Sunday, December 18, 2011

पौराणिक खगोल शास्त्र : ज्योतिष मंथन जयपुर से साभार

pauranic astronomy

गैैलीलियो ने दूरबीन का आविष्कार करके अंतरिक्ष के कई गूढ़ रहस्यों पर से परदा हटाया और पाश्चात्य देशों को इसका श्रेय मिला परन्तु हमारे वैदिक ऋषियों ने बिना दूरबीन अथवा ऎसे किसी यंत्र की सहायता लिए ही अंतरिक्ष का पूरा चित्र ही वैदिक ग्रंथों में खींच दिया था। उनका आकाश संबंधी ज्ञान स्थिति मापक और गति मापक था। यदि वेदों, पुराणों व उपनिषदों का अध्ययन करें तो यह ज्ञात होता है कि हमारे ऋषि केवल ऋषि नहीं बल्कि श्रेष्ठ वैज्ञानिक थे।

वेदों और पुराणों की जटिल भाषा आमजन समझने में अक्षम थे, अत: ऋषियों ने कथा-किस्सों के माध्यम से इन वैज्ञानिक तथ्यों को सामान्य जन तक पहुंचाया।

विष्णु पुराण में भगवान विष्ण ु के चार रूप बताए गए हैं। पुरूष, प्रकृति, काल और जगत। वैदिक दर्शनों के अनुसार काल एक है तथा दिन, मास, वर्षादि उसके भेद हैं। सूर्योदय से सूर्यास्त के बीच में, सूर्य एवं पृथ्वी की सम्मिलित क्रियाओं से सूर्य कुछ समय पृथ्वीवासियों को दिखता है और कुछ समय नहीं ।

मनुस्मृति में पंचमहाभूतों का पंाच मंडलों के रूप में प्रकट होना बताया गया है।

तत: स्वयम्भूभगवानव्यक्तो व्य†जçन्नदम्।

महाभूतादिवृत्तौजा: प्रादुरासीत्तमोनुद:।

इस श्लोक के अनुसार पंचमहाभूत सृष्टि में अप्रत्यक्षत: विद्यमान थे और अकस्मात् एक दिन प्रकट हो गये। पाश्चात्य वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा दिया गया Big Bang Theory सिद्घान्त भी यही कहता है।

यह श्लोक भगवद्गीता के उस सिद्घान्त की पुष्टि भी करता है कि नासतो विद्यते भावो, नाभावो विद्यते सत:। अर्थात कोई वस्तु कहीं से नहीं आती और न ही किसी वस्तु का अभाव होता है।

आधुनिक विज्ञान का Law of Conservation of energy भी यही कहता है कि ऊर्जा को न ही पैदा किया जा सकता है और न ही खत्म किया जा सकता है। इसके एक स्वरूप को केवल दूसरे स्वरूप मेे बदला जा सकता है।

ब्रहम वैवत्तüपुराण में उल्लेख है कि ब्रrाा, विष्णु आदि देवता गोलोक धाम में श्रीकृष्ण से मिलने गए। वहां शतचन्द्रानना नामक श्रीकृष्ण की सखी ने उनसे पूछा कि वे किस ब्रrााण्ड से आए हैंक् शतचन्द्रानना के इस प्रश्A पर सभी देवता आश्चर्य चकित हो गए कि क्या कोई और भी ब्रrाण्ड है क् तो इन्हें शतचन्द्रानना ने बताया कि यहां विरजा नदी में सैंक़डों ब्रrााण्ड बिखरे प़डे हैं।

सबमें पृथक-पृथक देवता वास करते हैं। आधुनिक अंतरिक्ष वैज्ञानिक भी इस संभावना से इंकार नहीं करते कि पृथ्वी के अतिरिक्त भी किसी ग्रह पर जीवन है। यदा-कदा उ़डन तश्तरियाँ (Unidentified Flying Object) दिखने का दावा भी वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा किया जाता रहा है। हमारी बहुत सी पौराणिक कथाओं का सीधा संबंध अंतरिक्ष की स्थिति और उसके धरती पर प़ड रहे प्रभावों से है। अगस्त्य के समुद्र पान के पीछे यह तथ्य छिपा है कि चातुर्मास के अंत में जब अगस्त्य तारा दिखाई देने लगता है तो वह इस बात की ओर संकेत करता है कि अब वर्षा खत्म हो गई है।

इसी प्रकार पौराणिक आख्यानों में कहा गया चंद्रमा ने बृहस्पति की पत्नी तारा का हरण कर लिया था, इस कथा का खगोलीय सत्य यह है कि एक समय ज्योतिषीय गणना बृहस्पति से की जाती थी परन्तु बाद में यह गणना चन्द्रमा से की जाने लगी। वैदिक ऋषियों के खगोल ज्ञान का प्रमाण हमें ग्रहों की गति, उनके वक्री अथवा अतिचारी होने, ग्रहों के अस्त होने के रूप में मिलता है।

ऋषियों को यह संभवत: ज्ञात रहा होगा कि ग्रहों की गति सीमा को किलोमीटर में मापना संभव नहीं है, तभी उन्होंने ग्रहों के अंशों को आधार बनाकर ही उनकी सूर्य से निश्चित अंश की दूरी पर ही ग्रह के अस्त एवं उदय होने की बात की। राहु व केतु भौतिक पिण़्ड नहीं हैं अपितु गणितीय बिंदु हैं। वैज्ञानिकों ने राहु-केतु को North node और South Node जब का नाम दिया, उससे सहस्त्रों वर्ष पूर्व ही राहु-केतु को ऋषि प्रतिष्ठा दे चुके थे। वेदों का प्रधान विषय यज्ञ संपादन है। यज्ञों की सफलता के लिए ग्रहों का ज्ञान अति आवश्यक था। ग्रहों की गति को समझ कर ग्रहण, पृथ्वी की परिभ्रमण गति आदि का गहन अध्ययन किया।

भास्कराचार्य ने च्सिद्घान्त शिरोमणिज् नामक संग्रह में गणित एवं खगोल के विभिन्न सूत्रों तथा सिद्घान्तों का विस्तृत वर्णन किया है। वैदिक परम्परा में खगोल और ज्योतिष को एक दूसरे का अभिन्न अंग माना गया है। रामायण में भगवान राम के अभिषेक के लिए पुष्य नक्षत्र की तिथि निर्धारित की गई थी। भागवत पुराण में ग्रहों की स्थितियों का वर्णन किया गया है। भीष्म पितामह ने प्राण त्यागने के लिए सूर्य के उत्तरायण होने की प्रतीक्षा की थी। राम-रावण एवं महाभारत दोनों ही युद्घ अमावस्या के दिन आंरभ हुए थे। पंचतंत्र की कथाओं में एक कथा है जिसमें उल्लेख है कि एक गुरू महाराज एक खास ग्रह स्थिति में मंत्रोच्चाारण कर के आकाश से धन वर्षा करवा सकते थे।

