Friday, January 20, 2012

Retrograde Planets :


1. Major planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars (they have extra directorial influence – Drusti, other than normal 7th look from positions in birth chart) produce considerable effect when transiting especially over the natal Planets or sensitive points of chart.
2. While retrograde planets are stationary over the natal planet or over sensitive points, the effects are powerful which results some memorable events to occur either before or after the exact time they become stationary.
3. When a retrograde planet is stationary before changing direction it radiates great energy on earth. This is more when it aspects the natal planets. Both retrograde and stationary planets are powerful in producing effects when they get direct, especially when the retrograde Planet turns direct.
4. A. Retrograde benefic Planet when transits a favourable position will intensify the good results. If the position is unfavourable the evil effects are reduced to minimum.
5. A retrograde malefic planet while transits a favourable position will neutralize the benefic results while in unfavourable position the malefic results will be intensified.
6. When a planet gets retrograde while in transit and enters the previous sign and re-enters the original sign where it was after getting directed make the behaviour of transit as ‘triple transit’. The transit effects will be all the time favourable or unfavourable as the case may be pertaining to the original sign it was occupying while retro ration started.

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