Sunday, August 12, 2018

Bhavaat Bhavam : courtesy Sh AV Sundram Fb pg



This One is most important Basic  principal of Parashari Astrology and surprisingly isn't discussed much amongst the followers. BHAVAT BHAVAM means house result should also  be judged from the same number of house the planet is placed from as result will orient from that house only.

1st house = Self = Bhavat Bhavam fall in same house Itself and this prove the saying " Hard work have no substitute " If we want something we our self have to make efforts. Ascendant is trine and Kendra itself and most important house because its result will come from its own placement and no where else.

2nd House = Wealth, Speech, face etc = Bhavat Bhavam = 3rd house

 Courage, Hard work, communications, planing, explaining etc. Only Hard work with intelligent planing bring wealth, speech come only from vocal cord in neck. Success of work depends on speech and communications.

So Dasha of 3rd and 2nd  house planet bring wealth.

Mercury  and Venus simply means wealth from business and sweet speech.

3rd House = writing, communications, planing etc =  Bhavat Bhavam = 5th house

 one if want to write or communicate  then need creative conscious mind help which is 5th house and one get fame only via ones communications and hand gesturing skills.

So period of 3rd and 5th house planet will always bring creative writing and fame.

Sun and mercury bring intelligent creative writing, fame, and etc.

4th House = school, land, properties, mother and education = Bhavat Bhavam = 7th house

One get land only when we make a negotiation and make a contract (7th house ), result of school should also be considered with 7th house planet and if it malefic then ones have difficult in study in school. Our mother come from our Grandmother.

Dasha period of 4th and 7th is right to buy house, completion of schooling and mothers matters

Moon and Venus bring debts to buy house and beautiful house

5th House = creativity, fame, love, children, mantras knowledge, speculation etc = Bhavat Bhavam = 9th house.

Ones quality of creativity depends only on ones higher  education  and knowledge. Ones children one get from ones destiny,  mantra knowledge comes from Religious structure, ones speculation depends on ones luck, ones love come from ones Luck.

Dasha of 5th and 9th bring sudden luck, child birth, love interest, mantra knowledge etc.

Sun and Jupiter are reason for children's, ones blood line, respect, knowledge and fame.

6th house = Enemies, disease, accusation, service  exploitation etc = Bhavat Bhavam = 11th house

Enemies aren't stranger, we don't make stranger enemies  they are known people and  come from our friends network only who have fallen foul from us over their activities,  epicentre of  Disease is 11th house as people with high income will always have all type of fancy diseases,  service and income inter related, money bring greed and exploitation and all sort of litigation/accusations.

Dasha of 6th and 11th house bring service based income but all disease will start in this time frame and business disputes.

Saturn and mercury are best for service  agency based works but bad nervous system.

7th house = marriage, partner, business, alliances = Bhavat Bhavam = 1st house

Without our self how can marriage happen so in my humble opinion 1/7/11 house should be important for marriage timing, same goes for business and partnerships

Dasha of 1/7 house good for timing marriage and starting business

Venus mars with no affliction means quick marriage

8th House = sudden events, accidents, occult knowledge, secret activities, divorce  = Bhavat Bhavam = 3rd house

Sudden accident may happen of we do courageous stuffs, secrets of Occult are communicated or written, announcement of divorce

Dasha of 8th and 3rd bring bad news regarding divorce, accidents or publishing occult books.

Mars and mercury bad for health

9th house = Luck, destiny, society, dignity, religion,  higher education etc = Bhavat Bhavam = 5th house

Ones higher education depend on our intelligence, luck depend on purva punya, dignity come from fame and lineage advancement via birth of grandchildren and children's.

Dasha of 9th and 5th trigger divine blessings, windfall gains, lineages expansion, education advancement.

Jupiter sun makes Lucky and fertile  people as well as educated and knowledgeable.

10th house = Carrier, responsibility, workstatus, public visibility, leadership etc = Bhavat Bhavam = 7th house

7th is very important house for carrier as we need other people to deal with so we can advance our carrier with advises of other people and business, promotion, license to practice or degrees or permission to work. Marriage bring responsibility

Dasha of 10th and 7th bring license, degree to practice and start of business and getting big contract or contacts to advance carrier.

Saturn and Venus are best for carrier and Saturn is most important planet to trigger and time marriage as marriage is responsibility and no one cannot marry without blessing of Saturn.

11th house = Gains, income, mentor, network, gains, achievement = Bhavat Bhavam = 9th house

Ones income comes from ones knowledge and education, We get our network from ones society we live in, gain come from ones luck and destiny.

Dasha of 9th and 11th is most beneficial phase for gains, incomes, achievement and reward

Jupiter and Saturn are responsible for all good things happens in our life.

12th house = loses, isolation, travel, meditation, sleep, and private religious practices = Bhavat Bhavam = 11th house

We get our dreams from 11th house, loses come only when we have gained some things, mediation started when we have full and don't want more.

Dasha of 11th and 12th may give travel far away from birth place, starting of meditation, loses may come, isolation

Jupiter and Saturn are important for Yogi for breath control exercises, loses are also part of destiny

Thank you for patient reading


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