आकाश पर एक दृष्टि डालने मात्र से वे ग्रह स्थिति का अनुमान लगा लेते थे। ये हमारे वैदिक काल के उन्नत खगोल ज्ञान के उदाहरण हैं। नक्षत्र शब्द का सर्वप्रथम उल्लेख ऋग्वेद में मिलता है। ऎतिहासिक तथ्यों ने यह सिद्घ कर दिया है कि ऋग्वेद ईसा से 4000 वर्ष पुराना है। ऋग्वेद में पुष्य, अश्विनी एवं रेवती नक्षत्रों का उल्लेख है। संपूर्ण नक्षत्रों का उल्लेख यजुर्वेद एवं अथर्ववेद में मिलता है। नक्षत्रों मे तारों की सरंचना को समझाने के लिए कथाओं का सहारा लिया गया। उदाहरण के लिए मृगशिरा नक्षत्र के पीछे ब्रrाा जी की कथा है। वास्तु में ईशान कोण का अत्यधिक महत्व है। हमारे वैदिक ऋषि अयनांश से परिचित थे। वे जानते थे कि सूर्य पूर्व दिशा मध्य से ईशान कोण की ओर 231/20 झुके हुए हैं।

इसलिए ऊर्जा का प्रवेश ईशान कोण से होता है। साथ ही भूगर्भ ऊर्जा का प्रवाह ईशान से नैऋत्य की ओर माना गया है। इसी खगोलीय तथ्य के कारण वास्तु नियम कहते हैं कि पूर्व एवं उत्तर में निर्माण कम से कम होना चाहिए तथा दक्षिण-पश्चिम में ऊंचा होना चाहिए। ऎसे निर्माण से ही ऊर्जा का प्रवेश ईशान से होगा तथा संग्रहण नैऋत्य में होगा।

वास्तु सम्मत यह निर्माण घर में सुख शांति लाता है और परिवार के सदस्यों के संपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व के निखार में सहायक होता है। इस प्रकार हमारे वैदिक ऋषि अन्य विद्याओं के साथ-साथ खगोल के भी ज्ञाता थे। उन्होंने अपने उन्नत ज्ञान से प्राकृतिक ऊर्जा का भरपूर प्रयोग मनुष्य के हित एवं उसके संपूर्ण विकास के लिए किया।

ज्योतिष मंथन जयपुर से साभार

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SECRETS FROM NADI TEXTS-Part I ( penned by Shri Nikhil Gupta)



Raj Yogas

1) Even a 100 adverse Yogas will become ineffective if Venus is placed in 11th house while Jupiter is in the 2nd house. In addition, the native will become wealthy, famous by serving a king and in the 3rd dasha particularly 2nd half, will acquire huge firm wealth, great honors and prosperous calling.

2) When Jupiter is placed in lagan and Venus is placed in 4th house with ketu in the amsa of mars, then the native will have mastery on 3 languages, highly learned, charming , an expert in drama, literature, music, a good speaker and will honor Brahmins and god.

3) The above yoga will also occur if Jupiter is placed in lagan, Venus with ketu is placed in Kendra with 4th lord.

4) Jupiter or Venus causing amala yoga (means Gaj kesari yoga + amala yoga), will make the native honor gods and Brahmins. He will be especially devoted to lord shiva and be supreme among men of charitable disposition.

5) When Jupiter is placed powerfully in 2nd or 10th house with Leo navamsa, the native will get wide powers through the King.

6) For Scorpio ascendant, if 6th lord mars is in the company of 5th lord Jupiter, this will cause raja yoga, Then the dasha of mars will confer great wealth, fortunes, quadrupeds, birth of children, sound health and other auspicious effects.

7) A planet causing neechbhang will make the person emperor and that too in his youth.

a) depositor of the sign occupied by the debilitated planet in Kendra
b) Conjunction of an exalted planet with a debilitated planet(like sun and Saturn in Libra and Aries, Jupiter and mars in Capricorn and cancer…etc)
NOTE: NEECHBHANG RAJ YOGA DO NOT FUCTION for natives with CANCER ASCENDANT….on the contrary it would obstruct the prosperity.

8) When Lord of 9th is placed in 4th house while Venus is in the 6th with Saturn will make the native acquire decent learning and head of a land. He will excel in writing and studies. He will be skillful in 3 languages. This combination will uninterruptedly give effects of Raj Yogas and will make the subject a devotee of lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

9) Rahu in 10th house as Saturn is in Aries rashi, Leo navamsa: the yoga is called Laxmi yoga.(this yoga also functions if Saturn is in Pieces rashi in Sagittarius navamsa)

10) For a Libra ascendant native, venus placed in the 11th house, joining the lord of 9th /4th and begetting cancer navamsa cause Indra Raj yoga as result the native will enjoy material pleasure and will be dear to king. He will follow the prescribed path of religion and be endowed with much wealth. He will build temples, towers and be happy.

11) Vishnu yoga will occur if sun is in Aries with Leo navamsa while Jupiter joins ketu (elsewhere). Such a native will prosper and will follow the codes prescribed for vashnative. Mars in lagan and Saturn in 12th house will also produce the said yoga. The native’s childhood will be marked by grief. There will be penury up to the age of 27. He will have emaciated body, be dark in complexion and be endowed with an auspicious appearance.

He will realize the Supreme Being and will be wealthy, heroic, intelligent and will be dear to king. He will have 2 sisters and will also have younger brothers.

12) There occurs raja yoga for a native of one of the movable ascendants as Venus occupies the sign Taurus with Aquarius navamsa as a result the happiness and position will come to pass after 27th year.

13) Venus aspecting or joining the Arudh of lagan, 9th and 12th houses causes Raja yoga. Such a native will become a king or equal to him. He will be valorous and will be fond of drama, musical instruments, singing and poetry. He will be fond of Scents, garlands and robes.

14) The 6th lord in the 10th house, occupying the angular navamsa will bring royal authority. The Native will be fond of musical instruments. He will achieve political wisdom through his elder brother and be endowed with good thoughts.

15) If the 9th lord’s navamsa position is identical with a trine signs from natal ascendant it will make the native a close associate of the king.

16) If the 5th Lord Navamsa is identical with a trine signs from natal ascendant it will make the native serve the king.

17) Mars, Sun and mercury in the 6th house, Saturn in the 3rd House, the moon joining Jupiter in the ascendant, venus and Ketu in the 4th,and Rahu in 10th house, with this array of planets, the native will be quite happy and be a great man. His childhood will be marked by difficulties. He will have limited number of issues. His coborns will also similarly have limited issues. The native will earn so much wealth and be so prosperous like a king. After 16th, 20th and 32nd year, his wealth will show increasing trends. His father will be happy. During his 8th year, the native will see his father declining and mentally distressed.

18) The moon in Virgo, Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Aries/ Leo/ Sagittarius will cause abundant fortunes to a pieces lagan native. He will incur some infectious diseases, will maintain his relatives and will perform poor feeding. He will be passionate and highly libidinous.

19) The moon joining Rahu in the 2nd house and being in sakata yoga (with Jupiter 6th or 8th w.r.t moon) will bless the native with abundant education, skill in consideration of the pros and cons and a high order of intelligence.

