Sunday, March 21, 2021

 Courtesy Vedic Vision. Shri Ojha ji


Moon Vs Mercury and Sun vs Saturn 

We all Hindus are aware of puranic story of Tara, the wife of Jupiter who deceptively got involved with moon and mercury got it's birth 

What implications of this story on vedic Jyotish shastras?  

Moon stand for mind, our memory card (yaade) habits, thinking pattern, thoughts process.

Mercury stand for presence of mind which means it's speed by which we use information available inside our mind 

In shastra's it's said moon is seed of mercury which means quality of thoughts and memory stored inside mind aka moon only that can be used by mercury 

To illustrate this let's take example of famous internet firewall of China 

See we are using a server of suppose China they use firewall hence u can access to only those information which are present in server of China, u cannot see information available in server of USA because of firewall build by china for it's citizen, so Chinese citizen can access to only those information which CPC want it's citizen right to have , This firewall server is like moon, it's our mind, all information, memory are in this. 

Mercury is the u r modem or our phone we use to access  the information, now if we use good core processor we get that information quickly and if we use decade old technology processor it will take some time for it to provide us the information 

Now suppose One one who have USA server will have access to more information as this server permit it to access to all other server there isn't any firewall to block information 

Mercury is only the tool which we use to access Information as fast as it can and it cannot help us to access information which aren't in server My point is simple when server don't have information mercury cannot make us avaliable that information as its outside the server 

Moon as mind decide how much information we have and mercury is the tool to use the information as quickly as I can, that's why shastras say moon is seed of mercury, when we are studying nature of mercury always first study how auspicious is moon in Chart,  a moon who's afflicted by multiple malefic and no friendly planet in 2/12 or trine to support will be weak such people have less memory in their chip and even if they have exalted mercury It can only use the information provided by moon but they will access it and use it very very fast , deb moon or any other Deb planet isn't weak it's just that natural signification isn't in sync with sign they are in, hence deb moon is just restless mind it's weak only when multiple malefic afflict It 

Now as per Weak moon definately given by me such people have firewall, they cannot think beyond certain level, even if mercury is strong they can only use the information in the server not beyond it, that's why i said moon is seed of mercury 

Strong auspicious moon with friendly planet but a weak mercury only means they have information but access speed is slow they understand things and  react only after some time lapses and deep thinking over it but they will understand things later 

Best case is when moon is auspicious and mercury is also auspicious here information stored is very good and speed to utilise is also extremely fast 

Same rule apply for sun and Saturn, we all know it's story too, Saturn is karma and sun is kriya or activities, posturing we take while doing anything is Sun ☀, when we study result of Saturn always check how auspicious is sun in Chart, sun stand for posturing we take while doing karma, if sun is good we do karma which bring recognition, we will meet people through out our life who complain they don't get Yash for their work because seed of karma the sun is weak,  the posturing don't aspire confidence Of people end result is we work like donkey without recognition, people who do great karma always have support of sun mostly they should be away from each other 7th aspect is best both sun and Saturn when good give fame 

That why we say to learn jyotisha Shastra we need to learn about sanathan

Thank you 

Satya Ojha

Thursday, March 4, 2021

 Courtsey Vedic Vision.

Keerthi karma yoga = Sun + Saturn = in yogavor trine or mutual aspect  (these written below generic observations for predictions always rely on holistic chart reading)  

Saturn and Sun, both are father son duo,

which father hates his son? 


Father always want son to do things which make him proud for that reason he try to push his son hard even though he doesn't like it or not this desire of father create struggle in their bond, so is case of Saturn and sun, but even with all this fiction points father will ponder over son situation ask about his whereabouts and keep an eyes on him this is how sun saturn also play out in horoscope 

Sun is primal source of energy, stand for activity and robustness, sun is aatmakarak IT show what our soul want to manifest in our life and his son is saturn karak of karma, activities done by sun create karma who's saturn 

We can judge this combo in following 5 planes manner 

1. Effect on physical body - sun is heart and eyes, Saturn gives dim eyes, black spot under eyes, heart systen should be checked well in every check up, Saturn is air element when with sun plain in bones and acidity problem 

2. Effect on relationships - sun is natural father and Saturn elder brother, native will have generational gap related misunderstanding with father and ego problems with elder sibling, relationship improve once Saturn maturity age 

3. Effect on karma creation - Saturn is karma and sun is king /government, this combo makes native very cautious, native fear their reputation will be ruined by enemy hence they trend cautiously for every work so that no one would be able to accuse them of wrongdoing, they are slow but stable, native does well in administration specially gov (typical babudom nature of doing work)  politic suit them 

4. Effect on spiritual aspect - native believe karma is dharma, doing  seva and good karma is way to reach God 

5. Effect on finance - native get income from doing administration, if sun is ahead by degree native is known for great karma and well good status specially if sun strong and if weak we struggle for name and fame 

If Saturn is strong then native father had done social work and got fame, native struggle to get out of shadow of father 

So this combo have good and bad effect we should all aspects patiently but remember this combo without strong sun in horoscope (seed of Saturn)  we cannot be well known and Saturn cannot give his full result

 now best thing to happen in this combo is when sun and Saturn are 7th to each other this empower Saturn and give fame for work in later part of career.

 Courtesy : Vedic Vision facebook page.

Jupiter + Venus = Yoga, Trine or opposite (result written below are generic for predictions always apply holistically chart reading).

As per puranic story Jupiter is Guru of Deva and Venus aka Shukracharya Guru of Daityas, naturally they follow different religious and spiritual ideology hence they are enemy by nature but we need to remember that both are class 1 benefics for anyone.

So naturally question goes how does their enemity play on in horoscope?  

Answer is simple we should judge result of planet over five planes.

1. Effect on physical body - as both are beneficial hence jup Venus combo gives attractive personality, clean and presentable but internally for female they will give swelling to body and male chart they harm liver, kidney and hormones creation giving tyriod, kidney stone and diabetes problems.

2. Effect on relationships level - here both benefic play well we get good result specially if venus is behind Jupiter as per degree, spouse is optimistic and materialistic lifestyle both follow, sexually satisfaction is important or else relationship can go haywire.

3. Effect on karma creation - both are class 1 guru, they make person expert in anyone particular subject, they are listened by everyone and they guide people well.

4. Effect on spiritual aspect - they follow adverse ideology, Jupiter represent Vedas which teachs restrain, we say Maya is fake, we should have faith and surrender so we attain MOKSH on other hand Venus repredent tantra, Venus say Maya is God's creation hence divine must be accepted, leaving it is insult to God who made it for us, we should enjoy Maya but also pray supreme being, end result is native struggle between extremity of spirituality and materialism.

5. Effect on finance - here their enemity play out fully native have good understanding of look but finance is average native even being well learned is not very rich except saturn or Rahu rescue the situation.

We can draw the conclusion that both are enemy but being benefic their enemity play in mild matter after all when two very learned one sit together they will showcase their style and Hold on to them selves displaying act of sophistication but in some areas they play havoc and it's mostly internal matter like our health, wealth and life outlook.