Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chandra kriya ,Chandra vela and Chandra awastha. Presented By Sanjeewv Ranjan Mishra (FB pg Astrological Researches..)

These are three very important concept which is given in Phaldeepika of Manteswar in ADHYAYA – IV sloka -12 related to Chandra kriya ,Chandra vela and Chandra awastha. 
It is said that it is equally important in birth chart, muhurth and prasana analysis. One ought therefore to particularly examine them and then only set about predicting.

Chandra Vela The time taken by Moon to traverse a star (13°20') divided into 36 equal divisions yields a Chandra Vela. equal to 22-2/9'. 

Chandra Kriya The time taken by Moon to traverse a star (13° 20') divided into 60 equal divisions (13-1/3') yields .

Chandra Avastha The time taken by Moon to cover a star (13° 20') divided by 12 yields an Avastha.
These are very important thing to consider and very specific result is ascribed to each Chandra Vela ,Chandra Kriya and Chandra Awastha. Just to site the significance of this aspect I am giving the result of 12 Chandra Awastha here :

1 Forsaking birth place and taking up
residence elsewhere
2 Kingly status
3 Fear of life
4 Kingly status
5 Status in keeping with family status
6 Diseases
7 Elevated status
8 Fear
9 Troubles from boils
10 Matrimony
11 Resting comfortably
12 Happy & tasty meals

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