Basic Rules

1) Aspects should not be seen in Divisional Charts, concept of aspects are only meant for Lagan or rashi chart.

2) The 5th House is called the Rajya sthan (kingdom house), the 9th Prabhu Sthan (Lord’s House), the 10th house Mitra sthan (friend’s house) and 4th house Bandhu sthan (relative’s house)
From each of the bhavas, note the navamsa position of the 8th lord concerned and declare effects for the king and his relatives.
a) 2nd lord navamsa rashi- represent Children
b) Rashi aspected by 12th lord - represent Children
c) Ascendant Lord’s navamsa rashi- represent maternal uncles.
d) 8th lord navamsa rashi- represent maternal uncles.
e) 11th lord navamsa rashi- represent mother & relatives
f) 10th lord navamsa rashi- represent brother
g) 4th lord navamsa lord- represent mother, paternal uncle
h) 4th lord navamsa rashi- represent father
3) Add the longitudes of the lords of 2nd, 9th and 11th. When Jupiter in transit reaches or aspects the resultant degree, the subject will have great religious advancements and effects of Raja yoga. These results will also materialize if Jupiter occupies or aspects the said degree in the natal horoscope.

General rules.

1) Even if 4th lord moon gets debilitated in Navamsa or in the 8th in Capricorn in navamsa; she will give a long lease of life to the mother because of Jupiter’s Aspect.

2) Jupiter in friendly rashi which gives him Mercury’s navamsa will make the native highly passionate and serve the king.

3) In the dasha of Venus placed in Libra at birth, the native will enjoy increased prosperity in Saturn’s (Sub) period. He will in mercury’s sub period acquire fame and mercy of the emperor.

4) Venus with Mars in Scorpio causes the birth of a person who will destroy his friends and protectors but he will attain great prosperity in a different country. Venus in Libra causes widespread fame.

5) Rahu in Ascendant in aspect to the Sun gives a dark physique. Such a person will after some time develop enmity with his relatives. He will incur grief even on account of his Mother. His childhood will cause him grief and evils to father. He will be initially happy with his half brother but will have enmity with them later on. His wealth will be destroyed by soodras.

6) When the ascendant is occupied by Rahu as the 11th lord is in the 10th house, the step brother of the native will remain the eldest issue, be happy, will indulge in sinful acts and be fond of sensual pleasures. He will be a passionate person and will pursue acts due to a soodras. He will hate his spouse. All these results are applicable to the step brother of the native.

7) Should 7th lord be in the company of sun, the native will join other women. He will have 2 wives, be passionate and will be endowed with children.

8) If the 5th Lord is in the 5th House, occupying Taurus navamsa, the step brother will have obstacles in begetting progeny as he will obtain(only) dead children.

9) The Sun with Ketu in the 10th house without a benefic aspect leads to the following: a) Step brother will have difficulties in begetting progeny .He will initially lose wealth on account of soodras and then will lead a happy life.

b) When the native will be 8 or 10 years of age, financial losses to father will have to be feared. After sometime he will have good terms with children born to his other wife (than the native’s mother) and be happy.

10) If Mars is found in the 5th as his depositor is in the 8th house, the native will obtain many dead children and only after a long interval, a long living child will be born. To overcome these evils, worship of lord kartikeya (son of lord shiva, army chief of Gods) and bathing in sethu (in rameshwaram). Due to the yoga caused by mars as above the native in his 6th Lord’s Dasha, in 40th year, will incur grief on account of destruction of step brothers.

11) Should Rahu be with the 10th lord, be in aspect to 2nd lord and be in Leo navamsa, the native’s childhood will be marked by difficulties and poverty.

12) Saturn joining mars and placed in Libra navamsa denotes a person with learning and modesty. He will be in grip of anger only to be pacified instantly.

13) Saturn in Capricorn while the moon in pieces rashi with Aquarius navamsa-this yoga will give virtuous children to maternal uncles but troubles on account of tuberculosis and emaciation. The native’s maternal uncles will prosper while his father will sometimes will be happy. With Saturn in pieces in transit coinciding with native’s first dasha, his sister will get marriage. His marriage will occur in 2nd dasha, his 3rd dasha will acquisition of wealth When Saturn comes to the rashi indicated by the navamsa position of ketu or its trine the country’s army chief will be destroyed. (I think the author is indicating war)

14) For Scorpio ascendant if the Arudh of 6th is aspected by Saturn or by Mars, the native will invite dangerous diseases. 10th lord sun (strength) must be ascertained first before declaring any result. With such yoga, the dasha of 12th lord Venus is said to cause serious illness or destruction of wealth.

15) When sakata Yoga(Jupiter and moon is 6th/8th to each other) is formed, Rahu joining Jupiter will cause worries to the native on account of his spouse and progeny and may even prove an obstacle in begetting an issue.

16) With Saturn being the moon sign lord, if placed in exaltation in aspect to Jupiter, one born in an immovable ascendant will be the lonely issue of the family, bereft of any coborns.

Destruction of Parents

1) Destruction of father will result if Saturn occupies the degree caused by adding the longitudes of the Sun and the 4th Lord.
2) Destruction of mother will result if Saturn occupies the degree caused by adding the longitudes of the Moon and the 5th Lord.
Remember 4th lord denotes father’s death while the 5th lord denotes mother’s Death.

Father’s Prosperity

1) Jupiter is Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus in the 4th house in the company of the lords of 9th and 10th (i.e. the sun and mercury), will provide the native’s father numerous vehicles and fame via royal service. He will be endowed with coborns, be diseases and be subjected to the loss of older brother. He will have 3 long living brothers and one long living sister.

2) The native’s father will have checkered prosperity for one born on Saturday, while Saturn in the 3rd house in Aquarius rashi and Capricorn navamsa.

3) If the 5th lord Venus is in Capricorn ascendant, in Gemini navamsa in aspect to 9th lord, the paternal grand father will be in royal service. He will live in a foreign land, be passionate, will live by agriculture (also) and be happy. He will reside in good people’s company. He will somewhat gain serving others.

presented by Shri Nikhil Gupta.
Courtsey ASTROWINDOWS an astro group.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

जैन दर्शन में वास्तु कि एक झलक : प्रस्तुति : श्रीमती उर्मिल जैन नई दिल्ली !

