Saturday, May 8, 2010


भागवत आचार्य श्री रमेश भाई ओझा जी की किसी कथा में उन्होंने समझाया था कि गत समय या पूर्व की ( Past ) किसी बात / चीज पर शोक होता है ! वर्तमान समय ( Present ) या वर्तमान की किसी बात / चीज पर मोह होता है ! भविषय (Future ) की किसी बात / चीज पर भय होता है ! Past का शोक Present का मोह और Future का भय ! प्रभु कृपा से विचार में आया कि शोक मोह भय को जो उच्चिषट करे या उससे उच्चाटिट करे वह है शम्भू ! शोक का श मोह का म भय का भ और उच्चिषट या उच्चाटिट का ऊ मिलकर ही तो बना है शम्भू ! यह बीज मंत्र ही मैंने मान लिया है. ! प्रार्थना में हम कहते है हर हर शम्भू ! शोक मोह भय से उच्चाटिट करके Reorient & Reorganize me . ! शोक ( PAST ) मोह ( Present ) भय ( Future ) के सन्दर्भ में आचार्य श्री रमेश भाई ओझा जी ने कई दृषटानत दिए थे ! उनको नमन ! मित्रों विचार करें आनंद लें और उचित लगे तो व्यवहार करें प्रचार करे आशीर्वाद दें ! Bhola Nath Shukla

Thursday, May 6, 2010


पन्च तत्व शब्द से आप परिचित होगे ! यह शरीर भी पन्च तत्व से बना हॆ ! भूमि गगन वायु अग्नि नीर ! छित जल पावक गगन समीर ! गुरु क्रिपा से एक दिन एक शब्द भगवान स्मरण मे आया ! इस शब्द मे पान्च अछर हे ! हर अछर से एक शब्द बना -- भूमि -- गगन -- वायु -- अग्नि -- नीर ! भगवान ! आनन्द ले ! भोला नाथ शुक्ल



Many of us know that Ganesh ji has got the privilege of being worshipped FIRST among others. We find the story in PURAN'S that GANESH ji won the race. All other contestants took more time to complete the race, whereas Ganesh ji took shortest time to complete his race. Ganesh ji raced on his charriot i.e. mouse and did PARIKRAMA of his parents BHAGWAN SHANKER and MAA PARVATI. This story gives us to ponder and find out some thing which is hidden. To my mind in the PURANS and other TEXTS True meaning is kept hidden and to decipher it we have to ponder upon under the able guidance of GURU. Fortunately I had occassions to sit near the FEET of able GURU's. As a result I got one meaning of the abovesaid. There may be other meanings too which I may not have deciphered as yet. What came to my mind is as under : Each Planet revolves the SUN. Saturn takes longest time just near to 30 years to complete one round of the SUN. (This is the length of one year of SATURN.) Jupiter takes around 12 years. (This is the length of one year of Jupiter.) MARS takes 687 days. (This is the length of one year of MARS.) Venus takes 243 days. (This is the length of one year of VENUS.) Earth takes 365 days. (This is the length of one year of EARTH.) MERCURY takes the minimum 88 days to complete the round circle. (This is the length of one year of MERCURY.) AND MERCURY IS REPRESENTED BY GANESH JI. So we can say that GANESH JI got first and is therefore priveledged to be worshipped FIRST. There u may have noticed that MARS takes 687 days to go round the SUN. There is a system in ASTROLOGY to write the numbers backwards " Aanka Naam Vaamato Gati " So accordingly we find 786 as the number. This 786 is the PIOUS number in ISLAM faith. If u relate Mars with the charactoristics of ISLAM faith u will find many astonishing similarities. See THE MANGAL Yantra provided in our astrological texts, u will find 786 is the number which is in the middle row. Mars has one synonym 'Ali' This ALI is being used as as name/surname in Muslims. etc etc So Dear Friends enjoy and comment. Bhola Nath Shukla