius 11 P.Bhadra 150 Vasudha 329.5 330
1651 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 1 Sushitala 330 330.5
1652 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 2 Shukhda 330.5 330.6666667
1653 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 3 Suprabha 330.6666667 330.75
1654 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 4 Shobha 330.75 331
1655 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 5 Shobhana 331 331.1111111
1656 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 6 Shivada 331.1111111 331.25
1657 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 7 Shiva 331.25 331.3333333
1658 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 8 Bala 331.3333333 331.5
1659 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 9 Jwala 331.5 331.8666667
1660 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 10 Gada 331.8666667 332
1661 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 11 Gadha 332 332.2222222
1662 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 12 Nutana 332.2222222 332.25
1663 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 13 Sumanohara 332.25 332.5
1664 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 14 Somvalli 332.5 332.6666667
1665 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 15 Somalata 332.6666667 333
1666 Pisces 12 P.Bhadra 16 Mangala 333 333.3333333
1667 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 17 Mudrika 333.3333333 333.5
1668 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 18 Kshudha 333.5 333.75
1669 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 19 Mokshapavarga 333.75 334
1670 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 20 Valaya 334 334.2855556
1671 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 21 Navnita 334.2855556 334.4444444
1672 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 22 Nishachari 334.4444444 334.5
1673 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 23 Nivruti 334.5 334.6666667
1674 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 24 Nigada 334.6666667 335
1675 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 25 Sara 335 335.25
1676 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 26 Sangrita 335.25 335.3333333
1677 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 27 Samada 335.3333333 335.5
1678 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 28 Sama 335.5 335.5555556
1679 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 29 Vishvambhara 335.5555556 335.625
1680 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 30 Kumari 335.625 336
1681 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 31 Kokila 336 336.25
1682 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 32 Kujjarakruti 336.25 336.5
1683 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 33 Aindra 336.5 336.6666667
1684 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 34 Swaha 336.6666667 336.75
1685 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 35 Swara 336.75 337
1686 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 36 Vahi 337 337.3333333
1687 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 37 Prita 337.3333333 337.5
1688 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 38 Rashkajalaplava 337.5 337.7777778
1689 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 39 Varuni 337.7777778 338
1690 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 40 Madira 338 338.25
1691 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 41 Maitri 338.25 338.5
1692 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 42 Harani 338.5 338.5711111
1693 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 43 Harini 338.5711111 338.6666667
1694 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 44 Marut 338.6666667 338.75
1695 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 45 Dhanjjaya 338.75 338.8888889
1696 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 46 Dhankari 338.8888889 339
1697 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 47 Dhanda 339 339.3333333
1698 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 48 Kachcchapa 339.3333333 339.375
1699 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 49 Ambuja 339.375 339.5
1700 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 50 Manshani 339.5 339.75
1701 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 51 Shulinee 339.75 340
1702 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 52 Soudri 340 340.5
1703 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 53 Shiva 340.5 340.6666667
1704 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 54 Shivakari 340.6666667 341
1705 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 55 Kala 341 341.1111111
1706 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 56 Kunda 341.1111111 341.25
1707 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 57 Mukunda 341.25 341.3333333
1708 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 58 Bharata 341.3333333 341.5
1709 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 59 Hasita 341.5 342
1710 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 60 Kadali 342 342.2222222
1711 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 61 Smara 342.2222222 342.5
