Monday, July 9, 2018

Dreams ?

Most recurring dreams arise from impressions (of the past, might be past lives) stored in the sun-conscious mind, which is very deep and of which we are not aware. 

The veil may get pierced in deep states of hypnosis, where one may become more aware of the particular event which is behind the impression and the particular dream. When this happens, one has regressed to the past. Such regression somehow erases the memory from the sub-conscious and one is freed from a recurring dream.
 This is why past life regression (PLR) is an effective tool of transformation in many people’s lives. However, for most it may not be possible to regress to a past life and discover life transforming secrets. 

As far as dreams being harbingers of future auspicious or inauspicious times/events are concerned, it is true that the all-knowing inner-Self does give indications through dreams of the future. But, if one is not really connected to the inner-Self and has been living more in the domain of the mind, he is likely to miss their significance. 

Dreams, as per Sage Patanjali’s classification, are in the realm of thoughts of two types:
“imagination” having no basis in the felt reality (the world of forms and attributes); or

A yogi, who intends to find union with the TRUTH, has to rise above imagination and memory both. 

Hence, it is best not to pay much attention to dreams.

Dreams can certainly be a path for some to connect with and act upon messages from the inner-Self. 

In any dream there is duality, as accompanying each dream there is a dreamer. In the state of inner-absorption (unattached witness state) there pure consciousness alone exists and all dream has dissolved. 

Those who aspire to find this state have to learn not to pay attention to dreams.

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