Monday, October 17, 2016

Important clue by Prof Av Sundaram ji

From a Students Note book.
We know KARAKA are important when judging Horoscope.
SATURN.... Discipline, sadness,Restricton, Skin,longevity etc.
Let's take Sadness...
SUN is KARAKA for 9 House....if Saturn is in the 9 From Sun..
MOON is KARAKA for 4 house....if Saturn is in the 4 from Moon,
MARS is KARAKA for 3 house....if Saturn is in the 3 from Mars,
JUPITER is KARAKA for 5 house ....if Saturn is in the 5 from Jupiter,
VENUS is KARAKA for 7 house....if Saturn is in the 7 from Venus...
In the above conditions find whether the Native is sad with the Relationship..
Sun..Father, Moon.. mother etc.
My note: You can also check for other KARAKA of Planet

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Test yourself : Post by Prof AV Sundaram ji

"*Moon in the 12 house...Man spends for women and connected things.
Woman will spend on Medical issues.
*Venus in the 12 house both man and woman are Poor pay Master. Take work ,talk sweetly and pay less.
*Rah in the 12 house the Native spends for gambling,Racing., all type self enjoying activities...this also for Jupiter in 8 house.
*Jupiter or Ket. in the 12 house the Native spends with self interest.
* Lagna Lord or Moon in the 6 house the Native spends for food and eats well.
* Venus in 2 or 11 house the Native spends for Charity. Public activities donation.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Astro Vastu Tips from Prof AV Sundaram ji

This one for Astro-Vasstu students.
A little bird told me" lets see some basics in Astrology with ref. to Vasstu.
In a natives chart the directions are Mesha, Simha and Dhanus are EAST. Rishaba,Kanya and Makara are SOUTH.
Mithuna,Tula and Kumbha are WEST , Kataka,Vrischica ansd Meena are NORTH.
The KALAPURUSHA the directions as follows.
Meena-N.W. Mesha and Rishabha- NORTH. Mithuna-N.E
Makara and Kumbha.WEST Kataka and Simha..EAST
Dhanus.S.W Vrischica and Tula SOUTH Kanya - S.E.
(use a south indian chart)
North East..ISHANYA KONA -divinity (Mithuna) has ARUDRA star- Lord
South West..NIRUTHI KONA- (Dhanus) has the star MOOLA whose Deity is NIRUTHI.
Now coming to Humans..
CHARA VASSTU..Moving...Kataka(4 house).this Rasi shows
the surrounding you live in. Mother Earth..Moon.
STHIRA VASSTU..Fixed...Vrischica(8 house) the Land on which your house located. Land..MARS.
NITYA VASSTU...Daily.. Meena(12 house) your daily Bed comforts. if this Rasi has Malefic even in best Vasstu house you cant be HAPPY.
AGAIN THE 4,8,12 HOUSES are important in our life."
my note.your chart shows whats best for you.
Vasstu experts pl. take it or leave it.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Akshya tritya : Analytical approach : By Shri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra

A note on Akshya tritya :
As per Muhurth Granth three lunar days (tithis) are said to be very auspicious. These are called Sade-Teen Muhurtas also. These Tithis are
A) First Tithi of Bright Half ofChaitra starting of Hindu New Year.
B) Tenth Tithi of Bright Half of Ashvina -Vijay Dashmi day ,
C) Third Tithi of Bright Half of Vaishakha (Akshya Tritiya- Parshuram Jyanti and
D) First Tithi of Bright Half of Karttika are called “Sade-Teen (3 ½) Muhurth”.
The first three tithis are counted as full and the last one as half Tithi and constitute Sade - Teen Muhurth. These tithi are important from historical, religious and astrological point of view. Sun and moon are astrologically believed to be at their most exalted equal brightness on this day. On the day of Akshya Tritya both luminaries Sun and Moon are in exaltation or near to exaltation and this is unique in year –so it is said to be very auspicious. In astrology three factors are said to be most important -
a) Lagna ( signifing physical thing)
b) Sun ( Soul -source of life)
c) Moom ( mind (मन) reflector of light--the cause of life and suffering )
So if two of these factors becomes powerful -the day becomes more auspecious- On Akshya tritiya day Sun and Moon position is relatively powerful in relation to zodiac . This year Akashya tritya falls on Monday 09 May - Sun in Bharni and Moon in Mrigshira nakshtra . BUT TODAY A RARE ASTROLOLOGICAL PHENOMENON IS TAKING PLACE -mercury transit over Sun creating a mini eclipse situation --since it is an eclipse though by Mercury -the effect of Sun is slightly reduced and that of Mercury is enhanced. So the effect of Akashya tritya is slightly reduced.
Other significance of Akshya tritya -;
A) On this day that Goddess Annapoorna Devi was born.
B) Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property with Goddess Lakshmi on this day.
C) It is the birthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of god Vishnu.
D) On this day in Mahabharata, Yudhishtira receives the Akshya patra,- which he uses to serve food for all the needy in his kingdom.
E) In more recent history, Adi Shankara recited the Kanaka Dhara Stotr on this day for the sake of the poor couple at whose house he stopped for Bhiksha and was offered their only available gooseberry.
So Akshya tritya is one of the most auspicious day for Muhurth –but like all other Muhurth lagna suddhi and planetary position in relation to one;s natal chart is must. Please also remember initiation / conducting of activities like wearing sacred thread (Upnayana), ending of fast, house construction and entering thereof, traveling and plantation is prohibited.

Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra ji explains :   बसंत पंचमी भी शुभ तिथि है पर इन तिथियों की श्रेणी मै नहीं है -- अक्षय का अर्थ है जिसका क्षय न हो --तो वैसे सभी कर्म जिसको हम बनाये रखना चाहते है इस समय किये जाते है. ध्यान रखे मुहुर्त हमेशा व्यक्तिगत होता है सामूहिक नहीं--व्यक्तिगत का अर्थ है आपके लिए आपके सन्दर्भ मै -तो हमेशा मुहुर्त व्यक्ति की कुंडली के आधार पर ही निकला जायेगा --और मुहुर्त शास्त्र के सभी नियम देखे जायेंगे. तिथि की शुभता केवल तारा बल प्रदान करता है और अक्षय की विशिष्टता.देता है केवल तिथि के आधार मुहुर्त बताना उतना ही अप्रमाणिक है जितना नामाक्षर के आधार पर फलादेश करना .

Friday, May 6, 2016

Walking Tips : making shape of 8. Collected from Fb page.

    WALKING - BENEFITS : Walking Tips : making shape of 8 

This is a simple set of activities that you can do it yourself without much supervision or guidance. These activities can transform your daily life experience in such a way that you will begin to realize the magic in yourself.   Come out and try these to enjoy the “magic”. Don’t forget to share with us the experience in the process.
The Famous 8 (Also called as “F8″) Walk Technique
This does not need any special preparation or exercise equipment.
It is highly beneficial when done on an empty stomach early in the morning before breakfast.
This is an ancient yogic fitness regime which was secretly guarded for centuries by Rishis (Saints / Sages)
It helps us avoid and treat several chronic diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, Heart attack, Kidney related disorders and diseases, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and many more..
It is recommended to do the practice everyday for at least 21 days to get the said benefits.
Duration & Timing of practice.
It is beneficial if the F8 exercise is done for 15 minutes daily before breakfast on an empty stomach.
It is recommended to do this for about 15 minutes between 5am – 6am ( or ) 5pm – 6pm everyday for at least 21 days continuously for achieving the desired benefits.
Who can do it
Any adult person between the ages of 18 and 75.
How to do:
Mark an Eight (“8″) shaped pattern on the floor with 6 feet width and 8-12 feet in length North to South.
Start at the position marked as “1″ in the below picture and follow the “8″ pattern
Proceed from start position (“1″) and continue in the sequence 2, 3, 4, 5 and return to 1
One complete round is generally counted when you come back to the start position (“1″)
When you walk, observe your breath and go with the flow – Don’t walk too fast or too sloppy
Wish you all the best for a healthy and active life.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Hindu New Year and its implications : Penned by Shri Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra ji

