Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Friends & Enemies from Horoscope: : Post of Shri Sanjiv Ranjan: Post of Shri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra (FB pg Astrological Researches)

Friends & Enemies from Horoscope:

• The 11th house- Secret friends.
• The 5th house- Publically known friends/ contacts.
• The 6th house- Open Enemies.
• The 12th house- Secret Enemies.
Members are requested to share their views and correct me.

Comments by distinguished members :

Venkatraman Subramaniam :  7th house is for opponent. Opponent can also be classified as an open enemy.

Ravi Shankaran :   3rd house-the people who joins hands with us
5th house- friends (5th is 12th to 6th house)
6th house-enemies, secret competitors 
7th house-Open competitors with equal strength
h house –the one who harasses always 
9th house- well wishers
11th house-friends, supporters (11th is 6th to 6th house an 12th to 12th house) 
12th house – the one who hinders our progress.

Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra :

I am producing some relevant portion of an article by Lara Owen which seems relevant in present day context and for this thred.
Friendship is somewhat of a missing piece in astrol
ogical literature, usually glossed over as belonging to the 11th house, and that’s about the end of it. The 11th is a worldly house, but not a relationship house. Therefore, it logically rules strategic friendships rather than soul-level friendships. When you go to an astrology conference or attend a class, you are having an 11th-house (and a 9th-house) experience. When you convene in a room as colleagues to share knowledge, you are friends in the sense of not being enemies, allies rather than foes. That’s what friendship in the 11th-house context means. I realized from my own studies of charts that close friendships were more often represented by the 4th, 5th, and 7th houses.

In the 4th house, we find friends we cohabit with, who are like family to us. One of the ways that natal planets in the 4th manifest in our lives is in the context of friendship.
The 5th house rules friendships in which creative pursuits and a love of sport or having fun predominate. These are people with whom you get together to have a few drinks, to enjoy a good dinner, to laugh about the absurdities of life, to experience the glow of bonhomie. Any friendship characterized by these kinds of encounters is a 5th-house friendship.
For close friendships, the 7th house is actually more relevant than the 11th. Some friendships function like partnerships, in that everything is discussed, you have a mutual bank of memories, and your friend knows you in some ways better than anyone. This is particularly true for people with any kind of 7th-house emphasis in the natal chart.

Post of Shri Sanjiv Ranjan Mishra (FB pg Astrological Researches)

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