Tuesday, August 7, 2012


SATURN PARKED IN VARIOUS HOUSES IN BIRTH CHART – sl. 17 to 19 in Ch. XVII – ‘The Brihat Jataka’: In Aries: ‘Neecha’ by occupation in this house covering 2. ¼ Stars.: He/She be a fool, will wonder from place to plc, will be a flop and will have no friends; In sign Scorpio: will suffer imprisonment ( at the period of Dasha, Anthra, etc where it dominates in relation to the planets involved), will receive blows, will be indifferent to work and will be merciless. Saturn in Gemini or Virgo (houses belonging to Mercury) will be shameless, will suffer grief, will be poor, will have no sons, will be a bad painter or writer – in unpleasant medias – will be a constable and will be a chief officer. Saturn in sign Taurus – will be fond of women of low cast (unhygienic) will process small wealth and could have several wifes. Saturn in sign Libra: ‘uchcha’ by occupation: will be a man of well known fame, will be chief of party of men in a town or in an army or in a village and will be rich (all life). Saturn in sign Cancer: The person will ever be poor, will have very few teeth (uneven too), will be separated from his mother and will have no sons and will be a fool. Saturn in Leo: he sill not be deserving of respect, will suffer grief, will have no sons, and will cary (others) burdens. Saturn in Sagittarius or Pisces will dien an excellent death, will be a faithful officer (in King’s palace) will have good sons and good wie, own good wealth, a chief in a town, in an army or in a village. Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius (both iits own house): He will be with wives and property of other men, will be head of a town, a village, or army, will have weak eyes, will be dirty, indifferent to bathing, will have wealth, property all acquired by him. - penned by Shri AV Pathi ji Chennai (Astrology & Remedies FB page)

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