जैन वास्तु
by Urmil Jain on Thursday, 8 December 2011 at 13:57
जैन वास्तु

आज के इस युग में मानव भौतिक सुखों की लालसा में पाश्चात्य सभ्यता में अग्रसर होते हुए अपने आपको व्यथित महसूस करता है। उसके मुख्यतः तीन कारण हैं – तन, मन, धन। अस्वस्थता (बीमारी), मानसिकता एवं अर्थ का आभाव। विश्व में अगणित विद्याएँ मानव जीवन को सफलता एवं विफलता देने में सहायक है। आदिब्रह्मा एवं नारायण श्री कृष्ण विश्व ने तमाम विद्याओं का ज्ञान प्रवचन तथा शास्त्रों के माध्यम से विश्व कल्याण हेतु संसार को दिया। भूखण्ड में दोषों को वास्तु के माध्यम से निवारण करने का, शरीर में होने वाले रोगों का उपचार औषधि के माध्यम से, ग्रहों का उपचार ज्योतिष के माध्यम से करने के लिये एवं मानसिक शांति के लिये योग शक्ति एवं धर्म मार्ग का निर्देश दिया है। ये सब उपचार करने के बाद भी हमें सुख स्मृद्धि शांति नहीं मिलती तो क्या हम शास्त्रों की रचनाओं को गलत मानेगें या शास्त्र के रचयिता को। न शास्त्र न शास्त्र की रचना गलत है कर्म सिद्धांत के अनुसार आपकी पूर्व अर्जित कर्मों से सुख दुःख आते रहते हैं। जब पुण्य कर्म का उदय आता है दुःखों को दूर करने में वास्तु शास्त्र, ज्योतिष, औषधि उपचार करने में निमित्त या सहायक बनते हैं।

हमने अपने भ्रमण काल में पाया है भूखण्ड के वास्तु दोष और गुण हमारे जीवन में महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। सुख समृद्धि शांति पाने के लिये वास्तु विज्ञान में अगणित जानकारियों का वर्णन मिलता है। कुछ जानकारियाँ बताने का प्रयास कर रहा हूँ – घर एक मन्दिर है उसका वातावरण सात्विक होना चाहिये। घर के अन्दर एवं बाहर सफाई बराबर करते रहना चाहिये। दीप, धूप, दान, धर्म होते रहना चाहिये। इन क्रियाओं से नकारात्मक ऊर्जाओं का शमन होता है। सकारात्मक ऊर्जाओं का आगमन होता है। भूमि का आकार आयताकार होना चाहिये। वर्गाकार नहीं। नारायण कृष्ण ने ब्रह्मवैवर्त्त पुराण में (श्री कृष्ण. 103/57) विश्वकर्मा के प्रति कहा है – दीर्घे प्रस्थे समानंच, न कुर्य्यान्मन्दिरं बुधः. चतुरस्ते गृहे कारो, गृहिणां धननाशनम्। (ज्ञानवान व्यक्ति को चाहिये कि चौकोर घर में बास ना करें, ऐसे घर में धन का नाश होता है।

घर में जल देवता का स्थान उत्तर मध्य से ले कर पूर्व मध्य में रहना चाहिये। ईशान कोन की सन्धि की जगह व्यवहार में नहीं लानी चाहिये। अंडरग्राउंड टैंक, बोरिंग, कुआँ, स्वीमिंग पूल इन स्थानों को होने से भूखण्ड के मालिक को समृद्धि एवं सफलता देने में अति सहायक है। फ्लोर (फर्श) बनाते समय ढलान का विशेष ध्यान देना चाहिये ढलान पूर्व और उत्तर में होना सफलता का सूचक है। ओवरहेड टैंक (छत पर रखने वाली टंकी) का स्थान नैऋत्य के स्थान को छोड कर पश्चिम और दक्षिण में होनी चाहिये। भूखण्ड के पूर्वी अग्नि, दक्षिण मध्य, दक्षिणी नैऋत्य, पश्चिमी नैऋत्य, उत्तरी वायव्य ये सभी द्वार दूषित होते हैं इनसे बचना चाहिये। उत्तर ईशान के नजदीक, पूर्वी, दक्षिणी अग्नि, पश्चिमी वायव्य में मुख्य द्वार बनाना चाहिये। भूखण्ड के बाउण्ड्रीवॉल बनाते समय दक्षिण पश्चिम की बाउण्ड्रीवॉल मोटी और ऊँची हो एवं उत्तर पूर्व के बाउण्ड्रीवॉल पतली और नीची हो। बाउण्ड्रीवॉल पर नुकीले भाले, कटीले तार, छुभते हुए काँच नहीं लगाने चाहिये।

मुख्य द्वार पर मांगलिक चिह्नों का प्रयोग करना चाहिये। ईशान के नजदीक श्याम तुलसी और राम तुलसी के पौधे लगाने चाहिये। भूखण्ड में देव स्थान ईशान में होना चाहिये। रसोई घर (कीचन) अग्नि कोण में भी बनाया जा सकता है (कुछ विद्वानों का मत)। ट्रांसफार्मर, जेनेरेटर, इनवेटर, मेन स्वीच एवं अग्नि से संबंधित चीजें अग्नि कोण (साउथ ईस्ट) में लगाना चाहिये। उत्तरी मध्य से लेकर ईशान पूर्वी मध्य तक एवं नैऋत्य कोण पर कभी लेट्रीन नहीं बनाना चाहिये। सेप्टिक टैंकर के लिये वायव्य का कोण श्रेष्ठ है। भूखण्ड में मकान बनाते समय विशेष ध्यान देने का विषय है। उत्तर एवं पूर्व की तरफ जगह खाली छोडनी चाहिये एवं पश्चिम में कम जगह खाली छोडनी चाहिये। मकान की ऊँचाई देते समय दक्षिण पश्चिम साइड को ऊँचा करना चाहिये। साउथ वेस्ट का कोना 90 डिग्री में होना चाहिये। ईशान कोण 90 डिग्री से कम नहीं होना चाहिये बढा हुआ हो सकता है। बच्चों के पढने का एवं सोने का कमरा ईशान कोण में होना चाहिये। बच्चियों के सोने का कमरा वायव्य में होना चाहिये। घर के मुखिया का कमरा नैऋत्य कोण में होना चाहिये। निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखने में हमें पूर्ण विश्वास है आपके जीवन में सुखद अनुभूति प्राप्त होने के योग निश्चित बनेंगे। विद्वतजन हमारी त्रुटियों को अवगत कराते हुए हमारा ज्ञानवर्धन कराने में सहयोगी बनें।

प्रस्तुति : श्रीमती उर्मिल जैन नई दिल्ली !

Monday, December 5, 2011

Riddle ?

Riddle ? nakshtr lordship concept By bhola Nath Shukla by Bhola Nath Shukla on Monday, 5 December 2011 at 12:11 
RIDDLE ? Respected Dear astro lovers, for quite some times I am involved in astrology subject. I quizzed the following from me itself but unable to find satisfactory solution. 
I come before you, one and all, to suggest me where am I going wrong : 

As far my knowledge suggests : JUPITER, VENUS, MERCURY & MOON are termed as Natural BENEFIC Planets. 

SUN, SATURN & MARS are termed as Natural MALEFIC Planets. Some writers suggests SUN as KRURA ( क्रूर ) and not MALEFIC. 

When I assess the assigned lordship of houses of the said Planets considering Natural/Fixed Zodiac, I get different picture : 

JUPITER (BENEFIC ) is assigned 9th and 12th house : The 9th house being Trine so the Benefic house. OK. But the 12th house is a Malefic house. 

 VENUS (BENEFIC) is assigned 2nd & 7th house: Both the houses are Malefic . MARAK Bhava (मारक भाव ) 

MERCURY (BENEFIC) is assigned 3rd and 6th house : Both the houses are Malefic . 

