Sunday, June 24, 2018

Ashtavkr Samhita : 7

Ashtavakr Samhita : 7

References from : Astavakra Samhita :   Commentator Swami Nityaswarupananda ji, Advaita Ashram, Kolkata.
Edition October 2010.

Important explanations as quoted  in  : Ch. 8 : Sh. 2  &  4.

Desiring, grieving etc. are the modifications of the CHITT ( चित्त ) the mind stuff, which may be likened respectively to a lake and its ripples. The depths of the lake are, as it waves, our own true self. We can only catch a glimpse of the depths when the water is calm and clear and there are no waves. If the water is muddy or agitated, the depths will not be seen.

Likewise, as long as there are mental modifications, which are possible only so long as we identify ourselves with them, we cannot see the Self and are in ignorance and bondage. But when the mind is calm and free from such modifications, we realize our true nature and thus attain liberation.

Egoism is bondage, constituting as it does the identification of the Self with the body and mind . And Ego-less-ness is liberation. When there is no ego, there is no identification of the Self with body and mind, and the Self is realized as one without a second pervading the whole universe. Having this knowledge one becomes perfectly tranquil and free from desire or aversion.

 Ch. 9: Sh. 1, 2, 4, 7 & 8.

Our life is a mixture of opposite. And we always have preferences which cause us to choose certain things to be done and others avoided. As long as we consider this world to be real we cannot escape the pairs of opposites nor eradicate the sense of duty.
The only way out of this state of things is to realize the un-reality of the world, and renounce our identification with it.
Some people learn the hollowness of the world by observing the sufferings of others;  they realize that the world cannot give eternal happiness. The majority of people get this lesson only after plunging into the world and experiencing for themselves the ills of life.
For men no time or age is possible in which there will be unalloyed good and joy, un-attended by evil and sorrows, he cannot therefore, hope to gain joy and peace in the course of life’s  process. He has to realize the supreme fact that peace and perfection can only be attained by transcending the process of relative life and remaining un-attached to its experiences.

Body, mind, senses etc. are the basic elements differing only in the patterns of combinations.  It is these patterns of combinations that make us consider one thing beautiful and another ugly and thus desire the one and dislike and dislike the other.
But the moment we feel all things to be the same, all likes and dislikes will vanish and we shall know our true nature.
Bondage consists in attraction to the body and the things of the world. Freedom lies in foregoing that attraction and abiding in the True nature of the self.
It is desire that binds us to the world and makes us think it real and thus subjects us the rounds of births and re-births. The moment we are free from desire, the reality of the world will vanish and there will no further re-incarnation for us.
Who has renounced desire is completely free.
Quietude :  Those who have attained complete indifference to worldly objects and are solely intent on Self-realization are sure to be endowed with this rare quality of mind.

With Courtesy  and Pranam to SWAMI Ji…..

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