Thursday, December 4, 2014

Important Astrological Clues from Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra ji

1.       lords of 6,8,12 houses placed in trika houses only generate good effect and also boost up potency of the chart overall.
similarly, lords of 6,8,12, placed in any kendra or trikona in their good rashis also add more strength to the entire chart.
त्रिक भावों के स्वामी यदि ६,८,१२ मैं ही हो या केंद्र त्रिकोण मैं बलवान राशि मैं हों तो सारी कुंडली को अधिक बल देते हैं. तब सारी कुंडली ही सुधर जाती है.

2.       exalted planet or a planet resting with it, brings in prolonged disease or disorder during their mutual dasha and bhukti. the same effect also ensue during their MD.
उच्च ग्रह के साथ कोई और ग्रह हो तो इनमे से किसी एक की महादशा मैं या इन दोनों की परस्पर दशा भुक्ति मैं कोई लम्बे समय तक चलने वाला रोग विकार आता है.

3.         from its uccha,till neech sign, planet is Avarohi and from neech to uccha is Aarohi.
however, from uccha to 90°, planet is powerful, in the iv rashi is mediocre and in the v,vi and vii rashis, the strength declines progressively. assess contrary from neech towards its uccha.
उच्च से नीच तक अवरोही और नीच से उच्च तक आरोही है. उच्च राशि और उससे २,३, राशियों मैं बलवान, चौथी राशि मैं मध्यम, ५,६,७ राशियों मैं क्रमशः घटता बल जो नीच पर आकर आधा रह जाता है.

4.        The Badhaka planet is one of the obstruent factors in a chart. Among these, 6,8,12 are also labeled as Bhadha ot Duh Sthan ( Sanskrit prefix duh- difficult to assess calling additional attention) by Parashar. 
Badhak means sensitive locations of a chart which are to be considered intelligently.
In case a yogakaaraka planet obtains two or more different qualities of effect, it would disburse all kind of effects as and when suitable dasha bhukti operates. Simply good or during dashas of other planets having alike qualities at birth. You can check it, Mars in Simha and Saturn in Vrisha manifest mixed effects.
Any planet strongly placed in a chart always tends to give strong result either good or bad, whatever it is supposed to. So viii lord is highly desirable when it is placed in an extolled rashi or bhava. Vide, Prashna Marg, Jatak Parijat and BPHS.

5.          बाधक ग्रह तब तक बाधक नहीं हैं जब तक उसका सम्बन्ध किसी भी तरह से अष्टम भाव या अष्टमेश से नहीं है. यदि वह २२ द्रेष्काण के स्वामी से सम्बन्ध बनाये तो बहुत घातक है.
A badhak planet is not a badhak indeed, if it is, in no way, establishes relation with the viii lord or viii house or with the 22nd drekaana.

6.         जब दो जोड़ा ग्रह साथ हों तो बाद मैं कहे ग्रह का फल ज्यादा होता है - 
सूर्य और शनि. शनि और मंगल. मंगल और गुरु. गुरु और चन्द्र. चन्द्र और शुक्र. शुक्र और बुध. बुध और चन्द्र.
when two paired graha are together in a house, the latter one of the pairs mentioned below manifests its greater effects:
Sun & Saturn.  Saturn & Mars.  Mars & Jupiter.  Jupiter & Moon.  Moon & Venus.  Mercury & Moon.

7.        popular Mahapurush yogas do not fructify when any of the following conditions meet a chart:
any planet in neech. the yoga forming planet is associated with sun or moon. birth durng any Ashubh vela (listed in our Panchdhyayee). yoga formed in 7 or 4 houses. in that case, highly good effect come forth during dasha of the yogakaarak planet only and the Mahapurush yoga gets dissolved.
महापुरुष योग तब अपना पूरा फल नहीं देते जब योगकारक ग्रह सूर्य या चन्द्र के साथ हो. अशुभ वेला मैं जन्म हो. (देखें पंचाध्यायी) कुंडली मैं कोई ग्रह नीच मैं हो. तब उस ग्रह की दशा मैं ही काफी अच्छे फल मिलते हैं. महापुरुष योग भंग हो जाता है.