Hindu New Year and its implications :
Hindu New Year begins with commencement of Hindi month Chaitra Shukla pratipada. This year it begins on 7th April 2016 in the afternoon 16.54 hours Delhi... The chart erected for this time for the center place of a country is very important from mundane point of view. In addition to this Sun’s entry in all the cardinal sign is said to be important. Day of commencement of New Year and sun’s entry into different sign the planetary cabinet for the coming year is decided and accordingly prediction for the given year is made.
Let’s see the coming New Year chart and planetary cabinet
The important point to note in this chart
a) Lagna is Virgo it falls in Makar Navansha, its lord Mercury is placed in 8th house in Martian sign Aries in Aswini nakshtra –in Navansha also Mercury is with Ketu in 6th house in own sign-- not a good sign for political environment of the country –lot of dispute, charges, religious flare and sudden eruption of violence will be seen in coming year. But Venus the 9th lord aspects the lagna and is exalted in 7th ,lagna and lagna lord is not afflicted by any malefic and after July Jupiter will transit to lagna --with all the opposition and struggle Government will function well and things will be much better after August.
b) New year chart third house is occupied by 8th and 6th lord with no benefic influence so the matter related to 3ed house-transport, media, communication; neighbor will be in news for bad reasons. Since Saturn –Mars placement is 8th from Mercury position trade and educational activity will also come in news for disputes and controversy Jupiter aspect on Mercury will reduce the negative effect to some extent. Saturn- Mars placement in 3ed house indicates major negative political and military development in neibouring countries.
c) Maximum activity will be seen in matters related to 3 rd, 6th , 9th and 12th house as maximum malefic influence are there in these houses –disputes, litigation, unrest and disturbances through neighbor and also trouble in neighboring countries will be seen in coming month . Some major incidence of accidents (rail, road or air) may occur. Border disputes and extremists activity will also be in news. Some negative events related to religious places and religious heads (Guru) may occur in coming year.
d) Economy will improve –second lord is exalted and is with 11th lord in Kendra year lord is Venus —agro.  crops, mines, minerals, infrastructure sector and overall trade and commerce will improve in coming month. Good harvest, rain, cows will give more milk. Women will keep their husband happy with love and romance. Artists will thrive. More entertainment options will be available. Some women personality will come in forefront in different fields. New treaties and agreements will be signed.
e) As fourth lord is afflicted by Rahu and is retrograde in 12th house –opposition parties will try to disturb Government activity with unethical activity and some mass demonstration will be seen against ruling party. Some top opposition leader may be implicated in different cases. 4th house also represents public in general –affliction to this house means general dissatisfaction and hard time, Things will improve after August.
f) 10th house represents top authority –10th lord is placed in 8th house and 8th lord Mars aspect on 10th house is not very good for smooth functioning of Government. Government will have to face lot of opposition—Mercury has got the portfolio of Prime minister this year , is close friend of King Venus –Government head will be able to manage the Government and personal popularity.
g) Eclipse also plays a major role in mundane affairs –in this year three eclipses will occur –
May 9th 2016 Total Solar Eclipse occurring in Mithun Rashi Mrigashirsha Nakshtra
Sept 1 2016 Annular Solar Eclipse occurring in Purva Phalguni Nakshtra, Simha Rashi February 26th Annular Solar Eclipse Occurring in Shatabhisha Nakshtra, Kumbha Rashi
A) May 9th eclipse is not good for ruling party as it falls on 10th house -- The Prime Minister and government will have to face some questions from opposition. Opposition will try to be more united in upcoming local or state elections.
B) September 1 eclipse is bad for opposition parties –many top leaders will come in news for bad reasons. Trouble from terrorism, labor strikes, can cause problems with government.
H) Most disturbing aspect is weather and enviournmen condition. Wind and rain will be combined together with moderate rain –since Mars is meghadhipati powerful & destructive winds will damage crops in some places. But overall crop production will be on positive side. Mars is also commander in chief this year –increase in military activity and hostile and reactive attitude will increase this year.
I) one very significant point to note is that in New Year chart there is exchange between Sun and Jupiter. Due to exchange Sun’s strength is greatly reduced ---due to some external and religious activity Government will come under severe criticism and in some states there will be political change or controversy will arise.
. In nutshell the king Venus is exalted and has his friend Mercury as prime minister with no major affliction --economy of the country will improve in coming year. Government will take popular steps; judiciary will become stronger and there will increase in foreign funding.
Many more points may be highlighted on New Year chart—learned members can throw more light on this.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Jyotish Yearly Ready Reckoner : From Prof AV Sundaram ji

Jyotish Yearly Ready Reckoner : From Prof AV Sundaram ji

From a students note book.

In every year of the LIFE there in ONE house and ONE Planet give results of Deception /Misleading.

AGE (in years)             House                          Planet.

1                                  10                                Sun.
2                                  11                               Moon.
3                                  12                               Ket.
4                                  1                                 Mars.
5                                  2                                 Mercury.
6                                  3                                 Saturn.
7                                  4                                 Rahu.
8                                  5                                 Any Planet in 8 house.
9                                  6                                 Any Planet in 9 house.
10                                7                                  Jupiter.
11                                8                                 Venus..
12                                9                                 Any Planet in 12.

This Cycle repeats...From year of birth till end of each year.

eg.       54 year             6 house           and     Saturn. ( 54 – 48 = 6)
29 year            5 house           and      Mercury.(29 – 24 = 5).

Prof Sundaram,s :  note  : Watch out ASTRO RESEARCHERS.. there may be some hidden clues in this. good luck.