Friday, May 18, 2012

टमाटर के अनूठे गुण : By Smt Urmil Jain N Delhi

Tomato: Traditional medicinal use Tomato is termed as "the most popular vegetable fruit". Tomato is cooked as vegetable alone or in combination with potato besides eaten raw when ripe. It is a fruit of good nutritive value as it is fairly rich in vitamins (vitamin C), and other minerals like calcium, phosphorus and iron. Considering its low cost, it qualifies for inclusion in the daily diet of young and growing children. There are several misbeliefs associated with tomato consumption. ~ It is believed that tomato causes hypertension. However, there are no scientific evidences available to correlate the intake of tomatoes with hypertension. In fact,tomatoes are high in gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), a compound that can help bring down blood pressure. Arecent study has confirmed that tomato and tomato sauce lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. ~ Effectiveness of tomatoes in lowering blood pressure is attributed to lycopene, a chemical present in tomato. ~. Tomato extract contains carotenoids such as lycopene, beta carotene, and vitamin E, (known as effective antioxidants) to inactivate free radicals, and to slow the progression of atherosclerosis. ~ Consumption of tomato may lead formation of gall bladder stones due to presence of purine and oxalic acid in the fruit. ~ Chemical analysis of tomato shows that it contains less purine (11 mg/100g) than carrots (17 mg), potatoes (16 mg), cabbages (32 mg) and other vegetables. Oxalic acid content of tomato is relatively less than beets, potatoes, cucumber and lettuce. Experts now recommend inclusion of tomatoes in the diets of gall bladder patients. ~. It may aggravate gout problems and uric acid diseases. ~ In fact, tomato is inclluded in the diet as it has uric acid lowering effect. Traditionally different plant parts of the tomato as well as juice and extract are being used orally, externally and internasally to treat several health related problems in several countries. Literature review suggests use of fresh fruit juice to induce vomitting in children in case of food poisoning in Fiji. Here, people use fresh juice extract to stop excessive bleeding from wounds. Likewise, it is used externally in Greece to treat furuncles.In Italy, it is used to cure scorpion and other insect bites. Here, people use tomato fruit as a caustic. Fresh tomato fruit is used for different purposes in several other countries. In Mexico, it is used externally as febrifuge whereas in Philippines, the fresh fruit is used to treat edema by pregnant women. The fresh fruit is used by Americans orally for kidney and liver problems, as a cathartic and also to keep good digestion. . Urmil Jain

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