1712 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 62 Kandala 342.5 342.6666667
1713 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 63 Kokila 342.6666667 342.75
1714 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 64 Papa 342.75 342.8572222
1715 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 65 Kamini 342.8572222 343
1716 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 66 Kalshodhdava 343 343.125
1717 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 67 Virprasu 343.125 343.3333333
1718 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 68 Sadnara 343.3333333 343.5
1719 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 69 Shatyaksha 343.5 343.75
1720 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 70 Shatavari 343.75 344
1721 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 71 Prahavi 344 344.25
1722 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 72 Patlini 344.25 344.2777778
1723 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 73 Naga 344.2777778 344.5
1724 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 74 Pankaja 344.5 344.6666667
1725 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 75 Parmeshwari 344.6666667 345
1726 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 76 Vasudha 345 345.3333333
1727 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 77 Vaishnavi 345.3333333 345.5
1728 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 78 Bramhi 345.5 345.5555556
1729 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 79 Kalkuta 345.5555556 345.75
1730 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 80 Shankari 345.75 346
1731 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 81 Sudhakari 346 346.25
1732 Pisces 12 U.Bhadra 82 Sama 346.25 346.5
1733 Pisces 12 Revati 83 Soumya 346.5 346.6666667
1734 Pisces 12 Revati 84 Sura 346.6666667 346.875
1735 Pisces 12 Revati 85 Maya 346.875 347
1736 Pisces 12 Revati 86 Manohar 347 347.1427778
1737 Pisces 12 Revati 87 Madhvi 347.1427778 347.25
1738 Pisces 12 Revati 88 Manjusvana 347.25 347.3333333
1739 Pisces 12 Revati 89 Ghora 347.3333333 347.5
1740 Pisces 12 Revati 90 Kumbhini 347.5 347.7777778
1741 Pisces 12 Revati 91 Kutila 347.7777778 348
1742 Pisces 12 Revati 92 Prabha 348 348.5
1743 Pisces 12 Revati 93 Para 348.5 348.6666667
1744 Pisces 12 Revati 94 Payswini 348.6666667 348.75
1745 Pisces 12 Revati 95 Mala 348.75 348.8888889
1746 Pisces 12 Revati 96 Jagati 348.8888889 349
1747 Pisces 12 Revati 97 Jarjara 349 349.3333333
1748 Pisces 12 Revati 98 Dhruva 349.3333333 349.5
1749 Pisces 12 Revati 99 Musala 349.5 350
1750 Pisces 12 Revati 100 Mudgara 350 350.25
1751 Pisces 12 Revati 101 Pasha 350.25 350.5
1752 Pisces 12 Revati 102 Champaka 350.5 350.625
1753 Pisces 12 Revati 103 Damaka 350.625 350.6666667
1754 Pisces 12 Revati 104 Mati 350.6666667 351
1755 Pisces 12 Revati 105 Kakussha 351 351.1111111
1756 Pisces 12 Revati 106 Kamala 351.1111111 351.25
1757 Pisces 12 Revati 107 Kanta 351.25 351.3333333
1758 Pisces 12 Revati 108 Kala 351.3333333 351.4283333
1759 Pisces 12 Revati 109 Karikara 351.4283333 351.5
1760 Pisces 12 Revati 110 Skhama 351.5 351.75
1761 Pisces 12 Revati 111 Durdhara 351.75 352
1762 Pisces 12 Revati 112 Durbhaga 352 352.2222222
1763 Pisces 12 Revati 113 Vishva 352.2222222 352.5
1764 Pisces 12 Revati 114 Vishinia 352.5 352.6666667
1765 Pisces 12 Revati 115 Vikat 352.6666667 353
1766 Pisces 12 Revati 116 Avila 353 353.25
1767 Pisces 12 Revati 117 Vibhrama 353.25 353.3333333
1768 Pisces 12 Revati 118 Shukhda 353.3333333 353.5
1769 Pisces 12 Revati 119 Snigdha 353.5 353.75
1770 Pisces 12 Revati 120 Sodara 353.75 354
1771 Pisces 12 Revati 121 Sursundari 354 354.375
1772 Pisces 12 Revati 122 Amrutplavini 354.375 354.4444444
1773 Pisces 12 Revati 123 Kala 354.4444444 354.5
1774 Pisces 12 Revati 124 Kamdhuk 354.5 354.6666667
1775 Pisces 12 Revati 125 Karvirani 354.6666667 354.75
1776 Pisces 12 Revati 126 Gahvara 354.75 355
1777 Pisces 12 Revati 127 Kundini 355 355.3333333
1778 Pisces 12 Revati 128 Roudra 355.3333333 355.5
1779 Pisces 12 Revati 129 Visshakhya 355.5 355.5555556
1780 Pisces 12 Revati 130 Visshbashini 355.5555556 355.7141667
1781 Pisces 12 Revati 131 Nirmala 355.7141667 356
1782 Pisces 12 Revati 132 Shitala 356 356.25
1783 Pisces 12 Revati 133 Nimna 356.25 356.5
1784 Pisces 12 Revati 134 Prita 356.5 356.6666667
1785 Pisces 12 Revati 135 Priyavardhini 356.6666667 357
1786 Pisces 12 Revati 136 Managna 357 357.3333333
1787 Pisces 12 Revati 137 Durbhaga 357.3333333 357.5
1788 Pisces 12 Revati 138 Chitra 357.5 357.75
1789 Pisces 12 Revati 139 Chitrini 357.75 357.7777778
1790 Pisces 12 Revati 140 Chirjivani 357.7777778 357
1791 Pisces 12 Revati 141 Bhupa 357 358.125
1792 Pisces 12 Revati 142 Gadhara 358.125 358.5
1793 Pisces 12 Revati 143 Nalla 358.5 358.6666667
1794 Pisces 12 Revati 144 Nalini 358.6666667 358.75
1795 Pisces 12 Revati 145 Nirmala 358.75 358.8888889
1796 Pisces 12 Revati 146 Nadi 358.8888889 359
1797 Pisces 12 Revati 147 Sudhamrutamshukalika 359 359.25
1798 Pisces 12 Revati 148 Kakusshadnakura 359.25 359.3333333
1799 Pisces 12 Revati 149 Trailokyamohankari 359.3333333 359.5
1800 Pisces 12 Revati 150 Mahamari 359.5 360
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