Tuesday, January 17, 2012


ASTROLOGY IN INDIA – ITS GROWTH: 2500 – 1600 BC: Contemporaneous with Egypt and Sumer, the progressive Harappan civilization located in the Indus River Valley was named for its largest excavated cities called Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Like the Egyptians and the Sumerians, Indians were adept at working with metals and bronze and innovators in the arts and sciences. Irrigation made them successful formers. It has been surmised the the Indus River floods which occurred around 1700 B.C. devastated the land and destroyed many cities. 1500-100 BC. Vedic Era: Sometime during the second millennium, India was, according to some scholars, inhabited by Indo-Aryan tribes from Russian stepps who resettled Indus River Valley and formed their own communities in the Ganges Valley. The period is famous for ‘Mahabharata’ and ‘Ramayana’. Mahabharata has the longest poem in the world – ‘Bhagavath Geeta’. Indo-Aryans are also credited by some scholars with authoring Vedas, the primary source of religious knowledge. The Vedic hymns are said to have been revealed by the seven stars or planets, by ‘Rishis’ – literally to mean ‘to shine’.
Central to induism is the law of karma, the idea that deeds in this life time are determined by the quality of other lifetimes. ‘Karma’ – represents accumulated actions –positive or negative – and ‘darma’ – assigned duties in this life time. “Karma’ appears in three aspects – Sanchita – the sum or result of acts committed in the previous incarnation; Prarabdha – acts of the present incarnation; Agami – future unrealized acts. (Ref: 'Astrology and Jothirvidya' by Viswanath Dev Sharma). Thus the progress of the soul from one incarnation to another is conditioned by the mixture of free will, karma and fate – courtsey Sri AV Pathi. (Astrology & Remedies FB page)

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