Wednesday, March 5, 2014

अक्षर – संख्या ओर ब्रह्म “ - सर्वज्ञ शङ्करेन्द्र

अक्षर संख्या ओर ब्रह्म “ -

__ सर्वज्ञ शङ्करेन्द्र

तन्त्र एवं ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार अक्षर और संख्या के घनिष्ट सम्बन्ध होते है । इन अक्षर और संख्या के घनिष्ट सम्बन्ध होने के कारण समस्त पदाथों के मूल में जैसे शब्द हैं वैसे ही अंक भी हैं । ज्योतिष अंक - विद्या के अनुसार शब्द " ब्रह्म " के अक्षरों का योग { जोड़ } १०८ हैं । इसीलिए हिन्दुओं की माला में भी १०८ दाने होते है ! यदि १०८ की संख्या को जोड़ा जाये , तब १ + ० + ८ { } की संख्या का परिणाम आता है ओर यदि नौ { }के पहाड़े का गुणनफल आपस में जोड़ा जाये , तब भी परिणाम { } ही रहेगा ! उसी प्रकार ब्रह्म न घटता है ओर न ही बढ़ता है ! अतः { } पूर्ण ब्रह्म परमेश्वर का द्योतक है !
संस्कृत भाषा का ब्रह्म “ , हिन्दी भाषा का ईश्वर “ , इब्रानी भाष का जेहोबा “ , अरबी भाषा का अल्लाह फारसी भाषा का खुदा ओर अंग्रेजी भाषा का गॉड शब्द का भी अंक ९ ही आता है!अतः इन सब भाषाओँ में ईश्वर के नाम भी पूर्णब्रह्म परमेश्वर के ही द्योतक हैं ! ईश्वर के इन नामों का मूल्यांकन निम्न लिखित वर्ण क्रम के अनुसार मान निकाल कर देखें -
स्वर : -
अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अ:
१ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९ १० ११ १२ १३
व्यंजन :-
क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ
१ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९ १०
ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न
११ १२ १३ १४ १५ १६ १७ १८ १९ २०
प फ ब भ म य र ल व श
२१ २२ २३ २४ २५ २६ २७ २८ २९ ३०
ष स ह क्ष त्र ज्ञ ड़ ढ़ द्य श्र
३१ ३२ ३३ ३४ ३५ ३६ ३७ ३८ ३९ ४०

जिस शब्द का अंक परिणाम जानना हो उस शब्द के अक्षरों के अंक लिखकर जोड़ने पर जो योग आये , उसको भी आपस में जोड़ने पर उस शब्द का अंक निकाल आएगा !
ईश्वर के नामों के अंक इस प्रकार निकले गये है

ब्रह्म ईश्वर जेहोवा अल्लाह खुदा गॉड हिंदू कुलयोग
ब- २ ३ ई - ४ ज- ८ अ- १ ख- २ ग- ३ ह - ३३
र- २ ७ श- ३ ० ए - ८ ल- २ ८ उ - ५ औ- ११ इ- ३
ह-३ ३ व- २ ९ ह - ३ ३ ल -२ ८ द - १ ८ ड-१३ अं - १ २
म- २ ५ र- २ ७ ओ - १ ० ह- ३ ३ आ - २ -
- - - - व - २ ९ - - - - - - - द - १ ८
- - - - आ- ४ २ - - - - - - - उ - ६
योग १०८ = ९ ९० = ९ ९० = ९ ९० = ९ २७ = ९ २७ = ९ ७२ = ९ ५०४ = ९
जिस प्रकार इन सब भाषाओँ में ईश्वर के नामों के अक्षरों के अंकों का योग अंक ९ ही आता है , जो की पूर्णब्रह्म परमेश्वर का द्योतक है !

Sunday, March 2, 2014

IQ and Memory (By Shri Vatsalya Saxena ji) :Post by Sri Krishna Bagri ji : FB pg Jyotish Ganga Vedic & KP Astrology ..