MOON (BENEFIC) is assigned 4th house : Apparently BENEFIC house. Permit me to add that this house is House of HARM. It is also treated as NADIR (पाताल). For the END OF LIFE this house is also suggested for study. 

 Thus it gives me an understanding of being a Malefic house. 

On the other hand : SUN (MALEFIC) is assigned 5th house : A TRINE. Benefic house. House of Purva Punya ( पूर्व पुण्य ). 

SATURN (MALEFIC) is assigned 10th and 11th house : 10th house is the strongest KENDRA (केन्द्र ). Auspicious Benefic house. 11th house acts as a benefic house since it has been suggested that all planets posited here delivers benefic results. 
 For one reason that 11th house may get the tag of MALEFIC house is because of being 6th to 6th. 

MARS (MALEFIC) is assigned 1st and 8th house : 1st house is the KENDRA (केन्द्र)as well as TRINE. Auspicious Benefic house. And 8th is undoubtedly a MALEFIC HOUSE. So, the Natural BENEFIC Planets because of their lordship over houses get malifience as well.

 And the Natural MALEFIC Planets get the Benefiance too. 
When I assess the assigned lordship of the said Planet over NAKSHTRA’s (नक्षत्र ), 

 I again get different picture : See the Table : 


Venus B F BHARNI F M P Phalguni F M P Ashada F M 

SUN M M KRITIKA F M U Phalguni F B U Ashada F B 



RAHU M x ARADRA F Dual SWATI F M Shatbisha M B 



Malefic M = Male B = Benefic F = Female D = Dual Eu = Eunuch 

All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of MARS (MALEFIC ) are BENEFIC. 

All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of

Out of the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of SUN (MALEFIC ) One is Malefic and TWO areBENEFIC. 

Out of the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of JUPITER (BENEFIC) Two is Malefic and One is DUAL. 

All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of VENUS (BENEFIC)are Malefic. 

Only, All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of MOON (BENEFIC) are BENEFIC. 

I will add for your consideration that SUN is a MALE Planet whereas all the THREE Nakshatra’s under its lordship are Female.

 And MARS is a Male Planet whereas out of all the THREE Nakshatra’s under its lordship One is Male and Two are Female. 

 So after going through the above said would it be fair to consider 

SUN, SATURN & MARS as MALEFIC planet always. 

Or some exceptions are required while terming BENEFIC/MALEFIC planets ??
I invite the attention of readers towards the Article published in Astrological Magazine in June 1977 authored by Late Shri R Santhanam
He has meticulously explained about the Misconceptions relating to Planet’s Lordship over Nakshtr. 

Another aspect to ponder.

Just like exaltation and debilitating theories ,

bigger mystery is the placement of nakshtras in signs …. Look at this

Ketu Venus - All nakshtras are in Fiery Signs

Saturn Mercury - All nakshtras are in watery signs

Moon - All nakshtras are in Earthy Signs

Rahu - All nakshtras are I n Airy signs

Sun - 1st pada in Fiery Sign  remaining in Earth

Mars - First 2 pada in Earthy sign and let two in Airy signs

Jupiter - First three pada  in airy sign last pada in watery sign

Venus Moon both are watery planets but none has its nakshtra in those signs.

Except Sun’s first pada in Fiery signs and Rahu’s nakshtra placement in airy signs –

all other placements are opposite to the planets nature.

Elders & Astro lovers’ scholarly guidance and comments are solicited please. With due regards. Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur (U.P.) 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Riddle ? By Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur

Respected Dear astro lovers, for quite some times I am involved in astrology subject. I quizzed the following from me itself but unable to find satisfactory solution. I come before you, one and all, to suggest me where am I going wrong :
As far my knowledge suggests :
JUPITER, VENUS, MERCURY & MOON are termed as Natural BENEFIC Planets.
SUN, SATURN & MARS are termed as Natural MALEFIC Planets.
Some writers suggests SUN as KRURA ( क्रूर ) and not MALEFIC.
When I assess the assigned lordship of houses of the said Planets considering Natural/Fixed Zodiac, I get different picture :
JUPITER (BENEFIC ) is assigned 9th and 12th house : The 9th house being Trine so the Benefic house. OK. But the 12th house is a Malefic house.
VENUS (BENEFIC) is assigned 2nd & 7th house: Both the houses are Malefic . MARAK Bhava (मारक भाव )
MERCURY (BENEFIC) is assigned 3rd and 6th house : Both the houses are Malefic .
MOON (BENEFIC) is assigned 4th house : Apparently BENEFIC house. Permit me to add that this house is House of HARM. It is also treated as NADIR (पाताल). For the END OF LIFE this house is also suggested for study. Thus it gives me an understanding of being a Malefic house.
On the other hand :
SUN (MALEFIC) is assigned 5th house : A TRINE. Benefic house. House of Purva Punya ( पूर्व पुण्य ).
SATURN (MALEFIC) is assigned 10th and 11th house : 10th house is the strongest KENDRA (केन्द्र ). Auspicious Benefic house. 11th house acts as a benefic house since it has been suggested that all planets posited here delivers benefic results. For one reason that 11th house may get the tag of MALEFIC house is because of being 6th to 6th.
MARS (MALEFIC) is assigned 1st and 8th house : 1st house is the KENDRA (केन्द्र)as well as TRINE. Auspicious Benefic house. And 8th is undoubtedly a MALEFIC HOUSE.
So, the Natural BENEFIC Planets because of their lordship over houses get malifience as well. And the Natural MALEFIC Planets get the Benefiance too.
When I assess the assigned lordship of the said Planet over NAKSHTRA’s (नक्षत्र ), I again get different picture : See the Table :


Venus B F BHARNI F M P Phalguni F M P Ashada F M

SUN M M KRITIKA F M U Phalguni F B U Ashada F B



RAHU M x ARADRA F Dual SWATI F M Shatbisha M B




M = Malefic M = Male B = Benefic F = Female

D = Dual Eu = Eunuch

All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of MARS (MALEFIC ) are BENEFIC.

All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of SATURN (MALEFIC ) are BENEFIC.

Out of the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of SUN (MALEFIC ) One is Malefic and TWO are BENEFIC.

Out of the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of JUPITER (BENEFIC) Two is Malefic and One is DUAL.

All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of VENUS (BENEFIC)are Malefic.
Only, All the Three Nakshatra’s under lordship of MOON (BENEFIC) are BENEFIC.

I will add for your consideration that SUN is a MALE Planet whereas all the THREE Nakshatra’s under its lordship are Female. And MARS is a Male Planet whereas out of all the THREE Nakshatra’s under its lordship One is Male and Two are Female.
So after going through the above said would it be fair to consider JUPITER, VENUS, MERCURY & MOON as BENEFIC Planet always and SUN, SATURN & MARS as MALEFIC planet always. Or some exceptions are required while terming BENEFIC/MALEFIC planets ??
Elders & Astro lover’s scholarly guidance and comments are solicited please.
With due regards. I remain ,

Yours Faithfully.

