Saturday, January 28, 2012

WEALTH By AV pathi ji Astrology & Remedies FB page


Many walk in to ask how will be my wealth. This is related to the ‘y’ axis of the graph, as the starting point is necessary for growth or loss of wealth. That is the birth of the child in a wealthy environment will be the ‘start’. ‘Wealth’ as such represents the ‘value’, which varies in growth of one’s life. If Jupiter, the significator of wealth, himself be lord of second house, ie to Kumbha or Vruchika, or in Kataka for Mithun Lagna as all powerful (Unchcha), he represent for ‘Value’ for a great extent. Again, if Jupiter were Lord of 2nd house becomes also the Lord of the house of gains, 11th house, as in the case of Kumbha nativity, it represents Value par excellence. This is seen in the birth chart. As, seen, any house receives by occupation; drusti from Jupiter, that house receives valuable aspect and gains in traits and characteristics. If more than one such factors representing the same trait receives the aspect of such a Jupiter, the ‘value’ is enhanced to such value boosted to the highest degree. It is the placement of Jupiter in a Birth rasi Chart would be the valuable pointer to decide the richness in wealth of the native. by AV pathi ji

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