On IQ and Memory (By Shri Vatsalya Saxena ji)

I have written a similar note earlier but in this one I have added a few powerful techniques to improve memory and IQ.
For context, I am adding the earlier note also.
I hope people who have growing up kids will find it useful.
There is a theory described in the book titled "The Outliers" which says that if you put in around ten thousand hours in any activity, you will master it..The author, Malcom Gladwell, then goes on to give a few illustrations from various fields..I have found this theory quite convincing because of its scientific foundation..we all know that the intelligence (read the Einstein Factor by Dr Win Wenger et al) is a function of the flow of blood in neural pathways. When as a child one learns how to ride a bicycle, he tries to create, thru practice, a corresponding neural pathway in his brain which after some amount of practice becomes automatic, or the second nature..similarly, when one works hard in the field of mathematics, sciences in school, these pathways are laid out and then the blood flow becomes, if one blends this scientific fact about IQ with the Critical Mass of 10000 hours, the inevitable conclusion is that one has great probability of succeeding in the chosen field..all great musicians, artists, thinkers, economists, and successful people have first broken the barrier of 10000 hours and only then they could achieve great success..there is no substitute for hardwork..!!!
Children may be convinced about the scientific findings mentioned above and I'm sure that if a child right from the age of 3 or 4 puts in on an average 3 hours for study, by the time he reaches class 10th he will have already crossed the figure of 10,000 hours, and it will not be surprising if you see him in the merit list. I've seen that in Indian setting children get serious about their studies only when they are in class 9th, they work hard for 4 years and get into IIT or medical, with input hours ranging anywhere from 6 hours to 10 hours. Such an effort creates great stress for the children in general. This sort of situation can be avoided if children are encouraged to study consistently for at least 2 hours per day right from their preschool days.
The learning at preschool or primary stage need not be bookish. Children should be encouraged to use all their five senses through interactive gaming sessions and quizzes. That will improve their memory and Gestalt.

I am listing down a few powerful techniques and it is my personal experience that they can improve your memory in geometric progression:

Use Image streaming
Doing TRATAKA for 5 minutes on any complex geometric figure (preferably 64 triangles of shree yantra or circular pattern of shakti chakra). The conscious mind tries to see the dot in the centre but due to peripheral vision triangular patterns get registered in the brain. The heightened activity of left and right brain improves IQ and memory.
1 minute of underwater swimming..DAILY for 3 months..The logic is that due to hydrostatic pressure on the body and limited oxygen supply, the CO2 level in blood increases. To allow more oxygen to reach brain, the cerebral cortex expands. The increased supply of blood (and oxygen) activates dormant areas of brain.
Use Mind Mapping technique (copy right Tony Buzon). This fires up neurons.
This one will take your memory to a different plane altogether..PLAYING BLINDFOLD CHESS ..(Try to feel the board in your mind..calculate moves upto a depth of 5 or 6 least 4 variations per move..and try not to lose the game..a draw in blindfold is as good as a win..with practice, a time will come when you can actually “see” the board in the mind’s eye much better than you can with your eyes open. Brain works like a super computer in such a state). The pieces on your chess board can be used as a memory peg. For example, You can tell the Knight/ Bishop/Rook on a particular square to remind you of certain fact on a certain date.
Comments :  By Shri Vatsalya Saxena ji
The real benefit of this post will be when you apply the techniques to your children..I have two real life cases..two sons of a 16 and 12..they are walking encyclopaedia ..when they were around 3 yo the main focus was to build up their gray matter through diet and proper nourishment...gray matter gets generated upto the age of 7 or 8..thereafter you can only work on the activation of right now their neurons are hyperactive..these kids are just too smart academically and in extra curricular activities.. Further, there is a scientific study that 1 min of underwater swimming for 3 months raises the IQ level by 15 to 20 points..Try it.
Start with 5 drops of pure badaam oil in least once a'll see the difference in 3 months itself  Only 5 drops at this age bcos baby's digestive power is weak..gradually you should increase it to one tea spoon..
All the techniques will work well across all age groups..its my first hand experience..I have worked on all that I have written in the note..Image streaming, trataka, underwater swimming and blindfold chess..In addition to this, badam oil if given to adults will keep the neurons "lubricated" (how I dont know but it happens) and you may feel less fatigue..but after the age of 8..badam oil has no role in the generation of gray matter..but perhaps it can retard the decay of gray cells..the IQ is nothing but synchronous activation of left brain and right brain through neural firing in the dormant areas of brain..when there is free flow of energy between left brain and right psychic level, this is called AWAKENING OF KUNDALINI..

The reason behind underwater swimming is HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE..which sends signal to Cerebral Cortex to open the valve more to allow more blood to this signal is automatic bcos a depth, there is a sense of urgency which body recognises due to the fear of drowning..when someone stops breath otherwise just by holding the nose, the cortex may still open but not to that extent..thats why only one minute of underwater swimming is cud be in pieces also..of 20 sec 3 times if someone cant swim for one full minute..but my own experience has been that one swims faster under water..though lack of oxygen makes it a very tiring experience.