Wednesday, January 11, 2012

कन्या का शुक्र By Sri AV pathi ji Chennai

VENUS in VIRGO: (Debilitated at 27°): The native will not like his avocation; He will be unhappy; Could not have comforts in life; Could succeed in a subordinate position; He/she could marry more than once(under some conditions in the chart); could suffer from diseases in urinary and reproductive system; could invite troubles from liaison with opposite sex of ill-repute; could cause disputes through speech; will have marital unhappiness; - - These could be mitigated if Lord of that house Mercury is exalted and otherwise powerful in the chart –Mercury parked in this house ( Exalted at 15°/Moolatrikona from 16° to 20°);---In association with Mercury, Venus will make the native wealthy, peaceful, comfortable and well-educated (must for one to become auditor, finance executive/director, Bank Executive, custodian of treasuries etc.,); would like music; the aspect of Mars and/or Saturn will not give good results while it will nullify the combination of Mercury and Venus. WHEN THESE WILL BE IN EFFECT? : If the person gets Venus Desha for 20 years during age of 15 to 35 (beyond the effects either positive or negative will be mild and may not contribute to full effect); while the sub periods of Mercury (if parked in same house) will bring glimpses of glory above listed. However, if the Drusti from Saturn or Mars or in association with these two planets in Virgo will give miserable time and struggle during this period. - by Sri A.V. Pathi

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