8.         what the birth moment we consider? Rishis state different rules for fixing the birth time. Garg Rishi and his school opine:
the moment when the process of coming out starts, is the birth time.
in a breech birth
, appearing ankles and in other cases, appearing shoulders is the birth time.
Satyacharya states precisely, the moment when the baby is completley detached from his mother's limb, the moment is the birth time to consider. Satyacharya's rule is scientific and correct.
जन्म समय कौनसा हो, कई मत पुराने ऋषियों ने बताएं हैं. गर्ग और उनके शिष्यों ने पैरों से प्रसव मै takhane दिखने का समय जन्म का कहा है. सीधे प्रसव मैं कंधे दिखने पर समय माने. लेकिन सत्याचार्य का मत सबसे उत्तम है. तदनुसार माता के शरीर से बच्चे का शरीर अलग होने का समय ही असली जन्म समय है.

9.              Names of Malika yogas are as follows:

I house- Malika- Rajyoga
II house- Dhanmalika- higher education, wealth

III house- Vikrammalika-success
IV house-Bandhumalika- support from public, recognition
V house- Mantramalika-Rajyoga
VI house- Indramalika-Rajyoga
VII house- Kaammalika- all comforts
VIII house- Nidhanmalika- losses, short life
IX house- Shubhamalika-goodd fortune
X house- Kirtimalika- fame
XI house- Vijaymalika- victory
XII house- Patanmalika- stress, frustration
लग्न से शुरू होने वाली मलिकाओं के नाम और फल-
लग्न से- मलिक- राजयोगा
II से धनमालिका- उच्च शिक्षा, धन
III से- vikrammalika-safalta
४ से- बन्धुमालिका- जनसमर्थन
५ से- मन्त्रमालिका-राजयोगा
६ से- इन्द्रमालिका- राजयोगा
७ से- काममालिका- आनंद
८ से निधनमालिका- अल्पायु, हानि
९ से शुभमालिका- भाग्य 
१० से-कीर्तिमालिका- यश
११ से- विजयमालिका-विजय
१२ से पतनमालिका- उदासी, मायूसी

10.             checking the five elements of Panchanga is the gateway to enter a chart to read. the weekday lord at birth put in some extra strength to the chart, when it is well placed in the kundali.
पंचांग के पांच तत्वों को देखना कुंडली विश्लेषण का प्रवेश द्वार है. जन्म वारपति यदि कुंडली मैं बलवान होकर स्थित हो तो कुंडली को अतिरिक्त बल देता है.

11.       except 8,12 houses, planets contineously resting in 5,6 or 7 houses generate Malika yoga with different names based of their opening house. these yogas manifest good fortune, position, honour, respect, wealth etc. without consideration of relevant dasha.
लग्नादि भावों से चलते हुए ५ या ६ या ७ भावों मैं सारे सात ग्रह हों तो मालिका योग बनता है. इन योगों मैं धन, सम्मान, पद, मिलता है. लेकिन ८ और १२ भावों से शुरू होने वाली मालिका सदा ख़राब होती है !

12.        planets conferring good knowledge of astrology:
following are some combinations manifesting good / outstanding knowledge of astrology
houses 1,2,5,9,12. with strong malefics,
mercurey in kendra with malefic(s).
rahu or ketu in 3,11 boosts up the above yogas.
sun and mars mutually related.
mercury and saturn having relation in kendra houses.
malefic in 10 aspected by benefic. contd.
विद्वान ज्योतिषी बनने के योग
१,२,५,९,१२ मैं पाप ग्रह;
केंद्र मैं पाप के साथ बुध;
सूर्य मंगल का कोई सम्बन्ध;
बुध शनि का केंद्र मैं बना सम्बन्ध;
दशम मैं पाप को शुभ गृह देखे;
राहु या केतु ३,११ मैं इन योगों का प्रभाव बढ़ाते हैं !

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

श्री संजीव रंजन मिश्र द्वारा एक उत्कृष्ट पोस्ट !