Bhola Nath Shukla Kanpur (U.P.)
०९८६८७ ३४२०८

तारा बल (प्रस्तुत कर्ता श्रीमती उर्मिल जैन नई दिल्ली )

Tara Bal STARS
by Urmil Jain on Saturday, 3 December 2011 at 14:29
Taras Bal (Stars)

Basic Tara Classification
We can count constellations from the constellation of natal Moon to the constellation occupied by a planet in transit. Suppose natal Moon is in Makha and transit Mars is in Swaati. Counting constellations from Makha, we get (1) Maksha, (2) Poorva Phalguni, (3) Uttara Phalguni, (4) Hasta, (5) Chitra and (6) Swaati. So Swaati is the 6th constellation from natal Moon’s constellation.

Different constellations from the constellation of natal Moon stand for different things, as shown in Table 15. If a planet is in a bad tara in its transit, it cannot give its full results. If dasa lord and antardasa lord as per Vimsottari dasa are in bad taras, bad results can be expected.

Constellation (from natalMoon’s constellation) Name Meaning
1st, 10th, 19th. Janam Tara. Birth (mixed)
2nd, 11th, 20th Sampat Tara Wealth (good)
3rd, 12th, 21st Vipat Tara Danger (bad)
4th, 13th, 22nd Kshema Tara Well-being (good)
5th, 14th, 23rd Pratyak Tara Obstacles (bad)
6th, 15th, 24th Saadhana Tara Achievement (good)
7th, 16th, 25th Naidhana/Vadha Tara Death (bad)
8th, 17th, 26th Mitra Tara Friend (good)
9th, 18th, 27th Parama Mitra Tara Best friend (good)
Taras are also used in muhurtas. At the time of an auspicious effort or when a new project is launched, transit Moon should not be in a bad constellation with respect to the natal Moon’s constellation.

Special Nakshatras/Taras
In addition to the above general classification, we have a few special nakshatras for each person:

(1) The constellation occupied by natal Moon is called Janma nakshatra. Janam means “birth” and this nakshatra shows general well-being.
(1) The 10th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Karma nakshatra. Karma means “profession” and this nakshatra shows profession and workplace.
(1) The 18th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Saamudaayika nakshatra. Saamudaayika roughly means “related to a crowd” and this nakshatra shows group activities.

(1) The 16th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Sanghaatika nakshatra. Sanghaatika roughly means “belonging to group” and this nakshatra shows group/social activities.
(1) The 4th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Jaati nakshatra. Jaati roughly means “community” and this nakshatra shows one’s community. To be more correct, one’s jaati shows people who belong to the same class, nature and profession.
(1) The 7th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Naidhana nakshatra. Naidhana means “death” and this nakshatra shows death and suffering.

(1) The 12th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Desa nakshatra. Desa means “country” and this nakshatra shows one’s country.
(1) The 13th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Abhisheka nakshatra. Abhisheka means “coronation” and this nakshatra shows power and authority. This is also called Raajya nakshatra (kingdom).
(1) The 19th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Aadhaana nakshatra. Aadhaana means “epoch/conception” and this nakshatra shows well-being of family.

(1) The 22th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Vainaasika/Vinaasana nakshatra. Vainaasika means “destructive” and this nakshatra shows one’s destruction.
(1) The 25th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Maanasa nakshatra. Maanasa means “mind” and this nakshatra shows one’s mental state.

Benefics or malefics situated in these constellations in their transit bring good or bad results related to the area covered by the nakshatra. However, it should be kept in mind that the results will be with respect to the native. For example, malefics transiting in desa nakshatra may not ruin one’s country. After all, any country has almost the same number of people with desa nakshatra in each constellation. When many malefics are transiting in desa nakshatra, one may be driven away from one’s country or start hating one’s country. Similarly, many malefics transiting in jaati nakshatra may alienate one from one’s community. Many benefics transiting in karma nakshatra may give success at workplace. This is how these special nakshatras should be used. Sometimes, using these nakshtras gives special insights that cannot be gained by looking at any divisional chart.

penned by Srimati Urmil Jain New Delhi

Thursday, December 1, 2011

6th House ( by Smt Urmil Jain N Delhi)

Sixth House
by Urmil Jain on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 at 20:23
Sixth House

The Sixth House represents enemies and wounds. This is an important
house as enemies can destroy our mental peace. Even though philosophically
the Adversary is an active collaborator and is the builder of the strength
in man, practically he can make us cry with his machinations ! Hence a
powerful Sixth lord is called for; if the sixth house is weak or aspected
by malefics, we are bound to suffer.
The sixth house is known as the Gyati bhava. It is also known by various other names like Rog bhava, Trik bhava, Duhsthan bhava, Upachaya bhava, Apoklim bhava and Trishadaya bhava. It is best for a person if this house is weak in his Kundali. The sixth house can be related to enemy relations, debt, disease, job, occupation, misery, injury, concerns, failures, accidents, barriers, mental stress, wounds, imprisonment, brutal action, deficiency, expressions, mental stability, timber wood, stone, tools, hospital, prison, stepmother, punishment, cruelty, competitions, result, anger, infatuation, arrogance, envy, loss in investment, partnership and morbidity.

Mars is the Karak planet of the sixth house. Mars represents enemy relations, boxing, dispute, injury etc. Saturn in this house can be related to sorrow, diseases and debt. Mercury in the sixth house can be related to maternal uncle, paternal uncle, brothers and friends.

The sixth house explains enemies and relations with them.
What does the sixth house represent
The sixth house represent a person’s loss as it is not an auspicious house.
Which relationships does the sixth house represent
The sixth house represents relationships with maternal uncle, servants, pet animals and paternal side of the family.

What Yogas are formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the other houses

A yoga formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the seventh house makes a person face a lot of difficulties in life. This Yoga acts as an enemy to a person’s marital life. The life partner of such a person creates problems in the marriage just like an enemy does in life.
The Yoga formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the eighth house is a sort of an opposite Raj Yoga. Such a person receives material benefits, But this Yoga is not auspicious towards one’s health.
If a Yoga if formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the ninth house, the person is not spiritual or religious. His father faces health problems. Travelling creates problems and the person incurs losses in foreign businesses.
A Yoga formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the tenth house is not good for a person’s profession or business. Such a person receives success after a lot of efforts and does not have much paternal wealth.
If a Yoga is formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the eleventh house, the person receives his income only from his job. Such a person has to face tensions in the matters related to friends and family
A sort of an opposite Raj Yoga is formed with the Lord of the sixth house and the Lord of the twelfth house. Such a person takes loans for his business activities. He faces health problems and other difficulties throughout his life. He also often travels abroad.

The best Yoga for the destruction of enemies is Jupiter in the Ascendant &
the North Node in the sixth. This is also known as Ashta Lakshmi Yoga.
This Yoga will wipe out enemies !

