Sunday, March 21, 2021

 Courtesy Vedic Vision. Shri Ojha ji


Moon Vs Mercury and Sun vs Saturn 

We all Hindus are aware of puranic story of Tara, the wife of Jupiter who deceptively got involved with moon and mercury got it's birth 

What implications of this story on vedic Jyotish shastras?  

Moon stand for mind, our memory card (yaade) habits, thinking pattern, thoughts process.

Mercury stand for presence of mind which means it's speed by which we use information available inside our mind 

In shastra's it's said moon is seed of mercury which means quality of thoughts and memory stored inside mind aka moon only that can be used by mercury 

To illustrate this let's take example of famous internet firewall of China 

See we are using a server of suppose China they use firewall hence u can access to only those information which are present in server of China, u cannot see information available in server of USA because of firewall build by china for it's citizen, so Chinese citizen can access to only those information which CPC want it's citizen right to have , This firewall server is like moon, it's our mind, all information, memory are in this. 

Mercury is the u r modem or our phone we use to access  the information, now if we use good core processor we get that information quickly and if we use decade old technology processor it will take some time for it to provide us the information 

Now suppose One one who have USA server will have access to more information as this server permit it to access to all other server there isn't any firewall to block information 

Mercury is only the tool which we use to access Information as fast as it can and it cannot help us to access information which aren't in server My point is simple when server don't have information mercury cannot make us avaliable that information as its outside the server 

Moon as mind decide how much information we have and mercury is the tool to use the information as quickly as I can, that's why shastras say moon is seed of mercury, when we are studying nature of mercury always first study how auspicious is moon in Chart,  a moon who's afflicted by multiple malefic and no friendly planet in 2/12 or trine to support will be weak such people have less memory in their chip and even if they have exalted mercury It can only use the information provided by moon but they will access it and use it very very fast , deb moon or any other Deb planet isn't weak it's just that natural signification isn't in sync with sign they are in, hence deb moon is just restless mind it's weak only when multiple malefic afflict It 

Now as per Weak moon definately given by me such people have firewall, they cannot think beyond certain level, even if mercury is strong they can only use the information in the server not beyond it, that's why i said moon is seed of mercury 

Strong auspicious moon with friendly planet but a weak mercury only means they have information but access speed is slow they understand things and  react only after some time lapses and deep thinking over it but they will understand things later 

Best case is when moon is auspicious and mercury is also auspicious here information stored is very good and speed to utilise is also extremely fast 

Same rule apply for sun and Saturn, we all know it's story too, Saturn is karma and sun is kriya or activities, posturing we take while doing anything is Sun ☀, when we study result of Saturn always check how auspicious is sun in Chart, sun stand for posturing we take while doing karma, if sun is good we do karma which bring recognition, we will meet people through out our life who complain they don't get Yash for their work because seed of karma the sun is weak,  the posturing don't aspire confidence Of people end result is we work like donkey without recognition, people who do great karma always have support of sun mostly they should be away from each other 7th aspect is best both sun and Saturn when good give fame 

That why we say to learn jyotisha Shastra we need to learn about sanathan

Thank you 

Satya Ojha

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