Some very important concept or tools for prediction is given in Phaldeepika of Manteswar. In ADHYAYA – IV sloka -12 Manteswar has explained the concept of Chandra kriya, Chandra vela and Chandra Awastha. These concepts are equally important in birth chart, Muhurth and prasana analysis. So Astrologer should consider these concepts before giving any prediction. Here I the method of finding Chandra Awastha and its result as per the text.
Chandra Awastha -- The time taken by Moon to cover a star (13° 20') divided by 12 yields an Awastha. So to find Chandra Awastha one has to find total time taken by Moon to cross a NAKSHTRA at a particular time [be it birth, Muhurth or Prasana] –this total time duration is than divided by 12 gives 12 Chandra Awastha –to make it more simple divide nakshtra span [13° 20’] by 12 and see that in which part birth, Muhurth or Prasana has taken place. Each Chandra Awastha will correspond to 1 degree 06 minute 40 seconds –first 1 degree 06 minute 40 seconds is first Awastha ,next 1 degree 06 minute 40 seconds is second Chandra Awastha of that Nakshtra and so on .For each Chandra Awastha specific result are assigned.
I am giving here the result of 12 Chandra Awastha.
1 Forsaking birth place and taking up
residence elsewhere
2 Kingly status
3 Fear of life
4 Kingly status
5 Status in keeping with family status
6 Diseases
7 Elevated status
8 Fear
9 Troubles from boils
10 Matrimony
11 Resting comfortably
12 Happy & tasty meals
Note –You have to divide your Nakshtra by 12 and see in which part Moon is placed in your chart and then see the result.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

युति के भेद : प्रस्तुतकर्ता डॉ. सुरेश चंद्र मिश्र नयी दिल्ली !

Five sorts of planetary conjunction:

1.Bhed-yuti (peircing) भेद युति - happens when longitudes of two planets and also the latitude in the same direction (N or S) are equal to seconds. during this, a planet transits over the other.

2. Ullekh-yuti (hitting their ends) उल्लेख 
युति - when longitudes are equal and latitudes of both planets, in the same direction are mutually away by 15-20''. here planets moves neck to neck by touching almost their ends.

3.Apsavya-yuti (passing very close) अपसव्य युति - moving at equal longitude, two planets move with 1° distance in latitude.

4.Anshumard-yuti (merging rays)  अंशुमर्द युति -  with equal longitudes, the two by-pass with less than 1° difference in latitude.

5.Sadharan-yuti (ordinary) साधारण युति - equal longitudes and latitudes differed by more than 1°.

Example :  Nov. 13, 2014, 06:32 hrs., Venus and Saturn both at 1°13'39'' longitude and latitude 00:20' and 01:55' respectively, difference more than 1°, hence, it will be an ordinary conjunction.

Monday, September 22, 2014

मंत्र से उपचार : प्रस्तुत कर्ता : श्री आर्य भूषण शुक्ल देहली

This mantra is from Narayaneeyam.

अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
त्वमित्थमुत्थापितपद्मयोनि: ।
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥

Asmin paraatman nanu paadmakalpe
Tvamithamutthaapita padmayonihi I
Ananta bhoomaa mama roga raashim,
Nirundhi vaataalaya vaasa vishno II

Asmin – in this, paraatman – supreme, nanu paadmakalpe – in this time, tvamitham – in this manner, utthaapita padmayonihi – caused to originate Brahma from your naval on a lotus, ananta bhoomaa – infinite/uncontrolled, mama – mine, roga raashim – ailments, nirundhi – eradicate, vaatalaya vaas – residing in air, vishno – Lord Vishno

This mantra is in praise of Lord Vishnu having incomprehensible powers (paraatman) who resides in air (vaatalaya vaas) or in other words controls air, who is all powerful and who created Brahma from his navel on a lotus. Lord Vishnu, the deity presiding over wind which is one of the three humours (dosha) of the body.
In relation to disease, Ayurveda says:
कफ पंगु पित्त पंगु पंगवे मल धातुना
वायुना यत्र नियन्ते गच्छन्ते तत्र मेघवत।
Cough pangu pitt pangu pangave mal dhatuna
Vayuna yatra niyante gachchante tatra meghvat..