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Ascendant

If the 6th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be rash & adventurous
and become inimical to own people. He/she may join Defence or may be
a jail superintendent. They may be worried by some kind of sickness.
This worry may be imaginary. They may be plagued by enemies. Their
virtues may make them honourable before the public. They may be out
of control if they are not well guided during childhood. Unless
negative elements in them are not controlled, they may join a criminal

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Second House

Since the 6th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be enterprising and will
live in a place where he/she are more surrounded by enemies than fri-
ends. They are workaholics. They have tremendous communication
abilities which they will use to their advantage. They know how to talk
their way to the top. They are always shaky about scarce economic
resources & financial conditions. They need not worry about health.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Third House

Since the 6th lord is in the 3rd, the native may have to face tremendous
enmity & non-cooperation from neighbours. It makes them angry and
lose confidence. It will be full scale war if they clash with someone they
love. It is quite likely that there will be enmity with younger co-borns.
Neighbours become hostile & they may have to face their wrath. They
are always upset by the machinations of their enemies.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Fourth House

Since the 6th lord is in the 4th, the native may not have much happiness
from his/her mother. He/she will be an accomplished raconteur. They will
be intelligent enough to make stories. They have an inherent subconscious
fear of losing mother's love which in turn creates a massive emotional
complex in them. Education gets disrupted. People think they are
strong minded which is not true. Troubles through servants indicated.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Fifth House

As the 6th lord is in the 5th, the native will be subject to dire vicissi-
tudes. They are quite capable of taking care of their self interest.
The atmosphere at home may not be smooth enough. Their maternal
uncle may help them. Due to stress intense they may shatter all ties
with relatives and fall into a a sad neurosis which is unnatural to their
normal style of functioning. They are humourous & strong willed.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Sixth House

Since the 6th lord is in 6th, pro and contra groups will function
wherever the native works. They go & attain strength to fight their
enemies.Their inner conscience conflicts against their outer actions.
They will be blessed by conveyances and they will have good
longevity. Enemies pose problems but ultimately they triumph.
Debts will not trouble them as the 6th lord is powerful. They
will recover from illnesses due to the sixth lord's strength.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Seventh House

Since the 6th lord is in 7th, the native will be surprised by the
difference between actuality & the marital life which he/she dreamt.
It is likely that they will marry from within their family. Their
maternal uncle may live abroad. They abhor day dreaming. Clashes
with life partner likely.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Eighth House

Since the 6th lord is in the 8th, enmity increases from the native's
associates. They demand respect which they may not get from the
people they deal with. The adverse position of the 6th lord can
give diseases and debts which can be prevented if cared for in
time. They may be subject to the machinations of enemies. Enemies
may go in for a campaign of character assassination to destroy their

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Ninth House

Since the 6th lord is in 9th, the native's professional fortunes will be
subject to severe vicissitudes. Misunderstandings arise between
them and their father.That they are totally different from their
enemies will be showed by Fate through numerous incidents.
Ultimately they triumph over their enemies with the touch of poetic
justice.Their father will be quite renowned. Their enemies will be
fooled & their friends will benefit from their association with them.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Tenth House

Since the 6th lord is in 10th, they are bound to be successful in
foreign countries/far away lands. They will be endowed with the
gift of articulate speech. Their ancestral properties which they
inherited will be subject to litigation and disputes. They are adepts
at management & it will surprise many how they achieve their results
and control their adversaries. They always exercise their will power
& establish superiority.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Eleventh House

Since the 6th lord is in the 11th, they will gain a lot from enemies
and acquire wealth thereby. Their spouse is in the habit of spending
more than they earn. Since their degree of adaptability is enormous,
they will adapt to the fiscal extravagance of their partner. Enemies
who worked against them now realise that they are more powerful
than what they thought & that they are formidable adversaries..

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Twelfth House

Since the 6th lord is in the 12th, the native becomes a sadist taking
pleasure in torturing other beings. Their destructive power helps
to annihilate their enemies. They are not in any way hesitant to
spend largesse and effort on things which the ethical refrain from.
Personal satisfaction is their motto & they bother not about Ethics
& Morality. They accept any hedonism that appeals to them &
which arouses their emotions. They will be subject to considerable
persecution from their enemies.

Stars In Sixth House

Venus in 6th house
You are diplomatic, well liked by employees and/or fellow workers and
you have a desire to bring about better working conditions for them so
that working will be enjoyable. This is a fairly good position for
health unless you abuse your body through self-indulgence and rich,
sweet food. An excess of sugar and starches should be avoided. You
can be the mediator when differences of opinion occur on the job or in
the office. You can bring peace and understanding. If Venus is weak in the sixth house, the person may face maternity and kidney problems.

Jupiter in 6th house
This placement tends to give good health. Any health problems are
usually caused by extravagance and over-indulgence, too much of a good
thing. You are helpful to others and are a dependable worker with a
sense of loyalty. You inspire cooperation and good will among your
fellow workers. You enjoy your work and give of your time willingly.
Watch that you do not overwork or overindulge in eating or drinking.
There could be difficulties in the liver and blood or poor circulation
due to over-indulgence. If Jupiter is in the sixth house and is weak, the person may have heart problems. He may also have pain in the feet and some stomach problems.

Mars in 6th house
You are industrious, efficient, tireless, dynamic and active in work.
You may have a tendency towards irritation and impatience with co-
workers and employees who lack these qualities. You are mechanically
minded with good vitality and strong recuperative powers. You tend to
run fevers, perhaps higher than normal, when ill. There is a danger
of burns, scalds, and accidents sustained in the course of work or
employment. Many of these may happen because of impulse, haste, and
impatience. In case Mars is in the sixth house and is weak, a person may suffer from problems related to the muscle system. He may also have skin diseases, irritation, heat stroke, hernia, surgery etc.

Mercury in 6th house
You have analytical ability with a possible love of computers and
electronics. If you become too concerned with details, your nerves
may become frayed, thus causing health problems. Any ill health
reflects wrong thinking and perhaps worry. You may be restless with a
desire for frequent job changes. Service, possibly of a mental
nature, appeals to you. Variety in your work or workplace is
important. Issues of health and diet interest you. Mercury in the sixth house makes a person irritable and nervous. It also gives other psychological problems. The person may suffer from headaches, asthma, joint pains and cold.

Saturn in 6th house
Obstructions of or limitations in health can come into play with this
position. Diet may need to be watched and improved as your body may
not assimilate everything it needs from the food you eat. Perhaps
taking vitamins would help in this regard. Exercise would certainly be
beneficial. There may be difficulties at the workplace, possibly
because of your attitudes toward others. Perhaps the environment is
not conducive to your best efforts or perhaps your fellow employees
make life miserable for you. You cannot always expect others to work
as hard as you or to grasp details as rapidly as you can. You may be
a workaholic or you may simply need to learn "how" to work. In
general, though, you are probably a practical, conscientious, hard
worker who can work with details well. You may not be at your best
with strict time deadlines, but you do try to always do your duty. Do
not overwork to the point of exhaustion. The tendency to worry and to
harbor anxieties may affect your health causing depression and perhaps
hypochondria. Is Saturn is weak and is in the sixth house, the person may face problems like arthritis, epilepsy and anxiety.

