Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Owning the house’: JAATHAKA TATTVAM :By Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches....)

Interesting to read ‘predictions about owning the house’ in JAATHAKA TATTVAM’ Sloka 75 to 82 under effect of the FORTH HOUSE: 1. If the Moon and Venus are in the 4th house from Navansha Lagna, the person will have multi storied house; 2, Similar result if a planet in exaltation is in the 4th house from the Navansha Lagna, the native will have a multi-storied house; 3.The same is the case when Rahu and The Sun is in the 4th house from Navansha Lagna. 4. If Ketu and Mars are in the 4th house from Navansha Lagna, the person will have a brick house; 5. A house constructed with timber will be possessed by one, if Jupiter is in the 4th place from the Navansha Lagna; 6. If the Sun is in the 4th place to Navansha Lagna, he will have a hut – made of any grass (or tree leaf); 7. If the Lord of Lagna is in the 4th and the Lord of the 4th house is in Lagna (in birth chart) the person will have a house of his own. –it is not said in detail when such an ownership will be for the natal, in study. Further, does this prove correct in many analysed natal charts? I would like our Astrology friends make a study in support of above law. 

By Sri AV Pathi (FB Pg Astrological Researches....) 

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