It means that out of three doshas in body (vaat, pitt, cough), pitt and cough do not have any mobility and can’t spread in body of their own. It’s the vaat or the air that is responsible for movement of a dosha. So for a disease to spread in body, air is responsible. Astrologically, Saturn rules air and hence Saturn is always involved in an ailment.
Let’s come back to the mantra again. Here the keyword is “Ananta bhooma” which has been used for “rog rashim”. Anant bhuma means infinitely or uncontrollably high. This word relates to Cancer because in case of Cancer, there is uncontrolled growth of cells which causes the disease (rog rashim) OR any other similar disease which is having similar nature of uncontrolled growth.
In the last line, Lord Vishnu (who lives in air – vaatalaya vaas) is prayed/appealed to stop or kill (nirundhi) this uncontrolled growth of cell. In South India, Lord Vishnu residing in air is also called Lord Guruvayur.
Chanting of this mantra by a person ailing with cancer or similar disease is considered to be very effective. In case the ailing person is not able to do this then a relative who is very closely connected can also chant.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Valuable Tips by Pro AV Sundram ji

A little bird told me "" here are some details on Vargas.. lets take SHADVARGA :
1.RASI...Kama of the Body.
2. HORA...Lobha to do with wealth.
3.DREKKANA..Krodha..towards siblings.
4.NAVAMSA..Moha.. towards spouse.
5.DWADAMSA..Mada in youth towards elders.
6.TRMSAMSA.. Matshrya..jealousy towards others .
These Vargas represent our shatgunas.
1.RASI. .SUN..body/personality.
2.HORA. MOON.. wealth.
5.SAPTAMSA... JUPITER.. Children...
6.NAVAMSA.....VENUS...Marital life.
7.DASAMSA.......SATURN.. Profession/occupation.
The first .seven Vargas are represented by the week day lords from
The next 9 VARGAS are represented by combination of Planets.
8 .DWADASAMSA...Sun and Moon...Parents.
9 .SHODASAMSA.. Moon and Venus..Inner desires of the Native.
10 VIMSHAMSA.......Mercury and Rahu..(Nep**) Scientific and Spritual.
11 CHATURVIMSHAMSA...Sun and Saturn..(Ura**) Academic attainment.
12.BHAMSA..Mars, Jupiter and Saturn... Misfortunes in life.
13.THRIMSAMSA... Sun, Venus, and Mercury.....Lively hood.
14 KHAVEDAMSA....Sun, Mars, Mercury...DO and DONTS..good and bad
deeds in family.
15.AKSHAVEDAMSA.. Jupiter, Saturn Rahu. same as above but in Public.
16.SHASHTYAMSA.. ..Mars,Saturn, and Rahu..(PL**) KARMA and
PS. take note the plants ,(**) are my addition pl.

This one for those who want to know how new year will be....
A little bird told me :: Here is a method to know a MINI DASA..
Count from birth Star to the Year starting Star MULTIPLY the number by 7 and divide by 9. Take the Reminder..
1 SUN 18
2 MARS 21
3 JUP. 48
4 KET. 21
5 MER. 51
6 VEN. 60
7 SAT. 57
8 MOON 30
0 RAHU. 54
Apply usual results for the Planet for those days.
example.. birth Star... ASWINI. Year 2015 starting Star is KRITHIKA.
Counting from Aswini to Krithika we get 3 , multiply by 7 gives us
21 and dividing by 9 we get reminder 3. the starting Dasa is JUP.


This one for Astro reserch students.
A little bird told me "" Lets look into the HIDDEN HOUSES 6,8,12.
these houses must be taken together many a times for better understanding.
KANYA(6) is indicating the Small INTESTINE where the digested food is absorbed(WHAT IS NEED).
VRISCHIKA (8) is indicating the Large INTESTINE where toxic waste(WHAT IS NOT NEEDED)is moving.
MEENA(12) is indicating the ANUS which is the Path of Leaving /Liberation.
The function of these houses tell you about the HEALTH of the Native.
If these houses are VACANT particularly Kanya (6) one is healthy.
Looking from another angle.
.Kanya..(6) DISEASE, Vrischika..(8) DRUGS, Meena..(12) CURE/ Liberation.
If Planets are in these RASIS one is a HEALER (Doctor).
or Planets are in these Houses 6,8,and 12.from Lagna.
=You can also find that what is needed or what you need (house of Discreation) is Kanya/6 house.
What is not NEEDED for you or what will leave you is Vrischika/8 house.
The Ultimate end or Liberation is Meena/12 house.
The RASI is Shtoola, sukesma and the Planets are KARNA.""
my note: study carefully...apply...learn.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Propitiation of planets, when it works & when not : Presented by Justice SN Kapoor Ji N Delhi.