Uranus in 6th house
You have unique abilities and original methods, especially in your
work. You may suffer from extreme nervous tension and strange
accidents on the job. Your appearance and manner of dress are apt to
be quite unusual. You like the kind of work that has irregular hours,
is different, and has a lot of variety. You are a good worker, but
must watch out so that you do not overwork. You can develop clever
ideas which will aid you in your work. You are at your best when you
can be independent and be your own boss. You may be impatient with
others and can appear to be abrupt to and detached from your fellow
workers. Strange and unexpected turns in your health can occur.
Spasmodic health is also a possibility. Many times the cause is
simply nervousness, anxiety, stress, and tension. Relax.

Sun in 6th house
You feel a need to serve others or to be of service to them. Or
perhaps it's that you simply want to be served yourself. There may be
a tendency to wallow in self-pity, seek sympathy for any little thing,
or to develop hypochondriac tendencies. You are a faithful, diligent
and loyal employee who is usually helpful to fellow employees. Some
with this position are domineering and develop a false pride with
those they work with or for. You can be an administrator, but you may
prefer to be an employee. If you are in a position of authority, be
careful not to be the office tyrant. You are very happy when you are
busy and you hate being bored. You take great pride in your work and
your workplace. This is where you want to shine and be better than
all others. Worry and anxiety, especially over the desire to do
things perfectly, can be detrimental to your health. You need to
learn how to relax and not let stress and tension get to you. With
this position you should be especially careful to take good care of
your physical body. If Sun is in the sixth house and is weak, the person suffers from boils over the body, headache, hypertension and tuberculosis. The person receives these effects during Dasha of the Sun or of the sixth house.

Neptune in 6th house
Strange things can happen at the workplace or to your health. You
seek to serve and to perhaps nurse and take care of others. Sometimes
it may be difficult for you to get started on your work or to work
logically and systematically in order to get the job done. In your
work, you may encounter people who are "two-faced", causing you pain
and suffering. You are extremely sensitive to your workplace
conditions and you need pleasant and peaceful surroundings. If these
are not present, then you may experience unusual health difficulties,
some of which may be real and some of which are only in your head.
You are a psychic sponge that absorbs the atmosphere around you.
Herbal healing or holistic techniques may work better for you than
traditional medical techniques. You are capable of making great
sacrifices in your work. Just don't play the martyr.

Pluto in 6th house
Great personal transformations can occur because of your work or your
workplace environment. You may have the desire to become involved in
workplace issues or labor union goings-on. You strive for cooperation
and thoroughness in your work habits and you can be a hard taskmaster
for fellow employees or for the workers under your command. Guard
against trying to be too controlling of how they work. You have the
ability to work long hours on nervous energy until your body cannot
take any more. You enjoy troubleshooting and solving problems that
others cannot solve. Detective work on the job is fun for you. You
have the ability to encourage people to discuss deep-seated problems
and then analyze the problems logically. There may be an interest in
healing. You could be a channel for healing or you might simply be a
hypochondriac. You are apt to unconsciously project criticalness to
fellow workers without speaking. There may be difficulties through
infectious, deep-seated diseases or problems in the colon area.

Moon in 6th house
You are considerate of fellow workers and desire to nurture them in a
productive work environment. Service to others is a fine outlet for
your personality. Moodiness and sensitivity can be a problem, though.
Fluctuations in health are possible, perhaps mostly due to worry and
feelings of insecurity. Emotional tension along with digestive
troubles indicate the need to relax. Stop worrying. You should not eat
when overworked, overtired, or when you are upset. Take care of your
health and watch your diet. Concerning vocation: You are probably
totally absorbed within your work situation. You can be a workaholic.
Many job changes are possible and working with the public or with
women is indicated. If Moon is in the sixth house and is weak, a person may have indigestion or other stomach problems. He may also suffer from diseases relating to stagnation of liquids in the body.

Other Effects of Planets in the Sixth houses
A person may have epilepsy, smallpox and leprosy due to the presence of Rahu in the sixth house.

Ketu being in the sixth house provides the person with skin problems, itching, chicken pox, shingles etc.
All the above mentioned diseases and problems are faced by a person during Dasha-Antardasha of the Lord of the sixth house.

penned by Smt Urmil Jain New Delhi

काल गड़ना ( श्री सिद्धार्थ शर्मा, कटक )

श्री वेद व्यास जी द्वारा रचित श्री मदभागवत कथा को केवल

श्री कृष्ण लीला के रूप में प्रचारित किया जाता है । पर इसमें

विज्ञान भी है जिसको या तो समझा नहीं गया है या उसकी

अनदेखी की गई है ।

भागवत में समय गणना के लिए जितनी सूक्ष्म ईकाइयों का

वर्णन है उसे देख कर आज के वैज्ञानिक भी दांतों तले अंगुली

दबाये बिना नहीं रह पाएंगे । उस काल में आज से लगभग तीन

हज़ार वर्ष पहले (आज के इतिहासकारों द्वारा अनुमानित) हमारे

ज्योतिर्विज्ञानियों द्वारा समय को मापने के लिए व्यवहृत प्रणाली

बहुत ही उन्नत थी ।

भागवत के अनुसार समय की सूक्षतम इकाई " परमाणुसमय " है ।

1 परमाणु समय = सूर्यकिरणों को एक परमाणु को पार करने में लगाने वाला समय

2 परमाणु समय = 1 अणु समय

3 अणु समय = 1 त्रसरेणु

3 त्रस रेणु = 1 त्रुटि

100 त्रुटि = 1 वेध

3 वेध = 1 लव

3 लव = 1 निमेष

3 निमेष = 1 क्षण

5 क्षण = 1 काष्ठा

15 काष्ठा = 2 लघु

15 लघु = 1 नाडिका

2 नाडिका = 1 मुहूर्त

30 मुहूर्त = 1 प्रहर

8 प्रहर = 1 दिन(एक सूर्योदय से परवर्ती सूर्योदय तक का समय)

यदि हम वैदिक दिन और ग्रेगेरियन (अंग्रेजी) दिन की तुलना करें तो :-

वैदिक दिन :

1 दिन = 8 प्रहर

= 240 मुहूर्त

= 480 नाडिका

= 7,200 लघु

= 54,000 काष्ठा

= 2,70,000 क्षण

= 8,10,000 निमेष

= 24,30,000 लव

= 72,90,000 वेध

= 72,90,00,000 त्रुटि

= 2,18,70,00,000 त्रसरेणु

= 6,56,10,00,000 अणु समय

= 13,12,20,00,000 परमाणु समय

उसी प्रकार स्थूल काल गणना भी बहुत उन्नत है ।

पाश्चात्य दिन :

1 दिन = 24 घंटे
= 1440 मिनट
= 86400 सेकेंड

इसके बाद माइक्रो ....आदि उपसर्गों का प्रयोग करके काम चलाया जाता है ।

आओ !

हम अपने आप को फिर से जानें !!

अपनी संस्कृति पहचाने !!!

अपने ज्ञान को फिर से जागृत करें !!!!

हम क्या थे ? हम क्या हैं ? हमें क्या होना है ?

सिद्धार्थ शर्मा, कटक

30 नवंबर, 2011