Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Matching Horoscope : By Sri AV pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches...)

Matching Horoscope :
 By Sri AV pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches...)

Kundali Milan is a complicted, yet demanding branch of Astrology to culminate in marriage of two persons. First individual charts for match making must be studied for : aspiration and pattern desired by both individuals, their destined patern of life based on mental frame, the chosen and desired envionment. Settling on this the following to be seen:1. Time of marriage to be struck similar in both charts; 2. Dina - to give good health and longivity to partnert; Gana - prosperity to couple; 3. Mahendra - good and prosperous children for couple; 4. Stree Deerga - all round prosperity; Yoni - sexual compatibility; 5. Rasi -family co-ordination life; 6. Rasyadhipa - Love and being affectionate between them; 7. Vasya - affinity; 8. Rajju- prospective married life; Veda - cordial or divisive relationship; 9. Mars/Maglick Dosha: prospect of proginy without physical damages; Dasha Sandhi: mutual pull and progress in financial conditions and assets in related periods; 10. Kalatra Dosha: Physical damages in married life; 11. Mangalya Dosha - length of married life; 12. Study of Trimsamsa : to study motivation (Vish Kaya apptitude) and multi varient physical relationship; 13. Samasapthamam: matching to form unity all time; 14.Numerical assement of 'Papa Doshas'; 15. general progress in 5 successive 'Vimshothri' Dasha periods.

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