Propitiation of planets and Relatives in one's family and household:
I strongly feel that Propitiation should start first from one's own family.
A person, who tortures his father, may not be benefitted by propitiating the Sun.
Similarly without taking care and after showing disregard to mother, just by propitiating the Moon, one cannot get any relief from tension and worries.
Younger siblings, younger brother and sister of spouse, one will be afraid of unknown fears and obstacles in bbhagyodaya. Propitiation of mars would not be as effective as one would think.
Mercury is represented by Kumar in the family. pl. do not scold him and impose all your unrealised dreams on him. If your kumar is not happy, your intelligence and concentration may be affected. Treat him kindly and persuade him to charge of his own future. Propitiating Mercury may not have requisite propitiatory effect. ? advanced in working of today’s world. Propitiation of Jupiter may bring about negligible result.
Do not ignore your elder brother, your teacher, and elders in the family. they are repositories of various kinds of worldly experience; they are capable of guiding us despite the fact that we may be much advanced in technology and management. It is much better way to propitiate Jupiter.
Venus represents not only wife; Venus also represents all females youngest to eldest in the family. In case, you wish to please Laxmi, you cannot ignore either of them,
Saturn represents our subordinates as well as household employees. If wish to progress smoothly keep all of them happy and in good humour. To me it appears to better remedial measure to propitiate Saturn.
Rahu is paternal grandfather and ketu is maternal grandfather. one must not ignore them. If Rahu and Ketu become karaka / helpful and Sadhak, they raise level of one’s chart.
In all functions like marriage etc. one tries, attempts and succeed in pleasing all these relation for their blessing by offering them presents.
My friends, in this way, we may keep the family as well knit unit, each one prays for the growth every other. they do not work at cross purposes. Bidla family is glaring example for the last over a century. See their progress, though, there were small fissures in last decades. But still there are strong family ties.
Our friends may help families to grow and be happy, and must not be part of sinister action of one or the other in the family. This is the least expected from a conscientious astrologer.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Plants & Astrology : साभार :Veda Vighyan Rishikulam Fb Pg

