Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jatakalaankar : Chapter 1: Presented by Sri Navin Mudgal FB PG ICAS NC

The brief treatise, Jataka-alankara by Ganesha written in 1613 AD gives several planetary combinations for various aspects of life.

Chapter 1: Samjna Adhyaya

1-2. Having bowed with delight and devotion to 91) the big-bellied God (Ganesha), the above of success, (2) Sarsvathi, the Goddess of Speech, (3) the group of planets headed by the Sun and (4) to his own preceptor who is enshrined in the lotus of his heart - by the remembrance of the lotus-like feet of whom all various desires attain their immediate accomplishment, and the chains of mountains in the form of obstacles disappear quickly -, Ganeshakavi clearly expounds the divine Science of Horoscopy, wherein lie erudite statements, which bestows great benefit on people, and which is the very life of Astrologers, in the form of verses composed in the Sragdhara meter, just as Sridharaswami interpreted the Bhagavata, which emanated from the mouth of Sage Suka, which contains good ideas (in the case of horoscopy, the 12 Bhavas), which has simple meanings and which is ennobled by the Angas of the yogic system (in the other case- has various combinations of planets and the Pancha angas.)

3. With the permission of God Siva and also of my Jupiter Siva, I, Ganesha, the astrologer, begin to explain this important science of Horoscopy, which emanated first from the lips of Suka in cryptic form and deep in meaning, in beautiful verses of Sragdhara meter for the edification and pleasure of the people.

4. There is no doubt many scholars who shine in the field of literature by their own superior intelligence; but still they drive immense pleasure from acquainting themselves with the intellectual faculty of others. For, the great ocean abounding in gems and being the origin of Goddess Lakshmi, Kalpa Tree and the quality of Greatness, does not in any way abandon its limits of propriety.

5. The body, wealth, valour, happiness, children, enemy, wife, death, luck or prosperity, position or status, gain or income and expenditure-these, in their order are the things comprehended by the 12 Bhavas from the Ascendant onwards. Out of them, the first house is considered to be the body which is the asylum of happiness of the native; and it is from that house alone that the good and bad effects of the native are to be determined by the Astrologers.

6. The Ascendant or the first house is termed Murti (form), Anga (limb), Thanu (body), Udaya (Ascendant), Vapus (body), Kalpa and Adya. The second house is named Sva, Kosa (treasure, wealth), Artha, Kutumba and Dhana. the 3rd, Bhratru and Duschikya are the appellations for the third house. The fourth house is known as Ambaa (mother), Patala (nadir), Turya, Hibuka, Griha, Suhrid (friend), Vahana (vehicle), Yana, the 4th (relation), Ambu (water), Neera and Jala. The fifth house is termed Tanaya (children), Buddhi (intellect), Vidya (learning) and Atmaja (issue).

7. The fifth house is also known as the house of Vak (speech) and Tanuja (issue). The sixth house is termed Ripu, Dwesha, Vairi and Kshata (wound). The seventh is known as, Jamitra, Asta, Smara, Madana, Mada, Dyuna and Kama. The eighth house is called the 8th, Ayus, Chhidra, Yamaya (of Yama), Nidhana, Layapada (house of extinction) and Mrityu (Death). The ninth is designated as Jupiter, the 9th, Subha, Tapas (penance) and Marga (a route).

8. Father, command, honour, profession, rank or position, Gagana (Sky), Nabhas, Vyoma (mid heaven), Meshurana, Madhya and Vyapara are terms used to denote the 10th house. The 11th house is known as house, Agama (income), Praapti and Aaya. The twelfth house is called by the Sages, Pranthya, Anthima and Rippha. If there are more appellations, they should be applied by the learned, after due deliberation, to the respective Bhavas to signify their particular functions.

9. The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th places are denoted by the wise as Kendra houses; the 5th and 9th as Trikonas; the 8th, 11th, 5th and 2nd houses are known as Panapharas; the 9th, 12th, 6th and 3rd are termed Apoklima houses. The four Kendra houses are also known as Kantaka and Chatushtaya. The 6th, 8th and 12th houses are known as Trika.

10. The friends of the Sun are the Moon, Jupiter and Mars. The Moon's friends are the Sun and Mercury. The friends of Mars are Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun. Mercury's friends are Venus and the Sun. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are the friends of Jupiter. Mercury and Saturn are the friends of Venus. Saturn's friends are Venus and Mercury. The neutrals of the Sun and other planets are respectively (1) Mercury, (2) all, (3) Venus and Saturn, (4) Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, (5) Saturn, (6)
Mars and Jupiter and (7) Jupiter. The rest are enemies.

11. A planet casts a quarter glance at the 3rd and 10th houses; half a glance at the 9th and 5th, three-quarters of a glance at the 8th and 4th and a full eye at the 7th. Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are respectively the lords of the signs from Aries onwards.

12. In this beautiful work named Jatakalankara which is composed of charming verses, the chapter on 'Definitions' containing 10 good verses has been composed by Sri Ganesha for the delectation of the scholars.

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