साभार :Veda Vighyan Rishikulam Fb Pg. dt 27 July 2014
| Plants and Trees of Your Nakshatras Can Heal You ||
The concept of adoption of a plant is been derived from ancient Vedic culture. The Vedic astrology is based on the concept of Nakshatras (Constellations) and Rashis (as per moon signs). There are in all 27 Nakshatras and every individual has a Nakshatra assigned to him/her depending on the date and time on which he/she is born (the tithi).
Every Nakshatra has a symbolic tree or plant that defines its connection with eternal nature. In ancient Vedic culture there was a tradition that whenever a baby is born in someone’s home, that person was supposed to plant a tree of the same Nakshatra on which the baby was born. The person was supposed to take care of the tree as his child because it was believed that the more good and healthy the tree will grow, it will prosper more health and happiness to the child.
If these trees have been assigned to the 27 nakshatras by the Vedic Rishis, than it will be worthwhile for us to know which tree belongs to our Janma Nakshatra (Birth Constellation) and to have some idea about its medicinal values or other applications.
So the presence of the complete set of 27 trees directly creates a healthy and sound physical, mental, psychological and spiritual beings; which is the ultimate and absolute bliss to oneself and to the Earth too!
Trees corresponding to Nakshtras and Rashis :
Sr. No. : 1
Nakshatra Name : Ashwini
Moon Sign : Aries
Lord : Ketu
Tree/Plant : Strychnine tree, Poison Nut (
Latin Name : Strychnous Nux-Vomica
It is important medicinal tree which has its mention in ancient system of medicine. The seeds of ripe fruit are poisonous, hence the name.
Sr. No. : 2
Nakshatra Name : Bharani
Moon Sign : Aries
Lord : Venus
Tree/Plant : Amla, Indian Gooseberry (
Latin Name : Phyllanthus Emblica
Sr. No. : 3
Nakshatra Name : Kritika
Moon Sign : Aries
Lord : Sun
Tree/Plant : Cluster Fig (
Latin Name : Ficus Racemosa
The Rashi tree for Aries is Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus Santalinus/
रक्तचंदन). Being a rare species, plantation of this tree has its importance. It has tremendous medicinal properties and is mentioned number of times in Ayurveda. This tree is believed to purify air from toxic substances.
Sr. No. : 4
Nakshatra Name : Rohini
Moon Sign : Taurus
Lord : Moon
Tree/Plant : Jamun, Java Plum (
Latin Name : Syzygium Cumini
Sr. No. : 5
Nakshatra Name : Mrig
Moon Sign : Taurus
Lord : Mars
Tree/Plant : Cutch tree (
Latin Name : Acacia Catechu
The Rashi tree for Taurus is Indian Devil tree, Blackboard tree (Alstonia Scolaris/सप्तपर्णी). It is an elegant fast-growing evergreen tree. With or without flowering, it is equally beautiful. It has many medicinal properties to its name. It is often planted as an ornament.
Sr. No. : 6
Nakshatra Name : Ardra
Moon Sign : Gemini
Lord : Rahu
Tree/Plant : Black Ebony, Tendu (
टेंभूर्णी, तेंदू)
Latin Name : Diospyros Melanoxylon
Aquillaria Agalocha
Sr. No. : 7
Nakshatra Name : Punarvasu
Moon Sign : Gemini
Lord : Jupiter
Tree/Plant : Velu
Latin Name : Bambusa Arundinacea
It is basically a fast-growing type of grass which provide shelter place to many small birds. Its medicinal virtues are often neglected by gardeners who consider it as a messy plant. Actually speaking, it provide good quantity of mulch.
The Rashi tree for Gemini is Pala-Indigo tree (Wrightia Tinctoria/काळा-कुडा). Locally, it is also known as Dudhi.
Sr. No. : 8
Nakshatra Name : Pushya
Moon Sign : Cancer
Lord : Saturn
Trees/Plant : Peepal, Sacred Fig (
Latin Name : Ficus Religiosa
Sr. No. : 9
Nakshatra Name : Ashlesha
Moon Sign : Cancer
Lord : Mercury
Trees/Plant : Beauty Leaf tree, Alexandrian Laurel (
नागचाफा, उंडी)
Latin Name : Calophylum Inophyllum
It is an evergreen beautiful tree which tolerates variety of soils. It has fragrant flowers & is often planted for ornamental purpose. The oil extracted from the seeds is used as Biodiesel in USA & Europe.
The Rashi tree for Cancer is Palash (Butea Monosperma/पळस)
Sr. No. : 10
Nakshatra Name : Magha
Moon Sign : Leo
Lord : Ketu
Trees/Plant : Banyan (
वड, वट)
Latin Name : Ficus Benghalensis
Sr. No. : 11
Nakshatra Name : Poorva Phalguni
Moon Sign : Leo
Lord : Venus
Trees/Plant : Palash, Parrot tree (
Latin Name : Butea Monosperma
Sr. No. : 12
Nakshatra Name : Uttara Phalguni
Moon Sign : Leo
Lord : Sun
Trees/Plant : Payari
Latin Name : Ficus Arnottiana
The Rashi tree for Leo is Indian Jujube, Indian Plum (Ziziphus Mauritiana/बोर).
Sr. No. : 13
Nakshatra Name : Hasta
Moon Sign : Virgo
Lord : Moon
Trees/Plant : Jaai
Latin Name : Jasminum Grandiflora
Sr. No. : 14
Nakshatra Name : Chitra
Moon Sign : Virgo
Lord : Mars
Trees/Plant : Bael, Golden Apple (
Latin Name : Aegle Marmalos
The Rashi tree for Virgo is Mango (Mangifera Indica/आंबा)
Sr. No. : 15
Nakshatra Name : Swati
Moon Sign : Libra
Lord : Rahu
Trees/Plant : Arjun (
Latin Name : Terminalia Arjuna
Sr. No. : 16
Nakshatra Name : Vishakha
Moon Sign : Libra
Lord : Jupiter
Trees/Plant : Nagkesar (
नागकेसर) OR Wood Apple (कवठ, कैट)
Latin Name : Mesua Ferrea OR Limonia Acidissima
The Rashi tree for Libra is Indian Medler (Mimusops Elengi/बकुळ)
Sr. No. : 17
Nakshatra Name : Anuradha
Moon Sign : Scorpio
Lord : Saturn
Trees/Plant : Nagkesar (
Latin Name : Mesua Ferrea
Sr. No. : 18
Nakshatra Name : Jyeshta
Moon Sign : Scorpio
Lord : Mercury
Trees/Plant : Semal, Red Silk-Cotton Tree (
Latin Name : Bombax Ceiba
The Rashi tree for Scorpio is Indian Catechu (Acacia Catechu/खैर)
Sr. No. : 19
Nakshatra Name : Mool
Moon Sign : Sagittarius
Lord : Ketu
Trees/Plant : Salai
Latin Name : Boswellia Serrata
Sr. No. : 20
Nakshatra Name : Poorvashadha
Moon Sign : Sagittarius
Lord : Venus
Trees/Plant : Rattan Cane
Latin Name : Calamus Pseudotenuis (
It is a strong climber which has clustered stems. It usually need a support to climb.
Sr. No. : 21
Nakshatra Name : Uttarashadha
Moon Sign : Sagittarius
Lord : Sun
Trees/Plant : Jackfruit (
Latin Name : Artocarpus Heterophyllus
The Rashi tree for Sagittarius is Peepal (Ficus Religiosa/पिंपळ)
Sr. No. : 22
Nakshatra Name : Shravan
Moon Sign : Capricorn
Lord : Moon
Trees/Plant : Crown Flower (
Latin Name : Calotropis Gigantea
Sr. No. : 23
Nakshatra Name : Dhanishtha
Moon Sign : Capricorn
Lord : Mars
Trees/Plant : Indian Mesquite, Khejri tree (
Latin Name : Prosopis Cineraria
The Rashi tree for Capricorn is Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia Sissoo/शिसम).
Sr. No. : 24
Nakshatra Name : Shatatarka
Moon Sign : Aquarius
Lord : Rahu
Trees/Plant : Kadam, Common Bur Flower (
Latin Name : Anthocephalus Cadamba
Sr. No. : 25
Nakshatra Name : Poorvabhadrapada
Moon Sign : Aquarius
Lord : Jupiter
Trees/Plant : Mango (
Latin Name : Mangifera Indica
The Rashi tree for Aquarius is Indian Mesquite (Prosopis Cineraria/शमी)
Sr. No. : 26
Nakshatra Name : Uttarabhadrapada
Moon Sign : Pisces
Lord : Saturn
Trees/Plant : Neem (
Latin Name : Azadirachta Indica
Sr. No. : 27
Nakshatra Name : Revati
Moon Sign : Pisces
Lord : Mercury
Trees/Plant : Mahua, Mohwa (
मोह, मोहवा)
Latin Name : Madhuca Latifolia
The Rashi tree for Pisces is Banyan tree (Ficus Benghalensis/
It is believed that the tree of Nakshatra in which the person is born gives peace, prosperity, health and happiness. Nakshatra Vana (forest) is an attractive idea and a way to encourage growing trees to save the earth and living beings.
May we all believe in astrology or not, we will definitely agree to one simple thing that this concept of plant adoption was one of the very smartly planned conservation strategies by our ancestors. Today looking at our 'selfish' and 'just consume' attitude towards the whole-n-sole of our life - Mother Nature, we find it really necessary to rejuvenate and spread this concept of adopting at least one plant per person..! So this monsoon plant more and more trees and lets GO GREEN …